Happy Birthday Sassie - Through the eyes of love - Epilogue - page 2 - Page 2


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Divya333 thumbnail
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Posted: 6 years ago
Happy Birthday Sassie
Beautiful story...loved thier love story...enjoyed totally...waiting for next update
sass8 thumbnail
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Posted: 6 years ago

Originally posted by: Sharlene1410

Image result for happy birthday

Image result for god bless you on your birthday

Always stay as nice as you are Sassy 

Thank sharlene , too kind

Edited by sass8 - 6 years ago
sass8 thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail
Posted: 6 years ago
Thank you all for the wishes 😊😊

BusiMusi thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 6 years ago
Wow Bee you just keep on making me want to have birthday everyday. Awesome Os.

And once again sassa happy belated birthday.
B-onesie thumbnail
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Posted: 6 years ago

Chapter 2



As his mother predicted, the house was soon empty and her husband was nowhere in sight.

"Bhabhi, Yash bhayia has gone to your bedroom.  He said you must join him when you are done.

She nodded and made her way their "bedroom" which was more like an apartment.  It had a small kitchenette for making tea and coffee and snacks so they didn't have to go back downstairs after they retired.  The kitchen was quite a distance away in this mansion of a house.  It had a separate study and the bathroom was bigger than a lot of houses as was the walk in closet. 

She entered the bedroom and he was nowhere in sight. 

"Yash" she called.

"I'm in the bathroom, come here."

She was amazed by what greeted her.  The lights were dim and there were scented candles all around the bathroom.  The huge sunken bath were filled to the brim with bubbles and he was sitting on the steps next to the bath.  He was wearing a towelling robe.

He came close to her.

"About time Mrs. Scindiya.

He started to undress her.

"What ... are you doing?" she said nervously.

"Getting you ready for the bath."

She stood quietly while he undressed her. 

"Beautiful" He said simply.


She fought the urge to hold on to her clothes and cover the last vestiges of her modesty.  But at the same time she wanted to give him all of her.  She closed her eyes.  Once he had taken off all her clothes he led her to the bath. 

She was glad for the covering of the water and bubbles.  She looked at him and saw him standing there naked as well.  She let out a scream and shut her eyes again.

"You're naked." she said.

"How else do you expect me to bath?"

"But ... but ... You're naked!"

He chuckled.

He got into the bath and she moved as far away from him as possible.



"Open your eyes."

"Huh uh."



"I am covered under the water as you are."

She peeped at him with one eye. Them opened both when she realised he was covered too.

"Come closer."

She shook her head.

"Baby, I won't bite.  Unless you want me to of course."

She looked at him quite shocked.

"Come here, I just want us to be comfortable with each other." he leaned over and pulled her to him.  She felt like she was hyperventilating.  It was all too intimate.

"Relax Aarti.  My body is yours and yours mine from now on.  I want you to be completely comfortable with me and I want us to enjoy each other.  So just relax.

He leaned back in the bath and pulled her with him, still rigid.

He caressed her arms and moved down to her hands.  Rubbing her hands and till she relaxed a little bit.  He kissed her softly on the head.

"Can I wash you?"

She swallowed hard.

She nodded, but only slightly.  She wanted to make this special for him too but it was so very difficult for her.  She couldn't grasp the notion of her, Aarti Sharma, being beautiful. Yet he kept telling her that.  He had done so many times yesterday and even now, when she knew her body was less than perfect.  She should have dieted and exercised like Arpita.  The she would have been ... well thinner.

He started lathering her with a sponge.

"You know I would never have guessed that you had such an amazingly sexy body under that drab clothes you wore when we first met."

"Me, sexy?" she laughed.  "Arpita is the sexy one.  She has the amazing body.  Not on ounce of fat on her."

"Well then we have different views on sexy.  I love your curves.  Each and every one of them.  You hid them well, but from now on you will wear things that accentuates your beauty.  Not too much though, I don't want other men ogling you.  Why do you think I got rid of those family members who overstayed their welcome?  So I could be alone with my bride. as he spoke, he stroked her with the sponge sensually.  She was losing her senses in both his words and his actions.  His words as usual were sincere and gave her a confidence that she had never possessed before.  She saw herself through his eyes and she embraced it.

