ArHi FF: Keep Loving Me, Will You? [Complete] - Page 60


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Greyasr thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago
OH !!!!! What the!!!!!! No comment for this cliffhanger hello hai bye bye
Greyasr thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago
I really am going nuts reading this updatewa eagerly waiting for more..
In case u are wondering about all my other comments on same page those arre. For diff chapters taht i read today  and most earlier chapter have closed threads that i couldnt comment on
But waiting eagerly 
Greyasr thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago
I really am going nuts reading this updatewa eagerly waiting for more..
In case u are wondering about all my other comments on same page those arre. For diff chapters taht i read today  and most earlier chapter have closed threads that i couldnt comment on
But waiting eagerly 
cute_monaya_fan thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 7 years ago
Just confused...Thinking how things gonna take it's own course of gir. From here...Moat likely a wrong turn...Which I hope not
Pearl_Oyster thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 7
Posted: 7 years ago

Chapter 19:Twisting the Dagger

"We are rich" Akash was hearing the words for the tenth time now and it only worsened his mood.

"This was not about getting rich!" He snapped at his father who looked at him for a second but then went back to staring at the papers Khushi had left with them not even an hour ago.

Akash ran a hand through his hair and kicked the lamp-stand.

"This was supposed to make me feel better" He shouted and finally got the attention of Girish Sharma.

"It might have felt better if you had executed my original plan instead of going with this long con" The man commented but Akash ignored it.

"I need more. I need to see his face and the face of everyone in that house when they find out they are penniless and then, then I am gonna rub it in their faces, confront them and finally kick them out of that house" Akash went on with his tirade.

"No. Now is not the time to do that, son. First, we need to get these documents filed with the help of my lawyer. After that..."

"How can you be so calm?" Akash seethed, whirling towards his father.

"I am not calm. I am being careful. The Raizadas already took twenty years of my life. I was rotting in a jail for killing my wife. They framed me. I want them to suffer more than you do, lad. But we need to be smart" Girish said heatedly, his cool mask slipping away and Akash narrowed his eyes.

"These people have been lying to me for twenty five years. And most of the times, I feel that you too are not being fully honest with me. And, if you too are lying about something.."

"LYING?" The man bellowed.

"I have already told you everything. I have told you that Surendra Singh Raizada raped my wife, YOUR mother. You were only a kid. And that broke Geeta..she was so ashamed she couldn't face me. I told her it was not her fault. I told her that I would make that son of a bitch pay for his sins, but Geeta was already lost to me. While I struggled day and night to get us justice, Surendra Singh Raizada lived luxuriously in his mansion, with his wife and children backing him, their money protecting them. They did not care. And in the and power won. I couldn't get my wife justice..which only battered whatever life was left in your mother. She killed herself. But Surendra Raizada was not done wreaking havoc upon our family. He made sure I was sent to jail...he framed me in the murder case of my own wife. I was given life imprisonment. But as if, all of this was if I was not destroyed completely! He and his family then took you from me. They adopted you. It was their way of putting the last nail in the coffin, of finally erasing the Sharma family from existence. And now that we have the chance of getting our vengeance, you stand there and doubt me?" Girish Sharma huffed, his breaths coming irregularly from speaking too fast and too loud.

Akash looked at his father and apologized for being inconsiderate. Even though Girish Sharma had told him everything in the first few days he had met him, there were moments when Akash wished all of this to be false. Yet it was not. Akash had verified everything he had been told by this man and only then he had been filled with a deep sense of hatred for the people he had called his family for two decades. These people who had watched and stood by Surendra Singh Raizada who committed sins after sins. And then they had taken him in, to pretend how big their hearts were, or maybe it was out of whatever little guilt they were capable of, but Akash wanted only thing from them. Revenge!

So, whatever he was doing today to teach them a lesson, he was doing the right thing by his mother. By him.


Khushi reached home feeling heavier than ever. But no sooner had she stepped in the drawing room than she found another heavy silence settled between the occupants.

She noticed that her Babuji was finally out of the bed and her Amma was standing next to him. Her buaji was seated in a chair, her head in her hands. And Payal was standing in the center of the room. Her eyes were moist and her face was a painting of anguish.

Oh no! Did Jeeji...

"Jeeji, what is going on?" She immediately reached to Payal, her bag dropping at the door.

