A Romantic Princess in A Mysterious Adventure!!-Chp 30 - Page 2


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Posted: 7 years ago
Chapter 7:

Our chapi starts with Anika trains the students ...while she

still thinking of the feeling..She sees Rudra and thinks

"I met him before but why I feel like ..I know him already...

Just...today I felt something strange...why??".She sees

him doing wrong and goes to correct it...Rudra asks

"Di..can I ask something??".Anika stares him in response.

He asks "What happened to you suddenly?? You ignored

me before...actually many times...but today I am really

curious...Why??".Anika says in a calm voice"Today you

Stood there while the sword came towards you...and

not like others you had the guts today...In our previous

meetings you were just with curiosity of learning this...

But this time I felt the sincerity in you..so It chosen you..

Not me...I just gave you a sword to hold!!".Suddenly she

feels dizzy and sees some scenes before her eyes and soon

she falls down...now she could not here anything just

a pair of eyes looking at her and told "Be strong Anika!!".

Soon Rudra takes her in his arms and reaches hospital.

Withing few minutes Ishana reaches there running and asks

"What happened??! ".

Rudra: While training she fainted!! I don't know what happened!!

Ishana: Sure she should have skipped her breakfast!! Once she

gets well I won't leave her!!

Rudra : What??

Ishana:Nothing..I was..

Both sees nurse and asks her about Anika...and nurse says

"No need to worry...She would be fine..."

Both gets relieved and waits.

Here Anika lying in bed and doctor us checking her...

We can feel some voice and with us Anika too is hearing

some voice yes!! The same husky voice like came from

a gentle breeze...it said "Wake up...Wake up Anika!!".

Suddenly she wakes up with a great force that made doctor

to startle...He asks "Are you okay??".Anika looks at him

and asks "Why Am U here??".Doctor says "Actually You fainted

suddenly...You are absolutely fine. Then what happened.??

Everything is normal physically!!".She asks "Fainted??".

And recalls Talking with Rudra ..She holds her head and says

"Yes I could remember...But I don't know what happened

suddenly..".Doctor looks at her and says "Then you have to

consult a psychiatrist..".Anika gets shocked and asks "Did

you say I am mad?!!".Doctor says "No I am not!!...You just

need some consultation...As you could gave fainted by stress!!".

Anika gets thinking and says "No I am not taking thus...".

She says "I have to go...I am okay..".Doctor says "I have say

that Miss(He sees the report pad once and says) Miss.Anika..

You can't decide that ok!! So be quiet and have some rest...".

He goes out and here Anika thinking...Ishana gets in and hugs Anika

And asks "Have you eaten breakfast?? Or you forgot??".

Anika thinks and says "No Ishana..I ate thus morning

But.."she thinks and worries..Anika sees Rudra and asks "You??

Here??".Rudra says "Of course!! You fainted while talking to me..

How can't I be here??!!".Anika says "Ok..I am fine now You go...".

Rudra nods and goes out says "take care ...I will meet u tomorrow..".

Ishana looks at her and asks "What happened Anika??"..

Anika looks at her and says "The dream...".
Hateera thumbnail
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Posted: 7 years ago
Chapter 8:

Our chapter starts with Anika says "That dream!!".Ishana asks

"what??".Anika says"No...lets go home...I am not feeling good here!".

Ishana nods and goes out...Anika asks herself "Am I getting mad??

Really?!!".She gets shocked and screams "No!! Please!!".And holds her

cheeks. She gets discharged and reaches home with ishana.She steps

out of car and sees the tree.She says "Everything started after going near

thus tree...".She goes into home and rests...While Ishana cooking

something thinks of Priyanka's harsh words...She asks "What I did to her??

Why she was angry at me?? Oh god!! This girl is driving me crazy!!".

She goes to her room and takes a photograph and caresses it saying

"Why its hard to me?? To forget you???". She wipes her tears and keeps the photograph

in cupboard and goes out.Here Anika sleeping gets a dream...She sees

someone holding a knife in her neck and threatening...She gets scared

and asks for help...her fear increases and she prays to God please save me!!

