A Romantic Princess in A Mysterious Adventure!!-Chp 30

Hateera thumbnail
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Posted: 7 years ago
Here is the link...

Chapter 1,2,3,4 -Page 1

Chapter 5,6,7,8,9,10 ,11- Page 2

Chapter 12,13,14,15,16,17,18- Page 3

Chapter 19,20,21,22,23,24,25 - Page 4

Chapter 26,27,28,29,30-Page 5

Hi everyone!!
I just hope u like it and am working hard that my
Story pulls you inside it!!

Chapter 1:

Anyhow!! The Adventure of my Romantic Princess starts by A man

staring a girl and thinking something.He takes a deep breathe and

walks towards her and says "I was right!!".She turns hearing him

and asks "What??".He with a slight anger says "Oh Come on Yaar!!

You just stop this acting...It really annoying me".She looks at his eyes

and just stares for some seconds as she cant control herself from

smiling asks "Me ?? Acting?? Hmm..I think you too have good skills

in acting!!".Seems she is expecting him to get more angry...He

hearing her stops suddenly and after thinking for some seconds

opens up "Ok Fine!! I surrender!! Yeah!! I ...was staring...you...".

She now makes her smile little visible to him and folds her hand.

She asks bg her eyes to continue..He says "It was just because you

..   .. ..(He suddenly stops feeling hesitate..and thinks to avoid saying

the truth and manages )You looked funny..actually..yeahh too funny!!".

She takes her eyes away from him and laughs a little and says "You

never gonna confess right!! But its ok!! At least you opened your

mouth...!!".Suddenly she hears her friends voice "Wake up Ani!! Its

late already".Both of them shocked and asks "what??!!?".Soon she

us seen lying on her bed sleeping wakes up says "Oh god !! Varni!!

You again woke me up at a very correct timing!! Today too

I missed to confess my love...So sad yaar...".Varni looks at her

Weird and says "Will you stop saying this Romantic Prince topic and

live your real life!..Its really unbelievable and really really crazy that

You love a man who cane in your dream!!!!! A complete Crazy Girl!!!".

and goes out...Ani looks at sky and says "Sure my prince will come

to me one day!! I will be waiting ]Chapter ]Edited by Hateera - 6 years ago


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Hateera thumbnail
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Posted: 7 years ago
Chapter 2:

Our chapter starts with A girl (Actually we are seeing from her

back view) searching something fast and messing all things in

her room.She finally sits in distress that she lost something

precious.Her eyes were shown which has the mixed emotions of

Curiosity to find that anyhow...soon it gets disappointed ..

and started to cry ...Pearl eye drops peeps out her eyes and falls

on her hands bursting into many droplets..."What the hell!!??".

Cried Varni standing at door.Ani looks at her like a pet dog with her

her eyes...Varni's madness melted seeing her tears and runs to her.

"What happened??".Ani just simply looks at her and starts crying "I

lost it!!".Varni puzzled "You lost what??".Ani hugs her and says "My

Art book!!".Varni asks "What?? How..and where??".Ani starts saying

"Yesterday I came back from work ...My new art work book...I kept in

my room..see..on this table!! But its not here now!!".Varni seeing her

younger sister's tears she too gets emotional and suddenly remembered

something shouts "Oh My God!!".She looks Ani staring her in shock

as she shouted suddenly.Then she asks "The book which was in that

blue cover!!??".Ani jumps in happiness and hugs her saying"Thank God!!

You kept it safe...I thought I lost it!!".Varni worriedly untights her hug

says "Actually...".She couldn't say the truth so she stands and starts

going out "I have an important work now...So ...(She runs fast saying)

I have to leave!!".Ani looks at her weird "She ran ??? Definitely she

did that again!!...Varni you lost today!!".She too goes following her...
hailly thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago
Interesting start.
Continue soon please.
Hateera thumbnail
Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago
Chapter 3:

Our chapter starts with Varni running worried and says"God!! What I have done!!

How could I be so irresponsible!! I should have checked the cover!!".She takes her scooter

and vanishes from there.Soon Ani reaches there and asks "Where she is going?? And...(She looks

keeps her hands over head shouting ) My scooter!! Why she took that?? She has her car!!??

