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RomComFan thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
This is lovely... things are really coming to ahead now.

I am really glad Miku was able to pull somethings out of Ishu and that Raman overheard... looks like Ishu has some serious self worth issues... hopefully Raman handles things properly.

Thanks so much for the PM and the incredibly fast updates!😊
Ishrafanno1 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
Hey sorry for posting so late. Read chapter 13. I am speechless. I mean WOW! So much happened. I like the way your story is progressing. Felt really bad for Ruhi. Abhimanyu twist is interesting. Can't wait. I please write soonEdited by Ishrafanno1 - 9 years ago
sparikh thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
Awesome story - all are damaged in this AU story; but glad Ishu is now not depended on the pre-num contract.
can't wait to

swathin thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail Networker 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
loved the sis talk
waiting for next
Nee28 thumbnail
Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail Engager 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
awesome update..!!👏
Loved it..
Khuarnav thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 9 years ago


Raman who was still standing on the door had a mixture of emotions running through him and a lot of questions who the hell was Abhimanyu, what paintings, Money? So is Ishita loaded and if so why is she still married and making him believe it is because of money that she is still married to him, What the hell happened in her past that she talks about herself like that, like she doesn't even love herself, And MOST IMPORTANTLY DOES SHE OR DOES SHE NOTHAVE FEELINGS FOR HIM?

He stood at the door for a couple of more minutes before he heard Mihika bid Ishita a good Night and just then he walked in

'Hey y'all I hope I am not interrupting anything?'' he said

'No not at all, I am going out anyway. It's getting late and you all have to travel back. Goodnight Raman.'' Said Mihika

'Wait Mihika can I talk to you in private ' said Raman as Mihika moved out

'UHH sure what is it.'' Said Mihika as she and Raman moved out together

' I am going to just say it without beating around the bush.'' Said Raman to which Mihika answered

'Okay... What is it''

'Has Ishita always been secretive? I mean she seems like she is always hiding something. And seeing as you're her sister I was guessing maybe you would tell me a little about her. You know help me understand her more.'' Said Raman

'Ishita... Secretive... What the hell are you talking about?'' said Mihika

'She seems happy but she always has this shadow around her, you know, almost as if you push a little harder she may just disappear.'' Said Raman

Mihika looked at him and it didn't take a genius to figure out what Raman was going on about. In fact she did admire his tenacity and trickiness in trying to find out about Ishita

'You heard our conversation didn't you.'' She finally said to which Raman responded

'No I was ...''

'Do not do that...'' said Mihika

'Do what?'' said Raman

'Play dumb me seriously it doesn't suit you. Ask me what it is you really want to know.'' Said Mihika

'What happened to her? I know absolutely nothing about her and from what I gather, neither do you parents. What was so bad that someone thinks so little about themselves like that.'' Said Raman

'Okay now I ask you a question. Do you want to know out of genuine concern or is out of curiosity.'' Said Mihika

'Does it matter?'' asked Raman

'Yes it does.'' Said Mihika even though she knew the answer to that question and she just needed avoiced affirmation from him

'Concern and you know it.'' Said Raman

'I think it is so sweet how you worry about her but stupid that you do not want her knowing you do. Any way the story you're asking me to tell is not mine to tell. You are going to have to make her trust you enough to tell you what happened. It is the one thing she asked for me, never to talk about her past with anyone, and I promised her I would never. You want to know you need to ask her.'' Said Mihika

'She will never tell me about it and you know it.'' Said Raman

'You have no idea the power you have over her don't you. There is only so little she can't do for you the fact that you do not know that means you're not ready to hear the truth'' Said Mihika

'Mihika please just...'' said Raman

'No Raman I can't. I am in your corner and there us no one who wants your relationship to work more than I do but my allegiance lies with my sister, always has been always will be. If you want to know about her find another way.'' Said Mihika

'Okay will this affect my children? I need to know if it will ever come back and affect my children'' aid Raman

'Come one Raman, you and I both know she will never let a fly hurt those children let alone let them be in trouble because of her. They are in safe hands and you know it.'' Said Mihika before she finally walked away from Raman to go to her bedroom

Raman stood there knowing full well that Mihika was telling the truth and Ishita would never hurt her children but then when he remembers the Intel his lawyer gave, she did leave in the compound of a re-known child trafficker and any normal person would worry a little. It was as if there was a whole part of her life that was nonexistent. Nobody talked about it but he was Raman Kumar Bhalla and he was going to find out no matter what but first he was going to first handle the idiot named Suraj.