She tries to free herself from those tight hands but she couldn't!! Soon

she losses hopes to get saved and thinks of a person "God!! Please let

me see his face at least ...before dying..." She cries and sees more

injuries in her body...Not she partially getting thoughts "God!! How

was these injuries happened!!?? I was fine before!!".Soon she feels pain

in her stomach and she losses her balance and falls down as those hands

left her hurting her neck!!.She thinks "What will happen to my goal!!??

And .." She feels someone's hand one her face and saying "Wake up!!

Wake up Anika!!".She wakes up from sleep and shouts holding her stomach...

Ishana hears her sound and thinks "Anika??".Anika touches her face and

Says "I heard that voice again!! And felt those hands !!"And holds her cheeks

Ishana comes and asks "Ani!!What happened!!??".Anika feels some pain in

her stomach and gets shocked..scared and thinks "How can the pain remains??

It was just a dream!!".Ishana sees her restless and asks "Anika!! Tell me

what's going on??".Anika says "Am I getting mad??".Ishana asks "What!".

Anika crys and says "Something is happening to me..but I don't know what's it!!".

Ishana sees her stressed and hugs her consoling her...Anika recalls the dream

of seeing someone's eyes...and says "Who was it!!??".Ishana asks "Who?".

Anika says "Those eyes!!".
Hateera thumbnail
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Posted: 7 years ago
Chapter. 9:

Anika says "Those eyes??".Ishana consoles and makes her

Sleep says "Don't think of anything..you just take rest!!".

Anika starts sleeping after thinking a lot...

Ishana stands near water falls and singing...and playing a violin...

She enjoys the climate...the sceneries...everything and

losts herself in enjoying...Suddenly she hears some sound.

She keeps her violin aside and goes following the sound...it

was a sound first..while searching ..she understands it was a

voice..Now she gets attracted very much by the voice...

Soon she starts running eagerly to see the man...She stops

seeing a guy standing under a tree singing.. . She gets

mesmerized by him and wishes to meet him...She steps forward

but soon she stops seeing his dress had a symbol of a kingdom!!

She steps back with a great disappointment.. And turns to go...

She starts walking and stops hearing a voice saying"Why are

going away??".She gets nervous and turns and kneels down before

him...He looks at her and sees his dress and thinks "God!! I shouldn't

have worn this dress!!".He makes her stand and asks "Why you are

behaving like this??".Ishana now turns and says "I have to give respect

to higher class people..."He gets angry and shouts "Are you going to

hurt me like this forever??".Ishana says "No...until I talk to u...hereafter

it will not happen..because I am not going to meet you anymore...".He

stares her with great anger and says "So..You are not going to forgive me

Right??".Ishana folds her hands and says "The people like only forgive us...

How can I forgive you??".He pulls her hand and holds her in his arms and

says "I don't want to miss you...so I lied you that I am just an artist...

I did that..so you would talk to me casually..i don't want you to hurt

me like this...".She now crying says calmly"Leave me please...".He says

"No..i wont repeat that mistake again!!".Ishana says "What you are doing

now us great mistake!! What will happen to your family respect if Anyone

sees us??".He gets shocked and asks "You heard ?? ".She says "I heard

what I wanted to hear...I heard you saying cheap about ne to your brother!!".

He says "No.. I tried to divert him ..so that he wont hurt you..If I said about

you on that day ..do you know what would have happened???".Ishana releases

herself and asks "What?? Your brother would sent goons to kill me!! Right??!!

But what you have done?? You killed me by your words!!".He says "Try to

understand my words!!"Ishana says "I am not ready to hear you..Majesty!!".

He asks "Are you going to be like this?? For how long??".Ishana says "Till

my life ends!!".She goes away from him and the guy standing looking her

...Soon she sees someone aiming at him from a tree with an arrow and gets shocked!!.

She turns and silently runs to him thinking "I should save him anyhow!!".The guy sees

Ishana running towards him and smiles says "At least now you understood me...".

She shouts "Om!!!".And the arrow hits him !!...She in a second falls on him and she

too gets shot ..
Hateera thumbnail
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Posted: 7 years ago
Chapter 10

Anika screams "Ishana!!" And falls down from her bed and gets

hurt in her forehead...She still didn't realise it was a dream...

She tries to stand but she cries thinking the dream was true..

She gets really scared and restless ...She breathes heavily and

Says to herself"Please!! Nothing should happen to her!! She would

be fine!!".Soon she reaches ishana's room and opens the door.

