Through The Eyes Of Innocence - OS - Page 3


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Zoyamalik2005 thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago
i can't explain how awesome this was.😳
manishwari2014 thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago
TcTc, Aani won't get the job of yhm Cvs. She can't write bakwas.
Tc_Tc thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago

Originally posted by: manishwari2014

TcTc, Aani won't get the job of yhm Cvs. She can't write bakwas.

But she's got better ideas than bakwas
priyadarshini.r thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago
Awesome AaniπŸ‘πŸ‘. I so loved reading this. How beautiful it would be to watch this one translate on the show? . I am sure the amazing cast we have would have nailed it. Loved IshRaRuDiHu in this.
I specifically loved Adi and Ruhi more here, because despite the fact that they did not have the parental love and affection for these 7 years & were separated from them, the values that IshRa, Ishita in particular gave them has made them the sensible and adorable kids that they are today. I just loved the way they handled Pihu and made her understand their points.
EkPahelii thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 7 years ago

Originally posted by: -Nidoo-

Firstly, I'm so glad that you finally got motivated to write something Aani 😳 Your stories present YHM in such a beautiful manner, they bring out the essence of the very story. It is always a wonderful delight to read them 😳 πŸ˜ƒ

This moment that you have captured, is so pure and so unfortunate for all the five people involved in the scene. The parents and the kids - the broken family.

IshRa's conversation is reminiscent of the bond they shared back then, and one that is coming back to life now. Their pain on being separated for so long, joy on finding themselves together back again. The little touches - sharing the same plate, her wiping off his mouth, his biting her finger, holding hands, before giving in and kissing her cheeks. It is but obvious they would have missed this all these years, and it pains one to know how simple, yet perfect their little life together could have been. The 'Raman mama' bit is so cute. Imagining Puttar to be playing the mother and putting all his kids to sleep, even the grown-up ones - I can so imagine that and it melts my heart And then them retiring for the night, to spend it with each other, is the most natural thing I would expect them to do 😳

Ruhi & Adi - The kids that have seen it all, lived through it all, and are yet strong enough to bear more and help their little sister cruise through it too. How mature of them both! The years their parents spent apart, they too spent those away from any sort of true parental love and care, but it has only strengthened their parents' values in them, their Ishima's upbringing one can say. They've grown wise beyond their years, full of understanding and sincerity, and are more than well-equipped to figure out their biological mother's ways of working. It felt so nice to see them both guiding Pihu through some really important questions, for letting their smart little sister try to figure things out on her own. Truly IshRa's kids in all senses 😳

And now the one whose innocent eyes couldn't understand the gravity of the situation, and wouldn't believe what they saw - Pihu! I so wished Pihu didn't have to see this, but on the other hand, it seems like a necessary evil. Here's this little kid, whose supposed parents have been playing house with her ever since she has been born. Her world has been turned upside down ever since this aunty came into their life, claiming to be playing a game to get her elder sister back into her home, driving her mother away, and claiming a right on her father. Which 7 year old will be understand the intricacy of such a situation? Her doubts, her concern, her questions, her mistrust, her anger - are all valid. She doesn't know a thing, and she's loyal to her mother as any kid would be. She's so much more confused than even Adi was in a similar situation, for the simple reason that Adi knew Shagun was his biological mom, and Ishita was his father's wife. Does Pihu know who her biological mom is? No. Does she know what relationship do Raman and Ishita share? No. All that is bound to scare her of her family ripping apart, and hence the confusion and anger. I feel so sad for the little kid who's supposed to the symbol of IshRa's love, yet has been hit the most.

Beautiful, beautiful read Aani πŸ€— πŸ€—

Hey Nids πŸ€— πŸ€—

Thank you so much for this lovely review πŸ˜ƒ

Let me also thank you for the kind words you said πŸ˜³

Honestly I dont know where this idea came from but I simply wanted Pihu to understand somethings before she knew who Ishita is to her and why Ishita is important to the family but most of all Raman and the clear difference couldn't have been explained without the necessary evil like you called it.

Kids I believe are very observant and we don't give them enough credit for it and sometimes the best way to learn is by watching - like how we see our mothers cook or do a particular activity and pick it up from them...the way they would have from their mothers and the list goes on...

As you mentioned Pihu has seen Raman play house with a woman from as long as she remembers, the woman she calls her mother but I wanted her to understand the marked difference between pretend play and reality and I suppose somewhere at the back of my mind I remembered the wonderful scene between Ishita and Ruhi, when the latter had once innocently told the former love is seen...though that's not possible - you don't see love but the idea was beautiful - because while you can't really see any emotion you see if it exists between two people  - be it of any kind - love, anger, hate, etc, etc...and kids more often than not pick up on subtleties like these even more acutely than us adults.

They may not be able to always verbalize the feelings they get but they are sharp enough to know, detect any hints of animosity or love between two people, sometimes even complete strangers and here it is her father who Pihu has to observe, the man she has known all her life and who she loves to bits and absolutlely adores.

She may not understand the intracacies and complexities of the relationships around her but she can understand if her papa is happy or not.

I dont hold her loyalty against her supposed mom against her because she is only a child, but I want Pihu to be somewhat as perceptive as Ruhi was as a child and this was my way of doing that..

Even as a child Ruhi could see how her parents are in love when they started that journey, and for Pihu to know about Ishita it is integral IMO that she knows how she matters to Raman and who her father really loves πŸ˜³

Once again thanks Nids for this lovely comment πŸ€—

EkPahelii thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 7 years ago

Originally posted by: -Anku-

It's always so amazing to get something by you πŸ˜³ And this one was so wonderful, heartfelt, emotional and perfect in its own way. 