It had been a while since they had got back in Mumbai, Aditya had also come back from Shagun's place because school was about to commence. Ruhi was back to her normal self, she would zone out once in a while and the nightmares were still there but they were not as bad. Even her brother noticed the sudden change in his sister and he couldn't believe how she had changed so much.

They had tried to go to the police and get him arrested but they were told since there was no evidence it was very hard to actually do anything about it. Kushan also said maybe they should sue him but even then, it would be hard without evidence. But if there is anything Raman had leant form knowing the Khanna brothers was that they always managed to get themselves in trouble and sooner or later he was going to bury them.

Raman had put people on investigation duty to gather enough evidence on Suraj in order to send him to jail for what he had done to his daughter but also gathers as much as they could about Ishita's past.

The person he had hired as far as Ruhi's case was concerned was doing a very good job and was also gathering information faster to put Suraj away for his deeds except there was a problem. No one thought it necessary to tell Ishita about the actual person who was gathering the information. She knew Raman had hired someone knew to get information but had no idea who that person was.

'Jai seriously you need to let me tell your sister that you are working for me. She won't like the fact that you have been in Mumbai for almost a month and she doesn't know about this. Everyone thinks you're working for a high tech company'' Said Raman

'I know just please give me some more time. If she knows what I am actually doing, she won't let me do it. She is very overly protective and you know it and besides that company pays pennant so I needed something else on the side. Just some more time and I promise I will tell her myself.'' Said Jai

'I do wonder though are you refusing to tell her because you think it is not the right time or because it is your girlfriend's idea?

'' said Raman

'Does it matter really. I have to keep both happy.'' Said Jai

'Look I am happy for you that you found someone but do not screw up old relations for a girl. You will realize it is not worth it'' said Raman

'Damn Raman you're starting to sound like your wife.'' Said Jai

'Well this time I agree with her. You have until end of today to tell her or I will.'' Said Raman as he walked out of Jai's place

'You know you shouldn't be so scared of your sister like that.'' Said Sarika, Jai's girlfriend

'I am not scared of her, I just do not like disappointing her.'' Said Jai

'Oh please she smothers you and Mihika and takes advantage as well. She is married to a very rich guy and yet she leaves you working for him in this fake ass job.'' Said Sarika

'Well she doesn't know I am doing this job besides she has always supported me and she just worries about me that is all.'' Said Jai

'Whatever I do not see what is the big deal about her anyway. You people treat her like she is a saint.'' Said Sarika

'Because she is, I would have been dead you know it wasn't for her.'' Said Jai

'Yeah I know you say that all the time.'' Said Sarika

'Well it is true, she is family'' said Jai

'Don't you miss your family back in Lucknow.'' Said Sarika

'Well I miss a few people once in a while.'' Said Jai

'Why don't you just go back one of these days? Who knows maybe you might meet you actual family.'' Said Sarika

'Well for starters I don't think so and second Ishita wouldn't like that.'' Said Jai

'Oh my God SERIUOSLY'' Said a very irritated Sarika

'What! you won't understand because you're an only child. Anyway enough about this let's go for dinner shall we.'' Said Jai as she led Sarika out of their house


Raman and Ishita on the other hand had something chipping away at her since they came back and she got the sense that Ruhi didn't entirely tell them everything she saw that night. She still had drawing of that logo of a tiger and each time Ruhi was asked about it, she would pretend she didn't know what they were talking about and she would get scared and walk away. She remembered during one z of her nightmares when she screamed saying

'Ishima please tell Aditya to come back. He did something wrong and I apologize on his behalf just please bring him back. He will take him away like he did the others. Please Ishima''

Something was off because she clearly was talking about something more. Who was going to take Aditya and which others was she talking about. Ishita looked at her daughter who was preparing her bag for school and asked