She turned around.

"Can I wash you?" she said still a little bit uncertainly.

"I told you, my body is yours."

She took the sponge from him and started doing what he did.  His eyes never left her. Finally she reached the very intimate part of him and she didn't know how to carry on.

He took her hands and wrapped it around his erect member for her to explore.

"See what you do to me.  And you say you are not sexy.  I have been having to contain myself yesterday and today.  Just looking at you, even fully clothed has this effect on me.


"Yes. But if you are still not ready, I will wait."

"What if you are disappointed in me?"

"What do you mean?"

"What if I don't live up to your expectations as a lover?" it was so hard for her to say.

"My darling, I have no expectations of you as a lover.  You don't have any point of reference.  You are the one that should have expectations of me. And I will do everything in my power to make our lovemaking so good, that you won't wonder how it would be with someone else."

"I don't want anyone else.  Even now."

He pulled her closer and kissed her.

"You shouldn't say things like that.  It is bound to drive me over the edge.  Unless you are ready."

"You said it, Yash.  My body is yours.  I am yours.  I want to be with you as your wife in every sense of the word."

"You're sure honey?"

"110%. I want to know that I am yours completely.

He kissed her again and carried her to the bed.  He was humbled by the look of complete trust she had in her eyes. She was unaware how much he read in her eyes.  He was not quite sure how he felt but he knew how she felt.  All he knew right now was that it pleased him.  It made him want to be the man that she believed him to be.  It made him want to be her husband, protector, lover and friend. It made him want to be a better version of himself for her.  And he prayed silently that he would never see pain or disappointment in her eyes due his actions.


Aarti was amazed at the sensations that she felt.  It seemed as if he was worshipping her body with his hands and mouth.  He body was on fire, she craved things she didn't even know.  The shyness and inhibition was forgotten in just a moment as desire flooded her body and love took root in her heart. She moaned and screamed and demanded and he gave. As he said he would.  The pain was almost inconsequential compared to the pleasure.  His concern for her at that time made her love him even more. And once she assured him, his loving was slow and sensual, still bearing in mind her condition.  His pleasure was secondary and only unleashed once she had experienced what she now felt was total bliss. 


In the aftermath, she hid her face in his chest, reverting to the shy and insecure being.

"What's this now?  Hiding again?"

"I don't know what came over me?" she said still not looking at him.

"I'm hoping it was me."

He lifted her chin to look up at him.

"Look at me."

She finally looked up at him.

"That's what we both wanted right? We now belong to each other completely.  And I could tell you enjoyed it.  And it will get even better with time.  There will be no more pain and no more shyness.  And I am looking forward to you taking the reigns as well excuse the pun."


"Yes, you.  You can't have me do all the work now."

"But you said you have no expectations of me."

"That was when you were still untouched and innocent.  Now that I know how passionate you are, Mrs. Scindiaya, I will show no mercy." He tried his best to put on an evil smile.

She pouted.

"I guess Ma was right about the men of this house.

"What did she say?"

"They give their wives no rest."

"How else do you think Bauji conceived such handsome, robust sons? So brace yourself.  It will be no different in this relationship.  After all I can't let the Scindiya name down. he teased."

"And that's the only reason why."

"Well that and my hot, sexy and very amorous new bride." he said starting to kiss her in the neck. "You don't need that rest now do you?"

"Well, I am a Scindiya now too, so I won't let the name down either. "she said sensually.

"That's my girl." He said as they continued their amorous activities.


