FanFiction- Passion of Love (Chapter 128- Page 47) - Page 26



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Posted: 25 days ago

Chapter 74

Kanak called Rajpurohit, he entered - Pranam Rajmata

Kanak- Aiye Rajpurohit, look at this plate. Her maid removed the cloth and the plate was filled with gems, gold and silver. 

Rajpurohit confused- What is this Rajmata? 

Kanak smirked- I want you to tell Prithvi that his life would be in danger if he marries Vasantmitra. He must never marry her. Prithvi loves himself the most. He would then either forcefully taken Vasantmitra into his Antahpura and lock her there forever or kill her. But will never marry her. She smirked. 

Rajpurohit had his head down 

Kanak- What happened? 

Rajpurohit was silent. 

Kanak- I asked you what happened. Take these riches and tell Prithvi the lie which I said.

Rajpurohit - Ah...Rajmata....

Kanak- What is it?

Rajpurohit- I did see Kundali of Devi Vasantmitra and Maharaj 

Kanak- So? 

Rajpurohit- The auspicious muhurat wasn't till next year just like Devi Kamla's kundali. 

Kanak- brilliant 

Rajpurohit-But Maharaj threatened me to not tell this to anyone and certainly not Devi Vasantmitra.

Kanak shocked- That means this fight is not between me and Vasantmitra but me and my own son. 

Rajpurohit- Maharaj is very possessive and protective of Devi. Perhaps you are right Rajmata, Vasantmitra is not the problem, it's Maharaj's own obsession. 

Kanak couldn't say a word.

Rajpurohit- Rajmata, if you try to harm Devi, I am afraid it would harm you more. 

Kanak remembered her nightmare of Prithvi going away from her. 

Rajpurohit- I found a very strange thing in Devi Vasantmitra's kundali. 

Kanak- What was it? 

Rajpurohit- Her Kundali has Rajyoga in it. 

Kanak- Of course, my son is ready to ruin his reputation and royalty for her.

Rajpurohit- No Rajmata, the Yoga is from her paternal side. 

Kanak- Paternal? Her father is a notorious dacoit. 

Rajpurohit- That is what I found strange Rajmata. The Rajyoga was very royal. Like her father was a king of something. 

Kanak frustrated - oh yeah, a king of dacoits. 

Rajpurohit- But it said Devi Vasantmitra belonged from a royal lineage, daughter of a king. 

Kanak shouted- I don't want to listen to anything, you may leave Rajpurohit. 

He bowed and left. 

Kanak got tears in her eyes and thought- Avantika, please, accept my request and come here. Now only you can stop Prithvi from destroying himself. 

After three days Samagra reached Mahishmati

Edited by NostalgiaLove - 25 days ago
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Posted: 25 days ago

Chapter 75

Samagra reached Mahishmati. Virochana welcomed him and took him to Bhadradev. 

Bhadradev hugged him- Welcome, Rajkumar, although you are my enemy's brother in law, your father and I have great relationship. I welcome you. 

Samagra was amused that Bhadradev was so vitriolic that he unnecessarily mentioned his relationship with Prithvi still he only smiled and said- Dhanyawaad 

Samagra was escorted to his room. 

Avantika was lost in thoughts of Prithvi when Rupa closed her eyes. 

Avantika- Rupa I am in no mood of playing games. 

Rupa- When I will tell you what is in my hand, you will become be very happy. 

Avantika hurriedly asked- what is it? 

Rupa flaunted a letter in her hand. Avantika very happy and she snatched it. 

Avantika started reading it. 

My dear Avantika, I got your letter. I must tell you all my anger towards you has gone now. I desire to meet you but I can't come in your territory for obvious reasons. I dare say come to me my love and we shall be reunited forever. I know you wish it too. 

Avantika shouted with joy and stated dancing like crazy. Rupa was very happy to see her happy. 

Avantika- Rupa, pack my bags. I am going to Meluha. 

Rupa- Easy, Easy Rajkumari. It's not easy to leave the palace, specially your mother's eyes are always on you. I have heard Rajkumar Samagra is here. We shall go with him. Let us take him in confidence and he will be helpful for us. He is a very close friend of Maharaj Prithvi. I am sure he will help us. 

Avantika- Samagra......hmm......