She sees her sleeping and gets emotional...She goes to her

and sits down near her face...She holds her hand and cries saying

"I thought I lost you Ishu!! You were right!! Those are just dreams..!!

Just some scary nightmares!! I won't let anything happen to you!!!

Thus is my promise!!".She caresses her face and sleeps there holding her

hand...Its morning Ishana wakes up and sees Anika sitting holding her

hand tight...She gets shocked and worried calls "Anika?? ".Anika wakes

up from sleep saying"Nothing will happen to you ishu!! I wont let ...happen!".

Ishana says little loudly"Really!! Again that dream???".She shakes her

to wake her...Anika startles and opens her eyes...Ishana looking her with

a weird look says "Are you kidding me??".Anika thinks "I won't say anything

from now ishana...First I have to find some answers myself...and sure...

One day I will tell you everything!!".She smiles and says"No Ishu...actually

I was scared last night..you know that dreams ...so I came here...".Ishana

says "Ok Anika..you came...you could have slept on bed...what's the need to

sleep sitting like this...?? U are really...".Anika screams "We are late!!".

Both sees the clock and screams "No!!".Both runs and gets ready as usual

their regular schedule...Today Anika gets ready fast and screams from down

"Ishu!! You are late today!!".And goes by her scooter (Actually its same

her Champa!! Ha ha...i don't wanna break her centi with that scooty...

Lets go with the flow!!) while driving she thinks "Today I got a reason

to my every passions!! Why I was interested in history?? Sword fighting??

Yes!!".She smiles wide as of she become The Queen of whole world!!...

Here Ishana stands thinking "What happened to her suddenly??? Is she acting??

Hiding her problems from me?? I have to watch her from now!!".Anika in

library recalls that kingdom symbol and searches in many books...

She says "I could not find the symbol what to do now??".She folds her hands

And thinks for sometime...She goes to her sword class...Here Rudra while practicing

actually Talking with others stands Anika entering the Hall.He sees her very bright

and thinks"What happened to her?? Suddenly she looks so happy?? ".

Anika with full enjoyment trains them...While practicing Rudra gets hurt in hand and

Screams...Anika gets worried and runs to him..She sees the blood and asks "Bring the

First Aid box!!".And aids him...Rudra now starts crying saying "Di !! Its hurting!!".Anika

sees him crying and gets teary eyed and says "Dont worry Rudra!! I wont let anything happen

to you!! No one can hurt you not even your ...".She stops saying and gets shocked as she

was overreacting and speaking irrelevant...Rudra looks at her blankly...biting his lips like kid

(As usual his cute reactions!!)...Anika manages "Sorry!! I said nothing serious would

happen..Ok??".Rudra nods his head but still cries...She makes him rest and starts training..

But she couldn't focus at work as she is really looking at Rudra whether he is fine..She stops

and cancels her classes..She goes to Rudra and sees him sleeping...She thinks seriously now..

"Who is he?? How I know him before?? While he was crying how can I cry?? Why I got emotional??

Really!! Am I going to get another dream about him also!!?? Am I serious!!".She suddenly

stops and asks herself "Did I say his name?? His name Rudra!! How I know the name??"...
Hateera thumbnail
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Posted: 7 years ago
Chapter 11:

Anika looks at Rudra strange biting her nails "Rudra..Rudra..!! Rudra!!??

Really?? How I know his name?? And I felt him so close to me..but how!!??".

She thinks of her dream and says "What would have happened to them??

God!! Please they should be fine!!(She gets worried thinking the shots)

Ishu got two shots..and Om one but in his chest!! Both are really ...".

She sees Rudra opening his eyes and asks "Are you planning to stay here?".

Rudra startles and asks "Am I sleeping?? You would have woken me up!!".

Anika looks him coldly and asks "What's your name??" And thinks "Please

God!! Already I am in great mess!!! It should not be Rudra!!..please please!!".

He says "Rudra..".She keeps her both hands on her head says "Everything is

over!! How much crazy I have become!! I am mad!! Totally!!".Rudra looks

weird and asks "Is any problem??".Anika smiles and says "Nothing Rudra!!

You can go !! Its my fate!!".Rudra says "Ok bye!!".Anika looks him going

out and says "Something is gonna be happen for sure!! But I don't know what!!".