It was 3 months later when Aarti came rushing into the house.  She was so annoyed with him. She had started working at his company.  He had a PA but he didn't trust anybody with his personal agenda so his PA had to work through his brothers, mostly Prateek.  As GM of operations this put added pressure on him, so Aarti took over that position.  She managed his diary, liaised with the PA, the board of directors of several of companies, approved interviews etc.  She wondered how Prateek and Pankaj managed this and their own vital jobs within the company.  And he was not an easy to person to work for.  They were constantly at logger heads in the office.  And her pet hate was not leaving the office on time.  She loved to join Bhabhi and Ma in the kitchen in the morning and evening. So keeping his times were a problem.  They often left home late as he was making calls and attending to correspondence.  And then in the evening he stayed late as well, making her miss her bonding time with the ladies.  So she had decided that she was not traveling with him anymore, she would make her own way to the office and back.  Sometimes with her brothers in law or sometimes on her own.  But with a driver and body guards.  She was not allowed to drive on her own. They were always at risk, being so wealthy.

She had finished on time and went to greet him, but he wanted her to just one more thing and then while she was busy, using his computer in his office he started to kiss and touch her, as he usually did when she was there.  He knew she could not resist him.  And now she was late.  She swore she was not going into his office ever again! He apologised and she was sure he would stop on the way for some flowers or something again.  She wondered what shopkeepers kept the hours that Yash Scindiya keeps, but whenever she was annoyed with him, which was often, he always came home with a gift. From flowers and chocolates to jewellery and items of clothing.


"You can't buy me Yash Scindiya!" The argument would normally go.

"I know, but you like it. right?  It's nice right? Please don't be angry anymore.  I'm your favourite husband right?"

"YOU ARE MY ONLY HUSBAND!  But right now you are not my favourite person.

"I'm sorry baby."  he would hold his ears and give her the cutest puppy dog eyed look that would completely melt her heart.

"Stop ... stop looking at me like that."

"Like what love?"

"You know." she would falter.

"Only if you accept my apology."  he would say and grab her into his embrace but still look into his eyes.

"You are not being fair." she would whisper.

"All's fair in love and war they say."

"Fine, I forgive you, now let me go"

"Now that I am forgiven, why would I let you go?" he would say and then there would be no way that she would be out of the room soon.



Today she rushed inside, knowing that the cooking would have started already but came to an abrupt halt as she saw that her m-i-l and Bhabhi were sitting in the lounge with guests.  Not just any guests, her sister and step-mother.  She stared at them confused.  Why would they be here and without telling her?

"Come bahu, your family is here.  Come greet them."

Aarti came forward to greet them.

"What are you doing here?"

"Now that you are rich are we not welcome in your home?

"No Shoba-aunty, I am just surprised that's all."

"Good, we surprised you said Arpita.  We came because we have good news to share with you."


"Arpita also received a very good proposal.  Not a family like this of course" her stepmother gestured to the house.  "But still, it's good."

"Congratulations Di."

"Thank you." said Arpita.  "But I need your help.  You are so good at arranging things.  I need your help with the engagement and wedding arrangement.  Please won't you help me?  Please come home for some time."

Aarti looked at her m-i-l and could see she was not happy.

"How long?"she asked.

"A couple of months".

"No, Yash will never agree.  Vidhi-bahu, Aarti-bahu, please go ahead and start the supper, I will see the guest rooms are made ready for our guests.  We will have to continue this discussion when your father-in-law and husband gets home."

"Yes, Ma. I will just get out of my work clothes."  Aarti felt nervous.  She knew what her mother-in-law said was true.  Yash would never allow her to leave for months.  And she didn't want to either.  She loved it here.  This was her home now.  The first home that she had ever known.


Aarti's self-thought:


Her fist memory was of her and her mother living with the Khanna's.  Her mother was the domestic worker there.  They were rich people and really horrible.  They had 2 daughters, one older and one younger than Aarti.  The girls always teased Aarti and taunted her because she did not have the nice things that they had.  Even the parents were the same.  They resented Aarti, as she was favoured at school because she was highly intelligent and talented.  They often made her do the girls homework and projects.  They were jealous as Aarti was a real beauty from a young age.  Her hair was one of her best features, with their limited resources, it always looked beautiful.  Every night her mother would brush her long tresses and they would talk before bed time.  That was her favourite time of the day.  The girls were so jealous of it.  One day when Aarti was sitting in the garden, deeply engrossed in a book, when she suddenly she felt a tug at her plait.  Within a moment, her long plait was lying on the grass.  The eldest of the two girls had cut it and they were both laughing.  She picked up her plait andf ran crying to her mother.

