LTL thread 1~repeated on Rishtey WU 117~p.148 - Page 26


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twinkle-star thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago

Hi HammieπŸ€—

Loved your update so much dear...Poor Twinky...She can't tolerate these three witches ki tortures...EEEWWW...😑😑...Arey yeh kya acting hai!!!!...I didn't watch this episode...When I was start reading your update I thought that at least kala got severe burns on her palm...Stupid Twinky...Not only Dutta but this twinky also fooled by These evil Sisters...😑😑😭..EEERRR...I want to kill them right now...😑😑.I can't tolerate Kala's mockery words for our Dutta...Its really sad to see Our Dutta's  blind beliefs towards his Evil sisters..😭😭..I I Hate it...see His so called lovely sisters are insulting his true love towards them...Its really shameful...EEW...One doubt hammie...What's that cigarette packet???..😲😲..So they're smocking also...EEWWW...Are they women or men???.😲😲.According to my  knowledge ,I only saw Dutta with daru bottle...He never appear with cigarettes...(But he brought a lighter with him)...hammie Loved your side comments sooo much dear..πŸ€—...You've noticed lots of thinks & brilliantly analyzed the meaning dear...Fabulous job hammieee...I didn't wonder about Ganpat's smocking habit...He is 1000 time better than those 3 witches...πŸ˜†

Awe hammie...Loved your description about Dutta's walking style....What an awesome explanation dear...We are really lucky to have you our sweetest sher hammie..πŸ€—...EEW..This Babi & Ganpat were starting their arguments.😑..I hate this Ganpat's Heartless behaviour.😑😑.Hammie...Awe  What a details about Dutta's appearance dear...mmm...naku lied to Dutta for the sake of her father...Dutta noticed the hidden pot..Naku's family didn't understand Dutta's sign language with his men...Dutta gave time for them to get ready...Poor Kishore.😭.Feel sad for this gentle man...Hammie...Superb update dear...Twinky enjoyed it a lot..πŸ€—.Thank you so much my dearest sweet sher..πŸ€—.Its really wonderful to read this awesome update with your side comments....Thanks a lot dear...Eagerly waiting for Tomorrow...Thanks again for your super duper Dhanush song...Enjoyed it soo much dearπŸ€—πŸ€—

NB:...OMG Hammie..Lots of sad news are around on this forum...Tammy's net problem & just now saw daya's message about her  broken laptop...Whats going on here dear????πŸ˜•πŸ˜•
Warda. thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
Hi hammie😊
This is a thrilling  episode...i had it sone where in mind that kala and gang are upto no good in real and here they are...I actually felt very bad for dutta yes he is too innocent or more so he is so sincere in his dealings that he trusts people blindly and then even later we see how he mis judges naku.
here the only reson behind kalas hatered seems possessiveness as if they dont want to share thier bhau with any other person and depends on his money .. it reminds me now actually when cvs diverted kalas hatred towards his father.

Ganpat tu bas feel like killing him sometimes ..chik chik family lol...naku is clever in making excuses btw πŸ˜†...but I do remember later dutta made ganpat work for his wine factoey clever he is to guess what he was doing lol

Poor kishore kidhar phas gaya I liked him instantly when he was introduced. was good too.
Overall it was a great episode and you have written it in an amaxing way so well described even without a video I can link easily to it...thank you so much hammie for your great commitment and brilliant writing
Post nect episode soon :)
twinkle-star thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
Hi HammieeπŸ€—
Eagerly waiting for your LTL WU dear...Twinky baby badly missed our Hooo Haaa group here...Afzal bhai,Naku ji...where are you all????...😭😭..

