*"*DABH-600 Epis Celebrations*"*DABH parivaar awards in PG17

jhema thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago

Now The Party Begins.

First Let us Cut the Cake along with our SurYa.


Let us have some sweets from SurYa's Shop.

Let us Start the music Ding!Ding! Ding!

Let us Rock the dance Floor With our SurYa

Now Watch a Performance by our SurYa


Congrats to DABH cast And Crew For this Acheivement.
We Wish u More Success in Future

Scroll Down To Enjoy the party more πŸ˜ƒ

Edited by jhema - 10 years ago


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Frequent Posters

jhema thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago

For 500 to 600 Episodes
(by b2011)

Recap:  Bhabho has set a three-pot challenge to Sandhya with the condition that she is given three chances and one pot will be broken for each of Sandhya's mistakes and once all pots are broken, Sandhya has to forget her dream and if Sandhya manages to save at least one of them until her birthday, she wins and can pursue her dream.  Sandhya has lost two pots, one for Chavvi falsely blaming her and the other deliberately by Sandhya herself after knowing that Bhabho is not happy with her pursuing her dream.  Suraj on the other hand is making efforts to help Sandhya prepare well for UPSC with DSP's help.  One of that is participating in a quiz contest.  Emily also wishes to participate in the quiz program for the prize money of 50,000 which Bhabho allows her in hopes of Emily winning against Sandhya.  Sandhya and Emily get selected in the selection round of quiz competition.

Summary:     Bhabhasa understands Bhabho's intentions behind allowing Emily to compete against Sandhya.  He gives a task to both of them to prove their abilities to Bhabho.  The task is they have to get a saree free of cost from Meena.  Both try their methods and Sandhya wins it proving Bhabhasa's faith on her abilities to win.  Sandhya clears three rounds of the contest and also the semifinals easily.  Emily also clears all the rounds and semifinals round by cheating.  Meanwhile Bhabho gets to know that the two pots were broken on false reasons and Sandhya is innocent.  She traps Chavvi and Meena and confirms this.  She wonders why Sandhya took the blame in both incidents and Bhabhasa makes her realize Sandhya's worth and Bhabho accepts it and admires Sandhya is the only one who can take care of their family after her but she is still against Sandhya's dreams.

           The finals of the quiz contest also falls on Sandhya's birthday and the last day of pot challenge.  Bhabho plans something.  Suraj wishes and gifts Sandhya on her birthday.  All the family members wish and Bhabho takes her to temple where she emotionally blackmails Sandhya to choose either her dream or her family.  She asks Sandhya to lose the competition and be the eldest daughter-in-law of her family or win the competition and cut their ties from the family living separately.  Sandhya is in dilemma and before she could take a decision, Suraj reaches there hurrying them for the contest.  Suraj senses some problem.

           SRK is the surprise guest in the finals.  Sandhya is confused and does not attempt to answer.  Suraj and Babhasa are surprised.  Bhabhasa is doubtful and meets Sandhya during the break time.  He emotionally traps Sandhya to tell the truth and she reveals Bhabho's keys condition.  Suraj who learns all this by overhearing them takes SRK's permission to speak to Sandhya.  He asks Sandhya to trust him, encourages her to focus on winning the contest and promises that he will set everything right.  SRK appreciates them.  Then, the contest continues and Sandhya answers well and wins the contest.  Bhabho is upset.  On returning home, Suraj announces that they are leaving home.  The family requests Bhabho to stop them who refuses to do so, but Suraj challenges her that Bhabho will call them back in 15 days.

           Sandhya is worried but Suraj assures her to have faith in him.  They rent a house in the same Hanuman galli from where they can watch Bhabho through a window and both are elated.  The neighbors gossip about it and Suraj informs them that they are living separately for just 15 days to help Sandhya study and learn house managing skills simultaneously.  Sandhya demonstrates poor skills in buying groceries and vessels and also managing cooking.

            Rakhi festival is nearing and Chavvi and Bhabho are worried as they had always wished Chavvi's last rakhi before marriage to be celebrated in a grand way.  Suraj and Sandhya plan to gift a necklace to Chavvi which they purchase in a shop in Ajmer.  They get stuck in the lift and unable to return home.  The family gets to know about Suraj purchasing necklace and blame him for forgetting their sister's rakhi celebration.  Both Vikram and Mohit excuse from celebrating it.  The next day, SurYa manage to reach home at the last moment of rakhi muhurat.  Suraj had brought paalki and bandset and Chavvi's last rakhi is celebrated as she had wished.  Family feels guilty when SurYa gift Chavvi the necklace.

