Shivika FF: Ordinary!! Chp 38 update 8/31 page 100 - Page 64


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bworm thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago

Originally posted by: writerff

Thank you!
Who is madam... guess karoπŸ˜‰

πŸ˜†...Who knows...  It could be dadi too
writerff thumbnail
Anniversary 6 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 5 years ago

Originally posted by: bworm

πŸ˜†...Who knows...  It could be dadi too

AnonMSK thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail Engager 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago
Or it could be Roop bus also
When are you updating next?
writerff thumbnail
Anniversary 6 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 5 years ago

Originally posted by: SaritaMSK

Or it could be Roop bus also

When are you updating next?

Soon :)
Surya.Ravi thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago

Waiting eagerly for the update..
writerff thumbnail
Anniversary 6 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 5 years ago

Chapter 37: A dangerous friend

"What is happening these days?Nothing is making much sense!" Rued Saumya to Prinku and Rudy. The four of them assembled to watch a series of completely unexpected events that started with Anika fainting out of exhaustion.

The busy day and Shivay's frustrating demands caught up with Anika, who barely had a bite to eat since the day had started, causing her to faint. Sensing that, Shivay darted across the room, closing the distance between them in a heartbeat and caught Anika before she hit the ground. Picking her up in his arms, Shivay walked to the nearest couch and placed her on it and dumped a pitcher full of water on her. Dadi and Shivay pretty much raised a storm. The house staff of OM experience a whirlwind hurricane in the few moments that it took Anika to regain consciousness.

Upon realizing that it was lack of food plus the hours Anika put running around Shivay, Dadi promptly dismissed Shivay and Daksh, warning them not to discuss the case with Anika for an hour at the least. Unable to turn Dadi down, Shivay spared Anika one last glance before leaving for his office in a huff. Saumya was fixing herself a snack in the kitchen, when one of Shivay's personal staff members came in to instruct the chefs to prepare an avocado milkshake for Anika. The milkshake was to have 1 spoonful of whey protein and honey. Also, Anika was to be given that milkshake on "Dadi's orders". Armed with this knowledge, Saumya did what any good friend does, go divulge it with her friends Prinku and Rudy.

Just about then, they got word that Anika didi was better now and was summoned again by Shivay. Wether it was out of concern for Anika or a desire to know what was happening with the case, Om decided to accompany Anika to Shivay's study. Om knew Shivay would not keep him out anymore. Not after their discussion yesterday. Plus, Om really wanted to help his mom.

Instructing Rudy to stay out of it, Om and Anika made their way to Shivay's study.

And completely against Om's wishes, Rudy followed by his posse of supporters, i.e Prinku and Saumya took to eavesdropping outside Shivay's study.


"Ah, here is Anika. Just, Anika. All the brains and still no food to eat?" Sneered Daksh. Coloring up slightly, Anika replied "Good afternoon Daksh."

The insult meted out to Anika did not go unnoticed by both the Oberoi brothers. Om, the one who wore his feelings on his sleeve, immediately asked "Seems like you know each other. How?". While Shivay, with the years of practiced stoicism made no comment. His internal thoughts though were very much alive. "How do they know each other?" He thought, but betrayed no emotion.

"The bright and talented Anika here was the recipient of my father's charities. A scholarship student at our law school. Ran into her few times." Said Daksh.

"Daksh, I am sure Mr Oberoi wants to discuss the case. I understand you are the legal representative for Mr Shivay Singh Oberoi. Mr Tej Singh Oberoi on the other hand is counseled  by the Sr Mr Khurrana. I am Mr Khurrana's assistant, as you are aware. Also, the nature of this case makes it imperative that when the time arises, you will represent Mr Tej Singh Oberoi in court, while working closely with us. Is that something you are aware of and OK with?" Asked Anika.

"Working closely with you is all I care for Anika." Drawled Daksh, before quickly adding "I am well aware of this ridiculous arrangement. What though is the current disagreement between my client and you?."

"Mr Oberoi wants to put Svetlana under surveillance by bugging her. Intimidating the plaintiff,..." began Anika, when she was cut short with Shivay saying, "I am not intimidating her, I want her followed. Anika is being stupid about this on purpose."

"I don't see why you have a problem with this. Besides she still did not officially file a case. That does not make her the plaintiff, yet. Said Daksh. 

"Well Svetlana is not stupid. In addition to being Mr Tej Singh Oberoi's personal assistant, she was also head of his personal and office security. She will smell a rat the moment one of his man are put on her tail. This will give her one additional weapon in your against our client." Said Anika.

"But, she is not aware of Shivay's security team." Said Om.

