Actors leaving jobs over Vaccine Mandate - Page 12


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The_Best thumbnail
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Posted: 2 years ago

Originally posted by: Maraka_Musso89

All of my sisters got it (we all took Pfizer as it was supposed to be the safest option) and my parents too (my dad got a stroke because of it). My brothers brothers didn't.

When my dad said he got the vaccine done the day before, the doctor asked him if he had gotten AstraZeneca or J&J. When he told them no he got Pfizer, they got quiet and told him their was no correlation between the two. LIES! 

Exactly this ! Big Pharma is being the media, the scientists... they have billion of dollars to spare and we are the perfect test subjects. 

The media came in handy by making people believe that unvaccine people were the problem and by divided people into two teams.

Peer pressure did the remainder so even so the vaccines were complety cleared, they were sold to different countries and inoculated into millions of people. 

The president of my country waited weeks before the summer vacations to apply the pressure and announcing that people who didn't get the vaccine and subsequently the Pass wouldn't be able to go museums, amusement parks, restaurants... it was cruel for people who just got out of curfew and some -like me- worked from home so we were as good as confined as when we ended our work day, curfew was already in place. 

Some people did get temporary passes but they have to paid for for since last month. 

I am glad your dad is fine. That’s scary. My friend’s mother got stroke recently. She was hospitalized and now out. I haven’t been able to talk to her if that was also due to vaccine because she never got stroke before or had a history of it from what I know. 

Science is amazing, but line anything it can be abused when there’s money involved. So some can make science their religion but not me. I will believe real science, not fake science pushed for profits, greed and control. They are mandating vaccines in campuses and almost everywhere. I remember when people would say they will never force vaccines, but here we are now. Stupid Biden even said if we take vaccines, then we won’t get covid. In the beginning of the pandemic, we were even told to not wear masks as that won’t protect us just because they didn’t want us to buy masks to protect ourselves since masks were running out. They will say anything when it’s convenient for them.. How stupid they think we are. And Every time sheep people say they would never do that, but then it happens again and again. Then they justify it and go to the next point saying that will never happen except it then also happens and over and over repeat nonsense. 

Edited by The_Best - 2 years ago
dahibhalle thumbnail
Anniversary 6 Thumbnail Visit Streak 90 0 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 2 years ago

As a health worker,I am triple vaxxed, got my booster last week and very thankful for it.

I believe Corona to be a man made virus and knowing about all the badness it can cause there is no way I am not going to do all I can to protect myself , my loved one's ,my colleagues and my patients.

Luckily the city I live in ,there is very little vaccine hesitancy. Australians generally are a pragmatic people .The only folks I know who are antivaxx are the hippy nutters or some Muslim groups especially the Lebanese who have been apparently told by their preachers that vaccine causes impotence and infertility.

BubbleTea thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

This one  is going to ruin Black Panther sequel with her antics 🤔

v_nakshara thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Visit Streak 90 0 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 2 years ago

Originally posted by: Maraka_Musso89

He's doing much better now thank you for asking. He was in neurology for a week before they let him out and now he has appointments set for this month and December.

God is great because we managed to notice he was having a stroke early enough and called the firefighters (it's like 911 here) who took him to the hospital.

It was horrid because we couldn't go in with him because of COVID restrictions and had to wait the day after to have some news. The hospital was supposed to call with news but they might have forgotten.

Even when my father told them he had the 2nd shot of the vaccine done the day before, they dismissed it one he said that no he didn't get the AstraZeneca but the Pfizer. 

Well the good thing in all that is that they diagnosed my father with cholesterol which he didn't know he had and they gave him treatment.

I’m happy your father is doing better and received treatment in time. 

The fact that patients are being dismissed by doctors or nurses that their health issues are not vaccine related is frustrating. This is happening a lot in several countries. Doctors are quick to dismiss anything which are vaccine related but are quick to link anything to covid. My father-in-law passed away this week after his 3rd booster. He started experiencing neurological disorders after the booster. Doctors didn’t link it to the booster but his health went downhill as soon as he received his booster.

Everyone should be given a choice what they want to put inside their body. 

Maraka_Musso89 thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 2 years ago

Originally posted by: The_Best

I am glad your dad is fine. That’s scary. My friend’s mother got stroke recently. She was hospitalized and now out. I haven’t been able to talk to her if that was also due to vaccine because she never got stroke before or had a history of it from what I know. 

Science is amazing, but line anything it can be abused when there’s money involved. So some can make science their religion but not me. I will believe real science, not fake science pushed for profits, greed and control. They are mandating vaccines in campuses and almost everywhere. I remember when people would say they will never force vaccines, but here we are now. Stupid Biden even said if we take vaccines, then we won’t get covid. In the beginning of the pandemic, we were even told to not wear masks as that won’t protect us just because they didn’t want us to buy masks to protect ourselves since masks were running out. They will say anything when it’s convenient for them.. How stupid they think we are. And Every time sheep people say they would never do that, but then it happens again and again. Then they justify it and go to the next point saying that will never happen except it then also happens and over and over repeat nonsense. 

