LTL thread 1~repeated on Rishtey WU 117~p.148 - Page 7


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Hamlet53 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago

                                                   LTL Written Update

                                                            Episode 6

                                                    January 4th 2010


                                                 Hotel Garden View

The episode opens as the manager ushers  Naku into the dressing room. All  present girls part of the planned New year act, look up  bewildered at the manager.. Maria the reception asks her? and the manager says yes, get her fixed up in , you know which dress, and he watches. Maria tells Naku, get your face done up first then I'll show your outfit. The girls wink at each other and tongue in cheek advise the makeup man, first you need to white wash her face only then can her makeup be seen!! to which tip the make man smiles cruelly and the girls laugh. Maria tells them to stop! and get ready! for the show.


                                                       Police Station

Sethji tiffin in hand stirs the half asleep  night watch police man.. he says Saab! what do you want? replies the snoozing on duty constable.Sethji in all childlike desperation says food. The police says go put it inside I'll eat it later!. But Sethji urges Saab its for my aye.. the police says  scram from here and nods off..

Sethji sneaks in and his mother spots him and exclaims  in delight, you have come my son. He rushes to her, says caringly, I have brought you food and sits outside her  cell. Both mother and son are overcome with emotion.. and through the bars he feeds her. A weeping Babi eats her morsel and Sethji , consoles her ,don't cry!.  She as his caring mother, pauses midway and  asks if he had eaten? and he replies how could he if she is here.. Babi tearfully says, let me feed you by my hand.. she asks  where is Naku?. Sethji, covers up for her, oh she's working at home.. and she weeps bitterly and says , leave it, I'll eat my self!. She weeps and caresses her  saddened sons' face and asks affection, how do you manage with out me?. Sethjiputs on a brave front and says, who says, don't take tension I'll get you out of this place! and Babi cries when she sees how tough her son was trying to be.. [it suddenly seems Sethji has admirably assumed the duty of being the man of the house]


                                                    Hotel Garden View

 A shot of make up is shown against  Naku's dusky face  and a red lipstick is wound up before her caky  lips. The manager barges in the dressing room, calling out hurry up and get her ready the crowd outside is waiting to see her!.. Naku's

lips get smeared by  lip rouge.. she hears and her dead jet black stare  blankly..

Outside  the party fever is on.. the stage is set with the back drop saying in bold letters. Happy New Year !music is blaring! guests seated  on a scattering of round tables  drinking , cat calling at cabaret dancers writhing their bodies to the beat of the music! dharti hila de!lak lash kare!mein tera! dharkan teri ab baacha kiya!.. in full party mood! with glasses in hands revellers break into dance around the tables.. while the dancers hyped them up with their squirming, wriggling moves.     

The  host suddenly shows up on the stage welcomes all, and  calls out for the music to be turned off. He says, friends the night you have been all waiting for is finally here! 31st deecember 2009..and to  welcome the new year in! we have prepared a special show for you so enjoy! guests ask the waiter, who is distributing stones to them at the tables..  what is this about?. He replies you'll find out soon enough!

Against a blue backdrop of tall buildings from the right side of the stage a silhouette  of a girls profile  with a head spiked up with a crown of  branch like wavy pig tails with bows.. slowly emerges but pauses.. amid the cat calls,  why the darkness !put the lights on!.. Naku clasps the stage wing door as the manager chivvies her  to get on the stage !  and the host calls out,  so now the time has arrived to say goodbye to the passing year sooo before you for the last time comes  2009!!  

Naku falters in the wings unwilling to go on  stage before the waiting crowd and  the manager angrily literally pushes her on to the stage!

 Naku comes before the crowd, dressed in ragged black outfit with bold labels! Swine flu',  terrorist attack! inflation! Recession! ..Naku with her branched up braids of ,red ,blue yellow green orange bows! shields her face petrified of the hollering crowd,  who call,  get her off! this ugly thing!. Finally she moves her palms from her face revealing the digits 2009 painted in white on her dark forehead... and the word "bye" painted in white lower down her cheek!.