"Sweetie, don't worry.  It's only hair.  It will grow back.  You are still the most beautiful girl in the whole world to me."

"Mamma, please can we leave this place.  I hate it here."

"My baby, we have nowhere else to go.  I need this job.  Sorry, but as soon as we can we will leave."  But she never did.

"When Aarti went to high school she received a full scholarship for a private boarding school in Mumbai.  She didn't want to leave her mother but her mother wanted only the best for her. And she wanted her out of the house.

It was only later that she found out why.

Her mother's boss had been making sexual advances to her, and as Aarti became a beautiful teenager, he was shifting his interest to her.  In order to keep him away from her daughter, her mother, in her helpless state, after years of fighting him off gave into his advances. But she wanted Aarti out of the house.  This made things worse for her as his wife knew and made her life hell.  She was finally diagnosed with HIV and because of lack of treatment she died of AIDS when Aarti was 17.  A disease she contracted from her boss. But before that, she finally divulged to Aarti and Satyendra that they were father and daughter and asked him to look after her. 


Aarti, was amazed at the love that her parents shared.  But because of that love they transgressed.  And now she had to suffer the consequences.  Her father accepted her, but never his wife.  She was treated as a servant from day one in that house.  Arpita was a beautiful girl and she was always dressed to perfection.  She had so many boys after her.  Along with her friends, they always taunted Aarti.  No one saw the beauty beneath the studious, unfashionable exterior.  For the sake of peace in the house, she did as she was told. 


Even when she had this wonderful idea for the show and to catapult Arpita into stardom it was seen as her due.  After all they took in the orphan girl.  But she loved her father dearly.  And he loved her.  The fruit of his true love.  And this made her stepmother even more livid.  So she continued to live in the shadows.  She lived for her work and to make her father happy and at peace. 


Now that she was happy with the family in the shortest of times they wanted her back.  And in just a moment, by seeing them she became that person that had no self-confidence.  That lived to make others happy and keep none for herself.  She became the person that did not deserve any happiness because she was born in sin and she had to pay for her parents transgressions.  She had to make Arpita happy because she had too much happiness now.  Surely that was not meant to be.  Not for her.


Back to present:


They were having a shouting match of note.



"No! How much does a wedding planner cost?  I will pay for it.  They can consider it a wedding gift."

"It's not the same."

"It's better. They are professionals.  You're a not."

"I am family."

"Are you?"

"Yash please.  I want to do this.  Maybe ... maybe ..."

"Maybe what?  They will finally accept you?  Do you think that will happen Aarti?  How much more can you do than you have already done?  You are not going and that is final."

"You are no better than them!  You want to control my life just as they did.  Fine, I will stay and be your doormat instead of theirs."

"What?!  How can you say that?  I can't believe this."

"Believe what you want to.  It's true."

"You are grasping at straw.  Your desperation for their approval is making your irrational."

"Just let me do this.  Please!" she shouted.

He shook his head and walked out of the room.

Aarti sank on the bed and started crying.  Her emotions were all over the place.  She knew what he said was true but she needed to do this.  Just this one last time.  Maybe, just maybe it would worthy of being loved by them. 


Yash went to his sanctuary, when he needed to think and clear his head.  The home gym and he was so busy punishing the punching bag that he didn't hear his mother enter.

"Yash!" she called for the umpteenth time.

"Ma, sorry I didn't hear you."

"But the whole house heard you."  he knew she was referring to the argument.

"Sorry about that." he looked down.

"Let her go Yash.  She needs to do this."

"Please ma, not you too.  Don't you see what she becomes in their presence?"

"I do, I have always known.  But if she doesn't do this that might never change."

"But why does she need their approval.  Are we not enough for her?  Am I not enough for her?"

