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sharmak thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 16 years ago

Originally posted by: bhavana02

The power of language.... 😆 Thank you for appreciating my articulate complexity 😛 😛 😆


sharmak thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 16 years ago

Originally posted by: preeti_saarrthi


Part 1:

"Snore…. Snore…. Snore… OUCH!!!" Soni got up from her deep sleep and felt the back of her head. Someone, and she had a good idea who, had just hit the back of her head. She looked back angrily at Veer, "What the hell Veer, U know I don't care about this stupid class why the hell do u have to wake me up."

Veer looked at Soni hopelessly from his rimless glasses and shook his head slightly, "ahem" a voice came from the front. Soni looked around .Everyone including the teacher was staring at her, she felt herself go red with embarrassment. "Thanks Mr. Khurana for bringing one of our students back from her dream world. And Ms. Malhotra I don't care if u think this class is the most boring class on the planet. U r still going to stay awake. And if u want to sleep next time plzz try not to disturb others with ur loud snores."

"Yes Sir" Soni said, her voice small and her face redder than a tomato. She hated calculus and it just had to be the first period when sleep was ready to take over. She didn't see the point of staying awake. Its not like she understood Mr. Rock's math language. He might as well have been speaking in Russian and she wouldn't have known. The bell rang dismissing them to go to their next class.

"Was I really snoring?" Soni asked Veer.

"Mmhmm" Veer said nodding his head, trying to stop himself from laughing

"Was I too loud?"

Veer couldn't handle it, he burst out almost chocking on his words, "No, not too loud, just enough to wake up the whole city."

"You are mean. You know how much I hate that class and it has to be the first one in the morning."

"Then why did u take it?"

"Because u took it!! You know we pick the exact same classes every year."

"I love that class. Its actually challenging and not rubbish like English."

"What else can I expect from a nerd like u. ok ok shut up Jeet is coming this way." Soni pulled out her mirror and adjusted her hair and put on some makeup, "I look good don't I?"

"Huh." Veer looked at Soni, "Ya, u look good, where is Jeet?"

"See over there" Soni said pointing at the corridor and sure enough Jeet turned to the corner now coming down the same hall as them.

"But how did u know?"

"Hey"Jeet called out . Soni stopped, her heart rate increasing, he was coming right towards them, "excuse me please" Jeet said, Veer moved out of the way as Jeet went right past them to the girl behind. He gave her a tight hug.

"Soni lets go." Veer took her by her arm and dragged her away from Jeet. Soni looked heart broken, "Why are u so upset Soni?"

"how can u ask me that after…"

"Oh u r upset about that girl." Veer laughed, "I know her. she is like Jeet's second cousin"

"Really??" Soni said smiling.

"Uhhnn…." Veer said feeling slightly guilty for lying to her

"I knew it!!" Soni said more confidently

"Hey Soni can I ask u something??"


"Were u by any chance a dog last birth"


"Yes because u have the most strongest nose in the world."


"if u don't then how did u know Jeet was coming even before u could see him."

"Its love darling u wouldn't know."

"ya ya whatever…anyways u are coming over to my house today aren't u? it's a long weekend, we are off even on Monday. Shabd and Mahi are coming too, so we can like party."

"And I suppose ur parents are not going to be home again."

"Ya they are not, but better for us."

"Veer all I have ever seen of ur family is their pictures, and I know u for 6 years!!"

"I told u they are always out for business."


"Drop it Soni. And besides I have a feeling that something spicy is going to be going on. I have a feeling there is something going on b/w Shabd and Mahi."

"Oh my god!! U better not be just spreading rumors Veer, Shabd has a girlfriend and Mahi also has a boyfriend, that they will be coming with."

"ya but guess what?" Veer said smiling


"Mahi just broke up with her boyfriend."

"No! Mahi would have told me if something like that would have happened!!"

"She will tell u eventually, Shabd told me. He was so happy that I thought it was his birthday. It will be fun to watch them together."

"Ya but Shabd still has a girlfriend."

Veer shrugged, "U never know"

"I hope I can come." Soni said sadly

"What do u mean u hope...... u have to come!!"

"I ll see, have to ask my parents."

"Oh u have to ask. I guess I should blow off this whole idea, Jeet was going to be there but I'll have to tell him no too."

Soni screamed, "What!!" ppl turned to look at her.

"Yup, but since u r not sure…"

Veer was grinning enjoying the effect of his words.

"I'll be there." Soni turned to go down her corridor, but she turned back, ran to Veer and gave him a hug and a peck on the cheek, "I love u for doing this for me."

Veer went red and rubbed his cheeks, "thanks."  

............................................................ .......

~* Pooja *~😳

This is perfect. love it. funny.😆

sharmak thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 16 years ago

Originally posted by: scorpiorule

Awesome work Pooja Bahen on the FF and to all the RIP, Outstanding. Love them all 👏


sharmak thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 16 years ago

The Author of this post have chosen to restrict the content of this Post to members only.

sharmak thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 16 years ago

Originally posted by: smile41

Omg I saw the pic and this is a perfect description zombracula😆 I also think if they wanted to end Veeni then end it well with Soni also. Leaving one half un-fulfilled is wrong.  Veeni was true love and one without the other is a life of mourning and really no new happiness at all.

