ArHi ff 'SEARCH' thread 2 PART 21 on PAGE 42 (26/02/2015) - Page 18


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Pinky.Raizada thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 9 years ago
Update this very soon. I miss this so much. I read chapter 19 like 5 times now. 😊
searchoffriends thumbnail
Anniversary 15 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 9 years ago
Thanks a lot guys i have done writing this ff will update this by tonight
Pinky.Raizada thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 9 years ago

Originally posted by: searchoffriends

Thanks a lot guys i have done writing this ff will update this by tonight

God bless you my darling, I have been waiting for this for a long time. THANK YOU..😊
madhu1210 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 9 years ago
Welcome back dear ..

Eagerly looking forward for the updates
searchoffriends thumbnail
Anniversary 15 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 9 years ago
part 19 on page 29


Khushi rushed out of her room and went towards arnav room, she cant wait for her answers she got inside but arnav was not there

He was nowhere in his room, she went near the table where arnav photo frame was kept picking arnav photo she just looking at him

"I am sorry for hurting you arnav sir, but I knew it was not possible even if I wanted I can never leave you I am sorry for saying this I am sorry" said khushi tears again forming in her eyes she felt so helpless she needed to talk with him Khushi searching for arnav

Here arnav was standing on the terrace, thinking of today incident whatever he said to naina his mother, it was nothing rude or wrong in what he said cause he just said the truth, and what he felt he knew naina will never realize her mistakes even after this but somewhere he felt relief

And as for khushi he wanted to shout and tell her everything he felt but he just didn't said anything maybe this need some more time one thing that he was sure of was that khushi was his and only his now and whatever happens he is going to get her in his life forever he wished khushi understand his feelings are for her and only her

He was looking up in the sky when he felt someone coming near him, he didn't needed to turn and look cause he knew that it was her, her mere presence near him can make his heart beat more fast

"something really interesting and fascinating in that sky" said khushi coming near him and standing by his side

"yes the stars they are fascinating and you knew the interesting part they are the best silent listeners, who will quietly listen to all your feelings and will never interrupt or move or misjudge you" said arnav looking at khushi who was looking at him with meaning

"thats cause they are starts and not humans, a human being who is bound to do mistakes, but the same way its human nature to forget and forgave that mistakes" said khushi looking at him

"I think its too late you shall be with krish this time" said arnav

"that's what I am saying its too late, its too late to go back lets just get it straight I knew whatever I said was wrong and I really didn't meant whatever I said, even if I wanted I could have never got the power to leave, it would be easy to stay away from breathing then to stay away from krish for me I can never go away from here even if I wanted" said khushi guilty on her said words

 "oh so you cant leave krish and its only krish you wanted to live with" said arnav sarcastically "good , good for you and don't worry khushi I will never attempt to get you away from krish" said arnav specifically mentioning krish name

Khushi knew what arnav meant with this even she was irritated here she wanted to apologize and confess out loud that its not only krish but even him that she cant live without now but here again everything getting messy

Arnav was now keenly looking at khushi changing expression from confusion to irritation to desperation and ultimately to anger it was so funny anyone can guess what all she was thinking

"so is there something else you wanted to talk, cause I need to sleep" said arnav turning to leave

"sleep here my mind is banging and my whole world is turning upside down in confusion and you want to have a good night sleep" said khushi irritated

"ya its too late night now and I think that normal people usually sleep at this time until you are an exception" said arnav enjoying the way khushi was trying so hard to talk and her reactions

"normal people, well normal people are those who usually even speak straight forward and not give misleading and confusing statements all the time so that other person just keep on wondering what you actually meant" said khushi

"are you talking to me" said arnav

"no I am talking to the sky or to the walls, when other than me there is only one person standing here on the terrace and that's you then its so obvious that I am talking to you, cause till now I am not that crazy that I talk to myself" said khushi in anger blabbering all this and what not  

"whats your problem khushi why are you so irritated and confused" said arnav smiling folding his hands and leaning on the wall behind enjoying khushi abnormal behavior

"whats my problem , whats your problem why don't you ever talk straight and always replying in puzzles and riddles, as in think for yourself guess yourself kind, why don't you tell me straight for whom you were talking last night when I thought you were talking with lavanya" said khushi immediately she wanted to ask this for so long but here arnav was just messing up this serious situation

"oh so this is what you wanted to ask for so long, so why don't you ask straight forward what was the need to just twist and turn all this so much talking of stars , sky , normal abnormal etc" said arnav normally still leaning casually with the wall

"I wanted to ask this it was you who was confusing it all anyways can you answer it to me straight now, who is that girl sir" said khushi calming herself first and then holding her breath for the coming reply

"by the way why are you so interested in knowing about her, whats the reason for your keeping so keen interest in my life suddenly" said arnav still so normally and here somewhere this cheeky smile and casual behavior of arnav was irritating khushi more but still taking a deep breath to calm herself
"no actually I just wanted to knew, just in general" said khushi trying to hide her real intentions

"general that's all and you think I will tell you the truth just in this general enquiry" said arnav looking at khushi face right now she looked the most cutest person even more cute then her own son correction again their son , so now arnav knew from where did krish got this acute cuteness from and this cuteness was even making alive the wild side in him how he wanted to embrace her in his arms tightly and shower her with his love and let his actions tell her who that girl actually is

While here it was getting on heights of khushi's patience but she knew she need to be calm and if arnav is not replying there is no need to talk further she need to think another way out
"alright if you don't want to answer I think I shall leave then" said khushi turning back to leave it here

When suddenly she felt arnav holding her hand tightly and she stopped in the middle her back facing him she didn't had the powers ahead to even turn towards him he was still holding her hand nor she protested neither she made any attempt to free herself she just got rooted at her place

"why don't you just say what you want to hear cause you also knew the truth" said arnav making his hold more tight and here khushi heart beating so fast increasing her nervousness even more

"sir I, let me go I don't knew anything" said khushi nervously trying to free herself

"you do, you knew that there is only one girl in my house and in my life" said arnav moving ahead still not leaving her hand and came standing straight in front of her looking straight at her while khushi looking away everywhere but not at him

"and I think you knew that girl really well don't you khushi" said arnav ahead intensely and coming near her

While khushi also just looking in arnav captivated with his eyes so lost in him , she stopped struggling or  saying anything the moment his eyes met with her

So was arnav they both were so lost in each other none cared of anything else other than they being together  

Arnav came more closer to her cupping her face in his hands

"it was you it had always been you just you" said arnav looking straight in her eyes "I wanted to tell all this to you for so long I should have told you this long ago cause it was you from the time I first time saw you or when you were with me as a friend at that time I didn't realized that the happiness I am getting in my life was with you and only cause of you" said arnav with so much intensity and tears were forming in khushi eyes as well but she didn't wanted to stop arnav here she wanted to hear each and every feelings he was expressing for her but something that he said ahead made her fall back on earth from her dream land

"and see today even destiny gave me all my happiness through you cause out of each and every girl in the whole world it was you and just you who became mother for my child who gave me the most beautiful happiness in this world who gave me krish" said arnav but his intentions were not to give khushi the hint of something which she thought of it

The mere mention of krish put her back on the real world

"I am the only girl in your life cause I am krish mother, no sir this is wrong if you are saying all this or doing all this just cause I am krish mother than please sir don't do this to me, or to yourself" said khushi normally

"I don't knew what are you thinking but I am clear with my feelings khushi and do you really think that I am saying you all this cause I am compromising somewhere with the fact that you are krish mother and so to keep my son happy with me I am including you in your life than I am sorry to say you this khushi that you are absolutely wrong, this is wrong khushi I genuinely said what I felt for you cause of what you are in my life other then krish mother" said arnav feeling little hurt somewhere but he understand khushi point of view as well

"here I am talking about that feeling that you also have for me, I am talking about my heart that start beating more fast being near you just like yours beating right now" said arnav getting more close to khushi and feeling her fasten heartbeat in nervousness due to his closeness

"I need to go krish is sleeping all alone in the room he will be scared if he wakes" said khushi stammering a little and moving back in nervousness as she turned arnav again holding her hand to stop and khushi immediately freezing  at her point

"8 years ago SK college, a fresher wearing a pink ladies suit entering her college, nervousness of her first day of college, today also that girl having the same expression of being nervous, noting changed just nothing" said arnav still holding her hand knowing well that there would be hundreds of questions running in khushi mind right now

"since 8 years that one face that one look have never left me alone it was always there in my memory or maybe in my heart at that time I never realized this feeling but now I knew that this feelings is actually called love just the real love, I knew I took long long time to realize what my hearts wanted to say but not anymore, and it was always you khushi it always have been you, we were destined to meet no matter how, I need to tell you that I love you I loved only you since the first time I saw your face I loved you even before krish came in our life and from the time we met again or from the time we were just friends I loved you and just you" said arnav coming ahead in front facing her while she was standing like a statue not reacting much

"khushi I cant live without you, now I cant imagine a life without you, I am tired khushi I am tired of this lonely life where I don't have anything that's mine now I want you in my life I want you as mine, I want my family which starts from you and only you can complete this" said arnav cupping her face again "tell me khushi will you be a part of my life"  said arnav looking at her  

While she was quite she was still confused with this new information and over that arnav was asking her yes or no what can she say but their conversation were abruptly disturbed by hooding and as khushi saw back aakash and payal were standing behind them cheering for arnav she immediately stepped back feeling so embarrassed

"comeon khushi just say yes or no" said aakash smiling coming ahead while arnay irritated with the disturbance turned towards aakash

"you what are you both doing here" said arnav irritated

"why cant we come to your house or it is that now that you have khushi your friends are nothing to you" said payal teasing

"just stop it didn't you got any other time to come" said arnav irritated

"ya right it was perfect timing wow arnav I never knew you can talk so romantically as well it was so sweet proposal but khushi we are still waiting for your answer" said payal smiling coming ahead

"I need to go krish will wake he is alone in the room" said khushi finding a perfect excuse to escape and she just running down without even looking back knowing well that aakash and payal kept on calling her again and again just to tease her

Khushi came back to her room and closing the door she just cant stop herself from blushing she don't knew what was happening after the time arnav was so close to her, somewhere she thank god for sending aakash and payal that she got a perfect chance to leave cause she don't knew what to say ahead she was literally on clouds nine right now, it was not any dream it was in real that arnav just said all this to her, he loved her, she didn't lost her love , her sadness her pain changes completely in happiness right now what matter her the most was that arnav loves her

And here arnav along with aakash and payal came down in the hall

"finally you knew since yesterday we were waiting for your call to knew the good news that finally you and khushi are together but when we didn't got any call we had no other option but to visit here but I am happy that you said her everything even if little late but finally you did" said aakash smiling

"and cause of you she left like this without giving any reply" said arnav irritated

"I never knew that once this day will come that you will curse us to meet you I never knew you will change so much arnav" said aakash

"oh please now you can end your drama and leave I have some work" said arnav

"yes offcourse we knew whats yours important work and we don't intend to disturb you in  that so we both are already leaving" said aakash

"what was the need for you to even come at first place you spoilers" said arnav

"I hate you arnav that's so rude" said payal while turning back "oh by the way do inform us later over what khushi said" said payal finally leaving


Arnav rushed towards khushi room and knocking again and again while khushi just standing quietly in one side she was to shy to open the door right now, since the time she entered the room she was blushing remembering how close arnav was with her and she could just not face him over again not atleast so early

"khushi open the door , khushi I knew you are not sleeping yet" said arnav "I have already said whatever I wanted and I am waiting for your reply and I am not going to leave until you reply" said arnav

"arnav sir its too late krish is also sleeping you should go and rest" said khushi blushing from inside standing near the locked door

"I don't think you are taking me seriously khushi cause when I confessed my love for you I was really serious and now also I am very serious when I am telling that I wont leave till I get my reply tell me khushi you love me or not just say yes once and I will leave" said arnav

While khushi opening the door as his banging could wake krish and she quietly getting out

"sir please leave I cant talk right now" said khushi slowly making sure krish don't get disturb

"yes or no khushi" said arnav again

"not now please" said khushi looking away

While arnav holding her both arms and making her face him looking directly in her eyes

"yes or no" said arnav again

"I cant I just cant" said khushi looking away scared again with this closeness but blushing as well over what shall she say

"I knew you also feel the same for me khushi the care the concern everything its so clear in your eyes what you feel than why are you not telling me, why" said arnav making her more closer

While khushi just looking away in nervousness she knew her feelings she knew that he also loves arnav just the way he did and this she have realized long back when she thought she almost lost him, his care concern and over everything the way he always looks at her with so much love have already made khushi fall in love with him long ago, and today after his clear confession even khushi knew her feelings but just this close proximity and intensity was making her more and more nervous to reply him straight and over that she was too shy to confess so openly her feelings for him

And maybe all this arnav also understand but somewhere he knew that its high time that she shall also open her heart in front of him, they have already missed so much time in this realizations and nervousness but now he just wanted to be straight but then looking at khushi as she was constantly blushing in nervousness, for him its been high time but for khushi all this was so new and the way she was reacting blushing it was killing him he felt so much urge to hug her tight and just stay close to her  

And he didn't wasted a single minute taking her close in his embrace hugging her tightly rubbing her back as if calming her nervousness away while khushi also didn't objected she let arnav stay close to her and she herself closing her eyes just feeling his love

"ok khushi if you don't want to say I wont force you anymore, for me what matter the most is that you are here with me I don't want anything else just a promise khushi that you will stay with me forever, promise me that you will never leave me my life will be nothing without you" said arnav getting out of the hug and facing her again

"you aren't going anywhere" said arnav again waiting for her reply

"no I am not I cant leave anything that I have now" said khushi looking at him in assurance

"I love you khushi I will love you forever, we will stay together and love our baby we will be a perfect family" said arnav hugging her again while khushi also didn't wanted to waste more time in confessing her feelings ahead, arnav love and concern have taken away all her nervousness

"I love" and as khushi was about to say ahead they both were disturbed with a loud crying voice

"krish" said khushi ahead immediately

"what you love only krish" said arnav irritated getting out of hug

"sir leave me krish is crying, I need to check" said khushi trying to get inside the room as arnav was still holding her

"my son have got a perfect timing" said arnav leaving her and following khushi inside the room

While khushi rushed towards the baby and picking him up calming him

"its ok krish mumma is here now, stop crying I am here with you, maybe he got scared as he was alone in the room" said khushi calming him hugging him tight

"give him to me I will handle him" said arnav taking krish from khushi

"now why are you crying so much here I was planning to make your mother permanent with us forever and you disturbed in the middle with your perfect timing infact it shall be me who should cry" said arnav telling all this politely while krish was still crying

"sir you are not calming him infact you are making him cry even more" said khushi irritated

"what I don't think so look I have made him quite" said arnav looking at really calmed krish in his arms

"whatever sir I think its late too late you should go and sleep" said khushi carefully taking krish from arnav arms

"don't you feel that krish looked really calmed with me why are you taking him away from me cant I stay with my son for one night" said arnav not letting krish go

"staying with krish for whole night where, here" asked khushi in disbelief

"offcourse here, where else I think this is my house and my son's room and I don't need anyone's permission to stay with him do I" said arnav normally patting krish softly so that he goes back to sleep

