Discussing The Season Because I am Finally Here - Page 2


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BanBB thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Expressionist (October 2021) 1 Thumbnail + 8
Posted: 6 years ago

Originally posted by: Black_Maniac

Yep, Fikshun's performance had keft me gaping like a fish😆

Oh there is an epi like that? I'll watch it the first things after my exams. He doesn't have 'reality show' wala thing in him. He can't act. He looked so vandalized when he had to act and promote Google Duo. I actually won't forget that all my life 🤣 He looked so cute though (don't mind the incessant fangirling habits that I have 😆)

Yeah. But still, in the end Bir will win. He's got a lot of peoples' support. And then Aryan Patra ❤️

There's no need to be sorry about it. I can't dance anyways so whatever they do amazes me 🤣 once upon a time I liked dance so much and my lazy self now

@bold which epi is that  , kaun google duo
@red obviously no doubt about it. Bir fan-following is growing at a very good rate plus his regional fans will give lots of votes to him 

@blue , its an level up epi this week ka 😳

Black_Maniac thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 6 years ago

Originally posted by: Teddy_luv

@bold which epi is that  , kaun google duo

@red obviously no doubt about it. Bir fan-following is growing at a very good rate plus his regional fans will give lots of votes to him 

@blue , its an level up epi this week ka 😳

It is Sunday's episode only I suppose when just before Aryan's act, Dharmesh calls Aryan's Sir (I think the name is Srikant).
So Aryan is supposed to act all happy that Duo connects him with people or something but he so cutely tries to make small talk😆 And then ekdum quickly he says bye sir after his teacher promises to give lots of votes.
Google Duo is their sponsor so they sprout in randomly with some promotions.

Yep, Bir definitely has a lot of votes already decided.

I'll watch it soon :D
BanBB thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Expressionist (October 2021) 1 Thumbnail + 8
Posted: 6 years ago
oh lol ,  bechara aryan 😆

asmitasb thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 6 years ago

Originally posted by: Black_Maniac

Even though I am supposed to be "inactive", I actually can't stay without IF😆

I know I have been nowhere around this season, except the audition weeks but I swear I wanted to  And just today, I came around and I am surprised why are ONLY the captains being discussed😆 I would have understood if the season was an absolute bore, but mind you, IT WASN'T!

So trying to discuss what I would like to, is your TOP 5 performances this season. It could be on any grounds. Or maybe just list the performances on basis of what struck out the most.

I'll start by saying, every performance by Aryan Patra! I have developed this huge crush on that guy because he is so sweet and silent and can't act even if he is definitely supposed  to (refer the Google Duo promotion 🤣) And every performance he gives is so powerful with all the expressions and stuff🤪

Then Bir Radha Sherpa! God I haven't been happier on being proven wrong. Mind you I don't get happy if someone proves me wrong😆

His audition performance wasn't so charming (for me) but every next performance gets better and better! The guy's determination to dance is so inspiring! Even after every act is topped with some emotional content later, I still like it and that is saying something!

Then we go to Tarun Shivani *wink wink*
Can I confess that they are my favourite and the ONLY duo I have ever liked? Like duh! Those random ships are pointless! These guys are so cute! Their performances are so powerful. 

Then that SRNN performance where they did things with neon lighting and stuff. That was their only performance that I liked. I have seen some very powerful indian classical acts so usually these people ka performances were very thanda thanda.

And another act that I absolutely enjoyed was AVP's mathematical signs' act😆
The main guy is so good with his expressions! 

Now coming to my dear captains😆
P.S. I am still not discussing them but their presentations ;)

Let's start with the rockstar of this season! Punit J Pathak! Man, I do see his hard work in every contestant of his that performs ❤️
Be it Bir, HOS, Ayush-Mukesh or AVP, the guy did everything he can to make sure his contestants get what they deserve. And I do mean everything. From the most efficient use of thoughts, props, costumes, story and even the cameras: be it Bir's girlfriend or the absolute cameraman's delight that HOS's performance on I Love You was!

Apart from that, another thing HE worked on was getting the audience to react. While V Company and Tanay won because of the audience's reaction to their dance, if Bir wins this season (which I am about 95% sure of), the way in which Punit makes the audience connect to them is gorgeous. The emotions, their happiness, their struggles. There is a reason Punit is such a strong dancer when it comes to emotional songs! He knows how to connect with people. He knows how to strike the right chord! Punit, I have loved the way you have strived to make sure your contestants give in their best and the audience receives them well.

Then sabka chaheeta D! Like dude, if Punit goes for connect, D believes in: We'll WOW everyone. To hell whether they feel connected or not! They can stare at their TV screens and wonder what they just saw😆

You can see how much thought the guy puts in each of the acts. I mean who'll think, lets make 2 people dance on cars. So much fun😆 or maybe, let's make Amardeep play with a shoe as if it a darned fidget spinner. Dharmesh is not a man of words, a man of actions he is! Should I say a man of DANCE? Sounds better ❤️
His acts are pure wonder to watch (not that Punit's weren't). Now I already spoke so much about Punit, can't think of much here. My vocabulary leaves me when I talk about how amazing Dharmesh Yelande is as a mentor!