Love that name. Perfect for him.😆 

sharmak thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 16 years ago

Originally posted by: preeti_saarrthi


Part 2

Veer breathed a sigh of relief as he watched Soni leave. He was glad he hadn't gotten into an argument with her about his family. If Soni knew that the house that she had thought to be his home was only a beach house that his parents had gifted to him on his 17th birthday she would hate him for life.  That was the reason she had never met his parents, because, he knew how were u supposed to tell ur mom and dad that they were supposed to act middleclass, just because his friend hated rich people. And he knew even if he managed to explain that to them, they would never be able to convice them. What with his dad's expensive watches and expensive suits and his mom's designer clothes and jewellery.

But Veer was proud of himself. No one in the school except for Jeet knew that he was rich. With his baggy clothes purposefully bought from Kohl's, rather then being designed. And his glasses to give him a nerdy look, no one could suspect that he was rich nor the fact that he had muscles from every day of exercising in his personal gym. Middle class and nerdy, there was no way he could get popular. He didn't know how Jeet could handle with all those girls roaming around him all day, trying to impress him. He was happy with his life,friends that actually cared about him, rather then love him for his popularity. He had the most perfect parents in the world.

The only thing missing from his life was a brother or a sister. He wanted someone so badly. He didn't understand how Soni could hate Sim, Som. If he had brothers or sisters he would love them beyond anything. But he didn't mind, Soni's brother and sister were like his brother and sister.  The bell rang indicating the start of the class, Veer looked at the watch , he had 45 minutes of hell in English.

"Ok class today we are doing poetry and Mr. Khurana is going to be the first one to recite a poem for us that u guys were suppose to do for homework."

Veer groaned and slammed his head against the desk pulling out the poem that Soni had written for him, in exchange for letting her cheat off of him in calculus.

************************************************************ *********************************


Veer walked home with Soni since she lived near by. He would have offered her to go with him in his car but it would have arisen weird questions like how could he afford a Ferrari, when his parents "cough… cough" worked in a bank, "Soni are u sure I should come with u to ur house? what if ur parents don't allow u because I am a guy."

"Are u crazy! my parents love u more than me, they would adopt u as a son if u didn't have parents. And its not like I am going to tell them there is a party, just that there is a sleep over at ur house and every one is coming."

"Are Sim Som home?" Veer asked hopefully

"Please Veer don't spoil my mood."

"U have like the funniest brother sister in the world. I would love it if…"

"Please… u can have them whenever u want. I'll even home deliver them to ur house but with a charge of $10, u know for shipping and handling. And no, they are not home. Probably gone somewhere with their stupid annoying freshmen friends." 

"Hey we were freshmen too once."

"Ya... well there was no way we could have been that annoying." Soni said turning to a shabby old house. Her mom opened the door for her, "Hey mom,"

"Come in beta. Oh Veer u came, wow, haven't seen u for a week now, where have u been?"

"Oh I was just busy, aunty could Soni come over to my house today, please."

"At ur house hmm…"

"Everyone is going to be there Mama, Mahi, Shabd."

"Well I would normally ask Soni's dad, but I know he wont refuse especially if she is only going at ur house."

"Thanks mom."

"Thanks aunty."

"no problem, bye, have fun."

Soni and Veer left, happy at their success, "See I told u, it would work if u came with me."

"Ya..... well hun u have to help me organize the party too."

"What!! Nooo." Soni groaned, "Is it at ur house? u know the one by the beach."

"Ya, how many other houses do I have😉,"

"how are we going to get there though?"

"In a Ferrari." Veer said pointing at the car.

"Where did u get a Ferrari from?" Soni asked suspiciously

"Oh.... borrowed it from my uncle, he is rich."

"I didn't know u had a rich uncle."

"Well u know now."

"Wow amazing!!! But Veer, I cant sit in there..... my shoes are muddy." Soni said showing him the soles of her shoes.

"Oh don't worry, he has a hundred cars. He wont mind if I crash this car and it explodes into a million pieces."

"Wow can I drive then."

Veer looked at her uneasily, "umm… Soni.... no offence, but when u drive the mortality of passengers increases a 100%"

"Oh come on I don't drive that bad, u know I haven't hit a single stop sign in a week."

"er… ok" Veer said sitting in the car knowing that his Ferrari was definitely trashed but why did he care his parents had enough money to buy him many more Ferraris.

............................................................ ........ 

k guys.......plz dont mind the stuff i've written abt their financial status.......like they say "any resemblance is purely and entirely un-intentional"😃.

~* Pooja *~😳

OMg. this is great 👏

sharmak thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 16 years ago

Originally posted by: smile41

Excellent on both comments. Best Actor: Vineet Raina and the Best Actress: Shilpa Shinde Of Maayka


sharmak thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 16 years ago

Originally posted by: bhavana02

😆 😆 Pooja, story is hilarious, love new Veer and Soni...poor Veer, can understand his reasons, but he will be so in for it when she finds out! So that was the deal with his parents...

Waiting for more...!! 😛

Yeap. bring it on Pooja more.👏

sharmak thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 16 years ago

Edited by sharmak - 16 years ago
Lizzie89 thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 16 years ago

ooooooooooooh.i love her!!!!👏😆