#3: AsYa FF - Mohabbatein: Part 33 Pg 67 Updated- 30/07/2019! - Page 41


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Posted: 4 years ago


Part 33: Dil Se Re..

2 Hours Later - Bungalow: 

Azlan walked into the quiet and darkened bungalow, certain not to make any noise and disturb Farida Bi and Pari who were sound asleep.  He passed by Farida Bi’s room and stopped as a small smile grew on his face, he closed his eyes and just listened.  Listened to that familiar voice praying and doing Zikr of her Allah even in her sleep.  He relished in the tranquility and blessing of it, it brought him the peace and hope that his pristine Haveli and life of luxury, comfort and safety couldn’t.  But then when he felt that prayer start feeling like a noose around his neck as he was made to introspect and think about his own actions and what good he was doing in this world or had he just become as much part of the problem and were the people of Kasauli and his own brother Asad right in holding his family lineage and royal status against him.  Was he nothing more than a rich playboy who had gotten so comfortable in his Haveli that even when the people of his city were pointing to the fire that they were afraid would burn them, he failed to see it from behind his lens of self-entitlement and privilege?  Had the sins of the father really become the sins of the son? Suddenly he felt suffocated and pulling at his collar he rushed away from Farida Bi’s room towards Pari’s room and gasped for air as he entered the room, feeling even more unbalanced than he had at the club seeing Naina dancing with Ayaan.  What was with this night? He ran a frustrated hand through his hair shaking his head trying to dispel those thoughts from his mind because Azlan Ahmed Khan did not do well with facing the harsh reality or make a change.   He hoped and believed seeing his little girls innocent face would be able to ease some of his peace and looking at himself through her innocent eyes he too would be able to delude himself into believing that he wasn’t the monster all these people made him out to be.  But when he looked towards the bed he nearly stumbled in surprise, realizing they weren’t alone.  Asad lay fast asleep or judging by his shoes which were still on, passed out drunk out of his senses on the bed as well.  Azlan remembered him knocking those shots back at the club and sighed shaking his head disappointedly.  He lay snoring next to Pari who was asleep with her head on his arm.   Still feeling suffocated Azlan walked over to crack open the window just slightly and took a much-needed lungful of the crisp and cool Kasauli Air, which managed to calm his nerves just slightly, enough for him to at least be able to breathe just a little and calm his jittery nerves.  As he looked towards the bed, seeing Pari and Asad asleep in the exact same position, their mouths slightly open one leg higher than the other their arms outstretched, and hair tousled all over he couldn’t help but chuckle.  No wonder she worshipped the man, they were practically doppelgängers.  If he didn’t have the birth certificate and DNA test to prove it Azlan would never for a second believe Pari was his and not Asads even though he was thankful each and every second of every day that she was his.  She was the best thing to have ever happened to him in this miserable existence of his.  As he stared at the two of them asleep he couldn’t help but fear and wonder what his life would be like today if Asad wasn’t the man he was and like the rest of the men of their family didn’t have the morals and values his Ammi had raised him with and chose to hide Paris existence from him for the rest of his life which he could’ve very well done.  He thought about it many times, what if Asad had decided that Pari didn’t need the toxicity and miserableness he and his family brought with them everywhere they went and instead decided to raise her alone and on his own and letting her go through life believing her father just like her mother was dead too.  Could Azlan hold that against him? Even if he did hold that against Asad for being a decision he had no right to make he couldn’t help but wonder, would Pari be better off for it? Being raised by a better man? The best man? With those thoughts a memory that felt so long ago it seemed like a different lifetime altogether creeped through his heart. For Azlan it really was an entire lifetime ago. 


A 2.5 years younger Azlan jolted awake as he felt his alcohol induced unconsciousness freeze over with the bucket of iced water someone had mercilessly thrown over him.  It took him a few seconds to orient himself and get his bearings right, before he realized he was Azlan Ahmed Khan, in a hotel in Dubai after yet another wild night of partying judging by his surroundings which were nothing but empty alcohol bottles of any and all kinds...and a night of meaningless sex as he stared at the two girls in the corner holding up bedsheets around themselves as they cowered in fear.  Azlan narrowed his eyes.  What the hell was happening.  

Girl 1 - What the hell is going on Azlan?

Girl 2 - and who the hell is he? (that was when Azlan remembered that they weren’t alone, and he hadn’t awoken from a peaceful slumber but had been forced awake.  His head snapped to the sitting area in the room and as he did he felt a haunting and dreadful chill numb him to his bones.  A chill so haunting it made his whole-body shudder, he looked like he had seen the ghost of someone long gone and in all fairness he had.  Asad may as well have actually died and this may as well be his ghost visiting him from beyond because as far as Azlan was concerned, he had said his final prayers.  

Azlan - (narrowed his eyes and spoke in a seething whisper, his face suddenly getting all its colour back tenfold) no need to panic ladies, this is just my b****** of a brother paying me a visit after what...3 years? 

Asad - (calmly smoked his cigarette relaxing in the comfy arm chair he was seated in with his feat resting on the coffee table) been keeping count have you...miss me that much? 

Azlan - (glared at him, positively seething) cut the crap.  What the f*** do you think you’re doing here?  How dare you barge into my hotel room.  What the..what the f*** do you want? 

Asad - (judging by the way his chest was rising and fall he was far angrier than Azlan was in this moment and his cigarette was the only thing allowing him to keep his sanity and not lose his mind like he wanted to.  He cast one quick glance in the corner where the two girls were yawning tiredly and then cast a disgusted look at Azlan before getting up stoically and tossing him the shirt thrown about on the coffee table) get dressed, we’re leaving.  

Azlan - (chuckled, sure he was having a visit from Lucifer in his dream there was no other way of explaining this) are you on crack? How the f*** do you think I’m going anywhere with you? You should just be lucky I’m not bashing that face of yours in, b******.  

Asad - (a muscle beneath his eye jumped threateningly as his eyes narrowed to slits, but he was still as calm as ever as he blew a puff of smoke and that riled up Azlan even further) quit the trash talk, come at me one and for all b****.  (But Azlan just continued glaring at him not having a choice given he was currently naked beneath those sheets, but my god he wanted to slit Asads throat hearing him chuckle) that’s what I thought (and then sparing him one despising look he turned around and stood with his back towards Azlan, as rigid as ever) make sure he’s down in 5..(Azlan who had looked down trying to calm himself looked up again hearing him talk to someone, surely not the girls and he was left astonished seeing two men in masks in all black step into the room from the shadows and nod briskly at Asad all the while cracking their necks and jaws glaring at Azlan as if to make a point.) 

10 Minutes Later: 

Azlan stared at Asad in frank annoyance and a lot of Anger as they sat opposite one another in the stretch Limo Asad had hired.  One of the armed and masked guys sat next to each brother for good measure.  He watched As Asad stared out of the window, breathing unevenly, his eyes darting around non-stop, his hair dishevelled he looked like he hadn’t shaved or slept in weeks judging by his eyes and the weariness of his face upon closer inspection.  He looked down at his leg which hadn’t stopped shaking since they got in the car and his fingers hadn’t stopped tapping against his knee either. 

Azlan - (through gritted teeth) will you f****** stop? God you’re even more insufferable than before.  What are you doing in Dubai anyways? (Laughed) No forget that, first tell me how’d you smuggle your way in...I didn’t know Dubai was handing visa’s out to the expendables now..(he heard a gun clicking next to him and the barrel at his head the next second, Azlan looked towards the guy next to him like “seriously” and the guy simply shrugged.  Asad just took a deep breath and slumped in his seat running his hands over his tired face before taking another drag of his cigarette.  He could feel Azlans eyes on him, but he thought it better for both their sakes if he just stared out the window and didn’t acknowledge his presence.

Azlan - (noticing the redness of Asads eyes, the way he itched his arm subconsciously the way he sniffed, others may not be able to pick up on all that, but who was Asad kidding here.  Although Azlan would like to believe he wanted to say all that and ask these questions to get an upper hand for ONCE over Asad, to get a rile out of him to punish him HURT him anger him ANYTHING, the truth was that he was more worried and scared since the minute he opened his eyes and saw Asad back in his life like a ghost from his past. Up until then he wasn’t sure they’d see each other even if one of them dropped dead..and judging by the state Asad was in now a days it seemed that day wouldn’t be too far off) 

Azlan - (staring out the window himself, lest Asad see the worry in his eyes) how long have you been using? (He saw Asads whole body tense and freeze for a brief second before he sniffed and continued looking out the window and roll his sleeve down as if he hadn’t heard a thing) what is it for Christ's sake (just now noticing how thin weary and unlike Asad he looked.  HELL would be the only way to describe it) coke, LSD, heroine? Don’t tell me its ecstasy although (laughed) that would make sense (leaned over his seat and stared at Asad straight in the face) my..my how the mighty have fallen 

Asad - (closed his eyes, clenching his jaw and just kicked his leg with all his might) just shut up bitch (Azlan just chuckled holding up his hands in surrender before leaning back in his seat) 

Azlan - (his eyes still darting to his little brother who was as high as a kite and apparently not for the first time) (mock whispered to the guy next to him) hey dude, mind telling me where we’re going (but the guy just gave him one look that meant back the hell off.)

Another 10 minutes later: 

Azlan found himself unable to breathe as he walked behind Asad through the corridors of the hospital.  He couldn’t explain the feeling.  Yes, he was losing his mind wondering what the hell he was doing in a hospital following Asad, his brother who he hadn’t heard of, spoken to, or seen in the last 3 years and he was sure had fallen off the face of the earth. Fear gnawed at his heart knowing it obviously had to be something bad.  HOW bad he didn’t think he wanted to know, simultaneously ever since he stepped into the hospital the strangest feeling had enveloped him, like a pull, a magnet as if there was something in this hospital that was compelling his feet towards it and he didn’t even need Asad to guide him he knew how to find it.  That pull was of blood, of kin.  Azlan felt his heart dip to his stomach and his confusion nearly drive him mad as he saw Asad round a corner to the children's ward, and then suddenly near the end of the corridor just come to an abrupt stop. He looked down to Asads fists which were clenched in a death grip and then up at his head.  

Azlan - (a good minute later) welll...? 

Asad - the...the (shaking his head he turned around to face him, but he didn’t look at Azlan, he couldn’t...his eyes kept on darting around unsurely whilst his whole body trembled and shook) 

Azlan - Jesus (stared at him disgustedly) just how high are you exactly..

Asad - (shook his head) I....this (he was met with Azlans furious gaze as Azlan grabbed his face and yanked it towards himself, holding his face steady.  He raised an eyebrow expecting him to speak and Asad sighed closing his eyes) the...the child in the room...in the I.C.U...that...her name is Pari..(but for some reason Azlan didn’t need for Asad to speak further than “the child in the room”, somehow he just KNEW, and dread like he had never known, washed over him, the colour vanished from his face and his hand slowly eased off of Asads face) Pari Maya Khan...she’s...she- she’s

Azlan - (whispered more to himself than to Asad) mine (staring at the ground too numb to process this) 

Asad - she...Maya died..right after Pari was born.  She called me from the hospital, but I was in London and by the time I got there...all I heard were Pari’s cries.  Her mother was gone.  Nobody knows, except me...and Farida Bi (Azlans eyes snapped to Asads face as he heard that but Asad avoided eye contact with him) I’m studying in London, so I needed someone to look after her..I needed help- 

Azlan - were you ever planning on telling me this? 

Asad - (sighed, standing with his back towards Azlan and staring into Pari’s room, wincing as he caught sight of all those tubes and needles hurting his little adorable angel who lay fast asleep inside unaware of the storm her existence was brewing 5 feet away) No.  (and it was the honest truth)

Azlan - (nodded, his fist clenching and unclenching as rage built up inside him) then why are you?  Why now? today? 

Asad - (his voice breaking) because unfortunately you have the one thing she needs and the one thing I don’t have to give her, and the one thing..the only thing that matters in this world (turned around to face him dead in the eyes) Money.  (But Azlan didn’t hear what he said, process what he said, understand what he said.  He only wanted one thing heard and understood since the moment he had shown up at Azlans hotel and that was blood.  He charged at Asad full swing and punched him square in the jaw making blood sprout from Asads lips as he began throwing blind punches everywhere) 

* Present * 

Azlan sighed as he stared at Asads still worn out and tired face as he lowered himself on the ground next to where his daughter lay Asleep next to his brother.  He couldn’t help his hand from running through his little brothers’ hair as he found himself filling with deep regret and shame.  That day, when he found out about his daughter, the biggest blessing of his life, he didn’t even try to look at her, hold her, find out more about her, shower her with all the love and care he was 2.5 years too late for, instead his first reaction was as always to punish and hurt, inflict pain on his brother as he somehow always managed to.  As if the universe had left any more need for that.  His eyes caught sight of Asads hand over his chest and his eyes narrowed catching the sight of all the broken skin and blood on his knuckles.  He winced as he gingerly careful not to wake him because he was certain of the storm of rage that would follow, lifted his hand and stared at it closely and he didn’t need to ask how that happened.  He knew it in his heart, another present courtesy of the Khan family.  He knew that was his way of dealing with the entire situation at hand.  

Azlan - (sighed shaking his head, his hand stilling in Asads hair just holding his head) I’m sorry man...I’m really sorry.  (Asad just winced in response frowning in his sleep, and Azlan shaking his head put his hand down carefully.  He then got the first aid box and very tenderly wrapped a band aid around his hand before removing Asads’ shoes, covering both him and Pari with the comforter and smiled as he watched them both snuggle into it.  He then closed the window and shut the light off before leaving yet another place he wasn’t needed it seemed.)



The Next Morning - Khan Mansion: 

Zoya walked out in her Pyjamas as usual having just rolled out of bed.  Her hair as usual standing in 146 directions.  She rubbed her eyes tiredly as she dragged her feet out of her room, REALLY not in a good mood this morning and the reason behind it was the odd drilling and building noises coming from somewhere in the house.  She walked into the living room where a bridal boutique had practically exploded and Zeenat and Dilshad were sat gushing over the many outfits Aisha was modelling for her.  

Zeenat - Baaki sab choro tumne yeh socha hai ke shaadi ka lehnga kis colour ka chahiye tumhe? 

Aisha - (blushed) Pink 

Dilshad - Apne cheeks wala shade ya isse bhi gehra..(Zeenat laughed) 

Zeenat - Kyun bhai ab Aahil ko Pink colour bhi Pasand hai...(shook her head) kal tak toh uss larke ko CHIR thi pink se Ammi...woh mujhe aur Zoya ko kabhi pink nahin pehne deta (rolled her eyes) well Zoya ki toh baat choro usse khud Pink pasand nahin tha but agar main ghalati se bhi pehen leti toh kehta tha bhabi it’s hurting my eyes I’m getting a migraine and then he’d talk about some xyz medical study that had proven the colour pink could make someone lose their mind...acha bachoo aane do isse aaj poochti hoon main-

Aisha - (toying with the hem up of her dupatta) woh kehta hai ke aur kissi pe yeh colour acha nahin lagta but mujhpe pink bhi acha lagta hai...he says it’s my best colour-

Dilshad - oh boy  (laughed with Zeenat) that’s when you know the boy’s in love 

Zoya - PHUPI! AAPI!! AAPI!! Yeh kya subah subah shor ho raha hai iss ghar mein...

Zeenat - Dilshad - Aisha -You? (Staring at her blankly) 

Zeenat - (shook her head) I’m sorry Zoya but jaahan bhi shor ho raha ho uska koi na koi connection tumse jura hota hai toh tum humse kya pooch rahee ho? 

Zoya - (her hands on her hips, she glared at all 3 of them) Yeh nahin (pointing to her mouth) YEH (waving her hands around) yeh sab kya ho raha hai (referring to the drilling and hammering noises again)..itni achi neend aa rahee thee mujhe aur-

Aisha - Oh who (shrugged frowning) pata nahin Asad subah se koi kaam karwa raha hai Hall mein...

Zoya - (clenched her fists) of course...Mr. Khan..who else can it be.  It’s always him.  (Blew her fringe of hair which as usual landed back in the same place) oh he’s so going to get it from me today..(saying so she stalked off) 

Anwar - HEEEYYYY look who decided to wake up (walking back to the living room with a gigantic bowl of strawberry’s but Zoya stalked past him like Hurricane Katrina not paying him any heed) noo? 

Zoya - MR. KHAN!!!! 

Anwar - okay then (carefully placing the strawberry back into the bowl mournfully) oooh boy. (He sent a little prayer up for his baby brother..he really was going to need it) 

Zeenat - Chalo...ab dono phirse larte andar aayenge..

Aisha - (rolled her eyes) choro na bhabi aap ab bhi unki tension kyun leti ho? Woh dono toh BAHANE dhoondte hain larne jhagarne ke..agar woh din mein ek baar lar na leina toh unka khaana hazam nahin hota..unhe toh aadat ho gayee hai..ek ajeeb si addiction ho gayee hai ek doosre se larne ki I tell you

Dilshad - larne se zyaada...roothne manane ki aadat hogayee hai unhe (Aisha and Zeenat stared at her confusedly but Dilshad just smiled coyly examining another beautiful piece of clothing) 

Meanwhile Outside: 

Zoya came out the back door of the house near the pool ready to blast Asad into shreds for all the ruckus he had allowed to occur around the house so early morning (11:47 am) which had disrupted the only thing she loved probably as much as Fries and Shakes, but once she spotted him near the basketball court all thoughts of yelling at him for sanctioning work to happen so early around the house knowing she was sleeping escaped her mind.  For not only was he not alone, he was playing basketball with a couple of friends...shirtless, Ray-bans on, with his shorts hanging low on his waist and lord have mercy, he was drenched in sweat.  Zoya hadn’t even realized but her mouth was hanging open in shock.  None of the guys noticed her until Asad dunked a basket and the ball bounced back to hit her right in the face, making her jolt out of her drooling session.  Zoya grabbed her head just as she heard a few of the guys chuckling.  She narrowed her eyes and looked up and saw Asad immediately look away, making her frown..what was that about? She expected him to be gloating at a whole new level about this? 

Nikhil - (chuckled) hey Zoya, loving that bedhead look you rocking (zoya just smiled at him as she grabbed their ball and stepped out into the backyard barefoot, Nikhil held his arms out and so she tossed it at him) come join us for a game? 

Zoya - naa it’s too early for me I’ll just watch (Nikhil just laughed checking his watch before tossing the ball into the game, Zoya's frown deepened watching Asad still avoiding looking at her whilst simultaneously staring at her out of the corner of his eyes.  Zoya took a seat on one of the garden chairs and watched their game, more like fanned herself constantly for the next 15 minutes as she watched Asad sweat it out whilst running around that damn basketball court and Zoya felt parched.  The only thing she couldn’t understand is why he was avoiding her, which she was sure he was because she could see that annoyed look, raised eyebrow muscle jumping beneath his eye as he glared at her when she cheered on each one of his friends whenever they made a basket, but it was radio silence when he did.  Every time she’d look at him he’d jerk his head away and chase after that god damn ball again.  She heard one of the guys call “GAME” and she applauded still plagued by the same thoughts trying to think back to what could’ve gone wrong that had him acting like that.  She watched the guys do their weird bro-code handshake and half hugs before grabbing their stuff and heading out.  Zoya gulped nervously watching all the muscles clench and unclench in Asads back as he pulled his white wife beater back on and then grabbed his water bottle, downing half of his on his head before shaking his hair crazily making half the water fly onto Zoya’s face before slicking his hair back making Zoya’s mouth and throat suddenly even more parched if that was possible.  As Asad finished gulping down his water, he lifted his tank to wipe the sweat off his face still avoiding Zoya like the plague and that was when Zoya saw it, noticed it, the white bandage across his hand and then it all came crashing back to her.  Her mind jolted awake at about the same time as her soul, limbs, and every atom in her being did along with her heart which was on the verge of beating out of her chest as all that transpired and happened between them in the alleyway came crashing back to her, making heat rise in her cheeks.

Zoya - (thinking in her mind) Allah Miyan...yeh kya kardiya maine (gulping nervously and hotly as she pulled at her top, wasn’t in supposed to be winter in Kasauli? Why then was she suddenly burning as she watched him lazily dribble the ball around whilst answering a phone call) well...maine par aapne hone kaise diya?  Allah Miyan (shaking her head closing his eyes) no wonder Mr. Khan meri taraf dekh bhi nahin rahe woh toh yehi soch rahe honge na ke kaisi behaya aur badkirdaar ladki hai...kissi ke saath kuch bhi..(then she frowned, because that just wasn’t true) well not kissi ke saath...sirf Mr. Khan ke saath (and then her eyes widened) Mr. Khan! Teri Aapi ka devar hai woh Zoya...aggar Aapi ko pata chal gaya na ke kya chal raha hai tere aur Mr. Khan ke beech..ya tere iss gutter jaise dimaagh mein toh ek second nahin lagega unhe tumhe US waapis parcel karane mein...ya teri shaadi karane mein..aur tu? Kya ho kya jaata hai mujhe (speaking to herself) Mr. Khan ke kareeb jaate hue (pouted) kyun meri aankhon pe, meri soch pe mere dil pe sab pe ek patti si band jaati hai...kyun main kuch soch nahin paati kuch samajhna nahin chahti..kyun main kuch samajhna chahti hi nahin...sirf yeh...yeh jo kuch bhi hai hamare beech uske ehsaas mein beh jaana chahti hoon...kho dena chahti hoon khudko aur...kaisa ehsaas hai yeh? (She watched as Asad ended his call and turned back and immediately refrained from turning around Zoya’s heart broke immediately.  He couldn’t even look at her.  Asad had purposely delayed his phone call hoping Zoya had gotten bored and headed inside.  He just couldn’t bring himself to face her.  How could he? How could he get so drunk so as to fool around with his Bhabis sister? His best friends Sister? With...Zoya? God, what would she be thinking about him? He totally crossed the line.  How could he behave so inappropriately with her? If Bhai found out, If Ayaan found out..they both would court Marshall him straight out of Kasauli and the worst part was he deserved even worse.  Frustrated with himself and his lack of control each and every time he was alone with Zoya he furiously swung the ball against the walls encaging his mansion and property.  He was just gonna walk away and go in through the side door of the house that led straight to his room and hide in there till he could find it in himself to face Zoya, to find the words to explain himself and his actions to her, words that hopefully wouldn’t make him look like a complete pig.  It wasn’t like he could avoid her forever like he initially wanted to, they were supposed to be rehearsing for their performance at the IMA Arts festival, another great Idea by yours truly.  He couldn’t very well move to Bali which was his second Idea, he was running for Mayor of Kasauli, and then the last possible idea was to hide in his room till he could think of a better response but Zoya coming out here looking so adorable even with that bed head hair of hers, that he hadn’t anticipated.  He turned to make a beeline for his room when he came directly face to face with Zoya, staring him dead square in the eyes.  Her own eyes were slightly watery and Asad loathed himself in that moment.  He KNEW what she had been through..what kind of a monster- 

Zoya- Do you really think you can ignore me after what you did? (Asad stared at her stunned for all of 5 seconds, Damn..so much for ignoring her she was really going to make him clarify exactly what the hell he was on last night..the only problem was, he didn’t have the answer to her questions himself.  Hell, he didn’t have the answers to his own questions.  As he saw the tears in her eyes intensify he looked away unable to meet her eyes, ashamed..and that only accomplished exactly the opposite of what he wanted to accomplish.  She was left thinking he really was embarrassed by what happened between them because it happened with HER and little did she know that was the farthest thing from the truth) 

Asad - woh...(gulped, this was the first time Asad Ahmed Khan was stumped for words by a girl but damn what a girl to be stumped by) actually..woh- 

Zoya - aap ne yeh sab jaan boojke kiya haina? Kyunki..meri khushi toh aapse dekhi nahin jaati toh yeh aapka naya tareeka hai mujhe satane ka- 

Asad - (wait, what?..he frowned looking at her and took one step towards her to clarify but she took one back) look Ms. Farooqui w-

Zoya - oh don’t you Ms. Farooqui Me..just tell me did you or did you not hire these people to work early morning knowing how much it would annoy me? 

Asad - (still mumbling on not paying attention to what Zoya said) and I’m sorry but I can’t regret

Zoya - (her eyes widened as she heard the words she was more desperate to hear than anything she had ever wanted in life) (slightly breathless and taken aback) what? 

Asad - (seeing her reaction he realized he may have said the wrong thing and it made his heart beat out of control, and left him just as breathless) what? (and luckily for him Zoya was dazed enough to tell him anything and everything he wanted to hear) kis..kya..kya keh rahee hain aap? 

Zoya - (whispered) the construction (Asad’s eyes widened, he released the breath he didn’t even realize he was holding and used his thumb to wipe the sweat off his brow which had nothing with him playing basketball, he nearly smiled.  Hell, he could go about screaming like a lunatic through the streets of Kasauli right now, that’s how ecstatic he was.  Zoya wasn’t demanding an explanation for his transgressions last night (well at least not for now), he could’ve kissed her adorable but furious face right here right now but then he shook his head standing straight, For God’s sake Asad..pull it together.) 

Asad - (cleared his throat) come with me...

Zoya - huh? (Was he still drunk?) 

Asad - (rolled his eyes) come with me (and with one last lingering stare at her lips. not waiting for her he began walking away towards the house wanting to put as much distance between them as possible because he didn’t trust himself to not do something stupid and reckless like kiss her again if he continued staring into those beautiful soulful eyes of hers) 

Zoya - (muttered under her breath) Jahapanah (but she followed him inside nonetheless) 

As they walked through the hallway; 

Anwar - Hey Asad, your favourite Mayoral Candidate is holding press interviews in an hour- 

Asad - Can’t wait, get the popcorn going!  (Saying so he walked by whilst the last of Anwar's strawberries stopped midway to his mouth, and all the ladies laughed at him) 

Anwar - (muttered under his breath) Nawabzada (and just as Dilshad hoped to see and was waiting for with baited breath, Zoya walked by right behind Asad exactly 30 seconds later and she released the breath she hadn’t realized she was holding all along and began smiling like a goofy teenager in love herself) 

Continued in next post...

Edited by DailyDaisy - 4 years ago
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Anniversary 7 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 4 years ago

Great Hall: 

Zoya followed him inside the Great Hall which was lit up by sunlight shining through all its countless windows.  She followed Asad into the middle of the hall and stopped a little behind him.  He stood next to his piano and she stood a few feet away staring around clueless. 

Asad - (hit a few keys on his piano, playing a small but beautiful melody and even that was able to bring a serene smile on Zoya’s face.  She was convinced that Asads fingers held magic in them.   Once he finished playing the brief melody he turned around and gave her a small smile leaning back against his Piano after putting the cover down) do you remember one of the first things you did to majorly piss me off when you first moved in? 

Zoya - (stared at him skeptically and thought hard about it) Yikes, there’s so many (Asad narrowed his eyes at her nodding knowingly) hmm...ruining your cars? No actually that was before we knew each other I...stopped ruining your cars before I moved in....hmm, breaking other things around the house like your (and she couldn’t help but giggle) like your antique grandfather clock in the library (and a painful look graced Asads face remembering that unfortunate incident) or the time I broke your coffee machine (and then she doubled over laughing) 

Asad - yessssss...(his voice dripping with sarcasm) good times but think again.  (Zoya frowned) 

Zoya - why are you making me recount all this are you planning on using it against me...(gasped) DO YOU HAVE AAPI EAVESDROPPING ON US..I SWEAR TO GOD- AAPI! 

Asad - Would you just play along...your Aapis not eavesdropping I don’t cheat like you if I wanted her to know all your attempts at torturing me and drive me mad I’d tell her myself..(Zoya poked her tongue out at him) 

Zoya - (frowned) there's not much else I can think of that I’ve broken...hmm your cell phone- 

Asad - (muttered) okay this could take a while..its not something you broke...(shook his head) it has more to do with you deliberately not listening to me and going against everything and anything I told you to do or not to do...(eyed her out of the corner of his eyes) something which hasn’t changed much today (Zoya frowned at him) back then you had considerably difficulty refraining from leaving the house when I told you to...one rather famous incident was when-

Zoya - (gasped, her hands flying to her mouth) the HONEY SINGH CONCERT!  (Asad laughed nodding along to her over the top reaction, everything with Zoya was dramatic and he absolutely couldn’t get enough of it) OH MY GOD YOU INFURIATED ME SO MUCH THAT DAY!! 

Asad - Hey don’t push it okay...I’m still angry about that. 

Zoya - You were FURIOUS..I seriously thought your head would explode (and as she stared at Asad in dead seriousness, a 3 second silence spell stretched out between them before they both burst out laughing, unable to help themselves.) 

Asad - (wiped the tears from his eyes) I think I was more shocked then angry...it was the first time someone had down right disobeyed me and gone against what I had said- 

Zoya - (rolled her eyes) believe me..it was a few years too late 

Asad - (glared at her in annoyance and she shrugged, it was the truth, and the crazy thing was Asad agreed but he’d rather go to 100 honey Singh concerts then confess that to her) my point for bringing that up was...that was the night I realized how much importance Music held in not just mine...but both of our lives, I mean if you were willing to gamble so much just for a concert and then (bit his cheek as he remembered that look of pure amazement and awe on her face as she lost herself to the magic only music could transcend) seeing you enjoy yourself at the concert much to my chagrin I realized it wasn’t just my passion...it was (and then he gulped as his voice suddenly became a little hoarse and Zoya’s eyes which were boring into his weren’t making things any easier) our passion....It was you who brought back the soul to my music, you who made my guitar strings play to the beat of my fingers, you...made me realize the gift I had and how wrong it was for me to fight it in my hatred for the world.  There’s too much hate in this world, and music..

