SS; ABHORRENT BETRAYAL CHAP 26-28 Page 37 epilogue pg 38 complete - Page 5


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sukanksha thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
Wow.. New story.. Fresh concept
One thing is for sure Shagun kabhi nahi sudhar Sakti. I started hating her already :P

Aww.. The nerdy Ishita is so cute. Raman is so arrogant man n he need to learn manners for sure.
Thank you so much for the pm.
kiran_kartik thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
I So loved this new concept. Amazing start. Waiting for the next update. Pls PM on d next update
sireesha76 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
Continue soon 
avni_19 thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 8 years ago
This is greatt! Different concept. The title is so captivating.  I loved it.. Im feeling so bad for Ishita. I feel Shagun is just using her like what mihika says. 
I hope Raman gets attratced and interested to Ishita and not Shagun. Somewhere Im nt liking Shaggy too!

cont soon.. looking forward for the next update.
Shre28 thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Visit Streak 365 0 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 8 years ago
I feel bad for Ishu.. Nice story! Continue soon
fugitives123 thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 8 years ago
Very interesting...and so imaginable!! 👏
looking forward to reading the next part. please pm when you update...sending you a buddy request.

FreedomOfSpeech thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 8 years ago
Hey tanx for pm. Really interesting one man. Waiting for next update 😊
Khuarnav thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 8 years ago



'Stay out of this... I am talking to my girlfriend...'' he said brushing Raman off as he turned to Shagun but Raman interrupted again

'She is your girlfriend, not your property...'' he said standing in-between them before he added

'I think you need to leave...''

'What is your problem?'' Said Shlok as he stepped back to look at him before he said almost as if he was surprised

'Your Raman Kumar Bhalla...''

'Yes and it would be good for you if you left now...'' answered Raman

'Oh I get it... Wow Shagun really...'' Said Shlok looking at Shagun before he walked away

Shlok loved Shagun, with all her flaws and issues he really loved her. He knew he wasn't always the perfect boyfriend but damn he didn't deserve to be just another guy for Shagun as she made her way to the perfect one. He had to do something about it before it went south

'Are you okay...'' Asked Raman genuinely concerned

'Yeah... I am fine thank you...'' she answered as she took his hand and pulled him inside

'I am so sorry you had to see that...'' she said

'No it is alright, although I would advise you stay away from any man who tries to put his hands on you. He is not worth it and you deserve better than that'' said Raman to which Shagun smiled saying

'You think so...''

'Yeah of course... Listen your beautiful, kind and you can have any man you want. Why you stay with such a jerk is beyond me?'' he said and she just turned away not saying anything

Shagun knew she probably should have told Raman that he was misunderstanding the whole situation and that Shlok wasn't so bad after all but the spoilt brat in her who always lived by her list didn't want to do that.

She turned to him hugging him much to the shock that Raman was in as she said to him

'Thank you so much...I needed to hear that.''

'It is alright...'' he answered as he slowly pulled her back

'So what brings you here this morning anyway? Still want my company after last night. I had a great time by the way...'' she said excited

'Oh yeah before I forget... I want to do something to make it up to Ishita. I mean after me ditching her last night and also this morning didn't go so well. Any ideas about how I can make to up to her?'' he said looking at Shagun

'Wait... You came here for Ishita...'' she said shocked

'Yes I did... Why do you sound so shocked?'' he asked shocked himself

'No I was just not expecting that... Besides I figured after last night...'' She answered looking at him

'Oh you have to understand. That wasn't... I thought I was clear on that...'' He said

'Yeah no I get it believe me...'' she said heartbroken before she added

'Anyway Ishita is not your everyday girly girl so this is going to be hard...''

'I know that, that is why I am asking for help...'' he said

'Just maybe take her out somewhere nice maybe...'' she said

'Yeah knowing her, she is probably going to say no...'' he said

'Come on think of something else...'' he added looking around the room before he said

'Wait this is her reading table right...'' he said pointing at the table that had a stack of books of all kinds and a reading lamp

'Yeah... Why...'' Said Shagun curiously

'Oh I just got an idea...'' Said Raman his face lighting up

'What are you going to do...'' she asked to which Raman smiled standing up and saying

'Thank you so much for the help... I gotta go...'' before he hurriedly walked out of the room

Shagun watched him walk out and smiled seeing how caring he was towards her


'Ishu you need to start thinking about what Mama and Papa were talking about, they seemed serious you know...''said Mihika

'Mihika you know I can't think about that right now...'' Said Ishita

'I understand but they say the family is willing to let you finish school and give you enough time to be settled if you want. All they want from you is a realization that you will accept their proposal...'' Said Mihika

'I really don't want to get married. I just want to finish this get a job and try and make something of myself when am done. I don't want to be a housewife...'' Said Ishita

'Come on Ishu I married right out of college and I still made something of myself. Papa and Mama would never make a wrong decision for you. You haven't even met the guy, you might change your mind.'' Said Mihika

'Whatever I can still meet him after I finish school. I just have a few months of freedom, let me enjoy them.'' Sad Ishita

Ishita in all honesty wasn't really all for the marriage idea and she didn't even want to think about it but she was the kind of girl who did what her parent always thought was right for her and she would always find it hard to say NO to them.