I am gonna kill her..How will I follow her?? I don't know to drive car!!".She then sits at door

and waits for Varni.Soon she starts thinking of her dream and watches a tree straight to her

house's gate.She finds something and goes near the tree.She peers into the branches but does

not find anything.She goes to touch it as she feels something strange and restless.She slowly forwards

her hand ..its just an inch she is taken back her hand suddenly.She steps back and hears Varni's voice

calling her.She moves away from the tree but her shawl gets stuck.Soon wind blows fast and

all dry leaves starts flying around her.She tries to remove her shawl but she leaves it as Varni

pulled her forcefully and takes her in home..Here as soon as the girls entered their home wind

stopped and the shawl lies over the trunk.It gets a shape of an young man!! Looked like A man

with strange outfit...Actually with two swords..attractive helmet and shoes...Soon the the shawl

disappeared!!! And the Man too!!.

Here Ani still saying "Why are you pulling me hard !! Its paining Varni!!".Varni shouts "What

was that?? You are inside that wind..that scared me...why did you go to that tree?? Don't you

dare go there!!".Ani hugs her and cools her "Okay Oka!! Chill baby!! I am not going there..Actually

I too little scared!! So definitely I wont ok??".Varni nods her head.Ani thinks "What have I seen??

Something...Looked like a...".

hailly thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago
Nice update.
Continue soon please.
Hateera thumbnail
Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago
Chapter 4:

Ani goes towards her room window and sees the tree.She

says "I saw something...someone was there...whats that??

and who??".She feels someone behind her and turns then

relaxes as its Varni.She says "Varni!! U just scared me!!

and where is my book?? I had my new pencilling works

in it!!".Varni shows her book and gets satisfied as she

somewhat found it.Ani asks angrily. "Where was it ??

And definitely you have done something..tell me!!".

Varni is about to escape but Ani catches her and asks.

Varni says "Actually I sent it with some books...to our

house in Kashmir...Thank God our PA was struck in traffic..

I caught him and your book too!!".Ani leaves her and says

"I thought you would catch me then..but why you stopped ??".

Ani gives an angry look and says "You took my scooter!! How

can I follow you??".Varni giggles and asks "Di!! When you are

going to learn to drive car!! See I am younger ..I can go to

a race now...".Ani says "Actually..I am not interested..".

Varni teases her "No dii...actually you are scared!!".Ani says

"No!! I am not!!".They both starts running and chasing each other.

Both get ready in their rooms soon.Varni taking her tab,mobile,

And her car key.Here Ani her Book...and another book...and yeah

finally a notepad with pen.varni rushes and shouts from down "Dii..

I am going...so as usually you late!!". And starts moving out laughing.

Ani smiles seeing her childishness and says "Mmm..as usual I have to

lock the house ..."And starts her scooter.She suddenly stops seeing the tree

and recalls the moment.She says "Who was there??".Soon Varni enters

a big building and Ani a library...Varni attending a presentation and Ani

again getting submerged herself in reading books and taking notes.

Alarm rings at 12 in Varni's phone and Ani's wristwatch.Soon they starts moving

out from their respective places and reaches at same point.Soon they take

their bags from their vehicles and gets in .They are walking and running.

They stops seeing a board it directed "Sword fighting in left and Music classes in right!!".

Varni is standing left to ani and ani right to varni...They both smile and nod their heads.
johnsi thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago
Why varni couldn't see that strange men.?? is it based on any re birth connection.??
Hateera thumbnail
Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago
Hai guys!! Actually I planned a rocking surprise for you guys!!!

To know that u just not need to wait for a month..ha ha...just continue reading

this post..As I decided to rope Our Great ISHQBAAZIANS!! in my FF!!

TADA!!! And to your great expectations...the characters sketches are same

and it will be more interesting...

I really impressed by their performance and I always needed some powerful

actors for my ff...so I did it!!!

As of now Ani will be Anika...And Varni will be Ishana just I kept a twist

for this name too...So Keep in touch...
Hateera thumbnail
Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago
Chapter : 5 Passion Vs Profession

Anika and Varni smiles ...Varni asks "How old fashioned!! Y u are doing this???

Just come to music classes Ani".Anika with a simple and contented smile

Says "This gives me happiness Varni...you know what?? Whenever I hold this.."