Samagra was in his room lost in his own thoughts. Suddenly he saw Vasantmitra's chain and he took it. He thought- I hope she is okay, Lakha would definitely try to hurt her again. She might become too distressed and might take a wrong decision. I don't understand why Prithvi is so adamant on marrying her. What is in his mind. Does he really love her or his ego was so much hurt by Vasantmitra's refusal to be his concubine that he wants to make her one even if it means a tag of marriage comes with it. Prithvi I hope you are thinking straight. After marriage Vasantmitra can't escape, she still has time. She will be forever in invisible chains. I don't think he will let her kin meet her. For how many people I should think about. My own wife is with child and I am not able to take care of her properly and then there is whole fiasco of Prithvi and Vasantmitra. His head started hurting. 

Virochana- Maharaj, we must make Samagra on our side. He is too close to Prithvi. Let us make him marry one of your daughters. 

Bhadradev- His brother is married to my daughter, no use. Besides he's Prithvi's brother in law and not a Yuvraj. I don't think he will betray him. 

Virochana- How about honey trapping? 

Bhadradev- You don't think I tried that. He's just as smart as Prithvi. I sent two women to him in the past. 

Virochana- Let us try one more time, I have already cast my dice. Let's see what happens. 

A very beautiful lady entered Samagra's room. She was Vaishali, Bhadradev's daughter from a slave. 

Vaishali- Does Arya's head hurt? Should I apply balm? 

Samagra- Oh please do it, she started massaging his head with care. The balm was very comforting. Slowly Samagra fell asleep. 

Vaishali called some men and they put him on the bed. She signed those men to leave. She closed the door. She removed her upper cloth and thought- I am doing this for you Mahishmati. And she lied next to Samagra on the bed and he was unconscious. 

Next morning.....

Samagra opened his eyes and found Vaishali next to him. He was shocked......

Samagra- What the hell? trapped me...

Vaishali- I am sorry Arya but you requested me. 

Samagra wanted to slap her....but he didn't- I wish I didn't come here. You dare you. 

Vaishali- I am not a slave Arya, I am born from a slave but I am daughter of Maharaj Bhadradev. 

Samagra was more shocked.....

Suddenly Virochana came and pretended to be shocked....

Virochana- Anarth, Ghor Anarth

Samagra- You cunning trapped me. 

Virochana's crying brought everyone, Bhadradev also pretended to be shocked, this was planning of Bhadradev and Virochana.

Samagra- I didn't expect in my wildest dreams you would use your daughter like this Maharaj. 

Bhadradev- My reputation is ruined and you are blaming me. 

Everyone started gossiping and Vaishali had her head lowered. Avantika also came there and got to know everything and was shocked. 

Samagra felt terrible pressurised.

Samagra- Did you intend to marry her to me? Fine, I will do it but I will never forget this insult and betrayal. Samagra was terribly shocked and sad. Vaishali felt really bad for what she did but she did as she was daughter of a slave not a queen. She had no rights to take her own decisions. 

Bhadradev- I knew a great man like you won't be insulting me. Samagra was in anger and he felt disgusted. 

They all left his room and he was traumatized. He saw Vasantmitra's necklace and thought- The only person I wished to be with belongs to someone else. A tear fell from his eye. 

Avantika- Brilliant, now Samagra will become my brother in law, it will be very easy for me to leave for Meluha.

Rupa happy...

Avantika- After Samagra marries Vaishali, I will go with them to Meluha. I have heard Prarthna is with child. Samagra will stay with her. She evil smiled. 

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Posted: 25 days ago

Chapter 76

Samagra's marriage with Vaishali happened the very next day. He was highly enraged with the betrayal. Vaishali felt terribly sorry for him and herself. 

Bhadradev came to Samagra- Samgra, forget whatever happened. Now two lovers are united and you cared for my reputation, I am glad. Ask what you want. 

Samagra was very angry but suddenly he saw a chain in Bhadradev's neck and was shocked. 

Samagra- Maharaj this chain? 

Bhadradev- Oh, this chain belongs to my beloved wife Lachi who died due to Samudrasena. He looked angry and sad. 

Samagra more shocked, he thought- This chain? Lachi? What? Who is Lachi? 

Bhadradev became emotional.....- I will tell you later. 