They had made her a promise that the family of the man and the man in question were willing to let her finish her studies and even work if she wanted after they got married. They were not so strict and they understood modern family values.

'It is a match made in heaven because you and he are so similar...'' her father said and they had given her this time at college to think about it and make a decision when she got back.

She asked them not to tell her anything about the family of the boy because knowing herself she probably would have stalked his family to find out all she needed about them which would bias her judgment. So with an open mind, she decided to just go to college, complete her studies and just come home and make her God-like parents happy

'Mihika I am really scared. Marrying someone you don't know. Did you tell him how I am...'' She said

'Of course and I have to say... He liked you from the start...'' Said Mihika smiling

'Oh please you're inclined to say that to try and convince me...'' Said Ishita causing Mihika to laugh about how nervous she got around this topic

'But on a serious note... The date for when you met him and if it is a yes then you get engaged their and then...'' said Mihika

'I know that is why I am nervous about this. I am here crushing on some guy who I might even like and yet I know that...'' she said

'Please you are allowed to have some fun before marriage. At least I know that I did...'' Said Mihika

They talked some more before Ishita hung up realizing that she really needed to get home given the day she just had.

Meanwhile Raman stood in the parking lot waiting for her and was getting a little impatient when he receive a call from Simmi, his sister

'Hey did you get to see her... Did you fix it...''

'No I haven't seen her yet. I don't know what is taking so long.'' He answered as he looked at his watch

'Just relax she will be there. You know if you screw this up dad will kill you right...'' Said Simmi

'Yeah I know... Plus she is kind of intriguing so I am interested to really get to know her. She is a mystery that I out of curiosity want to unravel. I like a challenge and she is absolutely one...'' Said Raman

'Curiosity of something else...'' Said Simmi teasingly

'I am not sure as well...'' answered Raman as well

'So is she as beautiful as the pic...'' Said Simmi

'Well...'' he said biting his tongue as he decided to hold back given how nosy his sister could get

'Oh ho you're not getting s in me now are you...'' Said Simmi

'Oh please shut it...'' he said chuckling

'By the way, I still think yours and dad's idea is damn, when she finds out she will feel so violated and knowing you, chances are high you will f**k this up...'' Said Simmi

'I will not... Have a little faith in me will you...'' he said before hanging up as he saw Ishita

Ishita had just finished her tutoring lessons and she was exhausted. Given exams were just around the corner all the people she tutored were always asking for an extra lessons from her and there and she being the kind of person she is always found it hard to say no.

She just wanted to take a hot shower and sleep because she already had a busy day ahead with preparation for her own exams and also the interview for her upcoming internship. She got off form the Auto and slowly made her way to her room only to bump into Raman

'Oh thank God... I thought you were not going to come back...'' he said

She looked at him adjusting her glasses before she said

'Look Raman I am very exhausted and I just want to rest, whatever the matter is. We shall handle it tomorrow...'' she said

'You're going to bed? Now...! It is just 8; 00 pm on a Saturday... What are you, like 82 years old...'' he said jokingly but she just stayed there looking at him before she adjusted her glasses saying

'If you're done insulting me again can I go now...''

'I was kidding...'' he said taken aback at her statement but she just walked away

'Ishita wait... Ishita...'' he called out following her

'You shouldn't be here at this time you know. It is an all girls hostel you're not allowed here...'' she said

'Wait... Look... I am so sorry...'' he said after he caught up with her

'What for... Why are you sorry...'' she said looking at him

'For yesterday for today morning for my behaviour and for a few second ago I swear sometimes my mouth and my mind don't go hand in hand when am around you...'' he said

'Oh is that what we call being a spoilt brat now...''she said

'I am not a spoilt brat...'' he said defensively

'Spoken like a true spoilt brat...'' she said smiling as she adjusted her glasses before she added

'Look it is fine, I over reacted this morning I am so sorry about that. It is all good don't worry about it...'' she answered

'No you didn't your reaction was justified. Plus about last night, I am usually a good host but I sort of don't know what happened...'' he said

'I can come up with a few reasons...'' said Ishita sarcastically to which Raman let out a small laugh saying

'Okay maybe I got a tad tipsy and forgot my surroundings a little bit...''