She picks her things and goes home...Here Ishana playing violin with Priyanka

As usual tries to talk but Priyanka acts rude and Ishana feels bad...Ishana

Thinks "What happened to her?? After her schoolings also she was good...

But...".Classes end and both packs things...Ishana gets Anika's thoughts

And says "She would have done something..I have to. take to her!!".

Today she leaves before Priyanka..thus makes Priyanka to get anger

and says "Is she showing attitude to me??".

Ishana following Anika sees her happy and smiling broad...

Soon she reaches home goes to her room...Ishana reaches home and searches Anika now..

Anika sees her bed and study table...I have work but...I even want to

make a logo for a company...She sits in her chair and starts drawing some

logos...Sje thinks of the symbol in Om's clothes and without realizing

she draws that symbol and goes to sleep. ...Soon the symbol in paper...

The paper starts flipping by wind and flew away from the room via window...

Soon it flies and reaches the trunk of that tree!!! It disappears suddenly!!

Hateera thumbnail
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Posted: 7 years ago
Chapter. 12:

Anika sleeps on her bed thinking...She sees Ishana ...

Ishana wakes up wincing in pain and sees Om unconscious

and gets shocked..She worriedly wakes him "Om!!Om ??

please wake up!!".She shakes him hurrily and asks "Please

Om!! I cant see you like this...wake up please...I am not

still done with you and you cant leave me like this!!!".Om

smiles saying "Still do you wanna fight??".But closing his

eyes...She feels his pain by his voice and says "Om!!

Open your eyes!!".And gently pats his face...Om opens

his eyes ..but nit completely...He is in semiconscious state..

She makes him stand and both walks slowly...Ishana looks

around carefully and makes sure no one follows them..

Soon she reaches a old man's home.She knocks the door

and he takes both if them in...She helps him to treat Om..

The old man notices her Hurts and asks "Child...you too

got hurt??".Ishana doesn't hear anything as she too feels

dizzy...She holds Om's hand tight and cries "You always

Stood strong for me Om!! And become weak because of me...

I don't want you to fight with your own family just because

of this normal girl like me.. ..".She sees him and says "Om!!

I wish I could change the incidents and erase those memories...

Which made you weak!!..I don't want you to leave your rights in

Because of me...".Shewipes her tears and says "So...I am going away..

Far away..".She stands up with great difficulty..and thinks "how

nice it would be...if your family accepts me...but nothing like that is going

To happen..".She steps out but a hand holds her from going out...

She gets damn shocked and says "Om??". And turns to see the old man

saying "Wheelre are you going??".She says "To complete a work!!".

And turns determinantly!! He asks " Is thus work important than him??".

She gets teary eyed and says "I am going for him!!".He says "If you go

in thus state you may die!!".She calmly says "Even I stay here I will die!!".

The old man asks "Child!! What are you saying??".Ishana says "I know about

my wound..and I too a doctor...Please take care of him!!".

He asks "What will I say to him?? If he asks you??".Ishana says "Tell him..

Even if he gives up next time!! I would never give up on him!!".., and goes painfully..
Hateera thumbnail
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Posted: 7 years ago
Chapter 13:

Soon she reaches a big wall with was made of strong

And giant rocks..it looks like a compound wall of a

Fort .wait!! Ofcourse it is a fort..She seriously searches

something near the bush and sits wincing in pain...

She says "Om...How nice it would be..if you were here..

How will I find it now??".She recalls Something and stands..

The statue!!!.She now hurries to search a statue and finds it.

She smiles crying and recalling...Om's words "I will take of

everything here!! You just reach the place safely!! Ok??".

She recalls how he met a month ago in her small hut in disguise

of a normal man..asked water...And started meeting her often

as he too interested in arts...slowly they. Liked each other!!

Finally he took her to the fort to make her meet his family...

Unexpectedly..his family opposed his love and tried to kill Ishana..

And Om with great difficulty makes her escape via this same

secret way last time...And while leaving her he promised to meet her

near the falls...But before meeting him she decided to go far away from

him..so that he wont become weak in front of his family..And also determined

not to think about the fort...she smiles painfully and says "Now!! I have to

enter the place..which I hate the most!! Only for my Om!!".
She prays God and pushes the statue in and sees the way opening

In front of her..she sees the dark way and gets scared..she gets

shivering too as she felt really cold even last time..but The way Om

brought her mad her smile and says "I cant stop like this..".She enters

and starts running..as she doesn't have much time now...She checks the

hurt ..as it really painful now and she feels the bleeding increases whenever

she runs fast...Soon she reaches a big door...She looks at it happily and opens it!!

