RoSid FF: Battle of hearts Completed FF - Page 6


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Heatsha8176 thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago
Nice start to story
Even though I feel for roli I have feeling she's makin to much of it
I mean I know she was kinda forced into marriage but the way she's acting is quite childish
Sid seems to be a decent understanding guy if she just gives him a chance I have feelings he will surprise her
Maybe even do his best to make all her wishes come true
Just hoping she doesn't take advantage of his kindness
Thanks for pm nplz keep em comin
banuprasa thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago
Part 9

Siddhant wake up and looked at Roli...

She was sleeping hugging the pillow like the previous day...

He smiled and went to fresh up...

After a while... He called someone and talk for a while...

Then went to hall...

Siddhant; Maaji.. i am going out today.. will be back only by evening...or may be night...

Sujatha; Ok Siddhant.. take care...

Siddhant started...

Roli wake up and looked around...

But the whole room was empty...

She thought.. may be he might have gone to fields...

What bothers her...

Roli fresh up herself and went out...

She went to kitchen...

Roli: Aunty.. shall i help you...

Sujatha; But Roli.. all the works completed already...

Roli: Oh ok.. i think i wake up late...

Sujatha; its city culture now a days to sleep late & wake up late too... But for us.. it wont work out.. we complete all the works early and sleep early.. Then as soon as sunrise we start our works and complete.. then only we can go to field to do our work...

Roli: Hmm.. i can understand...

Sujatha: you want to have something...

Roli; No.. i am not feeling hungry.. will have lunch like yesterday...

Sujatha: But its not right to keep the stomach empty in the morning.. one should not skip the breakfast...

Roli; Ok... but what can i have in this morning morning...

Sujatha; You too have the one which we all have.. its healthy too...

Sujatha gave some semi solid stuff to drink which contain all stuffs which is good for health...

They all have it in the morning as breakfast...

Roli: But what is this??? i never tasted...

Sujatha; Then taste it now... 

Roli drink it...

Roli: Hmm.. not bad...

Sujatha; Good.. you like it.. start having this daily.. then you an feel yourself as healthy...

Roli finished having it...

Roli: Siddhant too drink this only in the morning...

Sujatha was shocked hearing Roli telling her husband name...

Still she is from city and its something common there...

Sujatha: Yes.. we all have this...

Roli went back to her room...

She was looking outside through window for a while...

Then looked around the room...

She saw a cupboard there...

Roli went near it and opened it...

She saw good collection of books there...

Roli; Books... that too this much huge collection...

Roli took one of the book from that collection and started reading it...

IN the afternoon.. SUjatha came to her to call for having lunch...

Roli came out and sat to have lunch and looked around...

Sujatha; Roli.. what are you searching for...

Roli; Siddhant.. didn't came today for lunch???

Sujatha: Dont you know he went somewhere outside.. he said will return by evening or night only...

Roli: Oh.. i was not knowing it...

Sujatha: May be you were sleeping when she started.. thats why might have not told...

Roli smiled...

She finished having lunch and went back to her room...

She continued the book she was reading...

As she was very much into the book.. Roli didn't realised the time...

It was late evening while Roli was about to complete the book itself...

Roli who was reading the book leaning on the pillow slept holding the book on her hand...

Sujatha came to call Roli for having dinner...

But found her sleeping nicely...

Sujatha went out without interest of disturbing her sleep...

Its night now... when Siddhant entered into the room...

He switched on the light and saw Roli sleeping leaning on the pillow holding the book...

He came near Roli & took the book from her...

Siddhant; Roli.. Roli...

Roli; haan...

Roli wake up on his call...

Siddhant was keeping back the book in the bookshelf...

Roli sat on the bed...

Siddhant; Roli.. come lets have dinner...

Roli & Siddhant went to have dinner...

After dinner.. when they returned to their room...

Roli didn't talk to him and was showing upset face...

Siddhant went near her and sat on the bed...

Siddhant; Roli.. why you seems to be upset...

Roli: Why should i become upset...

Siddhant; But your face doesn't tell so...

Roli: Nothing like that.. i am all ok.. why should i bother where you go... or whether you tell me about it...

Siddhant smiled...

Siddhant; Oh.. thats the concern...

Roli; Not at all.. there is no concern.. its your wish to go anywhere... i am not bothered...

Siddhant; Ok.. i accept you are not bothered... 

Roli: What is there to accept.. its the fact...

Siddhant; Ok.. let it be... but i hope you bother for this...

Roli: For what???

Siddhant; Look at this...

Siddhant gave a file like to Roli...