"Beta, she loves you.  Trust me. But a person's mind set and emotions are not always rational.  She has these demons and she needs to work through it.  For both of you."

He was silent, he sighed and looked up at the ceiling.

"Yash, she will come back.  She is not with you for anything else than for you. Not for your money or status.  Her love for you is unconditional."

"Then why has she never said it."

"She is broken Beta, she has felt so much rejection in her life.  This is why I am asking this of you.  You know how you felt when our family looked down on us, mocked us and made disparaging remarks because we had nothing.  It still has an effect on you.  First you strove to prove yourself to be better and still you can't stop.  You give and you give and still they appreciate nothing.  In that you and Aarti-bahu are kindred spirits.  You need to prove your worth to your families, even when the ones that really count can see it.  Let her go son."

He took the towel that his mother was offering, gave her a wry look and left the gym.


When he got back in the room he simply said.

"I have the Uk and Dubai tour for 3 weeks coming up.  I was hoping you would go with me but you can use the time to go to your father's house.  I am not happy about this but Ma seems to think it is the right thing to do.  My condition is that you be here when I leave and you be here when I get back."

"Thank you" she said softly as he was walking to the bathroom for his shower.

When he came out of the shower he was livid with her again. She was sleeping on the couch.

"Oh hell no!"  He went to her and pulled her blanket off.

"What is this!?"  He demanded.

"I ... I thought because you are angry ... I mean ..."

"Get to bed!"

She got up and walked to bed.  She lay on her side of her bed and he knew she was crying no matter how quietly she was trying to do it.

He couldn't take it anymore. He moved closer to her and pulled her into his arms.

"I'm sorry.  I didn't mean to make you cry."

She just shook her head as if to say it's ok.

"No, it's not ok and I really am sorry. But baby, no matter what happens, even if we have arguments, this is our marriage bed.  There will never be a reason why you should not be in it when we are home.  Ok."

"Ok" she said softly.

"And soon we will be apart for 3 weeks.  Let's not let our time together be wasted."

She looked up and smiled at him.  Again he saw the love in her eyes, she did not need to say the words.

So for the last few days, things were back to normal.  She left with him, they made a detour to drop her with the private plane.  Poor Prateek had to sit with the bodyguards at his brother's insistence as he indulged in a last make out session with his wife on the plane.

But they parted happily and couldn't wait to be together again.



Aarti was so busy, that she didn't miss him too much.  Assisting Yash and his P.A still kept her busy as well as the wedding planning and also assisting Arpita's new producer with ideas for the show that has been taking a dive in ratings since she left.  But it seemed that her  sister and stepmother were nicer to her. 

Finally it would be her last day at her father's house.  She couldn't wait for the next day.  This was not home.  It never was home, it would never be home, especially since she finally knew what home was. She was in constant contact with her new family and her husband. And he was fetching her again the next day on his way home and they had discussed going on honeymoon after spending a few days at home.  Not too far though as he didn't want to travel again after this trip.  She was so excited. 


But it was not to be.

The next morning she was awoken by Arpita.

"Aarti wake up.  Wake up.  Have you seen the news?"


"It's Yash.  I'm so sorry."

Aarti jumped up.

"What is it?" fear gripped her heart as she thought something had happened to him.

Arpita showed a news clip that Yash was arrested for sexual assault in Dubai. 

She was shocked.  Of all things this was not what she had expected. She did not know how to deal with this news. She didn't believe it but she didn't want to face anyone.

"Aarti are you ok?"

"I need to be alone Arpita."


"Please leave." she had to process this.


She stayed in her room.  For some reason her stepmother and sister showed concern for her.

There were reporters out front and even Arpita asked her to do an exclusive interview.

She could not speak to anyone. 

Her mother in law called repeatedly but she did not take the calls.

Finally later that day, there was a new development.  After further investigation the girl changed her story.  She now claimed that it was not rape but consensual.  He was released but refused to make a statement.

This seemed more plausible to her.  After all he was a rich, handsome man with a healthy libido and her bubble had to burst sometime.  Just as she started to believe ... She should have known better.