Later that day Samagra and Bhadradev were alone in his room....he started narrating his story with Lachi

Flashback (narrated by Bhadradev to Samagra) 

22 years ago 

There was time when Samudrasena and I were close friends just like you and Prithvi. Samudra was younger than me but we were close friends as we studied in same Vidyapeeth. Samudra had recently got married to Kanak. Kanak was my half brother's wife's sister. She belonged from nobility. After few days of his marriage Samudrasena and I went on for hunting. We both were attacked by some dacoits and I fell in a river. To save me Samudra also fell in a river. We both were saved by a  village's chief Shakasena's sister, Lachi. Samudra was saved but I was in critical condition. Lachi took us to a nearby lonely place. Samudra got up and fell in love with Lachi. Lachi took care of me day and night. Samudra was enamoured with Lachi and he offered her to be his concubine as she was a commoner he didn't offer her marriage and she rejected him. Samudra was heartbroken. She cared for me very much and I was saved. I too fell in love with her. I offered her to be my concubines as well. She hesitated at first but she eventually agreed. Her brother was enraged and he even slapped her. Samudra was heartbroken but he didn't say anything to me. He left me. For few months I stayed with Lachi in her village. We were very much in love but  people started abhorring her and calling her by vulgar names. Then I realised and I offered to marry her. Shakadeva was very happy with this. I married Lachi in a temple and brought her to my palace later. We were so much in love. I couldn't think of anything except her. She became with a child and I had ordered a grand feast but I don't know what happened, few days before she could give birth she left me leaving a note that Samudrasena was threatening her of something and I shouldn't find her. I still sent Virochana to find her and when he came back he said Lachi and my child was dead and the corpse was burnt because it was in very terrible condition. Virochana told me Samudra's men killed her. 

And after narrating the story Bhadradev started crying and crying and he fell on the floor......

Bhadradev- From then on I vowed to take revenge on Samudra and his family. 

Samagra was too shocked with the details.....

Bhadradev- Do you have any painting of Maharani Lachi?

Bhadradev took him to Lachi's room.....Samagra closely observed the paining and he was shocked to see the similarity of eyes of Lachi and Vasantmitra. 

Samagra- Maharaj you asked me to demand something. I ask for this chain. 

Bhadradev- But it's my Lachi's last nishani. 

Samagra- I will give it back to you, please give me for few days...

Bhadradev- As you saved my honour, I will give it to you but I must tell me it pains me severely and he gave that broken chain to Samagra....

Samagra- I must go in root of the story.......if what I am thinking is right,  it's a huge conspiracy.

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Posted: 25 days ago

Chapter 77

In night, Vaishali entered Samagra's room with her head down with a glass. He was very angry on what happened. 

Samagra- Oh wow, princess came with a glass filled with intoxicating substance. 

Vaishali had tears and she felt terribly guilty. 

Samagra- Oh what happened, princess, is there a new plan in your mind. 

Vaishali started crying- Arya please...

Samagra shouted- Stop calling me Arya, only my wife calls me that. 

Vaishali- I am your wife. 

Samagra- Shut up, get the hell out of this room, no wait I will. As he was about to leave, Vaishali- Arya, we fell in love and it was a moment. 

Samagra- You are still trying to manipulate me? How evil you can be. He pushed her and she fell on the ground and he left the room. 

Vaishali thought- I am sorry Arya, whatever I did I only did for my king. 

Next day Avantika came to Samagra...

Avantika- Pranam Bhrata

Samagra- You call me Rajkumar. I have no relationship with your sister. 

Avantika- Oh your love story is becoming talk of the kingdom. 

Samagra was angry but he didn't want to say anything to Avantika..

Avantika- So are you gonna leave for Meluha? 

Samagra- Yes, tomorrow. 

Avantika- I want to go with you and Vaishali. It's been ages I went there. 

Samagra irritated- Why? I don't want to carry one more baggage of Bhadradev with me. 

Avantika shocked, Samagra- I am sorry I was just too distressed. Fine if you want to come , you can come. 

Avantika was very happy....

Sujata- What? No Avantika, you will not go there. 

Avantika- I am determined mother. 

Sujata was about to slap her but seeing Avantika so determined she stopped.

Sujata - Why you want to ruin youself my child? 

Avantika smiled- Mother I just want to be with my love. I don't want him to love that irritating commoner. 

Sujata shocked- Commoner....

Avantika told everything about Vasantmitra to Sujata....Sujata remembered Lachi and was enraged...

Sujata- Fine Avantika, if you wanna go then go....but beware of these commoners. They like to steal things which belongs to us. She cupped Avantika's face and said- Always win my child, always.....

Avantika- I will maa, I will win my love back......