Varni interrupts and says "No no Anika not again!! Already I am late"..Then they both crosses and Varni

goes to music classes and Anika to sword fighting...Varni takes her Violin and starts practicing...

Soon Priyanka(Ofcourse everyone should be a part of this ff!!) enters the room and sits near her.

She takes her violin and plays not even smiling at Varni...Varni while playing just takes a look at

her and continues playing...Soon their master enters the room and says "Good morning ladies!!".

They both smiles and says "Good morning sir!!".He keeps his things in an order and sits with his

violin.He asks "So...Two beautiful ladies..One came to make her passion into profession..(While

saying this he eyes at Priyanka... And then with a respectable eyes looks at Varni I mean Ishana

says ) And The another..After settled getting a Profession came to complete her childhood passion!!

Great!! I got some thirsty students this time!!".Varni smiles and recalls Anika's words"Varni!!

You always wanted to settle your life first without taking any risks...see Now u got what you

wanted!! And u are successful in that...I cant see you missing your childhood dreams...just

do what you need".Varni says "No Anika...how can I leave my profession for my passion..I cant

do the stupidity..what you have done in ur life!!".Anika was stunned and stares at her with painful

eyes..Varni cools herself seeing her like that and says "I am sorry Ani..I didn't mean it..".Anika

with a sad face says "I didn't tell u to leave your profession...I just want you ..not to miss any

single wishes or dreams without completing it..thats it!!".Varni says "Ok!! I will do it!! For you!!".

Anika says "You think I made a great mistake right?? No!! I really feel my complete life by making

my passion as profession!!! Not even for a second I regret my decision in my life!!"

She comes out of flashback and enjoyingly plays...There Anika enters the room and sees everyone

I mean all are guys standing and looking at her shocked!! She walks with little hesitation and

unpacks her stuff near the locker.Soon she comes with sword and stands infront of them.

One of them asks "Really??? Are you going to teach us??".Everyone laughs teasing her..

Soon with a great sound entered a man ...Actually younger than her!! Hope you find him 😉


And how is it guys!!?? Hope you liked it...and please support me with ur valuable comments..

That makes me really energetic!! So please keep supporting me
Hateera thumbnail
Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago

Our Chapter starts with Anika seeing the door and gets angry seeing Rudra entering the room with a great

Noise.She holds her sword tight and goes to him.Rudra seems he expected this stands alertly

to defend himself.Rudra asks "Di!! Shall I join at least today??".Anika at instant says "No !! You cant".

Rudra hears the guys shouting and shouts "Silence Please!!".Pointing a metal rod towards them...

Everyone just startled to hear his sudden voice and starts laughing...Anika looks at them and

In a great anger goes before them and gives cold look...Soon the guys one by one stops laughing and looks at her...Anika in a plain voice says "Its really nice to see everyone...your classes would

start with 15 minutes ...before that I need to select some guys over you...who really deserves to be

here..".Everyone starts murmuring and someone again starts teasing her...Anika throws her sword

in centre of them and everyone gets away from that...only Rudra was standing still seeing the sword.

Anika smiles and says in a cool voice " Take it!!".While saying she feels something or

some strange feeling like it happened before!! She thinks "What's this?? Is this situation

happened before?? Why I am feeling this??".She sees Rudra holding the sword and

says "From now You are in!!! But be careful ...I will remove u anytime..If I

Am disappointed with you!!".Rudra smilingly nods his head.Anika feels strange seeing

him and thinks "Why cant I focus?? ...I should meet ishana...".

Here Ishana and Priyanka practicing...Master claps for them and says "You

girls are really good in grasping fast..so for today take a break...we will

see tomorrow..just practice this well..".Both stands and packs their things.

Ishana looks at Priyanka and about ask something.Priyanka starts leaving.

Ishana stops her and says "Priyanka! One sec...".Priyanka turns "What

now?? Are you not satisfied with what u have done??".Ishana gets teary eyes and says

"actually...How is..".Priyanka angrily says "How can u just ask just like that??

like nothing you did?? Disgusting!!".And walks out angrily...Ishana looks

sad and feels bad.

Here Anika sees everyone doing warm up and thinks "What is happening

to me?? Oh my god!! Am i getting Mad!!??".