While khushi was just standing there confused what to say ahead she don't have any other choice other than just sitting quietly in one side watching arnav holding krish and marching right left in the room caressing the little baby so cutely
It was so fun watching the father and son who were getting so well bonded, khushi was just not able to take her eyes off from them both but then again her mind got drifted to the conversation they had just few minutes ago, arnav have just proposed her he had openly confessed his love for her its not something that was absolutely unexpected for khushi, she have seen and noticed the changes in her and arnav relation with each passing day and not even arnav but she was also sure about her feelings for arnav by now she also knew that she loves him wholeheartedly she cannot imagine a life without him anymore she knew arnav was waiting for her this reply and she will also not make him wait for very long soon she will also confess her feelings to him

But right now she was just busy in observing arnav's each move his posture his care the way he was protectively carring krish so carefully the contentment and happiness on his face she cant neglect the fact that arnav was surely a man with god gifted charm along with his captivating eyes and pure heart he have even got really appealing and attracting physical looks, he was quite handsome and charming physically and right now this was something khushi was thinking for the first time till now she have just thought of  arnav heart his feelings , his nature that had made her fall in love with him but right now for the time being noticing his outer appearance she cant stop herself from getting unintentionally blushed off remembering all the time they have came close to each other specifically that morning incident when she slipped over him when arnav was sleeping how much close they have got and even today at terrace when they were so close imagining all that Goosebumps started forming in her stomach  

She was so lost in her own world that she didn't even noticed that krish was back in deep sleep and arnav have already made him laid back in his bed

"khushi I knew you cant stop yourself from checking me out but right now I personally feel that its too late and it wont be good if I stay here for more than this" said arnav breaking khushi trance of thoughts and making her attentive all of a sudden of the situation she looked everywhere and found krish sleeping in his place and arnav standing just so near him bending down towards her so close again making her conscious she immediately moved back in nervousness and like always losing her balance and arnav like a hero holding her from her waist preventing her from falling
They both again lost in each other eyes for sometime and this time it was arnav who came out of the trance leaving her and making her stand properly

"Good night khushi" said arnav moving back and going out leaving khushi in her trance

The whole night past on with so many different feelings in two hearts here arnav on one side slept with contentment that he said all he wanted
While for khushi whole night passed in remembering all that arnav said but then started confusion when she remembered his mention of khushi in college he have seen her but she never did , she never even noticed him but how he saw her and what else was the story behind all that she was now getting curious with this she wanted many more answers from arnav yet , she cant wait for the morning to come so that she can ask arnav everything


Next day

A great start of a new life

Naina raizada was still in the same house but she was just a non required person so she preferred to leave early morning for Delhi after what all arnav said she knew arnav will not come in her saying and words ever again she knew she have lost all her controls, her last option was that maybe it she leave the place for sometime maybe arnav anger will go and he will again start listening to her

So she left early morning meeting arnav once but it really didn't effected arnav much this time

Arnav also didn't wanted but he had no choice he have to go to office he got ready for office and came near krish and khushi room knocking many times but when didn't got any reply he entered the room only to find krish still sleeping in his place it was his round two of sleep krish usually wakes up once in early morning every day after getting ready and having his breakfast he again went to sleep by this time kids have there own kind of routines they love waking at odd times and prefer sleeping at the time when normal people work

Arnav was checking the whole room khushi was not in the room maybe she was in the washroom

Arnav went near sleeping krish he was truly the angel of arnav's life from the time he came he brought with him all the happiness for arnav , he was looking to cute sleeping arnav caressing his head and bending a little near him lightly kissing him on his head wishing his son a good morning , arnav loves to watch krish face as the first thing in the morning

When he was busy in loving his son only then khushi came out of the washroom wearing a simple red ladies suit drying her wet hairs, arnav looked up and was dazed off in her she just had her bath her hairs were all wet she looked breathtaking so pure so natural without any artificial looks or makeup, she was the most beautiful girl arnav have ever seen

Arnav was not able to stop his urge to come near her and he walking close to her and khushi was just watching him coming near her she was already nervous the moment she saw arnav in the room, she just came out like this unknown that arnav was there

She was not wearing her dupatta and suddenly this made her more conscious she looking everywhere searching for that as she left it out

Arnav also noticed what she was thinking and so he went near her, picking her red dupatta from the dressing table and coming very near to khushi covering her properly with her dupatta in such a way that he was half hugging her coming very near to her right ears

"good morning khushi" said arnav in her ears it was more of a whisper khushi closed her eyes immediately feeling his hot breath on her face he was so near her and the next act of his shocked her to wits when she felt him lightly kissing her on his cheeks

Arnav also didn't intended to do that but being so near to her he cant control himself and end up kissing her lightly on her cheeks and saw khushi eyes popped up in shock she looked so cute

"now that's really perfect morning, I was leaving for office so thought of wishing morning to my family, take care I will be back soon" said arnav smiling seeing khushi still standing like a statue

He marched back out of the room giving one last look at khushi he left for work

While here khushi came out of shock after he left touching her cheeks where arnav just kissed her , this mere thought was making her blush over and over again her life have taken a complete u turn in just one day, she was so happy finally everything was getting perfect and right in its place now just her confession was left, she have to be more strong to say all her feelings to arnav and even get many replies from him, in this sudden meting she again got so lost in him that she didn't asked him anything

She wanted so many answers of her past from arnav and today she will get all her replies

The day in office was so boring for arnav he was so impatient he was in no mood to work all the time he just got to remember khushi and her face specially the morning incident

The moment he closes his eyes he got to see her as he saw her in the morning and he kissed her, he just wanted to be with her again


Here aakash was working on some file and arnav was busy in her thoughts , aakash was noticing it well and he cant stop himself from teasing him

"arnav I think we shall publish an article that we wont a new caretaker for your son" said aakash normally

Arnav was also so confused for what aakash meant

"caretaker why do we need someone to take care of krish when khushi is there for him" said arnav in confusion

"no we really need it , we really need one or else we will lose all our business" said aakash

"aakash I don't have time for your irritating and sense less chat" said arnav in confusion

"no arnav I personally feel that we need to set khushi free from krish job" said aakash

"aakash have you lost it khushi is krish mother and taking care of krish is no job for her, not anymore you knew this than why are you even saying that" said arnav in anger , khushi was no more an employ or worker , she have all rights over krish

"arnav I am just saying that we need someone to take care of krish so that khushi remains free to take care of someone who really needs her now, earlier she left her job to became full time care taker for krish now she needs to get some time out from krish so that she can be here to take care of you" said aakash smiling

"shut up aakash that was really funny" said arnav irritated

"no its  not funny arnav cause since morning you are doing nothing just thinking of khushi so I think if she will be near you in the office than maybe you can work for sometime as well and maybe our business can survive for sometime , cause like this you are not working at all" said aakash teasing arnav

"why are you worrying do much aakash even if I am not atleast you are here to work I am sure you can take care of everything" said arnav

"so that means you are actually going to stay here and do nothing just think and dream of khushi" said aakash

"no actually that means that I am not even going to stay here, its you who is going to handle all the work today cause I am going back" said arnav getting up from his place and ready to leave

"arnav but what about our meetings" said aakash calling him back

"take care yourself aakash bye" said arnav finally leaving

And aakash cant help himself from smiling he was personally so happy to see arnav happy he also want him to take this break from work and stay happy with his new family that is more important for him right now

Arnav left from the office early and immediately rushed back home


Khushi just made krish sit in his toy area where she have kept few balls, teddies, and some other soft toys which krish loves to play with, while she was busy in keeping his clothes properly in the closet,

Arnav came in room and quietly went in standing just on khushi back , she was busy to notice but krish saw him coming in, but when he went towards khushi and not came near him to play krish started calling him in excitement

"bunny  , bunny my bunny krish bunny" krish just calling him cutely to come near him

"krish play with your toys I told you your bunny is not here you can play with him in evening" said khushi without turning thinking that arnav will again be here with them in the evening since morning khushi was just thinking and thinking of him

"you wish once and I will be here with you anytime" said arnav lightly from her back coming near her and khushi in shock moved back immediately but as arnav was standing very near to her she bumped in him and arnav holding her protectively again they were lost in each other and their trance this time was distracted with krish clapping and calling sounds

This time they both completely forget that their son was also with them witnessing their romance and smiling and clapping seeing his parents together as if he also understands everything, arnav and khushi part away from each other seeing krish

arnav watch krish so excited seeing him he cant stop himself from coming forward and holding krish in his arms loving and caressing his son while krish also loves to get all this special care and attention

"bunny bunny , park" said krish smiling and with his hands pointing towards the exit door of the room

"park my baby wants to go to park, alright we will go together in the garden" said arnav smiling

"krish baby I will take you with me outside your bunny must have some work" said khushi

"who said you I have some work, I came here specially for my son to spend some quality time with my family" said arnav normally smiling looking at krish and then at khushi

"if you want you can also come with us cause me and my son are going together for a little outing" said arnav smiling and marched out with krish but just at exit "me and my son both want you to accompany us cause none of us is complete without you" said arnav smiling

While khushi happily following them , not only they even she is absolutely incomplete without both of them

"sir we were going in park so why are you sitting in the car" said khushi confused

"yes we are going out in the garden but not our house lawn infact today I am talking krish to that garden where we met for the first time, me and my son have very nice memories of that place together" said arnav smiling sitting on the driving seat and as khushi came and sat on the other side she took krish from arnav so that he can drive

All three reached the public garden it was already evening the garden was filled with peoples some walking some old age people chatting some just sitting and many kids were playing there it was a kind of little picnic place

Krish and khushi came out and went inside and arnav parking the car and then followed them inside

"bubbles yee mumma bubble" said krish clapping happily and pointing towards a man selling soap bubbles he was blowing bubbles and krish was happily watching it

"krish you like it, you want more wait I will get I for him" said arnav coming ahead and getting one set for himself khushi took krish with him in one side and sat on bench while arnav came there blowing bubbles in front of krish and krish just enjoying and clapping and trying to catch the bubbles with his tiny hands but the moment he tried touching them it blow off all the time the same process got repeated but still he was enjoying it, khushi just calmly watching arnav and krish play with such small thing and being so happy

"can I ask you something" said khushi normally

"I think I have given you all the rights on me yesterday so you don't need this permission from me now" said arnav smiling still playing with krish

"tell me the full story about the college, how you saw me and how come I don't knew anything about it" said khushi curiously watching arnav

"I was still wondering how come since yesterday you didn't asked anything about it, I knew this was coming you ask whatever you want I will tell you" said arnav normally smiling

"ok so full story" said khushi

"what do you mean by full story its no story I am telling you khushi I am telling you the reality of my life , oh correction our life, and as I already said you I was a senior in the same college and I was coincidently present in the same college on your first day, I saw you entering the gate the way you came your nervousness for first day I was watching it all and I don't know why I was more curious to know about you, maybe that is something called love at first sight that one moment was enough to bind my destiny with you" said arnav looking straight at khushi

"but I never saw you" said khushi confused

"I knew cause you were always so lost and busy in yourself and maybe I never let you knew, I stayed in India for two months before leaving for higher studies, and many times I saw you in the college" said arnav

"that's all, that was all" said khushi

"yes what else I knew there was something that was connected me to you, I liked watching you I loved the innocence the smile on your face it made me stay more happy, you were so full of life but then I have to leave maybe at that time I was more confused or coward that I never let my heart tell me that I was already in love with you and should have never left you at that time, only if I would have shown a little courage at that time and came ahead in front of you then our lifes would have been different" said arnav looking at khushi still lost in her thoughts

"khushi come back here look whatever happened was past lets just think that our destiny wanted this phase to come in our life that's why it parted us still made us stay connected in form of krish" said arnav looking at krish

 "ice cream" said arnav looking at khushi still lost in her thoughts but got back when arnav called her

"what sir" said khushi in confusion

"you want to have ice cream" asked arnav again

"cream cream krish cream" said krish jumping high in khushi lap I excitement to have an ice cream

"no krish , no ice cream for you" said khushi with authority and our little baby face fell down in disappointment

"khushi if krish want let him have one" said arnav defending krish as he didn't liked the little baby excitement to get away like this

"no ways sir he is too small to have ice cream he will catch cold" said khushi

"oh come on now khushi, just a little wont effect much you wait I will just get it" said arnav  smiling moving away to the other side where there were shops for ice cream

Here khushi sitting along with krish who was giving khushi his cute smile cause he knew his demand was about to get fulfilled

"naughty boy , you are getting really stubborn now cause all your wishes are getting fulfilled" said khushi pinching and tickling him playing with him and krish also laughing and playing with khushi

Both mother and son were enjoying themselves alone walking around randomly when khushi eyes fell on one corner of the garden in which they were it was a crowded place still khushi in one glimpse recognized the people she was seeing

In one corner of the garden  a group of few mens was standing and having a keen eye on khushi, and as khushi saw towards them she immediately recognized whose mans were they

Suddenly all her happiness smile, changed into nervousness then tension and ultimately in fear

Khushi was just standing at her place rooted holding krish tightly she knew that the mans who were watching on her were his guards that means he came to knew that she was here , she was scared and lost in her assumptions when she heard arnav voice

"where did you went I was searching for you both, here have your ice cream" said arnav holding two cones of ice cream handling one to khushi but then looking at her she looked little scared, arnav got alarmed immediately

"khushi what happen you are looking tensed are you alright" arnav asked again

"no I mean I am not alright I want to go from here, lets go back please sir can we leave" said khushi in nervousness

"khushi what is it, look tell me what happened" arnav asked again this time more seriously

"sir we can talk later as well right now can we leave from here please I request you lets go" said khushi and without waiting for arnav to reply or react she turned back and started moving towards the exit where their car was parked

Even arnav was confused but had no option just to follow her and they drive back home, arnav didn't thought it right to ask her while car journey but he was getting  a feeling that there is something big associated with khushi behavior


And here in the other part of the world

The same house the same guards covering the mansion, where the aged man got a call from the same guards whom khushi saw in garden

"surya bhai the information is correct, its confirmed she is here in this city we just saw her" said one guard on phone

"good that's a great news keep an eye on her we will be there in few hours" said surya smiling and ended the call
Alright that's now all for today,

Gosh this was a really long update which I have given hope you all will love this
Like always waiting for your replies
Pinky.Raizada thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 9 years ago
THANK YOU FOR THE UPDATE. I Loved it very much. Krish is so cute. I loved their walk in park as a family. Khushi is scared about something. I hope Surya is not a dangerous person. Edited by Pinky.Raizada - 9 years ago
rk2127 thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
Happy for the long update and thank you. This sure compensate for long gap.
I'm so happy Arnav finally confessed his love and told Khushi everything even the college part. And now he want his family to be together and he is already acting as a part of family including Khushi in everything.

Now it's only Khushi's confession. I loved the scene with krish, Arnav and Khushi up on Arnav's return and there time together in pat.
xBabyAngelx thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 9 years ago
Welcome back dear😃 

Thanks for the long update. It was beautifully written.
I liked this chapter very much.
 Arnav finally confessed his love and told Khushi everything including the college part. Now it's only Khushi's confession left, hopefully she will do it soon. But the last part makes me scare.Looking forward to see what happen next.Countinue soon.

searchoffriends thumbnail
Anniversary 15 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 9 years ago
Hey friends here i have updated next part for you all

Right now i m little busy will send pm for the update later

Thanks for your response
aafan thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
What a wonderful update after a long time!!!
Why fid'nt Khushi expressed her live? Who is surya?
Please update sooon