           Bhabho does not melt with this act and Sandhya is upset.  Suraj reassures her that Bhabho will visit their house by next day night.  The next day, Meena mistakes neighbors maxis to be Sandhya's and fills Bhabho's ears that Sandhya is wearing maxis in her house.  Bhabho who wants to confirm whether this is true or false goes to Suraj's house in the context of giving Sandhya's marks card.  Sandhya is elated to see Bhabho at their house door and is overwhelmed by Suraj's faith prophecies.  The next day is Teej and Sandhya is totally unaware of it.  Suraj tries to remind Sandhya and Bhabho tries to remind Suraj but there is a confusion and both presume Sandhya is aware of Teej.  Sandhya eats her lunch unaware of it.  When she realizes it is Teej in the evening, she is upset and confesses it in front of the neighbors despite Emily advising her to not reveal it.

           The next day, a shop next to Vikram's shop is set for sale and he expresses his wish of buying that shop to Bhabho who denies it for lack of money.  Mohit gets an idea why not they buy it so that Emily can start her beauty parlor and start earning.  Vikram and Meena trick Suraj in buying the shop while Mohit and Emily emotionally trap Bhabho in buying that shop for them.  When both parties come face to face at the broker's office, ViNa and MoMly blame each other on the road.  Furiated Bhabho asks Suraj to step out of house and stay away from family matters.  Suraj is shattered.

            Sandhya finds out a way to melt down Bhabho and does all wrong things, staining Suraj's shirts, cooking bad food, etc.  She tricks Bhabho in preparing food for Suraj secretly.  Chavvi sees an ad of a new jewelry shop and forces Bhabho to buy jewels from there.  Bhabho is not okay with it and visits the shop for Chavvi's sake.  The shopkeeper is a fraud and visits Rathi's house and acts as an honest person.  Bhabho is moved and buys jewelries from that person that day.  Chavvi sends the photos of jewels to Dilip which Dilip's mother likes and asks Bhabho to buy three more sets from their side.  Bhabho buys jewelries worth 5.5 lakhs and shopkeeper tricks Bhabho to take invalid receipt and save tax.  Bhabho shows the jewels to her neighbors and Sandhya is one among them.  The next day, Bhabho takes the jewels to keep in bank locker and on their way, a thief snatches the jewels bag and runs away.  Bhabho and Bhabhasa fail to catch him and are devastated.  Bhabhasa advises to give police complaint and learns that Bhabho has no valid receipt for them.  After some time, the thief returns to them and gives back the jewels telling they are fake.  Bhabho is shocked and goes to her family jeweler who confirms that the jewels are fake.

            Bhabho is shattered and returns home where Vikram and Mohit are fighting over house expenses.  She is lost in worry and unknowingly lights the carpet in the pooja room.  Suraj sees fumes and fire and runs to save Bhabho.  He understands Bhabho is in serious problem but she does not tell anything.  He confronts her the next day where she challenges him to find out about it by himself and also solve it.  Meena steals a jewel set of Chavvi to wear it to her cousin's marriage where she loses an earring.  Accidentally, SurYa are also at the same marriage preparing sweets and the lost earring is mixed in their sweets.  The next day, they find the earring and Sandhya identifies it is Chavvi's new earring and also finds out that it seems fake which they confirm with the family jeweler.  They go to the jewel shop where Bhabho bought it and gets to know about the cheating.  Dilip and his parents arrive to Rathi's house to get their jewels.  Bhabho is helpless and family advises her to give the fake jewels to them.  Sandhya helps them by giving her marriage jewels to Dilip's parents.  Dilip's mother appreciates the jewelry and Rathis get to know that she is an expert in jewels designing and are relieved they did not give the fake jewels.

                The next day is Dussehra and 15th day of challenge.  Bhabho tricks SurYa to come to house by stealing all their clothes.  SurYa come there and celebrate the festival and at the end of the day, Bhabho asks them to stay back and permits Sandhya to pursue her IPS dream.  All are happy.  Bhabho also takes a promise from Sandhya that she will always place family over her job and Sandhya happily agrees to it.  Sandhya attends her UPSC prelims.

                A short time leap and it is Diwali.  Bhabho buys the new shop and gives it to Emily.  Meena is jealous.  Later in the evening, she mistakes a van of goods to be Emily's and sets crackers near the van in an attempt to set fire.  Later, it turns out to be Vikram's sarees and Sandhya runs and throws the crackers away from the van thereby injuring her eyes.  Family worry about her eyes and Sandhya is fine but with mild injury.  Next day, Meena convinces Bhabho to use the new shop temporarily for storing their goods.  Emily is upset and later that day, she gets delivery pains and delivers a baby girl in the same hospital where Meena had delivery.  Sandhya tries to get birth certificate of Kanha and Meena diverts her and is saved.  To Meena's surprise, the whole family is happy for the baby girl and the whole neighborhood wish her and welcome her as Lakshmi.  Meena feels guilty of swapping the babies.