Hamlet53 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago

                                        LTL Written Update

                                                   Episode ~29

                                              4th February 2010


                                                      Kala's room


The episode starts with Kishore, deducing that Kala would probably reject his offer of Ganga jal as she was busy consuming champagne all night.. with her two sisters. So really, Kishore probably is the only one who knows the real nature of what the sisters get up to.The knock on the does not seem a surprise to him, speak of the devils and here they come!, he goes to get the door  and in walk his two SILs , Leela holding a tray of morning tea. Roops full of beans, bids good morning to Kishore and he greets her back and invites them to enter the room which they do in any case. Roops stirs her sister with a cheerful greeting, Tai we've brought  a fresh pot of tea for you. Kishore is delighted, great your early morning tea is here! along with your two commanders, commander Leelavti and commander Roopvati!. Painstakingly Kala raises herself up from her pillow, gives her husband a cutting look, this must be the first husband in the world who taunts like a wife! she says bitterly. He accepts her remark amicably although Kala continues, get lost man , don't spoil my morn. The sisters smile at this interaction between their Tai and her compliant husband.  Kishore too teases Kala as he hums and holds up the empty bottle, aren't you scared when you do all this? what if you get caught?, he asks his wife. Kala gives him a cold defiant stare, which makes him put down the bottle immediately. Kala replies , who'll catch us , Aye Sahib? one who's always occupied in prayers ?or my innocent Bhau? we three sisters are his eyes! Bhau only sees what we show him. Our relationship is very strong and deep, got it?, for Bhau anything I deem good is good and whatever I say bad is bad, she says challengingly. Kishore rolls ... his eyes, at his wife's words and Kala's sisters look at each other with the expression of no one can beat our Tai's her logic.

A perplexed Kishore wonders and speaks aloud, I don't get it, he is a man who can hear his enemy's thoughts, he is a man who can fight with ten armed opponents alone! he is man who is so clever that no one can come near him , he hasn't caught you a single time?.Kala much amused at her husband's character analysis of her Bhau,  sums it all in her inimitable phrase, one who can't differentiate between good and evil .. can't understand Kalavati. Bhau is a lion outside this house, but he is a softy in here, here he won't think twice before slitting someone's throat, but if his sister's get hurt, he'll weep like a little boy.. this is bond between brother and sisters, you won't fathom it.

Leela, teases Kishore, BIL, you just concentrate on prayers, who cares if the neighbourhood burns ?enjoy yourself. Kishore takes it all in a stride and responds, my focus is always on prayers.. god bless you all. Roops suggests,  BIL, if you have to pray, why don't you go to the temple?.Kishore, tries to laugh off the suggestion and  gives Roops a sarcastic remark, Aye Sahib's home is no less than a mandir! where there are three devout nuns ,whose devotion is far more superior to mine...everyone got to see your devotion yesterday! people at the temple are talking about your devotion, Roops here dehydrated herself standing in that difficult posture! you Leela! your hand bled like crazy after you continuously rang the bell, and you Kala you burned your palms with fire! really ,I haven't seen such a bond ..between brothers and sisters.. Roops smiles and says her usual line after hearing the summary of their deeds by Kishore, BIL, so  cute ! Kishore storms to a nearby table where  he picks up the wax scabs and accuses Kala , you used this to protect your hands from burning! but if you all get caught in the fire that you are playing with..then neither this , nor god himself will be able to save you!..actually, Kishore is trying to stir their conscience and he does show that he takes his wife to task, but to no avail. As Leela brushes his efforts off, come on BIL! you start this every morning. Leela then changes the subject, Tai do you know what's going on downstairs?. Kala  wants to know , and Roops says, Tai that witch! that one who saved Bhau's life , her family has created some mess, Bajirao told me it's a troublesome family you know! Aye Sahib has called everyone to the hall.

For a moment they  ponder on Roops words , and then Leela comments, it will be better, if the person who saved Bhau's life..goes away, Tai... Bhau shouldn't start protecting her more..Kala muses at the thought, as Roops adds, Tai ,Baji also said so that he girl's father is an alcoholic! he was brewing booze right here inside the house!.. Kala much amused at this news,  says, really? we could use his talents before he goes away! and they all laugh approvingly.. and then adds sarcastically, booze in Bhau's house is like a dream. To which  Kishore retorts, how can a drunkard stay where three pious nuns live, you three don't even sniff at booze bottles isn't it?.Kala fed up of his trite remarks, says please don't bore me in the morning, be quiet what is the difference between this married couple and Naku's parents?.. Kala then turns to her sisters come on, you two go down stairs , and I'll see you there .. The  two sisters leave , but  Kishore starts to fix the bedcovers, Kala rather rudely, asks Kishore, and what are you doing here? come downstairs with us! she orders, and like a hen pecked husband he  succumbs to her command.. nearly but not without resistance, what'll I do there? I'm not needed there, Kala hisses, what'll you do up here? of course , if you want to cry before these walls ,then be my guest!, but till I'm here , these walls can't hear..and there's no one else here to listen to your taunts.. sometimes I feel you were man enough like Baji at least, if not like Bhau! instead of ringing temple bells , you'd have a gun in your hands! now go downstairs ! I need to get ready! kishore does try to resist, but she says, I'm not in the habit of accepting a no! till I'm good! I'm good! get it?.Kishore surrenders meekly, ok .. and goes downstairs...Kala's preoccupation with gun , shows her lacking milk of human kindness.. she sure wants her Bhau's power.. not so much the money.. but the might!     

So really, Kishore knowing but ineffective, all leads towards the plot of the story. He is a good man of sound character, but lacks the strength of standing up for the right thing at the best of times. His role as an advisor to Dutta would have meddled with the original plan of the story. Yet where there is evil , there has to be some goodness to both balance plus to create tension in the plot.


                                                           Out house 

Ganpat paces up and down much worried about the consequences of his action. Baji  arrives and knocks at the door and sees an anxious Ganpat and a preoccupied Naku standing by the window. He looks at all of them , come on then, you've been called, and adds to their misery he rubs in, Bhau has called you! today your fate will be decided in Aye Sahib's court...they squirm and  Baji says come on then it'll be fun .

Babi says a quick prayer before Bappa and then pulls up her courage and leads on her family to the summons..

 Baji like a commandant incharge! leads the family into the main hall.. but they stop half way near the entrance and he turns to them, ey! you are not the government , that stops more and runs less! or the municipality taps that run  intermittently! come on now..

Dutta waits on the red recliner, with a half slanted smile, his leg crossed over.. his eyes hooded.

The room has an air of caucus about it. There is quiet activity in the room.. Dutta seated, alone, adjacent to him on his right sit his BIL ,and his sisters,  the servants too stand nearby for the meeting.  Baji enters and the family follows him quietly.

Finally, Aye Sahib comes down the stairs , like the judge about to preside over this hearing.. all rise as she comes and she settles down on a similar red recliner opposite Dutta. She  offers her greeting with folded arms and bids all to be seated.

Naku's family too sits on the floor ,but Aye Sahib protests whoa! whoa! not on the floor ,please sit comfortably on the couch. Baji and all else, especially the sisters are shocked.Naku's family, little taken aback ,without fussing too much sit on chairs. Aye  Sahib lifts her eyes to the heavens, oh goddess bless us always ..she begins the assembling with a prayer.. to which all respond in quiet prayer within their individual hearts. .. Aye  Sahib carries on for three days god tested us, three days! My son Dutta , has so many deadly enemies, since the time he's been fired at, no one in the family has slept.Naku steals a glance at Dutta's profile..Aye Sahib continues ,family does not mean just you and me..Dutta's family is huge..and Naku steals another glance at Dutta  , as Aye Sahib continues, this entire locality is Dutta's family. ,it was not just one mother's blessings but hundreds of mother's blessings, that protected Bhau! who is protected by god cannot be harmed! .this family, was on their way to Shirdi, do you know why the lord sent them to the sea shore? To save my son Dutta ..all smile and accept god's plan and a mother's belief. While members of Naku's family including Naku herself thinks, only we know how much  truth Aye Sahib's proclamation holds.

Kala and sisters glare at Naku's family as Aye Sahib once again joins her hand before  Babi to offer her thanks. .. I can never repay you for saving my son's life! But still I would like you help you in some way...all wait to hear what she means , and Aye Sahib continues, I wish that you all stay with us. Ganpat beams, Babi is amazed and  Naku's eyes well up with tears of gratitude.. happiness. Kishore looks towards his wife who is flabbergasted...since there is no response from Naku's family , Aye Sahib continues, but if you don't wish to stay here, then I'll respect your choice..  Babi turns to look at  Naku ... and Dutta turns to look at  Naku too , with narrowed eyes..  the silence persists and Aye Sahib asks, what's happened?..may be you didn't like my proposal?  Finally Babi speaks up, no Bai Sahib,  it's not that.. Aye corrects her, not bai sahib, call me Aye Sahib! me mother.. I'm not just Dutta's mother , but the entire village's mother as well!. Babi, with joined hands says, Aye Sahib we can't refuse your blessings..that you have offered in your proposal?..

 Naku's family is well pleased with Babi's acceptance. Dutta 's sister are clearly not. Dutta and Baji too approve of the manner in which this assembly is being handled. Aye Sahib further suggests to  Babi , if you wish , you and your daughter can take care of our kitchen.. will you do it?..  Babi and  Naku both appear delighted and  Babi confirms it , yes will do that!yes yes!

Dutta turns his head and steals a glance at Naku's reaction...  Naku smiles, as Aye Sahib suddenly asks, what is your name daughter?.They all wait to hear her name..

 Naku steals a glance at him[ twinky! eye lock!.. me chuckling] and he looks at her with sided looks. All wait for her to speak her name.. but she is still hesitant..  Baji  sounds off irriated, speak up now!.

Shyly.. she says.. n..Nakusha.[ the unwanted].aye Sahib smiles, and Dutta hears and has a quizzical expression on his face[ chuckling, does he mean, ookkayy that figures.. or he mean's what's in a name...?]

Babi lowers her eyes, as she dreads the reaction.. also, everybody! don't be deceived by her looks , I know what you all don't know!

Of course as expected, on hearing her name the sisters snigger. Dutta's  face stays stern and gives nothing away.Aye Sahib then continues her brief, so Nakuska and her mother, will take care of our kitchen from now on, Kala and  Leela , will explain everything to you, it's very easy, you'll have to take extra care for my Dutta's food habits! ..Ganpat puts in a good word for his wife, she'll take care of everything!

 Naku and Babi are filled with joy. Dutta now speaks,  Baji will explain to Ganpat about his job.. and Ganpat too looks satisfied. Aye Sahib, says , now you all can leave...

Sethji suddenly calls out..and me? what'll happen about me? what will I do?. Dutta turns his eyes to Sethji and Baji to makes note as he looks at the lad, oh yes! what about this half ticket? he'll bore me to death! Aye Sahib smiles and explains , you'll go to school with other kids. Babi and Ganpat love the idea , but Sethji with a screwed up face says, school?. Aye Sahib , calls him with a smile , come to me child, and then she takes out a uniform from a shopping bag ,and gives it to him, here take this, this is your school uniform...Naku sheds tears of joy as she looks on... Aye Sahib says , now you will go to school won't you?.  Baji yells from behind with his arm pulled back in a fist, hey punter! study in school don't bully others! get it!.

Sethji not to happy still, questions, Aye Sahib, but what'll do in the school? I need to work like babaa!. I need to take up responsibility!.. Aye Sahib laughs at Sethji's big talk .. and then Dutta speaks, your father's workplace is not suitable for you, kids go to school , so you'll go to school. But Sethji argues with Dutta!, but I haven't been to school since three years, I can't read! .Dutta replies, do you fear hard work?.. Sethji goes, nope! Never!.. and Dutta smiles. Aye Sahib well pleased too says , fine, so you'll go to school and study.

Aye Sahib finally dismisses them.Babi with much gratitude  touches Aye's feet.Naku  is happy but can sense reaction from the sisters.

Dutta with sided eyes watches the family leave.. it's obvious he has a soft corner for them.. the episode ends on his face.Hamlet53 ~ 4 10.13


Nothing much has changed in terms of profession for Babi and Naku.The only thing that has changed is greater job security and the perk of living within the family they serve.Since both mother and daughter have worked in a variety of households, I suspect their ability to deal with awkward householders will be sharp. For the two males in their family some good news too, Sethji gets an education, and Ganpat gets a job!

Many thanks ivy, alex, bart, uwith, twinky ,warda, tammy for reading the previous WU..                






sona89 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
Hi Hamlet
Awesome UD...golden period of LTL...😊trio entry
twinkle-star thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago

Hi HammieπŸ€—

Awesome update dear...Loved it soo much.❀️❀️...Poor Kishore...What a soft & gentle person...SEE his wife is an evil...Why did he marry this witch???..😲😲...He received lots of insults from Kala...😑😑.Oyee Kala!!!..Stop your day dreaming.😑😑...You & your sisters can't understand your bhau's golden heart..😑😑...Stupid ladies.😑😑...Awe...Loved  this Kishore's perfect character analysis about our lion Dutta......KALA!!!!...EEERRR.😑😑..I hate these evils sooo much...Heartless evils...I hate leela & roop ki stupid teasing...Wow...Kishore ji...Your summary of these evils deed is superb...Yeah!!...These brainless ladies are playing with fire...That will burn them sooon...Leela addressed Naku as a witch...EEERRR...Twinky can't digest it...OMG!!!...poor Kishore...I hate the way kala behaved with this gentle man...😑😑...Aye sahib ki court???..πŸ˜†πŸ˜†...Is she a judge???..πŸ˜†πŸ˜†...Twinky wapas her laugh now..😳😳.This AS is really sweet..πŸ€—..Loved the way she behaved with naku's family...Very kindly & these evils were born into her womb???.πŸ˜•πŸ˜•..Loved Naku's quick glance...Truly AS is a good mother for Dutta...She wanted to help Naku's family...So she asked them to stay at PN...Babi whole heartly accept it...Dutta's lovely sisters got shocked..Awe...Duta-Naku ki eye lock.❀️❀️❀️...Awe...Hammieee...Twinky loves this eye lock scene sooo much dear.❀️❀️❀️.Awe...what a sided look of  our Dutta......Dutta will remember this sequence on his wedding night also...Nakusha means unwanted??.😲.Oh!!!..I hate these evil sisters' reaction Hammiee.😭😭.Sethji talked tooo much.😑😑..See how much this stupid Ganpat spoiled that little boy...He needed to work like his father...EEERRR.😑😑...anyway Loved AS & Dutta's patience towards this little boy..Yeah!!!Dutta has a soft corner for Naku's family now...Yeah!!!...There is not a big change in Babi & naku's job..Only good things are Sethji gets  school education & Ganpat gets a job...Hammie...As always its a superb update dear...Loved it sooo much...My favourite scenes are Tasha's lovely eye lock(Twinky in a dreamland) & Kishore's analysis about Dutta..Superb update dear..❀️..Hats off to your contribution Hammie dear..πŸ‘πŸ‘.Take care...Eagerly waiting for Tomorrow's update dear....Sooo sweeet of you...Thank you so much...πŸ€—..tra' Twinky.πŸ€—

Nakusha thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
hi hammiee
ab triple all source & energy to make dutta life hell...entry of an angel in form of naku...
as always ur amazinggg hammiee 😊
ivy_11 thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Commentator 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
Hi Hammie πŸ˜ƒ

Kishore has spoken on screen today what we have been discussing about Dutta...A sharp, fearless and successful don who is blind to the true nature of his family members. Respected and loved by the people of Ratnagiri but ridiculed by his parasitic sisters.

I have often wondered about Kala -Kishore pair...he may have fallen in love with her...but Kala? What was her deal other than getting an ineffectual home husband who would be at her beck and call while she reign over her siblings ?

A great update as usualπŸ‘

mirage123 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
hi hamlet
thanxs for regular UD...😊
Hamlet53 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago

                                           LTL Written Update

                                                Episode ~30

                                          5th February 2010


                                          The first dialogue

The episode begins with Naku crossing the spacious hallway of Patil Nivas with new found confidence, she seems on cloud nine, relaxed, smiling. Aye Sahib's words ring in her ears, now you and your daughter will take care of our kitchen, for Sethji , her words, you'll go to school with other kids...and then his voice resounds in her memory , kids go to school and you'll go to school too..the authority and bass of his voice, brings the first bite of her lower lip..and then the impossible happens.. he calls... Listen.Naku's step forward freezes. As the black pathiani clad,lord of the manor, the master emerges. His head titles to the side, and his eyes narrow as he expects her to turn towards him. She  stands frozen her spot and he waits..  Naku's eyes widen and her face quirks. As his narrow eyes stay on her back.