Roli open the file and looked into the paper which was inside it...

Infact it was a form...

She read its contents while her eyes widened...

Roli: Application for writing exam for civil service...

Siddhant; Yes it is... 

Roli: But how you got it...

Siddhant: Of course by going all the way to collect this form and its details...

Siddhant told all the details he collected about when the exam will be.. what all will be asked... and other related informations...

While Roli was hearing everything with surprise...

Siddhant; What happened Roli???  why are you looking like that...

Roli: I still cant believe.. you mean.. you bring this for me...

Siddhant; Yes... its for you... only you...

Roli: But how do you know that i wanted to become police officer...

Siddhant; I called your parents and asked... sorry.. i might have preferred to get information from you only.. but when i asked.. you denied.. thats why i asked your parents...

Roli: I am yet to come out of the surprise... its really something i didn't expect...

Siddhant smiled...

Siddhant; Ok.. Good night...

Siddhant went to sofa and lay down to sleep...

Roli kept the file inside the cupboard and came to sleep...

But she was not getting sleep in the happiness...

After pushing the time very hard... Roli slept nearing the dawn...
RajRosid thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago
Wow di beautiful update. Can't wait for Next. 
himani_692 thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 7 years ago
awesome di loved it sid is president of village panchayat nice roli was upset sid didnt told her where he went he he ;-) sid brought civil service exam form for roli enjoying it a lot di waiting for next eagerly update soon
AksharaRosid thumbnail
Anniversary 7 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago
Awesome updates di .Roli got upset as Sid didn't say her and when Roli kept pillows hearing Sid reaction was to awesome .Sid brought civil service form for her it was nice .Eagerly waiting for the next updates
sheetal1979 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Commentator 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago
Awesome dear waiting for nxt
banuprasa thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago
Part 10

Siddhant was getting ready as usual...

Roli wake up and looked at Siddhant...

Siddhant; Good morning.. 

Roli who was in deep thinking... didn't heard his greeting...

He slowly got up and sat on the bed...

Siddhant; Roli.. what are you thinking deeply???

Roli; Siddhant...

Siddhant; Tell me Roli...

Roli; How can i write the exam...

Siddhant; What do you mean??? you only wish for it.. now you got forms and asking this question...

Roli; Not that...

Siddhant; Then what???

Roli: Siddhant... if i might have been in Delhi.. then i might have joined classes for this exams... now what can i do.. how can i prepare...

Siddhnat; Oh.. that is your concern...

Roli; Yes... it is...

Siddhant; We will think about that... first you fill the form and get it ready to send it...

Roli; Ok...

Siddhant went out of the room...

Roli went to fresh up...

But before she could come out of the room taking bath.. Siddhant was already left to his work...

Roli had her breakfast given by Sujatha...

Then went back to room to fill the form...

She selected the subjects... filled the details...

Now it was ready to be sent...

Siddhant came for lunch...

After having lunch...

Roli gave the form to Siddhant...

Siddhant went through the form once and took it...

He started for work again...

Roli remembered that book in which few pages were left...

She took that book and started reading it...

She was about to complete reading while...

Sujatha entered into the room...

Sujatha; Roli.. you got some parcel...

Roli; Parcel for me...

Roli came out of the room with surprise...

A person was holding a parcel in the name of Roli...

She signed the paper & took the parcel from him...

Roli; Who might have sent what...

Sujatha; Open the parcel & check it... you will get to know...

ROli took it inside the room and looked around the parcel...

Then she opened the packing while her eyes widened...

Yes.. it was a laptop...

Roli: Oh God... I got a laptop... but who might have sent this...

Roli think for a while...

Roli; May be its by my parents...

Roli called her mom...

Roli; Mom.. thank you.. thank you so much...

Meena; Thanks for what???

Roli; For the laptop which you sent...

Meena; Roli.. we have not sent any laptop to you...

Roli: What??? but i received a laptop... may be pappa might have sent...

Meena; Talk to pappa.. he is here only...

Jamanlal; ROli.. we have not sent any laptop to you...

Roli; How come pappa.. then who might have sent it...

Jamanlal: Think well.. may be your well wisher...

Roli: Well wisher.. who is that...

Jamanlal; How do i know...

Jamanlal & Meena started talking in general for a while and disconnected the line...

Roli think for a while...

Roli; Is it Siddhant who arranged for this...

Roli got it strike inside her mind...

Roli; Yes.. it should be Siddhant.. let me ask him once he come back...

Roli took the book and tried to complete the pending couple of pages...

But the excitement inside her was not even letting her to complete that...

Roli kept the book back in the cupboard...