            A short time leap of four months where it seems that Sandhya has attended her UPSC mains exam and she gets her UPSC interview letter.  She is worried as she has no time to prepare for the interview.  Suraj with the help of DSP prepares a sample question paper and takes a mock interview of Sandhya thereby improving her confidence.  He gifts her a saree to wear for the interview which suits well with the dress code of the interview.  Bhabho asks Sandhya to wear a jazzy saree and she agrees.  In the interview, interviewers are taken back by her dress and she answers she wanted to keep her mother in law happy.  They ask her various questions regarding family, GK, confidence testing questions, etc and Sandhya answers her best.  One of the interviewers tells her that he was impressed by Sandhya's answers.

           A short time leap and it is the results day.  Sandhya is selected for IPS training and worries about not informing Bhabho of the 11 months upcoming training.  The family is happy for Sandhya and whole hanuman galli people welcome her with garland and dance.  Bhabho has prepared halwa for Sandhya and in a misunderstood conversation, Sandhya blurts out that she is going for 11 months police training out of Rajasthan.  Bhabho is stunned but takes it easy.

            Later Sandhya gets to know that it is Bhabho's wedding anniversary and plans a surprise celebration with the help of Meena, Chavvi and Emily.  They convince Bhabho and dress her up like a bride and decorate the house.  They make Bhabho sit in the hall with a ghoonghat until Bhabhasa comes there and she wishes him happy anniversary.  Suraj misunderstands it is Sandhya dressed up like a bride and goes to gift a rose but is stopped at the last moment by Sandhya.  Bhabhasa arrives then and is surprised to see all the decorations and double confirms whether it is Bhabho who is dressed up like bride.  They both wish each other and are happy with this celebration.  Meena asks the secret of their successful marriage and Bhabhasa gives the credit to Bhabho who also accepts Bhabhasa's support in accomplishing this.  Sandhya realizes she has not taken any vows during her marriage due to her parents' loss and her preoccupation with IPS.  She later expresses her wish to Suraj that she wishes to remarry him with all the rituals followed properly and with Bhabho-Bhabhasa's blessings.  Suraj is reluctant and not having the courage to seek Bhabho's permission.

             The next day, Suraj is hesitant to speak to Bhabho but Sandhya forces him to talk.  Bhabhasa informs the family that they are going to kuldevi mandir.  Sandhya expresses to join them in temple visit while thinking of getting married in kuldevi temple.  Bhabho agrees and Sandhya packs her and Suraj's wedding dresses, bangles, etc., leaving Suraj worried.  She remembers the last kuldevi temple trip and wishes Suraj hold her hand and help board the bus and also to have a ride on top of the bus with him and fulfills her wishes.  They have reached the temple now and she wishes to make the night before their wedding rituals begin to be memorable and asks Suraj to take her to a walk on the desert.

Upcoming Week or the week of 600th episode:  Sandhya and Suraj celebrate their haldi and mehendi secretly without Bhabho and Bhabhasa's knowledge.  On the wedding day, Sandhya leaves with Chathuri to the mandir asking Suraj to bring Bhabho and Bhabhasa there on time.  Suraj brings them to mandir but has not revealed about their remarriage.  Bhabho sees Sandhya in her bridal attire and scolds her for taking marriage rituals lightly.  Sandhya gives her reasons for it and Bhabho understands her.  She asks Suraj to get ready and the re-marriage takes place with Bhabho and Bhabhasa's blessings.

Edited by jhema - 10 years ago
jhema thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago

(by niruba)

Lions' Gold Awards - 2011

Most Beautiful and Gorgeous Jodi'11:- Anas Rashid and Deepika Singh

Viewer's Choice Award 2012

Best Beta:-Anas Rashid

Star Parivaar Awards 2012

Favorite NayaSadasya(Female):- Deepika Singh

NayiSochKirdaar:-Anas Rashid

Favorite Bahu:-Deepika Singh

Indian Telly Awards 2012

Best Daily Serial:- Diya AurBaati Hum

Best Title Singer for a TV show:-KailashKher and ShubhMudgal

Best Actress in a negative role:-KanikaMaheshwari

Gold Awards - 2012

Best Actress in Supporting Role(Critics)'12:- NeeluVaghela

Best Actress in Negative Role(Popular)'12:- KanikaMaheshwari

Gold Debut in a Lead Role(Female)'12:- Deepika Singh

Best Television Show(Fiction)'12:- Diya AurBaati Hum

Indian Television Academy Awards 2012

Best serial (popular):- Diya AurBaati Hum

Best singer:-  KailashKher&ShubhaMudgal

Big Star Young Entertainer Award 2012

Big Star Young Super Entertainer Female:-Deepika Singh

 Big Star Awards 2012 (source: IF - Safi123)

Best Show:- Diya AurBaati Hum

 Cinemascapes 2012 (source: IF - Tellybuzz)

Best General Entertainment TV Fiction Show in an Indian Destination:- Diya AurBaati Hum

 Apsara Producers' Guild Awards 2013 (source: IF - Sonia17)

