Something About You- MG || (Part 53|Page 63) - Page 11

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mj90 thumbnail
Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail Engager 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 6 months ago

Originally posted by: taahir004

Part 6

Interesting and so Fantastic Update 

Geet escapes her home and settles with a friend 

but now she realizes she needs to work and decides to start a vlog

and while doing this she gets an invite for been a host 

wow it only gets more interesting as Maan is the major contributor to this reality show

however the first time Geet sees him she is rude towards him but the moment she 

learns about him she decides to make seafood pasta for him.. more like after realizing that competition is not fair... but yes it cant be denied that she is also a bit opportunistic..  I happy so glad to see this comment on Geetsmiley20. Because Maan has been so blatantly mean arrogant, in contrast its easy to forget that Geet isn't an innocent person either.

but that's how people are right? a but grey.. cannot be all good or all bad

now why is Maan acting all ignorant towards Geet coz he is stupid.. like a stupid kindergarten kid with a secret crush on the prettiest girl in the class


Edited by mj90 - 6 months ago
mj90 thumbnail
Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail Engager 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 6 months ago

Originally posted by: babelicious

Awww hahah what is going on?! Maan seems to have planned all this cruise show and bias for Geet in the show.. no no.. dont give him too much credit nowsmiley2. it looks like he planned it such that she will not be favoured and will eventually have to come to him for help! But why? He is taking way too much interest in her now! Haha the last scene was funny, him acting non chalant to Geet’s advances now, like he doesn’t care.. waiting for next, loving the progress 

thanks for the lovely comment.. please continue reading.. soon there will be Maan's POV part and all your doubts will be clarified.

mj90 thumbnail
Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail Engager 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 6 months ago

Originally posted by: janu2006

Great parts

Hope maan is able to help Geet 

Cont soon 

Thanks for reading and commenting smiley1

Originally posted by: priya_21

Geet changed so much profession

Now she is in some show

And maan is investor 

Kya maan ne hi use contestant banana hai

Recommend kiya ho .... good predictions!! all will be revealed slowwwly smiley2

Nice part

Edited by mj90 - 6 months ago
mj90 thumbnail
Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail Engager 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 6 months ago

Hi everyone, I am collaborating on this story with NilzStorywriter

Unfortunately NilzStorywriter is not available today and the unreliable me has been tasked with updating the next part..

Alright!! I hope i was able to reply to everyone's awesome comments and satisfy some of the curiosity without giving away too much!!

I don't have the PM list or the access to change the story title.. Lets see who replies without PM or story title updatesmiley16

Our lovely campers! its your time to shinesmiley10smiley10smiley10smiley10smiley10smiley10

Part 7

G- Wo... that ... umm the other day... you mentioned you wanted to eat seafood pasta.

M-Hmm did I? I don't remember. 

G- Of course you did!! When I asked you why you-.... well, you did. I remember it clearly for both of us.

M- So what of it ... (still hiding half his body behind newspaper)

G- That... i... I made some for you.

M-Oh... thanks... you didn't have to

G-But I wanted to!!


G- Cos... cos... ah... why don't you have taste first and tell me how it is?

M-You can leave it here... I'll have it in some time...

G-But it will be cold, and it won't be tasty then!!(and she has favor to can she do that if she leaves!!!!!)

Geet feels that Maan is deliberately being obtuse... teasing her on purpose...

Maan slightly lowers a corner of paper and looks at her finally.

M-I really am busy... will have it later, ok?

G- No No.. later is no good. Here, taste!! 

She rolls a bit of pasta on the fork and brings it to his mouth.

Maan paused, then very slowly opened his mouth, and ate the pasta on the fork.

G-Is it good? You like it? How is it?

Maan is chewing slowly…mulling over it carefully.

M-Hmm... seafood you said?

Geet realizes that the bite she fed him in haste had none of the seafood ingredients!!

She quickly forked another bite, this time with some seafood bits in it and fed it to him again.

G- Oh!! Try this bite... see!! Try! Try!

Maan accepts another bite ... this time, there a small smile hidden in his lips as he slowly chewed the pasta.

M-Hmmm... no crab?

G- There is!! Of course, there is!!

She spoons a 3rd bite of pasta with a bit of crab.

And then another bite ... and then another bite...

Soon the pasta was finished. 

And all she got him to acknowledge was that she had made a proper seafood pasta with all the required ingredients...

G- How .... how did... 

Maan made some more comments, expecting to get another bite of food...

G-There... there is no more....

Maan also shuts up feeling quite surprised.

