Fan Fiction Section Features Wish List & Task List - Page 18

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Koeli thumbnail
Posted: 1 years ago

Originally posted by: BrhannadaArmour

Koeli, I get your points, and please understand my point of view below each one:

1. Don't drag any author or author's work here.

You mentioned an example of a "G-rated" story by Shraddha. I thought I had found it, and asked you to confirm. If I was wrong to ask here, you could have deleted or ignored my question. Instead, you linked to a story by Shraddska. I haven't attacked either of these stories or their authors.

I have given you an example of a G-rated story that has 1000 likes. I didn't criticise or put her story in a bad light. I think you are trying to mix two things here. You have quoted the wrong author, I have given you the right link. It is as simple as that.

2. Books in the Fan Fiction section have been rated automatically: R-rated if marked Mature; G-rated if not.

I am fine with a G rating for Shraddha's migrated story of a man describing his murderous concubine to his wife who is bathing him. The story by Shraddska has not been migrated to the Fan Fiction section, so it hasn't been rated either automatically or manually. "G-rated" is your description of the story, not a "current rating" for readers like me to dispute.

You are totally missing the point here. It doesn't matter whether it is a G rated or M rated or R rater or X rated. As long as the story has potential it will be liked by all... Popularity is based on likes and views and not ratings. It doesn't fall under the current rating because it was written 9 years back when these ratings didn't exist on IF. It was either MC or Non-MC. That time Non MC was considered as G-Rated.

3. Authors whose stories have been migrated have a month's grace period to adjust the rating.

Your point is moot for both stories: one is not migrated and one is not disputed.

Fan Fiction Section doesn't consist of just two stories. I was talking in the general and rules that are going to be applicable 20.06.2022 onwards.

4. Grievances in PM; general issues without examples here.

I don't know if I'll have any "grievances" on July 20, or any other general issues, but thanks.

My answers in blue.

Posted: 1 years ago

Originally posted by: Viswasruti

Originally posted by WildestDreams

1- Please add more option in the genre section. Like Mystery, Angst, Supernatural, Paranormal

Here is the full list of newly included genres in Fanfiction section. 

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Psychological Thrill

Reincarnation Religion

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"Dacioty" is a misspelling of "Dacoity" - and does India Forums have stories in this genre? I haven't found any stories about Kāpavya, Aṅgulimāla, Devi Choudhurani etc. in the Fan Fiction section.

What is the purpose of the "Dubbed" and "Silent" genres in the Fan Fiction section?

I brought up a number of issues with Genres several months ago:

oh_nakhrewaali thumbnail
Posted: 1 years ago

Originally posted by: vijay


This feature is ACTIVE

Is this feature just available in the "edit fanfiction" page or can the readers too see the type of story in the FF's main page?

Posted: 1 years ago

Thanks, vijay and WildestDreams. The Refine by Types feature (should be singular "Type") is valuable for readers who are in the mood for a specific length of story. Assuming that Readers' Choice Awards will happen every year, sorting by these tags under each Entity tag would be especially useful for nomination and voting in the correct categories.

The distinction between Two-Shot and Short Story is blurred by WildestDreams' definition of "2-10 chapters" for a Short Story. The Readers' Choice Awards had a different definition of Short Story as "4-7 chapters;" anything with upto 3 chapters is a Ficlet; anything with 8 or more chapters is a Fan Fiction. So, if the Readers' Choice Awards organizers have no plans to change definitions, I suggest:

1) Definitions of Fan Fiction (8+ chapters) vs. Short Story (4-7 chapters) should be displayed in the Edit page's drop-down menu.

2) The drop-down menu should list choices in order from longest to shortest (or reverse): Fan Fiction, Short Story, Three-Shot, Two-Shot, One-Shot, Drabble, Poem.

3) The Refine by Tag feature should list the same tags in the same order as the drop-down menu, but end with the tag Ficlet that collects whatever the Readers' Choice Awards assign to this category: Three-Shot, Two-Shot, One-Shot, Drabble ... Poem too?

