DOTW: The Deathly Hallows!!!! - Page 2


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diyafah thumbnail
Posted: 16 years ago
wow..harshu..awesome DOTW..well these all Q's are poundering in my mind..I'll answer the Q's in sum tym =D
The Q's are eating my head..but I really don't have any answer for dem until 21st!! 😳
Eloquent thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 16 years ago
Hey guys, thanx for the response!

Here is something said by JKR, which might give you something to chew your mind uponπŸ˜†

____________________________________________________________ _
What does the title of the final book mean?

Rowling has demurred on this, saying that "any clarification of the meaning of 'Hallows' would give away too much of the story." For what it's worth, the French translation is titled "Harry Potter et les Reliques de la Mort," or "Relics of Death."
____________________________________________________________ _

What do you make of this? Relics of me, they just sound a bit similar to the Horcruxes...but in opposition to them, maybe???

Because, the Horcruxes prolong life(however brutally and at the cost of others' lives) and the 'Relics of Death' look like some things which will commemorate, or atleast respect death for what it is...a powerful force.
Eloquent thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 16 years ago

Originally posted by: Hypercity Loonybin

Do you believe any of them to be hidden at Hogwarts?

might be a possibility because even riddle's diary survived one whole year at hogwarts and if the chamber woud not hav been opened then the diary's secretes might not have evr been discovered coz dumbledore confirmed his guess about voldy making horcruxes only in harry's sixth year and soon after that he was killed, so maybe there might be certain priceless things which indeed do posses voldy's bet would lie on gryffindor's sword  which is sitl in hogwarts

But the sword of Gryffindor has lain within Dumbledore's office for four years, after it was taken out of the Sorting Hat. If DD suspected something about it, he has had ample time to check and re-check the sword for traces of Voldemort's soul. Also, if it was a Horcrux, it wouldn't have resided in the Hat, it would have been hidden somewhere, just like the other Horcruxes.

The Hat is no safe place to keep such an important thing as an Horcrux.
As Harry displayed, the sword can be summoned from the Hat by someone like himself, a true Gryffindor.

So, I don't think it's Gryffindor's sword.

If anything, it might be some other relic of Gryffindor(secret) and if Nagini is not, after all, the final Horcrux.
ammmu thumbnail
Posted: 16 years ago

What acc. to you is/are the Deathly Hallows?? Are they like some link or connection b/w the normal living world and the other worldly spirits and ghosts, souls and the in betweens???
I think the Deathly Hallows is an expression - that Harry's going to have to face the 'hallows of death', that it's not actually some physical kind of place... although I could be completely wrong here...πŸ˜›

What significance do you think will the Veil from the Death Chamber in the Dept. of Mysteries have?
Hummm, i hope it has some kind of significance, cos it seems very important!! I think Harry may try, once again, to see if Sirius is there. It's so strange, this time, we won't even know where Harry's going to be... he could be in Hogwarts, he could not...

How and why do you think, did the Trio end up flying aboard a dragon?? What new danger are they fleeing from???
Hmm, that's not BuckbeakπŸ˜› THestral, possibly? or do we know for sure that it IS a dragon?

The UK cover shows the Trio in a Gringotts vault, all three of them in a fighting stance...What do you think, led up to this moment?
Yaahh, i was wondering about this too, it was strange to see them there... but i think the vaults are very important to the story, why else would DD have hidden the philosopher's stone in a Gringotts vault... i think something else may be hidden there, possibly?

Aah...the Horcruxes......where are they hidden and what are the unknown Horcruxes? (--something of Ravenclaw and the last Horcrux which DD believes to be Nagini)
Was it only those two, I thought there was one more tooπŸ˜• well, we have the suspicions that are in the book , which seem pretty plausible... i wonder though, how he's going to find them, he has no help from DD this time (or does he?)...

Do you believe any of them to be hidden at Hogwarts?
The Ravenclaw one?? I can't remember now, did DD say anything abt its location? but i'm not sure, could be hidden there, could not...