Samagra in his room....he took Vasantmitra's chain and then Lachi's chain....he locked it and it became a single complete chain..he was terribly shook by this ....he thought - That means Vasantmitra is daughter of Bhadradev and Maharani Lachi. She is ....a Princess. Oh my god....he was so shocked he fell on his bed. I must meet Shaka...who once was Shakadeva. What is this misunderstanding between the two families. What exactly happened. Why Maharani left Maharaj Bhadradev. All this is too complicated. Poor Vasantmitra is being humiliated not knowing she herself is a princess. 

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Posted: 25 days ago

Chapter 78

Samagra next day left from Mahishmati with Vaishali and Avantika. Bhadradev didn't care about Avantika and Samagra had promised he will one day return back the chain with a beautiful gift. Bhadradev didn't deny Samagra. On the way ....Vaishali and Avantika were in same cart. 

Avantika- I am so happy that you got your love Vaishali, now I will get mine. 

Vaishali thought- I only did this because of my king. 

Suddenly Samagra stopped, he said to his general- Take the ladies to Meluha, I have to go somewhere else. Tell them I will be back soon. 

General- But where are you going? 

Samagra- Don't worry, nothing will happen to me. And he hurriedly left. 

In Meluha

In night

Vasantmitra couldn't sleep as she was very upset, she was standing near window watching the moon. Prithvi entered the room. Her face was glowing in moon light and he was absolutely mesmerized. He came to her and said

Prithvi- So beautiful.

Vasantmitra- I know, the moon is so beautiful. 

He took her chin and said, yes my moon is so beautiful.

Vasantmitra smiled

He put both of his hands on her shoulder and said- What's bothering you? 

Vasantmitra- What's not to bother? So many things are going on. 

Prithvi smiled and pulled her in his arms and locked her in his embrace. He opened her hair and the fragrant smell made him mesmerized. He kissed her cheek and with one hand he was playing with a strand of her hair. She came closer to him and said- There was one time I was thinking only about myself but now I am worrying for your peace and reputation. 

Prithvi- My reputation? 

Vasantmitra- Marrying me isn't worth of being hated by your family. I think your first offer was the best. 

Prithvi took a marigold and threw at her.

Prithvi- This is not my Vasantmitra, I don't want this girl. My fighter, my warrior, where is she. 

Vasantmitra stared crying- I think the girl is dead.

Prithvi took her in his arms and said- Sssshhhh.... everything will be fine.....

Vasantmitra hugged him....

Prithvi smiled with a little smirk....he thought- I always love.....and he kissed her forehead. He remembered the moments when Vasantmitra rejected him and thought - You thought you could escape......and he started laughing in his mind. If only I didn't love you, I would punish you for rejecting me so badly even your father who always is so vigilant would be shocked. And then he remembered Vasantmitra's accident and he again became soft and started caressing her hair......

Prithvi- We shall marry in a temple, it will be a small ceremony. Arjun will do your kanyadan. 

Vasantmitra- Arjun? 

Prithvi- Yes

Him, Varun, few Amatyas and Kamla will be there. Do you mind such a small ceremony? 

Vasantmitra- I never had any big dreams of marriage but this seems odd. I understand you don't want to show myself as your wife.

Prithvi- It's not like that...

Vasantmitra- I perfectly understand, I am not even a commoner but daughter of a notorious dacoit. Obviously you are ashamed. Rajmata is also not happy. 

Prithvi- My love, you are taking it wrong way. 

Vasantmitra- Forget it Prithvi, I will do whatever you say. 

Prithvi smiled and hugged her from behind- Very well then and he kissed her head. He thought - Brilliant......

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Posted: 25 days ago

Chapter 79

Next day Samagra reached to meet Shaka. His men stopped him and even threatened to kill him but he was adamant. They told Shaka about this and he allowed an audience with Samagra. He met him alone on his request. 

Samagra- Kaise hai aap?

Shaka- Mera haal chaal puchne to aap nahi aye honge Rajkumar

Samagra- Yes, I have come here to show you something and he showed him the necklace. 

Shaka got bloody shocked and tears started flowing from his eyes. He took the chain and kissed it. He remembered...

Lachi was preparing food when Shaka came. 

Shaka- See sister, what I brought for you. 

Lachi- What?

Shaka- This chain

Lachi- Wow, really beautiful. 

Shaka broke the chain in half

Lachi- Brother, why did you break it? 

Shaka laughed- Sister this is a lover's chain. When you get married give one to your husband and keep one with yourself, like two parts of one soul.