Best fiction show on TV:- Diya AurBaati Hum

 PrayagKalakar Awards 2013 (source: IF - Sonia17)

 Best Serial Award:- Diya AurBaati Hum
Dharohar Awards 2013
Jewel of Rajashtan:- Diya AurBaati Hum-Sashi Mittal

HiraManek Awards 2013

Best TV Actress:-Deepika Singh

Kelvinator Gr8 Women Award 2013

Best TV Actress:-Deepika Singh

Indian Telly Awards 2012

Best Daily Serial:- Diya AurBaati Hum

Best Actor Female (Popular):- Deepika Singh
Best Actor Male (Popular) :- Anas Rashid
Best Supporting Actor Female (Jury):- NeeluVaghela
Best Make-up Artist:- Krishna Gopal Rajput

Star Parivaar Awards 2013

Favourite Sasur - Ashok Lokhande
Favourite Bahu  -Deepika Singh

Ghar Ki Star - Deepika Singh
GharKa Star - Anas Rashid

Favourite Pati - Anas Rashid

Indian Television Academy Awards 2013
Best Director Drama - Rohit Raj Goyal
Best Dialogues - RaghuvirShekawat
Best Actress in Supporting Role - NeeluVaghela
Best Teleplay drama - SeemaMantri
Best Actor (jury) - Anas Rashid

TRP History

(by niruba)

1st week TRP (week of 29 August, 2011) - 1.81 (9th place on Star Plus)

1st time slot leader - Week of 13October,2011

1st time on No. 1 position - 5.5 

week of 11 January, 2012

Consistently on top since 8 February, 2012- 21 October,2012)

Total No. of weeks consecutively on top: 38 weeks

Back to first place from21 February 2013 to 21 November 2013 and still counting:  39 weeks

Total No. of weeks show has been on air till today: 116 weeks

Total No. of weeks on top: 77 weeks

Percentage: 66.3% (two third) of the time, DABH topping the TRP chart

Note: no TRP Data available from week 44-46 (2012) and this week

Some interesting facts:-

DABH reached the top 10 of the TRP chart in less than 2 months after its launch

Took 20 weeks to reach the 1st position
Highest TRP achieved :- 6.7 (twice) - end of WTC & Terrorism track

Edited by jhema - 10 years ago
jhema thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
Till Now We have Seen Summary and the Acheivements of DABH.
Now time to enjoy

(by ramasuresh78)

its thursday , the epic day in surya's life
dabhily is glued to the tv and LU
all of them give their attendences, hi hi for almost 2 pages ( av is as usual late)πŸ˜†
J gives attendence and bunks the class (LU)
AY starts her countdownπŸ˜†
thala gives the disclaimer blaming sangeetha for the net problem
first LU : old dabh promo being aired
AY again gives countdown
the show starts and its bhabho shocked to see surya in marriage attire
in dabhily, LU is getting madder
all of them are enjoying LC while thala is all concentrated on LU
break: bhabho ties the knot 

all of a sudden they see dabh cast in the ads😲

maasa elle 18πŸ˜‰- najar naa lage manne kiseeke
         jithnaa mein ise isthemaal karoon hoon uthnaa hi maare              bharthaarji mujpe lattoo hove hai

maasa's husband: jo biwi se kare pyaar woh prestige se kaise kare inkaar,( kyunki inko pursath nahin miltee hai khana banaaneko)
 yeh chup maare biwi ko dekh ke seeti bajaavego


bhabho: (bhabhasa: milgayaa santos milgayaa, yeh dekho hamaari shaadi ki photooo, meine aapko machchar doondne keliye bolathaa)
good night mosquito coil [ ek bhi picture( machchar) nahin (milega)dekha]

bhabhasa: bandhe achche hain, par dil ke kachche hain jo zinmedhaari nibhaathe hain par jaathaathe nahin,(icici prudential life insurance),( very useful for sarun)

sandy(satrang mehendi): maaro sapne(IPS) saath rang ke sapne(saath phere) mere saath rang ke sapne hue poore satrang se( mehendi in KT)

suraj: returns from mkd and is doing his baby sitter job part time, πŸ˜› opens a kit kat, sees kanha and pari dancing, kit kat is emptied, kanha and pari stop dancing and are playing, kabhie kabhie break na jaane kya kya le aatha hai( KT GBC)πŸ˜†

meena: moreπŸ˜† fuelπŸ˜‰ more mileage, tata no no( will not get caught)

vik: chintaa money, kahaan daalen paisaa , kaun degaa max 
ahaa ab no chintha( of RP) only money (icici)

emily:  dhaisa apna muh bandh keejiye mujhe lipstick lagaanaa hai,  dhaisa yeh hairstyle aappe bahut jachchtaa hai, she haves a krack jack and says, yeh toh jale hue noodles dikhthe hain