She sees big and bright room in front of her and her eyes couldn't see clearly..

As she came all the way in darkness...Her eyes searched someone...

But her body didn't supported her to move...She falls down with no strength

in her...She tries hard to stand.but unsuccessful in it!!.Soon she heard some

sound...someone is walking...Ishana gets alert and makes some noise by pushing

some small things...Soon the sound heard very loud...And ishana's concious is

failing her to do...now she feels someone near her...Ishana moves her hand to hold

Her/him..but she just said "Om!!!got shot!!...And his is in .. ".Suddenly the hands

pulls her with great force and with the equal concern!! Held her..Ishana sees the

face and smiles saying "Near village temple!! In danger..please ...hurry !!".And soon

her eyes failed to open and those hands left her gently on ground again and walked away!!.

I will post the rest in few mins guys!!Edited by Hateera - 7 years ago
Hateera thumbnail
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Posted: 7 years ago
Chapter 14:

Soon Anika feels restless.while dreaming...as she cant see

Ishana like that..She feels bad...Soon the person walks out fast..

And goes out near horse...Of course that was A man!! And he is

about to climb up ...Anika raises her hand while dreaming ...

To pull him back..and shouts save her!!!! Like a miracle..The man

falls down by a force!! And Anika wakes up from sleep shouting

"Save her Rudra!!".She holds her face and cries badly ...Soon she

runs madly to the room to Ishana...She runs forcedly near her and

sees Ishana falling on ground..just like how she fell in her dream...

Anika looks shocked at her and calls softly "Ishu?? Ishu wake up!!

What happened??".Ishana doesn't open her eyes and Anika shouts

her to wake up...Ishana startled hearing the noise and looks at Anika

shocked. ..Anika crying but burst out laughing hugging her...Says

"You gave me heart attack!!".

Ishana couldn't understand anything asks "Is..is everything ok??" Anika wipes her tears and says "I am.

Ok ! Actually...Sorry you just sleep...I will see you in morning...".She walks to her room

thinking "Rudra?? Is he too?? But why is this happening to me...how am I related to them..

Ishu is there...Rudra is there...Om?? Really!! Om too...will be on this world??".She bites

her nails in nervousness and says "Anika...you are getting mad... At least you should be

there...how come I was not there?? I am the dreamer!! Dont I have the main role...what's

this ...this dream too making fun out of me...She sees her hand and says "Wait!! I pulled him !!

In dream??".She holds her cheeks in fear and cries silently so that Ishana doesn't hear her...She

runs into her room and and falls on her bed restlessly...She asks "He should saved Ishu right??".

Soon she sleeps and sees Rudra fell on ground and looking around...Angrily..".He now again climbing

and moves out...here Some men came running near Ishu and takes her...while they talking..We

can understand that they a obeying their owner...Anika wonders!"At which gap he alerted them??".

Soon Rudra goes to place and finds Om getting treated...He orders to shift him to palace and thanks the

Old man..The old man says about the girl saved Om and tells her health condition to Rudra...Rudra

gets teary eyed and rushes back to palace...Soon he walks in and feels worried...He enters the room

and sees Ishana in serious state and stands near her...He says "I thought you guys would be happy...

And have happy ending...but I didn't expected to end like this..What I will tell Om??".

Ishana opens her eyes and says slowly.."He did the most...

But its my turn to give him... Tell him ..I won't give up next time!!".Rudra

holds hands crying says "No Bhabhi!! You cant do this to us!! Please..don't say

this again...".She says "If you save me even...My hurt in head will make me

loss my memories at once I get hyper...and I don't want to erase those memories...".
Rudra shocked and asks " Please don't do this!!".

Rudra cries and stops feeling someone holding him...He turns and sees Om...standing...

Rudra hugs him crying and goes out...Om sits in front of Ishana and looks at her blankly..