Lachi was fascinated. She took it and said- Dhanyawaad bhaiya....

Shaka came out of his thoughts....

Shaka- Where did you find it? 

Samagra- I took one from Vasantmitra and another from Bhadradev. Vasantmitra is Bhadradev's daughter, right? 

Shaka was silent

Samagra- Shaka , please tell me, I know it's true. Your sister's name was Lachi, your real name is Shakadeva. You were a village chief. How did you become a dacoit? What happened exactly. Break your silence. 

Shaka - who are you to meddle in this? What do you want?

Samagra- I want Vasantmitra to get her real place as a princess, do you know she is suffering everyday. Prithvi's selfishness is only hurting her. 

Shaka- Those two fools in love chose it so be it. 

Samagra- Why don't you want Vasantmitra to know her identity? 

Shaka- Why do you care for Vasantmitra. 

Samagra in anger- Because I love her. 

Shaka was shocked......

Samagra was emotional- I love her but...I....I can't confess now...... everything is over. But atleast Vasantmitra can get her right as a princess and I can make her life better for her. Prithvi and his family will start respecting her. 

Shaka- Even if Vasantmitra knows this, it won't make a difference because Bhadradev will kill her. 

Samagra was shocked....

Samagra- That ain't true, Maharaj can never do this. 

Shaka- Oh really, I will tell you what happened....

Lachi came running to me when Vasantmitra was in her belly. She was crying and crying....

Lachi- Bhaiya, save me, save me, Bhadradev's men are after me.

Shaka- What...?

It was raining that day.....she went into labour....she told me Bhadradev got bored with her and he didn't want Lachi and her child to live. All this was told to her by Maharani Sujata who wanted to save the unborn baby and told her to leave immediately. Some men were behind her wanting to kill her and her baby. She reached to me with help of a caravan who hid her. When she was on her death bed she took a promise from me that I won't tell Vasantmitra the real identity of her family otherwise Bhadradev would kill her.

All this was a shocked for Samagra. He couldn't say anything at all. He thought-  But Maharaj Bhadradev is mourning Maharani Lachi and Vasantmitra. He is so depressed he wants revenge from Prithvi who has nothing to do with this story except that he wants to marry Bhadradev's daughter Vasantmitra. 

Shaka- Rajkumar, if you truly love Vasantmitra, please never tell her about this, Bhadradev will kill her. 

Samagra took the chain and said- Don't worry Shaka, Vasantmitra won't be harmed. But I think there is some gross misunderstanding because Maharaj Bhadradev is mourning Maharani Lachi. 

Shaka was confused- mourning? 

Samagra- Yes, he constantly thinks about her and mourns that she left him and died. 

Shaka- But, he's the one who wanted her dead. 

Samagra- I think you and Maharaj need to come face to face. 

Shaka angry- Never, I will destroy Bhadradev...

Samagra thought - Without proof it's futile to talk to Shaka or Bhadradev....

Samagra left for Meluha...

In Meluha

Prithvi was busy in his court so he didn't know what was happening. 

Avantika and Vaishali came to the palace. Kanak, Prarthna and Kamla came to greet them. They all were confused why these Rajkumaris were there. 

Kanak- Avantika? Who is she? Your visit is very surprising. 

Avantika smiled- Ah Rajmata Prithvi called me. 

Kanak smirked- and her? 

Avantika- She is my sister, Vaishali, she is married. 

Kanak- I can see that

Avantika- No, I meant she married Rajkumar Samagra....

Everyone was terribly shocked, specially Prarthna....

Prarthna fainted.....

Kanak shouted- Prarthna....

Kamla- Prarthna....she started throwing drops of water at her.....

Vaishali thought- Why me? Why I was chosen by Virochana for this task. She got tears in her eyes. 

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Posted: 24 days ago

chapter 73

Vasant can not allow herself to get weak now. She was so strong and now she is giving up. Not good to see her like this.

coderlady thumbnail
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Posted: 24 days ago

What steps is Kanak talking about? She can go to any length to secure her kingdom the was she sees it. Vasant can be eliminated.

coderlady thumbnail
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Posted: 24 days ago

Is prithvy lying? Did he even send that invitation? Once the lies start, they will never end. Vasant is to be separated from her family.

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Posted: 24 days ago

chapter 74

Rajpurohit has hit on the mystery of Vasant's birth. But Kanak is not ready to believe it at all.