My Fair Geet Season 2! 19th Apr: Chap 4 on Pg 15! - Page 7


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khwaishfan thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Visit Streak 500 0 Thumbnail + 7
Posted: 6 years ago
eagerly awaiting next  
taahir004 thumbnail
Posted: 6 years ago
Waiting for chapter 2  
khwaishfan thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Visit Streak 500 0 Thumbnail + 7
Posted: 6 years ago
may we get an update of this story! 
taahir004 thumbnail
Posted: 6 years ago

Originally posted by: taahir004

Eagerly waiting for you to continue 

taahir004 thumbnail
Posted: 6 years ago
Please continue with next chapter  
taahir004 thumbnail
Posted: 6 years ago
Will be waiting for you to continue  
khwaishfan thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Visit Streak 500 0 Thumbnail + 7
Posted: 6 years ago
when will you update this Kalpana?
taahir004 thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago
Please do try and update chapter 2 
really looking forward to reading season 2 
Kalpana_KaCy thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 5 years ago





   Geet sighed as she sat down. Phew! That was one long journey! As she sat, she looked around. The room seems good, she thought. Geet was in a Hostel in Mumbai. She had travelled through the night train from Dilli and after reaching Mumbai she took a taxi to the Hostel her father had given her the name of. Her room was a little like a dormitory with five people living in the same room. Geet didn't mind. She just hoped that the girls who shared room with her were not meanies. She was lucky enough that the mean girls in her school and her last college stayed away from her. She hoped that the same luck prevailed here too. It was nearly 8 in the evening. Where are these girls? Her father never allowed her to stay out till 8 so Geet was amazed that in Mumbai, girls stayed out even after 8.


   Just then two girls entered the room chattering.

"Oh yes! You were so right! That party was a total bore!, said the first girl. Geet noticed that the girl wore tight fitting jeans and some multicolored sleeveless top. Her hair was black till shoulder and then yellow tinted till her waist. It looked odd to Geet but she realised that it suited the girl. The girl had small black eyes and she seemed to have lots of make up on her face. Geet's eyes widened when she realised that the girl wore red colored eyeliner too. I thought you get only black eyeliner, Geet was surprised.


"I told you so! But you insisted on taking me there! Thank God we were able to leave early!, said the second one. Unlike the first girl, this girl dressed more sedately but still her ensemble was as fascinating to Geet as the first one's. She was dressed in white frock with long sleeves and her hair was brown red and only shoulder length. Her legs were covered in black colored stockings and she wore fashionable looking stilettos which had Geet wondering how the girl walked. Doesn't she fall? The girl also wore make up but hers was more subtle and actually made her look ethereal.


"I know right? I was so...Oh!... Hello!, the first girl spoke in a stylish accent as she saw Geet sitting there staring at them. Geet stood up nervously and smiled, "Helloji!, her hands fiddling with her dupatta.

"I bet she is from Dilli!, said the second girl in a similar stylish accent as she looked at the first girl with an eyebrow raised.

"No! Look at her outfit and hairstyle! She is from Punjab!, said the first as she looked at Geet from top to bottom.

Geet blinked at the sudden comments and then looked down. What was wrong with her outfit? Why were they looking at her like that?

She looked up as the second girl narrowed her eyes and then spoke, "Na! She said Helloji! That's a total Dilli thing!

The first girl huffed, "Wanna bet?

The second girl smirked, "Sure! 50 bucks?

Both girls shook hands and then turned to look at Geet. Geet gulped and tried to smile but she was sure it came off as a grimace.

The first girl spoke, "So? Where are you from? Open your mouth and let us know who won the bet!

The second girl gave the first girl a superior look and then turned to Geet, "Yes, sweetheart, let us know, would you?

Geet gulped and spoke up, "I ... I ... I live in Dilli but family is from Punjab!

"Oh no!, sighed the first girl as she swooned and fell dramatically onto the bed nearby.

"We both were right! No one won the bet!, she wailed as she pouted.


The second girl laughed as she turned to Geet and spoke in soft voice, "Hi! You must be thinking we are crazy, right? Actually we just love to bet with each other! I am Dhruva and the Drama Queen over here is Rati! We have been living here since we were fifteen, so we have become best friends!

