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Cast & Credits


{Head of the Sanghvi Family} Tall, well-built, handsome Keshubhai has not even a faint memory of his father’s face. His mother has brought him up the hard way, working in a diamond factory. It was her responsibility to keep the premises clean and she often took Keshubhai with her. As a little boy he used to quietly observe the experts when they scrutinized and examined the diamonds. He had thus become an expert himself. He drinks his tea by blowing lightly into the cup before taking a sip. He is always dressed in a dhoti and kurta, wears a suit only when he was compelled to wear it for a meeting. His clothes have to taken out by his wife Ketki and handed over to him. He loves his mother and wife equally. Keshubhai is a vegetarian. Every Sunday he has his friends over for lunch. Apart from his four close friends he always has others from the neighborhood savoring the lunch cooked by his daughters-in-law. The lunch is enjoyed amidst much boisterous chatter. The bahus quietly swear under their breath as they feel that they don’t even get Sundays to themselves and the house becomes an old age home on Sundays. Keshubhai reads abd writes only Gujarati. His wife Ketki, on the other hand, speaks in other langaues and reads and writes English. This was because her father was railway officer and was posted in different cities. Keshubhai respects his wife’s intelligence and he always shows Ketki the papers and documents he has to sign and takes her opinion. He is cheerful and jovial and loves to wisecrack and laugh at himself. This facet, sadly, is destined to become a cruel joke when the true character of his sons comes to fore.

Sachin Deshmukh{Head of the Deshmukh Family} Born to a farmer in the Bhandara district’s Bhugaon village, Sachin Deshmukh is a self-made gentleman who has come up in life after crossing umpteen hurdles. From a mere clerk he rises to the position of a Bank Manager and he attributes the rise to his wife’s good luck. He is devoted to his job and loves his wife very much. He is a painter in his leisure time. Though his paintings are praiseworthy he does not take it up as a serious hobby. He loves his wife so much that he does not let the wife go home to see her mother. He calls his mother-in-law home instead. Every day he buys ‘gajra’ for his wife and adorns her hair with it himself. From breakfast to dinner they eat together and in the afternoon they talk to each other before eating.

Rasili Parikh {Aatish Parikh's Wife} Irritable nature and a negative approach to everything has made her an unhappy woman who makes others unhappy, too. She is depressed that she has two daughters and no son. She finds fault with her daughters and remains dissatisfied all the time. Ketki loves one of her daughters, Nandini, very much.
