Ehsaas - a fanfic

EkPahelii thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 16 years ago

Hi guys,

I m not new to this forum you guys may have seen my creations in the sigg n avis gallery but yes I m new to writing Fanfics n this is my first ever

So I m really unaware if I m good but hope u will like it



This is a simple story of love, relations, about people who are special in our lives, about things we feel n about choices we make, choices that make or break our lives, and decisions that either ruin us or make us a better person, a better human being.

Ehsaas as the name itself means emotions, emotions – the thing we all experience, u & I everyday, every minute, every second of our lives in fact even before our birth.

It is said that if a would – be mother feels happy her child also experiences its mother's emotions n so we try to keep her happy  thinking that now more than one person is to be looked after.

Now let me take you into the story of few such lives, the lives of Shweta & Karan.

Karan was a happy – go - lucky person to everyone for he knew how to live life to the fullest.


He was an ace at everything.


 He was brilliant as a student in his studies, an all rounder who was not only confined to his studies in college but would actively participate in the extra- curricular activities & also sports as the captain of his college football team , a person who will be there when you need him or ask him for his help .


That was karan for everyone a true friend, a brilliant student, an amazing athlete & over all a winner.

However, that was karan only on the surface for the person who worked hard N partied harder was someone else when he stepped in the realms of his home.


He was a loner; the guy who couldn't breath peacefully outside was suffocated each day when he went home for the noise N crowds that gave him company as he stepped outside his home deserted him once in his own so called home.


 Silence that would literally drive anyone crazy, broken only by screams, screams that karan has heard ever since his childhood, ever since he can remember, ever since he has gained consciousness.


 Screams of his mother in a lonely house that made him feel all the more lonelier in the gloomy nights he had stayed awake, awake in the hospital , awake to see his mother tied up to the hospital bed where she could be treated were doctors could relax her by giving her an anesthesia to calm her down .

Karan had heard his mother mandira scream, seen her cry almost everyday of her life as much as he remembers. Screaming N crying for her love Karan's father mihir, the man she had loved more than anything the man who had become her world after he was dead to the world n lost about his own world.


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-himzie- thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 16 years ago
aahanaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa(my trademark shout out of ur name)πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†
how many more hidden talents ve u got gal
spill da beanz πŸ˜†

one word FANTASTIC

i totally totally luvd da way u written it πŸ‘

karan 😍 poor lonely guy πŸ˜† no probz tell him imma cum to him n giv him some sahara πŸ˜†

b4 ne1 else can say im bookin dis karan 4 me πŸ˜† every1 else must bak off....i knw dis character must b brilliant so hez MINE πŸ˜†

gal u rok on awrite
n temme wat more u can do dat we duno πŸ˜‰ n it so duzn luk lyk ur writin 4 da 1st tym πŸ˜†

now imma eat ur head up 4 UPDATES
wheeeeeee πŸ₯³ 🀣

im da 1st one to comment......wuhuπŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†i really wanted to b da 1st 1 to comment on ur ffπŸ˜ƒ
Edited by Himu - 16 years ago
EkPahelii thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 16 years ago

Originally posted by: Himu

aahanaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa(my trademark shout out of ur name)πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†
how many more hidden talents ve u got gal
spill da beanz πŸ˜†

one word FANTASTIC

i totally totally luvd da way u written it πŸ‘

karan 😍 poor lonely guy πŸ˜† no probz tell him imma cum to him n giv him some sahara πŸ˜†

b4 ne1 else can say im bookin dis karan 4 me πŸ˜† every1 else must bak off....i knw dis character must b brilliant so hez MINE πŸ˜†

gal u rok on awrite
n temme wat more u can do dat we duno πŸ˜‰ n it so duzn luk lyk ur writin 4 da 1st tym πŸ˜†

now imma eat ur head up 4 UPDATES
wheeeeeee πŸ₯³ 🀣

im da 1st one to comment......wuhuπŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†i really wanted to b da 1st 1 to comment on ur ffπŸ˜ƒ

thx himuuuuuuuuuuuuu πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜†

u donno gal how encouragin it feels 2 have such words πŸ˜†

thanks a ton really i as a bit apprehensive b4 i posted this thinkin whether i shd really go ahead or not but thx 4 the reassurance n encouragement

luv ya πŸ€—n ya while on tht we r sharin my karan n ur pratham πŸ˜†

Edited by aahana86 - 16 years ago
-himzie- thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 16 years ago

Originally posted by: aahana86

thx himuuuuuuuuuuuuu πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜†

u donno gal how encouragin it feels 2 have such words πŸ˜†

thanks a ton really i as a bit apprehensive b4 i posted this thinkin whether i shd really go ahead or not but thx 4 the reassurance n encouragement

luv ya πŸ€—n ya while on tht we r sharin my karan n ur pratham πŸ˜†

awww itz k

i dunoπŸ˜•gal u 4get i write tooπŸ˜†i knw how it feelzπŸ˜†

u knw itz quite hard on da part of sharin my prathamπŸ˜†buh since u agree to share ur karan wiv me den i ll let u ve a piece of my pratham tooπŸ˜†
EkPahelii thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 16 years ago