M- Ahemm… it was quite good... ahh... so thirsty (he tries to divert the subject)

Geet grabs his drink with an umbrella straw in it from the nearby table and brings it to him for sipping (completely missing her queue)

Maan paused and then lowered his face to draw a sip, managing to hide the upturned edges of his lips...

Once again feeling in control, he straightens up.

M- umm... thanks... just what you need-

G - after eating pasta, right? I know everyone gets a bit thirsty... Hehe..

Maan puts down his paper finally and pulls down his shades a little with his finger.

He looks directly at Geet and asks-

M- Are you auditioning for a chef role or a reality show host role?

G- ....

M- No answer?

G-Of course I am here as a contestant for the host role! It's just you wanted to eat p-... I thought I would do something nice for you...

M- Do something nice for me!? Why? Have you suddenly fallen in love with me? Suddenly started liking me? Even after I almost ruined your catering business... you still want to flatter me instead of hating me?

G- It's ... it's not like that... after I thought calmly about it... it's not your fault entirely... you did pull me over to the dance floor but... you didn't consider the consequences... so it wasn't like you were deliberately trying to harm me.... I understand that now... and I want bygones to be bygones.

M- Wow!

Geet looks away uneasily, that last drivel really was stretching the truth very far and very thin... but that's all the sugar coating she could come up with. After all she isn't expecting the mighty him to apologize to the little her... and that’s kind of morally high attitude really won't work when she wants favor from him. She has no choice but to bow down and grovel and bootlick.

M- So you finally found out I am rich. I am surprised it took you so long.

G- I didn't... 

Geet thought of denying it and making up more flattering stories... but she couldn't really go further than this or she will vomit on her own disgusting groveling behaviour.

With a resigned sigh Geet hangs her head and then nods whispering a small 'yeah'

M-So I'll ask again what do you want? Here to be a chef or a celebrity?

G- I just got too deep in the act of cooking okay... I mean... I am here to be a celebrity of course! As I said,  that meal was to bury our hatchet.

M- Fine.  Consider it buried. If you can also truly forgive me for putting you in trouble at that party.

G- Of course I... well yeah why not…sure... it's buried.

She extends her hand to shake on it. 

Maan politely touches the edges of her finger and gives it a faint shake.

M- So what do you want from me?

G- What? Nothing. Didn’t we just agree- 

M- tsssk

Maan tsks getting irritated.

G- I want the auditions to be fair.

M-Isn’t it fair? Audience voting and all?

G- They are changing votes and favoring contestants with connection for the 3rd segment ... I don't want special treatment, just fair competition.

M- You can try asking for special treatment... I can guarantee number one spot.

G- No! ... I ... to be honest I don't think I can afford asking you that. And if you make this competition fair, then it's not a favor to me but it's to yourself…. If the votes are rigged you won't find the best host for your main show.

Maan leans back on the deck chair and gives Geet a long hard look.

Not a total idiot after all. She finally learnt not to beat around the bush and be honest. And on top of that make it sound like it's all for his own good, Maan thinks.

M- Okay. Fair competition from now on. You can be rest assured.

G- Really?! uh thanks!!... umm yeah... thanks a lot!! Thank you very much!

She smiles happily.

After thanking him a few more times she leaves quickly.


Once out of his sight, Geet crouches on the ground. Her legs feeling weak, her heart thumping hard.

That last question of his... Thank God she refused his temptation. The look that he gave her afterwards cemented her belief that she gave the right answer. 

She really can't afford his favors... she didn't even know what the price will be, and it won't be something simple like hooking up... no... this man is too dangerous... too cunning... she really can't afford entangling with him.

Neither his grudge nor his favor. 

Praying that their paths don't cross again for the rest of the show, she starts working hard for the next episode. 


True to his word; the very next day, there was a big switch up in the crew. 

Few people got replaced, some got demoted, others got promoted and everyone received the warning message loud and clear - 'Don't f*ck with the show's votes and content!’, ‘Don't show any favoritism!' And ‘Don't, under any circumstances... just don't piss off the big investor! '

To switch things up more; the crew decides to do a special episode with live  interaction with viewers.  It would give the show an even greater authentic reality show feel. 

Geet did very well on the new segment and immediately got pulled up in ratings.

Just yesterday, she was in danger of being eliminated and yet today she was in the top 3... how the tables had turned!

The contestants who weren't putting in much effort coz they had behind the scenes dealings, got a wakeup call and panicked.  After asking around they understood that a very big shot had just shot down their pre secured ranks and now any one can win. 

It really turned into a reality show.

The audience also felt that compared to the past few episodes, this time their votes were reflected much better in the contestant's popularity ratings.

All in all, it was as Geet had said, ‘it's not a favor to her but to himself’.

