DarranChhoo - Movie Trailer | Karan Patel


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Pooja2311 thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail Engager 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 months ago

Nearly a million views for a new movie trailer is impressive. The trailer looks promising. But I think the PR team of this movie has done a misdirected promotion. I mean who put emphasis on Instagram for social media influence!! I guess YHM cast are biased for Insta as the preferred SM choice. This is no more 2014-2017. Insta is a dead end now.  YouTube and Twitter/X are the two most important SMs to influence audience choice. The PR could've reached out to hundreds of thousands more, had they chosen YT, Twitter/X for the publicity. 

Devanshi14 thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 months ago

I liked the trailer. Looks like it will deliver what it promises to provide - total family entertainer! Good luck, KP!!

JaaneBhiDoYaaro thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 months ago

After doing intense Raman Bhalla for years, this one is a refreshing change. KP trying comedy is good for him. 

Trailer is good. KP gets the maximum screenspace and he is up for it quite well! Nothing exceptional story or content wise but it promises to be a " total family entertainment", so there's that. Fortunately, it's not a mass masala comdey-fest, there's a quirky side to it. 

 Movies, specially Bollywood movies are going through existential change. Betting on big budget movies can be devastating, many big producers have incurred heavy losses while mid to low budget movies have done wonders. Movies below 10 crore or even below 15 crore budget are relatively on the safer side because  there are many revenue generating streams for a Bollywood movie unlike old times when only movie ticket prices and music rights contributed. Now after theatrical release,  a BW movie can generate revenues from OTT rights, social media rights, music rights, TV premiere etc. Theatrical revenue has become a bonus for low to mid budget movies. So yeah, if you are smart with managing production and PR costs, movie production business in Bollywood can be quite profitable too.

Devanshi14 thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 6 months ago

I had watched the movie. It's a nice one. KP's acting was very good and the storyline was entertaining too.