Raman and Ishita stayed away for so many years, but the time apart only increased their longing. In the moments shared by them here, that love and longing is so palpable, intense and beautiful. Their comfort around each other, their conversation... especially about what held her from coming back and him accepting his wrong and expressing what pushed him to say what he did. 

IshRa have always let the other grow in the relation and not held them back, so something like Raman taking over home and Ishita work for sometime is a very progressive thought. And situation is reversed at home with Raman waiting up for her... Their intimate actions and conversations flow effortlessly and one can make out that they both wouldn't want to be anywhere but with each other...

Pihu witnessing it all, observing the difference between how her father had been and how he is now was the focus of this story and indeed justifies the title. Through her eyes of innocence she sees that her father was never this happy, and what she thought he had with Shagun was only a facade or an imagination...whereas the truth is what IshRa share.

For Adi and Ruhi to explain her everything is the best that can even happen on the show. They've been through a rough ride because of their 3 parents, out of which One... (Shagun) has been the root of all problems. She has used each of those children for her selfish needs and put them through insecurities and ordeals they didn't deserve to see. They know the reality of IshRa, the extent to which they can both go through for the other and of the depth of their bond. 

You've shown everything that would make a story on this family perfect. IshRa rebond, Ruhi Adi teaming, and Pihu's innocence being molded the way it should be. 

Wonderful story, something I could read over and over when I want to uplift my mood...

Thanks so much for this πŸ€—

Hey Anku thank you so much for this lovely comment πŸ€— πŸ€—

IshRaRuDiHu are the heart and soul of this show and this was my little attempt to give the focus where it mattered - to me Shaggy and her shades and plans are πŸ€’ to put it mildly πŸ˜†

Kids dont always need words IMO to know what's important - they need answers though to understand the difference between what they wish were right and what sometimes is actually right, hope that made sense  πŸ€” πŸ˜†

Pihu may not know this woman who she suddenly has found gaining importance in the life of every member of her family but I believe she has to understand somehow that there has to be a reason for that. Her anger, her tantrums are as much a part of Shagun' doings with her brainwashing and manipulation as much as they stem from Pihu' own confusion regarding Ishita and her sudden arrival that has given her so much importance.

To the child, she is a new entity, a strange woman she has never known but to her family she is someone who made them feel happy and complete. She is the one woman who somehow always had the power to keep this erratic family and all of it's wayward members together and Raman' temperament in control. 

She has to understand someday who Ishita is and why she matters to Raman most of all but that has to have a beginning somewhere and I don't believe it can be merely stated in words, no Pihu has to observe the marked difference in what she believes should have been and is right and what is for real and why it is.

Pihu has her loyalties being manipulated and messed up thanks to a scheming, conniving woman but I do believe the woman has misunderstood and miscalculated things like always - because if she thinks Pihu is loyal to her and hence would do her bidding without any understanding making her achieve her goal then she is wrong.

For now Pihu holds one person responsible for messing up the life as she knew it and is angry with her because of that, and that too because she has been made to believe that person is wrong, bad and evil but Pihu in her heart is also a child who still loves her papa and the rest of the family as much as she loves the woman she believes is her mother and when the time comes and she realizes where the happiness of her father lies, as well as that of the rest of the family she would know that if she has to weigh it against the love or responsibility or the loyalty she holds for one person than which side would emerge strong and weigh heavier in her mind. πŸ˜³πŸ˜³

Thanks once again πŸ€—

EkPahelii thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 7 years ago

Originally posted by: IshitaIrani

I m speechless
I wish we see that in yhm
Loved pihu pov
How adi and ruhi handled her
How they comforted each other
Loved their bonding
Loved ishita raman scene too
It is really bad to see pihu in place where adi was once
I hope u write how they tell her abt ishita being her mother
I really want to read what happened after this night
How pihu pov and actions are changed
Such a nice and beautiful os
You really give away all their emotions
I can feel pihu helplessness about the situation
Write soon

Thanks dear πŸ˜Š
As of now I don't have an idea about how Pihu can learn about Ishita but should I get it before the CVs I shall pen it πŸ˜³
EkPahelii thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 7 years ago

Originally posted by: kingmanu

Very beautifulπŸ‘

Even babies can understand why papa and ishima should live together if explained correctly but I don't understand why few people who watched the show from the day one argue that shagun deserves what all belongs to ishita.🀒
I really liked adi's monologue that he loves his ishima not because she saved his life from the fire ignoring the danger she gonna face, not because she lost her own baby for them, but for the peace of mind and beautiful life she gave him with the family. Really extraordinaryπŸ‘
I really feel people who feel shagun deserves bhalla house, once reads this, they would surely change their opinion.
Beautifully writtenπŸ‘

Thanks Manu πŸ˜Š

Kids can be made to understand anything provided its done correctly, adults just dont give them enough credit

As for people who believe Shaggy deserves everything well...they will get their answers soon enough from the show itself even without my OS πŸ˜†
EkPahelii thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 7 years ago

Originally posted by: Ishra2015

Awsm...i loved this os...Continue it showing all knowing the truth of shagun...

thanks dear πŸ˜Š and if idea strikes to write on what you wish I shall pen it πŸ˜³
EkPahelii thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 7 years ago

Take your time Atii πŸ˜Š