'Ruhi do you trust me.'' Said Ishita

'Of course Ishima'' answered Ruhi

'And you know I will never let anything bad happen to you.'' Said Ishita

'Yeah I know'' answered Ruhi

'So are you sure you told me everything about that night.'' Asked Ishita

She watched as Ruhi went pale all of a sudden as if she was scared to talk. She looked at Ishita and stared at the table looking at Aditya's photo and the said

'No Ishima I told you everything'' said Ruhi

'Ruhi honey go and have some ice-cream papa just brought some.'' Said Santosh as Ruhi finally run of the room

'What the hell is your problem? Why don't you leave the girl alone and why do you always want to interrogate her.'' Said Santosh

'No Ammi I didn't want to interrogate her but I think there is still something she is not telling us. Something is off I was trying to...'' but before Ishita completed what she was saying Santosh said

'Trying to be what an investigator? My grandbaby has been through enough and I suggest you let her just forget about this whole ordeal and let Raman do his duty as a father.'' Said Santosh

'Ammi I didn't mean to make her remember but I was just trying to get to the bottom of things. Even her counsellor thinks she is still hiding something.'' Said Ishita

'I do not acre what the counsellor thought. My baby had just started act normal I suggest you let her just recover.'' Said Santosh as she walked out of the room

Ishita understood her mother In Law's dilemma but she also knew something they didn't. Ruhi was still having nightmares. There were no screams like before but she would wake up in the middle of the night scared out of her skin and would ask for Aditya. Something was a mess and only she and Raman knew it because they were the two who Ruhi usually shared a room with.

Raman walked in and could see she was so lost in thought and wondered what the hell was the problem was. Ever since they got back from Mumbai his mother always started stupid fights with Ishita and wondered if that was the case since he had met his mom just as he walked in.

'What is the problem?'' he said as he removed his tie

'No problem, I was just trying to get Ruhi to tell me but is she still...'' Said Ishita

'Don't worry I believe if there is anyone who can get her to talk it is you. I have full confidence she will tell you.'' Said Raman

'I really hope so. Any news on the Suraj issue?'' Said Ishita

'Well my sources tell me that in their house there is more than meets the eye. Kushan says the police still think we can't possibly get him on child battery charges because we have no evidence. Kushan and my other sources they are chasing down a lead and will tell us soon.'' Said Raman

'Well I just hope this comes to an end. I just want to put all this behind us.'' Said Ishita as Raman's phone suddenly buzzed

'Excuse me... I need to take this.'' He said as he walked outside to the balcony

'Hey Kushan tell me what do we have.'' Said Raman

'Well first things first, there is nothing about her from before she was 9 years old. And even then she gets sold to Miss Tee and then nothing until she is 14 years. The 5 years she spent in that compound are a blur it was as if she was there but there is no one in Lucknow who is willing to talk about it mostly out of fear. I have checked everywhere but nothing. It is like that part of her life someone just erased it and for that to happen you need big money and power. So I think someone is helping her'' Said Kushan

'Okay how about Abhimanyu did you get anything from that.'' Said Raman

'Yeah Abhimanyu Rhagav son to Mr. Arjun Rhagav, he was kidnapped when he was 13 years Old while on holiday with his grandmother in Lucknow. He somehow ended up in the same compound as Ishita. He was found 2 years later by the Rhagav family at the Iyers orphanage but he didn't leave until he was 16 because he wanted to make sure Ishita was okay. He was the one who brought Ishita to hospital and he and Ishita are very close.'' Said Kushan

'How close is close?'' asked Raman and Kushan could hear from the sound of his voice that he really didn't like this Ishita-Abhimanyu relationship

'I am not so sure at this point.'' He answered

'Okay did you get any details from the hospital?'' asked Raman

'You sure you want to hear this over the phone?'' asked Kushan

'Yeah just tell me'' Said Raman who was getting anxious

'Okay the hospital 'misplaced' her file and I put that in quotes because I know someone took them out and didn't want her records found. But I did get someone who still works there, a nurse who was on duty that night and she told me that a girl came in about 14 years old and she was so badly beaten they couldn't recognize her. She had injuries both old and new and even the doctors didn't think she was going to live but somehow she survived. When I asked her what the name of the girl was, she refused to tell me and said she loved her job too much and that everyone who ever tried to get information about her was either fired or license was taken'' Said Kushan

Raman listened to all and couldn't imagine what she had gone through at such a tender age. He had to admit though she was really good at hiding her pain from everyone but all that aside who the hell was covering her story up. He had this sense of possessiveness over her like as if he ever came face to face with the man that caused her so much trouble, he would kill them.