Zoya - (whispered) holds the power to replace hate with love (both their hearts stopped beating for a second realizing that is exactly what had happened between them, it was music, singing and dancing together, somehow they had fallen in love) 

Asad - (nodded) you allowed me to realize there was more than one way to live my dream..even if I didn’t go to IMA and get a record label to sign with. It didn’t mean my gift had been taken away from me, no one could (shrugged) no one can...my music is mine and I can do whatever I want with it...I just had to see a new dream..(smiled) and in that new dream my music is for myself...(Zoya smiled nodding at him) 

Zoya - and I’m so proud of you for that (and that made Asad smile too) 

Asad - but...it also means I needed to return the favour (Zoya raised an eyebrow confused) you made me realize my dream...I needed to make sure you realized yours and (rolled his eyes as he came up to her and slightly turned her around hitting a button on some small remote he was holding) didn’t sleep on it (Zoya elbowed him in the stomach playfully before she gasped startled and jumped nearly 10 feet in the air making Asad double over chuckling, whilst Zoya watched astonished as one of the smaller walls in the Great Hall began sliding away to one side, the noise of it making her jump and as the wall slid Zoya’s heart nearly slowed to a complete stop with each second as she realized what he had done.  She watched frozen, absolutely numb as the glass panels came into view along the opposite side in which she saw Asad smiling at her as he came and stood behind her.)

Asad - (smiled, whispering) your own very own dance studio...I know (giving her a bittersweet smile) I know after what happened you don’t like going to IMA as much and so you don’t get to use the dance studio and work on your dancing as much as you want to...as much as you should..so (shrugged) now you don’t have a reason to not chase after your dream with the immeasurable (his voice hoarse again as his gaze remained fixated on her lips in the mirrors ahead) passion and want I know you have in you...it’s a big part of who you are and you aren’t allowed to let it go.  Not for anyone.  Not even for yourself.  Here, you can use this space for whatever you want...dancing, choreographing, hosting dance classes (shrugged) whatever it is dancing careers offer (and Zoya couldn’t help but laugh, god he was such a dork looking so adorably confused..and although he made Zoya cry, her laugh, as always managed to bring a smile on hos face)  I don’t want to see you wasting away your life hiding out at the cafe...too mad at the world to live your dream...I tried that and it just about destroyed me and I (raised his hand from behind and using the mirror as a guide wiped away the tears fast streaming down her cheek and Zoya watched him do so, all it achieved though was make even more tears follow in their path.  Zoya was sure in all her life, she had never lived no moment as gentle, as pure and as honest as this one.) I told you...there was a girl I saw once, dancing her heart away in the rain....and the sight brought me back to life...(smiled at her in the mirror) enough to make me want to dance in the rain myself (Zoya couldn’t help but chuckle herself right along with him, but the next second her smile vanished again as he brought forth a snow globe from behind his back, a snow globe of a dancing girl) and so...for the rest of time, ...you, are not allowed to stop dancing (he gave the snow globe a little shake and the sweetest melody sounded from it and Zoya lost it, lost herself and turning around she crashed, jumped and burned the 3 step distance between them right into his arms and broke down completely, shaking against him, breaking Asads heart.  He held her with all the fierceness inside of him and let her cry it out, but several minutes later she was yet to stop crying no matter how much tighter his hold got on her, no matter how many times he stroked her hair or tried to soothe her, he couldn’t lessen her tears, not today.  She was touched beyond words could explain.  Never had she fathomed ANYONE let alone Asad to do something so pure, so kind, so selfless for her.  In the end he knew the only way to get her to calm down a bit would be what worked best between them) 

Asad - (whispered) by the way, I did deliberately make sure the workers came in the morning (and that did the trick, although her hold around him tightened, she did chuckle through her tears and that chuckle brought the most endearing smile unto Asads face)


10 Minutes Later: 

Zoya was doing the most monotone and deadpan dance to “baby shark” whilst Asad sat behind her on the piano bench just staring at her in bewilderment.  Zoya watched his eyebrow raise higher and higher in the mirror as he tried to figure out what sort of species she truly belonged to.  Eventually Zoya couldn’t take it and she too burst out laughing.

Zoya - GOD how hard could it be to find one song- 

Asad - you mean THE song because I recommended multiple songs to you but apparently none of them were good enough for her highness (rolling his eyes at her and Zoya rolled them right back staring at him in the mirror) 

Zoya - Mr. Khan..this performance it’s like the highlight of my non-existent dancing career...for me it’s like a make it or break it kind of deal so it’s not just A song it IS THE song...it has to be perfect.

Asad - Yea well this performance of yours is going live in 36 hours so you don’t have the luxury of being picky right now 

Zoya - (stretching) not helping...

Asad - (pinched his forehead) what...what kind of song ARE you looking for, I mean what is a perfect song according to you...what would it take for a song to become THE song? 

Zoya - (stared at him in the mirror, thinking long and hard about it before she looked up in the mirror and made eye contact with him and Asad could see how earnest she was, through her eyes) I don’t know...(but she clarified before Asads mouths which had hung open could touch the floor) but I do know I’ll know it the minute I hear it which is why (hit next on her smartwatch and the song on her bluetooth forwarded) I’m going through my library trying to find the song...(Asad stood up from the piano bench he was sitting on and Zoya watched him tuck his hands into his pockets as he stared at her in the mirror) minute I hear it, I’ll know in my heart it’s the one I want us dancing to (Asad subconsciously for no reason at all took a step towards her) because (and as he took another step she turned around, leaning her back against the mirrors of the dance studio whilst her eyes meshed with his, for some reason Zoya’s voice dropped to a whisper, she didn’t know why she all of a sudden couldn’t say the words aloud.  Perhaps it was the look in his eyes, the mere intensity of it) just thinking about it, will give me goosebumps. (Asad stopped a few feet away from her and just stared at her as she leaned back against the mirrored wall panting for air, a soft gasp escaped her as she watched his eyes take a slow leisurely stroll down the length of her body before roaming back up and fixating on her eyes and Zoya watched them grow darker as she arched her back off the mirrored wall.  He looked away as she bit on her bottom lip watching his eyes grow darker before she completely peeled her body off the wall and stepped up to him suddenly not liking the distance between them) 

Zoya - (a mischievous look in her eyes) but in the meantime...that doesn’t mean we can’t have fun whilst trying to find the song (smiling as she flicked his forehead playfully she twirled around him giggling slightly, the blaring music in the great hall, the prospect of dancing her heart away with no fear and no barriers, with ASAD, being near him...thinking about what he did for her, and the euphoria of falling in love for the first time had her heart soaring and her giggles reverberating off the walls of the great hall in the Khan mansion) let’s see if you can keep up Mr. Khan 

Main Tere Jhasein Mein Naa Aaonge O Re Divane Ja Kyon, Aisi Waisi Bana Ke Baatein Mujhe Naa Too Uljha Re(Asad turned towards her with a raised eyebrow and she danced away from him winking) 

Asad - (shook his head as he danced towards her too, for the first time in forever, not even fighting what was between them or the forewarnings of his mind at all, simply just giving in and letting his heart rule his mind) I could do this forever...

Lut Jaonga Mitt Jaonga Dil Tera Jeetke Dikhlaunga Pichha Naa Chhodunga Chahey Jitna Tadpa(Zoya’s giggles once again echoed all over the great hall as both she and Asad danced side by side, watching each other through the mirror and all they could both think was, this looked right, felt right, WAS more right than anything they had ever known) 
Dil Duba Dil Duba Nili Aankhon Mein Yeh Dil Duba Mehbooba Mehbooba Bas Yeh Janle Mehbooba Aashiq Hoon Deewana Hoon, Tere Liye Kuchh Bhi Kar Jaonga Ishq Mein Tere Jeeta Hoon, Tere Liye Hi Mar Jaonga(Zoya’s giggles escalated as both she and Asad dabbed simultaneously to the final beat and they further escalated as she saw the sweetest of smiles on Asads face before he tried turning away from her) 

Zoya - (grabbed his hand just as he was about to walk away) oh no you don’t (Asad looked towards her confused and she smiled wide and bright) I’m just getting started (and with that she hit the next button on her library, waggling her eyebrows at Asad who pretended to be annoyed by rolling his eyes but he forgot Zoya now knew him better than she knew her own soul, and that little dimpled smile he was trying to fight away told her that he was enjoying this playfulness just as much as her, and lord knows Asad just needed to loosen up and let go for once.  He needed to learn he couldn’t always be in control, and maybe it wasn’t true before but there was no bigger truth of Asads life than the fact that since Zoya Farooqui had barrelled and danced her way into it uninvited and unannounced he was no longer in control.) 

(Asad had one hand behind his back, whilst using the other one to twirl Zoya around and around himself) Ho Aankho Aankho Me, Ho Baato Baato Me(he then twirled her away from him to one side) Ho Le Gaya KoiHo De Gaya Koi(and back into his chest but then out the other side) (and then he playfully tugged on her hand each time the word “ishq” was sung making Zoya giggle as he pulled her into himself again, and this time Asad had to look down to hide his smile whilst Zoya teasingly tried to touch it ducking her head beneath him) 
Salaam-E- Ishq Ishq Ishq Salaam-E-Ishq(but that made his smile only grow bigger and just as Zoya was about to get to fulfill the biggest dream of her life since she met him, touch that adorably sexy dimple of his Asad managed to take advantage of her distraction and walk away.  Zoya bent over laughing hitting next on her watch. Asad stopped in his tracks towards the exit of the hall, Zoya’s gasp stopped him and turning around he see her dancing her heart out) 

Because I've had the time of my life No, I never felt this way before

Zoya - (still dancing, whilst Asad just watched her in her element with the softest of gazes, she was truly divine when she danced) I’ve ALWAYS wanted to dance this choreography, that one lift in the end- Yes I swear it's the truth And I owe it all to you

Asad - (absentmindedly) I know (Zoya raised an eyebrow at him in the mirror and he rolled his eyes) I mean I don’t live under a rock 

Zoya - could’ve fooled me (and then she pursed her lips together to stop herself from laughing as he narrowed his eyes at her in the mirror, but she tossed her hair aside haughtily continuing to dance her heart out) Cause I've had the time of my life
And I've searched through every open door (never felt this way)

Asad - (before he could even think this through he found the words escaping his lips) Zoya (Zoya looked up at him through the mirror and saw him signal her towards him, beckoning her towards him with his hand and she didn’t understand what he was saying.  She turned around confused and saw Asad step back to put more distance between them and then roll his sleeves up and Zoya gasped dumbfounded and shocked) 

Zoya - (suddenly breathless) are you serious? (Asad just shrugged in response trying to fight back a smile again which only grew as he heard her shrieking with joy jumping on the spot.  She couldn’t believe this day, she honestly felt like she was floating on a cloud or in her own personal heaven.  She had never felt more whole, happier or more loved in her life.  So, without wasting another second to fulfill another one of her crazy dreams she took a few steps back and then ran at him without a shadow of fear or doubt in her heart. & then she felt it, her arms to her side, herself being lifted in the air, she was physically living what she had felt like all morning, like she was a soaring dove, and it was all due to the precious man who had literally lifted her up whilst the world had tried to cut her wings preventing her from flying and to this very second continued doing the same.) Till I found the truth And I owe it all to youI had the time of my life (Zoya opened her eyes which were filled with tears and her eyes meshed with the most beautiful eyes she had ever seen staring right back into hers with for once, all the life and all the love they desired, they craved and they offered shining bright in them as he slowly brought her back down to her feet, her hair falling all over his face as he did.  It was his hand which hit the watch by mistake and the song changed just as Asad gripped Zoya’s hand tighter after settling her on the floor, just not quite ready to let her go, and the two just stood there in the brightly lit great hall, staring into each other’s eyes, and the truth was there is nothing either of them would rather do...

There now, steady love, so few come and don't go Will you won't you, be the one I always know? (Neither of them realized when they had begun swaying slowly holding each other, Both their hands tightly enclosed together against his chest, their eyes meshed together) 

When I'm losing my control, the city spins around You're the only one who knows, you slow it down(both of them gasped to steady their breaths, closed their eyes simply relishing this moment as their foreheads leaned forward joining together and they breathed in together, breathed in the feeling, the moment, the magic) 

Oh, oh Oh, oh Be my baby Oh, oh Oh, oh Oh, oh Be my baby I'll look after you And I'll look after you (But the purity of the moment was disrupted from sudden screams, howling and almost maniac laughter coming from somewhere around the house startling Asad and Zoya and breaking them from dreaming and falling recklessly and without control in a world of their own, staring perplexed at each other they both immediately sprung for the door.  The screaming seemed to be coming from the family room, so they dashed in worried out of their minds.  Upon entering they saw Dilshad and Zeenat sitting quite unhappily staring at the TV, some would even say they were angry, Anwar wasn’t trying to hide his anger and was screaming back at the TV, Malik was shaking his head at it but Ayaan, he was on the ground howling with laughter listening to Ghaffur in his political interview) 

Ghaffur - yeh aapko kissi kissam ka mazaaq lagta hai? Kasauli ke logon ki zindagi unki zarooratein unki zimedari yeh sab...yeh sab koi khel hai? Jo koi bhi uthke kahe ke bhai innhone apni zindagi aapke liye kurbaan kar di par ab meri baari hai try karne ki? Kya experience hai Asad Ahmed Khan ko politics ka, kya qualifications hai uski? Kya jaanta hai woh Kasauli ke logon ke haalat unki takleefon ke baare mein? Woh ek corrupt aadmi hai jisse sirf paison ka lalach hai aur hamari barabari karne ki zid aur kuch nahin.  He is a spoilt, entitled criminal if you ask me.  Koi poochta kyun nahin hai usse uski qualifications ka? Haan? According to him uske ghar mein do waqt ki roti naseeb nahin hoti thi usse london ki ticket aur london ki degree afford kar sakta hai woh? Koi poochta kyun nahin hai woh paisa kahan se ayaa? Uska makaan, business bank balance kahan se aaya yeh sab? Poochna chahiye humme...yeh Kasauli ke logon ka haq hai ke woh apne huqmaran se aise savaal karrein...aur aggar Asad Ahmed Khan jaise sadak chaap ghunde inn baaton ke savaal nahin de sakte toh unhe koi haq nahin hai Kasauli ke logon ki zindagi ke saath khelne ka, aap apne kaam se kaam rakhiye aur unn logon ko yeh zimdaari uthane dijiye jinke liye Kasauli ke log unke apni family jaise hain jinhone sadiyon se yahan ke logon ke liye apne haath hamesha philaye hain...issi liye toh yahan ke log humme itni mohabbat aur izzat se nawazte hain...aap khud aake dekhiyega hamari aajki public rally mein-

Asad - (speaking through gritted teeth) Ayaan.  When’s his public rally scheduled for? 

Ayaan - I think an hour- (but before he could say another word Asad shot out of there like a bat out of hell, leaving Dilshad calling after him worriedly and Ayaan hooting approvingly) THATS MA MAN!!! (But Zoya who had thus far not been listening to what Ghafoor Siddique had to say since she realized he was pretty much bashing Asad had her eyes and ears set on Asad’s face and she had seen the anger slowly building inside of him until now when he ran out of here when it reached the point of exploding. 

and Zoya’s heart stopped beating about the same time as she saw him storm out of there for she could tell the way his eyes were unfocused and unhinged, his jaw was set tight with a nerve beating wildly in there and his fists clenched, he wanted to do some serious damage and Zoya knew how wild and untamed Asad could be when angry.  He was unpredictable and impossible to restrain.) 

Dilshad - (shook her head) kahin maine Asad ko iss sab mein daalke koi ghalati toh nahin kardi? Itni mehnat se mere bache ne apna naam banaya hai, izzat kamayee hai iss shehr mein aur yeh log toh uska naam mitti mein milane mein lagge hain-

Malik - (sighed shaking his head) welcome to politics- 

Anwar - politics my foot.  Ek taraf apni beti ki shaadi karwaane ke liye ussi Asad ke aage peeche haath phalaye ghoomte hain aur doosri taraf - (shook his head) 

Zoya - (frowned, as she tried to speak whilst struggling to catch her breath and calm her raging heartbeats in fear of Asads safety and life, there was no telling what that boy could do when he was consumed with rage) wait...what does he have to do with Anaya Bhabi? Is that...Is (and then she stared at Dilshad wide eyed and perplexed, was Asad running opposite his father) Mr. Khan’s father....



Ghafoor - (his obnoxious voice still booming towards the TV) a thief, rowdy street thug, a drunk, these are still some of the more speak-able characteristics of Asad Ahmed Khan...there are things about him that cannot be spoken on a public family platform..KYA AAP CHAHTE HAIN AISA LEADER? Jisse kissi ki zindagi ki qadar nahin hai, barre chote ka lihaaz nahin hai...kissi ki maan behen ki izzat- (and Azlan couldn’t take it no more he slammed the button on the TV remote turning Ghafoor’s nonsense off before kicking the sofa angrily)

Zain - I swear...it’s like this family invented the word Hypocrite.  (Javed, Maya, Salman Salma Rashid all shook their heads disappointedly) 

Javed - Ghafoor Bhai ko kuch toh sochna chahiye tha, abhi kuch hi dinnon mein hum Anaya ki engagement announce kareinge log bhi toh socheinge savaal uthayenge ke publicly hum Asad ko itna burra bhala keh rahe hain aur privately hamari families ka ek doosre ke ghar aana jaana hai (Azlan narrowed his eyes at him) 

Azlan - aana jaana nahin aana jaana ab shuru HOGA....well at least hona THA unless he just shot it all to hell with all he kind words he had to say about Asad.  The man who just after EVERYTHING said and done to him by this family was willing to set it aside and let us into his house for the happiness of this houses daughter and what does he do at the first chance given to him...goes and insults him? 

Salman - woh sab toh phir door ki baatein hain...usse kamaz kam yeh toh sochna chahiye tha ke Asad hai toh issi ghar ka beta na, hamara khoon- 

Azlan - (scoffed) I’m sorry Baba par aise khoon se behtar toh 100 dushman honge, I swear aisa lagta hai humne kasam khayee hai Asad lo takleef pauhanchane ki, like we get a high off of it 

Maya - sahee keh rahe ho, hamare liye toh usse Aankhein milaana already itna mushkil hai aur ab iss sabke baad shaadi ke dauran toh- 

Rashid - (sighed) uske karzon ke neeche dabbe hamari aankhein utth hi nahin payengi- 

Azlan - (staring into the distance unfocused as he remembered the drunken state he had seen Asad in this morning) Aapi ki shaadi ke liye Haseen Bi ki yeh shirt maana, humpe yeh ehsaan karna yeh usse har pal andar hi andar kaat raha hai kitni takleef pauncha raha hai yeh hum mein se koi nahin samajh sakta aur phir bhi- 

Maya - Azlan aaj...aaj Asad aur Anaya ki performance hai na at Asha’s tum kyun nahin wahan jaake Asad se baat karte usse clarify karro ke hum sab aisa kuch nahin sochte uske baarein mein naa hi hum Ghafoor Bhai se agree karte hain aur nahi humme iss sabke baare mein pata tha ke Ghafoor Bhai yeh kehne waale hain warna hum- 

Azlan - (closed his eyes shaking his head) I tried Bari Ma, par main uss ki aankhon mein woh takleef nahin dekh sakhta jo main jaanta hoon hamare saath ek chat ke neeche hone se usko pauhancti hai, uss din ke baarein mein sochke hi uska yeh haal hai-

Rashid - (frowned) yeh haal? Kya matlab kuch hua hai kya? (Rushing to his feet) tum Asad se mille the, kahan kaise, kab? Kaisa hai woh tumne dekha usse...theek hai woh- 

Anaya - (running into the room) Azlan Azlan Azlan...(and she came crashing into his chest hugging him tight, squealing with happiness) GUESS WHAT!! Arsalan ka phone ayaa tha, woh log shaadi ke dates final kar rahe hain!! Sometime around the beginning of January kyunki Arsalan ko January ke end se pehle states jaana hai...and guess what Arsalan said aane waale dinon mein woh hamare ghar aayenge formally rishta leke aur shaadi ke dates final karne aur uske fauran baad woh engagement announce kardeinge! I’m so excited, nervous and happy at the same time Azlaaaaan I don’t know what to do (and Azlan closed his eyes as he felt her hug him tighter and all other family members looked away too, knowing none of them would be doing anything about this whole situation after hearing what they had been thirsting to hear for years, since Anaya’s accident, that she was truly happy, and now that she was, none of them had the slightest of courage to jeopardize that even if that rendered them a bunch of selfish, cruel cowards and hypocrites.  She was worth it.) 


Khan Mansion: 

Zeenat’s eyes filled with tears as she stared at the glass mirrors in the great hall in which she saw Zoya behind her smiling wide back at her, her arms wrapped tightly around her in a hug from behind. 

Zeenat - (whispered) your own dance studio, just like you always wanted (Zoya nodded smiling slightly shyly and biting her lip as her hues turned a deep shade of pink) 

Zoya - Mr. Khan had it built for me...

Anwar - Mr. Khan huh? (Cracked his knuckles) well we’ll just see about that won’t we

Zoya - (laughed) what? 

Zeenat - (rolled her eyes) ignore him, he’s been asking Asad to cut the great hall in half and let him build a squash court in here 

Ayaan - true story...I’ve also asked him to let me have the hall to franchise Rogue (shook his head) but no deal...(a knowing smile on his face) guess we don’t have what it takes for Asad Ahmed Khan to chop down the walls of his precious mansion (and whispered conspiringly to Dilshad) and heart for us (Dilshad giggled back at him but once everyone turned and stared at them weirdly they immediately sobered up) 

Ayaan - I’m hungry..

Dilshad - ch mera bacha (stroking his hair) ao main lunch lagwati hoon...

Anwar - speaking of, I’m suddenly starved too (rubbing his stomach) 

Malik - you sure Zeenat isn’t starving you in Delhi? (Eyeing him with a raised eyebrow as he patted Zoya’s face lovingly whilst stepping out) 

Dilshad - (cupped Zoya’s face after placing a kiss on her forehead) jeeti raho...khush raho, and most importantly I guess as Asad has said (staring around the great hall) dance karti raho (Zoya and Zeenat laughed before Dilshad followed the three men out to fill their huge bellies, and then Zeenat couldn’t help but laugh as the first of her tears fell) 

Zoya - Aapi...come on, I’m pretty sure Mr. Khan ne yeh dance studio iss liye nahin banaya ke aap isse dekh ke rona shuru kardein...I’m sure at this rate itni mehnat nahin karni parti aapko rulane ke liye aapne toh jaise taps hi fit karalin hain apni aankhon ke peeche-

Zeenat - (shook her head wiping her tears) yeh dukh ke nahin Zoya...khushi ke aanson hain.  Asad ko shayad (staring at the mirrors) pata bhi nahin hai ussne kitna sweet aur bara gesture kiya hai tumhare liye...(shook her head) I know how long you’ve wanted this...(Zoya nodded and Zeenat could see the happiness shining through her eyes and she stroked her hair, feeling content and relaxed about Zoya for the first time in what felt like forever) and I know how much I’ve wanted this for you (Zoya turned towards her) your happiness...a home, a family.  You know the situation and foster homes I grew up in, I’ve always wanted a stable home and a stable family..I’ve told you that.  But when you were brought to that foster home, I vowed that no matter what happens you wouldn’t live through the hell I had to live through..and since then I’ve wanted all that for you..more than I’ve wanted it for myself.  

Zoya - (nodded through teary eyes) mujhe pata hai...

Zeenat - and today for the first time I feel at ease...it’s like I’ve finally found you the family and home I’ve always dreamt for you 

Zoya - (nodded as a tear fell from her eyes) it’s true Aapi...iss ghar mein (staring all around the great hall) even though mera iss ghar se koi direct rishta nahin hai...par phir bhi mujhe yeh ghar uss ghar se zyaada apna lagta hai jahan mujhe beti ka darja diya gaya tha...iss ghar se mujhe jitni apniyat jitna (staring into the mirrors of her dance studio) pyaar milla hai...(shook her head) aaj se pehle kahin nahin milla...it’s like these walls hold some kind of magic, ever since I’ve come into this house...I feel the cracks in the walls of my own heart healing...

Zeenat - (nodded) and it shows too.  I know Faizan meant the world to you Zoya, his importance, his value his place in your life cannot be put in words and cannot be filled by anyone ever again.  I know you’ll carry him with you in your heart for the rest of your life just like I will.  But for the first time, I’m unable to see his ghost lingering in your eyes, haunting you...(Zoya closed her eyes as she felt her heart crushing under the weight of Faizan’s memory) and trust me tonight for the first time since his death, I’ll be able to sleep peacefully (and that did it, Zoya burst into tears and crashed against Zeenat in a hug.  Zeenat chuckled through her own tears, as she stroked her hair hugging her back just as fiercely)

Zeenat - meri jaan.  

Zoya - I love you Aapi, and I love Faizan Jeeju.  I miss him. 

Zeenat - I miss him too.  I’ll especially miss him tomorrow when your gonna take the world by storm with your performance...he was always your biggest fan, and I’m just sorry he won’t be here to see you live your dream and his dream for you. 

Zoya - (sniffled) me too... 

Zeenat - (smiled through her tears, finding the rare chance to get an upper hand on Zoya) ch...come on now Zoya, I’m pretty sure Asad ne yeh dance studio iss liye nahin banaya ke tum isse dekh ke rona shuru kardo...I’m sure at this rate itni mehnat nahin karni parti tumhe rulane ke liye tumne toh jaise taps hi fit karalin hain apni aankhon ke peeche- 

Zoya - (moved back wiping her tears) ha ha

Zeenat - (chuckled taking over and wiping her tears for her) see, now you know why “he’s my precious devar” (staring all around at the dance studio) he truly is something special....

Zoya - (stared at the mirrors too, whispering under her breath absentmindedly, without a shadows doubt or a seconds delay agreeing with the absolute truth) that he is (she gingerly touched the mirror and a small smile grew on her face as she remembered dancing with him in here earlier, living one of her biggest dreams with him of dancing the “dirty dancing” choreography, the smiles, the touches and she felt her heart ache as she realized she missed the fool already.  However, the next second dejavu hit her as she heard loud noises, boisterous laughter and hooting and cheering coming from the family room again and both Zeenat and Zoya made a mad dash towards it, Zoya leaving Zeenat several feet behind in her hoping and praying and needing to know that Asad was alright.  However, what she saw on TV next, well there really was no way to describe it) 


Kaun bola mujhse naa ho payega?

Kaun bola, Kaun bola?

Apna Time Aayega!

Zoya - Is that.....Mr. Khan? (Zoya, Dilshad and Zeenat watched dumbfounded and shell shocked at what was unfolding on Live TV.  Asad had not only gate crashed yet another one of Ghafoor’s public rally’s but like always he had done it in style and a swagger of his own.  He calmly and very casually took almost a leisure stroll into the middle of the rally pushing and parting his way through with the help of 5 guys who were surrounding him from all sides holding long sticks for weapons for his protection and the protection of all civilians present at the rally, to move them apart.  Once in the middle of the rally and once they had managed to clear the crowd from all four sides so Ghafoor and all the media had clear sight of them did Asad raise the mic to his face smiling a lazy but daring smile at Ghafoor whose words died mid-sentence on his lips and his angry arm that he had raised to point fingers and throw accusations hung limply in mid-air, whilst Asad had everyones attention.  All eyes were on him, the entire media was covering him, and all waited with bated breath to hear what he had to say, which was a lot.  After he said the first few lines a small trailer rolled up behind him with his band as usual riding in the pick-up of it and 10 additional friends of his jumped off the sides of it joining him from behind, whilst his 5 friends from earlier stood guard on the side.  All of them were dressed in head to toe black, black cargos, black t-shirts and black combat boots.  His friends all had black paint smeared across their face and black bandannas on their forehead to conceal their identity but not Asad.  He wanted Ghafoor to be able to see him, as he stole the elections from beneath his nose without doing anything at all.  What Ghafoor didn’t realize was he was the one who was putting the election in Asads favour all Asad had to do was pick the time and place to give him a befitting reply, and right now couldn’t be a more perfect opportunity.  Besides, Asad was bored and had a day off work anyways.  As his band dropped the beat, the 10 friends of his who had pulled up broke into a well-rehearsed angry flash mob, involving a lot of point making via angry chest and feet thumping, demanding rights and answers on behalf of the people of Kasauli, Asad on the other hand had a lot to say) 

Asad - (facing the people of Kasauli, he pulled the mic up against his lips as he rapped the first of the motto’s he wanted to base his elections on, what he wanted the people, HIS people of Kasauli to feel, to know, to do.  Ghafoor stared on seething whilst Asad’s friends ensured none of his security officers could do anything about it)  Uth ja apni raakh se Tu udd ja ab talaash mein Parwaaz dekh parwaane ki Aasmaan bhi sar uthayega Aayega, apna time aayega(not surprisingly he found all individuals of Kasauli (except a few of the highly rigid old members) present at that pep rally smiling and nodding their heads along with him in agreement to everything he sang) 

(Pointing and staring straight at Ghaffur, eye to eye, as he too in beat and in sync to the dancers behind him stomped his feet when they did, in demand for justice to prevail) Mere jaisa shaana lala Tujhe na mil paayegaYe shabdo ka jwaala Meri bediyan pighlaayega Jitna tune boya haiTu utna hi toh khaayega Aisa mera khwaab hai Jo dar ko bhi sataayega Zinda mera khwab Ab kaise tu dafnayega 

(Stepping up against the side of the truck he ran up against it and onto the roof of it, earning a loud roar and applause of approval from the crowd where especially the youth of Kasauli could lay down their lives for him if he asked, their idol, their mentor, they couldn’t get enough of him)

(The roars only seemed to increase as he sang the next few words because it raised a passion, a determination, a fierceness and strength so deep all of Kasauli could feel coursing through their veins as much as he could every minute of every day, to take back their city, their home, their lives from decades of tyranny, tragedy and destruction.  In response 94% of the individuals there all of whom seemed to agree with him, including the media members were stomping their feet in agreement and chanting along with him, making the blood drain from Ghafoor’s face) 

Asad - Ab hausle se jeene de Ab khauf nahi hai seene mein Har raaste ko cheerenge

Hum kaamyabi cheenenge Sab kuch mila paseene se Matlab bana ab jeene mein

Kyun?(and then Asad pumped one fist in the air with his mic, looking down at the people of Kasauli, trying to catch his breath and immediately everything came for a standstill, making everyone wait in anticipation for his next word, move, action)  

Kyunki apna time aayega Tu nanga hi toh aaya hai Kya ghanta lekar jaayega!! 