'Your sure that is all. I thought Shagun had something to do with it...'' said Ishita

'What No way... I was just a bit tipsy and carried away. Plus Shagun is the kind of girl who commands attention although not always in a good way so it is not always easy to ignore her.'' Said Raman looking at Ishita before he smiled again saying

'Wait... Is that why you were so pissed with me? Are you jealous?''

'Oh Please Raman... you give yourself way too much credit than you deserve...'' she managed to lie

'Ouch... You are way too straight forward for a girl... And not in the way I expect it. Do you always say what is on your mind or is it just when it comes to me'' he said

'I always try and say what is on my mind I mean what is the use of hiding it. Besides I am not any other girl.'' She said pulling her glasses in again as she looked away lying again

Raman could tell that she over the month they had met, she had managed to slowly get comfortable with him and that is something for some reason he really liked

'Anyway I wanted to make it up to you so...'' he said but she interrupted

'Please No I am not going out with you again...'' she said holding her books to her chest

'I was not going to ask you out... Besides you mean you will never go out with me ever again...'' He said curiously

'No I just prefer not to be in crowded places.  People really don't get me and I stopped trying to fit in a long time ago...'' she said

Raman looked at her remembering how Romi had talked to her and how his friends had treated her and felt bad. It finally dawned on him how hard it must have been in sit there with all his judgmental friends saying all sorts of things to her. He began to feel guilty all over again realizing that she was probably a better human being than him because had the shoe been on his leg, he probably would have been having a different reaction.

'I am not asking you to pity me Raman. Trust me I am pretty content with what I got...'' She said smiling as she pushed her glasses in again

'You're amazing you know that...'' he suddenly said to which she smiled and shrugged her shoulders

'Okay can I go rest now...'' she said

'Yeah sure... No wait...'' he said walking to his car before he came back with a parcel bag

'Now this will either make up for what I did or it could be a colossal disaster...'' he said

'What is it?'' she said letting out a small laugh

'I got you something which I hope you will like fingers crossed...'' he said handing her the parcel

She opened the parcel and in it were three books of one of her favourite author Charles Dickens and they were all classics and expensive. It had great expectations, Bleak House and David Copperfield.

She turned and looked at him almost shocked at he even knew sport on what book she had not read and also found it strange that he even knew that she liked reading.

'Well I sort of saw all these pile of books on your reading table and just above it you have a poster of Oliver Twist movie cover and a list of these books just above it. So I took a leap of faith and figured since you had cancelled out the first 4, you had not read the remaining 3 and hence tadaaa...'' he said holding his breath hoping she liked it

'Oh my God... How the hell did you manage to get these versions at such short notice? These are all... Oh My God...'' she said as she put her books down and started perusing through one of the books

'Well I have my own connections...'' he said with pride

'Oh My God and these are for me...'' she said surprised

'Yes they are... Do you like them...'' he said

'Very much yes... Thank you so much... My God...'' she said still in awe

'Come you have to tell me how you managed to get a hold of these'' she added

'They are my copies...'' he said shocking her

'What?'' she said

'Wow don't be surprised. I hate economics doesn't mean I hate everything else...'' he said chuckling

'I am sorry that you don't give the impression of someone who loves to read, and by read I mean anything book related for that matter...'' she said laughingly

'Ouch... You really think I am that daft...'' he answered letting out a small laugh

'I never said that besides who says everyone who hates to read is daft...'' she answered

'Well not everybody although in this context it is what you tried to mean...''he said but she just threw her head back laughing not denying his claim

Raman looked at her as she laughed and he had to say this was the first time that she was actually laughing, there was a sparkle in her eyes. It was really adorable to watch her like this because it wasn't usual for her to let go and just be either because she was too reserved or too shy either way, this was a view he didn't expect to like



Edited by Khuarnav - 8 years ago
Khuarnav thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 8 years ago


'I am sorry that you don't give the impression of someone who loves to read, and by read I mean anything book related for that matter...'' she said laughingly

'Ouch... You really think I am that daft...'' he answered letting out a small laugh

'I never said that besides who says everyone who hates to read is daft...'' she answered

'Well not everybody although in this context it is what you tried to mean...''he said but she just threw her head back laughing not denying his claim

Raman looked at her as she laughed and he had to say this was the first time that she was actually laughing, there was a sparkle in her eyes. It was really adorable to watch her like this because it wasn't usual for her to let go and just be either because she was too reserved or too shy either way, this was a view he didn't expect to like.