It's great that she's out of the hospital now, I hope she'll have a good recovery.

It's possible they won't tell her it's the vaccine. 

This exactly is why I can't trust what is being said about the vaccine. I tried to be open-minded about it and followed a virologist on insta but she was too pro-vax to the point one could wonder if she wasn't being paid or getting kickbacks.

It was the same in France. 

First they said the mask wasn't needed and even said East Asians (who are more used to dealing with this kind of virus) were exaggerating but then the next thing you know, masks became mandatory once China was able to sell masks after having controlled the COVID virus on its ground.

We are part of Europe but Germany and France hogged all the masks because they had factories on their soils and let Italy fend for themeselves when their situation was much worse.

It was also France who cried fool when the US stole the masks they had ordered on Tarmac by paying much more than what the French government had agreed with with China.

At one point we had to let a seat in between people in the bus but as people have to work, they lifted that and only the mask is mandatory.

The government also counted on herd immunity and didn't want to confine us but then when Italy was hit hard and that they confined people there, France followed suit.

Macron said he'd never make the vaccine mandatory but them boom! He implemented the sanitary pass as Europe bought billions of Pfizer vaccines.

People need the sanitary pass to go malls (that was lifted thanks to the work of some lawyers), the restaurants, museums... BUT people still have to work so the pass isn't mandatory to take packed public transportation. Like how is taking a packed transportation with a mask alright but walking around in museum with a mask not okay ?

It's all Politics and money.

Now they are talking about a 5th wave but work from home isn't mandatory nor is there a curfew because how are they going to justify having people getting confined home when we got the vaccine done ? Also the big firms who helped him get to his position aren't keen on having their employees work from home as they already made a lot of efforts in this regard during the last two years. 

They said everything and the contrary during the pandemic. They used the exceptional situation that is the Pandemic to pass bills that fit them.

 How can we trust them ?

Like I said I'm not an anti-vaxxer but it bothers me that they sold something that wasn't "finished" and so they put the vaccine in everybody even though some people may not ne fit for taking it. 

They might think it's collateral damage...

Maraka_Musso89 thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 2 years ago

Originally posted by: v_nakshara

I’m happy your father is doing better and received treatment in time. 

The fact that patients are being dismissed by doctors or nurses that their health issues are not vaccine related is frustrating. This is happening a lot in several countries. Doctors are quick to dismiss anything which are vaccine related but are quick to link anything to covid. My father-in-law passed away this week after his 3rd booster. He started experiencing neurological disorders after the booster. Doctors didn’t link it to the booster but his health went downhill as soon as he received his booster.

Everyone should be given a choice what they want to put inside their body. 

All my condolences for your father-in-law, I hope your family is holding on and doing better. 

This is one of the reasons I don't trust them. 

You tell them you had your shots done and then started feeling unwell and they dismiss you because you don't know better according to them.

And then you go in the lobby and see that the hospital is strongly supporting the vaccine campaign.

I'm pretty sur the got tenfolds of reports of people having neurological problems after having the vaccine done. Can't they talk about it more and at least propose a table with what would be the more appropriate vaccine for some kind of people ?

This is something that should have done before having them all out on the market.

People who died because of the vaccine weren't clearly informed that they were some kind of study subjects and that as such the risks were much higher than for some other vaccines. 

Edited by Maraka_Musso89 - 2 years ago
TotalBetty thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 2 years ago

Originally posted by: v_nakshara

I’m happy your father is doing better and received treatment in time. 

The fact that patients are being dismissed by doctors or nurses that their health issues are not vaccine related is frustrating. This is happening a lot in several countries. Doctors are quick to dismiss anything which are vaccine related but are quick to link anything to covid. My father-in-law passed away this week after his 3rd booster. He started experiencing neurological disorders after the booster. Doctors didn’t link it to the booster but his health went downhill as soon as he received his booster.

Everyone should be given a choice what they want to put inside their body. 

Oh sorry to hear that

How soon did he get the booster, I mean after getting the vaccination

A close relative in India became sick soon after getting the vaccine  and died within a few weeks... She had diabetes but kept it under control, she was a strong person physically and mentally... It was such a shock

Edited by BettyA1 - 2 years ago
TotalBetty thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 2 years ago

Last year the media was all over Sweden, saying how not locking down was a huge mistake

This year no mention of it...Wonder why

Florida after following Sweden Model is seeing low cases for now this, despite people travelling there from all over

Edited by BettyA1 - 2 years ago
TotalBetty thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 2 years ago

The other side has been saying this since last year but now the main stream media is agreeing

Are they trying to throw him under the bus to protect Biden