Maan agreed, but felt a bit disappointed. This means Geet isn't indebted to him and he can't collect on any favor... how boring!

As the days proceeded, soon only 3 people were left including Geet.

That meant only 2 more episodes.

Geet was really happy after a long-long time.

She really got to experience the feeling of hard work paying off and regained a bit of that lost confidence in her abilities.

She really wanted to share her happiness.

Unfortunately, her family didn't care, and her friend was in closed door shooting and couldn't be contacted.

In a melancholic mood she wondered, if she were to suddenly stumble into the sea and drown... would anyone really care?

Unexpectedly Maan’s irritating face flashed in her thoughts...  he might care.

Edited by mj90 - 6 months ago
mj90 thumbnail
Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail Engager 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 6 months ago

Hi everyone, as mentioned in previous update I am collaborating on this story with NilzStorywriter

I am in charge of the crazies and the unreasonable characters and melodrama

Nilz is the one in charge of of keeping the story AND me on the right track (really hard task!). 

She has been doing an awesome job of editing, scheduling updates, posting, PMing you guys and replying to all comments. 

Thanks Nilz!!

On a more serious note I know everyone has been skeptical about Maan till now.

He has been mean, rude, inconsiderate and an overall not a very good male lead material. 

All your concerns are valid and Nilz has also said same thing to me many times at when we began this story.

Please be assured Maan's character is going to improve and his behavior will be explained.. there is no excuse but still we will try to make it reasonable and acceptable.

And mini treat from me to all our lovely readers and commenters:


Nilz switches on the interrogation lights focusing on Maan

Nilz - What were your intentions when you first met G?

Maan - ... Nothing much .. I just thought she was pretty

Nilz - and what about the second time you met her?

Maan - umm.. she looked very pretty? Prettier?

Nilz - Less nonsense! What about the third time? Why you caused so many problems for her?

Maan - ummm.. I just thought she still looked pretty even behind a mask. Show the world how pretty she is?

Nilz slams her hand down on the interrogation table in frustration, looks over at her daydreaming partner.


Nilz looks to her partner MJ. 

Nilz - what sort of shallow, idiotic male lead is this? Lock him up and create a new one!

MJ - so much rework??!! How about we just add even more shallow characters later on, so that he looks damn good in contrast?

Nilz points to the newspaper stored in evidence bag. The one Maan magically produced on the yacht in middle of the ocean.

Nilz - what about his stupidity, how to explain that?

MJ- umm portray him as an adorable manchild?

Nilz throws story script in the air!

Nilz - how is 28 year male adorable? He needs tags like vulnerable and sexy...

MJ ignores Nilz and runs after flying papers - waah.. airplanes !!! la lala lala ~~


Later Nilz seriously and responsibly addressing readers press conference. (covering up for the background shenanigans)

Nilz - Ahem... We have lodged all your complaints and we are interrogating the suspects. We assure you all that with our hard work, dedication and superb writing skills. We will give you a satisfactory update in the upcoming chapters


Edited by mj90 - 6 months ago
NilzStorywriter thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 6 months ago

smiley10Star Commenter Awardssmiley10

(Part 6)

We are again starting our Star commenter Awards with this story. As i say, your comments are my fuel. More the comments utni hi jaldi energy I get to post the next update.


Congratulations to the following winners!

Early Bird Award- Gold.Abrol

Star Commenter Winner- Gold.Abrol

Special Mention-  Khwaishfan

aparna3011 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 6 months ago


geet very patiently talk to maan  as he was teasing her in his way

maan was impress with geet's honesty n he do the needful things 

geet have very little hope that maan may care for her as her family n friends never thinks for her  

maangeet.gmmg thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 6 months ago

Fabulous update superb

Gold.Abrol thumbnail
Posted: 6 months ago

Wonderful update Neelu 🤗🤗

Just loved it 🤗

I actually felt funny 🤣 how Geet was fumbling answering Maan & feeding him with his favourite sea food 🍝 pasta

I didn't blame Geet for what she thought as it was quite obvious that she can't trust the intention of a person who destroyed her business thou unknowingly

Here Maan accepted Geets request to be fair in auditions & it worked well too & now Geet started to get proper ratings

Maan is still in a playful mood teasing Geet but it might be dangerous for her specifically as because of him she had already lost everything

Waiting for more

Thanks for the PM ☺️

Keep writing ✍️

taahir004 thumbnail
Posted: 6 months ago

Part 7

Fascinating Update 

I like the fact that Maan actually ensured that voting

was done right 

it benefit both to him and Geet finally got a fair chance 

while viewers too felt now the programme voting is correct