(Singing those words he jumped off the roof of the trailer straight amidst his friends and joined them in their well-rehearsed but spontaneous flash mob, and the uproar that resonated through the town square as Asad sang those words chilled Ghafoor to his bones, his entire body shuddered as goosebumps erupted all over him seeing the support, the love, the adoration the people had for Asad Ahmed Khan.  Ghafoor Siddique was mistaken if he believed he could just roll through this town in his limo years after abandoning the people of Kasauli and leaving them to fend for themselves and all would be forgiven, that people would fall in the feet of the Nawab Family as they once did.  Make no mistake, this was Asad Ahmed Khan’s town now and he was gonna make sure every last soul in not just Kasauli, but the world knew it.) 

Asad - (chest thumping and feet stomping as he sang the words, his mantra which he had grown up HAVING to believe in, along with his friends who unfortunately suffered a fate not much different than Asads and believed the same) Apna time aayega Apna time aayega Apna time aayega Tu nanga hi toh aaya hai Kya ghanta lekar jaayega

Apna time aayega Apna time aayegaApna time aayega Tu nanga hi toh aaya hai

Kya ghanta lekar…

(and then there was just one personal vendetta he needed to go face to face with Ghafoor so HE and the rest of his haveli folk understood it loud and clear once and for all.  Ghafoor had been harping on about this day and night in his press meets, public rally’s, interviews etc., but all Asad needed were 40 seconds and Ghafoor’s own podium for a bit.  Mouths fell open in shock including his own family’s and Ghafoor’s families who were watching from home as in one swift movement with the greatest of ease, style and grace he jumped onto the stage and used Ghafoor’s OWN mic, staring him head on in the eye as he sang the next few words facing him with about a feets distance between them, sweeping the elections from beneath Ghafoor’s face and Ghafoor had NO choice but to watch him do it.) 

Asad - Kisi ka haath nahi tha sar parYahan par aaya khudki mehnat se mainJitni taakat kismat mein nahiUtni rehmat mein haiPhir bhi ladka sehmat nahi haiKyunki hairat nahi haiZaroorat yahan marzi ki aur zurrat ki hai

(and then he removed the mic from the stand and amidst loud cheers of approval, he spun around Ghafoor around and around, getting all up in his face till Ghafoor was positively steaming and red in the face with rage ensuring he got the message loud and clear.) Taakat ki hai, aafat ki, himaakat ki, Ibadat ki Adalat yeh hai chaahat kiMohabbat ki, amaanat kiJeetne ki ab aadat ki Yeh shohrat ki, ab laalach nahi hai Tere bhai jaisa koi hard’ich nahi haiIss harkat ne hi barkat di haiKyun?(and again, he stopped pumping his fist in the air for silence and silence and stillness is what he got, in that moment it was just Asad face to face with the master of the pain, oppression and suffering Asad had to face throughout his life, and now Asad wanted him to know loud and clear.  A slow lazy smile grew on Asads face as he walked away backwards from Ghafoor smiling at him nonetheless) Kyunki apna time aayegaTu nanga hi toh aaya haiKya ghanta lekar jaayega(Mic Drop.) 

(He jumped off the stage and walked away without looking back at the fire, rage and vengeance he left behind in his wake.  The People of Kasauli joined his friends in their chest thumping and feet stomping demand for justice, whilst Asad walked away calmly like a boss.  

Chants - Apna time aayegaApna time aayega Apna time aayegaTu nanga hi toh aaya hai Kya ghanta lekar…Apna time aayega! Apna time aayega!Apna time aayega! Tu nanga hi toh aaya hai

(and as he neared his trailer as always there was a puff of smoke and he had vanished like a ghost.  All around town many individuals watching from home were only able to let go of the breath they had been holding precisely after he had vanished from the scene, including Asads own family) 

Dilshad - (shaking her head as Zeenat fetched her a glass of water and rubbed her shoulders for Dilshad was shaking like a leaf) yeh ladka bhi na...

Anwar - DAYUM I don’t think I’ve ever been prouder of my baby brother (Even Zeenats glare seeing how shaken up Dilshad was couldn’t get him to shut up today though.  Ayaan could barely sit still that’s how pumped up he was, he would punch the sofa and scream with delight every few seconds)

Zoya - (holding her heart willing it to calm down, still staring at the TV unable to believe what she had witnessed, she still couldn’t catch her breath) damn, Mr. Khan is a badass. 

Malik - (whispered under his breath as he calmly shook his head at the TV whilst tossing back some popcorn) you don’t even know the half of it.  

Continued in next post...

Edited by DailyDaisy - 4 years ago
DailyDaisy thumbnail
Anniversary 7 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 4 years ago


The doors to the Haveli shook on their hinges as a furious and enraged threw them open storming inside.  Razia immediately rushed to him with a glass of water

Ghafoor - ASAD AHMED KHAN!! USS DO TAKKE KE LADKE KI ITNI HIMMAT!! ITNI JURRAT KE USSNE HUMSE GHAFOOR SIDDIQUE SE AANKH MILAKE BAAT KI!! HUM USSE BARBAAD KARDEINGE!!!  BARBAAD KARDEINGE USSE (tossing aside the glass of water Razia was trying to hand to him) woh jaanta nahin hai ussne kisse dushmani li hai..(trembling with rage) (meanwhile Azlan sat as calmly as ever as if nothing had happened scrolling through the TV channels leisurely.  He wanted nothing more than to laugh at the actions of his little brother, the devil sure knew how to rile people enough to get blinded enough in their own fury and unintentionally without even realizing it constructing their own downfall.  He could be least bothered by the nervous and scared glances of all his family elders as they heard Ghafoor shouting in the foyer, they all stared at him apprehensively when HE for once chose not to respond back at all.  Upstairs the girls who were leaning over the Barrister however were now even more nervous and apprehensive hearing Ghafoor scream like that) 

Anaya - Shit, ab kya hoga? Maamoo toh itne ghusse mein hain, ab woh mujhe kabhi nahin jaane deinge Asha’s..woh bhi Asad ke saath gaane NEVER-

Kajol - (angrily whispering) NO WAY...you HAVE TO GO Jeeju aapko subah se dekhne ke intezaar mein baithe hain...subah se 20 baar phone kar chukke hain you can’t cancel now..

Anaya - Haan par ab humme ijazat KABHI nahin millegi- 

Naina - you know...a little lie never hurt anyone? (Kajol and Anaya stared at her like she had grown two heads suddenly) 

Kajol - really? Yeh tum keh rahee ho? Isn’t lying forbidden in Ms. Naina’s perfect universe of sunshine daisies and rainbows 

Naina - (shrugged) haan but kabhi kabhi we allow a dark cloud or two in, especially for angels like Aapi (hugging her around the neck) humme bas ghar se bahar nikalne ki permission chahiye na...toh aap bhool rahee hain ke very soon aapki shaadi hone waali hai...aur ab Abbu ko yeh toh pata hai ke almost saari tayari ho chuki hai par unhe kya pata ke ek ladki ko kya kya cheezon ki zaroorat hoti hai...bas aap Abbu ko bol dena aapko makeup ki zaroorat hai...

Anaya - aur agar unhone pooch liya ke make up mein kaunsi cheez chahiye? 

Kajol - oh...(making eye contact with Naina who smiled suggestively) meri bholi Aapi (pulling her cheeks) yehi toh hum chahte hain...ke woh yeh pooche..kyunki jab woh yeh poocheinge toh hum unhe aisi list sunayenge...aisi list sunayenge (throwing an arm around Naina) ke Asad ka naam tak unhe yaad nahin rahega (Naina winked at Anaya in Agreement) 


That Evening: 

Zoya grabbed onto Zeenat’s wrist and took a hefty bite out of her ice cream as they walked down the sidewalk towards Asha’s.

Zeenat - EVERY time.  (Shook her head) I swear I’m gonna start having to get coconut ice cream from now on 

Zoya - (now happily licking her own ice cream) toh main uss mein se bhi bite loongi, somehow when you get so annoyed and irritated by me eating your cone and my cone simultaneously it makes the taste ten times better- 

Anwar - I know exactly what you mean I do that to Asad just to piss him off, grabbing fistfuls of his candy even if I don’t wanna eat it- 

Zeenat - (narrowed her eyes at him) you do know there’s a word for that right...psychopath (shook her head) I swear to god I will be waking up and going to sleep every night wondering the same exact thing for the rest of my life(Zoya laughed whilst Anwar smiled proudly at Zeenat) WHAT did I marry...

Zoya - and yet after this 5 foot 11 inch nightmare (pointing to Anwar head to toe) you don’t give up on your hopeless dream of finding me one of these nightmares...

Zeenat - (smiled sweetly at her) nice try...but I’m finding you one of these even if it’s the last thing I do...

Zoya - (rolled her eyes, she could keep dreaming) Jeeju Mr. Khan ka kuch pata chala? Is he even showing up to this gig tonight? 

Anwar - (laughed) I think he’s sung enough for one day don’t you (both he and Zoya laughed hi5ing whilst Zeenat shook her head) 

Zeenat - Anwar aap hass rahe hain? Aapko Asad ka pata lagwane ki koshish karni chahiye...usse phone karrein Malik uncle se baat karrein uske doston se poochein no one’s heard of him since the afternoon aur aap hass rahe hain? Aapko koi andaaza hai Ammi kitna pareshan ho rahee hain- 

Anwar - Maafi meri Madhubala Maafi (he turned her around towards the street where a fancy yellow jaguar had just pulled up in front of Asha’s) main iss liye fikar nahin karta because I know my brother...woh doosron ki naak mein dum kar rakhta hai but no one can touch him (knocked on the wall) touch wood (and both of them didn’t see but Zoya slightly knocked her own head as he said that.  Asad got out of his car as usual busy with a business call and from the looks of the frown and concentration on his face not a very positive one.) 

Zoya - (smiled) shhh- 

Zeenat - don’t you dare Zoya Farooqui the boy has been nothing but kind to you, you wipe that little devilish smile off your face right this instant- (but Zoya was long gone.  She was skipping down the sidewalk on her tip toes trying to be as sly and discreet as possible so Asad wouldn’t hear her coming but who was she kidding, that was a lost cause.  She jumped on his back from behind screaming in his ears hoping to scare him but all that ended up happening was Asad gripping onto her hands around her neck and swinging her to stand before him making her ice cream fall to the ground in the process.  Both of them looked to the ice cream tragically and then simultaneously lifted their faces and whilst Zoya glared at him Asad just calmly crossed his arms staring at her with a calm poker face void of any reaction because he knew it riled Zoya up more than any reaction he could give her) 

Zoya - YOOOOUUUUUUU...look what you did to my ice cream..

Asad - I’m sorry, was I the one who tried to pull a stunt on you? a very FLOP stunt at that may I add- 

Zeenat - (walking up to them she shrugged seeing the tragic fate Zoya’s ice cream had met) I told you not to do it- 

Anwar - (slapped Asad on the back) hey man, BITCHING stunt today (Zeenat cleared her throat aggressively and Anwar at once began babbling making both Asad and Zoya fake cough as they tried to hide their laughter seeing his nervousness) main...main toh I was talking about the dance studio he had built for Zoya- (Asad looked up somewhat startled then, everyone had found out about that? But then Zeenats smile gave him the answer) 

Zeenat - Anwar told me you don’t react well to people touching you or hugging you out of the blue so I’m going giving you a fair notice (she held up a hand towards his face and Zoya stared between them confused, what was that about? Mr. Khan wasn’t comfortable with people touching him or hugging him unexpectedly? Since when? She just jumped him, she was constantly touching him and crashing into him? 

Anwar - (seeing the confusion on Zoya’s face he elbowed Asad playfully) I’m beginning to see there are some exclusions to that (Zeenat not understanding what he was saying just ignored it as typical Anwar weirdness she would never be able to understand) 

Zeenat - (held Asads face in her hand) tumne aaj jo meri Zoya ke liye kiya....it is the nicest thing anyone has done for not only her but for me since Faizans death...aaj mujhe yakeen hogaya hai ke meri Zoya sahee jagah hai, sahee hathon mein hai...jahan uski sehat salamti aur khushi ki fikar bhi hai aur kadar bhi..ab mujhe aisa lagta hai ke mere 5 nahin, 6 bhai hain...and can I tell you a secret...(smiled at him through her tears and the weird thing was Asad was smiling back at her, as if he had never heard anything better in his life) you’re in a league of your own...

Anwar - (narrowed his eyes at her as he put a possessive arm around Asads neck pulling him closer to himself) well yah because your brothers are a bunch of hooligans, leave him alone he’s MY brother you can’t have him...

Zoya - (who had been staring dumbfounded at Zeenat when Zeenat said Asad was more special than Zoya’s brothers who Zoya was VERY possessive of) Wow.  I am SO telling them you said this...

Asad - (shrugged) well it’s the truth and you can’t argue with the truth haina bhabi (and as he stuck out his hand Zeenat gave him a 5) 

Zoya - (crossed her arms around her chest) you know day after day you’re reminding me more and more of Faizan Jeeju...haina Aapi? He was just as HUMBLE and modest as you are (rolling her eyes) 

Zeenat - seeing your (cleared her throats) many stunts I’d have to agree...he too was a rebel with a cause. are you sure you weren’t taking classes in his patshala before he passed away? 

Asad - he was passing on his gyaan? Well I’m sorry I missed that then. 

Anwar - well that’s not the only thing they seem to have in common...I’m sure Faizan bhi Zoya ko leke itna hi (tongue in cheek) what should I say fikarmand rehta hoga? Itna hi khayal rakhta hoga aur uski khushi ke liye kuch bhi karne ko tayaar hoga...like (tightening his grip on Asads neck) breaking down the walls of the hall for her? (Narrowing his eyes to splits as he glared at Asad and Asad looked away, oh he was onto him) 

Zeenat - (staring between Asad and Zoya she was just now beginning to catch onto something as well as she caught sight of Faizans locket in Asads neck again and then watched Asad and Zoya avoid looking at each other and Zoya’s cheeks turning pink hearing Anwar’s taunts..Ooh Lala what was going on here.  Tongue in cheek she decided to do a little digging and have a little fun of her own) but then if that’s the case then Asad would have to be as obsessed with Zoya’s marriage as Faizan was Anwar and trust me I don’t think that’s humanely possible (Asad and Zoya both looked like they were suddenly having strokes) remember I told you how both of them would sneak off to Zoya’s room or her treehouse for hours on end and reading for hours on end so the guys wouldn’t make fun of Zoya for being a bookworm instead of a basketball fanatic like the rest of them because GOD forbid (staring at Zoya shaking her head) 9 times out of ten even when Zoya was much older Faizan would be rereading the same old fairy tales to her on popular demand trying to drill it into her head...he wanted to make sure no matter what, no matter what the world threw at her or what became of marriage in our society that she would keep her heart open to the possibility of love. would find her prince, and get married and have a home with many kids just like he dreamt for her (As Zoya relived one of the most painful memories of her past through tear filled eyes and a painful lump in her throat she couldn’t help but let her eyes drift towards Asads face and suddenly realized that there was nobody she would let fill in the now empty pages of those fairy-tale books Faizan used to read her from except Asad.  It was his handsome face she saw fill colours into the once blurry image of a prince she had grown up dreaming of thanks to Faizans insistence, it was him she now WANTED to fight over baby names with and never mind the fact that she couldn’t even dream of a home that wasn’t the white stone Khan mansion of Kasauli.  Asad too looked at her face and Zoya could see a slight shock on his face and in his eyes because little did she know, this was the first time Asad had even IMAGINED or better yet LET himself wonder what it would be like to have a family of his own one day, and the least surprising bit of that was it was all with Zoya) my god Faizan tried the weirdest tricks to get Zoya to listen and get the message drilled in her head..he would twist the stories according to our darling Zoya’s standards (stroking her hair fondly, but Zoya had gone cold, still and rigid as a statue as she relived the most painfully beautiful memory of her life) he’d always swap glass slippers for red converse, pumpkin carriages for motorbikes, he’d swap the 7 dwarfs names for all her 5 brothers plus me and Faizan, (laughed) reading Rapunzel to her would be the most difficult because neither he nor Zoya herself could fathom Zoya with long hair back then (shook her head) and trust me neither could I (Anwar smiled at Zoya as Zeenat continued stroking her hair) I guess if nothing else at least that one stuck with Zoya after Faizan’s death 

Anwar - (laughed) well you’re also forgetting sleeping beauty..that’s sure stuck too, who was the wicked witch of the west in your fairytale Zoya? 

Zeenat - (shook her head) much to my disapproval..Faizan would without fail make it his own mother 

Anwar - (laughed) really? I’m shocked...I was certain it would be you 

Zeenat - (smacked his arm) HA HA...(shook her head) he’d make me the evil step sister, the evil fairy or the rotten apple

Anwar - (doubled over laughing) how appropriate (Zeenat kicked him in the shin this time and he yelped in pain glaring back at her, Asad and Zoya were yet to tear their eyes off from one another) which was your favourite fairy-tale Zoya? 

Zoya - (whispered in a small voice) beauty and the beast (and Asads eyes immediately hardened slightly and he saw that now estranged fantasy he had mistakenly allowed himself to indulge in for the briefest of times crash into pieces right before his eyes) 

Anwar - (bit his cheek to stop himself from laughing as he stared between Asad and Zoya) beauty and the beast eh? How fitting no Zeenat? (But Zeenat just tried her best to hide her smile) anyhow I’m going to run in and grab us a seat before the stampede and grab myself and Zoya a slice of Sheila’s legendary lasagne (rushing to the door making Zeenat shake her head) 

Zeenat - (muttered under her breath) does this man think of anything besides food? 

Asad - I uh (breaking Zoya’s heart as he ripped his eyes away and to the ground) I gotta get in there too...

Zeenat - (nodded) not that you need it but good luck in there (Asad tried to manage a smile at her but his heart was too heavy, so he just nodded as Zeenat placed a hand on his shoulder) thank you once again (Asad just nodded briskly) 

Down the street -The Haveli children were stepping out of their car when Kajol’s eyes fell onto Asad standing outside the cafe with two girls who had their backs towards him..

Kajol - (elbowed Zain) hey who are those girls Asads talking to? 

Zain - (rubbing his stomach) I don’t know I’m not on a WhatsApp group with him ask Naina she’s dating his best friend (and he ducked his head on the pretence of getting something from the car as he saw Azlans jaw clench hearing that, just what he wanted) 

Naina - (shrugged at Kajols questioning look) I don’t know Ayaan’s a bit looney, he barely knows how to work a relationship..or that you have to talk about family, friends or the people in your life...

Humeira - (slamming the car door shut) bummer

Naina - ask Aapi, she probably knows, she’s his sister after all (both she and Kajol turned around to ask her only to see her running down the street towards the cafe, apparently in a hurry to meet her to-be-husband) 

Kajol & Naina - Awwwww...(Zain and Azlan rolled their eyes) 

Azlan - (walking towards the cafe now that it was safe since Asad had already walked inside and would be too busy setting up to spot him come in) well the lady facing us could be his Bhabi she looks around Anwar Bhai’s age 

Kajol - plus she’s beautiful and graceful I mean that Kurta is gorgeous 

Azlan - (in a deadpan voice) yes that was my exact next point (kajol punched him playfully) and now that I look closely the other girl..I feel like she seems familiar..I know I’ve seen that jacket before and that hair..

Naina - (narrowing her eyes) you know what... I feel like I’ve seen her before too...but I can’t remember where 

Meanwhile - Once Asad walked inside Zeenat elbowed Zoya lightly and playfully.. 

Zeenat - you know, if it’s Asad you want to be the prince whose kiss wakes you from a hundred years of slumber all you have to do is say the word and I’ll have him down on one knee before you holding a red converse before and have you riding off into the sunset on one of his countless bikes before the clock strikes midnight (and turning around she waggled her eyebrows suggestively at Zoya before chuckling and walking into the cafe not seeing the complete and utter devastation that crossed Zoya’s face.  She could never have realized the million and one ways she had just left Zoya broken with her small innocent suggestion)   



Asad yelped a startled ‘yikes’ as he was ambushed midway between his walk up to the back of the cafe where the small makeshift stage for “open mic nights” had been set up.  As usual trying to keep a low profile and being generally anti-social and not knowing how to behave in these situations (i.e. how to respond to the awe, admiration and compliments of people) he was walking with his head hung trying to make it back there as quickly and swiftly as possible without any confrontations whatsoever, do his thing and get out. His sisters both giggled as he held his heart- 

Asad - (admonishingly) Aapi...you know not to sneak up and startle me like that- 

Aisha - (winced apologetically as she realized the stupidity of her mistake) Gosh I forgot I’m sorry I’m sorry I- (calmly and not suddenly wrapping her arms around his neck and hugging him whilst Anaya looked on not quite understanding what that was all about) 

Asad - okay, it’s fine just (gently prying her off, he nodded and gave a small smile to Anaya as his way of acknowledging his sister Salamaualaikum Aapi...

Anaya - wowww, I’m actually so impressed you didn’t put your hand forth for a formal handshake 

Aisha - (laughed) probably the first person to greet his sisters by a head nod (mimicking him although in a much dramatic way) sup? 

Anaya - loose translation: you alive? you good? I’m fine too..let’s not speak for a few weeks now 

Aisha - I know that was too long a conversation- 

Asad - (staring at them dumbfounded) do you two have anything worthwhile to say or have you started consuming the drugs Zoya operates on

Anaya - (tongue in cheek) you’d know all about the drugs Zoya operates on..wouldn’t you? 

Asad - (rolled his eyes again) honestly if you’re gonna start becoming as annoying as Aisha Aapi I think I’m gonna have to cut the cord of this friendship right at the brink of it...cuz I don’t think I could take it, one of you (staring pointedly at Aisha) is enough...

Aisha - (pulled his cheek) my darling brother...you’re forgetting we aren’t just friends who you can prevent from seeing one another 

Anaya - (pinched his other cheek) we’re related...in more ways than one now..thanks to you...(but seeing Asad only grow more annoyed and narrowing his eyes at them she decided to give him a break and let go of his cheeks as both of them laughed hi5ing whilst Asad rubbed his cheeks exaggeratedly) 

Aisha - that’s actually what we wanted to say to you..we didn’t come here just to annoy you although that’s always fun and as an elder sister it’s our birth right too...

Asad - to get your younger brother to want to murder you...

Anaya -  (laughed shaking her head) before your MANY fans want to egg us for not giving them what they came for let me just say what I wanted to say...(hearing Aisha clear her throat) sorry, we want to say...that aggar aaj yeh din hum dono dekh paa rahe hain, toh woh sirf aur sirf tumhari wajah se hai...aaj aggar itni mushkilon aur pareshaniyon ke baad meri shaadi ho rahee hai toh sirf aur sirf tumhari wajah se, tumhare barre dil ki wajah se hai aggar tum Haseena Bi ki shart se inkaar kar dete toh mera khuda jaanta hai ke mujhe tumse kissi kissam ka gilla ya koi shikayat nahin hoti aur naa hi kissi aur ko hone deti, I would’ve understood but jo kuch hua usko nazarandaaz karte hue tumne yeh maana (shook her head) Iss shehr ke sabse barre mahal mein mein rehti hoon, sabko yeh lagta hai ke meri shaadi yun chutki baja ke hojayegi, but sach toh yeh hai ke agar aaj meri shaadi ho rahee hai woh toh woh sirf tumhari wajah se ho rahee hai- 

Asad - Aapi...(held his hand up slightly) I just want to stop you there before you say anything further, as much as I could just stand here and listen to you praising me or going on believing in your heart that I did this for you or out of the goodness of my heart...I’m sorry I can’t do that, that would make me a fraud...sach toh yeh haike maine yeh aapke liye nahin kiya and in fact (breathed for a second as he confessed the hard truth, but he had to, he couldn’t let Anaya or any member of the Haveli go on believing he was doing this for them or let even his own family for that matter believe that he was okay with this in the slightest) in fact aggar aap mein se koi bhi pooctha, even aggar Ammi ne mujhse yehi poocha hota toh main kabhi nahin maanta..even knowing what that would mean, what that would mean for you...I’m sorry I just...I can’t (shake his head) there is just one reason..(sighing) one person for whom I’m doing this for (Anaya stared on confused whilst Aisha was left stunned hearing him actually CONFESS this.  She thought Zoya had somehow tricked or forced him into agreeing or seeing reason, but here he was confessing he was doing this FOR ZOYA) and one reason alone I am doing this and that is (sighed wistfully something which neither Aisha nor Anaya missed, as he watched her walk in through the door, her head hung low behind Zeenat and Asad found a sound of disappoint escaping his mouth as he saw her hiding behind her face/emotions behind her hair) Zoya and because of Zoya...because she asked me to do this, because I promised her to do this in exchange for something I really needed her to do for herself, and for that I would do anything including...(letting out a strangled heavy breath which alerted Anaya to exactly how “easy” this was for him and how “happy” he was with the arrangement) this but please don’t be mistaken, I’m not looking forward to this AT All and nor am I happy in the slightest with this arrangement truth be told there is nothing I’m loathing more (clenching his fists) but yes...(giving her a small smile) I have agreed and rest assured I will follow through...aapki shaadi kamaz kam meri wajah se yah Haseena Bi ki iss (through gritted teeth making both Aisha and Anaya laugh) fazool shart ki wajah se nahin tootegi...(gave her a brief nod again making Aisha and Anaya laugh openly this time) congratulations again...

Anaya - (laughed nodding right back at him) well in that case, thank you for your honesty (kissed his cheek)...and (winked at Aisha) thank God for Zoya (and Asad sighed longingly in response, his way of agreeing to that) Aisha come I want to meet Zeenat Bhabi and Zoya before the performance and if they are here maybe today you can meet Kajol, Humeira Naina Zain and- 

Aisha - (taking in a deep breath) Azlan...(and Anaya nodded smilingly but the crowd was going rowdy and so that wasn’t possible) 

15 Minutes Later: 

(The words echoed and re-echoed in Zoya’s ears, mind, heart and soul as she sat in her usual, reserved and best seat in the house for the open night, the window seat near the back from where she ensured very early on from when these gigs started that she had straight uninterrupted view of Asad.  Today too she sat there leaning her back against the wall whilst Ayaan slouched on the remainder of the seat whilst his back rested against her pulled up knees.  She watched as the lights in the cafe dimmed and the house band (Asad’s band) began playing, but it was like there was a buzzing in her ear that made it nearly impossible for her to hear the beauty of the melody they were playing. “you know, if it’s Asad you want to be the prince whose kiss wakes you from a hundred years of slumber all you have to do is say the word and I’ll have him down on one knee before you holding a red converse before and have you riding off into the sunset on one of his countless bikes before the clock strikes midnight” and it was like that sound you hear during the end of a nightmare, or through the whistle and engine of a train, a word or a sentence getting blocked by it, she knew the answer in her heart, in her soul, in her mind and it was fighting to be heard, to be acknowledged to be accepted but she refused to let the sound of that engine which she KNEW was preventing that answering from surfacing for both his and her good to die down, she didn’t want to hear the distant sound blurred through that whistling in her ears no matter if she knew in her heart what that one word three letters were in response to Zeenat’s question.” 