The US cover shows Harry and Voldemort(and others in faded shapes), in a Colloseum kinda structure...what do you make of this? Do you think that this is where the final battle might take place?
The colloseum looked pretty strange, I was wondering why it was there, but hmmm... could be where the final battle takes place, but then again, why would they want to give that away and illustrate it on the cover?

Do you think, this is where the Deathly Hallows (w/e they maybe) are situated?

Like i said, I don't necessarily think the Deathly Hallows is actually a place.. although ,it could be.. will his mysteries open up? How much help will he be from the grave?

I've said this before, couldn't he be on one of the portraits?? All the other headmasters/headmistresses are there, why not DUmbledore? I think Harry may get help from him without actually talking to him, i dunno though...

Aberforth Dumbledore...and his role in DH.

He could just randomly appear and know all of this, because, he is DD's brother.... would be strange and interesting to see him as a pivotal character!

And we come to a very crucial plot-line in Deathly Hallows...Severus Snape....

Aghhhh, he's such an enigma, i want to know where he is, WHY he killed DD, whose side he's on, what he's doing, and what he did with Malfoy... and much more..

Where do you think, lie his loyalties? With Voldemort, with the OotP, or something only for his own benefit?

I honestly have no clue... when i first read HBP and saw he killed DD ,i was so angry that i was sure he was with Voldy, although we really dont know.... but i don't think he's completely evil...?

How do you think will the characters fare in the last book?

Arthur Weasley
Molly Weasley
Fred and George
Draco and Narcissa

(you can add in any that I missed!)

Uff, that's a lot of characters, will edit this later!πŸ˜›πŸ˜‰

JKR has apparently told Helena Bonham Carter(person who played Bellatrix in OotP) that: Belatrix has a very crucial role in Deathly Hallows...What might be that role???

Well, she probably does, she may be angry that SNape might be VOldy's most trusted servant now... and she was important in the beginning of HBP, i'm sure we'll find out abt her in the book...

Sirius...and his impact on Harry and others??? How is his story arc going to be, since his death was so mysterious..

Like i said, i think Harry might try to see if he's there in the veil or not... although i dunno...

Lily Evans-Potter (yes I still like to call her that in memory of SWMπŸ˜†πŸ˜†) has been quite a mystery of sorts since the series first started.. Jo promised a big revelation about her....what do you think Lily's story will be?

Something very different and shocking, I think - we know almost nothing about her - i think she'll be important in Harry's findings throughout the book... although we dunno what she's going to be like! We may read abt many more flashbacks than before....

There is a silver stag on the UK covers of DH; does it have anything to do with James? Or means that the Dementors will make a comeback?

Well, the dementors are always there, Harry's been using "Expecto Patronum" since he learnt it... though for them to show it on the cover seems important...

What part will the house elves...Dobby and Kreacher play? There is a house elf on the UK cover, standing right behind Harry and holding a sword in his hand!

I think they'll definitely play a big part in helping Harry... i mean Dobby, not necessarily Kreacher... hmmm, it would be interesting if Kreacher tried to find Draco??

Those are all the questions  could think of, at the spur of the moment!😳

Great discussion Harshu!!πŸ‘πŸ‘
albusdumbledore thumbnail
Posted: 16 years ago
**Viewbie's Note: Please don't spoil Deathly Hallows for the rest of us. Spoilers, however much they might be highlighted in white or warnings about spoilers given, are NOT allowed. No discussion about spoilers till book release. I did not expect this from you tejas.**
Edited by xMarauderx - 16 years ago
~Sirius*Ysh~ thumbnail
Posted: 16 years ago
okie okie okie halshu im here cos i dunt wanna b made bellatrix :D:D:D:D

What acc. to you is/are the Deathly Hallows?? Are they like some link or connection b/w the normal living world and the other worldly spirits and ghosts, souls and the in betweens???
Well it could be something do do with voldy's army na.. cos even tho hallows was a religious thing i think we kinda agreed on it being sumthing of a DE significance... cnt remember exactly wer bt der was a huge discussuion wen d title released

