~ 20th A/S Shop Banner Contest *Deadline over* ~

DreamOfEndless thumbnail
Posted: 1 years ago



Hello Everyone!

Welcome to the 20th Avatar and Signature Shop Banner Contest.

It's summer time! A time that melts away the frost, brings warmth that nurtures life, and gives the perfect opportunity to enjoy a vacation with ice-creams and beaches. Summer time is also a perfect time for sunny summer romance.


Let's celebrate all happy things that come with summer in this banner contest.



Image Banner Size should be 1456W X 180H

Image The theme of the banner should be summer. Explore the theme of summer, and everything you love about it. Be creative in terms of design.

Image You can send up to 5 Banners. Make sure they all are different.

Image The banner should be non-animated.

Image You MUST read this before you get into your designs. *New* Forum Banner Dynamics

Image No celebrity pictures will be allowed.

Image Banners shouldn't have the copyright or any kind of watermark on it.

Image The title of the Banner should be spelt correctly i.e "Avatar and Signatures Shop".


Upload your banner on [www.imgur.com]  or any uploading site that supports images (please ensure that your account is not visible in the link or your account is not public - like with Photobucket links).
Then visit How to post your creations on New Site


Don't know how to make a banner? Not to fear! Tutorials are right here!

For PS Users ~* Tutorial: How to Make a Banner? *~  by Abhisheking [Banner size is different make sure you take the current banner size mentioned above]

For PSP Users: Making Banners using psp:)*TUT* by  -aditi-


The Banner(s) MUST be PMed to ContestEntries with the subject field as '20th A/S BC' on or before, 3rd April 2023, 23:59 IST

For any queries, feel free to PM Leenaaa or me.


Permission: Koeli

Tags: DreamOfEndless

Edited by DreamOfEndless - 1 years ago


Last reply









Frequent Posters

DreamOfEndless thumbnail
Posted: 1 years ago

Come and send your beautiful creations 

DreamOfEndless thumbnail
Posted: 1 years ago

Send your beautiful creations 

And tag your creator friends 

Sutapasima thumbnail
Posted: 1 years ago

Very pretty tags dear Tiara , and I love the theme you have chosen . ❤️

Love your creativity . 👍🏼

DreamOfEndless thumbnail
Posted: 1 years ago

Originally posted by: Sutapasima

Very pretty tags dear Tiara , and I love the theme you have chosen . ❤️

Love your creativity . 👍🏼

Thanks Suta ❤

Do participate in the contest if you can :)

oh_nakhrewaali thumbnail
Posted: 1 years ago

Cute tags, miss T, but does the banner have to have a theme or something? A/S forum banners usually have themes, so asking

DreamOfEndless thumbnail
Posted: 1 years ago

Originally posted by: oye_nakhrewaali

Cute tags, miss T, but does the banner have to have a theme or something? A/S forum banners usually have themes, so asking

Thanks Shibz ❤

Yes, the theme is summers. Anything related to summers (see rule no. 2)

Edited by tournesol - 1 years ago
xDownInFlamesx thumbnail
Anniversary 6 Thumbnail Visit Streak 90 0 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 1 years ago

even this has a deadline before my exams are over!!☺️

would surely participate😳

DreamOfEndless thumbnail
Posted: 1 years ago

Originally posted by: sxursaep

even this has a deadline before my exams are over!!☺️

would surely participate😳

@first line: Uh oh!

Cool, do try to participate :)

Edited by tournesol - 1 years ago
Quantum-Dot thumbnail
Posted: 1 years ago

Thanks for tagging Tia. Will try to participate. 