Anaya - (her nervousness and anxiety was palpable through her unsure smile, her hesitant voice) Chaahaton ka mazaa, faasalon mein nahin Aa chupa loon tumhein hauslon mein kahin (Zoya’s lips trembled as she tore her eyes away from the window of the cafe where she had chosen to stare at the evening traffic instead of the sight her eyes and heart yearned to feast on, on Asad’s handsome face.  She hesitantly raised her eyes towards his handsome face which was a little hidden in the shadows as the light was only focusing on Anaya at the moment and hearing the next few words Anaya sang that buzzing or the whistling noise in Zoya’s had began diminishing as she was forced to deal with the reality of how true those words were in her own life, she was being forced to acknowledge and accept the reality she had known in her heart all along.  Asad was, is, and would probably be the one thing she wanted most from this life, more than she had ever wanted from life, more than life itself.) Sab se upar likha, hai tere naam ko Khwahishon se jude silsilon mein kahin 

(As always, the crowd erupted in cheers and applause as Asad’s spotlight flashed on and Asad turned in the stool he was casually spinning in waiting for his cue.  As soon as the drummer hit it Asad blocked out all other noises and thoughts and focused on what he knew like he knew his own breaths and worked his magic like the pro that he was..facing the mirrored reality of the words he was singing.  He was faring no better than Zoya) 

Asad - (his mouth right against the mic he gave Anaya a small smile as she nodded her head at him acknowledging the loud and rowdy applause he received.  Just like Zoya he too was acknowledging the absolute reality he had known all along.  It was Zoya who had brought him back from death, literally in all ways.  If it wasn’t for her he was sure he would’ve self destructed a long time ago.  It was she who taught him to breathe, to let go, to laugh, to live, to..love) Teri lagan mein sab hai gawaaya Iss tarah se mujhko jeena aaya (lifted his eyes for the briefest of seconds with the sweetest of smiles on his face, admitting to himself, to her, to the world if only she and they realized that yes, she was, is and would always be all that he needed to be happy) Teri hansi, meri khushi (but when he saw the questions, the hope, the want in Zoya’s eyes..he couldn’t, he couldn’t do that to her and so surrendering once again, he closed his eyes still unable to deny it though) Meri khushi tu hi…

Anaya - (but if it was Zoya who had taught Asad to live, then the opposite was also true.  Asad was the reason Zoya was LITERALLY alive today.  He had brought stability to her life, calm reassurance, hope and faith, life...and love to her heart.  If it weren’t for him, she too would’ve perished a lifetime ago) Tum jo aaye zindagi mein baat ban gayi Ishq mazhab, ishq meri zaat ban gayi (Zoya closed her eyes as she felt the first of tears make their way down her face as she realized that it was no longer enough, it was no longer bearable..the lie she had deluded herself into believing.  That she was okay not being worthy, not being enough for Asad.  That she would be okay having him in her life in any shape or form even if it wasn’t love.  If that was true, why was she constantly craving, yearning for, dreaming about his love.  Even now, in this crowded cafe amdist countless souls, amidst chaos and music and sounds so loud she couldn’t hear her own heartbeats or thoughts, she could hear, feel and live the essence of wanting to be loved by Asad Ahmed Khan.  Of needing his love more than any addict needs his craving) Sapne teri chaahaton ke Sapne teri chaahaton ke Dekhti hoon ab kayi Din hai sona aur chaandi raat ban gayi

Asad - O sudh-budh khoyi hai, khoyi maine Haan jaan gawaayi, gawaayi maine Haan tujhko basaya hai dhadkan mein 

Saanware… saanware…(he opened his eyes as flashes of Zoya’s smiling face, the fuel that propelled his dead heart to beat and have come back to life were suddenly haunted by blood, so much blood they tainted each pure image of her beautiful and smiling face etched in his memory.  Blood from the night that terrorized and haunted him to this very day, that destroyed him a hundred times over to this very day when he thought about it.  Thoughts about the day she so selfishly tried to rip herself from his world and take whatever little life that had returned to him along with him) Zindagi bewafaa hai yeh maana magar (he opened his suddenly fearful eyes as his heart skipped a beat seeing the sadness, the pain, the loneliness and devastation in her eyes she stared out the cafe window through broken and sad eyes and suddenly he was left with fear gnawing at his heart as a horrible thought struck him.  What if....what if she, she was being compelled to think about doing it again?) Chhod kar raah mein jaaoge tum agar Chheen laaunga main aasmaan se tumhein Soona hoga na yeh do dilon ka nagar (and that was a promise even the heavens knew not to reckon with.) 

Anaya - (smiled at Arsalan who beamed back proudly at her because those words were as true for her as they were for Zoya.   Only after losing herself but finding him did she truly come to life, and just like hers was for him, she didn’t even realize when or how but those smallest miserly smiles he every so often graciously allowed her to witness had become the greatest source of happiness in her life.  She didn’t even knoew when she started craving them, but she realized she searched for them, desired them and nothing brought her as much unequivocal joy as did his smiles) Khud ko kho kar tujhko paaya Iss tarah se mujhko jeena aaya Teri hansi, meri khushi Meri khushi tu hi…

Asad - (instead of thinking of the moment that had nearly ended him, and still held the potential to destroy him he instead chose to think of the moment when he first felt something so alien he didn’t quite understand it, that alien feeling being his own beating chest in his heart the moment he had first saw her, saw those beautiful big brown eyes of hers that he fell for, that he wanted to drown in that day and everyday for the rest of his life, the day he had seen a fallen angel at the mazaar he had snuck in to save his life and he just in this moment realized that somewhere somehow a god probably did exist because that day, and for everyday after that she continued saving his life) Tosey naina jab se miley Tosey naina jab se miley...(and as that realization hit him Asad closed his eyes at the same time as Zoya did across the cafe effectively breaking their eye lock as a realization hit her too, Zoya now knew.  She acknowledged it, she accepted it) Bann gaye silsile…Tosey naina jab se miley

Band Members - O sudh-budh khoyi hai khoyi maine Haan jaan gawaayi, gawaayi maine Haan tujhko basaaya hai dhadkan mein Saanware…Saanware…

and that is why Zoya snuck out before anyone could realize it or question about it because she couldn’t, she simply couldn’t face it, face anyone, face the realization that now sat as a heavy rock on her chest preventing her from breathing and causing her to hyperventilate when all she wanted and expected was for it to set her free like the wildest most liberated dove Allah had ever sent down to earth.  Instead she spent the rest of the evening in the back alleyway of the cafe crying herself senseless as she bent to her knees holding herself in a deathly grip all around quite literally preventing herself from falling apart as she chanted the realization she had.  There was no more engine noise or train whistles, no blurry dream, she had been jolted from her daydream and forced to face reality.  The reality she known all along but was refusing to accept. 

Zoya - (chanting nonstop continuously with every breath she took) I’m falling for him, I’m falling for him, I’m falling in love with Asad Ahmed Khan...

15 Minutes Later - Front of the Cafe: 

Malik - (swinging a piece of paper angrily in the air before his officer) what is this? WHAT THE HELL IS THIS? Did you think this through? Did you at all think about this before you brought it to me? 

Officer - (scared out of his wits now suddenly regretting the impulsiveness of his own actions) No..I- sorry...Sir-

Malik - You better damn right be sorry (flinging the letter back in his face) next time you want to bring me an arrest warrant AGAINST MY GODSON for me to sign I better get your resignation letter in my other hand DO YOU HEAR ME (seeing Asad run out of the cafe behind the officer) now GO! Get out of here (and the officer ran from there with his tail between his legs without wasting another second whilst Asad ran up to Malik still looking all around, looking confused mildly panicked and worried and utterly lost as if he had no idea where he was or what he was doing but the truth was now, after loving Zoya, he really had no idea where he was or what he was doing without Zoya) 

Malik - Asad, you okay? 

Asad - (holding the back of his neck) yah I (coughed and his face went pale in fear suddenly, hoping against hope this wasn’t one of “those” coughs, not in front of Malik Uncle, he couldn’t afford for anybody to find out about this, not until he knew what “this” was or at least how “serious” this was) yah...have you seen Zoya? (Malik immediately pursed his lips to stop himself from laughing, of course, he should’ve known...Asad was almost incapable of asking anything else these days) 

Malik - she was inside no? 

Asad - (shook his head) she was but Bhabi and Ayaan are saying she took off a few minutes ago saying she needed to rehearse for the arts festival tomorrow- 

Malik - so whats the need for panic I’m sure- 

Asad - (suddenly defensive like Malik had called him out for “being in love with Zoya” straight up but he realized at this rate that wasn’t far off) panicking, I’m not panicking I’m just (shrugged trying to appear casual) just saying...

Malik - well then I’m also “just saying” she probably did go home (smiled at him whilst Asad was now looking lost and adorably confused, he placed a hand on his shoulder) good job tonight as always (patted his face lovingly before walking away) proud of you (and Asad waited until he had walked away to bend over and let out the cough attack he had been holding in, he had to hold his chest because this one was suddenly more severe than the others, probably because he had forcibly held it in.  He held a hand over his mouth and immediately the colour drained from his face and his eyes filled with water not just from the pain and coughing but fear.  He was so damn afraid of the blood he could feel squirting onto his hand each time he coughed but he had no idea what to do, who to talk to, how to talk to anyone..what would he say? His family would be devastated and if it wasn’t anything serious he didn’t want to trouble them, and he didn’t even want to imagine what it would be like if it were serious.  He shuddered just at the thought.  As he straightened up he went rigid and cold as ice as he came face to face with Azlan’s unsure face.  Asad suddenly swayed on the spot as a flash of darkness enveloped him.  He didn't know if it was linked to these episodes or if it was from the shock of seeing Azlan here before him and fearing he may have heard or seen too much.  But Azlan’s worried face wasn’t giving much away. 

Azlan - Jeesh are you okay? You look Ashen here I- 

Asad - (shrugged his arm off almost violently, Asad’s go to defence mechanism push everyone so far away they couldn’t even stop to ask questions) leave me the hell alone- 

Azlan - (took a few steps back somewhat startled) Asad relax I was just- 

Asad - what? (His eyes darting around panicked, not quite meeting Azlan’s eyes) thanking me for another favour I did your sorry pathetic asses? Well save it, I’m not interested in hearing it and like I told Aapi, I didn’t do it for you or for her and neither would I, I’m DONE DOING shit for you people.  Now leave me the hell alone and STAY AWAY from my mothers cafe...the only member of YOUR family (stabbed his finger in Azlan’s chest) I remember giving an invite to is Aapi and she too is still welcome in there because somewhere somehow she’s becoming a part of my world but the rest of you...STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM ME AND STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM MY WORLD (and saying so he turned around and fled from there practically running to his car leaving Azlan shell shocked.  What the hell was that about? To flip out at Azlan is one thing but to overreact to a simple question if he was okay...and to drag Anaya into the middle of his hatred for the Haveli folks he had NEVER done that before and to fly off the handle for no reason? Azlan shook his head frowning worriedly something was definitely wrong.  He shook his head wondering how else to warn Asad not to anger Ghafoor too much because there was no limit or moral to what Ghafoor might do if compelled, if he felt he was losing the elections.  That and he of course had come to thank him but now? Now he wanted to know what was going on with Asad.  If he wasn’t truly afraid of Asad and his unpredictable erratic and most of the times violent behaviour and reactions he would’ve jogged up to Asad’s car which was on but not moving and demanded to get answers in fact he would’ve gotten them right there as-he stared at Asad’s blood covered hand which Asad too was staring at in utmost shock, his face blanched with anguish, fear and pain. 

Khan Mansion:  

Asad’s car came speeding up the long driveway up to the mansion.  He parked right in front of the steps and got out still a bit shaken, he simply couldn’t understand what was going on with him and what to do about it, he was almost too afraid of going to a doctor because the diagnosis he expected to get held the power to destroy his whole world.  Destroy him, his Ammi, his family, everything he had worked for, his hope to save his city, everyone dependant on him, his brotherhood his.....Zoya.  The last name was the reason he ran a frustrated and shaky hand through his hair trying to reign in and hide his own anguish and fear and get a grip on his emotions.  He had to find her, had to talk to her but She couldn’t know.   Nobody could know.  Taking a deep steadying breath he tried to remain as calm, cool and collected as stoic as he always was with a poker face showing no emotions whatsoever as he climbed the steps to his house thankful for the fact that given how the whole house was engulfed in darkness meant everyone had already gone to bed.  He hoped Zoya was still awake so he could talk to her about this now.  He walked straight to her room but the door was open and she was nowhere inside, he called out to her thinking she may be in the bathroom but there was no response.  He went on a search through the house for her, she wasn’t in the kitchen, living/family or any of the main sitting rooms, Zeenat and Anwars door was closed so she wasn’t in there, he walked out the side doors to see if she was in the garden or gazebo but she wasn’t.  Just as he had begun worrying as he came back inside he heard sounds coming from down the hall where the two large majestic doors leading to the great hall were.  Of course, where else would she be? 

The Great Hall: 

Chhuteya na chhute mose Rang tera dholna...Ik tere baajo dooja Mera koi mol na

Zoya who was going through an anguish, of her own and was in a similar dilemma of not knowing how to handle it did the one thing she knew in any situation that was out of her control, that she couldn’t understand or face.  She meditated, she prayed.  For her, dance was meditation.  Asad opened the door to the great hall just slightly and walked in as stealthily and silent as ever without trying to be.  However, even if he had come in followed by a marching band Zoya may not have heard him.  She was in a dimension, a world of her own.  Her face was contorted in pain, in fear in helplessness.  Now that she had admitted to herself that she was falling in love with Asad and she couldn’t deny it or fight it any longer she didn’t know what to do next.  She had said the words out loud to herself but what now, did she tell him? She did want him to but did she expect him to love her back? Would she be able to handle it if he didn’t? Could she go on forever without telling another soul? without telling him? but then could she do that to him...could she tell him and in the off chance he did accept her love or reciprocated it...could she allow the darkness of her life to engulf him? could she let him walk the walk of life with someone as unworthy and disgraceful as her? could she risk his life for her own selfishness? now that she had admitted it to herself...how could she face him again pretending to not have realized it, behave like she did before tonight, in denial of her feelings, for him, for herself, for everyone? Lost in her anguish she yelped as her eyes snapped open in shock as she felt herself collide with him.  She could tell the warmth of his body apart from everyone else even if she was in a coma, let alone have her eyes closed.  Their gazes collided, as Asad’s arms wound around her to steady her.  One hand holding hers in his and the other around her back as he prevented her body from hitting the ground by gathering her in his arms, Zoya’s breathlessness colliding with his warm yet staggering and uneven breaths.  Both fighting demons of there own.  

Bolna mahi bolna Bolna mahi bolna

Time stood still as they both continued drowning in each other’s eyes, in each others warmth, in each others love.  Both wishing they could stay forever suspended in this moment.  In the darkness of this hall, lit up by the moonlight with no one but them and their raging heartbeats, their closeness and this soft sweet melody.  Still holding her Asad gathered her soft warm and petite body even closer by raising her up on her feet and pulling her closer into his own body, and Zoya nearly whimpered.  She was hyper aware of his hand on the small of her back and maybe he didn’t realize it but as he gathered her close her top had bunched up and two of his fingers lay on her bare waist and each of those two fingers had ignited a fire of its own within her body, her soulC her heart.  Zoya stared at him as if staring at him for the first time in her entire life, and in a way she was.  She was staring at him for the first time in a new life, in a new light, a life given by him.  A life in which she was falling in love with his man with each atom in her being and being held so possessively, so securely, so closely by him only intensified her earlier pain.  She wanted nothing more than to crash against him, fall into him and stay there forever.  She wanted nothing more than to say the words she was more sure of than her own name.  Asad hadn’t even realized when he had begun slowly swaying on the same spot with her, dancing slowly.  

Tere liye aaya main toh Tere sang jaana..Dholna ve tere naal Jindri bitavaan

Asad - (whispered) where’d you run off to? I looked all over for you after the gig ended?  you’re usually the first one applauding and (sighed debating whether to say it as he looked down fighting a battle within himself, but what he hadn’t noticed was this was a battle he had long lost) I...I’ve gotten used to that...

Zoya - (still unable to tear her eyes away from his, whispered) I’m sorry 

Asad - (narrowed his eyes, suddenly feeling like there was something off about her, something terribly wrong or bothering her) Bhabi said you wanted to rehearse but..we didn’t even decide a song yet...

Zoya - (still staring at him with all the love in the world shining in her eyes, as if he was her greatest victory, her biggest prize that she desired more than anything else but she had to face reality and concede, he was a prize a victory far to great far too legendary for her...not meant for her but for someone else, someone more worthy than her) I thought I could come home and try to decide on one...after all we don’t have that much time (but for some reason when she said that Asad didn’t feel like she was referring to time for rehearsals for this performance, and he wasn’t entirely wrong) 

Kadi naiyo chhodna Ishq di dor na

(and then Zoya ducked her head behind her hair drying her head closer to his shoulder as she selfishly wished he would continue remaining absentminded and leading her in this dance for the rest of her life without ever realizing it, if that was the only way she could have him.  She couldn’t as she was fast realizing bear it, she wouldn’t be able to bear it, losing this gem of a man, being away from him, saying goodbye to him ever?) 

Saare chhad jaayen maahi Tu na chhodna

Asad - (stared at her confusedly as he felt her trying to escape his hold and grip, the confinements of his arm as she felt tears pricking her eyes and threatening to escape)  are you trying to ignore me? (Securing her hold on her as he felt his heart skip a beat in fear, and himself unable to breath in the millisecond that fear gripped his heart) is this...is this about what happened last night? Look I’m...I- (his hand folded into a fist on her waist, and his breath caught in his throat, he felt like someone was physically holding his heart in their hand and squeezing threatening to end him right there and then, he couldn’t think, breath or live if thats what it was.  She didn’t want his touch?)

Zoya - (she ran a hand through his hair and gripped a few strands tightly, feeling like her heart would give in if she heard him apologizing for that touch, that closeness, that intimacy...that love.  It was his touch after all that had brought her back to life)(her voice choked) don’t...don’t - (and she felt him visibly relax in her hold) 

Asad - (whispered into her hair as he felt her rest her tired head onto his shoulder) then...then what is it? Is it about what we talked about last night? Because I’m not...I....I don’t hold it against you...I’m not mad or upset with you I’m....(sighed) but I am doing this only for you..I- (The words died on his lips as Zoya lifted her head off his shoulder.  Asad just stared at her confusedly but Zoya, Zoya felt her heart crushing in her chest under the weight and intensity of her love for him.  Asad Ahmed Khan may not ever understand just how much she loved him in this moment and neither would she be able to explain it to him, or herself let alone anyone else.  She gave him a small smile and shook her head as she wrapped an arm around his neck and pulled him closer to herself, not being able to get enough of his closeness, his warmth, him.  She held his face in her hand, her fingers weaving through his hair) 

Bolna mahi bolna Bolna mahi bolna

Zoya - (whispered against his lips, Asad could practically inhale her breath as he felt her lips move against his as she talked) just dance with me...(and his grip on her tightened even further, she could feel his fingers digging in her waist as she bumped her forehead lightly with his closing her eyes just breathing in this moment as did he) 

Tere sang hasna main Tere sang rona...Tujhme hi rehna main Tujhme hi khona...Dil mein chhupa ke tujhe Dil naiyo kholna...Marke bhi maahi tosey Munh na modna

(and when Zoya opened her eyes, they were once again filled with tears) Bolna mahi bolna Bolna mahi bolna (she ran her fingers down his handsome face, as a small smile lit up her anguish filled face.  She raised on her toes and placed a small peck on his cheek causing him to slowly open his eyes as if slowly coming awake after a beautiful dream which for him it was, as if coming back to life..and having Zoya so close, in his arms, dancing to a sweet sweet melody...there could be no dream better or any dream he’d rather be seeing.  This moment, right here with Zoya, it was love, it was a lifetime in it’s own.  But then as Zoya realized all she may have with him were these stolen moments in which she may need to live a lifetime she couldn’t control the heartbreak and ripped free of his hold lest she breakdown right there right then in his arms and Asad frowned, something was definitely not right he gripped her hand whispering a ‘hey’ and stopped her from running out on him, his heart, his life and Zoya closed her eyes wishing that he hadn’t.) 

Chhuteya na chhoote mose Rang tera dholna

(Asad opened his eyes wanting to say it, something anything, asking the question he wanted to more than anything else, the question he believed he had an answer to but wanted to hear it nonetheless but when he let her hand go sighing dejectedly it was known that he wasn’t going to ask it, not tonight and Zoya was relieved, because tonight she may have said yes, and that would’ve been the wrong answer.  For him.) 

Ik tere baajo dooja Mera koi mol na

Asad - (instead whispered, as if still transfixed and not entirely present in this moment or this world and he truly wasn’t.  Zoya’s nearness, her warmth held the power to do that to him) I found the song...(Zoya turned her head briefly, but didn’t quite turn around to meet his eyes no matter how much he yearned or wanted for her to do so) Dil se...(and Zoya closed her eyes as the first of her tears fell.  She just nodded abruptly and without another seconds delay, and her name to call out to her died on his lips.  Instead he just sighed wrapping his hands behind his head, feeling tormented as he turned and stared out at the sky, at the moonlight shining in, at the silence and stillness of it all in comparison to the rage, the storm in his heart, his soul, his life, his world all due to an angel named Zoya Farooqui who was also not faring any better as she fell apart in the confinement and solidarity of her bedroom. 

Bolna maahi bol na (bol na) Bolna maahi bol na (mahi bol na)

Continued in next Post...

Edited by DailyDaisy - 4 years ago
DailyDaisy thumbnail
Anniversary 7 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 4 years ago

Two Days Later - IMA Arts Festival Closing Ceremony: 

 Morning - Khan Mansion:: 

Asad walked out of his bathroom a little more shaken, his face looked ashen and the dark circles beneath his eyes were more profound.  He looked extremely unwell, and he was.  His symptoms, his condition whatever it was seemed to only be getting worse and he couldn’t be more terrified.  & the worst part was he was all alone in this, there was no-one, not a soul he could share this with to ease some of the edge, some of the anxiety..so he was doing what he did best.  Not facing his issues but finding each and every way possible to avoid thinking about them.  He sat on the bed feeling all his muscles ache from exhaustion of dance practise but still he was putting on his running shoes, hoping an early morning jog would put the thoughts of his illness out of his mind, at least he wouldn’t be able to google his symptoms and convince himself he’s dying.  He left his room and was headed straight for the door when for some reason, which he couldn’t explain or understand himself he felt like he needed to go check on Zoya before he left, needed to make sure she was okay given that today was the performance and he knew how nervous and unsure she was about it.  But still, he couldn’t explain this sudden overwhelming thought that suddenly overcame him, like his life depended on it, like someone was constantly silently whispering it to him in his ears.  Feeling his heart jolt with a sudden panic he retraced his steps and urgently paced to Zoya’s room.  When upon the first knock he didn’t hear a sound he immediately threw the door open and felt his blood run cold.  Zoya looked up startled.  She was a mess of tears, panic, anxiety and helplessness.  She looked like she hadn’t slept or ate in days, she was still in her clothes from last nights rehearsal.  Her hair was a mess and she...she looked more tormented than any reflection that stared back at him each time he looked in the mirror and that thought alone destroyed him.  It ripped his heart to shreds.  Zoya stared at Asad nervous and more panicked than before clearly caught doing something she believed he wouldn’t want her to be doing and when the blade fell from her hand and landed on the ground between them in a clink Asad knew exactly what it was she was trying to do.  They both stared at the same blade between them but with different emotions running through them altogether.  Zoya stared at it in desperation and simultaneously with guilt and shame, afraid of what Asad would be thinking of her and her Allah knew she could not handle seeing disappointment or accusations in his eyes towards her. Asad on the other hand stared at the blade with utter helplessness and loathing for that blade alone held the power to destroy his whole world.  Asad looked up clenching his fists at his sides which he did whenever he felt utterly helpless in a situation and when he wanted nothing more than to punch something, anything, in fact his sanity rested upon that need.  He couldn’t think straight until he had caused significant wreckage and destruction when he felt anger and helplessness of this magnitude coarse through him.  But as he lifted his eyes and saw her shaking frame, saw her fingers itching her forearm, saw the paleness of her face, saw the way she was avoiding his eyes somehow that need and standard reaction transformed into something else entirely.  His sanity depended on something else. Right now it wasn’t important what he needed, rather what she needed..and so without thinking on it for another second he crossed the room in one stride and enveloped her in a bone crushing, all consuming hug, needing it more than she did in that moment.  Just to reassure him that yes, she was in fact still there with him.  The whimper of fear and need that escaped her lips as he neared her broke his already shattered heart.  More than her own wellbeing she was afraid of what his reaction was going to be.  But when she felt the familiarity of that warmth, his scent, his strong muscular arms around her, the touch of his skin against hers,..her home, her haven Zoya clung to him for dear life.  Even though they were already close enough that their souls too were embracing one another Zoya still wanted, needed more and so she kept pulling him, tugging him closer and Asad complied by wrapping his arms even tighter around her until it became physically impossible for either of them to breathe, but in this moment this is what they needed more than their next breaths.  

Kasauli Beach: 

About an hour later the two of them sat next to each other alone on the deserted beach just listening to the sound of waves crashing unto one another, letting the tranquility of the peace and soulfulness dawn brought, the cool breeze of the ocean wash upon them both, they both, fighting a war of their own internally, really needed this.  Zoya almost smiled as she watched the waves crash against each other, for it reminded her of the way she and Asad crashed into one another.  And much like the ocean, they too never crashed to hurt, to betray or to abandon, they crashed into one another because that’s what the depth the intensity of attraction, of love, of need between them caused but they never once crashed against one another.  Zoya stared at the water long and hard till she felt her own eyes begin to fill with water feeling Asad’s apprehensive and worried eyes on her face, constant and the unending depth of the ocean only gave her a brief inkling to the depth of love she was carrying for him in her heart.  

Zoya - (whispered so quietly Asad almost didn’t hear it, it was almost as if she whispered it to herself) my grandmother never liked my dancing, she (looked down at the sand in her toes as a frown appeared on her face) she actually hated it, loathed it with a passion (and at this moment Asad absolutely LOATHED Shazia Tahir, not just for all the pain and torment he knew she had caused Zoya but also for the cynicism he heard in Zoya’s voice right this moment, a feeling she was generally void of and that was one of the things he loved most about her, because he on the other hand was full of cynicism) since the first day of the first dance class Jeeju enrolled me in, she’s been muttering stuff under her breath which she believed I couldn’t hear, saying things directly to my face or just (shrugged) as statements when I’m around and I’m assuming the stuff she’s said behind my back far outweigh all that she’s said to my face (she could feel Asad’s whole body go rigid next to her, so she knew he knew the context of those taunts but still Asad wanted to hear them from her, he wanted her to voice them aloud) 

Asad -  what...(cleared his throat to hide any lingering feelings of hate and anger in them but to no avail and that made Zoya smile.  He could hide his love, but he could NEVER, EVER manage to hide his anger) what kind of things. 

Zoya - (looked up at him through her dark lashes as they kissed her cheeks and a stubborn teal fell from her eyes) about the kind of girls engage in hobbies and acts as shameful as “dance”...(she laughed and Asad felt such a strong sense of hatred coarse through him he clutched the sand around him with both hands only to have it spill from between his fingers) apparently no girl from a decent family would revolve her life around dance, pursue it as a hobby, or eventually one day dream of making a career out of it or name in the dancing world...but then of course that should sort of give people a clue to the sort of people my parents were...the sort of family I belong to...the sort of person I am...the sort of woman I am- 

Asad - (spoke in an anguished whisper as he closed his eyes) don’t- 

Zoya - and guess what? Sameer Anand confirmed that Naani was right all along....(chuckled through her tears) I am not a decent girl from a decent family, I’m a horrible disgusting woman from a disgusting family which is why I do something as disgusting as dance, I use my dance to tease men and that is why I deserve it when they sexually assault me, it is my own fault it- (but she hadn’t seen the sort of anguish her words had put Asad in, he was holding his head in his hands, gripping his hair in a death grip only because he needed, he needed to hit something, someone) a woman as disgraceful, as disgusting like me deserves far worse than what I got..

Asad - (choked out an anguish whisper) NO (he grabbed Zoya from her arm and yanked her close to himself, his other hand jerking up to her head and holding it firmly in his place, her forehead against his, his hand in her hair as he stared into her eyes with an intensity Zoya had never seen.  His jaw was clenched as he repeatedly whispered an angry “no” under his breath glaring at her, a muscle was ticking dangerously from his temple till below his eye) no.  no. 

Zoya - (smiled at him as she clutched his arm that was holding his heart) did you know he saw us dancing at the Arts festival opening ceremony during your performance and he loathed it so much, loathed me so much he did all that to teach me a lesson- 

Asad - well then I’m here to teach you another lesson- a lesson that you damn well listen to with open ears and an open heart and get it stuck in that thick head of yours (gave it a slight bump with his own head making her chuckle despite the constant cracks in her heart that were just growing more wide and more deep with each passing second) because I’m not gonna shut up about it until you understand loud and clear that you Zoya Farooqui are the most fiercely beautiful, unbelievably compassionate, loyal, courageous and smartest woman on this earth, and despite all your sarcasm, sass and snide remarks mostly directed towards me, despite your clothes that look like you were chased by rabid dogs all morning, despite the fact that you’d rather hip hop barefoot with thugs in the street than go get your nails done (and by now Zoya’s giggles were resonating louder than the sounds of the ocean waves and Asad closed his eyes sighing contently listening to the sounds of his favourite melody) and despite the fact that you spend every night dreaming and deluding yourself into believing that you can outdrive me (Zoya scoffed shoving his face away and Asad tried his best not to smile but since when could he ever control his heart from ruling his mind where Zoya was concerned) the truth is that you outshine  every other woman with your grace (Zoya stared at him with her eyes full of tears unable to quite believe that this wonderful man sitting beside her reminding her of her own grace and value was even real in this world.  She had always believed in Angels but she never even realized that one had been walking amongst them this entire time) you’re needed, you’re valued and you’re wanted in this world (and Zoya’s ears were suddenly thirsted for him to change those words into “my” world, and somewhere Zoya who had learnt to read the real meaning behind Asad’s words somewhere felt that it was what he meant but knowing how desperate she was to hear that she couldn’t quite trust her own instincts these days where Asad was concerned) this world Zoya, whenever you do something right..whenever your outshining everyone else they will do anything and everything in their power, in their desperation in their mania to drag you down with them and I learnt very early on that when their pointing fingers at you, hating on you or angry with you (shrugs) it just means you’re doing something right...

Zoya - (sighed lowering her eyes) you carry that attitude really well Mr. Khan (suddenly breathless as she envisioned Asad’s intensity as he walked the streets of Kasauli with his 0 f**** given and no nonsense attitude that prevented anyone to get even in the vicinity of him to raise objections or fingers) but..but I..don’t think I can...their words, their thoughts the accusations and judgements in their eyes they’ll always get to me...

Asad - (grit his teeth to prevent himself from asking each and every name that constituted this “they” so he could go and handle them once and for all so they could NEVER malign this angels halo in any way possible.  He stared at the ocean in front of him as he tried to reign his anger in for Zoya’s sake because right now she was more important, she was always more important, the anger and the revenge, they could all wait) one man’s revolutionary, is another mans soldier (Zoya spent quite a few seconds pondering over those thoughts and the reality of those words and more so than any other words Asad had said those were the words that got through to her and made a deep impact but when Asad turned his face towards her she had forgotten the words altogether because what remained etched in her mind from there onwards was the intensity, the fire, the junoon in his eyes, in that moment she saw him as both the revolutionary and the soldier, she just didn’t know what war he was fighting.  Asad who was afraid she could see the josh and pagalpan in his eyes averted his face and stood up, she didn’t need to know of the battles and demons he was fighting.  Not today. Today was about her demons.  Standing up he gave her his hand and without a seconds doubt Zoya out hers in his hand, trusting him with each ounce of her being, the truth was he could ask Zoya for the world and she’d lay it in his feet within a heartbeat.) 