She controls herself so that she couldn't get hyper...He holds her hands and asks "Do

you have that courage to leave me here?? Alone??".Ishana at instantly cries saying "I really

don't want to..!!".And faints slowly...Om looks at her crying painfully holds her wrist to check pulse...

He gets nervous and shouts calling doctor...He holds her hands while they treating her...Soon

they become silent and says that she was no more...Om devastated says "Finally you left me...

With full of guilt that I killed you!!".He behaves abnormal which makes everyone scared...Rudra hugs him

to console..but Om pushes him and goes saying"I won't leave anyone !!! Everyone will be dead!!".
Edited by Hateera - 7 years ago
Hateera thumbnail
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Posted: 7 years ago
Chapter 15:

Om walks out in great anger which made him to shout ..cry..

He thinks of his family how insulted her...And he says thinking

a person   "Only you can do this!!! I can't make you win ...

In this do or die war...how can you take her instead of me...

You are going to regret this all your life...No how Will I let you

live long...I will end your life very soon.. "Rudra asks from

behind.."How can you say sure that he killed Bhabhi Om??".

Om angryily holds him and says "Because He was the one who

wanted to get rid of her...and can go to any extent to save the

respect of our family..".Rudra consoles him "I know Om...He can

even die for that reason...but he would never kill anyone...

In fact the one u love!!".Om breaks down saying. "Finally he won

in saving the family's name right??! I am not going to leave him!!

And I cant stay in this place for even a second!!!".He goes angrily

and Rudra holds him "No Om!! You cant go..This is your place.

And you cant leave your family..".Om takes his hand from his grip

and says "It was Rudra!! Not anymore!! Now I got who are real and

Who wanted me to be happy!!".He moves out broken and thinks of

Ishana...He stops and turns...He sees the palace and says thinking

someone. "Pray to not to meet me in. Your life...When you come next

to me!! At the moment you will be dead!! Even in next birth!!".Anika

wakes up in morning and sees Ishana arranging things in her room...She

smiles seeing her and wonders If she is in love...And was curious to hear

Om's name!! Anika hesitate to ask but asks slowly "Ishu!?? ".Ishana

While arranging says "Hmm".

Anika : Can I ask you something??

Ishana: Haan..haan..but pease ask fast..I have a lot to do..

Anika:Do you like someone??

Ishana :(Stopped arranging..was thinking) why are you asking thus??"

Anika:I was wondering...

Ishana :No!!

Anika : At least any crush??

Ishana: I said no!! And..don't ask this crazy things hereafter..

Anika worried thinks "I thought...Om would be in her life..but..".

Soon she starts getting ready...While going she sees the tree and recalls

and says "The dress!! It was the same thing I saw in that tree!!".

She stops and thinks to go near the tree...

But gets scared...She goes out and still thinking of the dream...

She reaches her classes and sees Rudra ..She gets happy and says "Idea!!

I can get the details about Om!! After all he is his brother...If I ask his

family details he would say..!!".She goes to him and asks "Rudra..".

She asks "Do you have..".Rudra suddenly says "A girlfriend right!!??".

Anika looks his angrily and thinks "How silly!!?? How can he ask me like

that!!".Anika says "A brother!! Actually I asked you..do you have any brother?".

Rudra thinks something and says "No..".Anika disappointed and turned

Rudra:Not a brother...I have two

Anika :(Shocked..happy ...feeling crazy!!) Really!!??

Rudra: (puzzled) Yes!! But why are you asking?? Do you..

Anika:Names?? Their names!!

Rudra:(Seeing her very crazy says) Omkara..I will call him Om!! And...

Anika happily jumps and stops suddenly asks "Is he Married??".

Rudra looks at her and says "Yes!!".

Anika stands shocked
Hateera thumbnail
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Posted: 7 years ago
Chapter 16:

Anika looks at Rudra shocked and shouts "What!!".Everyone

stops and looks at them...Anika looks at them angrily and

asks "Wanna here more?? Just continue!!".Everyone starts

Doing their training...Anika in great anger says "Ok start

training..Defend !!".She fights in mire anger which mafe

Rudra puzzled.. he asks "Are you trying to kill me?? Why

are fighting in this way?? Wait!! Are you mad after hearing

About my brother??".Anika angrily looks at him and says

"Why would worry about anyone...?? The person can't wait

for his loved one in dream..".Rudra again confused asks

"What are you saying?? What do you want??".She leaves him

Saying nothing and gets thinking...She feels sad and wonders..