"That is likely to be true Om," began Anika, "But I am sure Mr Shivay Singh Oberoi's staff and offices are also being closely watched. After all, there was a leak about the annual Oberoi's party to Mr Shivay's office. A party, that is traditionally handled by Mrs Jahnvi Oberoi's PR team. Mr Khurrana and I think that this is not a risk worth taking. It will make matters worse."

"Then what will you do with all this knowledge you have about her back story?" Asked Daksh.

"Back story?" Asked Anika, "Yes, the one about those fake documents." Said Daksh. "Well we will use them to claim that she is not to be trusted." Said Anika. "And this comes from my genius dad?" Sneered Daksh. 

"What do you want to do?" Asked Shivay, looking Daksh in the eye. "Well, we can bug her the traditional way." Said Daksh. "What??" Asked Shivay. "Well, we can always follow Svetlana ourselves. Undercover" he said as he lit a cigarette.

At the blank expression on Anika's face, Daksh began to pace and explain, "See, I have often disguised myself and followed a client. Sometimes even the opposition. The maids are really chatty and they don't remember disguises in a sea of sahibs'. Besides, you pay them and they keep mum." He said circling the trio now.

"You want me following Svetlana?" Asked Shivay, insult evident in every word he uttered. "Oh no Shivay, come on, you are too famous. And even if you are not recognized by the working class, you have too much class and attitude in you to go undercover. Lady lawyer, here on the other hand, will fit in with them. Like a hand in a glove." Said Daksh.

"You want me to go undercover?" Asked Anika. "Of course, who are you anyway?Svetlana has no idea who you are. Form a network around her workplace. She won't spare you a glance. Shrugged Daksh nonchalantly. "This is ridiculous and dangerous Daksh." Said Om. "True," said Daksh as he began to circle Anika now, "But come on. Anika can handle it. Besides, what is a little damage when Tej Singh Oberoi's life is at stake." He stated.

Anika was too astound by the suggestion to notice that Daksh, with the flaming cigarette in hand, moved close enough to burn her on the palm if he chose to hold his hand low. Further distracted by the dialog play out between angry Om and a clearly amused Daksh, Anika did not register the slight movement beside her. Shivay had move quietly and quickly, taking advantage of the distraction provided by Om to shield Anika's palm with his. In seconds he swatted her palm away from the path of the flaming cigarette, appearing to shove her aside as he faced Om and Daksh. "I think Daksh is right." He said. "Anika should go undercover." He stated. 

"Great!" Said Daksh. "Why don't I join her. After all, not all lessons can be taught by my dad you know." He said with a wink. 

A quick look passed between the brothers. "Well Daksh, if Anika is not famous, then so am I. Pictures of mine with the long hair and the beard have not made the rounds yet." Said Om. "Why don't I join her?" He asked.

Recovering her composure, Anika said "This is stupid and ridiculous. I am not going to do this. This is not how we practice law." "Is it now really??Do you think daddy dearest didn't do this?" Challenged Daksh.

Silence ensued. Anika was thinking. Once she weighed the various pros and cons of the idea, involuntarily she turned to look at Shivay. And he turned to look at her. A look into those blue-green eyes found Anika nodding to the plan. "Fine." Said Anika. "I will go incognito. But I will do this my way." She said squaring up to look at Daksh.

"No." Said Shivay. "Thing will be done my way."


"O, bhaiya, I will come too. Remember one for all and all for one." Whined Rudy, with the last line added to deliver the ultimate weapon of emotional blackmail. Rudy had his reasons though, I)he was not to be left out of it and ii)he really wanted to help.

"Rudy,..." began Shivay, softening his voice to a tone he would assume only for his beloved baby brother. "You are getting played Shivay." Sighed Om, turning to Rudra he added, "Ok, you come with us. But you stick with me. We do as Shivay asks us to Ok?"

Happy and content Rudy hugged each brother and said "This is going to be some much fun. We will catch her!"


Daksh saw Anika make her way down the stairs. He was as much fascinated with her as much as he resented her. The resentment stemmed from the fact that his father favored her over him. Reminded him of his perfect daughter. "What Bull!", he thought. The fascination came from the fact that she wasn't charmed by him. For that point she was not charmed by any guy he could think of. And this was not her playing hard to get. He knew that. Also, she was attractive. The full figure, the long swishy hair. If only he could talk her into bed. Thats all he wanted really. Maybe for more than few nights in the week, but thats pretty much what he wanted of her.

"Hold it madam lawyer," said Daksh as he caught up with Anika. "Surely you are not going undercover dressed like that." He said. "Daksh, is there something important you need to discuss with me?" Asked Anika. "Oh so many things," began Daksh, "But, for now it is about how you are dressed. This high necked plain kurta with this colorful duppata, you look like those journalists who try too hard."

"Daksh, this should not matter to you. I appreciate your inputs on the case. But lets leave it at discussing the outcome rather than directing the approach." Replied Anika, moving away from him. 