With big bold black eyes she stares at the yelling crowd! Who is she? get her off the stage! she's ruined all the fun!  She looks helplessly at he manager in the wings who orders her to, smile!.. Naku nods and joins her hands in namaste before the crowd. The host continues, this is the year 2009, look at it carefully! this is the same year that gave us inflation! terrorist act! and swine flu! such a horrible and repulsive face it has! so come friends lets remove this year from our lives forever! so what are you all waiting for.. pick up the stone before  you on your table! and hit her![ a horrified Naku  looks.. but is reminded of Morey words , bring 250000.. if you wants your aye released].. the host continues  .. why are you surprised? all the pent up anger you have taken it out on her! man says with a stone in his hand, it would be more fun if this stone was for real!  The host hypes up every one go on then hit her! hit her! and the hysterical crowd begins to chuck stones at Naku!

Men, women all  aim at Naku and hit her to their hearts delight.. the hosts shouts only two minutes left for the dawn of the new year so hit her and release your boxed up rage! kick  her out of your life right now! the host yells.

Naku stands and weeps on the stage surrounded with stones around her feet. The host shouts, so now friends lets say good bye to this  horrible year 2009! and Maria comes on the stage grabs Naku by the arm and pushes her to one edge of the stage! Every one cheers! and whistles while the host draws the attention of the crowd to the seconds ticking away.. and then announces,  friends lets welcome year 2010! and a  beautiful girl dressed in a tiara ,a pink gown wearing a white sash  saying 2010.. comes  on the stage  .. there is a burst of fireworks across the skies! Great cheers and clapping sounds resound.. and the stunning girls does a cat walk, waves and  gives flying kisses to the crowd.. whilst Naku in her black and white labelled  shift stands on her feet weeping, crestfallen.. the beautiful/ the unsightly.. both on stage.

One drunk man says to his friends burn this year .. he says to 2009.. and throws a liquor bottle towards the edge of the stage where Naku is and throws a burning match to it!

The stage sets a light  and all pandemonium breaks lose!

The manager shouts at a terrified Naku to get off the stage! But she feels trapped and cries for.. while the manager yells at her to move!

The celebrations end in a fiasco and staff clears up the place.. The manager  comes to Naku , you turned out to be more then I thought here's your earning..  and he gives her 15000 ..she said but 20000 was agreed.. and he says,  yes! but I have suffered losses due to the fire, so  I have slashed every ones wages,  the same amount was given to 2010 as well! Naku argues but I never started the fire .. and says,  fine if you don't want the money  than give it back!. Naku says , no this is fine.. and he says, ok now go!



Back in the basti. Celebrations are in full swing, burning an effigy  symbolises the passing of the year gone by.. men, boys are dancing in the street against the cadence of the drum beats..

Ganpat sits drinking to one side of the street unmoved by the  rowdy celebratory  throngs of basti dwellers. Sethji  sullenly sits  at the veranda of his door step.. his friends saunter over and ask him why he is on his own..  they invite him over to join them, come lets  do some fireworks.. preoccupied and down, he  refuses, no don't feel like it, you go ahead..


                                                      Police Station

News years eve and Morey too, maintaining his cash flow.. is on the phone to some person who paid him to be allowed to play loud music.. he grumbled  you only paid me for the hour, there is limit .. so now don't waste my time.. he presses in his temples with his thumbs  and complain, this news years'eve has done my head in! and orders his constable  to get him some black tea.

Naku enters the police station and asks to see Morey. She approaches his desk and stands to the side in silence. One look at her and he gasps in mock horror. Babi looks on through her cell perturbed, Naku? wondering what her daughter was doing here again..

Naku from behind her chunni pulls out the  bundle of  notes and gently places the money on his table, Saab paisa she says simply. Babi holds the bars of her cell stunned! while Morey pops out his eyes with a smile and says, Mogambo kush hoya.. new year ko happy bune ke liya thank you!

