Mahima Chaudary: Media called me Scar face and it still hurts.

Bekind thumbnail
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Posted: 7 months ago

This is 2 years old interview. She went through so much pain.

Here she talks about her chemo therapysmiley19


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RaniPreityAish thumbnail
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Posted: 7 months ago

I feel so bad for her. She said all of Bollywood basically ignored her and wouldn't answer her calls. Only a handful of people she said still made an effort to try and help her, one of them being Salman Khan.

TotalBetty thumbnail
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Posted: 7 months ago

Awww… She seems like an emotional and sensitive person 

Always thought she was one of the better actresses of the 90s but didn’t get her due 

I didn’t know she had cancer, so nice of her to share her experience

Edited by TotalBetty - 7 months ago
Posted: 7 months ago


RaniPreityAish thumbnail
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Posted: 7 months ago

Actor Mahima Chaudhry has said filmmaker Subhash Ghai “bullied” her and sent messages to several producers to not to work with her. 

Mahima told Bollywood Hungama in an interview, “I was bullied by Mr. Subhash Ghai. He even took me to the court and wanted me to cancel my first show. It was quite stressful. He sent a message to all the producers that nobody should work with me! If you pick up one of the issues of Trade Guide magazine in 1998 or 1999, there was an ad that he had given which stated that if anybody wanted to work with me, that person would have to contact him. Otherwise, it would be a breach of contract. However, there was no such contract which said that I had to seek his permission.”

Sharing about the four Bollywood celebrities who came out in her support, she said, “Salman Khan, Sanjay Dutt, David Dhawan and Rajkumar Santoshi were the only four people who stood by me. They all told me to stay strong. David Dhawan called and told me that, ‘Don’t worry and don’t let him bully you.’ Apart from these four people, I didn’t receive a call from anyone else.”

myviewprem thumbnail
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Posted: 7 months ago

Originally posted by: RaniPreityAish

Actor Mahima Chaudhry has said filmmaker Subhash Ghai “bullied” her and sent messages to several producers to not to work with her. 

Mahima told Bollywood Hungama in an interview, “I was bullied by Mr. Subhash Ghai. He even took me to the court and wanted me to cancel my first show. It was quite stressful. He sent a message to all the producers that nobody should work with me! If you pick up one of the issues of Trade Guide magazine in 1998 or 1999, there was an ad that he had given which stated that if anybody wanted to work with me, that person would have to contact him. Otherwise, it would be a breach of contract. However, there was no such contract which said that I had to seek his permission.”

Sharing about the four Bollywood celebrities who came out in her support, she said, “Salman Khan, Sanjay Dutt, David Dhawan and Rajkumar Santoshi were the only four people who stood by me. They all told me to stay strong. David Dhawan called and told me that, ‘Don’t worry and don’t let him bully you.’ Apart from these four people, I didn’t receive a call from anyone else.”

this is so sad

Edited by myviewprem - 7 months ago
RaniPreityAish thumbnail
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Posted: 7 months ago

Interesting, the Reddit comments say that Madhuri sleeping with Ghai was an open secret. Also that AIsh slept with him as well so so much for Salman's protection.

Manisha and Mahima did not though although he tried with both of them.

RaniPreityAish thumbnail
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Posted: 7 months ago

I like Juhi but her advice is awful. That does not help any incoming actress or newbie at all and is as useless as "thoughts and prayers" that people love to say whenever anything bad happens.

“I would like to tell all the girls out there trying to make a career this: Please stay focussed on what you are really here for. God will protect you and you will find your way, I mean we all did. Don't get distracted by the frills and fancies that come with the profession. They'll come as a result of your work, but don't make that your work."

Bekind thumbnail
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Posted: 7 months ago

I don’t think Madhuri or Ash had any relation with Ghai. Both comes from good family. Juhi advice coming from her personal experience. She stay away from shortcuts. She always did decent work.
