Why does Madhuri look younger than Katrina here?

fazgostoso thumbnail
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Posted: 6 months ago


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Lord_Voldemort thumbnail
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Posted: 6 months ago

No FOD. Get your eyes checked. All this hate and insecurities seem to have taken a toll.

Grumpydwarf24 thumbnail
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Posted: 6 months ago

I am sure, just like in her dreams FOD looks just like young Aishwarya Rai! 

Maroonporsche thumbnail
Posted: 6 months ago

They look fine

fazgostoso thumbnail
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Posted: 6 months ago

Madhuri is looking hot, Katrina not so much.

RaniPreityAish thumbnail
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Posted: 6 months ago

Tanya you are not subtle at all. Your accounts are so easy to spot.

fazgostoso thumbnail
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Posted: 6 months ago

My friend, I am not Tanya.

I am someone else.

Edited by fazgostoso - 6 months ago
RaniPreityAish thumbnail
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Posted: 6 months ago

Originally posted by: fazgostoso

My friend, I am not Tanya.

I am someone else.

I'm sorry, I know you keep saying that but I just find it hard to believe because there is too much in common. Your last few threads were both anti-Katrina and anti-Deepika, both of whom she hates with a passion. Other users who said they know you from years back said you were a big Aishwarya fan. Yet, in the last month or so, all your threads and posts go out of your way to attack Aishwarya so I find that very odd even with those users vouching for you. Tanya did not, to my knowledge, hate Aishwarya until she wanted to try and bother me so she started creating a lot of anti-Aishwarya threads around December. So if you were a big Aishwarya fan, it's a little too coincidental that just recently you've become anti-Aish.

Finally there's the fact that other users confirmed that Tanya's favorite was Madhuri and that she rigged the Salman Khan movie tournament polls for HAHK to win. And here we have a thread that is pro-Madhuri, anti-Kat so all of it seems very strange.

And just to be clear, I don't have a problem with you liking certain actresses and disliking certain ones but when your tastes seem to overlap completely with Tanya, a known troll, it becomes very suspicious. That's why, although I want to believe you, it feels like everytime you post, I have more doubts because your posts don't read that far off from Tanya's.

fazgostoso thumbnail
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Posted: 6 months ago

Originally posted by: RaniPreityAish

I'm sorry, I know you keep saying that but I just find it hard to believe because there is too much in common. Your last few threads were both anti-Katrina and anti-Deepika, both of whom she hates with a passion. Other users who said they know you from years back said you were a big Aishwarya fan. Yet, in the last month or so, all your threads and posts go out of your way to attack Aishwarya so I find that very odd even with those users vouching for you. Tanya did not, to my knowledge, hate Aishwarya until she wanted to try and bother me so she started creating a lot of anti-Aishwarya threads around December. So if you were a big Aishwarya fan, it's a little too coincidental that just recently you've become anti-Aish.

Finally there's the fact that other users confirmed that Tanya's favorite was Madhuri and that she rigged the Salman Khan movie tournament polls for HAHK to win. And here we have a thread that is pro-Madhuri, anti-Kat so all of it seems very strange.

And just to be clear, I don't have a problem with you liking certain actresses and disliking certain ones but when your tastes seem to overlap completely with Tanya, a known troll, it becomes very suspicious. That's why, although I want to believe you, it feels like everytime you post, I have more doubts because your posts don't read that far off from Tanya's.

Let me give you a hint.  Google my name fazgostoso.  It is named after a famous American singer's song.  Did Tanya like that singer?  I don't think so.

Most people who vouched for me will say I am a fan of American divas.

This is something for you to think about.


RaniPreityAish thumbnail
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Posted: 6 months ago

Originally posted by: fazgostoso

Let me give you a hint.  Google my name fazgostoso.  It is named after a famous American singer's song.  Did Tanya like that singer?  I don't think so.

Most people who vouched for me will say I am a fan of American divas.

This is something for you to think about.


I don't know, for all we know Tanya could be a fan of Madonna and that song too. Like I said, I didn't even know she was a Madhuri fan because she spends most of her time venting about what she hates here rather than applauding what she likes.

You seem civil enough though that outside of a few inflammatory posts, I do enjoy reading your content so I just hope I'm not being fooled again.