What significance do you think will the Veil from the Death Chamber in the Dept. of Mysteries have?
ur asking me??? well ill say my hubby sirius black is the one and only significance 😍❀️ ok seriously :"> well probably something to do with the significance of life or after-life.. bt i hv a feelings it highly related to the title

How and why do you think, did the Trio end up flying aboard a dragon?? What new danger are they fleeing from???
prolly dey r fleeing from a dragon πŸ˜† well seriously im not guessing cos jst 2 days for d buk

The UK cover shows the Trio in a Gringotts vault, all three of them in a fighting stance...What do you think, led up to this moment?
well yea im sure gringy will hv sum significance... mebbe a hrcrux hidden der or sumthing...

Aah...the Horcruxes......where are they hidden and what are the unknown Horcruxes? (--something of Ravenclaw and the last Horcrux which DD believes to be Nagini)
seriosuly again im not getting into this right now... i dunt wanna make gueses, get hyped up and spiol d buk for me...

Do you believe any of them to be hidden at Hogwarts?
nope... i think gringotts is more likeyly

The US cover shows Harry and Voldemort(and others in faded shapes), in a Colloseum kinda structure...what do you make of this? Do you think that this is where the final battle might take place?
final battle? i think so cos well in HBP dey put final scene ka pic on d cover... bt den dey prolly xpected us to figure dis out and did sumthing frm d middle of d buk..

Do you think, this is where the Deathly Hallows (w/e they maybe) are situated?

yea i dunt think DH is a place... bt well it shows new light on the entire theory if it is a place... mebbe its wer d last horcrux is hidden or sumthing will his mysteries open up? How much help will he be from the grave?

well he could be on a potrait and help like millions of dem have dun... same goes ofor sirius... iw as quite surprised he and james and lily and all didnt turn up as potraits.. dat wud hv made harrys lyf so much better :">

Aberforth Dumbledore...and his role in DH.

well i think hes got a good on ehere cos he was mentioned before as part of during d previous war.. nd wid his bro dead mebbe hes of sum use

And we come to a very crucial plot-line in Deathly Hallows...Severus Snape....

gosh he is the most awaiting charec on DH for me... other dan my siri hubby hus gonna cum back [-( (rmmber belive in sumthing ppl πŸ˜‰)

Where do you think, lie his loyalties? With Voldemort, with the OotP, or something only for his own benefit?

well i am sure hes on our side 100%... i mean dumby wudnt hv mde such a huge mistake as such,.,, i refuse to think it

How do you think will the characters fare in the last book?

Harry - 6
Ron - 8.5
Hermione - 8
Ginny - 9
Luna - 8.5
Neville - 7.5
Snape - 9
Lupin - 9.5
Mcgonagall - 9.75
Arthur Weasley - 7
Molly Weasley - 8.75
Percy - 4 🀒
Fred and George - dey deserve a rocking 9.9 as usuallll!!!!
Draco and Narcissa - 9
Lucius - 5
Bellatrix - dunt wish to comment on a murderesss

James - 100000000000000000000000000000000
Siris - no space to put the number
Lily - 1000000000000000000000000000000000000
Peter - do not wish to speak of him

well im rating them on a scale of 10...

JKR has apparently told Helena Bonham Carter(person who played Bellatrix in OotP) that: Belatrix has a very crucial role in Deathly Hallows...What might be that role???

well d fact dat she killed sirtius might have sumthing to do with it... and remmeber dat she was thinking she was VERY close to voldy mebbe sumthing bout dat she might get thrown outta DE or get killed or sumthing
Sirius...and his impact on Harry and others??? How is his story arc going to be, since his death was so mysterious..