'Okay maybe I meant just that... Just a little bit...'' she added putting her index fingers close before she pulled her glasses in

He smiled as he looked at her before he said

'So we are good then...'' he said

'On one condition... I read these, then return them when I am done...'' she said

'What... Why?'' he said surprised

'You can't possibly think I was actually going to accept this? These are way too expensive I really couldn't...'' she said

'Oh God I swear you must live on the calculator. Who does everything have to be about that? I got you a gift, take it and stop complaining after all I am meeting the cost...'' he said looking at her

'It is not that...'' she tried to speak but he interrupted

'No I am not taking no for an answer. If you don't take them, it means you haven't forgiven me yet. Then I will end up stalking you until you do... Simple...'' he said folding his hands across his chest

Ishita knew as stubborn as she was he had finally managed to catch on and he wasn't taking no for an answer. She took the parcel in her hands putting the books back in the bag as she said

'Okay how about we come up with a compromise, I will take these read them and return then but then you will make it up to me in another way...'' she said looking at him before she pulled the parcel out of  her bag almost as if threatening to give him back his books

'Okay fine... What do you want me to do?'' he finally gave in

'Just show up tomorrow at around midday and wears something comfortable and light...'' she said

'Why where are you taking me...'' he said

'You will know when you get there. So are you coming or not...'' she said smiling. Raman looked at for a minute then finally agreed

'Okay then...'' she said

'Okay... Altho...'' he tried to speak but she interrupted

'Thank you in advance before you change your mind...'' she said smiling as she pushed her glasses in some more

'There is that feeling again...'' he thought to himself as he saw her smile. Whatever it was that kept him coming back he know figured was that smile. 

He was grateful to her for letting him into her life because he was now certain there was more to this timid and conserved person, something he just couldn't place a finger on. It was the very same reason he was here with her.

'Okay now can I go...'' he suddenly heard her say

'Yeah... Goodnight...'' he said

'Good night...'' she replied smiling before she walked away leaving Raman looking at her

'Ishita...'' he suddenly called out to which she turned and looked at him

'Did you have something to eat yet...'' he said surprising himself and her in the process

'Uhhh not yet I was just going to whip up something when I get back to hostel...'' she said looking at him before asking

'Why are you asking...''

'I was just of the view that if maybe you would...'' he said but she interrupted him

'Uh ahha No... As much as I would love to, I am exhausted...'' she said

'Okay fine...'' he said turning to walk away because he knew convincing her was going to be a waste of time anyway although he already had a solution to this problem.

Ishita walked back to her room not even sure how to take the way things were panning out with Raman, She wanted to let go and she had to admit that it brought a warm feeling every time he looked at her.

Most people she knew just stared at her, threw senile comments like she was a freak show of some kind but he, he really looked at her almost as if he was attempting to read her mind. She always tired her best not to look into his eyes because most times when it did happen, she felt like she would drown in his gaze and disappear.

She smiled as she placed her bag and parcel on the table grateful that things between then had been settled. She slowly took off her shoes and grabbed a towel making her way into the bathroom for a much needed shower given how exhausted she was and it is then that Shagun walked in

'Oh hey Ishu...'' said Shagun

'Hey you, how was your day...'' said Ishita

'Arrggguuu It was full of drama, Shlok was flipping out, had to deal with that...'' said Shagun rolling her eyes as she threw herself to the bed

'Well you can't blame him given what you did...'' Said Ishita chuckling

'I really did nothing wrong. I just wanted to hang out with you...'' Said Shagun lying

'Oh please... You wanted to hang out with the coolest and richest kids forgetting you had a boyfriend that you had gone with, in the first place. Plus given what you did this morning, I am surprised he didn't flip out more...'' said Ishita letting out a soft laugh

'Oh Please Ishu... And by the way did he tell you about this morning?'' she asked to which Ishita nodded

'OMG He is such a baby...'' Shagun added

'Nooo he was worried about you so he asked me...'' Said Ishita

'Worried how...'' asked Shagun

'He thinks he is losing you...'' Said Ishita after hesitating a little

'He said that...'' Said Shagun her face lighting up

'Yes he did... You really need to stop all your games of making him jealous. You already won him over. One day it will blow up in your face'' Said Ishita

'Oh please I got this under control besides can you imagine me in a relationship where I am not given any attention? This is payback for him ignoring me on my birthday...'' Said Shagun

'Ohh you mean the day he had his last course work test and all? Oh how selfish of him.'' Said Ishita sarcastically before she added

'Besides are you serious, he more than made up for that, the surprise party after that and the trip to Goa which by the way you turned down...''

