girls - fat or thin? - Page 6


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Evilgenius_S.Sâ„¢ thumbnail
Posted: 17 years ago

Originally posted by: rinajatin

i said "yes i am are u happy now?"and they looked at me and blushed bright red,so now i am size 10 in jeans and size 8 in dress pants and im not skinny or fat i m medium and proud of it,i love my body sure i have a little bit belly flab but i do not care 😃 and every one else shud be happy on how they look like,and 1 hint :do not eat rice or potatoes or fried foods and sweets these are the biggest no no's and do not drink fruit juices in replace ment's for fruits,make smoothies instead with real fruit 😊 but even if u think u are a tad overweight, exercise,drink water etc and,one of christina aguilera's song "beautiful" is so nice u shud listen to it, and one more thing one day (when i was "big'im not using the word fat),my bhaiya's friends asked me if i was "pregnant"and i said no and when the friend left i was enraged and i cried with tears  an di ran into my room and cried until i fell asleep and then mom got so upset and checked on me and the next  day i went to the weight loss place and said i wanna lose weight can u help me?and after that well u know the rest of the story,and to all those people who wanna lose weight i wish u the best of luck and i know u can do it and i have faith in u😊

OMG! after reading ur story i mean...........i jst SALUTE u 4 ur confidence dearr!!!! i mean....being fatty is sumhw considered reallllllllly bad dese daysss.............! da face xpressionz dat ppl gve wen dey luk at sum over weight..speicaly girlsss.....--OMG!!! feel lyk slapping dem n say "wats wrong wid u?"😆😉

losing wieght isnt a child's play realllyy!! itt takes alott of hrd wrk..n courage 2.............nmstofall..cnfidence inurself!!!😊 which i think u realllllly do  have it!😊 

bst of luck bddy!😊

AnotherMiracle thumbnail
Posted: 17 years ago
no matter wot u r fat or skinny
it shudn't reli matta! 😉
as long as u are happy with ur body!
don't try to change yourself under otha pplz viewz
just be yourself and everything will be allrite
i've seen so many ppl tryna loose weight by not eating anything.....which doesn't reli work but can affect your body in a bad way! so just be happy with what you have, and if u wanna loose weight just make sure 2 take care of urself and not to harm your health in any way 😊
mukvai thumbnail
Posted: 17 years ago
Hi All....

To all girls and boys....

It is always bad to be overweight....I am talking from health perspective.....that means you are not watching what you are eating...I am not saying you eat too much...that could be a cause too...but.....WHAT YOU EAT IS MORE some people have already pointed not eat fatty,fried,too sweet and oily food..our Indian food is full of such junk foods..although they taste good..they are the cause of putting on excess fat on your body....pakoda,potato wada,puri,various sweets.. these are the culprits..and ice cream,gulab jamun,jalebi,laddu.. eating without watching how often and how much you eat such sweet ,calory rich foods... can be a huge factor in putting unwanted fat on your body.Unless you have some hormonal problem such as hypothyroidism(which is rare!) almost 95% of the time cause of being fat is always eating more or wrong food(calory rich) and consuming more calories than what you burn. So eat right,in moderation and if you eat more or calories rich food..burn it with heavy exercise...otherwise be ready to see the consequence...overweight body.

Again you dont have to be a thin stick...what is important is the proportions and toning of thE body..if you are proportionate and well will look attractive and sexy..just thin..without good muscle tone and will not look sexy or attractive.Thats why exercise and eating right is so will make you both..toned and proportionate and opposite sex will definately notice you as sexy and attractive...its a human nature to get attracted to such people..and if your parents tell you to loose (excess!!)weight... there is nothing wrong with it..they are telling for your good. Besides when you are 30s and 40s..if you are overweight from teenage are garunteed to have health problems such as diabetes and heart trouble.