He instructs his constable to give it a count. Babi wonders where did she get so much money from?. Naku turns her head towards her mother who yells ,what did you do Naku? to get this money? answer me? she demands. Morey stands up and says, go on tell your Aye, who whistled ! who showered flowers! who blew money at you!. he walks towards Babi , oyee walkie talkie!  lots of booze! lots of  beauty!  enjoyment and loads of money coming!

Babi stands in the cell and weeps.. Morey says, oyeee Mother India why are you crying? Very very selfish! your daughter fulfilled her obligation of being a daughter so  admirably, you should say thank you to her.. go on say thank you he urges on cruelly.

Babi distressed starts to suffer from shortness of breath. Naku looks at her worried, and turns to Morey please let my mother go now! you said bring money, I have.. Morey snaps at her , so you done me no favour !! besides its short of 10000, who going to pay that? your father? he wont! then? Naku says I'll bring the rest of the money Saab, she not well, let her go have mercy Saab!, she begs and he says, Morey's heart is as soft as wax... and he yells at his woman constable let this mother and daughter go!. But the constable says but Saab.. and he looks at Naku and says  nicely whose going to give this Mona lisa 10000 every day.. just let them go! make their new year happy! he says to the lady constable, who opens Babi's  cell door.

But he turns to Naku with his palm... five days you have! if you don't get me the rest of the money, I'll have all your family in there behind bars! then he says to both Naku and a released Babi five days.. then full family package in jail! Got it! and Naku and Babi leave Morey in a hurry..

Outside the police station, Babi confronts Naku, wait! what was Morey saying? Naku calms her mother, lets go home  and I'll explain. Babi fumes , no! tell me now! otherwise I'll drop dead here!. Naku replies calmly, your Naku has done nothing to bring shame to  you...  promise!. , all I did was stand on the stage.. she gives a terribly upset Babi the complete recount of events! But adds clearly upset, he said he would pay me 20,000. But only gave me 15,000. Babi too on hearing every thing cries out, today I am hugely indebted to you Naku! you got stoned for my sake! forgive me my child!

Naku says aye lets go home! look I've forgotten every thing ! cant you see I am so happy you have been released!. Naku takes her mother home..



Back in the basti the flames of the past years  effigy die down, as Babi and Naku make their way back home. Greetings of, look Daku Babi Singh returns!  the  goondi /thug of the locality returns! tell us did you beat Morey ? or did he beat you! one shouts , as the rest of the locals still street partying laugh and jeer! Babi  reacts by wanting to physically attack them! but Naku persuades her to come home.

Once home, all is still Ganpat is fast  asleep. Naku sits her mother down, and offers to heat water for her to have a bath, but Babi  cries Deva re Deva! such bad luck that I am your mother. Naku seeing her breathing is unstable, offers her mother medication with a glass of water.. Babi cries out , how much you do for me Naku! and Ganpat stirs from his sleep and looks down at his released wife..

Babi looks in bewilderment , at the pill lying in Naku's palm and notices her burnt fingers!. In horror she asks how they got burnt? Naku replies they got burnt  while making roti! She  accepts that, and gulps down her pill ,while Ganpat takes another swig of his booze!.

Babi suddenly recalls, its that fire that burnt your hand? and Naku nods yes and weeping, she hugs her mother..both women weep as Ganpat looks on from the top..

Babi sobs bitterly its your ill fated destiny Naku, that you have been born in my house...this is the time  when I  should be getting you married off.. applying nuptial haldi on your palms! and I get you burnt my child! Babi cries and Ganpat mouths his booze!..episode ends... Hamlet53~3.9.13


Precap: "here stands your drunkard  husband  before you!, says Ganpat . Babi says, tell you what I'll have a well  of booze at home! shall I? and he says sure I'll drink all night. Babi says , have you no shame?, he says yes! that's why I never came to get you released! .Babi  tells him did you know that all night ,Naku  had people poking  fun at her!  abusing her! and pelting stones at her! and she spits and screams and you!! 