She was walking here & there...

She was waiting for him badly...

By late evening.. Siddhant return home and entered into the room...

ROli rushed towards him and stood in front of him...

Roli was thinking.. how to ask him.. what to ask him...

Siddhant raised his eyesbrows and expressed like 'what'...

Roli; Actually today i received a parcel...

Siddhant; Oh ok... 

Roli; You know what was inside it...

Siddhant; What??? how do i know what you received...

Roli; It was a laptop...

Siddhant; Oh Good... 

Roli; i called my parents and asked whether they sent it...

Siddhant; What they said...

Roli; They said.. they didn't sent it...

Siddhant; Then...

Roli; Then what... i am wondering who might have sent it...

Siddhant; Let it be anyone.. you got laptop right.. just use it...

Roli; I will.. but who is that sent laptop to me... 

Roli was asking him looking for his expressions...

Siddhant smiled...

Siddhant; Roli.. shall we have dinner...

Siddhant went out of the room while Roli followed him...

All had dinner...

Siddhant was as usual sitting outside and talking to Rajender...

While Roli was sitting near the window and thinking about who sent the laptop...

Roli was thinking.. If its sent by Siddhant.. then why he is not telling.. that he did it...

But who else will send it to me.. other than my parents & my husband...

Roli was surprised herself when she realised feeling and thinking him as 'my husband'...

This confusion was making her restless...

Roli was eagerly waiting for Siddhant to come to their room...
AksharaRosid thumbnail
Anniversary 7 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago
Wow awesome update akka. For the first time Roli thought Sid as her husband 
angelsaranya thumbnail
Anniversary 7 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago
All updates are awesome di😛sid fulfill roli's wish n sent laptop it's really superb😆eagerly waiting for next di😊
banuprasa thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago
Part 11

Siddhant returned to their room...

Roli was thinking in what way she can ask him...

He went to sofa to lay down...

Roli too went to bed and sat on the bed...

Roli looked at Siddhant...

Roli: Siddhant...

Siddhant; Hmm...

Roli; You know what my parents said...

Siddhant; What???

Roli: They said.. some well wisher might have sent the laptop to me...

Siddhant; Oh ok...

Roli; What ok... 

Siddhant; Then what you want Roli...

Roli; I want to know who is that well wisher... 

Siddhant; How do i know... 

Roli; But somewhat i know...

Siddhant; If it is known to you.. then why are you asking me...

Siddhant closed his eyes...

Siddhant; Good night...

Roli was not getting sleep...

She was turning sides...

She felt like without confirming about who has sent.. her head may burst out...

She got up and sat again...

She knows he is not going to tell himself that he did it...

Now its Roli part to ask and get it confirmed...

Roli; Siddhant...

Siddhant; What Roli...

Roli: Ok let me ask straight.. its you right.. who sent it...

Siddhant; Does this mean.. i am your well wisher as told by your parents...

Roli: Are you not??? 

Siddhant; If you feel so.. then its fine... Lets sleep...

Roli: But you didn't replied me yet...

Siddhant; For what...

Roli: What else.. its you right.. who sent that laptop for me...

Siddhant smiled...

He finally agreed nodding his head...

Siddhant; Did you liked???

Roli: Of course i did... Thanks...

Siddhant; Sleep now.. Good night... 

Siddhant  closed his eyes...

Roli with breathe of relief of finding the person who sent the laptop lay down to sleep...

Roli closed her eyes to sleep...

In a while... She turned towards him to see whether he slept..

It seems like he slept...

Roli smiled... 

She was not sure how long she was admiring him... Finally her eyes closed capturing him inside her heart...

Next day...

Siddhant got ready to go to fields...

Roli wake up little on time and fresh up herself...

Till date Siddhant used to leave house before she wake up...

But now today.. Roli is awake and very well available in the hall when he leave...

Siddhant: ok maaji...i am leaving to work...

Sujatha; Take care Siddhant...

Siddhant started walking towards entrance to go out...

Roli was looking at him with a feeling that he didn't mind to tell her before leaving...

Roli face showed upset...

Siddhant who crossed the door before leaving turned towards Roli...

His eyes expressed to her that he is leaving...

Roli eyes got bright now...

Roli eyes expressed him permission to go...

Siddhant with a smile went from there...

Roli with a smile went inside her room...

She was unable to understand how to express her happiness...

But in a while... she wonder...

Why she is getting so much happy just he expressed like leaving to her & not anything more...

So what.. Siddhant thought of expressing her instead of going ignoring her itself was giving happiness to Roli now...

Roli smiled...