Lily Evans-Potter (yes I still like to call her that in memory of SWMπŸ˜†πŸ˜†) has been quite a mystery of sorts since the series first started.. Jo promised a big revelation about her....what do you think Lily's story will be?

well whatever it is im sure it wont be up to my expectations i swear cos i have a LOTT in store for lilsy poo... and yea halshu i think shell turn out to be more lyk my version of her dan ur version of her

There is a silver stag on the UK covers of DH; does it have anything to do with James? Or means that the Dementors will make a comeback?

demetors r always der... mebbe dey r let lose now

What part will the house elves...Dobby and Kreacher play? There is a house elf on the UK cover, standing right behind Harry and holding a sword in his hand!

kreacher? i dont wish to talk of him (cos i watched ootp agen and i went soo 😑😑😑 at d sight of him... bt well i think ehrmys SPEW has sumthing of a significance hree....
cool_pooja thumbnail
Posted: 16 years ago

Originally posted by: xMarauderx

What acc. to you is/are the Deathly Hallows?? Are they like some link or connection b/w the normal living world and the other worldly spirits and ghosts, souls and the in betweens???

I think its something connected to death and dieing.😊

What significance do you think will the Veil from the Death Chamber in the Dept. of Mysteries have?

I really dunt knoe.. Jk Rowling is unpredicatble..πŸ˜† However it mite lead to help Harry to deafeat Voldemort by getting some help from the dead..πŸ˜›

How and why do you think, did the Trio end up flying aboard a dragon?? What new danger are they fleeing from???
This is the cover from the deluxe edition of DH:

Maybe they are flying from a point of Horcuz, after getting it, or from Hogwarts or from Voldmort.. Or maybe after killing Voldemort..

The UK cover shows the Trio in a Gringotts vault, all three of them in a fighting stance...What do you think, led up to this moment?

Maybe they cum in Gringotts to get help from the globins however voldmort wud have probably taken the globins on his side before dat or maybe captured Gringotts...

Aah...the Horcruxes......where are they hidden and what are the unknown Horcruxes? (--something of Ravenclaw and the last Horcrux which DD believes to be Nagini)

Well the hufflepuff cup, the slytherin necklace, something of rawenclaw.. And dey can be hidden anywhere however in different places!😳

Do you believe any of them to be hidden at Hogwarts?

No i doubt.. Or Dumbledore mite have found it..

The US cover shows Harry and Voldemort(and others in faded shapes), in a Colloseum kinda structure...what do you make of this? Do you think that this is where the final battle might take place?

Mite..We can only guess..

Do you think, this is where the Deathly Hallows (w/e they maybe) are situated?

Maybe will his mysteries open up? How much help will he be from the grave?

Maybe from the viel and the way dead comes back, he may be able to provide help.. And so may aunt Petunia..

Aberforth Dumbledore...and his role in DH.

Quite important since he is the only one voldmeort is scared of and he knows the most abt horcuxes.

And we come to a very crucial plot-line in Deathly Hallows...Severus Snape....

I still think Snape mite end up postive..😳

Where do you think, lie his loyalties? With Voldemort, with the OotP, or something only for his own benefit?

Wid OOTP.. I dunno why but JK is very unpredictable... And there must be some twist why snape killed dumbedlore and dumbldore let him..😳

How do you think will the characters fare in the last book?

Harry : Will die most problbly..
Ron : Will survive
Hermione : I dunno why but i think only one of dem btw ron and hermoine will survive and it will be ron
Ginny : She mite turn out to be a big help
Luna : Will be an asset wen it comes to communicating wid the dead.. And she will help the trio
Neville : Will prove to be imp
Snape : One of the most imp characters...
Lupin : Will die..
Mcgonagall : Dunno but mite try to take dumbedlore's place but fail..

JKR has apparently told Helena Bonham Carter(person who played Bellatrix in OotP) that: Belatrix has a very crucial role in Deathly Hallows...What might be that role???

She mite be Voldemort's right-hand.. And will end of killing a lot of ppl...😳

Sirius...and his impact on Harry and others??? How is his story arc going to be, since his death was so mysterious..

He will be the one whoz death will give Harry the power to kill voldemort...