'Did you ask her Ishita's name.'' he finally said

'She said the girl who came in was not called Ishita but Aabha Khan.'' Said Kushan

'Who the hell is that? And how is she and Ishita related'' said Raman

'That is something I haven't figured out yet.'' Said Kushan

'What about Jai and Mihika'' Said Raman

'Now for Jai and Mihika it is even worse. The only reason I managed to get that little about Ishita is because a police fellow of mine leaked that to me but Jai and Mihika were nonexistent until Mihika was 12 and Jai was 10 years. I have looked everywhere but nothing. The only paper work about those two is when they were adopted by the Iyers. I will still try and figure out. I have sent someone to Lucknow to find out more.'' Said Kushan

'Okay then keep me posted.'' Said Raman

'Uhh Raman, can I just say why don't you just ask her to tell you?'' Said Kushan

'And I am asking are you tired of doing your job because if you are I can find someone else.'' Said Raman to which Kushan replied

'No I was just making a suggestion because if she found out about this, she is going to feel so violated.'' Said Kushan

'Yeah well let me worry about that.'' Said Raman as he hang up and saw Ishita standing behind him. He hoped to god she didn't hear at thing

'Is everything okay?'' She asked

'Yeah everything is crystal'' said Raman taking a sigh of relief since she didn't seem to have heard a thing

'Okay then I brought you your coffee. It is on the table.'' She said as she turned to walk away

'Ishita...'' he called as she turned to look at him

'Why don't you sit down and share a cup of coffee with me.'' He added

'Uhh you seem busy so I ...'' said Ishita

'Oh come one, it is just coffee. Besides I have to tell you something.'' He said

'Alright is everything okay.'' She asked slightly concerned

'Wow your sister is right you really are a worry worrier.'' Said Raman

'No am not a worr... Okay enough what did you want to talk about?'' asked Ishita

'Well nothing specific I just wanted us to talk. Is that a problem?'' said Raman

'No no am just wondering why the sudden change. Most of the time you can't wait to leave the room especially if I am in it'' Said Ishita

'That is not true I have just been extremely busy.'' Said Raman

'Come one even you do not believe that.'' Said Ishita

'Honestly I really have been busy. If I have made you feel that way I apologize'' said Raman

'Oh ho Now am getting apologies. Are you sure you are alright? Is that coffee spiked'' she said teasingly

'Ha-ha very funny'' He Said smilingly as he handed her a cup of coffee

'So tell me on a scale of one to ten, how good of a husband have I been since you married me.'' Said Raman

'I am not sure I get your question,'' said a very surprised Ishita

'I mean how good of a husband have I been since we married? On a scale or one to ten'' He asked again looking at her

'Will it matter what I think'' she said

'Yeah it will. If I have been bad then I will improve.'' He said

'Okay why?'' she asked a bit perplexed with his questions

'Can't you just answer a question without being all inquisitive.'' He said smilingly

'Well you will excuse my behavior but this is all out of the blue.'' She replied chuckling a little

'No not really! And seriously you're the most clueless girl on the planet.'' He said

'Meaning...?'' She said

'Okay fine do not answer just leave it.'' He said

'What? No! You can't say such a statement then leave it that is so not far.'' She said

'Well answer my question then.'' He said smilingly

'Okay fine I would give it a 4 out of 10 with ten being maximum.'' She said

' Wow four out of ten really that low?'' He said

'Hahahaha because the remaing six is for being an amazing father.'' She said as he suddenly looked at her and smiled

'No do I get to ask a question?'' she said

'Sure fire away'' He said

'You said you would tell me one thing that no one knows about you. Remember that day, you didn't actually tell me anything.'' She said

'I can't believe you remember that.'' He said looking at her surprised

'Come on do not look at me so surprised, I always remember the conversations we have.'' She said innocently before she turned to sip her coffee. Raman looked at her and smiled saying

'You do not even understand the gravity of the things you say sometimes do you? Some statements may be so simple and yet so loaded.''