'Whatever...  Besides I know he loves me and he ain't going anywhere. I have him wrapped around my little finger...'' Said Shagun to which Ishita left shaking her head as she said

'Oh God Shagun I pray that you do...'' as she walked into the bathroom

It took Ishita about 10 minutes taking a shower and dressing up in her stupid Barbie PJs. She slowly settled on the bed putting her head down because she hungry as she was, she was too tired to even cook and figured she would do it later after a rested a little.

She had begun to dose off when she heard Shagun call her

'Yo Ishu wake up, you phone is buzzing...''

'Switch it off...'' Said a very sleepy Ishita

'What? Why? Come on get up...'' Shagun called her again

'Shagun please, Fine you pick it up...'' Said Ishita to which Shagun obliged

When Shagun turned Ishita's phone over, she could see Raman's name popping up on the screen. She turned to look at Ishita and picked up curious as to why Raman was calling her at that time

'Hello...'' Said Shagun

'Oh hello is Ishita there...'' said Raman

'This is she... ' answered Shagun as she tried to imitate Ishita causing Ishita to smile but with her eyes still closed

'No it can't be, I know her voice. Please put her on the phone...'' Said Raman to which Shagun turned and gave Ishita the phone

'Ohhh this had better be worth it...'' she said thinking Raman had not heard

'Oh I promise it is...'' he answered surprising her because she was not expecting him

'Oh hey Raman...'' she said stuttering

'Hey come on outside...'' he said

'What...'' she asked

'Come on outside just behind your room. Hurry before I get caught...'' he said causing Ishita to get up and open the door peeping out to try and figure out what was going on

As soon a she open it, Raman got a hold of her hand pulling her outside and started running towards the gate. Shagun got up from the bed and went to the door to see what was really going on but Raman and Ishita were already half way to the gate.

As they made their way to Raman's car that was parked just outside the gate he finally let go of her hand

'What the hell is the matter with you?'' she said as she struggled for breath

'I don't even have shoes on...'' she added holding her knees as she tried to catch her breath

Raman who was also trying to catch his breath turned looking straight at her feet before she lifted his head saying

'Sorry...'' and as she looked at her he could finally see her

Her hair was let loss and not in a pony tail like he was used to seeing her and she was these really big childish PJs on that were pink plastered with Barbie patterns everywhere. He looked at her raising his eye brows not because of what she was wearing but because of how she looked in it.

Very few people could pull off what she was wearing and yet she looked effortlessly sexy. It was true what they say some women really looked amazing in big night wear. He finally running his eyes top to bottom one more time before he walked to the back of his car, opening the door and pulling out a box and handing it to her

'What's this...'' she asked

'Shoes... Wear that until you get back inside...'' he replied folding his arms around his chest as he leaned back on his car looking at her

'What... You just have shoes lying around in your car...'' she said as if surprised to which he let out a soft laugh saying

'No... I bought them yesterday and haven't really been home since...''

'So you mean they are new...'' she said

'Well not really, I like tried them on...'' he replied oblivious to her question

'Wow sometimes I think the kind of luxuries you have are just mind boggling'' she said causing Raman to go into soft fits of laughter

She looked at him one more time nodding her head before she opened the box causing her to open her eyes wide

'It says 10,000 dollars on the receipt...'' she said shocked

'Well they are original Air Jordan Silver Shoes, they tend to be expensive you know plus you weren't supposed to see that...'' he said surprised and amused at her reaction as he grabbed the receipt from her

'Well do they at least come with a house or maybe a plot of land hell or even a car...'' she said as she took them in her hands  

'Whaa...'' he said looking at he again amused as she begun to smile but she just looked at him with a shocked expression

'If you don't mind my asking, how many pairs of these do you have...'' she said

'Air Jordan Shoes...'' he asked

'Yes...'' she replied

'I don't know about 6 or 7... Why...'' he said

'Let's see... Oh my God that's like 60,000 dollars on shoes... How rich is you family dude...'' she said to which he just smiled

Some people would have bragged in that moment or felt insulted with her reaction but he just looked at how sincerely surprised she was and he couldn't believe that. she was either that credulous or just too middle class minded. It was actually quite adorable

'I am even sacred of putting them on what if I do something bad to the...'' she said as she looked at him

'Oh Stop it... Here let me help...'' he said and like an instinct he out his arms around her waist and positioned her on the bonnet on his car

He took her left foot feeling as she slowly swept the small pebbles and as he turned her foot to fit it in the shoe doing the same with the right, he realised how smooth and soft her feet actually were.