the show starts again, surya convince bhabho and she agrees for the marriage and ties the knot, they are about to take pheras
 break: suraj puts sindoor on sandy's maang
     mohit: emily sings " badi badi baathein karthe thea"
, haan haan mein kaam pe jaaoonga,
 duniyaan mein 2 cheezen free milthee hai badi badi baathein aur OLX.com. mohit clicks and sells all the items in RM
chavi:  dilipji ka phone aagayaa and she runs to her room, she speaks for hours together and they both imagine themselves in paris, chavi asks dilip , are you not worried of the bill, he says iam speaking from my boss's mobileπŸ˜†

chotu: surya in GG room, chotu hears them whispering πŸ˜‰, he runs to store room and brings fevicol and applies on the latch of the door, fevicol kaa mazbhooth jod hai tootegaa nahin

chaturi: is singing an english song while she puts the clothes to dry and everyone is shocked she says mein roz tata sky ka active english prograaaeme dekh thee hoon surajsaa haaanπŸ˜†

kanha: mamy poko pants, ab no geelaa no pchip pchipπŸ˜†

pari: shishu ki naazuk twachaa ke liye johnson's baby powder sowmya aur surakshit

dhaisa's DIL and mishri: naaki naaki nuku nuku kaanu kaanu... ...mamma meri beautiful gudiya meri beautiful  maasoom pears
meena watches from RM and is😑

LU given for ads too on that particular dayπŸ˜†

show resumes,  surya take 7 pheras, vachans  and LU reads same as breakπŸ˜†
the show ends surya taking ashirwad from sarun

kd who was active all these time suddenly no comments from her she fell asleep on the keyboardπŸ˜†

precap: suraj shows the shadow romance( thala gives a name for this too and writes SR, a big confusion prevails in LU πŸ˜†which SR many desert the LU all of a sudden

only vasu captain SG AY and thala are present for PLU( if you take part in LU you will know what is PLUπŸ˜†

a thorough analysis of precap is going on SG gives CLU it gets bolder and bolder🀬 
vasu asks the meaning of tfsclusg againπŸ˜†

all of them say good night and leave chote and av peep in and comment present for friday LU🀣

Edited by jhema - 10 years ago
jhema thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
From the Writers of Our Forum

*Passion from the shadows*
(by Amlu)

(siggie by jhema)

Romance traced me from the shadows
There you're staring down at me
Breathing down on my neck
Your words whispering into my ears

Let me love you tonight
Let me shower you with my love
Let me fulfill your shadows with light

Romance pulled me from the shadows
And embraced me with its light
I felt its lovingness spread thru me
As it held me oh so tight

Let me love you tonight
Let me shower you with my love
Let me fulfill your shadows with light

Romance stared into my eyes
And lit a flame in my soul
Like a candle it flittered swimmingly
The gleam to tease thee so

Let me love you tonight
Let me shower you with my love
Let me fulfill your shadows with light

Romance brushed on my lips
With such sweet tenderness
Like nectar of honey bees
Its sugariness excited me so

Let me love you tonight
Let me shower you with my love
Let me fulfill your shadows with light

Romance consumed me
As its kisses took me to paradise
So gentle and tender were its lips
To part with them, oh no!

Let me love you tonight
Let me shower you with my love
Let me fulfill your shadows with light

The flickers of romance were all luminous
And the night was young
So I let passion ravish me
Before the flares turned to ashes
Before the kisses turned acold
Before the shadows would find me once again

OS- I will be always yours
(by Shruthiravi)

Sooraj was worried. He sat in their room in Kuldevi Mandir. Bhabo and Babasa had gone back. Sandhya had requested Bhabo whether they could stay back for another 3-4 days as she will be going for training in another week. Bhabo had given them permission.

Sooraj thought. It all started there. He shouldn't have agreed to Sandhya's plan and should have dragged her back to RM. But well seeing her so happy and so open he was also lost. So lost that he even forgot his promise to her. He had told her , her dream was important , more important than him. He knew that also. Sandhya had never wanted to get married but wanted to be an IPS officer. Marriage was an accident for her. Yet she had tried to adjust to it, had started loving him and yesterday in the park she had given away herself to him completely. Sooraj closed his eyes.

Marriage to him had robbed Sandhya of a lot of things. Her independence, her dream always hanging in balance. Now when everything was going so well for her.. how could he? Sooraj cursed the moment he felt so weak. He was worried of the consequences.

Sandhya was in jovial mood. She was feeling completely happy and elated. She went about doing the chores happily. Today they need to go once again to Kuldevi Mandir as they are travelling back to RM by evening.  But since yesterday she was seeing Sooraj sad, disturbed. Now she looked at him. He was sitting quietly in the bed.

Sandhya went near him " Soorajji what happened. Why are you so sad"

Sooraj looked at her " Sandhyaji I am sorry, I am really sorry Sandhyaji"

Sandhya looked at him incredulously " Sorry Soorajji, Sorry for what?"