Asad - (since the moment he had first seen her had wanted to be nothing but selfish with her and so any and every moment he got with her he was going to hold her close just as he did in this moment, holding her hand against his chest in his own hand) do you feel the same way with me? (and for a second Zoya forgot how to breathe taking a different meaning of his question all along, but Asad clarified that illusion almost instantly as he saw the hope which he couldn’t allowed to grow or give any kind of encouragement whatsoever, it was for her own good) I mean when you dance with me (and to make a point he twirled her around in his hold but Zoya’s eyes refused to part from his, as she continued indulging in her own fantasy that he had asked her something else entirely) do you think of what the world thinks or says, their judgements their accusations...their hate when you dance with me? Does it bother you w- 

Zoya - no. (and it was the simple and honest truth, dancing with him is what lights her up, as Asad looked to her for reassurance she shook her head and he could see the honesty in her eyes as he twirled her again, her hair flying out behind her due to the cool breeze from the ocean) no.

Asad - (nodded) then don’t think about it today either, don’t think about anything listen to anything or look anything but me.  Just feel me, feel the passion the madness inside you, feel the rhythm and let it lead you to the greatness you were meant for because (held her out at an arms length as he sighed longingly staring at her beautiful face with the softest most purest but desiring eyes) Zoya Farooqui I’ve said it before you are a sight to behold when you’re dancing.  Divine.  You take the world by storm and tilt it on it’s axis leaving everyone in your wake, breathless and wanting more...your dance, it is the purest most graceful and dignifying thing about you (Zoya swallowed the gasp that escaped her at the beauty of it’s words and she hid her blush behind her curtain of hair making Asad smile a little as he let go of her hand and tucked them in his jeans as if not trusting himself because if he continued holding her for one second longer he would fall in love with her all over again.)

Zoya - (chuckled seeing him looking down shyly as if berating himself for having said too much) you know you probably don’t remember this but the first time you saw me, (laughed) I was dancing then too  

Asad - (frowned confusedly) the mazaar you were- 

Zoya - (shook her head) before that, earlier that day you had already seen me you probably just don’t remember it...you were the mysterious stranger horseback riding through the fields opposite the old orphanage where I was- (and she watched the frown disappear from his face leaving a more calm, relaxed and softened expression, as realization and recognition dawned on his face, he looked almost awed at the memory and shocked that he hadn’t realized it earlier) 

Asad - dancing with the kids (Zoya nodded chuckling whilst Asad whispered almost to himself) and here I was convinced that I had actually seen an angel- (Zoya gasped)

Zoya - so THATS what you really think of me eh? Asliat maani parri na, you also can’t help but agree with the popular consensus that I am literally a walking talking angel (blinking her eyes repeatedly as she gave him her most innocent look holding her face in her hands and Asad looked away fighting back a smile more than he had ever fought against anything in his own life) 

Asad - oh please god knows who these people are that you have fooled but I know you for exactly who you are (and Zoya strained her ears to listen closely to what he was muttering about) Pari jaisa chehra hai aur shaitaan jaisa dimaagh- (and Zoya pumped her fist in the air Asad style) 

Zoya - matlab aap bhi maante haina ke main Pari bilkul Pari dikhti hoon 

Asad - (absentmindedly) ji (and hearing Zoya’s laughter echo all over the beach his face paled losing that round to her) matlab please don’t twist my words Ms. Farooqui (pulling our his car keys) aur aggar ab aapka Madhubala banne ka sapna poora hogaya ho toh can we go...ek final rehearsal bhi karni hai you’re a little rough on the edges (Zoya’s mouth nearly hit the beach at the audacity of him) 

Zoya - oh I’ll show you whose rough around what edges LAST ONE TO THE CAR IS BUYING BREAKFAST (and saying so she shot off towards the parking like a Usain bolt leaving Asad struggling for a minute to realize what just happened before he finally caught on and took off behind her like a bat out of hell)

But in all that purity and divinity between them what Asad hadn’t realized what that Zoya in her pain and helplessness had hopelessly revealed Sameer Anand’s name by mistake, he just hadn’t quite heard it tonight...but lord help Kasauli when he did. 

That Afternoon - Arts Festival: 

The black curtains separated to reveal what promised to be a performance of a lifetime, a dance to remember, making the applause and cheers die down immediately, as the music started..smiles and excitement were extremely high amongst their family seated in the front row.  All of Asad’s friends, and their entire family had made certain to come, Malik Uncle, Dilshad, Zeenat & Anwar, Aahil and Aisha as well as Arsalan and Anaya too and of course Ayaan was front and centre, not only to support his sister and best friend the two people on earth most important to him but also because he was loving these.  These two fools had no idea how deep they were caught in this storm called love.  The rest of the crowd didn’t know who Zoya Farooqui was because she generally kept a low profile at school and due to her profound love for bunking didn’t attend class too often so she wasn’t too popular either.  But they knew Asad Ahmed Khan and when they saw his name next to hers as a special appearance, the performance automatically drew a crowd and seeing the unexpected swarm of people in front of the stage, most of whom were standing because their weren’t enough seats Zoya’s already heightened anxiety skyrocketed and despite Asad’s constant reassuring and calm eyes which refused to part from her face Zoya just couldn’t calm her racing heartbeats.  Asad however was having trouble remembering the steps, hearing his cue or even remembering his own name in that moment because Zoya looked so extremely beautiful in that black chikinkari Anarkali she was wearing.  It was the first time he was seeing her in traditional wear so up close and unabashedly, without any angst, mistakes, blood or rational thinking which compelled him to divert his eyes.  Instead, when his cue came Zoya had to physically shake him to snap out of it and go on stage but how could he, this was the first time he was drowning in her after he stopped letting his mind rule his heart and compel him to look away, compel and remind him of the countless ways she was forbidden to him only to have his heart yearn for her that much more. Today he stared, realizing that was a long lost battle, there was no force on earth that could stop him from burning where Zoya Farooqui was concerned.  As the announcer announced their performance, and the curtains shed, Asad stood at the mic dressed in all black.  A black baggy shalwar tucked into military pants and a black fitted t-shirt.  Only the unbelievable response Asad got, the unwavering screams and cheers that nearly overshadowed the loud speakers placed all around, the unending applause and whistles (courtesy of Ayaan and their friends) that sound alone made Zoya’s nervousness transform into something else entirely.  Pride.  She couldn’t help but smile, chuckle, jump and bounce on her spot in happiness and pride hearing their love and adoration for him which she could completely understand.  Asad Ahmed Khan was love.  

He was positioned in the centre of the stage with a mic right up against his face, his face practically hidden behind it.  All around him was the scenery of war.  A ‘real life replica’ of Kasauli’s mountains was erected as the backdrop, there were fallen trees and debris all around him, a bridge before the ‘building’ he was standing on with the mic before his face and other buildings all around as well.  There was fake fire along the sides of the stage.  The applause didn’t die down until the audience heard what they came for.  The magic that only Asad’s voice could transcend but when Asad sang he commanded silence and silence is what he got.  The only sound left, was the sound of his own raging heartbeat.   

Asad - Ooo...Ek Sooraj Nikla Tha Kuchh Paara Pighla Tha (there was a puff of smoke and leaves erupted all over the stage) Ek Aandhi Aayi Thi Jab Dil Se Aah Nikli Thi (and that was when an angel in black first twirled her way ever so elegantly across the makeshift stage) Dil Se Re (‘catching’ Asad’s attention on stage as he for the first time lifted his head away from the mic and stared down from the building he was standing on.  However, at this point these steps may as well not be a part of the rehearsed performance because either way, no war could stop her from catching Asad’s reaction especially when she looked as sinfully beautiful as she did today...and then she twirled as majestically as she was at that moment across the stage, with a wide smile on her face which Asad could tell was completely genuine, all her nervousness, fear, apprehension and doubts from earlier were long gone and she was enjoying this and that made his heart soar passionately and that passion was what made the performance eternal) 
(this time sparks flew on stage as Asad lowered himself to a sitting position on the edge of the building staring at zoya dance her way around the stage in the most beautiful and graceful kathak he had ever seen, but all the while with a painful expression, her eyes remained glued heavenwards in desperation, in anguish in hope, hope and mania to find the source of the song that was driving her to the bring of insanity it seemed, it was so divinely beautiful) Ek Sooraj Nikla Tha Kuchh Paara Pighla Tha Ek Aandhi Aayi Thi Jab Dil Se Aah Nikli Thi (as her heart called out to his the heavens above answered for both these lost souls who needed nothing but each others rapidly beating heartbeats to guide them back to life.  Asad jumped off the building into centre stage and Zoya twirled right into his hold, crashing against his chest as fate would have it.  All other lights on stage dimmed except the one spotlight on them both, the beads of perspiration and the breathlessness of both their bodies reflecting the heat within as their eyes locked and the world glazed over, they couldn’t take their eyes off each other even as the world burnt around them) Dil Se Re
(& they both fell for each other.  All it took was one look, one breath, one heartbeat, a heartbeat and a moment after which nothing could ever remain the same, neither their lives nor the fate of the world around them.  That one breath left a path of inevitable destruction in its path and the realization and anguish of which showed on Zoya’s face as she broke out of his hold, she began dancing, twirling around him as he spun on the spot trying to catch one more glimpse of her, just one more touch, trying to grab her, hold onto her for dear life but it seemed no matter how hard he tried the farther she was taken from him, as if she was not meant for him, as if he were trying to catch smoke with his bare hand but it just kept slipping from his fingers.) 

Dil Se Re Dil Se Re Dil Se Re Dil Se Re Dil Se Re

(Finally just as she was about to run back over the same bridge she came crashing into his life from, away from him, away from his world he caught onto her wrist and stopped her, call him selfish but even if he was delaying the inevitable, he just couldn’t bare to part just yet, he needed one more touch, one more look, one more breath of the air he could share with her.  They both smiled shyly, flirtatiously, knowingly as Zoya lowered her eyes with a small but hypnotic, blinding smile on her face, enough to knock anyone off their feet as he danced with her teasingly, twirled her towards him but immediately away again before twirling her all around him again) Dil To Aakhir Dil Hai Na Meethi Si Mushkil Hai Na (in one swift and passionate tug he pulled her towards him enough that she came crashing against him gasping for air as she did, their breaths intermingling as they were unbelievably close, their gazes automatically drawn and fixated on each others lips, and for Zoya in that moment it wasn’t a part of a well rehearsed performance she was living out, it was Asad, her Asad that was pulling her close and all she wanted was to melt in his arms but what she didn’t know was that the fire that was burning her from within was ignited just as hungrily in him too, and just as Asad pulled her a little closer, his gaze still fixated on her mouth, tilted and lowered his head just a little, his eyes a little darker (unscripted), Zoya smiled shyly and turning her head away ran out of his hold smiling shyly and playfully, breathless as she did, for the truth was she nearly forgot they were performing and it was a part of the choreography, because in that moment there was nothing more Zoya needed or wanted than the feel of his lips on hers) Piya Piya (as she ran, one of her choori’s broke and ended up in his hold drawing blood from her wrist, foreshadowing the inevitable.  There was a reason this love, this closeness this madness was forbidden, it could only one way and one way alone and that destiny was devastating and tragic to say the least.  Asad held the choori up to his face smiling helplessly as he ran a hand through his hair before hearing her giggle he took off after her and caught her just in time as she attempted to hide behind one of the buildings erupted on stage, making her breath get caught in her throat (unscripted) as he caged her between his arms, a knowing, revenging and playful yet at the same time desiring and demanding look on his face as he stared at her lips again leaning his into hers) Piya Piya Piya Na Piya (Zoya looked away blushing again and attempted to flee his hold but it seemed no matter where she turned, he was there, haunting her, teasing her, loving her.  As she tried to escape his hold, he let her get a few feet away before catching her wrist again and tugging making her come crashing back into his hold and this time he enveloped his arms around her, caging her in with a ferocity even the heavens would have trouble with. They stood their in a passionate embrace, with Asad leaning against the wall of the building this time and Zoya in his hold, haven’t forgotten the world) Jiya Jiya Jiya Na Jiya 

(But the world was still out there and it was a cruel world at that.  Sparks flew on stage against and Zoya jerked out of his hold as if on fire.  The lights turned on stage again and Zoya was able to see the fire, the pain, the destruction, the suffering, the blood, the war...what could be a bigger tragedy then fall ing in love when the world was being burnt to ashes around you, and so Zoya who had realized this ran from his life, from his world over the same bridge she had first come trespassing over uninvited realizing that if the world found out about the seed of hope they had let bloom during the war, their love would meet a fate worse than their world after the war had ended.  Asad however could not understand that, could not accept that no matter how much he knew it to be the absolute reality, devastated he sunk to his knees against the same building he was just holding her in his arms a second ago, staring at the only reminder of hers he had, her choori)  Dil Se Re
(This time it was Asad’s light that dimmed along with all others on stage, only the spotlight on centre stage was lighted where Zoya eyes closed in anguish, desperation and pain, dedication and concentration as she danced and willed her heart to listen to the sounds of the war around her and understand, it was wrong, it was forbidden, he was wrong, he was forbidden, he was a mistake.  Except, how could you make your heart forget the only truth it wanted to remember and believe; Asad Ahmed Khan was, is and would always be the biggest truth of her life)  
Dil Se Re Dil Se Re Dil Se Re Dil Se Re Dil Se Re (and then a second light lit up next to her and both she and Asad danced side by side, depicting the pain, the anguish the helplessness of both their hearts, mirror images.  Both their eyes were closed and their anguish which wasn’t just rehearsed but inspired by the real life reflected on their faces as they danced passionately next to each other, not touching or seeing each other at all but still touching in all the ways that mattered most, touching each others souls) Dil To Aakhir Dil Hai Na Meethi Si Mushkil Hai Na Piya Piya Piya Piya Piya Na Piya Jiya Jiya Jiya Na Jiya (their eyes opened slowly, as if coming awake after a long beautiful sleep, with a serene smile on their faces as if they knew before they had even opened their faces that that which they longed to see would be what awaited them as they opened their eyes, but those small relieved and euphoric happiness was not long lived, it died almost as did the deluded belief that they could hold onto each other, something which their souls seemed parched to do.) Dil Se Re (But almost immediately from both sides, soldiers in black (their faces covered) who had chosen this war at the expense of them all, at the expense of all the love, hopes and dreams, all the longing and want in the world ran onto stage, and began brutally and cruelly pulling them apart into the reality of their own worlds, making the painful reality jolt back into both of them..this could never be.  No matter how much they struggled, or fought, how much they yearned they were both eventually dragged back into their own worlds and the boundaries they had dared to cross lay forgotten in between their outstretched hands failing to rip it from between them) Ooo...(The stage then opened to Zoya standing on the makeshift bridge alone, a single spotlight on her, creating the magic that only she could.  She took the stage with a storm unparalleled and danced her heart and her pain away, leaving the audience breathless.  As Asad’s hum resonated he ran out onto the stage, onto the same bridge where their story both started and would eventually meet it’s tragic end at, and Zoya twirled one final time before jumping and crashing straight into his arms and without a heartbeats delay, and sparks flew all around them, they both clung to each other in a passionate embrace as if they were afraid that if they let each other go in the slightest the world would rip them apart once again) Do Patte Patjhad Ke Pedon Se Utrey Thay.Pedon Ki Shaakhon Se Utrey Thay (As Asad set her on her feet they both danced side by side again, their dance and the choreography, the anguished expressions revealed the helpless, angry and frustration conditions of their heart, they felt suffocated, birds who just wanted to soar but were being caged.) Phir Utne Mausam Guzre Vo Patte Do Bechaare Phir Ugne Ki Chaahat Mein Vo Sehraon Se Guzre(As both smoke and leaves erupted around the stage, sparks flying once again, Zoya suddenly stared and terrified, devastated grabbed Asad’s hand and the two ran from the bridge and towards centre stage in an attempt to hide behind one of the buildings for their lives and Asad with his eyes fixated on her, unwavering, followed her to the ends of the earth) Vo Patte Dil Dil Dil Thay Vo Dil Thay Dil Dil Dil Thay (But Zoya stopped running ahead of Asad when she realized how futile it was, how ridiculous and hopeless it was...living like this.  Loving like this.  Always living in the fear of WHEN they would find them, because they would find them.  She stopped and with a heavy heart feeling like not just her heart but she herself was breaking.  As she turned around with tears in her eyes only to find him smiling right back at her with a sad smile on his lips and tears mirroring her own swimming in those beautiful but haunted eyes of hers.  As if he already knew.  He raised one hand and tucked a loose strand of her hair behind her ear and Zoya simultaneously both came to life and fell apart at his touch, she whimpered clutching his arm as Asad leaned his forehead against hers whilst the fire burning the world against them intensified.  Zoya’s hands gripped either side of Asad’s waists and his locked behind her waist as he lifted her off her feet transcending and defying gravity making Zoya’s giggles echo and resonate all around as she felt like she was truly flying when he spun her off her feet like that) Dil Hai To Phir Dard Hoga Dard Hai To Dil Bhi Hoga Mausam Guzarte Rehte Hain

(As Asad set her feet on the ground they both danced side by side, in each others arms, a mix of a contemporary waltz, a sad goodbye as a tear fell from Zoya’s eyes (unscripted) at the sheer beauty and yet tragedy of it all)  Dil Hai To Phir Dard Hoga Dard Hai To Dil Bhi Hoga Mausam Guzarte Rehte Hain Dil Se Dil Se Dil Se Dil Se (Zoya jumped in his arms again, crashing into him one last time and he lifted her in the air, her body arched like a swan, eyes closed in ecstasy, in submission, in acceptance as he spun around with her slowly, just the single spotlight on them.) Dil Se Re

(as he set her on her feet, they both had the smallest of satisfied, victorious smiled on their faces, ready to accept their fate.  They hadn’t lost in the slightest, the only ones losing here were the hungry mongers who no amount of pain, devastation and blood could satisfy.  How much more blood must spill before enough was enough? No.  They were not losing or dying in anyway, they had something so pure, so divine that the same soil which would soak and drink in their blood today would for the rest of time testify to the love they had lived, it had the fortune of witnessing.  Their love would live on forever.  Knowing that they were okay with whatever fate they met, and so one last time, hand in hand they danced one last dance towards the bridge just as the curtain began closing in slowly)  
Dil To Aakhir Dil Hai Na Meethi Si Mushkil Hai Na Piya Piya (they separated near the end of the bridge and eyes locked onto each others, they with liberated hearts knowing their time here was limited and their love misunderstood, the pain here was temporary and short lived but where they would next open their eyes, their love and union would be eternal, with that thought and trust they climbed the bridge from opposite sides of the bridge towards one another, slow unhurried steps seeing their destiny in front of them and knowing it wasn’t long before they’d be holding it in their hands but there was some sort of magic in this pain of longing and distance as well, in waiting and they wanted to relish the final few seconds of it.)  Piya Piya Piya Na Piya Jiya Jiya Jiya Na Jiya (finally as they stood foot to foot, toe to toe, heart to heart and soul to soul, they bowed and bumped their heads together in submission, in surrender, in prayer with bright smiles on their faces, as tonight their love would become eternal, they themselves would live on forever..their love transcended hate, division, boundaries and war, their love could not be understood by humans fuelled by a hunger no amount of blood or sacrifice can ever fulfill, their love was that which fairytales are written about, the sufis sing about and angels talk about.  Their love was divine.) Dil Se Re (and finally as the curtains closed, their was a final sound of an explosion on stage, and now it was up to the audience to decide what fate their love met tonight) 

Continued in next post...

DailyDaisy thumbnail
Anniversary 7 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 4 years ago

The performance ended only to leave a deafening and almost haunting silence behind.  There was not a single dry eye in the house.   Even the most stone coldest of hearts had been deeply moved by the thoroughly artistic, beautiful, poetic and yet devastatingly tragic performance.  None however, were as shattered and shaken as Ayaan Farooqui.   As happy as he was that his best friend and his sister had found love and truth be told no one deserved it more than they did he just felt like he hadn’t just witnessed a performance, he had witnessed a glimpse into their future, if they did somehow give these feelings a name and actually acknowledge them and no one wanted it not to be true more than him but he may just have to accept the reality that instead of laughter and happiness, a marriage and babies only devastation, war and heartbreak was written in fate for them.  This was Kasauli after all.  He was Asad Ahmed Khan after all, but somewhere somehow he understood why Asad despite knowing exactly what was going on in his heart, in Zoya’s heart and between them despite wanting nothing more than to acknowledge the tsunami of emotions he was feeling each breathing moment may have to deliberately choose to act dumb and unaware here and realizing that Ayaan found new found admiration and respect for Asad.  It takes a great deal of courage and strength to put yourself and your life, your destiny out there for someone to decide your fate but it takes an even more courage to deliberately forsake your own destiny and fate, your own chance at happiness to avoid the heartbreak and pain you MIGHT cause someone along the way should you choose to act on it and knowing Asad he didn’t have to think twice about what choice he would make and he KNEW Asad.  He just hoped whatever decision both he and Zoya made, they both had the strength to live with it for the rest of their lives.  Nonetheless, wiping his own eyes he too stood up with the rest of the audience in giving them a standing ovation.  


Asad felt Zoya’s smile before he even opened his eyes.  They still stood in the same position as they had when the curtains had been drawn.  It was only when he felt her soft lips make the sweetest and briefest contact with his cheek did he slowly open his eyes, did he want to open this eyes, never wanting this moment to end.  Selfishly just wanting to hold her in his arms like this for the rest of time, for he knew that the second he opened his eyes back to the real world the world would start conspiring once again on how to rip them apart, for this world thrived on pain, hunger and destruction of others.  But when he saw those beautiful brown orbs of hers staring back at him, full of innocence, full of gratitude and full of hope, he wanted to just for one minute dare to believe in the humanity and hope of this cruel world and life for her sake, for his sake and just dream for what a beautiful dream it would be.  Zoya smiled at him through her tear filled eyes and wiped away the stubborn tears that refused to stop.  

Zoya - (not caring or hurrying to remove her arms from around his neck because it just....felt right.  This right here, it was the single most unmistaken and undisputed sure thing in her life.  Him.  Her.  Them.) thank you so much Mr. Khan...thank you (she stared back, deep into those haunting eyes of his, staring into which as she realized today, since the first time she had stared into them she had started coming back into a new life altogether post her Jeejus death) thank you for bringing me back to life.  Aaj zindagi mein mujhe pehli baar aisa lagga hai jaise main poori thara zinda hoon, poori tarha jee gayee hoon, mujhe meri dhadkane abhi bhi sunayee de rahee hain Mr. Khan (laughing in disbelief)

Asad - (smiled a small smile at her, always a sucker for her smile, her laugh, her happiness, her) (whispered back watching her so alive, so pure, so happy) I’m so proud of you (Zoya gasped softly, trying to be discreet about it but he heard it anyway before she bit her lip trying to silence her desire to scream, shout and sing, shriek in happiness.  There was nothing more she realized that she wanted from life than to hear and know that Asad was proud of her.  She had decided there and then that they were her favourite words ever.  She then wrapped her arms completely around his neck hugging him so tightly, as if she would never let him go and if it was up to her, she wouldn’t.  If it was up to him, he wouldn’t as he wrapped his arms back around her even tighter, burying his face in her shoulder and closing his eyes.  Just wanting the world to end right there right then.  But unfortunately, he was given a very cruel reminder of how hungry, how unjust and how inhumane the world really was.  He coughed into her shoulder and immediately his blood ran cold, his face paled and his blood pressure dropped in freight.  Not here, not now.  Not in front of Zoya, he couldn’t have another episode.  But when the coughing continued, he knew it was coming and so he had to get away from Zoya as quickly but discreetly as possible.  Coughing, he very dejectedly and unwillingly, very heartbroken, tried to pull apart from her, his face growing paler by the second as he tried to hide the entire impact and strength of the cough attack inside so Zoya didn’t hear the wheezing or worse, see the blood because it would burn her new world to ashes and after having risen from the ashes of one burnt world and still carrying the scars of it, this would surely destroy her.  Asad stepped back a little scratching his head unsuspectingly so that she wouldn’t be able to see the colour or condition of his face. 

Asad - I think uhm Bhabi and your brothers, Ammi, Bhai Malik Uncle they’re all probably waiting outside for us..probably wanna congratulate you and all so maybe we should hit the showers and get going (he let out a small cough again because he just couldn’t hold it in any longer but then using all his strength to hold in the full proportion of it he tried to smile at her, but the way Zoya narrowed her eyes at him he knew it was a complete fail.  She may not know exactly what he was hiding or what just happened but she knew something was wrong, maybe he just didn’t want anybody to see them hugging?  Or maybe he wasn’t comfortable hugging her for so long and so...dare she hope passionately?  Hoping against all odds it wasn’t the latter she nodded and walked offstage towards the shower rooms and as soon as she was out of sight Asad collapsed to his knees wheezing and coughing uncontrollably, he had to clutch his stomach because it took all the energy he had out of him and physically hurt.  But when he started seeing spots before his eyes and everything went blurry for a few seconds, he knew.  It was time.  He couldn’t delay or ignore this any further, no matter how terribly afraid he was he would have to face yet another one of his demons and go see someone, it could not be avoided anymore.  Not when he was on the verge of fainting and his hand was filling up with blood yet again.  

30 Minutes Later:

Zoya’s hair was still drenched and dripping water as she stood outside by the side of the hall waiting for Asad after having collected her bag, jacket and other belongings.  She was staring at the huge banner highlighting their performance - the closing performance of the Arts festival.  She couldn’t help but smile seeing both their names written together so perfectly, instilling hope within her yet again that perhaps that is how it was supposed to be, how it could be.  Not only should their names be written together, be said together in the same breath but they themselves were supposed to be together.  But then dismissing it as the desperate and hopeful wishes of her own heart, yearning to believe in any last possible thread of hope that it wasn’t just a fantasy she sighed as she ran her fingers over it one last time before averting her eyes.  It would do no one well for her to dwell on the same hopeless dreams.  She checked her watch, was Mr. Khan taking a shower or a hot bubble bath..where on earth was Mr. Prompt and Perfect? 

A man - Zoya Beti? (Zoya looked up and smiled) 

Zoya - Ji Kabir Chacha? Main bas M- 

Kabir - (nodded with a small smile) Asad Baba ka wait kar rahee hain (Zoya nodded, and the main gave her a small almost forced but sympathetic smile as he pulled out his other hand from behind him in which there was a brown bag) woh Asad Baba ne aapko dene ke liye bola tha...aur..yeh bhi (handed her a small piece of paper leaving Zoya confused) main gaari mein wait kar raha hoon...sab wahin hain aap aa jayen (Zoya nodded and he walked away.  Utterly confused Zoya looked into the bag and saw an upsized large milkshake and the largest box of fries her favourite shake shop sold and it brought an equally large smile on her face.  She bit her lip to stop herself from squealing again.  Why was this man so perfect? Such a sweetheart.  But then she immediately frowned..why the hell couldn’t he have given her these himself? Suddenly completely annoyed at him, in complete contrast to the emotions she was feeling just a minute ago she unfolded the note and despite her extreme annoyance couldn’t help but smile at is obsessively neat scrawl.) 

“stop making those faces, you might scare the innocence out of a child.  I’m sorry I had to leave like this, I had a prior engagement I couldn’t reschedule and I didn’t want to tell you beforehand because I knew you’d use it as an excuse to get out of performing but it was extremely that you performed today and  that too with everything you’ve got, nothing holding you back, nothing on your mind..and you did it.  You were spectacular.  A sight to behold.  I had to rush to my meeting but maybe I’ll see you tonight at Rogue for a celebration? ~ Asad

P. S. You’re paying” 

Zoya pouted as she held the note against her heart missing him already, she checked her watch again.  There were suddenly too many hours in the day, minutes suddenly felt like days and she didn’t think she’d be able to survive the time between now and then, when she’d see him again.  She missed him too much already. 

Kasauli Hospital: 

Aahil opened the door to his cabin in somewhat of a rush and panic, he felt his heart racing as he stared at the back of the person standing by his window.  Trying to get a grip on himself and his breath he gripped onto the back of the chair as he shut the door silently behind him. 

Aahil - okay I’m here now can you please rush to explain whats going on? Because theres a million scenarios running through my mind each worse than the last as to why you’ve called me here and why you asked me to tell everyone theres a medical emergency...

Asad - (turned around as cool, calm and collected as ever and as always there were 101 different kind of storms rushing to defeat him on the inside but he didn’t let any of that reflect on his face) because there is a medical emergency...

Aahil - (stared at him skeptically, getting a bad feeling) okay...whose the patient? 

Asad - Before I tell you that (leaving the window and walking towards him) I need to know if I can trust you...

Aahil - trust me? I thought I had cleared all yours, Bhais and Malik uncles nonsense - (Asad shot him a look, his one eye narrowing and twitching and it shot chills throughout Aahil’s being, he was convinced he had never witnessed anything scarier in his life) I mean very justified and necessary very sensible tests and interviews...I thought, I thought you trusted me? 

Asad - this is a different kind of trust, not related to Aapi (and Aahil immediately released the breath he was holding but he should know by now that was a premature move where Asad was concerned, you wait for him to be at least 10 km away from you before you can rejoice and trust he won’t come back to change his mind or rob you of that happiness) entirely...

Aahil - oh. 

Asad - I need to know if I can trust you to keep something to yourself...like between us, and not tell anyone...without you know me having to blackmail you into doing so...