She put her hand out and Geet shook it, "I am Geet, Geet Handa! I am 18 and have no idea about living in Hostels. I am so nervous!

By then the first girl, Rati, had sit up, "Don't be! Chill! Hostel life is not as crazy as they show it in TVs and Movies. You just let us know if you have any problems and we will help you out!

Geet grinned at the words, feeling relieved and Dhruva spoke up, "Just remember that you have to be in before 11 PM and you can't get out before 5 AM. Unless of course you have express permission like us!

"Express permission?, Geet was confused.

"Oh yes! I forgot to tell you!, Dhruva explained, "We are Waitresses at Taj Hotel and some nights we have to work overtime. So those days we call the matron and let her know and then we can come late!

"Is the Matron strict?, Geet asked worriedly.

"Na! She is chill pill!, Rati spoke, "It's the Daadima you have to worry about!

"Daadima?, Geet asked looking at them in panic. Daadima is here too?

Dhruva chuckled, "Stop calling her that., she scolded Rati and then turned to Geet, "She is talking about our other roommate, Nandini! She is 35 years old and is a bit old fashioned when it comes to girls. If it had been upto her, she would have locked us in once its 9 PM and made all of us dress in covering clothes. She rolled her eyes.

"Actually..., Rati spoke as she stood up and looked at Geet top to bottom and spoke playfully, "She would love you. Your hairstyle and dressing sense is just the way she likes it! Both girls chuckled and Geet frowned at that.

"And the fifth girl staying with us is Shweta., Dhruva explained, "She is business woman and the most aloof one out of us. She sticks to her work and doesn't bother us much.

"But she can be fun too when she wants to be!, Rati spoke and turned to Dhruva, "Remember that party?

"Oh ya!, Dhruva smiled and spoke to Geet, "She can be cool when she wants to be! Chalo! Its getting late and this dress is irritating me! Why don't you set your things up and put your clothes in the cupboard while we go and get changed? Geet nodded and Rati and Dhruva went to their cupboards.


   15 minutes later, Geet had unpacked all her bags and was setting up her bedside table. She pulled out a picture of Babaji and then a picture of her mom and then a picture of her and her father. And then finally she pulled out a picture of Dev. She smiled softly as she traced his features with her finger. Haaye! How handsome you look! I so wish I was right there with you, and not in Mumbai! Sigh!


   Suddenly, the photo was snatched from Geet's hands. Geet looked up as Rati looked at the photo. Geet noticed that she was dressed in silk nightdress.


"OMG! Dhruva look! This girl is not innocent as she seems. She has a boyfriend!, Rati shrieked.

"What?, Dhruva shouted as she looked away from her cupboard. Geet looked at her nervously. She was dressed in similar attire. Dhruva came to Rati and looked at the picture. "Oh my! Who is this handsome guy? Your boyfriend?, Dhruva asked as she looked at Geet.

Geet shook her head and looked down shyly.


Suddenly she felt both the girls sit on her either sides.

"Oye hoye! Shying and all! Now you have to tell us, who is he?, Rati nudged her from her left side.

Geet felt her cheeks burn and she blurted out, "He is the guy I am going to marry!

"What? Really?, Dhruva asked from her right side and Geet nodded.

"Arrange marriage?, Rati prodded. Geet shook her head as she turned redder.

"Love marriage?, Rati prodded again and Geet nodded. The girls started whistling and catcalling and Geet hid her face in her hands.


  Once the other two girls calmed down, Rati eagerly asked, "Did he propose or you did?

Geet pulled her hands away from her face, "Neither of us!

"Then?, Dhruva asked in confusion.

"I have yet to tell him my feelings!, Geet whispered as she grabbed the photo from Rati's hands.

"WHAT!, both the girls shouted in shock. Geet nodded.

"So has he told you that he loves you?, asked Dhruva confusedly.

Geet shook her head, "No!

"WHAT?, now the girls were beyond confused.

"Then how do you know he will marry you?, asked Rati looking aghast.

Geet grinned at her, "Because we are soulmates and made for each other! You see, we will get married one day! As she got up and placed the photo back on her bedside table she failed to notice the amused looks that Rati and Dhruva shared.