Lily Evans-Potter (yes I still like to call her that in memory of SWMπŸ˜†πŸ˜†) has been quite a mystery of sorts since the series first started.. Jo promised a big revelation about her....what do you think Lily's story will be?

She mite turn out to help harry and the sacrifice she gave for harry.. Or maybe she has something to do wid snape...😳

There is a silver stag on the UK covers of DH; does it have anything to do with James? Or means that the Dementors will make a comeback?

i think it has to do something wid both.. Demenotors will defintly cum back now that they are wid voldemort..

What part will the house elves...Dobby and Kreacher play? There is a house elf on the UK cover, standing right behind Harry and holding a sword in his hand!

He mite help..

albusdumbledore thumbnail
Posted: 16 years ago

Originally posted by: xMarauderx

**Viewbie's Note: Please don't spoil Deathly Hallows for the rest of us. Spoilers, however much they might be highlighted in white or warnings about spoilers given, are NOT allowed. No discussion about spoilers till book release. I did not expect this from you tejas.**

Haila.... there was nothing even remotely spoiler in it.... if you had read my whole post that is.... The whole post didn't even mention anything remotely related to any spoiler.

The object of the post was to promote a discussion on the security measures in place on the book. And even then the book made it online.

It should be I who should be saying that I didn't expect this from you rather than you.

I wholly resent this step taken by you. though I respect your reasons behind it, I would like to give you only a friendly piece of advise... please read the post first completely before condemning it and the poster as Spoilers....

Chalo jaane do jo ho gaya so ho gaya...... bhul jayo ....I told already the reason was to promote the discussion on the security measures rather than the spoilers floating around.

Take care everyone and you too,

Hope there are no harsh feelings on you, as there are none on my side. I put on this post only to clear my stand on the issue and nothing else whatsoever.

Luv u all always,


Eloquent thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 16 years ago

Originally posted by: albusdumbledore

Haila.... there was nothing even remotely spoiler in it.... if you had read my whole post that is.... The whole post didn't even mention anything remotely related to any spoiler.

The object of the post was to promote a discussion on the security measures in place on the book. And even then the book made it online.

It should be I who should be saying that I didn't expect this from you rather than you.

I wholly resent this step taken by you. though I respect your reasons behind it, I would like to give you only a friendly piece of advise... please read the post first completely before condemning it and the poster as Spoilers....

Chalo jaane do jo ho gaya so ho gaya...... bhul jayo ....I told already the reason was to promote the discussion on the security measures rather than the spoilers floating around.

Take care everyone and you too,

Hope there are no harsh feelings on you, as there are none on my side. I put on this post only to clear my stand on the issue and nothing else whatsoever.

Luv u all always,


The beginning of the post was all about spoilers and why should I risk reading anything which even remotely might lead to reading spoilers? You should not have put in the big space and everything.

I did not dare read anything in your post though one line popped up to me: cat killed the curiosity or something like that and I did not dare read anymore since the book leak.

When you posted your review on OotP, the movie, you had put a lot of space in the beginning and put something like spoiler spoiler etc. And you did the same in this post of yours too.

Yday too, someone else had posted some spoilers and I had to edit that. I closed my eyes and edited it and so I will have to do, if I want to keep the mysteries of DH till the 21st.

So, I didn't read your post, and am sorry if you were offended but I cannot take any risk...I am too selfish enough to risk my enjoyment of book seven. I ask you however, not to post with such huge spaces at the beginning of your post, like you did with your OotP movie review.
If you wish to discuss the security measures, then please WRITE so at the starting itself and not put  spaces etc...

It's tough to edit/remove all the spoilers AND not read them and so, ruin my own enjoyment.
legallyzoya thumbnail
Posted: 16 years ago
I think GRAWP will have a imp part in the 7th buk
Cause normally everythings related and remember FIRENZE warns Hagrid.....n centaurs r really wise rnt they?
n they want more creatures na...maybe The centaurs {maaaaybe}, grawp, elves and thestrals might help em....
OMG.....tomorrow this time the buk willhave been released!