And again lets acrobat baliye/ DT Nt pg 14 - Page 5


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Y12345 thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail
Posted: 6 years ago
Please it's a dance form. It was not just about lifting Abi. It was a different type of dance and NO Abi was not used as prop. She is the only one who dances and Sanam gives her space. 
I'm so tired of some Monaya fans, throwing dirt around with all sorts of excuses just bc abhinam are a solid dancing couple. 

Maharani69 thumbnail
Engager 4 Thumbnail Anniversary 7 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 6 years ago

Originally posted by: TheBrillz

"Contact Improvisation is a form of dancing that has been developing internationally since 1972."

But never you mind. Grapes really are sour. ðŸ˜†

"Dear" TM was trying to look for a dance form called- pure dancing- forgetting the theme of the episode was- contact improvisation- a legit dance form while throwing the- acrobats kia acrobats kia- logic again forgetting acrobatic dancing. 

I really liked the conceptualization and the absence of an actual prop to deliver the performance. An analogy for how bad dreams cling on to you and disorient you. Better than watching the black widow spider concept again on NB after Debina-Gurmeet did it. 
Maharani69 thumbnail
Engager 4 Thumbnail Anniversary 7 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 6 years ago

Originally posted by: Beauceant

😆 It felt like a perfect climax how Abigail was used as a perfect prop. Pick her up, throw her around, twist and turn her and voila it's a new form of dance.. 

I guess you also missed the part where Abi picked him up, threw him around, twisted and turned him without leaving contact with the body and voila it is a new form of dance called contact improvisation. 
DoremonLove thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 6 years ago
It is Acro dance 
Acro dance is a style of dance that combines classical dance technique with precision acrobatic elements. It is defined by its athletic character, its unique choreography, which seamlessly blends dance and acrobatics, and its use of acrobatics in a dance context
Copy pasted 
Posted: 6 years ago

Originally posted by: peeyara

It actually didnt stopped anyone 🤣

Actually opposition against having a professional dancer in Show was there from first day itself ..but only by few ... I felt it was the last reality show zakham which were still tazaa...😉
And then came the "versus DT" fight .. where Monaya fans were like "we are ok if Abinam wins " and they were actually in support of Abinam and against DT .
And now comes the third leg ...where Abinam are actually giving them nightmares as Abinam are strong contenders against their favs ... so now they all are against Abinam 😆 and actually findings SILLIEST argument against them ... LMAO ..

I am still not expecting Abinam win but if that happens ... damn the reactions are SOO gonna be Entertaining .. 🤣

Edited: typosEdited by RollingStones - 6 years ago
TheBrillz thumbnail
Anniversary 7 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 6 years ago

Originally posted by: BB10

"Dear" TM was trying to look for a dance form called- pure dancing- forgetting the theme of the episode was- contact improvisation- a legit dance form while throwing the- acrobats kia acrobats kia- logic again forgetting acrobatic dancing. 

I really liked the conceptualization and the absence of an actual prop to deliver the performance. An analogy for how bad dreams cling on to you and disorient you. Better than watching the black widow spider concept again on NB after Debina-Gurmeet did it. 


nuckts thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 6 years ago
Now this is one of same old bahanas 
1)Acrobatic dance form
2)Sanam is choreographer so how can he win? 
3)Are they genuine couple or not? 
4) Why acrobatics in semi finale? 
Dude Abinam are a Couple where judges always expect highest standards 
Others are still overlooked for their faults at times but not Abinam 
And plus always a wow moment is expected from them so what the problem if they add their Forte in their performance 
It was unique, as put by Terrence its difficult compared to ropes 
They are different, unique and upto such a level that if they won't win it would be only because of dirty politics 
And plus they have really worked hard in terms of body for dancing, mind for creativity and soul for giving their 100%
Posted: 6 years ago

Originally posted by: BB10

"Dear" TM was trying to look for a dance form called- pure dancing- forgetting the theme of the episode was- contact improvisation- a legit dance form while throwing the- acrobats kia acrobats kia- logic again forgetting acrobatic dancing.

I really liked the conceptualization and the absence of an actual prop to deliver the performance. An analogy for how bad dreams cling on to you and disorient you. Better than watching the black widow spider concept again on NB after Debina-Gurmeet did it.

Ahh there it's goes ...all while I was thinking I have seen something familiar ... 😆
So much for being Creative ... ahh whatever ..

Anyways coming to the Abinam perf ... I really liked the bad dream concept ... very unusual and Mindblowing choreography...
And yes super glad that they don't followed the same ghisa pita route which other couple infact All followed ... and chose to keep the Theme simple and made it one level up by choosing a diff dance form .
Y12345 thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail
Posted: 6 years ago

Originally posted by: Pari117

It's the last week
So why attempt something new
Let's acrobat with my favourite prop
And use sympathy card
Saturday ho ya Sunday
Acrobat and tears are new tricks to get votes

This is so disrespectful. 
Hiding behind your screen and making such comments on someone's hardwork is awful. 
And as per your profile pic, let me tell you that your barbie did the most emotional acts this season. 
Today's act on mother is the only deep emotional act they are doing and it's not a trump card, just a tribute to their mother. 
You seem so ignorant, but let me also tell you that Sanam's mum has been his inspiration and there is a story behind it. They have every right, to do an emotional act and give a tribute, dont be hyper about it, I know Monaya fans are feeling threatened by abhinam, because no one can be better than barbie right? 

Attacks acts,acid survivors, etc- these were not emotional acts by your fav to beg for votes? and we have all seen how smartly sanaya begged for votes, saying that they keep landing in bottom 2.. by applying your own logic.  Plus barbie also said concept should be big in her IV, bc we are not in DID.. so as you said, do emotional acts, crying and rant about how hard you are doing, rant and keep whinning, dance less, and beg votes.

A-Star thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail Commentator 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 6 years ago
Have u done PhD in dance forms u know better than judges whether its a dance or Exercise 😛 I thought Sanaya fans rooting for Abinam too but Finally true face comes out U are seeing Abinam as threat now because they are hell Popular in general audience