"Stop pretending to be so gullible, Sankadevi. Do you think we are fools here? We know that you knew about it. Your sister has dragged the Gupta name through mud with her antics. But do tell us, have you too been sullying our honour behind our back?" Buaji's voice grew more and more frenzied with every word and Khushi felt her face warming with mortification. So, Payal had told them everything. Khushi couldn't decide if she was happy or sad.

She looked at her Jeeji and watched as two tear drops fell from her eyes.

"Stop it, Madhumati" Shashi Gupta said in a worn-out voice and Khushi's heart squeezed with pain.

She knew none of this was her mistake but she still felt guilty seeing her family go through this. She only wondered what her Jeeji must be feeling. But to Khushi's surprise, Payal didn't look broken by the words. She looked guilty; she looked sad, but not broken.

"Buaji, I know the mistakes I have made and I am ashamed of it. I am ready to bear any punishment for it, but please do not talk ill of Khushi. She is the reason I am still standing here, facing you all. If not for her, I would have given up a long time ago. She has made me strong. And now, I have realized that there is no running from my mistakes. I have wanted to tell you all about this for so long. I have wanted your comforting hand on my head, Babuji, telling me that this is not the end. I have wanted your comforting arms, Amma, hoping you'll forgive me for all of this. And, Buaji, I have wanted to be punished by you for making this huge mistake; I have wanted to be scolded by you, to be slapped by you...and I could not keep it in any longer" By the time Payal finished she had broken into soft sobs and it was only the measuring gaze of her father that kept Khushi glued to where she stood and not reach out to Payal to hug her and comfort her.

Garima looked at the shaking form of Payal and then she looked at her husband who was solemn.

"Who is this boy?" He finally asked.

Payal controlled her soft sobbing and wiped her tears.

"Akash Singh Raizada" Payal replied.

He is not a Raizada. Khushi's mind beeped as it wandered back to the flat Akash had taken her to and the man she had met there. Akash wasn't Arnav's real brother. Khushi was still grappling with this new revelation.

"Raizada?" It was Buaji's voice this time.

"As in Arnav Singh Raizada? Khushi's boss?" Garima asked with a shock evident on her face and Khushi realized another truth was about to come out. One where she was the villain and deceiving a good man!

"Yes. Akash is Arnav's younger brother. But, Arnav i.e., Khushi's boss doesn't know about any of this. Khushi hasn't told him. Arnav is a good person. He is nothing like Akash" Payal continued, looking towards Khushi and Khushi realized she wasn't going to tell them about Akash's blackmailing. At least not now! One bad news at a time!

"I don't know who to blame and who to spare! But then what's the point complaining about the dirty pond when it is your own fish who is making it dirty?" Buaji's face was still taut with indignation but Garima's face was also a picture of anguish along with indignation.

"Garima, take Madhumati to her room. I want to talk to Payal alone. Khushi, get fresh and change. You must be tired." Shashi Gupta's voice was weak but it still held command and after giving her Jeeji one last glance, Khushi left for her room.


Arnav dumped his coat on the recliner and loosened his tie. Then, he took a seat and let all his thoughts roam free.

He had paid his private investigator a visit to get things up to speed but whatever had come to light was exactly as disconcerting as he had wanted it to not be.

He had been told by the PI that not only Akash knew Khushi far longer than he has; but the two had also exchanged several messages and calls over the period of last two months.

But how was this possible? How come she never mentioned this to him? The more Arnav thought about it, the more complex it was becoming for him.

The PI had also said that Akash was frequently visiting a certain flat in a certain building and from the details he had been given by the investigator, Arnav suspected that most possibly Akash had bought this flat. Nothing about this looked good and there was something seriously amiss.

Arnav realized that things were slipping out of control. For years, he had worked so hard to keep those ugly scars hidden from Akash but it looked like that decision had not mattered much. Irrespective of everything, Akash was going down the wrong path. With Khushi!


Payal had known what she was doing when she had decided to tell her parents about her ill-fated relationship with Akash and how it ended up in pregnancy. She knew that her Babuji was still recovering from the heart attack after Akash had sent him those pictures. He had never asked her a thing about it. Maybe he too had been waiting for her to come to him. And now, Payal knew she had to tell her Babuji and her Amma everything about Akash and the pregnancy.