So watch what you eat,how much you eat and exercise daily to achieve a healthy,proportionate,toned and sexy body...and see the difference...instead of whining if somebody tells you that you are fat or overweight...TAKE CONTROL AND DO SOMETHING....IT APLLIES TOBOTH BOYS AND GIRLS!
jigglypuff726 thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 17 years ago

for some pple, it's in the genes. so unless we kill ourselves, we can't lose that weight.🤔 i am not saying that being overweight is healthy. but the label that comes with it sucks.🤢🤢🤢 if people want perfection, then please do us a favour & move to another planet. just a reminder that slim & 'healthy' people are also prone to diabetes or heart disease. doesn't mean ur thin, ur immune.😊

Edited by jigglypuff726 - 17 years ago
igal thumbnail
Posted: 17 years ago
i agree wit u..buh im a gurL n im self-conscious bout myself..buh mah parentzz force me to eat a lottt.That is te reason y i care bout how much i weight a LOT.Guyzz.-->juz leave te topic bout them bein fat cuz therz no point..i TOTALLY AGREE WIT U 😊
babysheen15 thumbnail
Posted: 17 years ago
i agree wit all of u guys cuz i no how it feels my uncle emberassed me in front of the whole entire family giving a speech that said i was overweight its in my genes and i no it. he was pointing a finger at me and i no im a little over weight but he did not have to do that and still today im trying watever i can to lose weight but no 1 understands it hurts alot. my friends are really cool they hang out wit me cuz of my personality not the way i look cuz its not rite to judge a person by their looks Im a very nice and sweet person and no1 should judge me through my looks. Everyone says when a girl is fat than no 1 will want to marry u i think thats wrong. My aunt and cuz sis got married to very handsome guys and they are very sweet and caring to their the family. You no what i hate when people start comparing you with other peoples figures they say u should be like that but no one pays attention to the personality i always judge a person by personality not by looks cuz i no it hurts alot. Sometimes the fattest or biggest person in the world is usally the nicest person ant1 can hang out wit.
tina59 thumbnail
Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 17 years ago

fat or thin ,it doesnt matter at all .Ultimately its you who should decide what u are comfortable with and never ever be ashamed abt it .

In my opinion ,human nature should form the basis for liking or disliking any person and not their physical attributes likes looks and apprearace,these things make an impression and crete an impact at first but its the personality that attracts you to them .

health wise ,its always good to maintain ur body and be toned but I completely understand that many who are overweight not bcoz of their eating habits but bcoz of the heriditary . They get the genes from their parents or anyone in their family who may have been overweight .

I know a cousin who was slim and beautiful but she soon started gaining a lot fo weight ,but the irony was that she ate the least amongst all of us . If u see her now ,she is the exact replicate of her mom who is overweight . so I mean for some its very difficult to lose weight .

Unfortunately today looks and appearance matter the most but it does not mean that they have to be thin/slim, one can look beautiful and have a great appearance even  if they are overweight . Looks is subjective coz it differs from person to person hence one can never really talk abt it .for eg a beautiful breathtaking gal may be rejected by a guy mainly bcoz in his eyes he didnt find her beautiful so as i said it differs .

my conclusion , fat or thin doesnt matter ,never give up ur life on matters so trivial like looks and appearance. good nature,good education and independence should be the priority .

CrazyNoori thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 17 years ago
it don matter wat u r as long as ur happy on wat u r den dats all dat matter i admit i am self image coucious too and i always try diets but now i jus quit all i no is am abit of both and dat combines curvy so guyz and girlz be happy wat u r

Luvz ya

Luv Noori Akbar Hussain 😊
Leenasmg thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 17 years ago
Yea..its true..that nothing is said to a guy when they put on weight..but when a girl puts on weight they are told to exercise and loose some weight
but it truly doesn't depend on whether u are fat or thin...its the person inside u that matters..and so yea..if u are happy whether u are fat or thin..then nothing should matter
RohaniChopda thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Engager 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 17 years ago
I just think girls and guys should be healthy and that's it.

I mean,if ur just bigboned,guy or girl BUT healthy it's ALL gooood.

But,if you are over weight and unhealthy,it doesn't matter about the looks,it should matter about what is inside of you and the fact that you should stay healthy.

Get what I mean,it's not what's on the outside,but on the inside? 😳