"Whats your hurry?" Asked Daksh as he moved to block her path. "Wait a minute, don't you have love for clothes made by tribals?Is this one such an ensemble?" Asked Daksh making a move to touch Anika's duppata.

Anticipating the lecherous move, Anika moved back few paces, clutching the duppata tightly to her side and moving past Daksh's outstretched arm. 


"What a creep!" Thought Saumya as she watched Anika and Daksh from the top of the stairs. "Who would have thought Daksh would began harassing Anika right away, unmindful of Shivay bhaiya she thought.

Just as Saumya watched the interaction between Anika and Daksh, so had Shivay. Shielded by a pillar, Shivay saw every bit of what had transpired between Daksh and Anika. His blood boiled with an unexplained rage when he saw Daksh move towards Anika. It took him lots of self control to not chop off Daksh's arm as he tried to grab at Anika's duppata. He was angry. He knew how immoral Daksh was and of his numerous liaisons with women, yet an understanding was reached. They would be friends as long as Daksh stayed away from Prinku and Saumya. There was no Anika in the clause, his brain reminded him. 

"Do you really have to be friends with him?" Asked Om. "What do you mean?" Snapped Shivay. "Oh come on Shivay, you know how sleazy Daksh is. Besides, did you not see how he was insulting Anika?Also the way he deliberately wanted to burn her with his cigarette." Added Om.

At Shivay's startled expression, Om continued, "I saw that Shivay. And, I also saw what you did for Anika. Commendable." Said Om. "I am glad you are beginning to see the good in her." He added.

"I don't know what you are talking about it." Said Shivay. "Shivay I saw what you did for Anika. It won't harm you to admit you care for her." Said Om calmly. "Let us stay focused. Let us discuss what to do next." Said Shivay as he walked out to find Anika.                                                   ****************************************************

"So Didi, you want to follow her driver and her maid?" Asked Rudy. "Yes." Said Anika. "But what if they don't leave her residence. It is possible she has full time staff that do not leave." Said Om.

"True. But there will be someone who supplies the home with milk, veggies. Takes care of the cleaning. Filling up her car with petrol etc." said Anika. "We need to keep an eye on her house, discreetly. To find out who visits her." Continued Anika. "I am sure there must be some Mandi nearby. We just need to find out the right people." She added.

"You won't find any such people there." Said Shivay. "And why is that now?" Asked an irritated Anika. "Because bade papa set her up in a decent gated community." Said Shivay.

"By decent you mean the uber indulgent?Well I figured that out. But you do understand, such a colony requires a lot of regular staffers. Security guards, repairmen, cleaners and other maintenance personnel. Besides, wouldn't Mr Oberoi set her up in one of your own properties?" She asked Shivay. 

"Yes, the real estate is owned by the Oberoi group." Answered Shivay.

"Well then let us go and find out. I happened to know the owner." She added smiling at Om.

"Also, I know this is hard for you, but you need to be inconspicuous. Om and I will ride on my Champa." said Anika "and you...?"

"Bhaiya will ride with me on my bike!!" Exclaimed an excited Rudy.

The thought of Shivay on a bike made both Om and Anika burst out into laughter.

"Lets get going." Said Shivay pulling on a black helmet and walking away in a huff.

"Uff Mr Oberoi is like those film heroines, nahi?" Asked Anika to a grinning Om.

Edited by writerff - 5 years ago
bworm thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago
Cute update
Glad every one is aware of what a creep daksh is.
Hope this one will not get offended by ajivika connection. He wants her but nit obsessive as yet. Hope he us a good kisee and a better lawyer.

Shivay s concern for anima is becoming evident to the young uns...

So fokat raja track your way...Sso gonna eat budhi ke baalπŸ˜†
Sayali_23 thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 5 years ago
Interesting update... So jassusi mode is on...πŸ˜† this is reminding me of fokat raja track...
Waiting to find out wht obros find out abt Sevty πŸ˜‰

AnonMSK thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail Engager 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago
I love daksh's characterization.
I can see what you meant by harami charm

And as any naive girl falling for the bad guy, I kinda am hoping that he himself doesn't know what he wants to do with Anika. Resentment and obsession...nice play of conflicting emotions.

Meanwhile, yaayyy

It would be so interesting to see shivaay's stoic mask fall off his face as daksh continues with his offensive ministrations with Anika.

And also I am excited to see how Anika takes a stand while caught in this situation.

Love the plot building

Hope you update soon.
Edited by SaritaMSK - 5 years ago
Aniru thumbnail
Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago
Shivaay's dear friend is too creepy. SSO believes in cure than prevention. Till Daksh does not disturb his sisters he is ok. Still billuji cares for Panika. Fantastic four in action. Rudy Sherlock and Anika Watson in mission impossible