So, she told them how Akash had refused to stand by her upon learning about the pregnancy and dumped her. The anger and the disappointment that she had seen in her parent's eyes was something she had anticipated but she had failed to anticipate just how much it would hurt to see it. The same eyes that had once looked at her with love and affection were now filled with disappointment and pain. And as much as it hurt her to be the cause of all that pain, Payal knew this was the only way to start mending her life.

After seeing Aman again Payal had found the answer to the question she had been seeking for some days now. In fact she had known the answer but she only needed someone to tell her she was doing the right thing. Hearing Aman tell her that she should follow what her heart said, Payal had decided to stop thinking and start acting.

This is right. This is the right thing. She told herself as she watched Khushi leave the room and it was only her father and she left in the room.

"Why didn't you come sooner to me?" Her father's question was direct and Payal didn't know what to tell him. She still couldn't imagine what her father must have felt when he found those pictures of her and Akash.

"I wanted to tell you, Babuji, but I did not have the courage to face you or Amma. I..I knew that Akash had sent you those pictures. And you were so ill because of it. I couldn't bring myself to face you. I was waiting for you to get better before I could confide in you" Payal said and her voice had broken by the end of the sentence. Shashi Gupta did not speak anything for a minute, while Payal collected herself again.

"Whatever happened with that boy..I know it was not your fault. But it was your fault that you did not trust your father and came to me for help. I waited and waited. But..I saw it was difficult for you to talk about it. But what is done is done. The only thing that I want to know is that what do you plan to do now?" The question was asked with such quietness that for a moment Payal only blinked. How could her father be so understanding? Why isn't he shouting and screaming at her? Maybe she should have told him sooner. Maybe they wouldn't have been in this situation if she would have trusted her parents enough to tell them about her situation. But now there was no point in beating oneself over it. So, Payal composed herself composed herself and said what she had in her mind.

"I will get a job. And I will raise my baby"

There was silence in the room for another minute which was broken by his father's coughing.

"And the boy? Are you sure he wants no part in this?" Shashi Gupta asked after the coughing fit died down.

Payal thought of all the hurtful words Akash had said to her in the AR building and she had to force herself to not burst into tears.

"I am sure. I have to do this alone" She replied in a small voice.

Hearing that, Shashi Gupta walked to her and placed a hand on her head saying, "Not alone. We are with you".

Payal hugged her father and she finally cried to her heart's content while Shashi Gupta held her telling her everything will be fine.


After freshening up Khushi sat on the bed and tried to listen to what was going on in the drawing room. She could hear nothing. She wondered why Payal decided to tell everyone without discussing it with her first. But it was a good thing that now the family knew. Thinking about the family had Khushi's mind drifting back to Akash and the man in his apartment.

She will have to tell Arnav everything she had heard there. He needed to know what Akash was planning behind his back so he could watch out. Khushi still didn't know half of the things and it was clear that it was something related to the Raizada family's past. Something that had Akash hating his own family!

Before she could further mull over it, she saw Payal coming in with a tear-dried but contented face.

Discarding everything Khushi rose from the bed and hugged her sister.

"What did Babuji say?" She asked as Payal hugged her back.

"He said he is with me. I am going to have this baby, Khushi. This will be my baby" Payal replied, fresh but happy tears rolling down her face again.

Khushi couldn't help but cry too. Having your loved ones behind you through the worst of situations can make things so much better, Khushi understood it now. Suddenly she too could feel the weight lifting off her shoulders. Although, her heart still remained heavy for everything that was yet to come. She could feel the heartbreak Arnav would go through upon learning what she had done to him, and what his brother wanted to do to him.

She will have to talk to Arnav as soon as possible, before Akash could make his move.

But for now, she pulled back from the hug and smiled at Payal through the tears.

"I have a little something too" She whispered and as Payal watched, Khushi removed the pen drive from her bag and gave it to her.

"What is it, Khushi?" Payal asked with an ashen face as she looked at the small device in her palm.

"I got it from Akash" Khushi replied.

"Does that mean you..." Payal asked her voice shaky and her eyes wide.

Khushi did not answer.

"Oh god, Khushi! You didn't have to! That is why I told Babuji and Amma about Akash and my pregnancy. So, you wouldn't have to do what Akash wanted you to do. I don't care if he leaks those pictures long as you, Babuji, long as my family is with me, I don't care what he does" Payal said in a breath, her face turning pallid.

Khushi still didn't reply. She didn't know how to begin telling Payal what she had done.

"This is my fault. I should have told you I was planning to tell Amma and Babuji. But, I wasn't sure how to tell them..I just did it today..If only I had the courage to do this before..Oh god! I can't seem to do one right thing, can I?"

Khushi moved on the bed and hugged Payal.

"It's okay, Jeeji. It is really okay. The only thing that matters now is that we have this pen drive. Here" Khushi said, placing the pen drive in Payal's hands.

"Maybe we should check.." Khushi murmured softly and Payal shook her head.

"I can't look at it"

"But we need to be sure, Jeeji..that it is what it is.." Khushi said and after a minute, Payal nodded slowly.


As soon as Akash reached Raizada Mansion he felt the house eerily silent. He made his way to the drawing room and he found Devyani Raizada sitting there all by herself.

"Nani, why aren't there any pictures of me with Papa?"

"Because Papa was always busy in work, beta. He had no time for pictures!"Devyani Raizada said.

"But there are so many pictures of him with Anjali Di and Bhai"

"Look what I made for you, Akash..Chocolate cake" Pushpa Raizada said with a smile, appearing from the kitchen and an eight year old Akash ran towards her, forgetting all about his questions.

The memory surfaced to Akash and he found it difficult to smile back when Devyani Raizada noticed him approaching and smiled at him.

Liars! That's what these people were. They had not only hidden the vileness of their family but also made him a part of it.

"Should I tell Hari Prakash to serve your dinner, Akash bitwa?" Devyani Raizada asked and Akash shook his head, shooting straight towards Arnav's room.

Let's see what the big brother' wants to say!

As Akash reached to Arnav's room he found Arnav in the poolside tending to his plants. Making sure Arnav was aware of his presence in the room, Akash walked up to him.

"Gardening!  Never understood why you like it so much. Getting your hands dirty with the soil and the manure, the pain of watering them regularly, when you can just go out and buy flowers anytime you want..Bhai" He commented snidely, his standing form towering over Arnav as he was sitting on his knees, turning over the soil in the pots with a spade.

Arnav placed the spade aside and stood up to his full height, dusting the soil from his hands as he looked at his brother. And then smiled.

"It is about the peace of mind, Akash. The feeling of growing something yourself and then watching it grow, bloom, spread fragrance" He replied, moving towards his room.

 "How profound!" Akash scoffed.

Arnav ignored the remark and moved ahead to wash his hands in the bathroom.

When he emerged out, Arnav knew he had played it right.

Akash was staring at the photo that Arnav had placed on his night stand. It was a picture of Khushi from their Nainital trip. He had gotten it framed after coming back from the trip but hadn't still placed it in the room.

"That's Khushi!" He said and Akash immediately tore his gaze from the glass frame.

"She works at AR as my personal assistant. But of course, you know that already, don't you?" Arnav said and Akash whipped his head in Arnav's direction.

He noted how Arnav's eyes were fixed on his face and how he assessed him. Akash didn't know how Arnav learnt that he knew Khushi but this was going to be fun. At least for him! Now that he had what he needed, he was going to level the playing field. It's only fitting that he twist the dagger a little before driving it home.

"Of course! I know Khushi very well. In fact, we are very close" He answered in a dawdling tone, stuffing his hands into the pockets of his jeans.

Arnav's eyes narrowed just a little and his breath was sharp as he gave Akash a long stare, trying to get into the depth of the implied meaning of the latter's words.

"What do you mean?" He finally asked, this time all the pretense gone from his voice and it was only dreadful calm that remained in it.

Akash's smile became lopsided and he grinned. He was getting exactly what he wanted. Now he just had to play this smartly.

"Come on, Bhai. You don't really need me to explain you the meaning. You know me. How would I know Khushi, a beautiful and an attractive girl? I know her in the same way I have known all my do I put it? Yes, my past friends'" Akash replied, grinning and winking at Arnav like he had no clue of what was going through Arnav's head. But he could see every single thought churning in his brother's head.

Arnav, on the other hand, could feel his heart closing in around itself. There was so much silence and so much noise in his head at the same time. How can any of this be true?

"How long has this been going on?" He heard himself ask. A question to keep him from doing what he so badly wanted to do, to punch something, to break something! To shout!