My personal view about this  particular episode was sheer amazement at the channel  to present the complete macabre setting.. where a  person of seemingly dark skin tone, symbolizes the negative year that has gone by..Such an extent is covered to denounce a skin tone..there are clear connotations that a dark skin tone , is something to be ashamed of, it defines some form of breach of nature , whereby making it a butt of ridicule before all. To be treated like a pariah by society and be stoned.. I found the episode  racially abusive of a peoples, race, their roots...

Where I live the difference of my skin tone is celebrated,  has social inclusion.. in fact I  take pride in my skin tone. When Naku cries, I wonder what the reason is? Her ugliness so to speak? The abuse she receives for being an ugly duckling?.. if that is the case than, that is a lie! for underneath she is a fair damsel! Living a lie! So what is the channel making fun of? dark skin tone.. our obsession with fairness..  hammie.




Edited by Hamlet53 - 10 years ago
tamanna1391 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 10 years ago
for wu really hate how nakku was mentally abused and good that fire take place
Edited by tamanna1391 - 10 years ago
-bharti- thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago

was waiting to see how babi gets out, but got to read the most atrocious abnoxious portrayal of ridicule dark skin evokes.  It was OTT even to the gora skin obsessed society i thought, would have smashed my tv set if ever i got to watch it 😡   How can the entire organising team including the crowd of that stupid new year show be so cruel?  Pelting stones ? Sadistic!

But to see sethji n naku rallying to babi,s rescue was adorable, sethji carrying food to the cell n feeding was heartwarming,  n when naku reveals the truth to babi, one has to feel for this woman,  she feels miserable letting down her kids as a parent.. But Nothing affects the stone hearted ganpat.  

Your footnote is the crux of the whole issue here.  What does the serial makers intend to show i wonder?  If they wanted to portray the way our society celebrates fairnes n detest dark skin, then they have overshot the message n infact doin more harm than good.  Instead of prolonging or exaggerating naku,s misery they would have done a great service if they showed how naku took things in her stride undeterred n how superficial these things are.  Again just like you pointed hammie one can argue why should naku even feel bad when she is indeed a "beauty" under the soot.  Only when dutta makes his entry that there is respite from this obsession.😡 

Yes, there is discrimation.. sometimes subtle, sometimes not so subtle,  the one shown in the update was taking it too far.  Just goes to show how little is monitored as to the content of tv shows,  n i clearly remember one instance where you pointed in UK, dutta aiming the dart board with knives was deleted since it was considered unsuitable for youngsters.  There is little adherence to any guidelines n total disregard to human sensibilities.   

Thank you hammie for all the hard work, perfect job as always. Take care 

Edited by -bharti- - 10 years ago
dilse14 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
awesome thread
each part decribed like watching it
thanxs 😊
Bunny and flowers Stock Photo - 3199762
swati2008 thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 10 years ago
Again a good update. When I saw the epi for the first time in 2010, I hated so much the party crowd, organisers and makers too. I know Indian society is obsessed with fair skin. But still potrayal was quite OTT. I agree what exactly channel wanted to prove? I could never understand. Fair skin and beautiful, you would be raped or trafficked and dark skin you would be ridiculed and pelted with stones. Seriously very bad message the channel is giving. Thank god this ended when Dutta entered.
And about the Indian society's obsession with light skin. I have seen it first hand. I have what I will call moderate skin neither too dark nor too fair. So my skin was never a problem. But my sister was little dusky. I have seen people discriminate with her, though if u ask me she's more beautiful and talented than most fair people I have seen. Not because she's my sister, she actually is. And my friend is little dusky too. She's most kind-hearted and loyal person. Always ready to help people, quite selfless. But you know she has this fear of wearing or using dark colored stuffs due to her skin color. Forget about a dress, she wont ever carry a black purse. I tried my best, but couldn't dissasuade her fears. Biggest regret of my life. Atleast my sis never cared for those people.   
twinkle-star thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago

Hi Hammieee🤗

Thank you sooo much for your nice update dear..🤗.Loved your  writing style & your point of views.🤗...They are totally wonderful..👏👏...Your narrations are superb..👏👏...This episode is the worst episode in LTL..🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢...I HATE it sooo much..🤢🤢🤢🤢...I only loved Babi -Sethji's emotional convo in this whole cruel stupid episode..❤️.sethji carried food for Babi & fed her are really heart  touching part dear..❤️.sethji's matured words give some relief to me too...❤️...Totally loved that scene..❤️.OH NAKU😲😲😲😲!!!!! I can't tolerate this much of torture for meri sweet innocent Naku....They abused her by cruel words ,threw stones at her& that fire fiasco.....OH NOOO😡😡😡😡!!!!!!...Why channel showed like this???.😡😡😡😡...There is nothing in skin tone..😭😭😭Totally stupid concept behind this whole epi......HATE THIS  😡😡😡.Loved Babi's shock expression where Naku gave money to Morey & her painful reaction after knew the truth behind that money...❤️...Poor Babi..😭...Feel sad for her .😭..Hammie Loved your point of view about this skin tone matter .❤️.🤗Totally agree with you dear.👍🏼..Superb written update..👏👏..I hate this episode but love your well written update dear.❤️..Just now I came home & enjoyed it......Eagerly waiting for the next update dear...😳Hats off to you for your contributions Hammieee.👏🤗.Take care dear...🤗.Eagerly waiting for Tomorrow.😳😳..Thanks a lot for your realistic update dear..🤗.Sooo sweeet of you🤗...TRA' Twinky. ...🤗...


Edited by twinkle-star - 10 years ago
twinkle-star thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
Hi Hammieee🤗
Where are you????....We all are eagerly waiting for the update.....Please Update soon dear

-bharti- thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
Hammoo ???  

Hamlet53 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago

                                               LTL Written Update

                                                 Episode ~ 7

                                                January 5th 2010


                                                  Naku's home  

The episode begins with Babi falling to pieces over Naku's singed palms, she beats her brow and cries ,due to me Naku you made a fool of yourself in front of those people! she protests before her gods what bad deeds have I done ,lord? Deva have mercy on me she shouts out. Naku in turn smiles at her and assures her, Aye its really nothing, look just some minor burns...on looking again, Babi says, wait I'll get some ointment .ooohh!, and she hastily goes looking for some in the house. She  returns, here show me..Naku shows a pair of badly burnt fingertips and  upper palms. Babi applies the ointment with her finger tip and Naku  smarts in pain, Babi cries ,I know it hurts my child!, Naku just smiles bravely and Babi blows soothingly over the burns.. Naku looks on caringly at her mothers love, who continues to cry, please forgive me my child! and they hug each other for solace. Babi asks where is your babaa?. Ganpat stirs from his sleep woken up by his wife's crying, and Babi moves away to her mandir  and cries, he'll turn up when  I die to cremate me! oh Deva what a destiny I have?..and she lights the diva in on the domestic  wall mounted altar. Babi continues to sob. I had to get married to a drunkard! all night I was in jail  and he was... Ganpat replies from upstairs .. your drunkard is here Babi..Babi! and he sits up in his bed and looks down from the bannister, look your bewada is here! and he smiles  with wave  at her from his sleeping place above. Babi looks up at him. Naku calls him down affectionately, come babaa!, and he replies , I am coming!. he comes own the stairs..he  totters down... coming! , Babi  yells come carefully! And he  shouts out I know you have come! as he reaches the last step. He walks towards her with a daft smile and reports, here is your drunkard ! in front of you...Babi covers her nose to repell the booze whiff!,while Naku looks on, and  brushes her nose too. Ganpat looks down at his wife and says, Babi! I remembered you and I drank a lot! a lot!..