Originally posted by: Himu

awww itz k

i dunoπŸ˜•gal u 4get i write tooπŸ˜†i knw how it feelzπŸ˜†

u knw itz quite hard on da part of sharin my prathamπŸ˜†buh since u agree to share ur karan wiv me den i ll let u ve a piece of my pratham tooπŸ˜†

 himu hon i meant it in the way u donno how it feelz wen some1 who writes like u do praises

i said it rem u inspired me πŸ˜‰πŸ˜†

Edited by aahana86 - 16 years ago
EkPahelii thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 16 years ago

Originally posted by: gaurihiten fan

who is shweta,i mean Gauri's name here shweta kya???
anyways lovely fanfic ahana,waise HGT all fanfics always rockkkkkkk πŸ‘
love Karan's character,poor guy here also suffering 😭
aacha,post the next part soon πŸ˜‰

thx dear 4 those lovely words

dont worry abt karan he is pretty strong n ya abt gauri being shweta

u no what act fanfics are imaginative so u can imagine any1

i m considering shweta tiwari aka prerna here

u must see kzk she n hiten rock together but u may consider gauri as well

act shweta over here is very sensitive in a way n gauri comes across as some1 tough from her looks so i m considering prerna

stylishgal thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail Engager 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 16 years ago
hey aahaanaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.... one word-AWESOME.. ur multi-talented man.. ur good at making siggies and awesome at writing as well.. fantabulous ff.. keep up da good work. now im gonna bug u for updates just like i bug himu... continue sooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnn plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzz
EkPahelii thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 16 years ago
Part 2:

Mihir had been admitted to a hospital by some locals who saw him covered in a pool of blood as they were passing by a jungle.

The ill-fated experience took everything away from Mihir even without him knowing it n had given mandira a fate she never thought she would have.

A successful doctor who ran her own hospital, mandira was the younger daughter of Mr. n Mrs. S. P. Kapadia , her elder brother Anupam was a successful businessman who had to grow early in life owing to the sudden death of their father .

He was not only a brother to mandira but also a father – figure to her as he never let mandira miss their dad, who passed away due to cancer very early in life when mandira was young.

Her personal tragedy that made her fatherless at a very young age had motivated mandira to become a doctor , she thought she will not let her fate be anyone else's fate to, she will try n do whatever she can so that she can help others fight the fate she suffered.

By the time mandira had grown up n become a doctor the cure for the dreadful blood-cancer her father suffered was found , to keep the promise she had made to herself mandira started a charitable hospital in her late father's memory that was funded by Kapadia industries , unknown to the fate that was in stored for her.

And if this was Karan then there was Shweta, Karan's closest friend – his best friend who just lived next door in far away Australia.

Shweta was the only daughter of Mr. n Mrs. Malhotra. Just like karan, she was a pro at everything in her life outside her home N had lost her battle in the realms of her home.

If it was silence that drove karan crazy as he stepped in his home than it was the noise that drove Shweta mad as she entered home, the noise of her parents screaming at each other, fighting & hurling abuses at each other .

Two people who were once in love today can't even stand each other.

Their fights had almost made shweta numb in her heart had it not been 4 karan n his friendship, the comfort n support he provided her shweta would have broken long ago
EkPahelii thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 16 years ago

Originally posted by: stylishgal

hey aahaanaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.... one word-AWESOME.. ur multi-talented man.. ur good at making siggies and awesome at writing as well.. fantabulous ff.. keep up da good work. now im gonna bug u for updates just like i bug himu... continue sooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnn plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzz

th simi thts so sweet of ya hon 😳

EkPahelii thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 16 years ago

Originally posted by: gaurihiten fan

ya aahana,actuallu i thought that it's Gauri-Hiten forum,so prerna in Kutumb forumπŸ˜•πŸ˜•πŸ˜•,i think it's not fair with Gauri,i mean there is also kzk forum where this fanfic suits much more,bcoz that shweta i mean prerna's forum,i dn't think anyone can tolerate Gauri in kzk forum so why shweta tiwari in Kutumb forum,it's only Gauri-Hiten forum,so jo bhi ho everything has to realted with Gauri-Hiten.dn't want to hurt u aahana,u started to write a lovely fanfic bt it's really not fair with Gauri,just think abt it dear

anyways i'll surely imagine Gauri with Hiten,frankly speaking can't digest that prerna with mah Hiten,bt ya otherwise ur fanfic simply rockkkkkkkkπŸ‘

dear gaurihiten fan thx 4 being so sportive first of all

also may i pls know ur name

well i agre i could have posted this ff in the kzk sec but u see hiten has got the sole oppurtunity of playing a lead only in kutumbπŸ˜•

kekta or else just uses him as a trp booster 😑😑😑

so i wanted the emphasis on hiten n in the kzk forum i would not have been able 2 do so as najaj fans would have killed me πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜‰
