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Akshatha19 thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
shocking update...
IshRa convo was good, hiding each other feelings..
when nitya said to ishita that- whole world knows I am an Iyer, so touching ...
the flashback was really scary, the way ruhi has gone through my god, seriously felt bad.
Each single thing you have written emotions of kid going through that was really bad, but you have written marvelous the whole section...
Raman has to beat suraj  to death, suraj ๐Ÿ˜กjust a cruel, even shagun just a jerk what kind of mother she is๐Ÿ˜ก ...

awesomely written...
waiting for next part soon ...
continue soon...

Khuarnav thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 9 years ago


Raman was too pissed off to even talk. He looked at his daughter as she struggled to talk and wondered what she might have been through all this time. He watched as she held on to Dev and Aryan's hands tightly almost as if she was drawing strength from them. He felt like he had failed as a dad because it was his job to protect his children and at the moment he was failing miserably.

Ishita who by now had tears in her eyes was so nervous but not for Ruhi because she knew Ruhi had found solace now but for Raman and what he might do. He was a very hot headed man and was one of those people who did things and thought about the consequences later. She looked at him as he kept on pacing up and down the room like a crazy person and knew he was going to do something stupid.

'Raman you need to calm down.'' Ishita said

'CALM DOWN? YOU'RE ASKING ME TO CALM DOWN? BY THE TIME I AM DONE WITH THAT SON OF A BITCH HIS GOING TO BE PLEADING WITH ME TO KILL HIM.'' Said Raman as he walked out of the room not being able to face his daughter's teary eyes

'Raman, Raman...'' Called out Ishita as she followed him

She finally caught up with him and stood in front of him saying

'What is the matter with you?'' she asked

'What is the matter wi... Are you seriously asking me that? We are leaving and going back home right now. I going to...'' But before he could finish Ishita said

'You're going to what? Kill him then what? You're here planning some bullshit revenge mission while your daughter is in there blaming herself for all sorts of things. I get that your pissed off and I want to rip that idiot myself but first you're a dad be that. Go back in there and hold your daughter because at the moment that is all she needs.'' Said Ishita as she looked at him

Raman understood Ishita was probably right but what she didn't understand that Raman was ashamed of himself. He had failed to protect his little girl and for that he blamed himself for whatever she went through. How was he supposed to face her after this, how was he supposed to look her in the eyes and tell her he would take care of her yet he failed her.

'I know how helpless one can be when they realize how much pain there child is in and yet they are helpless to do anything about it. I get that but you have to gather up all the courage in the world, walk in there and talk to your daughter. She needs to hear from you how much you care about her and love her. She needs to hear this for her sake and for your sake you need to say it.'' Said Ishita

Raman looked at Ishita and was quite surprised at what she said. It was like she understood what he was going through without him even saying a word. He slowly turned around and walked back into the room where he found Ruhi saying

'I told you Aryan papa will be angry. Please tell him am sorry, convince him for me. I was just scared I didn't mean to just keep quiet and let Aditya go there. Please just ...''

'Ruhi...'' called out Raman as he walked over to where she was sitting

'What ever happened it wasn't your fault. I do not blame you at all in fact I blame myself because I should have figured it out. I am the one who should say sorry for not protecting you but I promise I won't let anything like that happened to you ever again. I haven't been a very good papa but I promise it will change'' He added

'But Papa you always protect me, it was just you weren't there with me otherwise it never would have happened. You're a good papa, the best in the world because you're here now. I love you Papa'' Said Ruhi as she came down form the chair and hugged her dad

'I love you sweetie'' answered Raman as tears rolled down his face

Ishita looked at them and couldn't be any more proud of them both. Ruhi had this maturity about her, in fact one would say she was too mature for her own age and that trait was going to take her places. Raman wasn't good with expressing his emotions he would grumble or mumble under his breath but would never really say what he felt but when he it came to his children, everything was always laid bare for all to see.

She looked at them and said a little prayer asking God never to break this bond that father and daughter shared. She looked at Dev and Aryan and quietly asked them to leave the room such that Ruhi and Raman got their privacy. All of them together with Mrs. Iyer left the room as Ruhi and her Papa were still in each other's embrace.



'Look Mrs. Iyer I can't thank you enough for what you have done for me and my family especially my daughter. You have given her back to me and I am forever indebted to you.'' Said Raman

'You do not have to thank me at all. It was Aryan and Dev's plan and not forgetting Ishita who put this into motion a few months ago. She understood how close Ruhi and Aryan and so set things in motion. You wouldn't believe what those kids can do for each other.'' Said Mrs. Iyer

'Ishita set things in motion a month ago?'' said a shocked Raman

'Yeah 3 months to be exact, I was surprised you didn't know about it. You really think a circle of truth works overnight?'' Asked Mrs. Iyer

'I do not know may be.'' Answered Raman

'No! You have to create a rapport for someone to trust you enough to tell you their deepest fears, it doesn't happen overnight. I took in Ishita, Mihika and Jai when they were 14, 12, and 10 in that order but I know for a fact there is a part of their past they never talk about and have never told me about. Do you know how many circles of truth we have had? Countless and yet nothing, it is like they vowed never to talk about it. So I guess she figured if she and her siblings shared such a bond, Ruhi could as well with someone who was neutral thus Aryan and the fact that they hit it off the day they met just made it a bonus.'' Said Mrs. Iyer

'How come she didn't tell me anything?'' he said

'Would you have agreed?'' asked Mrs. Iyer who looked at Raman's reaction and said

'Look what is important is that your daughter is going to be fine, you need to take her to counselling though because she is going to need all the help she needs to forget this.'' Added Mrs. Iyers

'I know and I will get her that help. All the same thank you.'' Said Raman

'No problem anything for my lovely son-in-law although there is a way you could repay me'' said Mrs. Iyer

'Anything let me know.'' Said Raman

'Take care of my daughter for me. She is very strong and she can take on the world for everyone she loves but herself. I need you to be that for her. Be her sheild'' said Mrs. Iyer

'Mama is Ishita okay'' asked Raman who was surprised at her request

'Yeah she is but all am  saying is she is not here with me so I worry and I do not think many people understand her silence like I do. I think you're the only person I can say has gotten so close to making her break. So in these remaining what is it 1 year and 8 months of your marriage take care of her for me'' Said Mrs. Iyer

'Wha... I mean we are... I... HUH...?'' Said Raman as he struggled to find words to answer to what he was just told

'It's okay calm down I know why you paid her to marry you and I bizarrely get that'' Said Mrs. Iyer

Raman at a loss of words just looked at Mrs. Iyer and didn't have to courage to explain himself. She was a very sweet woman but also very scary when it came to her children. He couldn't believe Ishita had told her about their marriage. This was against their contract and she knew it so why would she do this?

'Oyi Raman can you please leave my room? I want to rest because I have a long day tomorrow. My granddaughter leaves tomorrow so I have to prepare before she leaves if you know what am saying.'' Said Mrs. Iyer

Raman understood how much Ruhi loved sweets prepared by her grandmother so he figured that is what she was talking about as Ruhi had asked for grand mom to park for her some

'Yeah sure please have a good night.'' He said before he got off the bed to go out the room but before he clocked the door he heard her say

'If you tell her I know about anything, I am so going to deny it.'' Before she turned off the lights

Raman closed the door wondering if Ishita didn't tell her, how in the world Mrs. Iyer found out about their marriage is a mystery. Did she hire someone to spy on them? But weirdly he understood her as well, all her children and been through a lot and being over protective and aware of everything is the way she slept at better at night. So he closed the door behind and went to kiss her daughter goodnight before he went upstairs to sleep as well.

Mihika,Jai and Ishita were upstairs packing and talking about everything and nothing. They were like three peas in a pod and loved each other to pieces. They were so different from each other and yet complimented each other so sweet. If someone didn't know they were adopted you would think they were blood siblings.

Mihika however worried the most about Ishita; maybe because she carried a lot of guilt and blamed herself for a lot of thing that happened to Ishita and there was no denying the fact that whenever something happened in Ishita's life, she was always there for when Ishita needed her.

Ishita was so different from Mihika, she was bold and too straight forward sometimes but this only happened in situations that were not a part of her life. When it came to herself, she usually opted to just keep quiet keeps things bottled up until she eventually got over it no matter how hard or how long it took. Mihika and Jai were usually the only two people that loved to pry in their sister's life no matter how she had she tried to keep quiet about it, they always found a way to tease her.

'Arre Jai did you see Mihika on the get together night.'' Said Ishita winking at her brother

'HUH... Haan I did. She looked beautiful and I have to say she was glowing. I wonder why.'' Said Jai

'It has to be because of the person who was standing beside her.'' Said Ishita

'Chup Karo'' said Mihika

'I always have to stand beside her on events how come she never glows like that.'' Said Jai

'I know but you see, Mihi... I mean the other person was just too hhmm whats the word Mihika'' said Ishita

'Oh ho look at her blush.'' Said Jai

'Jai I swear if you do not shut it am going to break your nose.'' Said Mihika

'This is crazy why don't you just tell Mihir that you like him.'' Said Ishita smilingly

'I know y'all have known eachother far too long to start acting like teenagers.'' Said Jai

'Don't you think I have tried to tell him. Each time I get the courage to tell him he flashs that gorgeous smile and the next thing I know I am dreaming of all the different thing i could do to those lips hmmm'' said Mihika

'Ew ewe w too much information ' said Jai as he put his hands on his ears

'Oh please don't you make out with your girlfriend?'' asked Mihika

'Well that is my girl, I do not want to imagine some dude kissing my sis'' said Jai

'His not some dude he is my dude. And kissing is the least of thing is want to do to him. Oh my god has you seen his tush I just want to ho...'' Said Mihika

'la la la la la la Okay that is my cue, goodnight Ishita, stay here with this crazy person.'' Said Jai as he walked out of the room hurriedly

Ishita was just laughing her lungs out because she knew Mihika loved annoying Jai and she was doing just that.

'you really need to stop saying all that to him you know.'' Said Ishita

'Oh please besides I wanted him to leave because I wanted us to talk.'' Said Mihika as she suddenly turned Serious

Raman on the other hand had already checked on Ruhi and was coming upstairs to his room when he ran into Jai

'Wow slow down are you okay.'' Asked Raman

'Those sisters of mine are crazy I swear'' he said as he continued to his room.

Raman watched him hurriedly walked away and chuckled a little wondering what his sisters were now teasing him about. He got to the door and heard Mihika talking and as curiosity has it, instead of walking in, he stood by the door and listened 

'I wanted... I mean to say...can I ask you something about Raman and you'' said Mihika

'Yeah what is it'' said Ishita as she continued folding Raman's clothes and putting them into the travel bag

'Well is everything with you and him okay? I mean are you two doing okay?'' Mihika asked

'Yeah we are. Why do you ask?'' said Ishita

'No listen to me, Are you and him okay?'' Mihika asked again

'And I said we are. Why are you asking me this?'' said Ishita. Mihika took her hand looked at her and said

'Ishita I mean are you two doing okay?

'If you're asking if him and I get along the yes we do.'' Ishita answered

'Do you like him?'' asked Mihika

'Of course I do. You think I would still be there if I didn't. He is not that bad actually and he is a good father.'' Replied Ishita as Raman stood on the door smiling like an idiot

'I swear you are the most clueless girl on the planet.'' Replied Mihika as she lightly slapped Ishita

'Ouch what is your problem?'' asked a confused Ishita

Mihika looked at her clueless sister and understood that being blunt was going to be the only way to get answers from her

'Are you in love with him?'' Mihika finally asked. Raman came closer to the door because even he wanted to find out what her answer would be

'I ... uhhh... I do not know. I do not think about him like that.'' Ishita replied

'Why not? He is your husband after all isn't he?'' asked Mihika

'Yeah well he is but under the circumstances I have no right to think of him that way.'' Replied Ishita

'Circumstances My Ass. You either do or do not. There is no in between'' replied Mihika

'Mihika seriously just leave it.'' Said Ishita

'Why is it that every time we talk about this you brush it off and ignore it.'' Said Mihika

'Kuch Bhi! Seriously let it go.'' Said Ishita

'What are you so afraid of? Why don't you let yourself go?'' asked Mihika

'I am letting myself go by asking you not to talk about this or I leave.'' Ishita answered and it was clearly visible she was getting uncomfortable

'Ishu, I have known you longer than most and I can tell when you are being evasive. Talk to me'' Said Mihika

'My marriage is not actually a marriage. It is a facade, an act I am being paid to do. I will do it to perfection and that will be it. What you're asking me to feel is out of the question.'' Ishita replied

'Why is that? You two still have... what... A year and half may be more left to be married isn't it? Just enjoy It.'' said Mihika.

She looked at Ishita and could not help but feel frustrated because she knew her sister more than anyone else and also knew that this whole money reason was not working anymore. It was a bunch of bull that even they themselves didn't believe anymore.

'Does he know you paint?'' she asked as Raman mouthed 'paint? Ishita no! really?''

'No he doesn't. I have never told him.'' Ishita replied

'Why not'' Mihika asked

'Because it never came up'' replied Ishita

'Did you tell him about Abhimanyu'' Asked Mihika as Raman curiously waited for an answer

'No I didn't and what does he have to do with anything?'' asked Ishita

'He has everything to do with everything and you know it.'' Said Mihika

'Look I never told him because he didn't need to know. I don't meddle into his past he doesn't meddle in mine and that is his rule not mine so please, Seriously Mihika drop this'' said Ishita who seemed like she was getting irritated

'No I won't. This whole money bullshit reason you give for your staying married doesn't make sense and quite frankly I do not buy it.'' Said Mihika

'But I did get married because we needed the money. And that is not a lie.'' Said Ishita

'Yes I agree but then why are you still married to him?'' Asked Mihika

'I do not know what you mean.'' Replied Ishita knowing full well she was lying through her teeth

'Two months after you got married I know you sold five of your paintings through Abhimanyu and you made more than enough money to cater for the debt dad was in and also cater for mom's hospital expenses. To be honest I was surprised when I found out about it. That the paintings you have so strictly asked Mamma and Papa not to even think about displaying you sold them.'' Said Mihika

'Mihik...'' Ishita tried to say but Mihika was not having any of it

'When Abhimanyu told me it was he who had managed to convince you to sell them and the money that came out of them I could not believe it. But I could not complain because it was that very same money that you used to take care of us, that trip to Africa and also save our home. You did not want Raman or dad to know so you told Abhimanyu to say the money came from him and some bogus organization.'' Said Mihika

'How did you ...'' Ishita said before she got interrupted

'Keep quiet I am not done. I know you Ishita and I know you never do something you do not want to do regardless of circumstances. You may have married Raman because you wanted money but that is not the reason you stayed married to him. You two will be married for 2 year in 8 or 6 months from now. Can you genuinely stand on your two feet and tell me the reason your still by his side is because of that stupid remaining 1.5 million?'' asked Mihika

'What do you want me to say? 1.5 Million Is a lot of money'' Ishita answered with tears in her eyes

'Oh really is that why you two were making out in the garden?'' asked Mihika

'Wha... What ... I do not know what you are talking about.'' Said Ishita

'Really! So it wasn't you and him in the garden kissing then who was it?'' said Mihika knowing full well her sister was playing dumb

'I do not know, you know that gate isn't as secure anymore, we need to talk to Baba jay to fix it.'' Said Ishita as she tried to walk away

'Ishita do not play dumb it doesn't suit you. I was there in the garden I saw you. I am the one who asked Baba jay to come to the garden to tell you it was getting late.'' Said Mihika

'Okay fine but that had nothing to do with anything.'' Said Ishita

'How is him kissing you nothing?'' said Mihika

'We are two very lonely hot blooded heterosexual human beings in a romantic setting alone what the hell did you think was going to happen? Besides, that was just a spur of the moment thing that is never going to happen again.'' Said Ishita who desperately tried to hide the hurt she was feeling

'Oh is that so?'' said Mihika

'Yeah it is so. Now stop being Bobby Jassos and get someone else to interrogate.'' Said Ishita

Mihika just wanted to smack her sister. She wasn't the kind of person to meander in people's business but Ishita was her business. They have been through the unthinkable together and Mihika knew Ishita believes she didn't deserve to be happy.  She always said she was doom's favorite toy as all bad things begun with her before they spread to the rest of the world that is why she got a raw deal every single time something bad happened but this time she was wrong as fate had finally come good that's why she met Raman.

If there was any a time Ishita had to realize she was wrong, it was today. Raman was not the type of man who kissed women randomly lonely or not, that didn't make sense. There was something there and knowing her sister, she probably shut it down before it even begun.

'You know what annoys me Ishita is the fact that you have this notion that you do not deserve to be happy. You're under the illusion that you being happy is some kind of taboo. I know you have feelings for him you do a pretty good job of hiding it but I know you. What you're doing for Ruhi is not just for her but for him as well. I see the way you look at him and I know you have feelings for him. Your face lights up when he walks into the room and when he taunts you, you pretend that you're mad at him but you actually like it for some bizarre reason. He makes you happy, why can't you just be happy'' Mihika said

'I am happy with the way things are.'' Said Ishita as the battle to hide her tears was lost

'Bullshit! I do not buy that. Just admit that you more about him than you admit, you more than like him.'' Said Mihika

'I can't and am guessing you going to ask why so I will save your breath and tell you why. Because if I admit it, then I have to feel it and if I feel it eventually I will have to say it out and if I say it out loud I am just going to end up being hurt because I know for a fact that he will never feel the same way about me.'' Ishita admitted

Mihika watched as her sister struggled to find words and she knew she had hit the right button

'Why do you say that'' Asked Mihika

'He is a good man Mihika. Do you know how rare those are? He can be short tempered and a little too much sometimes but he is a good man and loyal too. Any other life time it would be a possibility but not this one.'' Said Ishita with tears in her eyes

'Ish... Ishu... Oh My God...'' Said Mihika who understood exactly what her sister was talking about

'I wouldn't fall in love with me so why would I expect anyone else to. Am damaged goods Mihika and if he ever fell in love again, it should be with someone worth it and clean.'' She said as she took a deep breath and cleaned her tears saying

'Mihika I know you worry about me a lot and I would do anything for you to take that away, you know that. But what you're asking of me today, I can't do.'' Added Ishita

'I didn't mean to remind you of...'' but before Mihika could finish Ishita said

'Oh stupid it is okay. I am genuinely happy with what I got I swear.''

'Are you sure?'' asked worried Mihika

'Yes... Now come on help me pack before Raman comes to sleep and the room is still a mess'' said Ishita as Mihika got off the bed and stared helping Ishita to pack


Raman who was still standing on the door had a mixture of emotions running through him and a lot of questions

  •     Who the hell was Abhimanyu
  •      What paintings
  •      Money? So is Ishita loaded and if so why is she still married and making him believe it is because of money that she is still married to him
  •      What the hell happened in her past that she talks about herself like that, like she doesn't even love herself


CHAPTER FOURTEEN; http://www.india-forums.com/forum_posts.asp?TID=4241564&TPN=31&#p118782659

Edited by Khuarnav - 9 years ago
kathyinae thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago

Convo btwn mihika & ishitha written amazingly
Waiting for nxt update to
Know ishitha 's past
N.R.Rona thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
Mihikaa...its like some criminal interrogation..loved it..n i want raman to go into the depth f it n confess their feelings..really it was damn excellent..while reading the ishu miku convo..my hairs stood up..you are damn great a writer..
AdventureGirl14 thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 9 years ago
Beautiful update.. Ishita is truly selfless.. She has done everything in her power to help Ruhi and Raman, yet she has to battle her demons on her own๐Ÿ˜ญ
Loved how Mihika tried to coax her into admitting her feelings for Raman.. and now that Raman has an inkling that she does like him, I hope he leaves no stone unturned in giving her all the happiness she deserves๐Ÿ˜ณ
prachi_vrushan thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Networker 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
awesome update
ishita n mihika's convo was superb
im having d same questions which raman have
prati_25 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
Intresting and awesome update..!!
Loved it..

avni_19 thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 9 years ago
Ohhh myyy the conversation between mihika and Ishita ws beautifully and amazingly written. Lots of pain and hurt yet ishu is nt able to conclude her feelings for raman!

And Raman eavesdropping and getting more confused was fantastic part! Atleast he will strt thinking n helping ishita n get more closer to her!

Cont soon. I loved it! Waiting!
Anum_says thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
Even i want to know the answers of this question
usaonly thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
What a wonderful update many of the problem almost solve in one chapter. I don't know how you can wrie  2 story in the sme time and differnt concept and both are very powerful story. Love you dear.Back to this story now Raman can hear what Ishu think and had done for him not for his money. Still puzzle what is her dark part that she want to keep her heart away from Raman. It is getting better day by day. Will wait for your update. Thank you.๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