Ishita looked at him still not getting over the fact that he just grabbed her by the waste and put her on the bonnet of his car. As he put on her shoes she felt the touch of his hand on her feet and she felt her heart stop. Who knew just a simple touch would have caused such a reaction?

'Much better...'' he asked as he looked up at her

'Yeah... Thank you...'' she answered stammering as she looked down at her feet all of sudden shy to look at him

'Okay then...'' he said before he walked over to the car and came out with packed takeaway food

'I knew you were not going to eat today given how exhausted you looked so I figured since you won't go out to eat with me, I being dinner to you...'' he said as he handed her the food before he sat next t her on the car

She looked at him in shock not believing he had actually done this and most importantly how persistent he was. She was hungry anyway and was in no mood to ask questions so she just took her food.

'Your something else...'' she said as she handed him his food to which he smiled saying

'Uhhh well some things are worth the effort...'' which surprised not only Ishita but himself

They sat together enjoying each other's company as they enjoyed a meal together taking like they had known each other for months.

'I can't believe you wear Barbie Pjs... Like seriously...'' he said laughingly

'I like them, they are comfortable.'' She said as she put her arms up as if to show him how free it was causing him to laugh even more as she joined him

All this happened in the prying eyes of Shagun who out of curiosity had managed to get out of her room and followed Ishita. She wasn't even sure why she was doing all this but she wanted to just see what exactly Raman was doing with a person like Ishita. When she got there she could see him helping her put on shoes and all the while she could see how Ishita looked at him, it didn't need a genius to know and figure out that Ishita was smitten and was about to fall hard.

Shagun knew in her heart of hearts she should have been happy for her friend and be elated that she was slowly opening up to someone else but the envy she felt even she couldn't explain. She was jealous of the fact the Ishita got all this attention from him without even trying while she had to do one thing or the other to get it



Edited by Khuarnav - 8 years ago
Khuarnav thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 8 years ago


Raman patiently waited for Ishita to come out of her class a bit anxious to know where the hell she was taking him. He felt like just walking into that class and dragging her out but understanding how school was important for her, he understood.

As he waited Shagun walked over with Shlok as she could see Raman standing in the parking lot just outside Ishita's class. She walked over to where he was taking Shlok with her as she said

'Hey Raman...''

'Oh hey what's up...'' he answered as she turned only to see Shlok with her

'Shlok...'' he said acknowledging him

'Raman...'' answered Shlok who was not too happy as well to be in this situation

'What are you doing here?'' said Shagun

'Oh I am waiting for Ishita... She and I have a date...'' said Raman innocently

'What... a date with Ishu...'' answered a surprised Shagun

'Wow you don't have to be so surprised. What is the bid deal if the man has a date with Ishita?'' said Shlok who knew her all too well

'I can't believe I am going to agree with him, but yeah what is the big deal? You always have that very same expression and tone every time you find out she and I are going to do something together.'' Said Raman

'No... No I was just asking...'' said Shagun back tracking

'Well she has somewhere she wants to take me today. She didn't tell me where...'' answered Raman

'Oh alright, I could guess what she wants you to do but that means I would probably spoil the surprise so... ' said Shagun

'Oh okay... Will it be fun...'' said Raman

'It could be if you like getting your hands dirty...'' Said Shagun to which Raman just looked at her with a puzzled expression

'Stop... do not spoil the surprise...'' Said Shlok who also had an inkling of where Ishita was taking him

Shagun finally gave up as she and Shlok were getting late for a lunch that they had been planning for the last couple of months. Shlok had been convincing Shagun to just spare time because he wanted her to meet his parents and this was going to be the day that this all happened. They excused themselves leaving Raman in the parking lot as he waited for Ishita

As Shlok made it to his car he could see Shagun was standing and was still looking back at Raman. He came over to where she was and said

'If do not want to go with me just say so because once we go and you actually met them, there is not going back...''

'What...'' She said still absent minded before she added

'No I am ready let us get going then...''

He walked over to her side of the car opening the door for her as she settled into the front seat. He walked over to the driver's seat and as he put the key in the ignition he said

'She is you best friend Shagun, the least you can do is at least be happy for you.''