Aahil - (shook his head as he stepped towards Asad) you’ll never have to reach such extents with me..I promise.  Asad not only do I have to extend full confidentiality to you as a doctor but if you EVER need me to keep something between us or need me to have your back then you should know you can trust me with your life.  (Put a firm hand on his shoulder and stared at him dead in the eye hoping someone as non trusting and dense, as problematic as Asad would understand) Your no different than Ayaan for me, you’re not my brother in law...you’re my brother.  

Asad - (chuckled) you Farooqui’s are next level fiercely loyal 

Aahil - koi shak? (Asad shook his head, he had enough experience from two farooqui’s to know he could trust the lot of them with his life) (Aahil sat in one of the patient chairs opposite his desk whilst Asad leaned against a wall now suddenly terrified and second guessing his decision...saying it out loud, meant acknowledging that whatever was going on was real? That there was actually something wrong?) Asad? (He could see Asad’s eyes darting from side to side and knew he was fighting some kind of battle in that thick head of his, but as Asad looked up and Aahil for the first time since he had met him saw a trace of fear in his eyes he felt himself fill with dread, this was something big, something serious and that was when he noticed what he normally wouldn’t.  The pale colour of Asad’s face, almost ashen, the dark circles beneath his eyes, he looked almost weak as if he had lost a bunch of weight suddenly and he was suddenly afraid to ask the question) Is everything okay? Are...are you okay? 

Asad - (and Asad felt tears nearly prick his eyes, he was just so hopelessly lost and afraid) no, I haven’t been in a while and I’ve been deluding myself into believing that I am but...(sighed closing his eyes, his heart feeling like it was ready to burst) but its gotten to the point where I can’t even lie to myself...there are...there are physical symptoms to call out my lie.

Aahil - (feeling his heart sinking already but he could see the fear in Asad’s eyes and as his doctor and his friend, he at that moment had to remain strong for Asad’s case) what kind of symptoms..whats going on? 

Asad - (closing his eyes, he began pacing as he held his head in his hands) it...it started off as just these coughing fits which got worse over time, I...I started noticing blood on my hands, in my mouth whenever I has one of the more extreme coughing fits...I’ve had fevers almost every night, dizziness and..today I..I nearly passed out..everything went kind of blurry and then black for a few seconds (Aahil didn’t want to show it but being a doctor his mind immediately feared the worst, he just hoped that for Asad’s sake and for the sake of his family...THEIR family, Dilshad Aunty, Aisha, Ayaan even Zoya that it wasn’t what he feared) 

Aahil - (nodded) how long has this been going on? 

Asad - (frowned) I don’t know a couple of weeks...(Aahil nodded deliberating for a few seconds before he grabbed his stethoscope from his table and stood up) 

Aahil - Remove your shirt and lie back on the bed for me...

Asad - (raised an eyebrow) you do know you’re marrying my sister right? 

Aahil - you do know I have injections in that drawer right...big ones, so here the tables are turned...you oughta be scared of me

Asad - (scoffed as he still terrified walked towards the bed unbuttoning his shirt) you’re funny

Rogue - Late that Night: 

Zoya sat on one of the sofas in the lounges staring and pouting at the door.  No points for guessing that the reason behind it was Asad Ahmed Khan who as it seemed still hadn’t arrived.  She heard Zeenat and Anwar giggling to her side and looked over to what seemed like a pretty intimate conversation because Zeenat was blushing and giggling like a school girl as Anwar whispered something to her.  Zoya rolled her eyes shooting out of her seat and walking away muttered ‘couples’ not so subtly under her breath as she did.  As she walked downstairs she was met with Anaya and Arsalan who were coming upstairs to do giggling of their own she assumed.  

Arsalan - ZO! I was just looking for you...had to ask you tumhari tabiyat to theek haina? 

Zoya - (frowned) ya I’m perfectly fine..why? 

Azlan - Uhm well only because we’ve been here for an hour and you haven’t taken over the dance floor yet doosre logon ko bhi dance karne ka mauka mil raha hai you know...(tried to hide his laugh as Zoya crossed her arms not appreciating his mock insults in the slightest) kaafi shock laga mujhe 

Zoya - you know whats shocking Bhabi (suddenly turning towards Anaya) that when we were younger Bhai was the only one from my brothers who’d insist on having tea parties...he’d actually miss them if we’d go some time without having one (and she felt satisfied hearing Arsalan choke on his drink, ahh sweet revenge) in fact he one time wore a dress to- (Arsalan jumped up the one stair gap between them and covered her mouth with his hand standing next to her smiling an unsure smile at Anaya who stared at him with a raised eyebrow) 

Arsalan - Duffer woh main nahin Aahil Bhai The...(laughed desperately) idiot itne bhai hain ke bhool jaati hoon unn mein se ek normal kaunsa hai (whispered to Zoya unsuspectingly) don’t make it worse and I’ll give you my jacket (Zoya eyed his designer leather jacket and gave him a thumbs up, immediately stopped struggling against his hold desperate to tell Anaya more as was evident from the laughter in her eyes, Azlan let go of her sighing a breath of relief before shaking his head and shrugging out of his jacket)

Anaya - (knowing full well the deal he probably had to make it with Zoya to get her to shut up just wanted to push his buttons a lil) sorry you were saying Zoya before you were so RUDELY interrupted (eyeing Arsalan) Arsalan wore a dress- 

Zoya - (eyeing Arsalan with a raised eyebrow the entire time, Arsalan could see a hint of the devil which was inherently all Zoya and he couldn’t get her away from there fast enough) I’m sorry Bhabi my mistake apparently that was Aahil Bhai- (Arsalan tossed the jacket at her which Zoya grabbed and jumping gleefully held the jacket up examining it) 

Arsalan - Zoya has to go away now (practically pushing her off the stairs) 

Anaya - Arsalan...stop being rude she’s your sister (Arsalan’s mouth hung open in shock whilst Zoya pouted sadly at Anaya batting her eyelashes adding smoke to the fire) she should come hang with us- 

Arsalan - Ohhh no no no no..and it’d be better for all of us if you got on the same page as everyone uhm this here (pointing to Zoya) its the devil..dunya ki baaki behnon ki tarha nahin hai woh so don’t fall in the trap you’ll be the only loser if you do, don’t sympathize with her don’t spoil her and DEFINITELY don’t be a sucker when she tries to get cute with you...you’ll end up robbed (Zoya stared at him with calm but narrowed eyes as he went on his rant, when he finished and smiled at her she gave him a full toothed smile before kissing his cheek to which he smiled even brighter and turning to Anaya with the same smile she hopped down the last remaining step and whispered something into her ear which made her burst out laughing and Arsalans mouth gaped in shock) 

Zoya - Bye Bhai Love you...(and she very innocently skipped down the remainder of the steps) 

Arsalan - SEE WHAT I MEAN.  DEVIL (shaking his head walking up the remainder of the steps) 

Anaya - oh shut up you adore her and wouldn’t have her any other way...tum sab bhaiyon ki lifeline hai woh (Arsalan rolled his eyes climbing up the stairs)  

Meanwhile as Zoya landed on the last step she felt her neck twist as someone wrapped their arm tightly around it from behind.  A second lated Ayaan came stumbling into view. 

Ayaan - CHURAIL BRO..where you at? I’ve been asking all around for you..are you okay...not feeling well? My dance floors getting lonely come on I need you to get these people to feel the rhythm and get bouncing- 

Zoya - (rolled her eyes, staring over the heads of people walking in as Ayaan steered her to the dance floor) thanks Ayaan but I’m really not feeling the rhythm myself tonight- 

Ayaan - (stared at her dumbfounded for a second, in complete shock, he put a hand to her head when she stared at him in question) you feeling okay? 

Zoya - (slapped his hand away) of course I’m feeling okay- 

Ayaan - well then lets go dance-

Zoya - go dance with your girlfriend (Ayaan was silent for a few seconds and Zoya was trying to stare all around the club trying to catch a glimpse of Asad but she couldn’t seem to find him anywhere when Ayaan didn’t say anything she looked back and for the first time in a long time saw a hint of something so foreign she couldn’t even remember Ayaan to be capable of feeling this way, ever, vulnerable, uncertain, afraid almost? But seeing Zoya’s pondering and slightly worried eyes he tried to mask it as best as he could) 

Ayaan - (shook his head) she’s busy 

Zoya - (not buying it but she played along) then dance alone- 

Ayaan - you know I can’t and stop acting pricey (slapped her head messing up her hair) warna marr rahee hoti hai nachne ke liye...bathroom tak mein chain nahin hai tumhe suddenly you don’t wanna dance (Zoya glared at him and then fixing her hair she like a complete junglee jumped on his back squeezing an even tighter arm around his neck to choke him, Ayaan struggling to get her to jump off stumbled to the dance floor past Humeira not even seeing her wave and smile at him about to hug him as he did. Tonight though, the rejection did not sit well with Humeira.  She felt humiliated, and Humeira Siddiqui did NOT do well with Humiliation.  She saw Red) 

10 Minutes Later: 

Ayaan and Zoya were dancing like the only two psychopaths in the club, as only they could.  But somewhere even Ayaan knew she wasn’t all in it, with him here tonight..he could tell she was missing a certain someone from the way her eyes kept on darting around every few seconds, searching for him.  How she herself would spin almost maddened with happiness and euphoria with the smallest gush of wind and Ayaan saw the subsequent disappointment on her face too when it didn’t turn out to be Asad.  The truth was despite being surrounded by people Zoya felt completely alone all due to the absence of just one person.  That one person. 

Ayaan - hey...(Zoya turned back towards Ayaan and Ayaan gave her a small smile, god when did his sister grow up so much, grown up enough to fall in love?  Zoya narrowed her eyes at him and Ayaan purposely messed up her hair shaking his head making Zoya shriek, a sound he loved a little too much for his own good.  As Zoya was assaulting him the song changed and Ayaan pulled her off beginning to sing/scream at the top of his lungs, draping an arm around Zoya who rolled her eyes at him fixing her hair again.  He had wanted to reassure her that Asad would be there soon but suddenly after today he didn’t have the courage in him to encourage this fantasy she was indulging in, he didn’t want to encourage or take part in it knowing it could end up crushing his sister.  Instead he nodded his head to Zoya asking her to sing along and going by the smile on her face there was nothing Zoya wanted more either.  Pretty soon both of them were jumping around like the lunatics that they were shaking their heads and singing more like screaming at the top of their lungs, being overdramatic to the extreme.  

We could've had it all Rolling in the deep
You had my heart inside your hand
But you played it with a beating

(They burst out laughing when Ayaan felt a tap on his shoulder, some girl he evidently knew as he turned around exclaiming a ‘Hey’ whilst Zoya who was just getting into her element, closed her eyes and zoned out doing her thing.  She danced to her hearts content until she felt a pair of eyes on her and without even needing to open her eyes she knew exactly who those eyes belonged to, the intensity of his stair sent a shudder ripping through her body at once.  She opened her eyes slowly biting her lip to stop her smile from spreading into a full on grin even though internally she was more than just grinning.  She was ecstatic as she locked eyes with him at the bar, his eyes dark as charcoal staring fixated right on her. Zoya watched different emotions play out on his face in his eyes as he watched her slowly sway to the music on the dance floor, her eyes locked with his as she danced.  Adoration, Amazement, Awe, a longing a want so deep it caused a deep stirring in her soul and dare she say it....love.  She looked down biting her lip as she saw Asad gulp and close his eyes for a second looking away and running a hand through his hair before tossing back the rest of his drink.  When she looked up she saw him nod his head towards the door and Zoya’s heart skipped a beat at the prospect of a few stolen moments with Asad.  Just him, Just her..away from the world.  She had her answer in a heartbeat but she looked back to tell Ayaan.  He however looked in the middle of a pretty heated argument with some girl so she just shrugged and ran towards him.   

Humeira - (as Ayaan had turned around she was still glaring at Zoya now dancing her heart away in a bubble of her own.  She stared at Zoya head to toe evidently analyzing just how pretty she was and what Ayaan ‘saw’ in her.  After her analysis was complete she made a sickened look turning her head and muttered venomously under her breath) s****.

Ayaan - (frowned) sorry? 

Humeira - (smiled crossing her arms staring at him with a raised eyebrow, right in the eye) does Naina know that you cheat on her with a different girl every night

Ayaan - (his anger rising as was the disbelief; not taking a hint was one thing but putting accusations on him like this it was unbelievable) I’m sorry...what did you just say (a muscle jumped dangerously in his jaw) (Humeira wasn’t even listening to him she instead was watching Zoya run over to Asad who immediately grabbed her hand and began walking through the swarming crowd to leave) 

Humeira - what a s*** she played you till a better option came along and now she’s gonna spend the rest of the night warming Asad Ahmed Khan’s b-(and Ayaan immediately understood who and what she was saying and Ayaan saw RED.  How dare she.) 

Ayaan - (bellowed angrily not just Humeira but everyone on the dance floor jumped, even people in the lounges and upstairs rushed to the railings suspecting a fight had broken out) SHES MY GODDAMN SISTER! SO SHUT UP AND DONT EVER SAY ANOTHER WORD ABOUT HER OR NAINA FROM YOUR FILTHY TONGUE EVER AGAIN. WARNA MUJHSE BURA KOI NAHIN HOGA. UNDERSTAND THAT!! (He glared at Humeira, seething with fury, Humeira who had been yelled at in fact spoken to in a loud tone for the first time in her life and to say she was shocked would be an understatement) now get the hell out of my club (saying so Ayaan gave her one disgusted look before pushing past her furiously.  He couldn’t believe the audacity of this girl.  Humeira stood shaken on the dance floor but if Ayaan thought this was gonna teach her he was mistaken, she was suddenly more furious than ever before) 

Meanwhile - Somewhere on the streets of Kasauli:  

Asad and Zoya walked side by side in a comfortable and yet simultaneously awkward silence, awkward because both of them were willing and praying for the other to say something, anything to start a conversation but still the comfort level had exponentially increased from the times they had been left alone initially when they first met.  Still, they would rather be here walking this dark and lonely path in the park with each other than be anywhere else in the world.  On top of that the beauty and perfection of the night just made it an even more walk to be remembered.  The starry lit sky, the stillness of the air, crickets chirping, the sound of water flowing somewhere nearby...and just the two of them.  

Of course Zoya eventually had to concede knowing that it would have to be her to initiate conversation if she didn’t want them to reach home in silence. 

Zoya - sooo..(Asad’s face snapped to her in near relief and Zoya nearly wanted to burst out laughing.  This man, why wouldn’t he just talk if thats what he wanted? Stubbornness ki koi hadd nahin thi iski) soo...what happened back there I thought you wanted to celebrate at Rogue? 

Asad - (nodded taking a sip of his beer, his body and eyes suddenly tensing as he remembered the tests Aahil did on him meaning it wasn’t a small health concern and now the wait of the results was more excruciating than his denial and refusal to go to the doctor, and that tension reflected in his eyes) (nodding his head) I did but that was before I got this headache (which wasn’t a complete lie) 

Zoya - so how’d the meeting go? (Asad stared at her a little confused and she gave him a smile but what Asad saw was the hidden sadness and innocent complaint behind the smile and the words, the one she tried to hide in her tensed body as she looked away from him) 

Asad - (sighed, closing his eyes wanting to forget about the hours he spent at the hospital today getting poked and prodded with different needles and machines by Aahil because they couldn’t afford information about a health scare release when he was standing for elections, Ghaffur and other opposition leaders would have a field day)(nodded) it was good but it’s gonna be some time before we hear anything back...and uhh (seeing a small pout on her face, he knew it would just be giving encouragement to whatever emotions were kindling in her regarding whatever this was between them or whatever it was she felt towards him, a crush, infatuation, little did he know it was far stronger and deeper than anyone of them had ever imagined, believed or wished for it to be, but he was far too gone to care at this point) and I’m sorry I had to leave from there like that...but again you were absolutely breathtaking on stage today...a complete natural (Zoya stared at him with a bright smile and hopeful eyes but this time it really was too much and he had to look away, he couldn’t bear to see the innocence, the purity in those eyes shatter and it would shatter when she discovered the monster hidden beneath the facade he put up for the world daily) please tell me you’re no longer thinking about the pathetic people who think dancing is disgraceful or something to be ashamed of or that girls who dance are somehow not nice girls-

Zoya - you used to think that...about me (she stared at him through those big brown eyes that were currently and suddenly overflowing with tears and the unsure wavering smile on her face, the pain so deep rooted in her eyes let him know just how badly he had hurt her, his words, his actions had caused so much irreprebale damage that they had become stuck in her heart, mind and soul like the gospel truth and she had internalized them so much just like the hurtful words of the rest of the world that she believed them as the absolute truth, there was no convincing her otherwise.  He had been a part of this cruel world that had shattered this absolute angel before him at this moment, shattered her confidence, her heart, her dreams, her soul..everything about him.  He would loathe himself for it till the last day he lived just like he loathed himself in this moment and he would spend the rest of time trying to pick up her broken fragments and build her back into the pure, kind hearted, smiling and absolute badass angel he knew she truly was). 

Asad - and as I’ve said before...I was a complete ass before, I’d been that way for so long I had nearly forgotten that I was probably hurting people with my attitude and behaviour...with my words and actions and to be very honest (sighed as he ran a hand through his hair and Zoya who had for the longest time begun noticing the smallest details about him nearly swooned and definitely fell a little harder) I don’t think I really cared...I was incapable of kindness (took a deep breath, he didn’t know why he felt like telling Zoya all this, perhaps it was the fear of what lay ahead in terms of his health and life, he didn’t know how much time he had left and of course that fear and possibility lingered every day and every night given what he did but for some reason this sickness of his made it 100 times more real and present, and if god forbid something did happen to him he didn’t want to go without Zoya knowing this, without knowing how important her selflessness, her kindness and her smiles were) when I saw you crying for the first time (she thought he was referinng to the time ha man handled her at the wedding when his step father had stolen from him but in fact he was talking about a time long before that, because he had fallen for her long before that...the most beautiful night of his life, the night after which nothing was ever the same, not him, not his heart, not his life) it was like something finally ached in my heart...and I don’t know how long it had been since I had felt something...anything.  I know it sounds strange but although your tears caused me physical pain (and Zoya didn’t think he himself realized how much he was saying that night but nonetheless she’d take it, she had to swallow a gasp and bite her lip from grinning again) I almost wanted to scream and jump shout in happiness, in relief because I finally felt a heartbeat in my chest...(he turned to her and Zoya could see the earnestness and sadness in his eyes and it made her own heart race against time, she was falling too hard and too fast, she felt like her heart could burst from all the love it was harbouring for him in that moment) not even Pari’s birth could evoke that in me....(his gaze snagged to her lips and good lord she was biting her lip, his eyes shut tight immediately and he looked away trying to compel himself to forget the image that held the power to destroy them both, drive him to a point of no return with her, shed any and all inhibitions and take the plunge he was dying to take with her) and then I saw you smiling and I realized how much better I liked it...how much better it looked on you and I decided to stop being an asshole to you at least...(smiled) the rest of the world I’m still working on (rolled his eyes, of course there was nothing more he loved in this world than pissing Zoya off and getting a rise out of her, in fact he lived for it) of course this was all before I knew how annoying you were gonna turn out to be...If I had known I would’ve continued being said asshole towards you (Zoya playfully pushed him) 

Zoya - (rolled her eyes) PUHLEASE KHAN you don’t know what you’d do without me...

Asad - (chuckled) tis very true and theres a pretty decent chance I’m slightly drunk right now so I will completely deny every admitting that if you bring it up again once I’m sober...

Zoya - oh honey...believe me I ain’t ever letting you forget that (and her giggles made it all worth it even if she was going to plaster billboards quoting him all over the city tomorrow.  He closed his eyes relishing in the sounds of her giggles, afraid he may never get the chance to hear them again, and suddenly he felt like his heart would break with sadness.  it was the first time he realized he actually truly wanted to live, he didn’t want to die, not until he had fully lived...not just for his family or for Kasauli anymore but for Zoya..with Zoya) 

Zoya - (trying to be coy and unsuspecting about it as she very casually gripped onto his arm walking next to him, like two friends who hung out and did this all the time, no big deal but in reality it was a dangerous move on her part because it evoked dreams in both of them that were not destined for either of them to see or live out) I guess I understand what you’re trying to say...don’t listen to what other people are trying to say...their hate and efforts to drag you down come from their own places of darkness, insecurities or failures...like you judged me for the actions of your step mother...and Paris mother (Asad nodded)

Asad - it was an asshole move and I was completely out of line...I had no right to do so and it was not fair to you and I’m so so sorry (and he placed his hand on hers which was holding his bicep (although her hand didn’t completely enveloped around his bicep) and stared into her eyes and Zoya blinked because that look, that vulnerability that sadness in his eyes would make her fall in love with him all over again) you’ll never know how sorry I am...

Zoya - (nodded) you know I forgive you...I forgave you a long time ago...and I’ll (sighed, knowing it wasn’t easy but she had to try...she would try...not just for herself but for him) I’ll try to not care or obsess over what people think..what people say...

Asad - (nodded taking another sip of his beer as they continued walking through the park) you should just do what I do...listen to what everyone has to say...nod along like you agree with all the bullshit they want you to believe as blindly and stupidity as they do and go ahead and do whatever the hell you want to...(Zoya couldn’t help but burst out laughing as he said that making Asad raise an eyebrow at her) what...I’m serious 

Zoya - (continued laughing) oh believe me I know you’re dead serious...I just don’t think I can even picture myself doing that...I don’t have the kind of attitude you do and neither would it look as good on me as it does on you...(Asad stopped walking for a second as Zoya said that and only when he did did Zoya realize what she had just said, and her ears turned read as she closed her eyes berating herself in her stupidness.  She knew Asad would be gloating which he was so she avoided looking at his super smug and handsome face) 

Zoya - uhmm..uhh wow uhm I never even noticed this park before..Kasauli really is breathtaking beautiful isn’t it Mr. Khan (still avoiding looking at him and Asad although wanting to laugh just stared at her with a raised eyebrow, of all the things this girl  could’ve said this is what she says...what a pathetic save) 

Asad - (Zoya closed her eyes hearing the sarcasm in his voice) yes....it really is (shook his head) if you hadn’t been so annoying when you first came here (Zoya’s mouth fell open, the audacity of this man to dump the blame of their initial encounters and relationship on her entirely) I would’ve shown you just how beautiful this place really is...no ones seen and lived Kasauli both the beauty and the ugliness of it like I have

Zoya - ME (walking backwards before him now with her hands on her hips glaring at him and Asad was finding it increasingly difficult to hide his smile, he loved her like this, wanting to put his head on a stick) YOU WERE INSUFFERABLE BACK THEN!! IN FACT YOU STILL ARE! AUR AAP MUJHE KASAULI DEKHATE...you have some weird problem with women...like you’re still stuck in the 3rd grade and believe all women have coodies...you can’t go up and talk to them let alone be friends with them forget being a tour guide for them..woh toh meri himmat hai that I put up with you for that long and somehow broke through this weird oath against women you seem to have (what she didn’t know was that she was and would always be the one and only exception to that rule) 

Asad - I believe the word your looking for is stubborn.  (They both continued staring at each other, Asad with mock annoyance and a raised eyebrow and Zoya just plain out glaring at him...until they both burst out laughing simultaneously..and what a beautiful sound it was, both their intermingled and combined laughter echoing in the stillness and silence of Kasauli’s air, generations to come would hear the hauntingly beautiful echoes of it buried in the air of Kasauli) 

Zoya - (and she had once again grabbed hold of his arm albeit a bit more tightly, intimately this time as she walked next to him) I still have difficulty believing how far we’ve come and how much we’ve matured since back then...we didn’t go from strangers to friends..we went from moral enermies to friends...God I can’t tell you how badly I wanted to wrap my arms around your neck and just kill you. 

Asad - Wanted?  I still want to strangle you Farooqui.  All Day Every Day (Zoya rolled her eyes at him and Asad maintaining his poker face took another sip of his beer as calmly as ever, so there was no telling if he was serious or not) 

Zoya - (smiled as she thought back to all the dances, the pulls, the twirls, the lifts that had each brought them closer one twist, one twirl one dip at a time and the nearness, remembering the breaths the feelings that were interchanged in those dances made her blush) I mean if I had known that music and dance was what would eventually bring us close and turn that hatred into this beautiful friendship (and Asad could see the earnestness in her eyes as she smiled up at him, shee how much it meant to her and also see the vulnerability that need of reaffirmation that it meant just as much to him as well and so he gave her a smile in return too, a smile just as earnest) I would’ve only communicated in stances or raps with you whilst hip hopping, popping and locking or doing ballet simultaneously (Asad nearly choked on his beer as he laughed not just imagining it but also because he knew Zoya was 100% capable of it, and the sound made Zoya’s heart soar, she literally had not ever felt this overwhelmed or alive before and she didn’t know what to do with herself and her love for him.). 

Zoya - I’m not joking...I would’ve literally been (she grabbed her hand in his and tugged it along as she began skipping and dancing ahead, but unlike she wanted Asad didn’t dance or play along, he just dragged along as her hand tugged his as deadpan and bored as ever, his poker face always present) (singing) tere mere honton pe..meethe meethe geet mitwa..aage aage chale hum peeche peeche git mitwa...kaash yehi saari umar yunhi jaaye beet mitwa...aage aage chale hum peeche peeche geet mitwa (and although he didn’t believe, the universe bore witness to the Amen he muttered almost inaudibly because there is nothing more he wanted from this life, then to spend his life fighting, joking, singing, dancing, laughing and maybe even crying with Zoya.  and as far as Zoya was concerned then nothing about her surprised him anymore he knew she was capable of doing anything anywhere) 

Zoya - (laughing) imagine how much time and energy we could’ve saved dancing and singing instead of fighting..if only you had seen me earlier that day when I was singing and dancing with the children instead of the disastrous meeting we had later that day (but she was still unaware of another meeting they had in between that time, the one meeting that actually matter and regardless of the outcome of either of the other two meetings, it was that meeting that had mattered and due to which they were here tonight, in this park, singing, dancing, laughing and falling in love) Imagine how that might’ve gone (letting go of his hand and twirling before him under the open night and starry sky in this park where not a soul was present except for her and her Asad) 

Asad - (as he thought back to the Mazaar where he had lost and left his heart, and as he gazed at the beauty responsible for it with the most softest adoring eyes, he didn’t have to think twice and the words were on his lips before he had time to breath, and they made Zoya forget how to breath for a second) Dekho qareeb se Mile hai naseeb se Aayega pal yeh phir kahaan

(As she heard the voice that was always her undoing she had stopped dancing and stood still with a hand over her rapidly racing heart feeling him closing in on her, stepping towards her.  Unable to stop himself tonight he without a second thought stepped closer to her until his body was completely aligned with her, his forehead against the back of her head, her back against his chest and their feet touching.  As he whispered/sang into her hair Zoya couldn’t help the soft gasp that escaped her and she felt her body lean back into his in surrender) Aaj achaanak tumse mile hum
Ye toh nahi hai bewajah…
(he buried his face in her hair, and inhaled deeply, and Zoya nearly moaned wanting so much more as he trailed his shaky hands down her arms leaving a trail of goosebumps and want in their path before they enveloped hers down by her sides, holding her hands so tightly in hers Zoya nearly smiled knowing that no force in this world would be able to pry her hands let alone her her from his hold, from him so long as he held her like that) Pucho zara iss dil se Hum hain mile mushkil se Kal phir na ho’n hum jo yahaan (However, she didn't know what to think when he voluntarily let her go.  What she didn’t know though was that if it was up to him, he’d never let her go, especially after realizing just how limited his time with her might be, if it were up to him, he’d never let her go.  But he couldn’t ignore the small rustling sound he had just heard.  No average person could’ve possibly heard it but doing what he did he couldn’t afford to have average senses and so he heard it.  Trying not to let his panic for Zoya’s safety and wellbeing reflect in his eyes, on his face or in his behaviour he silently stepped back from her and Zoya felt coldness engulf her like never before.  Her whole body trembled as she suddenly felt all warmth and what felt like life itself abandon her.  She opened her eyes as the fantasy broke and she was forced to face reality upon the sound of Asad clearing his throat.  She just didn’t understand him, how could he touch her so intimately, look at her so passionately, want her so desperately and then the minute she thought they could finally have it all he pulled away so cold and harshly?) 

Asad - (cleared his throat again when she didn’t turn around, he didn’t want to be an asshole but this was necessary for her own good) uhmm...since we’re walking through the park and we’re at the entrance of the graveyard uhh do you wanna maybe visit your Jeeju-

Zoya - (annoyed and frustrated at him and at herself, she knew he most probably didn’t want her then why was she unable to control herself where he was concerned.  How could she force herself to see things that weren’t even there, that could never be there?) thanks but I was actually here all afternoon..

Asad - you sure (realizing it was actually a good thing that she hadn’t turned around because it allowed him to look behind in the forest and see the threat they were facing, so far he could see just two shadows but when Zoya was around two shadows were enough to drive him furious and at the brink of a nervous breakdown regarding her safety) I don’t mind waiting..

Zoya - (turned around and frowned at him) yah I’m sure, but if you’re so adamanat and want me to get away from you so badly then maybe I’ll go spend time with my Jeeju’s grave instead of you (and when he didn’t say anything angry and humiliated tears rushed to her eyes and Asad immediately wanted to rip whoever was lurking in the shadows limb from limb, he also wanted to do the same for causing those tears and not doing anything to prevent her hurt as she stormed away from him and into the graveyard.) 

Asad spun around with a nasty frown on his face, that alone should’ve been warning enough for the goons lurking in the forest to for their own safety make a run for it, instead once Zoya was gone they stepped out of the shadows smiling and holding large wooden sticks.  Something about their sleazy smiles made Asad twice as furious something which they were too stupid to realize would only end in harm and pain for them.  Asad walked up to them and away from the graveyard and spoke in a low volume so she couldn’t see.