It looks like the algorithm that assigns tags to existing books uses Fan Fiction for anything Ongoing, and counts chapters for anything Completed. I like that.

I appreciate that I can change the tag on my Completed books, e.g. from "One Shot" to "Drabble" when it's just five lines, and from "Two Shots" to "One Shot" when the second chapter was just an acknowledgement of prompts.

oh_nakhrewaali thumbnail
Posted: 1 years ago

Originally posted by: vijay

Screenshot 2022-06-28 at 6.28.24 PM.png

One can see it on the Fanfiction homepage under the Refine by Genre.

how is "drabble" decided by the algorithm?

Edited by oye_nakhrewaali - 1 years ago
Viswasruti thumbnail

Helping Hands

Posted: 1 years ago

Originally posted by: vijay

Thanks Koeli for sharing this.

Just one query how will we differentiate between a FanFiction and an Original story?

 There is a significant distinction between the FanFiction and an Original story-- 

The fanfiction takes already established characters and places, situations, settings, and plots, only the writer has to concentrate on taking the story further with a few new twists! 

Someone who writes fan fiction (not to take away from those who can craft a great story) ride on the coattails of already established characters which already have a built-in fan base. ⭐️

In fan-fiction your characters and their conflicts have been created for you and the people who read it are usually pre-acquainted with, and predisposed to liking, the world you show them. The advantages of writing fanfic is that your world is already built for you, and the background of at least some of your characters is established. 

But original fiction is quite different from the FF. You get to concentrate on mastering plot and the characterization of your original characters, thought process and stream of consciousness plays a vital role in original fiction. Original fiction based around characters and plots that are unique to the writer. Original fiction can be written any number of ways. It can have any number of genres too, from horror to adventure to tragedy to romance.  

The difference between the two genres also influences comments and viewing. When reading original fiction, a critic will most likely comment on the subject itself. 

When reading fanfiction, especially if it's based on a real life or a serial incident, there's a good possibility the reviewer will focus on that event rather than the plot. Those who create fanfiction, on the other hand, are likely to receive more comments overall, because the celebrity/fictional character's fan following tends to at least partially translate over to the stories!! 

Edited by Viswasruti - 1 years ago
Posted: 1 years ago

Could you please add a Save Draft feature to the Add New Chapter page?

I migrated a story from an old topic that was closed. Now I want to write the next chapter, which will take some time. I don't want to switch the fan fiction book to Pending while I add and edit the new chapter in situ. Asking a moderator to reopen the outdated forum topic, just so that I could draft and post the new chapter there and migrate it, goes against the Fan Fiction section's primacy.

I could write a draft post in some random topic, copy and paste into my fan fiction book, and delete the draft. Or, I could write in a document, copy and paste, and adjust the formatting.

Being able to save a chapter draft in the Fan Fiction section would be preferable to all of these options, right?

Whenever you have time, please.

Posted: 1 years ago

Thanks, I hadn't realized that.

When I tried it, viewing the previous chapter (Ongoing) allowed me to click the "Continue reading next part" red button and see the draft chapter.

Would readers also be able to see my draft by doing this? Someone who doesn't have FFEditor privileges, please try it and tell me:

WildestDreams thumbnail

Creative Minds

Posted: 1 years ago

Can we a feature like FF Authors? Similar to FF Followers so we have a list of the authors we are following.

Posted: 1 years ago

Originally posted by: WildestDreams

Can we a feature like FF Authors? Similar to FF Followers so we have a list of the authors we are following.

Maybe this feature would make it easier for a reader to understand the difference between following an author (pink Follow button) and following a book (green Add to My Library button).

I haven't found an explanation of the difference anywhere. Is it that when you follow a book, you are only notified of updates to that book, not when the author publishes another book, such as a sequel/prequel?

I entered a one-shot contest and migrated the book as Completed, and a couple of members with extensive Fan Fiction section experience became Followers of the book voluntarily (not migrated). Other than making the book look more popular, I don't know what purpose it serves to follow a Completed one-shot instead of following me. Maybe the difference wasn't clear to them?