Lastly Shakti. Before I start speaking (because I know fans will get volatile) I would actually inform you that I haven't rooted for anyone the way I did for Shakti in DID season2!
The fact is she is amazing as a dancer, no doubt. But I think she lacks the creativity and imagination when it comes to mentoring. As a mentor, it is your duty to make sure your students (or the ones under you) are being used to their full potent. And also that they are being given the ideal boost that they need. Shakti somehow lacks there. It's like, after this season, I am compelled to believe that every performance in S1 and S2 somewhere had a different hand behind the scenes as well as from the contestants' side. This time, Shakti failed to deliver her contestants' best. And I don't say that because none of them are finalists. It is because S isn't aware of all the technical developments and the brilliant use of e ach and every thing that is possibke and beyond imagination. (She said that, okay?) The first time ever, I am not happy with the way Shakti worked on her tasks. Then again, maybe a little exposure and she'll rock😳 She is a fast learner and I have witnessed that when she was in DID!

I don't want to end on a negative not so I'll just Fangirl about Aryan Patra again😆
The guy is a gorgeous performer *heart eyes*

Leave me some comments so I have a good discussion when I get time. I am sorry if the Shakti thing hurt someone because everybody, just like me, loves her! But since this is about the contestants and them only, I think Shakti could work with a little constructive criitucism😳

Edited a lot of typos! Sorry if they are still there..


Wow this is like summary to this season! I just loved it.
Soon will come up with my fav. 

Jhalli_gurl thumbnail
Anniversary 6 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 6 years ago
I definitely think Aryan and may be Amardeep too will get more votes than Bir. TS would be the highest vote getter overall. So I just hope their scores make the final determination coz if only votes are the decisive factor, then 100% TS will win.Edited by dplus - 6 years ago
Jhalli_gurl thumbnail
Anniversary 6 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 6 years ago

Originally posted by: ankit45

points plus votes both should be considered.

I know but if Remo gives the same score to all 4 of them...then may be votes will be the deciding factor. My guess is Remo will give full marks to Aryan, Bir, and TS and a little less to Amardeep to make sure that he doesnt win. In that case (Aryan, Bir, TS getting equal scores), TS will win. And if both Amardeep and TS both are given lower scores than Aryan and Bir, then TS/Aryan any of the two will win. Bir will definitely get the least votes coz it is his first reality show and he is still building his fanbase, plus Punit has 10 times fewer fans than D.
BanBB thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Expressionist (October 2021) 1 Thumbnail + 8
Posted: 6 years ago
dplus , you are underestimating bir fan-following
he has more fan-following than ts on Instagram page plus he would have more fans if his account was known to people earlier
pehle his fake account had more fan-following than his real one

plus his North- Eastern side will vote for him jamke

NAUCholic thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail Engager 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 6 years ago
^Exactly. Even over social media Bir has a whole lot of fans.  Offline bhi honge I guess. And I dont think Punit's fans matter. Because at the end of the day the contestant matters na. 
Like I dont think only Punit fans vote for bir. Even in this IF, many D fans root for Bir to win. So yeah, I dont think the captain matters a lot when it comes to voting. 
Aise toh Shakti clearly has more fans that D. Then Piyush(who was one of the most deserving) would have easily won s2.

Anyway I just hope one among Aryan and Bir wins. Because I feel they are clearly more deserving amongst the top 4. However just my opinion. No offense to Amardeep/TS supporters.

@TM- Great summary.
Also, I agree that this season indeed has a home feeling. Idk why but it feels so.  Even the self mocking. Masst hai. I really enjoy this show man. Ekdum rajma chaval wala feel tha.
Also even I noticed Aryan ka awkwardness in the google duo. Bichaara.

pakeezah thumbnail
Posted: 6 years ago
Those who are rooting for favs other than Bir..pls don't say Bir is definitely winning.
Because that gives energy to his win. Amardeep has been struggling for ten years to get success, Tarun Shivani need to  train so hard and focus so much for their precision acts and Aryan has been giving so much time since he was a small boy to get to level he is now. None of them got so good just like that. It's blood, sweat and tears and unwavering focus for each so they deserve a equal chance to win even though Remo and Puneet have put themselves solidly behind Bir as could be seen in the show.

By every episode having something of Bir in it. And lots.of focus and air time dedicated to Bir and his back story.

He is amazing and deserves this praise and extra air time specially because of his humble roots. But let's face it, every contestant enters a competition with the same amount of hopefulness, anxiety and nerves to change their lives. 

Puneet used to make his contestants pray that their God, whoever they pray to please give power to their team mate who is performing so they win. This is a very strong method to arouse winning energy for their fave.

If you are fan of someone don't say other person is sure winning. Then u are already taking.power away from yr fave. Think your fave has won... Visualize it...repeat in your mind...Canvass yr friends to support. And vote.. Who knows they might win. At least their chances don't get.lessened because someone keeps saying so and so is sure winning and making that thought more powerful. 

Obviously if youre Birs fan, do it for Bir. You're adding strength to a fabulous contestant.

This is a method being used by many these days. Power of thought. 

Obviously if it is written in one contestants karma that only he or she will win, then that will happen but who knows others karma. If everyone of the four is performing fabulously, working as hard and as hungry for title, then all deserve a equal chance.

Jhalli_gurl thumbnail
Anniversary 6 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 6 years ago
Relax guys, I dont think any one in this thread meant bad for Bir or Aryan or TS or Amar.

I like all 4 of them. Like Aryan and Bir a little more. And rooting for Bir. But that doesnt mean I want bad for TS/Amar.