Babi looks up at his unstable body and replies, great! now drink to celebrate my return! Ganapat tell you what I'll install a tap in the house that will supply booze! then you can sit and drink the whole day!.He tries to touch her and she angrily pushes  him away. He looks at his cupped palms and says I'll  drink like this ,and he says to Naku, calm your mother down.. and then turns to Babi you'll make yourself sick if you get so angry. Babi gets annoyed and jerks and feels the back of her neck, while a concerned Ganpat, says wait I'll get some medicine.. then he suggests to his wife.. why dont' you drink a tiny bit? all your pain will  vanish in a jiffy!. Babi disheartened , looks across to him and replies, you have no shame ganpat! absolutely none.. he says I was ashamed that's why I never turned up at the station.. all day just nagging! Nagging! Nagging and more nagging!..and he turns and walks away to sit himself down at the nearest bed..I told  Naku don't do anything! that inspector would get fed of your mothers bad mouthing and drop her back home!. You know Babi in the whole world only I can tolerate you! he shouts.. and Naku calms him down.. babaa.. but Babi tells him, Ganpat! this girl made a fool of her self all night, she was mocked at ,hit by stones and you scum! and she spits! as Ganpat drinks some water. and reacts what? Scum? Hell!when I was working in the mill everything was ok..then I was king of this house! Now I am scum?. He challenges and walks closer to Naku and Babi, I got you this house with my money! I didn't bother you for dont remember anything do you? he shouts at an embarrassed Babi..,now I am unemployed  and penniless! every thing is finished! so you insult me! you can't stand me?. He starts to become aggressive and Babi warns him.. while Naku intervenes and says , here have some tea,   we have run out of go get some!  Ganapat laughs.. look how she's trying to get rid of me? he pulls out  paper money and wipes his lips its not tea time now.. its time for booze! oh i'll go, have a drink and come.. and he smiles at his wife as he brushes the end of her chin with his hand.. flirtingly .

Babi!  she shrugs his hand.. and with a smile Ganpat leaves. In disgust, Babi beats her brow hysterically and shouts get out of here get out! Naku stops her..

A delighted  Sethhji turns up , oh great aye you are back! ,and he breaks into song and dance, aye is back! Babi with her palm pressed against her mouth giggles as Sethji presses his head against his mothers belly, both mother son hug  each other happily. And she kisses his forehead.. while he says , aye can you cook some good food.. Babi says, sure my son,, she hugs him I remember how you brought food for me in the lockup! real good boy! my son!..Naku passes her responsibility to her brother, go put her to bed .while I go to Mangla mausi..she's cooked for all of use , you let mother rest..

Babi turns to Naku, how can we rest now ,naku? till we don't give him the rest of the money..that inspector will not leave us on peace!..Naku , you keep away from him! he is a rascal!. Naku ressures her mother, aye you don't worry you just rest and she ..  takes Babi to her bed.. who calls out , Naku you look after your self.. Naku replies  I will be back from mangla's house in a jiffy! .She orders her brother watch over her!



Against the  nightly back drop of reflective lights in its waters.. the sea waves silently..  as Naku knocks at Mangla's house where her husband lay asleep on a single cot  bed..

The knock wakes him and his wife says wait I'll get it..Mangla welcomes  Naku and asks, is your mother back? hope they didn't hit her or any thing , Naku says no.. mangla looks up at her husband and says to Naku you sit here ,I'll get something to eat ok?

Mangla's husband asks Naku, how much did Morey settle for? , she says 15,000, and he repeats 15,000 , and Naku continues, I have to give 10,000  more in five days ..and she breaks down, he  consoles her , don't cry Naku., she says if I don't give him the money! he will put my mother back in  jail.. Mangla's husband says, you don't worry, I'll come to the police station with you., I'll ask Morey to be reasonable, Naku nods but adds, you think he will reduce the amount? he looks at money, like a dog looks at a piece of bone... Mangla's husband says, I'll try and see if  I can get someone to influence him.