"Why do you think so?, Rati asked.

"Because I love him since I was a kid. And I know, one day I will make him fall for me!, Geet announced.

"You are so nave, Geet!, Rati commented as she hugged Geet from behind and she walked off.

"Total nave!, reiterated Dhruva as she ruffled Geet's head and walked off. Geet looked at them with a frown. Why do they think I am nave? Then she shrugged. Crazy people!



  Meanwhile unknown to Geet, the phone in Matron's room rang. The Matron lifted it up and started the conversation. After few minutes, she replied, "Mr. Khurana! You need not worry about Geet, sir! I made sure she shared room with helpful and supportive girls. They won't rag her or take advantage of her. They will even help her out when she needs help... The conversation continued for few minutes and the Matron kept the phone down. She smiled widely at the cheque in front of her that came through courier today. Matron was a pious woman with no family and so she donated most of her salary to all kinds of charities. When Mr. Khurana, a top businessman from Dilli called her and asked her for a favour in exchange of whatever she wanted, she had at first refused to take anything. But when he insisted, she simply asked him to donate to her favourite charity and she would do whatever to help Geet. She would have helped Geet nevertheless but without Mr. Khurana's call she wouldn't have anticipated how nave Geet actually was and wouldn't have been able to help till damage was already done. She remembered some of the girls in other rooms who were ill mannered and shuddered to think about what would have happened to Geet if she had to room with them. Oh well! I helped a child from getting traumatised and got some money for my favourite Charity. It's a win-win for me.




   Next day dawned early and Geet got ready with a grin. She may have been sad for being separated from Dev but she couldn't deny that there was excitement about studying in Mumbai and living independently. As she grabbed her college bag, she looked at the other ladies in the room and smiled happily. They are so helpful! Shweta had even written down the shortest route to my college and even the bus numbers. The day before, she had met Nandini and Shweta. Rati and Dhruva were right; Nandini loved her. Shweta had ignored her after a customary hello but when she heard Geet wondering about how to go to her College and neither Rati nor Dhruva able to help her, she stepped forward with a piece of paper. Geet was ecstatic to find the route drawn on it alongside the bus numbers. It turned out that Shweta was the alumni of the same College Geet was admitted into. Geet had surprised Shweta with a hug. Geet giggled as she remembered the stupefied look on Shweta's face after the hug. She grabbed her bag and walked out of the room while giggling.


   An hour later found Geet standing at the main hall of her college. She gulped as she looked around in fear. Such a big college! And I know nobody! Hey Babaji! Help! Suddenly she was pushed from behind and she stumbled.


"Sorry!, mumbled a voice and Geet whirled to see a girl dressed in shorts and halter top standing there.

"I am so sorry!, the girl spoke again.

Geet smiled nervously, "Its ok!

The girl smiled and was about to walk off when she suddenly frowned, "Hey! I haven't seen you before in this college! Fresher?

Geet nodded and swallowed. Hey Babaji! Hope there is no ragging happening in this college!

"First year classes start 2 days later. What are you doing here now?, the girl questioned.

Geet shook her head, "No! I am in second year. Transfer student!

"Oh ok! I am in second year too. Tanya Pradhan! I am from Dilli, but here for my studies., the girl put her hand out.

Geet shook it, "Geet Handa! And I am too from Dilli!

"Really? From which area?, asked Tanya curiously.

The continued to converse and before they knew it, they were chattering as if they were best friends since childhood. Tanya seemed to be a wonderful person with a penchant for acting in plays and taking part in environmental clean-ups. She even dragged her friends to it and warned Geet that she will be dragged too.


    Tanya took Geet to their class and introduced her to her gang of friends. First was Rahul, a really cute guy with really cute dimples who seemed to be very charming too, then there was Shreyas, the College's top cricketer. A girl named Siddhi who seemed the most fashionable out of them but very down to earth by nature. She was bubbly and silly and Geet found her sweet. Next was Kanika, who seemed to be a bit of a snob but friendly with Geet. She was also the topper of her class and Tanya had whispered to Geet that Kanika acted like a snob because most people befriended her so that they could take advantage of her and copy her notes.


