What Have You Read in 2007 (List)

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Posted: 16 years ago

So...name the books u have read in last year!!Will give mine later




















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lucky_lakshmi thumbnail
Posted: 16 years ago
ha a Good Number


Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
Crime and Punishment (I dscovered the best book ever!)
The Idiot
Anna Karenina
The Kite Runner
Five Point Someone
White Nights, A Faint Heart, An Honest Thief(three Beautiful short stories by FD)
Eragon, Eldest
Fathers and Sons
Jane Eyre
One Night at the Call Centre
The Namesake
The Alchemist
The Monk who sold his Ferrari
Angels and Demons
Digital Fortress
How Opal Mehta Got Kissed, Got Wild and Got a Life
The Vendor Of Sweets
Talkative Man
A Tiger For Malgudi
The Last Don
The Sicilian
Chicken Doup for the Surviving Soul

^^^This is all I recollect now..will add later if I remember others😳😊
Edited by lucky_lakshmi - 16 years ago
cool_pooja thumbnail
Posted: 16 years ago
Well vanishta dere is really a long list..

Princess Dairies Six
All American Girl
Bad boy by Olivia Goldsmith
Harry Potter and Deathly Hallows
Pride and Predjuice (Cudnt finish id)
Winter's tale by Shakespeare
Chicken soup for Teenagers

Will edit id if i remember more cuz dere were loadx more!

Some Novels which were in series:

Arouund 10 love stories novel
Around 20 sweet dreams novel
3-4 Mills and Boons novels 😳
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Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 16 years ago
harry potter and deathly hallows

Kite runner

Monk who sold his ferrari

Doctor Zhivago

Bad boy by Olivia Goldsmith

The Magician by W.Somerset Maugham(Back in university days, when we were studying Yeats' poetry and the relevance of it with the Occult, we came across the Golden Dawn sect and the Crawley case. Unfortunately, we did not have the time to elaborate on the matter. I've read Maugham's The Moon and Sixpence, and when I noticed that the extraordinary- to say the least- character of Haddo in The Magician was based on Crawley, I decided to give it a chance.)

Slaughter-House-Five by Kurt Vonnegut
Also 5/6 bengali books

This are only few which i could remember now!!will add other later
jdsean thumbnail
Posted: 16 years ago
Wow I know I read a lot but I can't even remember half of dem. Here goes what I remember:

A Thousand Splendid Suns
The Kite Runner
The Pregnancy Test
Heiress for Hire
The Namesake
Ain't She Sweet
Long Way Down
Gulliver's Travels
Naked in Death
Harry Potter and Deathly Hallows πŸ‘πŸΌ
The Glass Castle
The Time Traveler's Wife
Pride and Prejudice (Didn't like it)
Breathing Room

Thats all for now.
lucky_lakshmi thumbnail
Posted: 16 years ago
^^u didnt like Pride and Prejudice? πŸ˜• few ppl whohave read that book have told me that they didnt like it..I myself for one loved it 😳
jdsean thumbnail
Posted: 16 years ago

Originally posted by: lucky_lakshmi

^^u didnt like Pride and Prejudice? πŸ˜• few ppl whohave read that book have told me that they didnt like it..I myself for one loved it 😳

I know, I really wanted to like the book but I couldn't.  Its probably the only book where I like the movie better.  When I was reading the book, I just couldn't get into it, and I kind of didn't like Darcy in the beginning, I know everyone says I'm crazy cuz everyone else loves the book and talks about it so much.   πŸ˜ƒ
lucky_lakshmi thumbnail
Posted: 16 years ago

Originally posted by: jdsean

I know, I really wanted to like the book but I couldn't.  Its probably the only book where I like the movie better.  When I was reading the book, I just couldn't get into it, and I kind of didn't like Darcy in the beginning, I know everyone says I'm crazy cuz everyone else loves the book and talks about it so much.   πŸ˜ƒ

haha..Lolz One mustnt TRY to like a Book..Without trying, if u like a book, Only then can one say it imprssed u..U truthfully said u didnt like it..I was just wondering why u didnt thats all...
Mr Darcy..Hmm I do like that guy..but he is like a bit "perfect person"..So he kind of pales in comparison to Mr Rochester who is one of my personal fav characters..from Jane Eyre..Often these two characters are compared..N Perhaps I may seem quite wierd sayign a perfect kinda guy actually pales in comparison to a flawed Byronical character!πŸ˜†πŸ˜³πŸ˜‰
well, in a herd of Angels if u find a Human, being a human u will like him/her more!πŸ˜‰πŸ˜†
Edited by lucky_lakshmi - 16 years ago
cool_pooja thumbnail
Posted: 16 years ago

Originally posted by: angel_wings

Bad boy by Olivia Goldsmith

Omg.. Im so glad someone else read id also.. How did u find id Vanishta? πŸ˜ƒ

cool_pooja thumbnail
Posted: 16 years ago

Originally posted by: jdsean

The Pregnancy Test
Heiress for Hire

I couldnt even complete pride and prejuice.. It went over my head..

Btw dese boths sound intresting.. How r they?😳