Africanqueenkel thumbnail
Anniversary 7 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago



A non-governmental organization (NGO) is a not-for-profit organization that is independent from states and international governmental organizations. They are usually funded by donations but some avoid formal funding altogether and are run primarily by volunteers. NGOs are highly diverse groups of organizations engaged in a wide range of activities, and take different forms in different parts of the world.



"A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step"


This a saying that , can never be more true... To archive something all you need is to take a step towards it , one tiny step at a time ... And we have finally decided


To take that tiny first step...


Justice for Atharva was founded on the 20th of February 2017, by Afra (vitharvforever) the president and Kelly-k (Africanqueenkel) her loyal secretary.


This organisation/foundation was founded, based on the injustice done to a man an amazing man called Atharva Sujata and his hard work.


During the manali track questionable activities, happened. After much debates about said happenings we as Vitharv and Atharva fans came to the conclusion that, Atharva's hard work was very productive. So productive that we got a visit from the stock ...



We came to this conclusion, because of vividha's reaction the next morning, yes these are two people who are very attractive and are in love, plus the chemistry can cause an explosion, but we came to this conclusion because:


Vividha did not question her nakedness

For Vividha to relax so easy in front of Atharva while naked

And be so happy

The reconciliation at moving forward together and finding what was lost ...


That means she knows how come she was naked, sometime during said night they most gotten some answers...


There is no doubt vividha initiated the Go green campaign ... ( For those who did not understand this term , please read this)



Atharva's body warming technique came at a much needed time; he put effort and hard work into bringing Vividha back to herself.


We were promised allot during this manali track, and said promises weren't met, instead we given more questions than answers...


As fans of this show we have now taken it upon ourselves, to demand what is rightly fully ours , all the promises made to us and the proof that is needed ...


In we demand we fight for  Atharva Sujata, he deserves justice, justice for his hard work, justice for his love, justice for saving vividha's life again and again...


He worked hard and he worked effectively after all vv looked warm and glowing in the morning, and from the smile am guessing she loved and appreciated it more than us...


All of a sudden there is a possibility of a child after leap, which am 99% against ... and 1% for because Sujata chachi needs someone in her life, this woman has to bare too much pain in this short life...


With this baby the stakes are higher now more than ever we have to see that scene ,we need to see that scene I don't want to be told...

"Seeing is believing" and we want to see actually some people need to see to more than us ...


Promises were made and they better be kept...


Even if there was no  baby , we would still expect to  see that scene , because cvs won't put poor ( am not so sure about it being poor them but anyhoo) shivik through such a scene for nothing ... you do not put actors through such scenes and not air it ... imagine their hard work and dedication and then they are told it was all for NOTHING ...


Cvs won't show us such a track if it had no importance...


We believe it had importance and we WANT to see it...

Not for us but for Atharva, he needs to be praised for his efforts and be thanked for the hero that he is...


I want his  child to call him and only him papa ... not someone else because Atharva did everything why should someone else take credits, why should someone else get the privilege of bringing up an amazing child, it's not a question .With parents like Vitharv, and this child will be amazing...


I once heard , no matter how hard a doll work , no matter how much practice , day in day out , no matter how much pretending , it can never be a human being , it cant love like a human being , feel like a human being emote like a human being ...

don't get me wrong it will try and try , and get close but not close enough ...

same as no one can ever be Atharva Sujata 

This is social justice, for us and for Atharva, every person has the right to get what is their due, every person has that right ... Atharva for fighting for his vv's life and making use of his body warming technique, because guess what they are adults who don't need anyone's permission to stay warm, to save energy and be eco friendly ... they have this right and its non of your business, VIVIDHA'S BODY, VIVDHA'S CHOICE, if you don't like it well


And justice for us.  because as viewers of this show from phase one through the nonsense called phase two we have stuck to this show in the name of Vitharv... we weathered through storms ,hatred , memory loss and unspeakable things just for our love of these two ...


We stayed and watched everything with one eye open, a glass of water on the table , some aspirin and an ice pack,  all combating tools while watching some of the episodes cvs thought was a good idea to air...