Goon 1 - chaukri ke saath aur chumma chaati karni hai toh thora aur time lele, humme wait karne mein koi pareshani nahin hai- 

Asad - (glared at him hard and they finally seemed to see that they were in no way the threat they were sent out to be, the real threat lay in the eyes of the one man army standing before them.  The Target and Asad could see the fear in their eyes as they began cowering back a little, still trying to feel good about themselves they smacked the stick into the ground) tameez se baat karo and leave her alone she’s wearing- 

Goon 2- eh, dekh liya humne...waise bhi humme chaukri se koi matlab nahin.  Humme uski nahin teri laash laane ko kaha gaya hai (Asad rolled his eyes, really now.  As the first of the goons swung his stick to hit Asad, Asad caught it in his hand and the rest was just a pitiful history) 

Continued in next post...

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Anniversary 7 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 4 years ago

10 Minutes and a gruesome and painful fight later (for the goons, not for Asad he walked towards the graveyard just as Zoya emerged from it looking l;like he had spent the last 10 minutes sitting on one of the benches and played candy crush whilst waiting for her)(He saw her frown before he saw anything about her and he really wished, more harder than he had ever wished for anything to somehow make her feel better about the way he brushed her off but really whatever he could say or do would only delay the inevitable, it wouldn’t shield her from pain forever) 

Asad - I’m sorry I had to leave an important message with someone (and what a message had he left in the woods, Zoya narrowed her eyes at him feeling slightly better, maybe thats why he had brushed her off?  For a work thing?  At this point she was so deep in the plunge that she was able to believe any lie or excuse she told herself to keep her delusion and her heart from breaking.  She loved him so much she was willing to do anything to keep the fantasy of him and the mirage of their someday love and life intact). 

Asad - (as they began walking side by side in a slightly less comfortable and slightly more awkward walk towards home again)  by the way I’ve been meaning to ask this all night but do you not (staring at her skeptically) know your size in terms of clothing like are you (Zoya having no idea what he was talking about looked down at herself and at first she didn’t understand) that much of an imbecile that you don’t know how to shop for yourself and need Bhabi to come along, hold your hand and find your size (but then she saw Arsalan’s jacket and it made sense to her, she pushed him roughly and Asad staggered a bit making her chuckle, and it was a mission well accomplished for Asad) 

Zoya - shut up I am not an imbecile I just happen to have 5 brothers if you’ve forgotten and sometimes they need me to keep secrets-

Asad - you mean most times you blackmail them into keeping secrets- 

Zoya - (shrugged) tomato tomato (and seeing the straight face on her Asad knew she literally believed there was no difference between the two things) 

Asad - Damn, I wish I had brothers nice enough to give me jackets like that when I blackmail them...Bhai usually dug up some even more horrendous secret of mine whenever I threatened to tell Ammi on him...back then I was in a much darker place so he had a lot of ammunition to work with (shook his head staring into the distance, it felt like a complete lifetime ago) 

Zoya - (stared at him with the same poker face he usually greeted the world with) you mean in comparison to the real cheery unicorn you are nowadays? (Asad shoved her back equally playfully and slightly less roughly but considering she was half his size she too staggered and much more so than Asad did.  When she came back to shove him in retaliation he didn’t even budge though) 

Asad - know when to surrender Ms. Farooqui 

Zoya - (muttered) gorilla Ahmed Khan
Asad - I heard that. (Zoya narrowed her eyes at him) 

They continued walking in silence again, once again a little more comfortable and much less awkward.  When about 3 minutes in a thought struck Zoya, and she wasn’t one to not share what was on his mind like him. Quite the opposite - she was practically born with verbal vomit) 

Zoya - waise Mr. Khan...what about your other brother, I mean aapka ek bhai thori hi hai.  

Asad - (frowned, talking about Azlan was his least favourite thing, if this was anyone other than Zoya they’d have gotten punched by now just for saying his name) what about him? 

Zoya - no it’s just that..I’ve seen your relationship with Jeeju and its super endearing.  You both have this mutual respect for one another and I know you think the world of him- 

Asad - no one can ever be half the man my brother is- 

Zoya - (nodded, gripping his arm as casually as possible believing it was what he needed and she didn’t know just how grateful he was for her small actions, he knew she thought she was being coy and unsuspecting but he knew she knew how much he needed it, he hated talking about all this and if it were anyone but Zoya the conversation would’ve been shot down before it even started but with Zoya, even he couldn’t understand why he wanted to talk to Zoya till the time the world ended, tell her things he never wanted to tell anyone else, say anything and absolutely nothing) and I know he loves you more than anyone else in the world I mean personally I don’t understand it but its obvious that you are and will always be like his first child and he probably will love you more than his own children if him and bhabi have any someday but what I wanna know is whats your relationship like with your other brother..Paris father?

Asad - (stared at her in absolute confusion unable to figure her out) why? 

Zoya - what do you mean why?  Its obvious he’s important to you otherwise you wouldn’t love Pari as much as you do...I know its impossible not to love her I mean she is literally the sweetest child on this planet but you do realize that half the reason you love her so much is because shes a part of your brother but what I don’t get is why you won’t ever talk about him....is this because of Paris mother?  

Asad - (sighed) partially well (shrugged) she is the main reason we had a falling out but it was more than that..(he was about to leave it at that but looking into Zoyas eyes he couldn’t stop even if he wanted to, he just wanted to keep talking and that was a first for him) when we found out we were brothers our families wanted us to stop all forms of contact and never meet each other again but we were 10 at that time...sometimes I myself have trouble believing there was a time when we were actually truly innocent, incapable of understanding things like hate and pain, mutual dislike and all those things were extremely strong between our families but (sighed) we were just kids, we were best friends..we were in the age where anything an adult forbade you from became that much more appealing and necessary to do...you know you’re at that age right now (and Zoya almost missed his jab at him as she listened to him so attentively, absorbing every emotion behind every word but she did hear it and she smacked him upside whilst chuckling and it made Asad chuckle too so she allowed him that jab, she could allow him anything in return for his laughter, even if it was laughter at her expense) so we still continued being friends and hung out even though everyone around us called it..it was just a matter of time, blood and family would always triumph friendship but we were naive enough to believe we would be the exception...(looked down as they continued walking) I...I was naive enough to believe it when we were 18 blood started showing its effects, Pari’s mother Maya was the first of many differences between us- 

Zoya - what happened (and she almost didn’t want to know) 

Asad - (shrugged nonchalantly) the same old story...a girl came in between two guys (and Zoya stopped walking altogether.  She felt like her heart stopped beating altogether.  Asad too stopped feeling the tug on his arm and stared at her in confusion) 

Zoya - (looking at the ground and not at him as she stopped breathing after wording her question, certain that the answer could probably kill her if affirmative and although she had to hear it, had to know she couldn’t look at him when he either made or ended her life) you were in love with her?  

Asad - no, but my brother believed I was (Zoya let out the breath she had been holding and nearly collapsed against Asad.  She lowered her head and held onto his forearms for a second taking a deep breath much to Asads mounting confusion.  Looking up and seeing the confusion in his eyes she shook her head and started walking alongside him again, just wondering when it got so bad, when the possibility that Asad had been, was or could be in love with another girl held the potential to completely and utterly destroy her) I did love her but as a sister she was never anything more to me and sometimes I believe that my brother knows that but...(sighed) when you want a reason to hate someone...you usually find it.  

Zoya - (nodded) so that was the only reason?  (At this time they were walking through the gates of the Khan Mansion) 

Asad - (shrugged, his hands in his jeans pockets) his family was long gone from Kasauli at the time and things here were getting from bad to worse so I may have started saying some not so nice things about them and the privilege and entitlement they enjoy...and it god particularly bad when his father (and Zoya noticed the way his jaw tightened and his eyes hardened with years of endless anguish and pain) came back for a visit one time and people lynched his car (Zoya gasped but Asad shrugged without a care in the world) I supported the people, they were angry and they were hurt...that was when Kasauli was at its worst..but my brother couldn’t see that, he couldn’t see their suffering...he could only see what COULD have happened to his father who was sat in a bullet proof car (and the thought made his whole body shake with anger even today) and I think that was the end of our friendship...we called it quits that day.  He went to Mumbai to the rest of his family and a couple of months later I went to London 

Zoya - and you’ve never tried to talk about it or hash it out?  

Asad - no and I don’t want to (but Zoya could see the actual truth hidden behind those curt and blunt words, the hurt, the pain the accusations, the anger, the love for his brother) 

Zoya - (Sighed, this man and his anger management problems) so what happened to Pari’s mother?  I mean why...did your brother suspect that you loved her romantically and not as a sister- 

Asad - (sighed as he stared at the sky as they neared the house, thinking about Maya who was somewhere in the starry night sky or heavens above it) we grew up together, she uhh she was the daughter of one of Kasauli’s biggest gang leaders back then and I worked for him so I spent a lot of time around her house and we were really good friends, I actually introduced them to each other when we were in high school her father was paying my tuition so we were able to go to the same school, the only school worth being called a school in Kasauli...but just because I saw her as a friend or a sister didn’t necessarily mean that she did as well and uhmm...apparently when she broke up with him she told him that it was because of me, because of the way she felt about me (and although Zoya knew it was unfair to think that way she was somehow jealous of this girl.  In all fairness she completely understood, it was impossible to not fall in love with Asad Ahmed Khan but to be the first woman to be in love with him?  That was what she was jealous of.) 

Zoya - did she...(climbing the steps to Khan Mansion) did she ever tell you about- 

Asad - (shook his head) not at first which was why I was convinced he was just mistaken but after Pari was born she...when she was on her deathbed (and Zoya stopped climbing the steps to the mansion altogether suddenly finding this extremely difficult to hear.  She knew Pari’s mother had passed away but listening to the details about it just broke her heart) she told me it was true and that she was going to tell me back then but she found out that she was having my brothers baby before she could and she couldn’t complicate things any further than they already were...

Zoya - (cleared her throat as she and Asad stood in front of each other in-front of the doors) how did she uhm..how did she die?  

Asad - (sighed swallowing the lump in his throat thinking about his friend) she she had many issues growing up, given what her family was she grew up depressed and alone. Her mother had left, her father didn’t have time for her...she was barely allowed to leave the house for her own safety.  After the breakup she thought she lost me as a friend too...but I was actually in London.  She got my number from Malik Uncle the day before she died and she called me in London, I could tell (and Zoya wanted to cry with him, for him as she saw the emptiness in his eyes as he relived the horror of his friends last moments) I could tell something was off about her, something was terribly wrong...she was a mess, she could barely talk she was extremely depressed and she..she told me she was going to kill herself (Zoya gasped and immediately threw her arms around his neck and held onto him as tightly as she could, as if to shield him from the pain of what happened years ago and Asad who had still not come to terms with what happened, still hand’t recovered from it or accepted it because tonight was the first consoling hug he had gotten in response to what happened hugged her back just as tightly.  His family didn’t know, Azlan found out years later and there was no one else) I was in London so I couldn’t do anything about it, I called Malik Uncle but he had gone out of town, I got the next flight but by the time I got here it was too late.  I looked for her all over town and I finally found her where we last saw each other, on the rooftop of our University but I got there just in time to watch her jump (Zoya whimpered as she felt his whole body tremble in response to the gruesome sight) she landed in my feet.  I have never seen that much blood in my life.  (Gulped) an hour later she was gone and...she had left a tiny angel as her replacement (and as he fell silent thinking about the moment he had first held such a precious piece of his heart in his hands his hold on Zoya tightened and in response hers did on him too, as if she was fighting the universe on him, any pain to ever touch him again would have to go through her, and both of them lost count or realization of how long they had stood there hugging. It was only the sound of Anwar’s car coming through the gates that made them very difficultly and reluctantly come back to reality and pull apart) 

Late into the Night - Asad’s Art Studio Connecting to his bedroom:

Asad was reunited with his old friend, insomnia tonight like most nights.  Sleep evaded him on most nights let alone nights or periods of life where he was more tensed than usual.  Those were nights where he didn’t even try to get some sleep afraid of the demons just waiting for him to shut his eyes so they could haunt him, possess him, destroy him one night at a time.  Truth be told he wished with all his heart that he could’ve spent the night in Zoya’s arms which brought him more peace and solace, more refuge from his demons than even music or art could but the arrival of his brother and bhabi right when the hug was becoming too comfortable and what felt like it was much needed was probably for the best.  He still couldn’t believe he had told Zoya all that he had about Azlan, their relationship, their fallout.  His family to date didn’t know those details, even Azlan himself didn’t know the feelings he had shared with Zoya tonight regarding their relationship and fallout.  He to date presumed Asad to be guilty for going behind his back with Maya and to have abandoned their friendship due to his hate for their father when the truth was that no one in this world had hurt Asad more than Azlan had when he had chosen to overlook the pain Rashid had caused him by forsaking him before his birth, by abandoning the city and its people, by leaving him, his sister and his mother to live a life of cruelty whilst he and Azlan lived like royalty.  On top of that he didn’t believe him despite his reassurance that there was nothing between him and Maya, there never could be even if he didn’t think of her as a sister, just because Azlan expressed an interest in her meant she was forbidden to him, no questions asked.  No one had ever hurt him like Azlan had because no one had ever meant to him as much as Azlan had.  He had been carrying the pain and hurt around for years and now when the world was apparently not done handing out more pain to him he felt like he would crush beneath the weight of it all and so he had to tell someone, anyone, but that someone could’ve only been Zoya. There was no one he wanted to talk to, spend time with, laugh with or even share his pain and tears with.  Tonight when she hugged him, he for the first time felt like there was a force in this world that could prevent him from inevitable destruction, from falling apart  from being his own worst enemy, and all it took was one look in Zoya’s eyes for him to be reassured of that.  She was his saviour.  But he could only be his her destruction and if he had stayed in her hold for a second longer, he may have fallen in love with her all over again, and he was certain from the look he saw in her eyes as they reluctantly pulled apart, from the way her eyes refused to move away from his face, the way she refused to let go of his hand even as Zeenat and Anwar climbed the steps and walked towards them that she would’ve fallen for him as well.  Little did he know it was a little too late for that.  So if for Zoya’s wellbeing he couldn’t go to her and let her light heal him and shield him from the demons that plagued him tonight he tried what were once upon a time his proven and best anecdotes but now, were secondary alternatives at best.  

Sitting in one of the windows of his art studio and staring out at the dark city from the 10 foot window of his mansion perched on top of the mansion, he strummed his guitar whilst blowing a puff of smoke.  Imagining Zoya’s beautiful face, her angelic laughter, the way her hair blew majestically around her as they took a moonlit walk through the park tonight.  The way her eyes lit up as she talked about the dorkiest and lamest and smallest of things which she believed to be the most important and interesting things on this planet and hence she talked so exaggeratedly, animatedly and excitedly about them.  He smiled as he realized how possible it was for Zoya to make even the most mundane subjects to become interesting, she could probably make a conversation on corn be the most fascinating thing one had ever heard because of how much passion she could find in the minutest of things.  It was just one of the many things he adorned most about her. 

Asad - (continued strumming his guitar, leaning his face down against the body of it and closing his eyes as he hummed/sang to himself in what was almost a whisper, strumming and humming one of the most soothing of melodies) Tu aati hai seene mein Jab jab saansein bharta hoon Tere dil ki galiyon se Main har roz guzarta hoon (His eyes opened as the sweetest and smallest of smiled adorned his face thinking about Zoya dancing and goofing around as they walked home tonight, trying to get him to budge and dance with her thinking she was actually strong enough to pull him along.) Hawaa ke jaise chalti hai tu Main ret jaisi udta hoon

(But then the smile disappeared from his face, as a stone cold and hardened look replaced the softness and longing lingering in his eyes.  A wet sheen glazing them over, knowing and admitting that despite it being the deepest and most desperate desire of his heart, his soul, his existence he couldn’t ever acknowledge or claim that love, for her.  But he also knew the biggest fundamental truth of his life, her life, of life itself.  No one could love Zoya Farooqui like Asad Ahmed Khan did and that was a tragedy because Zoya Farooqui was made for love.) Kaun tujhe yun pyar karega Jaise main karta hoon (and with that realization returned that crushing pain he was so used to.  No matter how much he knew it, internalized it and constantly reminded himself didn’t mean the pain of not having her became any easier.  Every second of every day he went without letting her know just how much he loved her meant another second someone else could claim her as theirs and take her away from him, his life and his world forever.  Asad Ahmed Khan may be one of the strongest men to walk this earth, but when it came to Zoya, there was no one weaker or vulnerable, on the brink of falling apart like he was.

(He stood in the open window leaning froward with his arms leaning in the seat and sill he was previously sitting in, as he smoked yet another cigarette.  Hoping for the wind to by some chance extinguish the fire that had been lit inside him since he first met Zoya.  The intensity of which had been burning him day after day ever since..he stared at the darkness of the city below the hill his mansion proudly sat on away from the diseases and demons that plagued the city but despite being this far away from it, the irony was that he couldn’t save himself from the demons and diseases that plagued him.  & the one thing that could...well, that would mean he would have to be selfish enough to become the demons that would possess and destroy hers and that he couldn’t do.   His jaw clenched as he wished with everything in his heart that this wasn’t the world he lived in, that it wasn’t surrounded by the darkness that it was, that it didn’t need him, that it hadn’t destroyed him and he hadn’t been engulfed and victim to the darkness of it, he wished of a different world, which wasn’t burning, where he wasn’t as destroyed and disturbed as he was, where he could tell Zoya he loved her without she and the world holding his selfishness for doing so against him?) 

Asad - (humming softly to himself as the wind tried but failed to put out some of the fire that burned him within as he imagined that world, a world where him and Zoya could have stayed in that embrace forever and none of them would’ve ended up burnt like they would’ve eventually) Mujhse zyada mere jaisa Koi hai toh hai tu Phir na jaane dil mera kyun Tujhko na de sakun..(sighing deeply realizing how futile it was to dream of such a world, he was so messed up, so far gone and destroyed that even if he were given seven lifetimes he wouldn’t be worth the angel that was Zoya Farooqui.  He also stepped away from the window and back into his art studio when he realized that the wind was never successful at healing his broken soul ever before so there was no reason for him to believe that it wold do so today.  Running a frustrated hand through his hair he took another deep smoke of his cigarette before stopping at the aisle in his studio and stared at the half finished canvas perched on top of it.  One of his hands clenched into a fist, for some reason today the pain inside of him was excruciatingly too much, he felt like someone was physically crushing his heart from inside.  Tonight, he couldn’t make sense or pacify himself with the sure shot belief of his life that he would have to eventually, at some point let Zoya go forever and all that he would be left with was this permanent never ending darkness that had surrounded him since he had taken his first breath.  This ray of light that had managed to force its way in since Zoya had barrelled into his life unannounced and uninvited was just temporary and it was destined for someone else) Kuch toh hai jo dil ghabraaye Kuch toh hai jo saans na aaye (A deep frown marred his handsome face as he stared at the canvas, unable to face his demons and the dark realities of his life tonight.  He loved Zoya so much that he could let her go for her, and he would, he just didn’t think he’d be able to survive the pain of it when just the thought of it was making it physically incapable for him to breathe through it.) Kuch toh hai jo hum honthon se (It just wasn’t fair)  Kehte kehte keh naa paaye (and then anger replaced the pain.  Anger replaced every emotion Asad didn’t know how to handle or process and so this canvas like many other of his met the same fate, he chugged it at a wall and it broke in half and fell into the rather huge size of broken canvases sitting in one corner.  Whilst Asad stood furious and broken, in too much pain to tolerate breathing staring at the ever growing pile.  His entire face and fists clenched painfully as he struggled to even his breath.  Lighting another cigarette he grabbed the paintbrush nearest to him before spinning around and walking over to another aisle with a black canvas atop of it.  He needed to get some of this pain out somehow otherwise he was certain it would kill him tonight.  If it couldn’t be a hug from Zoya, something else would have to do) 

The Next Morning - Khan Mansion: 

Zoya stood in the kitchen munching away on a slice of cold pizza clearly having just rolled out of bed as she was still dressed in her pyjamas. The one saving grace was that she had washed her face, brushed her teeth and patted her hair down which kept Zeenat off her case, otherwise she would not be so happily enjoying and savouring her pizza.  

Dilshad - Zoya kyun apni bhook haraab kar rahee ho?  Abhi naashta bann jayega yeh thanda baasi pizza khaane ki kya zaroorat hai?

Zoya - (gasped in shock, nearly dropping her slice of pizza before she stared at Dilshad, her dramatics and nautanki out in full swing as always as she covered her face to hide her “pain”) ek thande baasi pizza ki slice ki khushi aap kya jaano Phupi Babu 

Zeenat - (slapped her head aside walking by her carrying a basket full of bagels) yeh oscar winning actress banne ke aapne nakaam sapne raat ko khawbon mein hi chorke aaya karro.  

Zoya - (huffed dramatically again) the world just isn’t ready for me and my talents...

Dilshad - (laughed) aaj sooraj kahan se nikala hai waise?  Normally toh iss waqt tumhe apna naam tak yaad nahin hota aur yahan kharre hassne ke bijaye uss bechare insaan ki sakhti aati hai jisne ghalati se tumhe tumhari precious neend se jaga diya toh phir...aaj humari itni khushkismati kahaan ke aapne humme apni maujoodgi se nawaza?

Zoya - (looking bewildered) mauji se what now?  And who is Nawaz now?  (Zeenat and Dilshad stopped arranging the fruit tray and looked at each other.  Sighing shaking their heads simultaneously they looked back at her.  “Zoya” was a sufficient explanation) 

Zeenat - we mean...how and why are you awake so early today and how and why are you so happy about it?  When normally someone would be banging on your door to wake you and you’d run from your room screaming bloody murder after the poor soul who got assigned with the duty of waking her highness...

Zoya - (gasped for real in shock) AAPI!!!! ITS CHRISTMAS EVE TODAY!!! I can’t spend the day sleeping..

Zeenat - (muttered under breath walking past her carrying the fruit tray) in that case I wish every day was Christmas Eve

Dilshad - So Zoya, what are your plans for celebrating Christmas Eve?  

Zoya - (pouted) well I wish I was in New York today...Christmas in New York is something else entirely but I guess I’ll have to make do with Christmas in Kasauli this year..

Dilshad - What do you normally do in New York for Christmas?

Zoya - I go to the Christmas Market with my friends, eat till I can’t breathe anymore, sing carols on the streets, visit people who are alone on Christmas..orphanages and old homes and make sure they have someone to wish them a merry Christmas and then I spend the night watching Christmas movies...(sighed dreamily) its literally the best...(suddenly missing new york she pouted holding her face in her hands and rested her elbow on the countertop.  Just then Aisha came skipping in looking fresh as ever.  Dressed in a beautiful pink anarkali) 

Aisha - Breakfast ready?  

Dilshad - (smiled at her in adoration as she helped herself to a cookie.  Seeing her daughter glowing with happiness was every mothers only wish and after the troubles Dilshad had raised her kids with, the pain she had suffered, the pain and insecurities Aisha had lived with believing adamantly that she’d never get married, to see her giddy with happiness today at the prospect of marrying the man of her dreams had Dilshads heart both soaring and simultaneously breaking knowing that man would soon take her little girl away) aaj toh lagta hai its waake hi a christmas miracle...both of you awake in the AM?  

Zoya - (stared at Aisha) how do you look so beautiful and how are you so chirpy and energetic after a 12 hour night shift?  (Aisha shrugged practically skipping over to the coffee machine making Zoya raise her eyebrow) 

Dilshad - Love is the answer sweetheart (smiling at Zoya) Aisha did you call Aahil where is he?  

Zoya - (rolled her eyes) Phupi because Aish and Aahil Bhai are getting married does that mean we’re gonna have to see and tolerate more of the Farooqui boys?  Cuz I don’t think I can get on board with that..  I mean this is like the 10th “family” breakfast this month.  (Dilshad and Aisha stared at her dumbfounded)

Aisha - (purposely stretching and emphasizing her words as if she were talking to a toddler) you do know the “Farooqui” boys are your “brothers” right Zoya FAROOQUI?  

Zoya - (stared at her with a straight face and shrugged) yah..whats your point?  

Dilshad - (shook her head laughing) oh Zoya..Aish call Aahil and ask when they’re arriving breakfast is ready...Zoya please zara Asad ko toh uthana..(both she and Aisha checked their watches) abhi tak utha nahin hai woh I hope he’s feeling okay...itni late toh woh kabhi nahi sota?

Zeenat - no Ammi I don’t think thats necessary (staring at Zoya with disapproving eyes) aap bhi kisko kaunsi responsibility de rahee hain..Aish you- 

Zoya - UHN UHN PHUPI ASKED ME FIRST NOPE MY RESPONSIBILITY (and grabbing the nearest empty pot she ran out of the room before Zeenat could stop her and whilst Aisha and Dilshad stood bewildered not understanding what just happened Zeenats mouth hung agape)

Zeenat - (yelled after him) Can’t you just throw water on him like a normal person? 

Zoya - (yelled back from somewhere in the house) MEDIOCRE, JUST LIKE YOU AAPI!!! (Zeenat sighed holding her head) 

Dilshad - oops.  

Continued in next post...

Edited by DailyDaisy - 4 years ago
DailyDaisy thumbnail
Anniversary 7 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 4 years ago

1 Minute Later: 

Asad screamed and nearly jumped from his bed startled as he jolted awake.  Disoriented, he clutched at his chest over his heart which was beating a kilometre a minute threatening to burst from his chest.  He stared at Zoya’s calm face standing next to him staring at him with a raised eyebrow.  

Zoya - Ok Mr. Khan the reactions a bit much don’t you think? (Asad stared from her in bewilderment not understanding what just happened, to the pot on the ground next to his bed back to her calm and confused face and she just raised an eyebrow higher) you’re behaving a bit oddly don’t you think?  I mean Phupi asked me to wake you but if I had known you were gonna behave like a lunatic I would’ve refused even though you know its impossible for me to say no to her a-


Zoya - (stared at him just as calmly as she did to Aisha earlier) yah, whats your point?  (Asad just narrowed his eyes in absolute shock at her.  Was she mentally stable?  But then he saw the sparkle of demonic glint in her eyes which she was desperately trying to showcase her “innocence” through and although that glint was again one of the things he adored most about her he couldn’t believe someone could be unhinged enough to do that) 

Asad - (shook his head running a hand through his tousled hair inevitably tousling it more as he leaned back against his headboard and closed his eyes sleepily) what do you want Farooqui?  (Zoya tried and failed for the first 5 attempts to get words out after opening her mouth.  Instead she stood there, gaping and ogling without any fault of her own.  He was such a treat for sore eyes in that moment, wearing a black full sleeves shirt that looked like it was hand stitched to his body, his hair tousled, slightly stubbled and that hoarse voice.  It was also no fault of hers that she had stood over him for the first 7 minutes after entering his room and took pictures of him sleeping.  He just looked so adorable and innocent asleep, hugging the pillow to his chest his mouth hanging slightly open.  He looked so at peace that if Zoya didn’t miss hearing his beautiful voice she probably would’ve never woken him from that slumber, instead she would’ve pulled a chair and watched him sleep for the rest of eternity.  More so because none of the demons that seemed to be tormenting him every second of every day seemed to be hurting him as he slept, he didn’t seem to be constantly fighting a battle he had clearly lost long ago, didn’t seem to be in conflict with himself and moreover was not in pain.  He seemed to be dreaming, and she wished whatever dream it was that had managed to bring him that much peace would come true and he could live the dream instead of looking to sleep as an escape.  Little did she know she was the dream.  

Zoya felt her heart nearly jolt out of her skin as he startled her by looking up at her suddenly and catching her ogling stared at her with a raised eyebrow.  Blushing profusely she ducked her hair letting her hair shield her face from his view but if she thought he needed to see her face to know she was blushing, she didn’t know him but at all.  He cleared his throat to get her attention.  

Zoya - (held her head up, refusing to let him know how affected she was by him but it was safe to say it was a futile attempt) Phupi ne aapko naashte pe bulaya hai...(Asad coughed and nodded closing his eyes again and Zoya narrowed her eyes, now paying attention like Dilshad and Aisha.  It was 10 am, Asad didn’t sleep past 6 am at the latest and here he was still in bed and by the looks of it, the way his eyes were still drooping and he was lazing around trying to go back to sleep he still didn’t want to get up or out of bed) what’s wrong..are you feeling okay?  

Asad - (groaned slightly pinching his forehead) mhmm..just have a slight headache- 

Zoya - (frowned) k, but thats an everyday thing for you..you’ve never lazed around in bed like this-

Asad - (looking positively aghast and offended) I am NOT lazing- (he stopped talking as instead of listening to him Zoya had put one of her knees on the bed next to him and was suddenly leaning over him in the bed with her hand pressed against his forehead, and even though it was just for a second he couldn’t help but wish time would freeze right there and then and he could forever lay in bed with her worried face pondering over him) 

Zoya - (snatched her hand back) Allah Miyan...you’re burning up.  Aapko kaafi tez buhaar hai- 

Asad - (groaned again holding his head) no its a minor fever- 

Zoya - (rolled her eyes) relax hulk you won’t transform into Bruce Banner again if you eat a painkiller I’ll go get Aapi- 

Asad - (panicked for a minute, Aisha was a doctor she’d immediately realize it wasn’t just a seasonal fever he was having.  He thought on his feet and lucky for him it was something he was incredibly good at, but he also knew Zoya was extremely good at picking up anything suspicious so he tried to keep the panic out of his voice as best as possible) no Aapi won’t ever check me as a doctor..she starts crying if I get a paper cut and refuses to even hand me a bandage (rolling his eyes not just for effect) 

Zoya - (frowning in deep thought) hmmm...she does for some bizarre odd reason seem to love you.  No worries I’ll go see if Aahil Bhai is here...in the meantime you should wash up and come out for breakfast because you can’t eat pills on an empty stomach and don’t even for a SECOND dare to say you’re not hungry because the next place I’m gonna drop this pot is on your head!!!!! 