'I do not understand what you're saying.'' She answered

'Okay one thing I have never told anyone is let me see Wow this is harder than I thought.'' He said before he turned around looked her in the eye and said

'The mall isn't the first day we met, I mean it isn't the first time I saw you.'' Said Raman

'Wait what...'' said a surprised Ishita

'Actually I didn't quite remember until Mumbai when I met Mihir because he was with you that day.'' Said Raman

'Are you serious? How come I don't remember this'' She said

'I don't know maybe because I had long hair then and I might not have been well kept, you know clean shaven and I was so hangover that day i looked horrible. It had been a really long day but I remember you were with Mihir and I think you all were waiting for someone because he kept looking at the entrance of the mall. You then told him to go and check then sat down on the bench with me.'' He said

Ishita listened attentively trying to remember that day but there was no recollection of that memory

'You then handed me a cup of coffee and said it gets better, it won't always be bad. And then you handed me a silver coin, smiled and left.'' He said as he smilingly looked at her

'Oh My God I remember, this has to be like 2 years before I met Ruhi. I remember because Mihika was so pissed at me as that was her cup of coffee. Mihir had to go line up and get her another one then we got late for puja. That was you...'' she said excitedly

'Yup it was, although I do wonder why you gave me the silver coin.'' He said

'Well we were going to offer it during puja but you seemed like you needed it more than I did. Or at least I thought. You looked so different then'' she said

'Well for whatever reason you had an impact. I put my life in order and fought my custody case, which was the reason I was so all over the place. I thought I was losing Ruhi but I didn't I fought and it did get better. '' He said smiling at her

'Who would have thought we would met again in the same place except this time I would be meeting your daughter.'' She said

'Well maybe destiny's plan is for you to always come to may rescue. You seem to do that a lot and I know sometimes it may not seem like it but I do appreciate it.'' He said

Raman looked at her smiling at him and his heart melted because for the first time he was seeing a sparkle in her eyes that wasn't always there.

'You know this is the first time I have seen you genuinely smiling.'' He said

'Maybe it is because I am genuinely happy. Thanks for saying that it meant a lot.'' She said as her eyes became a little teary

'Well I meant it. And I also...'' But before he could finish he heard his phone buzzing and when he checked it was Kushan

'I really have to take this.'' He said looking at Ishita apologetically

'It is okay I will take these to the kitchen'' and with that she left as Raman took his call

'You sense of timing sucks you know that. This had better be worth it.'' Said very irritated Raman

'Oh my God it is so worth it. You are not going to believe what Jai and I stumbled upon.'' Said Kushan

'Wasn't Jai supposed to be at dinner with his girlfriend.'' Said Raman

'Yeah well he had to cancel that since we got a lead. And you won't believe what I have in my hands. We got him Raman. We are going to NAIL SURAJ KHANA.'' Said Kushan to a very elated Raman


Chapter Fifteen; http://www.india-forums.com/forum_posts.asp?TID=4241564&TPN=33&#p118921286


Edited by Khuarnav - 9 years ago
KP_DT_Fan thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
Awesome update. Well, I am eagerly waiting to know Ishita story and I really wish Ishita to tell her problem to Raman than he finding it out from his detective agency. Also,I am eagerly waiting for ruhi's as well. Thanks a lot. Hopefully u write the next update asap. Thanks for pm.
prati_25 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
superb update!!!
Thanks for PM:)
Anum_says thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
nicee update...
realy wnt to knw ishita's story...
prachi_vrushan thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Networker 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
awesome update
lpbed d convo of mihika n raman
ishra's convo was too hood
ruhi is hiding something is it realated to adi??
sarika ...i didnt like her
ishta's past is very mysterious