   The other two guys in the gang were Vedant and Ashwin, who were twins but as opposite to each other as possible. Vedant was a bespectacled guy who was also very smart and total bookworm but because he was scared to speak he ended up scoring less in Orals which lead to him being not even in the top five rankers of the class. Opposite to him was Ashwin, loud and brash and could really talk everyone's ear off if he wanted to. He was also the joker of the group and could never see anyone of them sad.


     Geet tried her level best to remember everyone's names and every information about them that Tanya doled out to her but she was sure she would forget most of the names. Once she mentioned that, all just assured her that it was ok with them. But they warned her that they expected her to remember their names correctly by the time next month started. Geet was ok with that. Soon the lectures started, Geet emerged herself into the college life that seemed to revolve around taking as many notes as possible till your hand started to cramp.


   Some hours later at someone's residence, the phone rang and Tanya picked it up, "Hey Bro!

"Hey my sweetheart!, came the reply through her phone. They exchanged their usual greetings and Tanya set about telling her brother about her day. Once she was done, he tentatively asked his sister a question. In reply she said,, "Haan! I met her! Just like you asked. You know, when you first told me to befriend some girl, I was so annoyed. I agreed to do it but I was so unhappy with you. But now that we have met the girl, I don't mind, you know. I like her. She is sweet and very friendly and cheerful. And sometimes she is so silly that she can give Siddhi run for her money. Tanya laughed and her brother chuckled too. Then he replied, "Thank you Darling. Thank you so much for doing it. I wouldn't have ask you to do it but Mr. Khurana...

Tanya cut him off, "Yeah yeah! I know! Mr. Khurana asked you for a favour and he is your best client and you respect him as a human too. Blah blah blah! I have heard the drill! You have told me the same spiel so many times! Her brother growled, "Nautanki! Now listen. Make sure Geet participates as many activities in college as possible. This way she won't miss her family much. By the way, you know that she is raised in a sheltered and protected environment. So ease her gently into your fast forward life. No sudden shocks!

"Sudden shocks?, Tanya frowned.

"Like don't tell her that you drink in the first week itself!, her brother replied teasingly.

"I don't drink!, shouted Tanya.

"I am not Dad, Tanu! I know you drink!, her brother retorted.

"Ok, Ok! I will be careful with her!, replied Tanya with pout.

 Ok! Enough talking. Go! Study! I will talk to you tomorrow! They exchanged goodbyes and Tanya kept the phone.


   Next day Geet saw a bulletin on the notice board that had her ready to cry.

"What happened?, when her new friends asked her, she pointed out to the notice in front of her. The notice was about the party the seniors had thrown for freshers this weekend. Not only first years but also students who had recently joined the college for second year or final year had to attend this party. But what shocked Geet the most was that as a newcomer, they would have to walk the ramp and introduce themselves. And then dance or sing in front of everyone. How was she supposed to do that? When her friends heard her concern, they let her know not to worry about it and she cannot embarrass herself more than other freshers as many sucked at singing and dancing. When she didn't calm down, she was also reminded that she had another four days to think about it. She sighed and agreed. She hoped that four days was enough for her to come with an act.





DISCLAIMER: I HAVE ZERO KNOWLEDGE ABOUT HOSTEL LIFE BUT I DO KNOW THAT SOME GIRLS DO RAG AND ALSO I HAVE SEEN SOME SMALL TOWN GIRLS WHO HAVE GROWN UP SHELTERED AND EVEN SMALL AMOUNT OF EMOTIONAL ATTACK WOULD HAVE AFFECTED THEM DEEPLY. Geet is way too nave in this story and even a little bit of ragging would have dented her confidence severely. Don't worry though. Our girl will be grown up soon and will be gently eased into the world of reality.  


Also, the new characters are just extra and there only for few chapters. They are all good people and nobody is negative. They are there so that Geet learns from them and leaves her sheltered lifestyle behind. Once Geet is back to Dilli, you won't see the extras again.


Thank you, take care and have fun,



aparna3011 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 5 years ago
maan make every arrangement of geet's stay in mumbai easy
geet like her hostel as well as college
maan personally look that geet get nice room mates