Asad - (calmly looked up at her from between his fingers which were massaging his head) you’re voice is a treat on a normal day I highly doubt I can survive the sweetness of it with a 104 fever- 

Zoya - (put her hands on her hips and glared at him furiously) oh really Mr. Akdu Ahmed Khan aap kehna kya chahte hain CHILLA RAHEE HOO MAIN CHEEKH- (although his wincing only seemed to rile her further and she was getting ready to scream more lucky for him, something else caught her attention and she forgot all about it) whats that on your hand?  (Asad looked at his hands which had some leftover paint residue and Zoya frowned further grabbing his hand and ignoring how hot it was due to his fever or how many tingles ran up her spine doing so she brought it closer to her face to inspect closely.) Is that paint?  (She stared at him wide eyed) were you....finger painting last night?  (Dropped his hand as if she had finally been burnt by his body temperature and instead gasped and covered her face with both hands) OMG You are seriously ill if you’re delusional enough to finger paint OMG IS IT CONTAGIOUS AAP THEEK TOH HO JAYENGE NA ALLAH MIYAN- 

Asad - Zoya!!! (Zoya stopped spiralling at once and turned to see him glaring at her through his usually broody face, meaning he was fine) aapka dimaagh haraab hai ya aap drugs leke ayeen hain?  (Shaking his head he got up and out of bed whilst Zoya just stared after his back not understanding what just happened) 

Anwar - (yelled from somewhere in the house) ASAD!! ZOYA!!! WE HAVE ACTUAL FOOD YOU DON’T NEED TO BECOME CANNIBALS!! NOT TODAY AT LEAST (and his laughing was followed by painful yelps meaning quite clealry that Zeenat did not appreciate his attempt at humour) 

15 Minutes Later - Khan Mansion Dining Room:

Zeenat - are you sure you’ve never thought of professionally taking up dancing Asad? You’re really good..I mean Zoe is a professional but you matched her step for step yesterday-

Zoya - (muttered to Ayaan seated next to her) Aaj subah subah hi shuru ho gayee Bhabi Theresa- 

Zeenat - well obviously I know you chose the song and came up with the concept..if it was up to this duffer (slapping Zoya upside on the head) she would’ve done some wahayat dance to some wahayat rap- 

Zoya - HEY!! ITS NOT WAHAYAT..Its a form of expression.  Its how I express myself politically and besides how is that any difference than the stint your devar pulled off the other day?  woh karre toh rasleela main karoon toh character dheela (almost everyone choked on their drinks whilst Zeenat just stared at Zoya at a loss for words amidst giggles) oh and ALSO I know you like to believe that every word that comes out of Mr. Khans mouth is more true and pure than words of God himself but your devar is nothing but a big fat lying liar who lies all the time (narrowing her eyes at Asad who calmly continued to hide the small smirk growing on his face behind his ginormous cup of coffee) all he contributed to the choreography was the song choice and MAYBE the concept..I choreographed the entire thing, directed the art of the performance, arranged the props and the most difficult task of all TAUGHT him the choreography which is next to impossible because Mr. Khan is biologically incapable of taking instructions or directions FROM ANYONE FOR ANYTHING. 

Asad - (narrowed his eyes back at her) excuse me?

Everyone around the table - True story.

Zoya - (gave him a 100 watt smile leaning back in her seat) I rest my case.  

Zeenat - (chuckled) well isn’t that just a pot calling the kettle black..you’re no different sweetheart..you’re also “biologically incapable” of taking instructions- 

Zoya - NOT EVEN- 

Everyone around the table - Also a true story.

Zeenat - (smiled at Zoya’s frowning glare directed at everyone around the table) at least Asad doesn’t purposely go out of his way to defy someone even if that someone is speaking for his own good just because he has this MENTAL need to not listen to anyone and do the exact opposite of what he’s told.  He’s not irrational like you.  (Zoya opened and closed her mouth repeatedly after being told off by Zeenat trying and failing to find a good comeback.  Asad’s smug face as he pushed his breakfast around in his plate did not help matters in the slightest.) 

Zoya - (at a loss for a good argument) Jeeju, can you take her and leave her back in Delhi k thanks.  (Zeenat snapped her upside the head again and Zoya stuck her tongue out at Asad hearing him trying to suppress a chuckle) 

Anwar - (seeing the exchange he raised an eyebrow) waise what I- actually what I’m sure what we all (staring around the table) wanna know is where you two ran off to from Rogue yesterday?  (Asad and Zoya both stopped mid sip of their coffees and stared at each other over the rims of their mugs) the party was your idea Asad..the party was for you Zoya and yet everybody but the two of you were there.  (Resting his head on his outstretched hand and blinking his eyes suggestively) Whats that all about?  

Ayaan - (mimicked Anwar) yah..whats that all about?

Aisha - (mimicked them both) yah..whats that all about?

Asad - (narrowed his eyes) you weren’t even there

Anwar - so what..that doesn’t mean she’s not just as curious as the rest of us.  Don’t try to turn this around Mr.

Aisha - (staring at Anwar weirdly..not understanding why HE was being weird about this) yah Mr.  

Asad - (pinched the bridge of his nose) honestly its too early and not enough coffee for me to deal with your buffoonery right now...(everyone at the table frowned at him) 

Everyone (chimed simultaneously) - It’s 11:30 am.  

Dilshad - (genuinely concerned; A) her son was waking up at 10 am B) he looked sloppy and disheveled very unlike himself C) he looked unwell, his eye bags were darker than usual and his face colour was almost ashen grey) are you feeling okay Asad (felt his forehead and gasped instantly fretting over him) tumhe toh kaafi tez buhaar hai...Aahil dekhna zara (now grasping his hands and in instant panic mode and seeing Asad’s face pale further, his jaw clenching as he stared at Dilshad with his eyes slightly dampened.  Something which Aahil caught.  It was this exact reason why Asad was refusing to acknowledge and visit a doctor for his deteriorating health, that would make it real and he couldn’t deal with that because he couldn’t deal with Dilshad’s reaction.  He was her life, her whole heart, her world and losing him would without a doubt destroy her.  She had just started living and losing Asad would kill her.  She could survive and bare every torment and tragedy life had thrown her way and maybe would continue to throw her way, except for this.)

Aahil - (unable to see the pain in Asad’s eyes and not wanting everyone to panic alongside Dilshad seeing how broken Asad looked in that moment he decided to jump in) uhh Aunty I don’t think its anything to worry about.  It’s the season, the whole hospital is filled with people coming in with Virals.  Asad probably just caught a cold-

Zoya - (without thinking for a second) yah we went for a long walk after leaving Rogue last night - (and just like that Asad closed his eyes with a slight shake of his head whilst the room went dead silent.  Crickets chirping as everyone stared at the two of them.  Dilshad turned her head, her hand stilled in Asad’s hair.  She looked towards Malik with a raised eyebrow and Malik looked down hiding his smile.  Aisha and Aahil just looked dumbfounded whilst Arsalan and Zeenat looked slightly startled as if just realizing something as they stared between Zeenat and Asad.  Zeenat who had her suspicions that something was brewing between them realized that the something may be more serious than she suspected.  Zoya continued eating her plate full of pancakes not realizing the ammunition she had given everyone whilst Asad with his cheeks slightly hued buried his face behind his coffee mug again.  Anwar and Ayaan continued to digging through their breakfast whist grinning ear to ear and letting out low whistles.  That did it and Asad finally sprang out of his chair as if on fire.  His cheeks ablaze making Anwar and Ayaan snigger and low hi 5 each other) 

Dilshad - (raised an eyebrow crossing her arms furiously glaring at Asad) and where exactly do you think you’re going?  

Asad - (narrowed his eyes as if she had asked him an absurd question, which according to him she had) uhh...work- (dilshad chuckled) 

Dilshad - ya, take a seat (But Asad still not understanding what she was saying grabbed his jacket which was hanging behind his seat and put it on and Arsalan gasped when he did catching everyones attention) 

Arsalan - (whispered) my jacket....(Everyone then looked towards Asad and back to him) 

Asad - what?  (Arsalan then looked towards Zoya and everyone looked towards Zoya who looked up from her plate with a mouth full of pancakes)

Zoya - What? 

Arsalan - (trying but failing to hide his smile as he raised an eyebrow and stared at her suggestively) can you care to explain how Asad got the same exact jacket as mine- (Zoya’s eyes widened whilst Asad just stared from the jacket to the two of them confused) 

Asad - Zoya gave it to me (simultaneously as Zoya said)

Zoya - He bought the same one as you- (closed her eyes biting her lip in frustration) damn it Mr. Khan whats with the constant truth telling- (Zeenat slapped her upside the head again)

Arsalan - (got out of his seat and draped a casual arm around Asad’s shoulder surprising him) really...Zoya gave it to you?  (Ayaan got out of his seat and draped his shoulder around Asad’s other side) 

Ayaan - (fixating his eyes meaningfully on Zoya too) of her own free will....(Zoya stared at them both and gulped for a second.  Everyone stared between them confused as hell not understanding what was happening and then without a warning Zoya fled from her chair and her 3 brothers scrambled behind her too leaving everyone dumbfounded)

Asad - (staring at the doorway the 4 had ran out from and from where sounds of heavy foots running, things crashing, screaming and yelling were carrying in from) quick question Bhabi...do all the Farooqui’s have brain damage- 

Aisha - (smiled brightly) Aahil doesn’t (Meanwhile from somewhere around the house Aahil’s voice resonated screaming “CORNER HER ON THE ROOF AND TOSS HER INTO THE POOL”).

Zeenat - Yah, pretty much.  (Shook her head) its all just about Zoya the devil blackmailing her brothers into giving or buying her things and despite their constant begging and bribes not giving them anything they want...cars, jackets, jewelry, money you name it.  I’m guessing thats a pretty pricey jacket and they all wanted it from Arsalan but he gave it to Zoya...that means none of them would’ve gotten it from her no matter what bribe they offered her but you (and she couldn’t help the smile that graced her face as she and everyone else watched Asad blush and duck his head adorably clearly touched and overwhelmed by how much he meant to Zoya that there was no price material or emotional she wouldn’t forego where he was concerned) it seems like your the first person Zoya has no qualms giving away all her things for...or should I say TO.  (And seeing him duck his head and speed walk out of the room they all burst into laughter behind him; these two) 

Dilshad - (yelled after him) I DON’T WANT TO SEE YOU LEAVING THIS HOUSE ASAD.


Azlan winced as the shouting inside the room got louder.  Naina who was sitting on the ground next to the door slapped his leg shushing him and in return he very maturely stuck his tongue out. 

Naina - (whispered) real classy Azlan...I swear all you men are the same.  Immature and classless.

Azlan - your father is also a man so does that mean that ms. Holier than everyone is actually insulting a grown up- (Naina was silent for a few seconds and Azlan looked down at her to see her in deep thought as if pondering over something.  He kicked her lightly and she snapped out of it looking up to find him staring down at her with a raised eyebrow) 

Naina - uhh no of course not..I was referring to young boys not grown ups now shush I can’t hear. 

Kajol - (screaming from inside the room) why can’t you understand why I want to go Zain?  Mere bhi kuch khawab hain kuch sapne hain aur mujhe poora haq hai unhe poora karne ka- 

Zain - (also screaming from inside the room) aur maine kab kaha ke nahin hai?  Maine kab kaha ke tumhe nahin karna chahiye?  Never.  You know I’ve always encouraged you, pushed you towards dreaming..towards soaring higher towards living your life and fulfilling each wish, each desire each dream of your heart no matter how small or big or how ludicrous...I’ve always been there right next to you living those dreams with you-\

Kajol - Yah SMALL DREAMS.  SMALL WISHES like going swimming in the ocean at 3 am or mountain climbing...jo yahan poori ho sakti hain...but film making..directing yeh yahan poori nahin ho sakti- 

Zain - Of course ho sakti hain...sirf aggar tum chaho toh.  Kasauli is BLEEDING Kajol.  Yahan bache bache mein ek kahaani hai...har bewa aurat har burhe maan baap jinhone apne bache yahan ki aag yahan ki senseless larai mein khoye hain unn mein ek kahaani hai...this is a war zone Kajol...a war which none of us chose but all of us have to live what bigger or better story could there be to tell. There is so much anguish here and the world is sleeping on it, just passing us by.  And you, instead of having the privilege and the resources, the talent to be a medium and raise a voice for YOUR people you want to run away to shoot rom coms?  I thought you had bigger ambitions than money.

Kajol - I do DAMMIT OF COURSE I DO!!! But aggar main yahan rahee toh unn ambitions ke saath saath main khud bhi mar jaongi...Papa kabhi mera sapna poora nahin hone deinge...or have you forgotten “hamare ghar ki auratein naukri nahin karti” LOOK AT BADI MAA!  Woh kitne saal larti rahee..chachu unke behalf pe kitne saal larte rahe...end pe kya huwa?  They lost.  She’s sitting at home deciding what vegetable to have cooked for lunch.  She lost because there is NO WINNING AGAINST THEM.  THEY KILL AND THEY DESTROY EVERY LIVING BREATHING THING THAT DARES TO DREAM OF FLYING, THEY ALWAYS HAVE, ALWAYS WILL.  I CAN’T....(and Naina’s own eyes filled with tears as she heard Kajol crying inside the room.  Azlan in a heartbeat had rested his hand on her shoulder as he stood looming over her, unable to see her cry) why don’t you understand Zain...mera dum ghutta hai yahan.  

Zain - (sat in-front of her on the ground inside the room and held both her hands in his own) this is our family Kajol..your family, your parents and like it or not but its the only family we have.  Kissi ki bhi family perfect nahin hoti..aur naa hi poori tarah se buri hoti hai.  Think about all the good we have, Badi Maa, Maamu, Naani Ma Baba- 

Kajol - (pulled her hands away as she stood up walking away) everyone but my parents is good I know and thats why I have to leave.  NOBODY ELSE matters if my own parents are going to be against my dreams-

Zain - (stood up equally as angry now, he was done being patient and understanding) and what about me?  Hunh?  DO I NOT MATTER EITHER?

Kajol - (feeling exhausted by all of this) Of course you do but this isn’t about you...this is about me and whats good for me...and what I need right now.  This assignment is a great opportunity for me to get the hell out of here..go to Mumbai get some real experience, make some connections...start my career..

Zain - (scoffed shaking his head as he stared at her) my...my...my...tell me Kajol since when did this relationship go from “us” to just “me” or in this case just you (pointing an accusatory finger at her, his eyes reflecting immense pain and hurt) iss sab mein main kahan hoon Kajol- 

Kajol - tum yahaan ho doing what YOU want to do- 


Naina - (winced again and looked up at Azlan with teary eyes) this is starting to get ugly...do you think we should interfere (Azlan could see the fear in her eyes, truth be told he too was getting worried.  Kajol and Zain had never before fought like this, or raised their voices at each other like this but he couldn’t see tears in Naina’s eyes, they hurt him just as much as tears in Pari’s eyes and he couldn’t understand why.  He shrunk down to the ground next to her and gave her a small smile whilst shaking his head) 

Azlan - (whispered) don’t worry, everything’ll be fine.  This is Kajol and Zain, they’ve been together since the day we stared through that glass window at the two of you lying next to each other in the hospital nursery.  Damn you were ugly (Naina chuckled but slapped him at the same time and Azlan leaned his head back against the window feeling his heart soar, suddenly wanting this moment to last forever( 


Zain - I DIDN’T CREATE THESE RULES FOR YOU.  YOUR FATHER DID.  SO I DON’T UNDERSTAND WHY YOUR BLAMING ME FOR THIS WHEN I’M STANDING WITH YOU ON THIS.   You know how hard I’m working to build a life for us.  I need to earn enough money to buy a house for us, to support us.  This isn’t MY house Kajol, this is my Mothers house.  You know how uncomfortable I feel living here when she herself doesn’t.  I feel like I’m imposing, I feel like a burden and I will NOT MARRY you and bring you into this house feeling worse about myself.  Tumhara haath kaise maangu ga main maamu se, hunh?  

Kajol - So that’s it?  Theres no other reason for you to want this job?  You could’ve been a cop in Mumbai too Zain- 

Zain - and I already told you I will eventually.  As soon as I stop Kasauli from burning.  As soon as I save it from the hands of the monsters who would stand and watch it burn as long as their pockets are being filled.  I can’t live a luxurious peaceful life in Mumbai saving lives there when I know my own people are burning.  I told you if bollywood is what you want to do then I will eventually move there with you no questions asked just as long as Kasauli is still breathing. I don’t know how many times I’ve told you...yes I love my job, I love being a cop I love helping people I love saving my city but thats EXACTLY WHAT I WANT FOR YOU.  I want you to do what you love but I also want you to do what you can for OUR city.  Theres only a handful of us privileged enough to do something and if we also turn our backs onto these people then we might as well bury them all right now.

Kajol - Yes and I love you for thinking that but Zain I can do that after I come back from Mumbai-

Zain - There may not be a Kasauli left for you to talk about by then.  (Shook his head) This is one offer Kajol.  One small offer and you’re willing to toss everything to the side.  Your family, your home, our future, ME.  (Shook his head) this is just the FIRST OFFER Kajol, NOT the last.  I told you before and I’m telling you again, just let me do this for us.  Let me build enough for us to start a life, let us get married thats all your parents want.  Once we’re married they can’t do anything to stop you from soaring to the skies because I’m with you.  Bas thora waqt aur, please.  Please just find something to shoot in Kasauli for this assignment and I promise you you’re chance at the big screen will come.  (Put a comforting hand on her shoulder) 

Kajol - (rested her head against his shoulder) not if Naina has something to do about it...or have you forgotten our pact.  We vowed to get married the same day.

Azlan - (whispered to her) bummer, so that means they ain’t ever getting married.  Should I be the one to tell them that or do you want to do the honours?  (Naina playfully punched him again) 

Zain - (laughed) if you want I could always push matters along, force my step brother into marrying her- (it was this precise moment, just as Azlan stiffened up as the possibility struck him.  Naina-married.  Naina married to anyone let alone Ayaan and he suddenly forgot how to breathe.  But it was also this precise moment that Humeira stood outside the bedroom door and heard what Zain had to say and needless to say she was furious, her face was pale as a ghost and her whole body was trembling) 

Humeira - (scoffed, her eyes narrowed at Azlan and Naina sitting next to each other, holding hands) how typical.  (Azlan and Naina both looked up at her and whilst Naina rolled her eyes not understanding what was going with her Azlan narrowed his eyes in confusion to her sudden wide insinuating smile) romeo and juliet as usual ek saath.  (Shook her head at Naina) kya Ayaan ko patah hai ke iss “tabiyat kharaab” ka naam Azlan Ahmed Khan hai?  Aur kya Ayaan ko patah hai ke kal raat bhi tum iss bemaari ke saath chipki hui thi?  Aur kya Zain ko patah hai ke shaadi ke liye manana usse Ayaan ko nahin (smiled chirply at Azlan) kissi aur dulhe ko hai-

Azlan - wha...are you drunk (not understanding what she was talking about) 

Humeira - oh you didn’t tell him Naina?  

Azlan - tell me what- 

Naina - Its none of your business Humeira.  Its nobodys- 

Humeira - (shrugged) not even Ayaan’s?  Does that poor boy even know how many games your playing with him?  Usko tabiyaat kharaab hone ka bahana bana ke yahan kal raat se Azlan ke saath chipki hui ho...kabhi movies dekhne ke bahane se kabhi Kajol aur Zain ki fikar ke bahane se..aur wahan (shook her head in digust) Ayaan mein interested hone ke bahane se yahan Azlan ko jealous karane ki koshish kar rahee ho (Azlan’s eyes snapped towards Naina’s embarrassed and startled face, as she looked to the ground in shock and confusion, not knowing what to do or say) WOW.  I must say maana parega, yeh bholi bhaali shakal aur act ke peeche itni tezi maine kabhi nahin imagine ki hogi.  Ek waqt pe do do larkon ko ghoomana, dono ko apne peeche pagal karna aur dono ko bewakoof banana I’m impressed.  

Azlan - what...what are you saying-

Naina - I have to go..excuse me (and without another seconds delay she got up and ran from there to her own room slamming the door leaving Azlan buffed) 

Azlan - what was that..what were you saying... what the hell is going on?  

Humeira - (rolled her eyes at his cluelessness) Baba’s decided we’re all flying to London tonight for the weekend.  He wants to buy gifts for both your sisters and their in laws since we’re meeting them next week and for our other cousins meaning your other siblings since we’re going to their house next week for the first time as well...(Azlan cursed under his breath closing his eyes surprising and confusing Humeira.  Azlan not happy about getting out of India?  That was a first.  Little did she know he had something, rather someone more precious to take into consideration and to prioritize over a weekend of drinking, partying and sleeping around like he once did.  Little Pari Khan who was soon going to destroy the peace, routine and pride that the Haveli functioned on just by existing). 


Khan Mansion:  


An Awed Zoya walked alongside the wall staring mesmerized at the many hanged paintings.  She stopped before a rather gigantic collage of canvases each of which was painted with one portion of a child’s face so that when hung together they formed the image of a screaming and agonized child.  Zoya felt her heart ache knowing that somewhere that child was mirroring the rage that was harboured inside him and which maddened him each day of his life growing up.  A rage that was still buried somewhere inside of him.  The awe of his brilliance as an artist though far outweighed the pain she felt for someone she cared for so deeply and loved nearly just as deeply as well.  As that fact resurfaced Zoya felt a near panic attack coming along unable to cope and come to terms with the biggest truth of her life just yet, unable to face the truth certain that it would end in heart ache.  She moved along the wall in the main foyer which was adorned with Asad’s rather magnificent art work.  As she was observing and taking in a beautiful piece of a field of flowers her eyes drifted to the garden and she couldn’t help the smile that tugged at her lips and immediately her eyes were filled with an adoration that was exclusively reserved for Asad alone.  No other person in this world could light her up inside out as just the thought of Asad managed to do.  Involuntarily and without even realizing it Zoya felt her legs moving towards the open glass doors where the most beautiful breeze was coming from making the curtains fly and crash against one another.  The closer she walked out into the garden the more her heart soared with love and emotions for the man she was hopelessly falling in love with.  She had to bite down on her lip to stop herself from bursting into a happy song or scream from happiness and overwhelming emotion as she walked closer towards him.  She could hear music blaring from his headphones five feet away and she nearly wanted to chuckle at the image of Asad meditating.  He had his “grown up” and “intelligent” reasons to do it but for someone normal like Zoya he came across as nothing more than a lunatic at 2:00 pm everyday when he just lay in the middle of the garden like that, with his arms folded beneath his head.  Those who didn’t know him would think the same.  As she stood over him Zoya pulled out her phone and carefully put it on silent.  A faint hue and blush adorned her cheeks. She couldn’t help it, it was all his fault, HOW could he be this damn handsome.  It was simply unfair.  Her heart raced faster with each picture she then viewed and swooned over.  Pictures of him meditating right now.  Pictures of him sleeping this morning.  Random pictures of him watching the news yesterday. 

Asad - what’re you doing?  (Zoya screamed, tripped over literally nothing and fell flat on her butt with her phone flying and landing two feet away.  Asad however didn’t flinch an inch and continued to lay there calmly meditating with his eyes still closed.)

Zoya - (Clutching his heart) HOW DO YOU DO THAT?

Asad - (eyes still closed) I smelt annoying when you were still ten feet away

Zoya - (closed her eyes trying to steady her heartbeat) right..you must be really familiar with it, it being your signature scent and all (She crawled in the grass looking for her phone and completely missed Asad trying to resist and fight the smile that was tugging on his lips.  He could hear her crawling in the grass but he was far too calm and peaceful to open his eyes and see what sort of recklessness she was engaging in or what doom she was inevitably inviting) 

Asad - what’d you want Farooqui?  (Zoya sat up after retrieving her cell phone effectively covered in grass all over, her smile vanished hearing his question and she ransacked her brain for a clever and effective answer.  One that did not make her sound like a love struck crushed out giddy and creepy teenager.  Of course the truth that “he is so hot she couldn’t help herself and had to come stare at him and get pictures for her personal archivable collection of Asad Ahmed Khan stills” would not make her come off cool enough) 

Zoya - I uhh...I wanted to sleep with you.  (Asads eyes popped open in shock but he lay there wide eyed, still completely still refusing to turn in the slightest.  His whole body had gone rigid.  Safe to say, Zoya wanted to kill herself) I mean...I uhh...I need a new effective coping mechanism like you said since you guys all banned me from my old one (Asad finally turned his head towards her and Zoyas head hung shamefully and guiltily at the anger and accusations, the disbelief she still to this day saw in his eyes) 

Asad - you mean the coping mechanism where you try to kill yourself one cut at a time like a coward and hope that the universe will do you a favour and accidentally make one of the cuts deep enough.  (He didn’t know why but all of a sudden today he felt just as angry at her foolish and selfish actions as he did back in the hospital when the universe nearly did do her that favour.  Maybe it had to do with the cruel joke life was playing on him these days and the uncertainity of the longevitiy of his life but he couldn’t be as understanding as he normally was by how much for granted she took her life back then and how little respect she had for it.  Shaking his head he turned his head back down and closed his eyes letting out a deep breath.  But unlike before the calmness and tranquility he normally achieved with meditation was replaced by anger and a deep frown)

Zoya - (sulking like a child who had been told off) I didn’t say it was the brightest coping mechanism or my greatest idea THATS why I wanted to try a new one.

Asad - (muttered) I’m yet to see or hear one of those said great ideas.

Zoya - (narrowed her eyes at him, having taken enough of being told off and mockery she needed to get a few of her own good jabs in) and I’m sure since meditation seems to work for someone with AS MANY (shook her head exaggeratedly) Mental issues as you, just one session should work as a miracle session for me.  

Asad - (lying still as calmly as ever eyes still closed) so get your own garden, this is my meditation area.

Zoya - really?  (Sticking her ear to the ground) funny I don’t hear the grass agreeing with you (Asad nearly burst out laughing at her mental balance, or lack thereof) 

Asad - you cant see me but I’m trying to hypnotize you into leaving me alone.

Zoya - (laid down next to him) well good luck with that.  The only way you’re getting rid of me is if you get up and walk away yourself (and in her heart she knew that was never going to happen and that made her smile again.  She snatched a headphone from his ear and ignoring Asads scream of “hey” in protest sighed contentedly) 

Zoya - (whispered to the universe) I am so peaceful right now (Asad glaring at her rested his head back onto his arms and continued enjoying his music with now just the one headphone)

Asad - (muttered under his breath) annoying.  (And the fact that Zoya smiled to being called “annoying” was in no way indication of the severity of her “mental issues”. Just as the smile on Asad’s face wasn’t any indication of his as he thought about Zoya's stubbornness and the forcefulness with which she somehow inserted herself into every aspect of his life which he once loathed and which drove him mad then.  But now, it was one of the things he loved most about her.  If it wasn’t for Zoya doing so they wouldn’t be lying here next to each other in the garden “meditating”, more like falling asleep next to the warmth of each other under the beautiful day sky.  No one else would have survived any attempt at intruding Asad’s meditation session but lying there with Zoya, he had never felt more whole in his life.  Neither had she.  What they both weren’t aware of were the two adoring and wishful eyes staring at them from the terrace.)

Anwar - (placed a kiss on Zeenats forehead) are you thinking what I’m thinking?  

Zeenat - I’m praying they’re thinking...actually that they are strong enough to KNOW what we’re just realizing and thinking.  

Anwar - (laughed as he put his arms around her) oh honey, they won’t know what hit them if they don’t (and Zeenat wrapped her arounds him fiercely as she watched her little Zoya lay next to the boy she was hopelessly in love with and Zeenat had never felt more scared, terrified or sorry for her little girl.  Love came with its cruelties and few knew that better than Zeenat)

xoxoxoxo - DailyDaisy!! - xoxoxoxo

Edited by DailyDaisy - 4 years ago
DailyDaisy thumbnail
Anniversary 7 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 4 years ago

Hello Guys! 

I am so so so so so sorry that I've been missing for so long.  However, I think I have to confess whats been going on and the reason behind my long absences.  I suffer from severe depression and I try my best to manage it with medicine and therapy but sometimes I go through unexpected phases where these bursts hit me so hard and so intense I can barely get out of bed.  This last one hit me since early march and has been one of the worse yet.  To the extent that I have had to quit my job, drop out of school for the semester and have pretty much been in bed.  I have been so ill I couldn't make myself come post a small message like this OR the update which has been sitting ready to post for months.  I just...I didn't think it was fair to leave you guys hanging on end again.  I want you to know how much you guys, your support and the love you've shown my story have helped me on my darkest days.  I hope you continued to read and show the same amount of love in the coming parts..I still love this story and want to write it to the end.  If I disappear (I sure hope not) just know that I will come back (till as long as I live) and will finish the story (and lets just say for discussions sake if I was abandoning the story I'd let you know) but if I'm suddenly away without an explanation thats why.  I don't normally talk about it but I feel you guys deserve to know.  That being said hope you enjoy the latest developments between AsYa ;) I miss them SOOOO MUCH on screen :(

Can't wait to read your thoughts - xoxo - DailyDaisy!!

Nia12345 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 4 years ago

Awesome update 

Hope u get well soon

Just a request 

Can u plz have more scene were Dilshad and family teasing asya about the relationship 

honeylika thumbnail
Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 4 years ago

Amazing update

Loved it

Thanks for the update . Was eagerly waiting for this

Get well soon daisy