 New flash cvs ... NOT AT ALL😡

So how dare they not show us one of the stepping stones in our couples live, they showed us the bad the shitty and the horrible...


How dare they let people who , seem to not get humanity go around spitting the word rape out at every corner , as if this is a joke ...

Rape is not a joke, do not make allegations with little base and out of pettiness ...

You do not accuse another human being of such acts to justify things that will NEVER happen ...



And then after claiming rape , people still have the guts to now take away Atharva's parental right and claim his son belongs to someone else😕 ...

my dear friends , even a blind person can tell you who the father of that child is just by listening to him ...😆😆



This is not just for us anymore but for all the women out there who weren't believed when they claimed to have been raped because of people who make a mockery of said word, because of people who throw blame around without any proof ...


They said "Rome wasn't built in a day"... we decided to start this NGO.


Our motto: Justice for Atharva because he worked hard for it. Damn it.

Our vision: The airing of the full uncensored scene. ( for my heart ache and to shut some people up )

Our mission: "How can someone get the benefits another's hard work and that too in difficult situation??" they can't , that is why at JUSTICE FOR ATHARVA  our mission is to ensure such atrocities  don't happen , and in the rare case that they do we plan to do everything in our power to rectify such cases ... for a better world..


We are a non-profit organisation; we depend solely on your support and encouragement. If you want justice for Atharva's body warming techniques please join us in our humble fight to bring justice and fairness to the world...

Thank you very much...


General S...


Like, repost reblog and share to spread the word...

"The more the merrier"



"Take small steps everyday and one day you will get there "

One day we shall see what we seek...

Nimmo you know what to do please ...

by the way 

Please join us in this cause to save mankind from its self  and to show the world for the billionth time that Atharva Sujata is the only original , no Chinese version ... no matter what you do to him , take his memory  and his name ... who he is part of his genetic mark up .. Sujata chachi is and will always be an amazing mother ... and Atharva will always make her proud 

All it takes is a fifty word or more inspirational write up as to why you support this man ...

I beg to those who are on birdland please share ... am not ... thanks sri ...

Edited by Africanqueenkel - 7 years ago


Last reply









Frequent Posters

Africanqueenkel thumbnail
Anniversary 7 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago
I saved this for a post , but realized i needed to make a volunteer list ... so post will come later ... if your name isn't there inform moi ...


 ViTharvforever (President)  , _innocent_ ,  FortunaMajor (PR) , NimJ (PR) , KambakthIshq , anu023 , 

whispa , srilatha1 , harmanjot ,  sweetygirl28 ,  vspdandeli ,  _OrChiD_ ,  ..sairat.. , monu_tan , 

amruta04 ,  Ultimatevikku7 ,  MsPrez , and last but not least my humble self  kells ...

Edited by Africanqueenkel - 7 years ago
_innocent_ thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 8 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 7 years ago
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Africanqueenkel thumbnail
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Posted: 7 years ago

Julie , haven't i taught you enough , how many different ways do i need to say this ...
Edited by Africanqueenkel - 7 years ago
FortunaMajor thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago

"During the manali track questionable activities, happened. 



KambakthIshq thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 7 years ago
Sign me up please!! Do we need a rally? Tells..tells
P.s . This is a master piece, Kelly the awesome😳
Africanqueenkel thumbnail
Anniversary 7 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago

Originally posted by: FortunaMajor

"During the manali track questionable activities, happened. 



well they are questionable ...😛😉...
anu023 thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Engager 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago
I wanna know if its just body heat bringing magic baby madhav out..🤣
srilatha1 thumbnail
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Posted: 7 years ago

YOU made me reply, although all this time i was stalking the forum. this is one such SELFLESS cause you have takenup for the people of JNDSD universe.😆 i appreciate and vouch my support to your NGO.😃

P.S.: put this in birdland, reaches to farther corners.
ViTharvforever thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail Commentator 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago
its really cheap to steal someone's hardwork lyk this...atharv needs justice.. get suman n chintu married😆 n give dadyji's name to their son...revenge mode😡