'What the hell is that supposed to mean...'' Said Shagun

'You two have been leaving by a code, don't hunt in marked territory. She has kept that promise down to the tee when it came to me, I just hope now that the tables have turned you will do the same...'' said Shlok saying all this as his heart broke

'What nonsense? If you don't want me to go with you, just say so...'' she said getting angry because she was getting embarrassed at how true he was

Ishita and Shlok were friends when he met Shagun and he fell for her and fell hard all the while oblivious to the fact the Ishita had a massive crush on him. When Shagun told her about how much she loved Shlok and how much she cared about him, Ishita stepped back, shoved her feelings down and let go of them because then Shlok had become marked territory because Shagun had spoken up.  

Shlok knew Ishita had a crush on Raman and might have even fallen for him, they all knew it and he was hoping that Shagun kept her promise just like Ishita had done hers. Not so much because of Shagun but because of the fact that he knew he was slowly losing her and the love they once had was slowly becoming one sided.

'I don't know why I have to remind you of this every time Shagun but I really hope I am enough for you. I love you... You know that right...'' he said as he turned to look at her

Shagun looked at Shlok and realised how much her behaviour must have been hurting him. She loved him there was no doubting that but she was a very materialistic woman and that was always going to be her greeted weakness.

'I know... I am sorry and I love you too.'' She answered as she came forward and placed a soft wet kiss on his cheek

Mean while Raman was getting impatient and was about to drive away when Ishita came out holding about books as she struggled to hold all of them. He looked at her and rushed towards her helping her with her books.

'Why do you have to carry all these everywhere you go? People read online these days you know, just a button away...'' he said as he put the books in the back of his car before he turned to look at her. She pulled her glasses in as she answered

'There is no feeling like the one you get when you actually read and feel the touch of a page and the smell of an old book. You tablet can't get you that feeling. Besides my eye problems won't allow me comfortably read online...'' she said pulling her glasses in again

He looked at her and smiled realising that maybe just maybe she and he shared a lot more in common that he thought because he just like her, he had the exact same feeling every time he read a book. He smiled at her as she fidgeted with her bag that had got lose because one of the straps had come off

'So where are you taking me...'' he asked

'Oh yeah... It is like a 20 or 30 minute drive away from here...'' she said excited

'Okay then... Shall we...'' he said as he opened the door for her

'Yeah but we will have to first stop at the mall, I need to buy loads of chocolate...'' she said

They drove for a while as she directed him where to go and as they finally made their way, he could see this recreational  rehabilitation centre which had loads of kids about 25 of them and as he made his way to the parking lot, they all starting screaming Ishita's name

'Ishita... Ishita didi...'' they called out

He parked the car and walked out and he watched at how Ishita sweetly interacted with all of them. He noticed that some of them were in wheel chairs while others had Down syndrome some had hearing aids while others seemed absolutely fine.

He watched as they all called out her name and how their faces all lit up as she handed each of them a chocolate bar. One sweet girl walked up to her and smiled switching on her hearing aid before she said

'Ishima... What took you so long...''

'Oh Ruhi honey I am so sorry. I was a bit tied up but I came as promised didn't I...'' said Ishita to which the girl nodded before hugging Ishita

Ishita hugged Ruhi back grateful because this girl always managed to bring a smile on her face without even trying. She turned and noticed Raman standing there as she completely forgot about him

'Oh God sorry...'' she said looking at him before she turned to the kids and said

'Hey everyone this is my friend Raman. He is going to help out today...'' she said to which Raman not even sure how to react just waved at them smiling as he said

'Hey...'' He saw a boy about 12 years tap Ishita as he started signing to her which meant he was deaf.

Ishita turned and looked at Raman before most of the kids burst out into fits of laughter. Raman again not sure what was going on turned to Ishita and said

'What is funny...''

'He says you don't have to look so scared, they are just kids. It is not like they are going to bite you. He says relax...'' answered Ishita and before he could say anything, a lady walked out and signed as she talked asking the, to all get back and change as the exercise was about to start and they all obliged

Ishita turned to Raman her face lit up and he could say for the first time since they met he was actually seeing her genuinely happy.

'So what it is exactly am I doing here? And what is this place...'' he asked

'Well this is a recreational and rehabilitation centre for children's with all sorts of disorders and hearing impairments as you could see. Now regarding what we are doing here, there is a very big wall there that has a crack that needs fixing. So in a fit to raise some money and also help the children as this is a non-profit organisation. We are going to do some painting, for charity that people are going to buy and money will go into the charity...'' she said looking at him

Raman looked at her shocked to his wits at how selfless she was. I mean she could have asked him to get her anything she wanted but no, she chose to bring him here and let him do this. If he wasn't already impressed with her then this just threw it all in the park.