"Is this dream all false??..".After finishing her classes. She reaches her

home...While parking she sees the tree and thinks "After going to

thus tree ..everything started!! Yeah!! ".She goes bear the tree

and sees its top..she says "God!! How big??".She sees the trunk and

forwards her hand to touch it..She was pulled by someone and held

tight closing her mouth!! She stoned and looks around no one is seen!!

Still she cant speak!! She thinks "what is this!! Is invisible man is true!!??

Why I can't see him??".She feels the breathe next to her ears!!,

Now she becomes totally under control...She didn't fight as she felt nothing now..

Actually it may be she is at the core of her fear!! She closes her eyes...and

hears something...it said "Don't !! Ever come back here...and try to touch this!!

If you do so...you will regret it till your life!!! Now!! What you are experiencing

Is completely A True story!! Its in your hands now to complete this or leave this

incompletely!! Trust me!! If you really wanna complete this...Do as my words!!

If you need me...Just try to think of your first weirdest dream!! It will be the call

for me!! Think the correct one...if you do any mistake..you will regret it till your life!!".

Soon she falls down as the grip was no more now...She looks around slowly realizing

herself and stands.She sees the trunk of the tree and thinks "Why I feel the voice...

Like..."She runs to her home and enters her room..

She locks her room crying and says "The first dream ever!! The weirdest!!??".She cries and recalls

Is seen looking opposite to a person..And he looked very angry...She with same anger

says "You can even kill me!! I can't do what you say!!".He asks "Is this your answer??".

She nods her head about to turn...Hears him "You can never leave that easily!! And you are

not allowed to do the things that don't need!! Now!! I am ordering you to fo as I say!!".

She stares at him and says "How can you say this ?? Do you think I can kill a person without

any reason!! Just he is saying some weird reasons that I can't believe!! Impossible...and nm

I never do that!".He thinks "You won't agree that easily! I need you to kill me...to attain my wishes

at least in my next birth!! Which I couldn't do ..".His eyes gets teary and at the same time

Full of anger shouts "Kill me!!".She shouts "It is truth that I have some powers that I don't

know about I completely...you can't use me for your wish ...I really think you believe that

if you get death by me...you will get next birth!! Its totally insane!!".He now without any

attitude says painfully"See..I lost everything in thus birth...I have no one here now...Even you

refuse to kill me..I am going to kill myself!! But I can't let even a chance to complete my story..

This incomplete sad story..I have to complete it with happiness!! I lost everything Please!!

I beg you!!".He kneels down in front of her and looks at her...She felt his pain and at instant

she says "I love you!!".He asks "What??".She hugs him and says "A man ..who thinks to

Rewrite his own life!! After dying voluntarily by a woman's hands... I said right from my heart!!

Though this is our first meeting...I am saying a truth!! I can give my powers to a person I love...

But its not possible to fullfil my love in next birth...Now say...Do you wanna die??".

He looks at her and asks "How can love...at first sight...and The truth about your powers...".

She smiles painfully says "Yes!! If you want my power...I have to become ready to sacrifice

my love in my next birth...Do you want me to do this??".He turns away and says "I need my

next birth..not any love... ".He wonders "What she said...she can't get her love in next birth!??

That means!!".He turns asking"What do you mean??".He sees her with a sword in her hand

Saing"You got ready to kill my love at instant it started!! So I am giving this curse with your wish!!".

He looks at her confused but still emotionally ..She says "You can get your next birth!! You can

Rewrite your life remembering old stories...everything!! But only after I know everything..your

life...your pathetic story which made you to force me...And the truth you were wondering is ...".

She stabs him at his chest shocking him to the core .He falls on floor seeing her..She immediately

after stabbing him falls on him dead!!.His eyes with full of tears says "You too will die...with

the person you love..and will never get your love fulfilled even in your next birth!!".He holds her

and cries "Why I met you?? And I shouldn't have done this without knowing full truth!!".

He holds her face and asks" For a few minutes love..You lost your life and love forever?? I need

you...do you here me?? I need you!! ". Soon he kisses her forehead lovingly and closed his eyes...

Anika holds her chest now and cries badly in her room..Edited by Hateera - 7 years ago