Do aur do pyaar review and box office


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MrChatVsNorway thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Visit Streak 90 0 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 3 months ago

Yeh film kaun dekhega ?

priya185 thumbnail

Comedy Crew

Posted: 3 months ago
it has Vidya Balan in it, she has fans on this forum I believe. People like Pratik Gandhi and Ileana too

VimalPanMasala thumbnail
Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail Anniversary 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 3 months ago

College going youngsters, they are aiming at the TBAUJJ/TBMAUJ crowd. 

cougarTown thumbnail
Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail Anniversary 9 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 3 months ago

They never release her movies here..even Neeyat didn't release and now this one is also they don't even attempt putting it out there coz they know koi nae jae is sad coz i would have given it an attempt otherwise..

Shaitan-Haiwan thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Visit Streak 365 0 Thumbnail + 7
Posted: 3 months ago


diasingh2 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 3 months ago

Wonder why they went for theatrical release, because when I saw the trailer, it screamed "OTT release" to me in every sense.

In current times, films like these won't do well. Not until the rom-com / dram-coms era is revived, which is going to take some time.

Maroonporsche thumbnail
Posted: 3 months ago

Who are these people ? 

cougarTown thumbnail
Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail Anniversary 9 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 3 months ago

Originally posted by: cougarTown

They never release her movies here..even Neeyat didn't release and now this one is also they don't even attempt putting it out there coz they know koi nae jae is sad coz i would have given it an attempt otherwise..

It got a release here..YAYY

I am going tom..but i really hope we are not alone..fingers will be out tom!! 

Maroonporsche thumbnail
Posted: 3 months ago

Which film is this ? 