Gradually she turns to face him, very anxious.He studies her face with a fixed firm expression. Slowly he moves towards her, his hands held behind him. He moves to a safe distance between him and her and then stops, as she lowers her worried eyes. From her face, his narrow eyes shift towards her folded hands that nervously grope her chunni. Slowly she raises her eyes and he parts his lips, I didn't ask you about the cop who was chasing you. Naku gulps, and he continues, his name was Morey ,wasn't it?.  Naku looks ups hesitantly, and fumbles , he.. he.. was...Dutta raises his famous palm up and nods his head ,if you don't want to tell me, it's fine..every one has a secret in their heart.. with a bitter twist to his mouth , he assures her, I have one too. this honest confession of his, draws her closer to him, plus makes her wonder what this secret is? a bit like there's more to him than meets the eye. He continues, you could have left me to die out there.FB, of scene, where Ganpat pulls her away from Dutta on the roadside, he recalls, someone even thought about it there,..Naku recalls, that her babaa clearly said don't want to get involved in police matters.. maybe that's why Saab is also asking about why Morey was after her..but she hears Saab, continue, but you were not one of them, you are courageous. I honour and respect brave people. I will never forget this ,ever... he assures her, turns and then walks off. This scene is special as it marks Dutta's first conversation with Naku. perhaps he feels that , his mother has praised this girl's no minor feat of saving his life, both personally and publicaly .Henceforth he really needs to give her a personal acknowledgement from his side too. Dutta may have also gleaned that basically the girl is timid, shy and quiet.. but has prowess.. and in his trade valour is something to be praised. So yes , this girl does interests him.. perhaps.

Naku watches his back, with glazed eyes... but then lowers her eyes, tries to stop whatever she feels for him, but prefers to keep within her this never felt before emotion.. and she goes about her business.


                                               Baji briefs Ganpat

The life and soul of the party man.. ummmh Bhau's right hand man ,carries out his Bhau's order.

He climbs the wooden steps that lead to Dutta's balcony. Ganpat, pauses at the bottom as he looks up at Baji  half way up,  Baji yells hey Ganpat! follow me!..  Baji whistles to balance out the otherwise rather grave , dull atmosphere of Patil Nivas.

Once on the landing , Baji informs Ganpat,  listen up! Bhau has assigned you to a very special job! Ganpat , keenly asks, what work is it? Baji replies , Bhau's liquor factory, vineyard in English, repeat that!.. Ganpat says, vaainaeedi!  Baji says, forget it! you won't get it!so from now on, you'll work there.. an elated Ganpat says , yes of course ,I'll do it for sure!.I'll damn well will! Bhau  gave me work! Bhau is a very good man, he's generous, a very good man...ok I'll tell my family, and he turns to go..  Baji calls him back , and tells him seriously , reciting a verse,  hey boozy! If you drink and come to work..repeat it.. Ganpat says , if I drink and come to work.. and Baji this times recites with emphasis, if you drink and come to work! you'll regret it all your life! Ganpat 's jaw drops and Baji  feels Ganpat's chin, how do you like my poetry? say superb!superb!.. Ganpat says superb!.  Baji dons a serious look, Ganpat , you've seen the good side of Bhau only, once you see his ugly side , you'll die of fear.. you'll just die. Ganpat laughs nervously and assures, I promise, I won't even touch booze!  Baji peers at him closely, and Ganpat continues, you don't trust me sir, do you?,I swear on my mother Sahib... you know a wise man told me ,that liquor destroys the liver! not the character! Baji and Ganpat laugh heartily, as Ganpat asserts, my character is good sir!...hummm. ok Sahib let me go and tell  Babi! can I go Sahib?  Baji jokes yes just go! and Ganpat says about Baji, he's a bit eccentric, but then a good man ,nonetheless..


                                       Naku and  Babi, briefing


Babi and Naku stand before the kitchen entrance and await for further   instructions. Aye Sahib leads her daughter and meets the mother and daughter, Aye says, Kala explain everything to  Babi, and listen I'm going to the prayer room, this is the girl who saved your brother's life, take good care of her, she is very simple, the sisters exchange conniving glances, as Naku too looks up to her mother, be gentle  and explain everything, summarizes Aye Sahib and Kala in the sweetest of tones replies, yes Aye Sahib, one who is close to Bhau is also close to us... you don't worry , leave  it to us three sisters. A satisfied Aye, then leaves.

Kala moves towards, Babi and Naku with a broad smile, and looks at Babi, what's your name aunty?. Babi replies, Babi, with a big smile.Roops says, it's so cute isn't it?. Kala turns to give her sister a glare, but Roops carries on, Bobby! I have seen that film! Babi corrects, no ma'am it's not bobby, its Babi! this seems like an introduction time..also showing these menials their place.. coldly, almost militantly Leela, stresses, we three are Bhau's sisters, whose sisters ?.. Kala checks Leela's in the lead tone. Babi replies, with a smile, Bhau's, you are Bhau's sisters. Kala politely resumes are authority as the spokesperson, I am the eldest, Kalavati, and Roops stupidly  chips in, much to Kala's annoyance, one who doesn't understand good or bad, how can they understand Kalavati! Leela introduces herself, I'm Leelavati, and Roops, now toned down by Kala's looks says, and I'm Roopvati, but everyone calls me Roops...cute isn't it! Naku smiles, she obviously finds Bhau's younger sister very funny.