He never called and neither did she.


2 days later he was there. 

"Get your things, we are going home." he announced as he entered her room.

"I am not going anywhere with you."

"So you believe all this nonsense.  Look, I don't see why I have to, but I will say this once and only once.  I am innocent. That was all a lie, a set up.  I see no reason to vindicate myself to the press, and I can understand that they believe all this nonsense, but not you."

"How can I believe you?"

"You just do.  Now are you coming or not?"

"No" her heart broke but she could not get herself to go.  She knew this would happen. She just wasn't in his league, no wonder he found someone else.  But it was so painful.

"Fine. The bodyguards will stay with you."

"There is no need."

"I will not be responsible for something happening to you due to being linked to me.  They are staying."

He walked out of the room.  She went to the window and watched him walk through the throng of reporters and when he reached the car, he turned around and looked at her.  The look in his eyes made her catch her breath, but she didn't know why.


It was a week later when Yash got the call.  He was busy in the gym again.  He spent a lot of time there now.  The bedroom suffocated him, he could not stand to be there.

"Yes" he answered.

"Sir, she is gone." it was one of Aarti's bodyguards.

"What do you mean?" he said, fear gripping his heart.

"Sir Ma'am has been spending a lot of time in her bedroom, so we only checked this afternoon and she is gone.  We tried to call her but she left her phone behind."

"Dammit, what am I paying you for?! I want her found, do you hear me.  Now!" he disconnected the call. 

He ran up to his room taking multiple steps at a time. 

"Chote!! Chote!" he called.

Prateek came running into the bedroom.

"Make arrangements for the plane to take me Bhopal.  Fast!"

"But why?"
"Aarti is gone."


"Please Chote.  Make the arrangements."

He showered, changed and packed at lightning speed.  His worry and fear driving him.  He rushed out the door of the bedroom and knocked into someone. He caught her as she was about to fall over.

He was so relieved to see her.  He pulled her upright and hugged her tightly.

"Yash" she mumbled into his chest "You're hurting me and I can hardly breathe."

He released her but grabbed her by the hand and dragged her inside the bedroom.  He stared at her."

"You're here.  Where were you? I was sick with worry.  What were you thinking? Do you know what you put me through?  What you put the family through.  You are ok aren't you?

Do you realise the implications of your actions? Don't ever do this again.  Do you hear me?"

She looked at him flustered.  Not sure where she should start and what she should answer first.

He grabbed her and held her again.

"You're here." he said kissing her on her forehead just holding.

"Sorry" she said into his chest again.

"Please don't do anything like that again." he said so tenderly.

"Never again.  I promise." she held him tightly too.

He released her again.  He looked at her and shook his head in confusion.

"I know.  You didn't expect me here.  But I woke up in the middle of the night and I just had to see you.  I wanted to come home.  I hope it's not too late.

"What happened? Why all of a sudden?"

"It's not all of a sudden.  These past few days I have been haunted by your eyes.  There was so much in your eyes.  I was so confused. I thought I must be mistaken but your eyes never left me. So I came to ask you what it meant."

"That is all you came for?"


He turned away.

"Please Yash.  I need to know.  My whole life depends on this."

He faced her again.

"What do you think it means."

"I don't know.  I am too scared to speculate.  What if I am wrong?"

"What if you are right?  Aarti if I can read your eyes, then why you can't read mine.  I know you love me.  I've known for a long time now.  That is why it hurt so much that you didn't trust me.  And that you didn't come home with me.  Tell me what you think you saw Aarti.  I want to hear it from you."

"I ... I saw so much pain.  . I saw heartache. For me. I have never experienced that before.  I was so confused. I thought I must be mistaken but your eyes never left me.  Not when I was awake or sleeping.  It haunted me.  And I hope I am right when I say, I saw love.  She shut her eyes."

"Please let me be right. she whispered.

"Aarti open your eyes.

She opened her eyes but kept it down.

"Look into my eyes.  Tell me what you see now.

She finally looked into his eyes.  Tears filled her's as she saw her reflection in his.