"Over two months, why? I know what you're thinking, Bhai. That why didn't I tell you this? Believe me, I badly wanted to ever since Khushi told me she landed a job in your office. But, she didn't want me to. She thought it would make you treat her differently because she was involved in an affair with your brother. How dumb, right? I knew you wouldn't. You're such a fair man, aren't you, Bhai? You never do anything wrong, do you? You're as great as brothers come. Loving, kind, truthful, and most of all, trusting" Akash went on and by the time he finished, the words left a sour taste in his mouth.

He noticed how Arnav's face had become a brick. There was hardly any emotion left on it. One last twist, Akash thought.

"But why is there a picture of Khushi on your nightstand, Bhai?" He framed the question with right amount of curiosity and incomprehension on his face and watched Arnav's hands clench into fists. An inward smile broke on his face.

"Suffocating, isn't it, when someone changes your world with just a few words?" He thought before making a move towards Arnav.

"What happened, Bhai?" He placed a hand on Arnav's shoulder who immediately stepped away.

"Leave" The word was a command and Akash realized his work here was done.

As he turned and left, he heard the sound of glass breaking.

He didn't have to turn to know that it was Khushi's picture.


Edited by Pearl_Oyster - 7 years ago
Pearl_Oyster thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 7
Posted: 7 years ago
Surprise! Two chapters in a row! 😉

Chapter 20: Heartbreak

After trying to call Arnav for another five times, Khushi realized that something was wrong. She looked at Payal who was curled up on her side of the bed, sleeping peacefully after a long time.

Khushi smiled.

After checking the pen drive given by Akash, Payal had nodded at Khushi, confirming it had the clips and pictures of her with Akash. After erasing the data in the pen drive, Payal had thrown it into the dustbin.

Khushi hadn't known how much of a burden it was on her shoulders until Payal hugged her and whispered a thank you. Khushi's eyes had welled up. The dark clouds had scattered and now she could finally begin to amend her mistakes, Khushi thought.

But why was Arnav not taking her calls?

Did he somehow already learn the truth? The thought alone made Khushi's hands clammy and her heartbeats erratic.

A lifetime of hatred, that's what she was going to end up with in the end.

But she didn't want Arnav to hear the truth from someone else. She had to tell him herself. Akash's truth and her truth!

She decided she will meet Arnav the first thing in the morning.

It was time to be honest and face the consequences. And she was ready, she told herself.


Anjali was packing her clothes in her bag. She had to leave today. Shyam had called three times yesterday asking her to come. She had told him that she would be there by the evening. But, in real, she didn't want to go. She was getting a feeling that something was off, that something bad was coming their way. She couldn't help but think back to the last time she had felt this way.

She was sixteen years old when her mother, Pushpa Raizada had passed away. She could still remember when she and Arnav were asked to go see their mother one last time. On the large bed, Pushpa Raizada looked frail and defeated. Anjali had known for some time now that things were very wrong in her family. Her father, Surendra Raizada had passed away a year before and it had only worsened the family situation.

She remembered being as young as ten years old and playing the elder sister with Arnav and Akash. Running around in the house, she had often heard her parents shouting and screaming at each other, her mother sobbing so often. But she had never known the reasons. Not until that dreadful day when her mother had told her everything on her deathbed.

Anjali had pieced that information with her memories and realized that her father was a vile man. A man she hated and found despicable. While Arnav hadn't been told everything, he had always been the quiet and the smart one. He had figured it out sooner than she or Naniji had wanted. And then they had explained him everything. He had heard it all without raising a single question. And after that day, he had never talked about it to anyone. Anjali had often tried talking to him but he would always deflect. Eventually she had given up.

After so many years of living a happy peaceful life, Anjali wasn't sure why she felt the same distress again. What could it be?

She thought over the conversation she had had with Arnav. She was still sure keeping the truth from Akash was a good decision. She didn't want to lose him. Akash was as much of a brother to her as Arnav.

As she finally zipped the bag, she told herself she was worrying over nothing.


Six missed calls and three text messages. All from Khushi. Arnav hadn't had even a bit of sleep last night. After Akash had left the room, he had smashed the photograph from his nightstand onto the wall. The pieces of the glass were still lying around him on the floor where he was sitting against his bed.

"I have always thought that love is an overrated feeling in this world so I wouldn't even talk about it. But I just want to make this thing clear that I like you. I really do. You affect me like no one has ever had. It's you I want to feel around me, it's you I want to see all the time. It's you I want to think about. And all these sudden feelings are confusing me. I don't know what to name this! So, I thought I should ask you. I want to know if you feel the same way or not?"