Sooraj spoke with his head bowed  his voice almost a whisper " Sandhyaji I had always wanted you to be an IPS officer, I know how much you want it, Not only you I also want to see you in that police uniform. It was because of that I had taken the celibacy vow so that our love never comes between our dream. I had never wanted our love to be a weakness for you Sandhyaji and yesterday what I had feared all along had happened. Our love became our weakness Sandhyaji"

Sandhya looked at her worried husband " Soorajji how did our love became our weakness. I had never felt that our love was a weakness. It was always my strength Soorajji and it will always remain the strength also"

Sandhyaji you are not understanding. You are just lost in the moment". Now there was a bit of anger in his voice. " Sandhyaji what if.. he stopped and looked at her.

Sandhya went near him. Took his hand in hers and spoke gently "Soorajji I understand what you are going to tell. You are worried what will happen to IPS if I become pregnant"  

Sooraj looked at her in shock. He was expecting sadness there. But she was only smiling as she spoke

Soorajji you love me and do you have trust in my love for you"

Sandhyaji I have never distrusted your love and I never will "

Soorajji then why are you afraid. Soorajji it was your love that has helped this orphan girl face the betrayal of her brother, Soorajji it was your love that bought back the dream to this girl, Soorajji it was your love that made this girl face the challenges that society has thrown at her. Then how do you think it will become a weakness for me"

Sooraj looked on and she continued speaking " Soorajji I am happy for what happened between us , believe me I am extremely happy. You need not say sorry to me as you have not done anything wrong. You just allowed me to feel your love completely and since we love each other and are married we had every right to feel each other's love"

"Sandhyaji that is what I am telling. You are living in the moment. You don't.."

Let me complete Soorajji" Sandhya cut him in.. " Soorajji if I am going to become pregnant to be frank I will be happiest on earth. I do understand that if that happens I may not be able to go for IPS training this year. But Soorajji that is not the end of our dream. Soorajji it is very difficult for a mother to leave her new born and go anywhere. But Soorajji I have you. I can very well go for training next year assured that our precious bundle of joy will never feel my absence. You will never allow him/her to feel my absence. You will show shower him/her with all the love which even I cannot give."

"Then one more thing. Today if I go you will be alone Soorajji. But when I go after giving you the biggest gift a wife can give her husband even I will be happy in training and can commit myself to it completely. I know I have been able to give you happiness. I know our precious bundle is keeping his/her papa busy and not allowing him to think or worry about his/her mama very much." She smiled " Soorajji think about it. How beautiful it would be. Soorajji true I want to be an IPS officer. But you are most important to me Soorajji and your love is my biggest strength. Never ever think it is a weakness for me

Sooraj looked at his wife. She was smiling and tears of happiness were flowing from her eyes. Sooraj was overwhelmed.  His education status and his profession as a halwai was always a worry for his mother. It had been hinted to him multiple times that it was because of this he was not getting good proposals as no girl would want to live her life with a halwai. If that was not enough even the bride had run away on the day of the marriage citing the same reasons.  It was then he was married to Sandhya that too on lies. It was a tough road that they had travelled together trying to understand each other.

Today he was discovering a new Sandhya. This well qualified woman who is on her way to become an IPS officer loves him for what he is. He is not a barrier between her and her dream, but he is the wind beneath her wings which is allowing her soar high. Sooraj slowly stood up, Sandhya too. They looked at each other and then Sooraj hugged her tightly. He was crying, but Sandhya knew those were the tears of happiness. Sooraj's love was always her strength and today she was allowing him to feel the strength of her love.

'half an hour everyday'

Half an hour everyday
full of excitement, humour and play
Half an hour everyday
The best moments in my day
Half an hour everyday
DABH rocks all the way!!
Deepika your smile really makes me smile
Not enough words to explain your beauty
Your elegance contains oh such glory
Your character Sandhya is truly the shine in this story

Half an hour everyday
The colours in my heart are never grey
There is really too much for me to say
About this half an hour everyday

Anas is a total rockstar
His eyes, his cute smile
And oh so handsome
I love your acting just too much
Sooraj in our heart always beats all the rest

So many working together make such a beautiful serial
Which really has won the entire worlds hearts
The story is mind blowing
And all cast show such wonderful arts
My half an hour everyday,
You really make it special
Teaching life lessons as well as entertainment
Your popularity at grabs such attainment


Sweet Embrace
(by Geethsn)


En vaazhvil, Puyalai nuzhaidha ilam thendralay
Un kannin thee pory ennai chutterikka, 
Un vedanai en idhayathai  pizhindedukka,
oru thuli kanneril en udhiram sindha,
Katril kaagitham pol en manam aadiyathe.

O, gentle breeze, who entered my life like a storm,
The sparks of your eyes burnt me like fire,
Your sorrow squeezed my heart like a vice,
Every drop of tear you shed, I shed my blood,
My heart was battered like a paper flying in the wind.

Un parvayin  oliyil, nan oru  panithuli
Un punnagayo,
 idhayathai adavaikkum  melisye,
 Unnai paartha  naal  mudhal 
Nan ennai maranden, en nenjai thulaithen.

In the light of your eyes, I was a dew drop
Your smile,
Was the music that made my heart dance,
From the day I beheld you,
I forget myself,  and lost myself in you.

Unnai pirindha  oru nodiyum , oru yugamaga
Unnai nenjodu anaikka  en karangal thudikka,
Nan kathirundhen, 

Every second that I was apart from you seemed like an eternity
I waited for you,  
with great expectations am waiting for you...
with aching heart to embrace  you ...


Paalai vanam solai vanam pol en manam mara,
Solaippungavil, aayiram kuyilgal isai pada,
Pallayiram mayilgal thogai virithada,
Maan kutti pol manan thullada,
Yengum pasumail, yengum inimai,

Like a desert, turning into an oasis, my heart too became one,
In this garden thousand nightingales sang,
Many a thousand peacocks danced with their plumes spread,
My heart jumped with joy like a fawn,
Everywhere it was lush n green, every where it was beautiful,

Neeyum oru gangai maindhano 
Naano, oorvasi yo menakayo alla
Anal  en anbhai sollaththudikkum 
Oru  sadarana pen thaney.

Are you a son of mother Ganga too?
I am not Oorvasi, or Menaka,
But a mere girl 
Who is struggling to express her love.

En manathin rahasiyam kelayo?
Kaalam nadathiya nadagam arivay
Inthap pennin  manathin sodanai arivay
Yennai purinthu kolla mattaya?

Don't you hear the secrets my heart is whispering to you?
You now the games played by fate,
You know the troubles of this girl's heart,
Won't you understand me?

Eni daamadam  illai, thayakkam illai
En kaadal vellathukku oru anaye thevai,
Arivai nee, ...azhaithen naan, 
varuvayo, en karam pidippayo, manathodu anaippayo?

There is no delay now,  no hesitation,
The flood of my love, needs only a dam,
You know it, ...I am calling you,
Will you come,  to hold my hand,  and embrace me to your heart?

Sandya the Enigma
(by deejagi)

           How many of you really think that Sandya is doing all this remarriage issue just bugging Suraj for re-doing it by following all the Rasams just to re-take the 7 marriage oaths she missed to take 2 years back? At least I am not in that list. Truly it is not bachpana (childish) as she confirmed to Suraja and also true that it is Pyar (at last she is trying to reciprocate Suraj's love). She is aware of Suraj's attraction towards her and also how much he is controlling himself by restraining him with a strict master look and chiding Sandya like an headmaster does to his disobedient student with a straight face with devoid of emotions. She is also aware of Bhabo's dream to hold Surya's child in her hand and the way it is it will not be any sooner than 2 years (11 months in training & some more months in posting and duty joining and after that at least 9 months they have to wait to have their child which is heart breaking to Bhabo.
           The changed Sandya can feel their joint emotions and also know that neither Bhabo nor Suraj will open up with their wishes just to save Sandya from the embarrassment of not being able to fulfill them. As she is aware that Suraj will not get distracted from his aim to have Sandya in the academy for IPS training, she is playing stubborn kid who cry aloud with refusal of its wish. Since she will not be able to achieve her goal with straight approach, hence she  is acting innocent and trapping our poor Suraj with all her lovey dovey talks and stubborn request for re marriage by following all the rituals starting from Wedding card, haldi, mehandi etc. I hope you are getting where she is aiming to reach.

             She knows that both Bhabo and Suraj have been supportive to her and they will keep supporting her even in future by suppressing their wish and pain. She is very well aware that without their support she would not have achieved her current stage and also has realized why Bhabo was not happy with Sandya becoming an IPS officer. She realized that on the day of her interview when the interviewer asked her whether she will be comfortable with her being the cook when she becomes an officer since their status will not match. With that whatever little apprehensions he had towards Bhabo's objection have been  evaporated. When they have done so much for her happiness, which even a mother and brother would not have done, she feels it is her turn now to make them happy.

             So either by the time Sandya is ready to leave for her training or in the initial days of training itself, sh will show the symptoms of pregnancy. With that either she might get her training postponed or reappear for the same after her delivery and fulfilling the wishes of her mother and husband.