"What do you see, Aarti.

"But how?  I am not special, I am not ...

"You are beautiful, you capable, you are intelligent, you creative, you are sexy and you are the most special person in the world to me.  You are everything to me.  My whole world.  And I only figured it out that day, when I had to walk away from you.  I could not vocalise it then, but it was the most painful thing that I have ever experienced.  It felt that my heart was ripped from my body.  I fell in love with you that first day but I could not recognise it.  But I do now.  I love you so much.

He grabbed her by the arms.

"I am not letting you go.  Even if you don't trust me.  Even if you don't believe in my love.

"I do trust you.  I believe you.  I love you so much.  I was empty without you.

"And the allegations?

"I said I trust you Yash. I will stand by you. No matter what?

"You're sure?

She shook he head and smiled.

He embraced her again.

"Baby, I know who set me up. he said while still holding her.

"I am guessing my sister and her mother is involved?

"Yes.  What do you want me to do?

"Nothing.  Absolutely nothing. she looked up into his eyes with a smile.

"If that what you want. he smiled back.

"On second thought.  I am cancelling all your appointments for the next 2 weeks.  We will go back to Bhopal and tell them that we know and thank them for us realise how much we love each other.  And then, Mr Rich Husband, you take me on a holiday.  A romantic getaway with just the two of us. And you have to make all the arrangements.  No P.A. or me.  You have to do it all on your own to prove how much you love me.

"You think I can't do.  I am a man of many talents.  I promise you the best, the most romantic getaway ever.  And you will then have to them prove your love to me, Mrs Sexy Wife.

"Done and done she smiled and reached up to kiss him.

"Do you know how much I love you? he said when their lips parted.

"I know. And I love you just as much and I will forever.

He scooped her up and carried her to the bed.

"Action speaks louder than words, Mrs. Scinddiya.

Finally they saw each other as only they could.  They loved completely and unconditionally.  They were each other's saviours and protectors. The hurt of the past were left there as they mattered most to each other in the present and would do in the future. And love covers all pain and hurt and brings healing and happiness. They were both imperfect but through the eyes of love they were perfect for each other.  

 The End

Edited by B-onesie - 6 years ago
Tessaloni thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 6 years ago
Absolutely beautiful she was forced to look at herself through the eyes of jealousy, hate, and resentment, forced to think she was ugly and useless, less than nothing! Along comes Yash and shatters all those notions, opens her eyes to the beauty around her, makes her see herself through his eyes, the eyes of love that made her realize her true value and rise above the ugliness to embrace its true beauty.

Very well executed, and an amazing read like always Honey-Bee ❤️ loved it!Edited by Tessaloni - 6 years ago
B-onesie thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail
Posted: 6 years ago

Originally posted by: Tessaloni

Absolutely beautiful she was forced to look at herself through the eyes of jealousy, hate, and resentment, forced to think she was ugly and useless, less than nothing! Along comes Yash and shatters all those notions, opens her eyes to the beauty around her, makes her see herself through his eyes, the eyes of love that made her realize her true value and rise above the ugliness to embrace its true beauty.

Very well executed, and an amazing read like always Honey-Bee ❤️ loved it!

Aah, thanks Tessie Pooh.
Sadly it often takes someone else to make us aware of what we should know about ourselves.  

At least she finally got the courage to go back to find out if what she suspected was true even though the fear was still there and found her love.😃

Sharlene1410 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 6 years ago
Awesome ending⭐️ Love it ⭐️
Such bitches step mother and sister 😡
B-onesie thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail
Posted: 6 years ago

Originally posted by: Sharlene1410

Awesome ending⭐️ Love it ⭐️

Such bitches step mother and sister 😡

Thank you Sharlsie😃
Fandu thumbnail
Posted: 6 years ago
B as always a  nice awesome SS.  Loved it.  It took Yash to come along for Arti to see her true self.  Shoba and Arpita could not stand Arti being happy so they had to stoop low to their true self and frame Yash.  In the end love won.  Thank you for a beautiful light hearted story.