Mangla brings the food platters, covered with sheets of newspaper, here's the food, eat the food and also feed Sethji...and Naku carries the food and begins to leave..Mangla says wait.. and returns with something, tie this thread around your mother's wrist, and this is for you, and she puts a tilak of ashes on Naku's forehead, and says with a smile, now go..may lord Ganesha watch over your family.


                                                       Naku's home

Naku returns with the food, she hears her mothers voice, enough Sethji , your hands will get sore.. he replies, its nothing compared to what you do for us aye.. he sat massaging his mother's head in his lap.. Naku arrives and says, Sethji come quickly, have some food..Babi sits up and says you back?. Naku says come and eat, Babi says, Mangla is so good to us..and Naku says before I forget, wear this after prayers  tomorrow, Mangla gave it. Babi accepts the thread, with devotional calm.Naku feeds her mother.. and all three have a meal of dal chawal..Babi eats from Naku's hand and weeps. Naku feeds her another morsel, but Babi says, stop, I am not able to eat, you eat and finish the rest..I'll lie down. She asks her son is the food alright?. He replies, the food was not bad, but I  like the food that you cook. She leans over from her bed and kisses his forehead..  I'll cook from tomorrow my son.. surely will,  and she lies back down on her bed watching her children feed themselves, but asks Naku, where will we get, 10,000?..a worried Naku stops eating, puts her plate down and says, aye ,i'll be back in a while. Babi panics, where are you going? ,and naku says I'll go to the dispensary to get your medicines, your diabetes will bother you.. Babi says don't go alone take Sethji with you.. who stands up ready to go and says , aye don't worry ,I'll go as my sister's body guard..and Babi  calls out wipe your hands first! and look after Naku ,and they a stressed  Babi lies back  her head to rest..



Outside new years celebrations continue  with singing, and dancing..Naku and Sethji watch as one man says music! Lets dance! dance come on every one! and all celebrate boisterously as brother an sister watch dazed by people's happiness.Their mother inside their kholi looks weeping across to the picture of her deity sadly..

The children watch as their father too bottle in hand joins the merry making rabble.. Ganpat taking swigs notices his son and calls him to join in, he insists that he dance, but he says no..but Ganpat drags him and both father and son dance. Sethji midway stops looks at his sisters face and comes to her, and pulls his ears, sorry I forgot about you, lets go  to the dispensary..

On the way Naku stops at a small murti of Bapaa and prays, but then waits by a public telephone.. which was being used.Sethji challenges her why have you brought me here? you told aye you were going to the dispensary..Naku is silent and her brother says ok then don't say... they wait for the man to finish his call and Sethji says to the exchange man , tell him to end the call he's taking ages giving a kiss and a cuddle! over the phone.. Naku clobbers his ear, don't be rude. eventually the man stops and Naku dials  a number.

She rings Sangeeta for 10,000 rupees who says, no way I want to get involved in your affairs, after what your mother did to my champak.. now whose going to pay those bills?.Naku says look Iam sorry please help me! again just this last time. Sangeeta said I did help you last time look what happened, the thing is you are bad lick, things go wrong where ever there are people like you! now I am busy and she  hangs up.

Sethji cusses angrily.. what did she say? and Naku tells him off for swearing, cries and she walks off.. Sethji follows her and asks her the reason for her silence?, he says ,if you are tense then share with me, I have a lot of influence in the area.. you know babaa got embroiled in a fight with the liquor guys in the night, superb action, fighting ! I had some fun! but I tell you he is really special.. ,Sethji  chatters on as  Naku returns home with him silently..


                                                         Police Station

Next morning before the police station..Naku and Mangla's husband head towards Moreys office. But sethji follows and calls out to his sister,  look tai, aye warned you to stay away from Morey, come lets go back, come! he grabs her hand, pulling her away.Naku tells him off, why are you following me!, and he says aye said I am to be your body guard. Naku gives in, so then just follow me!, but he insists no!you are coming back! wait a wait!..