'How the hell do you even know about this place'' he asked as they walked inside

'I grew up here. I used to come here as a patient until I was 6 years old...'' Said Ishita before she finally walked in

'What do you mean?'' he asked

'I had problems talking. My mom tried everything but nothing worked. They thought I was dead but after checkups and all turned out it was just something of the mind.  Came here since I was 3 year until I was 6.'' She answered as she grabbed the paint and the pain brushed handing them to Raman

'Are you serious...'' he said

'Yeah... And since I really didn't have loads of friend except Shagun my mother allowed me come here every weekend and the habit stuck. Plus I kind of love it here...'' she said smiling

'Wait so you met Shagun here...'' he said

'Not here we met in dance school but since I didn't do much talking I was bullied a lot and she came and helped me. We have been friends ever since. She had a problem as well that's why she used to come here with me...'' Said Ishita

'Hold on what was Shagun's problem...'' he asked curious

'She had a really bad stutter...But even then she has always been confident.'' she answered amused at Raman's expression

'Wait what...'' he said eyes wide open

'Yeah... She still does have it actually but she has learnt over the years to really hide it. You notice how she pauses a lot between sentences...'' said Ishita smiling

'Oh God... I would never have guessed...'' Said Raman surprised to which Ishita smiled

'Ishita Didi, come over here...'' called out one of the kids to which Ishita excused herself and walked over to the child

Raman watched how she so patiently helped and handled the kids and he couldn't help but smile. She had a good heart he could tell and it was something that made her more attractive than most.

This was a side of her he had never seen, seemed freer, more relaxed and quite honestly happier. Most times when he saw her she was always carrying a book here or stressed about an interview there, it was always something but here, as he watched her laugh with all these children and he had to admit, she was beautiful in so many ways than she even realised. As he was lost in thought and sight of her mesmerizing beauty, he heard someone tap his shoulder

'Sir...'' Said Aditya to which he turned saying

'Oh hey...''

'Move over I want to paint...'' he said

'Oh sorry...Hold on you can talk'' said a surprised Raman as he got out of his way

'I am deaf not mute...'' Said Aditya as he turned and begun to put all his canvas and paint brushes in order

'No that is... I mean earlier... I just meant with you and the all...'' he said as he waved his hands around as if imitating Aditya signing

'Okay I know your trying really hard not to be insulting but you're failing miserably...'' Said Aditya as he looked as Raman

'Oh Sorry... you know what I meant...'' he said

'I do... I usually turn my hearing aid off because believe it or not I like the quiet sometimes...'' said Aditya

'Oh yeah makes more sense... So you're completely deaf then...'' Asked Raman

'Yeah... It was a genetic thing. I and my sister have it.'' Said Aditya

'Your sister...'' said Raman

'Yeah Ruhi... The adorable talkative one ...'' Said Aditya to which Raman smiled and said

'Yeah I know what you mean, although you all seem utterly different...''

'Yeah I am the quiet one. I like my peace and quiet...'' he said

'I get that trust me...'' Said Raman before he turned and begun to splash colours on the canvas trying to figure out what to draw exactly

'Wow your really horrible at this...'' Said Aditya

'Yeah... I know...'' he said as he let out a soft laugh finally giving up

'Can you at least paint... You can just paint over those frames over there...'' Said Aditya pointing at the frames that were in the middle of the room

'Oh yeah... Now that I can do...'' he said as he walked over and pulled then close to where Ruhi was

'So what's the deal with you and Ishita...'' she suddenly said

'What... I am not sure I know what you mean...'' Said Raman surprised at his question

'I am trying to see someone like you being friends with someone like her and it doesn't add up...'' Said Aditya

'Why is that...'' Said Raman

'I mean come one seriously no offence... She is way too smart and beautiful...'' Said Aditya with pride

'Oh right... ' Said Raman realising that that may have been an insult

'So how did you all meet...'' Said Aditya

'Wow you ask a lot of questions. She is my tutor...'' Answered Raman

'Oh yeah... That answers a lot of questions.'' Said Aditya before he turned looking at his canvas and turning off his hearing aid

Raman looked at him and smiled finding him a speck weird and odd and yet he found how caring and protective he was of Ishita adorable. He turned to look at Ishita who was playing with Ruhi and smiled seeing how beautiful she looked when she let loose. Aditya looked at Raman and he could see he was smiling like an idiot as he stared at Ishita.

He left out a soft laugh tapping Raman's shoulder as he said

'Be careful, you might fall in love with her.'' To which Raman turned looking at Aditya surprised at what he had said and when he turned to look at Ishita, there was a slight realisation he might have already begun falling for her.

She turned around and waved at him smiling as she asked him to come over.
