Success Of Oppenheimer

LadyMacbeth thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 8 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 1 years ago

Box office success and critical acclaim of Oppenheimer points towards a very important thing- that if the content and quality of a movie is solid....viewers would sit for 3 hours in a hall without a complain. Only the lame movies need to be shorter as their content/story is shit. ðŸ˜† 

What do you think? Btw, have you or haven't yet watched Oppenheimer?


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2RsFan thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 1 years ago

I have watched Oppenheimer and I think it’s success is mainly due to how Nolan utilised IMAX . Most of its money is coming from IMAX screens alone worldwide .  It doesnt feel the same on normal screens. 

Edited by 2RsFan - 1 years ago
LadyMacbeth thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 8 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 1 years ago

Originally posted by: 2RsFan

I have watched Oppenheimer and I think it’s success is mainly due to how Nolan utilised IMAX . Most of its money is coming from IMAX screens alone worldwide .  It doesnt feel the same on normal screens. 

Yes, I have watched on Imax as well. But my point still remains. 

Alpenliebe thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 1 years ago

Nolan knows how to deliver. He delivered. People in my theatre were engrossed. Two boys in my front row were searching father of atomic bomb, Oppenheimer and Bhagwat Gita etc. I am pretty sure none were bored. I must say this is one of the best movies I have ever seen, minus that scene (was that scene necessary... Don't know)

Clochette thumbnail
Visit Streak 365 0 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 1 years ago

Most probably I will be one of those who won't go watch the movie. I still remember a movie (made after a theatre play and for German TV: In the matter of J. Robert Oppenheimer) which I still find excellent in painting a portray of the man, the time he lived and worked and the ambiguity of his achievements.

Until now, I don't feel the drive to watch another movie about him/that (although I would like to see Robert Downey Jr as Lewis Strauss).

Edited by Clochette - 1 years ago
PangaNaLe thumbnail
Own Your Stories Participant 0 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 1 years ago

I can't believe Oppenheimer (14 Crores) opened more than MI (11 Crores) despite clashing with Barbie (4 Crores). Could have got almost 20 Crore opening with a solo release.

Like when it comes to Hollywood, Indian audience mostly watches sci-fi action movies, mostly marvel films. A three hour long biopic about an American scientist and American history opening more than mindless action film from a popular franchise in India? Speaks volumes about Nolan fan-following. 

Haven't watched Oppenheimer yet. Went for Barbie first. 

MostlyHarmIess thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 1 years ago

Originally posted by: PangaNaLe

I can't believe Oppenheimer (14 Crores) opened more than MI (11 Crores) despite clashing with Barbie (4 Crores). Could have got almost 20 Crore opening with a solo release.

Like when it comes to Hollywood, Indian audience mostly watches sci-fi action movies, mostly marvel films. A three hour long biopic about an American scientist and American history opening more than mindless action film from a popular franchise in India? Speaks volumes about Nolan fan-following. 

Haven't watched Oppenheimer yet. Went for Barbie first. 

Not just in India. Everywhere. The film is about to make 600-700 Million strictly on his name despite intense competition from bigger blockbusters. Easily one of the biggest directors of all time. 

TotalBetty thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 1 years ago

Does that mean Barbie is a floppie?

LadyMacbeth thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 8 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 1 years ago

Originally posted by: MostlyHarmIess

Not just in India. Everywhere. The film is about to make 600-700 Million strictly on his name despite intense competition from bigger blockbusters. Easily one of the biggest directors of all time. 

At the very least 750  million. Also it'll earn a lot from the digital rights as well. 

Off topic - I really hope there is a longer director's cut for Oppenheimer's digital release. ðŸ˜³

Maroonporsche thumbnail
Posted: 1 years ago

Maybe I’ll a stream it 