They all go in anyway, to meet Morey.. who is busy on the phone, wiping the back of his neck..if the money comes in your work is done.. yes I admit, Morey is a dirt bag!.. ok don't worry your work will be done..and he puts the phone down and turns to find Naku before him, whoa! My chaman bhar![sweetheart] is here! great! great! Welcome please sit... and he offers her a chair ,just before she is about to sit he places his foot on it! while Mangla's husband ,Naku and Sethji watch.. seat down, this is your home.. he leers at her..

Mangla's husband introduces himself ,sir Iam Kaidu, Morey says rudely ,Kaidu or whatever! can't you see I am talking to her!.Naku ties to speak, but he shouts ,shut up did I ask you to speak? every one has to speak eh? when work has to be done!..and he turns to Kaidu, who says sir Iam her neighbour, and Iam here to request you to be reasonable. Morey replies.. whoaaa!the ocean of mercy mr.Kaido!where will they get the money? if you are so worried you pay up! and he collars him.. and then releases him. Morey turns to Naku,  go to the same place where you got 15,000 from! now only four days! before your time is up! now get lost all of you!  and they leave.. as Morey chuckles, get me some tea my job is not easy!..



Suresh sits listening to music with ear plugs,  on a wall overlooking the quay, he sees Sethji, who eventually hauls himself to sit on the  wall too. He begins to cry, and feels Suresh's leg, Suresh!Suresh! who pulls his ear plugs out, aree Sethji how are you? does your mother know you are with me?. Sethji says, I need to discuss something with you..Suresh says, what is buddy?, Sethji says money.. Suresh says how much do you want? 50? 100? 150?.speak up man don't hesitate. Sethji says stammering, 10 thousand. Suresh says are you nuts?. Sethji carries on, and that too in four days. Suresh replies you think its free money?, Sethji replies, I want to earn it myself. Suresh replies but what will you do? be a waiter? a  shoe shine?.But an adamant  Sethji replies.. no I want some big job, your kind of stuff. Suresh says, Sethji my jobs are not straight. Sethji replies, I am not scared of any kind of job. Suresh says, really? alright buddy ,I'll show you my underworld today,  you ready buddy? lets go then...

episode ends.. Hamlet53~ 4.9.13



twinkle-star thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago

Awe...GREEN LIGHT...Are you preparing the FF Thread 2 for us hammie?????...Ok ...Ok..COOL DOWN...Twinky will back soon..

Hi Hammieee🤗

Awesome update dear...Loved it...Thanks a lot for your lovely update dear...Episode started with Babi-Naku's emotional convo...Loved the way you narrate the whole episode dear...Babi badly worried about Naku's burn injuries...Naku assured her teary mother...loved that scene dear...Babi & her sweetheart bewada...Anyway loved that blah blah & fight...I totally agree with Ganpat...He is the one & only person who tolerate our Babi...Loved Babi-Sethji's union...Awe...This Mangla is such a sweet heart...She did lots of helps to Naku & her family...Mangla gave some food & thread to Naku...He was massaged babi' head...Loved it...Babi,Naku& Sethji shared that food...Babi is a good mother...Naku & Sethi went to buy medicines for Babi...Naku told lie to babi...Naku went to the public booth ...Why did she ask help from that stupid Sangeetha???...Sangeetha refused to help...Oh chaman bhar means sweetheart!!...Evil Morey...Oh nooo!!!...he asked her to her to go to that cruel place again...OMG!!!...Sethji agreed to go with Suresh...I HATE this Suresh...Babi will definitely burn his noodles hair😆😆😆..No precaps???...Hammieee!!!...Loved your superb update dear...Now eagerly waiting for the next update...Sooo sweeet of you dear...Take care...TRA' Twinky..🤗


Edited by twinkle-star - 10 years ago