The words with which he had laid his heart bare in front of Khushi were now mocking him. And the hollow laugh in his head sounded even more like a mockery because now he knew that it was love that he felt.

In his lovesick trance, he had asked Khushi over and over again if she felt the same for him and every time she had given him only excuses. And yet, he hadn't taken the hint. Was all of it in his head? Did she never really care? Was he simply projecting his feelings on her?

But, then he thought of all the moments he had shared with her and the answer he came up with was a no'.

Khushi had looked in his eyes with love. She had kissed him with passion.

She was a brilliant actor. She had played him.

Staring at the screen of his phone, Arnav read the three messages one by one.

The first one was from last night.

"I need to meet you. There is something that I have to tell you" Arnav couldn't even muster the energy to scoff as he read the message.

The next two were from this morning.

"Can we please meet outside the office? Rose Garden near my house? At 7:00 in the morning?"

"Why aren't you replying? I am getting worried. Are you coming to the garden?"

Arnav had just finished reading the last message when a new text appeared on his screen.

"I am at the garden. Waiting for you"

Arnav looked at the watch. It was 7:15 a.m.

He kept the phone away and got up from the floor.

He looked at the broken photo frame and walking to it, he picked it from near the door and dumped it into the dustbin.

He was heading towards the washroom when his cell phone rang again.

It was Khushi calling.

Arnav let it ring.


Payal woke up feeling refreshed. The first thing she did after waking up was to check her laptop for emails. There were two.

Smiling, she turned off the laptop and went ahead with her daily routine. At the breakfast table, she noticed the heavy silence. Buaji was still not speaking to her. Her Amma, although still angry was talking to her on a need-to-talk basis. Her Babuji was the only person who greeted her with a smile. Payal noticed that Khushi was not at the table. Upon enquiring, she learnt that Khushi had woken up early and volunteered to go to the vegetable market.

After the breakfast, Payal told her Babuji that a few days ago she had applied for jobs in a few companies and had heard back from two of them. Shashi Gupta had been glad and wished her good luck.

By the time Payal was ready to leave for the first interview that she today, Khushi had returned back. Upon learning about the interview, she hugged her and wished her good luck.

I was 9:30 a.m. and Payal entered the reputed elementary school of the city with a positive vibe and lots of determination. Her battle was just beginning.


Akash drove to the apartment feeling better than he had when he had left it last night. When he entered in he was expecting to find his father, Girish Sharma, drunk on the couch like most of the times. But, instead, he found himself face to face to with another person.

"What are you doing here?" Akash barked at the man.

"Good morning to you too, son" Girish Sharma interrupted, stepping up and signaling the advocate to leave.

Akash turned his attention to his father as the advocate skidded past him and out of the apartment.

"Isn't he the same advocate who drafted those property documents for us?" Akash asked as Girish Sharma locked the door behind the advocate.

"The one and only" replied he.

Akash fought the urge to shout at his father and asked as calmly as he could.

"What was he doing here?"

"Oh, I called him to have a look at the papers. I want no window for the Raizadas to walk out of this" Girish Sharma replied.

"And you called him here when I wasn't around? Have you forgotten the deal, father? I am as much a part of this as you are! And what did he even say?" Akash asked irritably.

Girish Sharma walked back to the couch with lazy steps.

"He said he had to take the papers with him to have them thoroughly analyzed" Girish Sharma replied.

Akash told himself that this man was his father and he should not hit him.

"And you let him take the papers?" He asked in a slow, menacing voice.

"Do not take that tone with me, young fellow! I do not have to explain you my moves. This revenge is more mine than it is yours. I already agreed to let you do it your way instead of mine. Your part is done. Now sit back and watch the game end. I am going to burn that family! You are more than welcome to roast your marshmallows in the fire!" Girish Sharma said excitedly, the smile on his face maniac and sinister.

Akash told himself that the chill down his spine was because of the thrill and not because of the apprehension of what this man was capable of.

"Okay, fine! But do remember the rules of the game" He replied.

"Sure! Now ease up and come sit with your father. Tell me more about this Khushi girl"

"I think you'd be more interested in hearing the card I played last night on Arnav Singh Raizada; my loving brother" Akash said.


Aman called Arnav informing him that Khushi had arrived at the office. Arnav decided that it was a good idea for him to go drop Anjali at the airport instead of going to the office.