Edited by jhema - 10 years ago
jhema thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago

From the creators of Our DABHians

(siggies by Surya4ever)

(Siggies by jhema)

(Siggie by Lincy_cathy)

(siggie by --Ramyaks--)

(Siggie by Manjuu)

journey all these celebration epis wit cake cuts..!😊

(Siggie by lathadabh1)

(Siggie by Manjuu)

(Siggie by nep3)

Edited by jhema - 10 years ago
jhema thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago

(from Vasanthima)
Congratulation Scrap 
To The Channel
The Producers
The Cast

And The Crew

Of  Diya Aur Batti Hum team for completing 600
Fireworks graphicsFireworks graphicsFireworks graphics

OurHearty Wishes To You All!!!!!!
tulip bouquet hd picturetulip bouquet hd picture

No Matter how many hundreds of episodes you complete to reach the
 climax WE are there to...
ENJOY            πŸ‘    πŸ‘    πŸ‘
COMMENT    πŸ˜•   πŸ˜›   πŸ˜²
CRITICIZE     πŸ˜‘   πŸ˜’   πŸ˜”
APPRECIATE   πŸ‘πŸΌ  πŸ‘πŸΌ  πŸ‘πŸΌ

All we want is...

All The Best Photos

(from ranjeetha)

Anas Rashid and Deepika, Diya Aur Baati Hum has started since 29th of August 2011, and since then there was no looking back. Our sweet confectioner and her daring lady has mesmerize all of us and wow, you guys, including your whole team has reached the 600th episode, hats off to you.

You have made us all proud, with your sincere determination and serious efforts. With the same spirit and zeal, you shall always make us proud. You did a great job. Indeed, a huge achievement. Well done and Congratulations on the success.

Our SoorajSandhya are incomplete without each other, the way you guys have supported each other, wow, no words to praise this. You guys have thought us how to remain as one is and to never lose hope, there can be a bundle of obstacles, but when one follows the right path, all is well at end. In all these ups and downs our SoorajSandhya has not leave each other's hand, very well done, when true love is here then what to fear :)

AnasDeepika, you have portrayed SoorajSandhya in a very good way, hats off to you. The whole team of Diya Aur Baati Hum has rock it fantastically, this serial has also thought us about family values, one is incomplete without one's family and both of you have always try your best to keep the whole family together :)

Once again, Congratulations, well done and may you always keep up the good work.

(from nikilsahai)
Dabh team congratulaions for successfully completing 600 episodes this is just the beginning many more to come congratulations Anas rahid & deepika singh and all dabh cast and crew  hip hip hurray to shashi sumeet productions keep entertaing us like this.It is a success, you truly deserved. It is an achievement you have truly earned. I congratulate you on your success and wish you all the best for your future. Well done. You truly deserve the success, and with such efforts you are sure to earn more. Keep up the good work. Congratulations on this wonderful occasion.You have made us all proud, with your sincere determination and serious efforts. With the same spirit and zeal, you shall always make us proud. Well done and Congratulations on the success.

(from risha8)

i wish the show does excellent  with topping tvt rating high 

congrats for completing 600 episodes 

(from ramya_deepika)

Congratulations Diya aur baati hum for completing 600episodes ..
DABH is an Outstanding show in Indian TV... 
Anasrashid n DeepikaSingh rocks as SurYa ...
u r doing wonderful job in DABH ..
DABH rocks ..
Proud to be a DABHian ...

(from Manzz)

Just Sharing my views 

πŸ˜ƒ Watching Bhabho Over The Few Months, Rather For Almost An Year Or So : πŸ˜ƒ I Reason Bhabho Should Be More Outgoinng, Humourous πŸ˜ƒ And Entertaining πŸ˜† πŸ˜‰
πŸ˜ƒ Further πŸ˜ƒ Meenakshi Has More Scope Being Funny Then Negative πŸ˜ƒ She Has Enormous Possibities And Ability To Do So πŸ˜ƒ Vikram Is Wasted πŸ˜ƒ

I wish the Show to get More success and  the  actors should be utilised well.

(from Duggukede)

Edited by jhema - 10 years ago
thala thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 10 years ago
PP  on behalf of whole dabhilyπŸ€—
awsm thread J
you have done a very neat job
siggies and vm are mindblowing

loved that vm song

bharathika thanks for the wonderful summary

kd thanks for the trp  and achievements info ( intersting facts too)

wow dabh on top continuosly for the past 39 weeks
dabh rocks man

romance traced pulled stared brushed consumed
omg too hot to handle ami

fantastic hot hot poemπŸ‘

nice os shruthi- πŸ‘
ND half an hour of the show but 24 hrs of funda and mastiπŸ‘

geeth apt songs for suraj and sandhya, very sweet indeedπŸ‘

good one deejaagiπŸ‘- mysterious sandy

awsm siggies meera LC  ramya  LD( missing you in the forum)πŸ‘

SG awsm siggy with the seven vowsπŸ‘

captain yours was shocking 
simply wowπŸ‘

vasu superbπŸ‘

congrats to the team
the cast, the crew , 

many many congrats to dabhily
proud to be a dabhian

simpy love this magical show
and hope it reaches more and more such milestones


Edited by ramasuresh78 - 10 years ago
jhema thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
πŸ₯³ PArty Song.
Let us dance and celebrate this party with this song.

Thala our official DJ  rocking πŸ‘πŸΌ