Nepalis want Hindu rashtra back!!!

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Posted: 6 months ago

KATHMANDU, Nepal (AP) — Riot police used batons and tear gas to halt tens of thousands of supporters of Nepal’s former king who attempted to march to the center of the capital on Thursday to demand the restoration of the monarchy and the nation’s former status as a Hindu state.

The protesters, waving the national flag and chanting slogans supporting former King Gyanendra, gathered on the edge of Kathmandu and attempted to move toward the center of the city. Riot police blocked them, beating them with bamboo batons and firing tear gas and a water cannon. There were minor injuries on both sides.

Authorities had banned protests in key areas of the city prior to the rally

We love our king and country more than our lives. Bring back the monarchy. Abolish the republic,” the crowd chanted.

Supporters of the former king came to Kathmandu from all over the country to demand the return of the monarchy that was abolished in 2008. They accused the government and political parties of corruption and failed governance.

Weeks of street protests in 2006 forced then-King Gyanendra to abandon his authoritarian rule and introduce democracy.

Two years later, a newly elected parliament voted to abolish the monarchy and declared Nepal a republic with a president as head of state.

Since then, Gyanendra has been living as a private citizen with no power or state protection. He still has some support among the people but little chance of returning to power.

The demonstrators also demanded that Nepal be turned back into a Hindu state. The Himalayan nation was declared a secular state in 2007 by an interim constitution


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Frequent Posters

Palak2812 thumbnail
Posted: 6 months ago

Quite a lot of damage has already been done by China and illegal migrants.

But still hope they try recovering themselves. 

Funtuss thumbnail
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Posted: 6 months ago

Originally posted by: Palak2812

Quite a lot of damage has already been done by China and illegal migrants.

But still hope they try recovering themselves. 

And also by christian missionaries. The conversion is rampant over there just like in india.

Whic is why we have to endure a lot of anti india anti hindu hate from certain nepalis.

Their hatred could put even pakistanis to shame. If you ever see any nepali abusing hindutva and hindu natuonalists, know who they are and why are they so anti hindu anti india... appearantly misionaries do brain wash them to a great extent. 

Like someone said a hindu lost to conversion is an enemy gained. Its so true!!

Funtuss thumbnail
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Posted: 6 months ago

Oh I remember someone on here a couple weeks back said they searched in google and came to know nepal turned secular not so long agoand that i was jelous of itsmiley36

I guess they will be disappointed "hindu nationalists" taking over the country once again.smiley36smiley36

Edited by Funtuss - 6 months ago