By the time he returned from the airport it was afternoon and the most of the office staff had gone to the canteen for lunch.

Arnav walked into his office and settled into the comfortable chair. He had hardly lifted the intercom to call Aman when he sensed Khushi.

He looked up to find her standing in the cabin. He put away the intercom.

"I have been trying to reach you all day" She said but Arnav was busy noticing how tired her eyes looked and how slumped her shoulders were.

He stood up. As he started walking towards her, he noticed how fidgety she was getting.

"I called you last night and then I tex..texted you" Arnav kept walking towards her, his eyes fixed straight on her face. The face that had lied to him ever since he had met her!

"Is everything alright, Arnav? You didn't respond to my calls and my tex..." Before Khushi knew it, he was crushing her lips with his.

He drew her face closer by placing one hand on the back of her neck and used the other to pull her body into his. As he used his tongue to sweep her lower lip, Khushi whimpered. Arnav kept pulling her body into his while at the same time he kept moving her towards the wall.

As Khushi's back was finally pressed into the wall, Arnav sucked her lower lip in and used his tongue to flick it. The reaction from her was equally arousing as she gripped his hair tightly to suppress another moan.

"I love you" Arnav said against her lips. He felt her lips stop moving. Her hands retreating. But he kept kissing her. One soft kiss on her lips. Another. And another until he was out of breath!

When he finally pulled back just enough to look at her face, she looked ready to break.

He pushed her away.

"What? You're just going to stand there and look pathetic? Nothing to say to that?" He finally shouted at her and she flinched.

"I have to tell you about Akash" She finally said, in a guilt ridden voice.

Arnav couldn't help but laugh.

"Tell me what? That you have been sneaking with my brother behind my back? That all this while you have been lying and deceiving me? Save your breath, Khushi! I know every disgusting truth about you" Arnav didn't realize he was shouting until he finished the sentence.

He watched Khushi's face crumble and tears filled her eyes. He mentally scoffed at the sight.

All this while, a part of him had been secretly hoping for everything to be false. But, standing in front of her, looking at her face, Arnav knew the last of that hope had died.

So much for being the good man, for trusting and loving so easily! He felt his heart was breaking. He looked at Khushi as she wiped her tears.

"How much do you know?" She asked.

Arnav looked at her like he couldn't believe her audacity.

 "How much do I know? Shouldn't you be asking how do I know? Akash came clean. He told me everything" Arnav spat the words.

Khushi felt like half of her burden had lessened and yet suddenly the weight of it made her legs shake. Akash has told Arnav everything. Everything! And now Arnav hates her. Who wouldn't? Even she hated herself for her choices. The only saving grace was that now she wouldn't have to face the shame of telling everything to Arnav herself. She just has to stand here and bear Arnav's hate. The hate that she has earned!

"How dumb I was to play right into your hands! You must have had a good laugh at me. The man who trusts and loves too fast! Di was right. There is no point of being the good one. Thanks for proving me wrong" Arnav said, his voice breaking and Khushi had to physically stop herself from hugging him and telling him that even though all of this had been a game, she did love him. She loved him with all her heart.

But what good was going to come out of it? It would only hurt him more. So, she didn't tell him the words that were on her tongue.

"Now..Get out before I ask the security to drag you out" Arnav said after a minute, having gained controlled of himself again.

Khushi nodded. She had to play tough. She couldn't cry. Not now. Not when he was the one who was hurting more.

"Take care, Arnav" She said with as much calm as she could before she turned away.

"Was any of it real? Even for a second?" She finally heard him ask.  Her heart was now beating wildly against its cage.

"No" She whispered back. For his own good. And for her too!

"Khushi?" He said again as she reached the door of the cabin.

She turned back and looked at him.

"I hate you" He said, his face supporting every word. There was only disgust for her on his face.

"I know" She replied and stepped out of the cabin.

She didn't cry until she was inside the auto.


Edited by Pearl_Oyster - 7 years ago
sweta_b thumbnail
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Posted: 7 years ago
Feeling bad for arnav n Khushi thanks for pm
amus5 thumbnail
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Posted: 7 years ago
Oh! how much more can the situation be misunderstood😭
HerFiction thumbnail
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Posted: 7 years ago
I am on the verge of getting an heart attack.

I want to read the complete story :(
Greyasr thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago
Wow wow oww two two update great great !!!!! Really enjoyed reading them so well written and thamks for the PM