Kala, not amused, decides to have a stiff word with her sisters about shall I say..protocol! .. you go  to the kitchen she tells  Babi and  Naku. They leave.


Kala then confronts her sisters, Leela starts her low talk again, damn it Tai! are we going to eat food cooked by these people? really Tai! they don't have any sense of hygiene or health! chips in Roops..but they're so cute!.

Kala has had enough and she takes Roops to task, you find everything so cute!.. it's Aye's order that we eat food cooked by their hands, if you have a problem , then I suggest you cook your own food!..look.. one who doesn't understand good or bad, how can they understand Kalavati's plans ..sometimes I think , your brains have stopped functioning !it makes me wonder if you are really my sisters? here comes the hint of LTL2 track, Kala turns out to be not the real daughter..interesting.. Kala continues, soo dimwits! use your heads.. did you see the  mother? she's a pathetic soul! and her daughter, no sign or grace! , they'll never open their mouths.. if you're getting two maids for free!  what's the problem? all you've got to do is to keep her conscious of her ugliness! just do that! and watch everything will fall in place...she saved Dutta's life, now what good she is for us? now she'll become our informant and bring Dutta's information! you two understand? ..and that ends Kala's need of the hour strategy meeting with her sisters.

 This is quite a scene, very ironic.. Kala here miscalculates Naku's simplicity, also  her real face, plus that Naku would squeal on Dutta here Kala fails her cocksure intelligence. Seemingly may seem in command, clear and focussed but in depth unaware of the truth about Naku..


                                                     The kitchen

Have to say, a heart warming scene to watch. It's obvious cooking not just for her family, but as a means of earning livelihood is an art very dear to Babi. Her joy, in being a full loaded kitchen , with the latest machines , used in food preparation is hard to contain..Such is her excitement that she asks her daughter, to pinch her to confirm that this is reality not a dream...

Kala, a picture of decorum, enters the kitchen with her sisters.. did you see the kitchen? she asks  Babi ,who says yes...politely Kala continues, auntie, I am sure you know everything, you are older and more experienced then me.Actually we are not  big foodies, but everyone has  their own taste. For example, Aye Sahib needs a sweet to complete her meal...Anay and pari only like kheer, and puri, and Roops.. who chirps , I  have a different taste, I am a bit figure conscious , so use less oil and spices for me, that's the reason I am so cute!...and Leela ..  Leela says, I have a sharp tongue, so I like spicy food .. she warns , Naku and  Babi. Kala  informs , my husband, eats vegetarian food on Tuesdays and Thursdays, he is a devotee of Devi maa. Leela  adds, and my husband ,never eats vegetarian food. Finally with a big smile, Kala says... and you can cook anything for me, I'll have it if you make it with love.

With that Kala turns to leave, but Naku calls out, and what about Saab? the three sisters stop in their tracks and turn, and Naku clarifies, your brother.. Bhau? what does Bhau like to eat?

Kala gives her a head to toe look and repeats Bhau? and  Naku says yes.. and Kala with a sarcastic smile says, he hardly eats.. Bhau needs to be force fed.. and for that job there is Aye Sahib, or us three sisters, we love each other very much... and  Naku smiles.. even though in a way she is snubbed.. and the sisters leave the kitchen.

This asking about what he prefers to eat? has surprised the sisters, the girl's cheek! So Kala in a way gives Naku a veiled warning to back off from Dutta..  Naku is also carrying out her job, ensuring Dutta eats, that's what Aye Sahib wanted her to do.. but Kala has her own agenda.

 Babi, looks around the kitchen ecstatic , and reflects, I must've done something good in my past life, that's the reason ,we've got to live with such a lovely family. Bhau ...Bhau is like an angel ..really! hey! I got lost in monologue  it's like I am dreaming... laughs Babi... come on  Nakuhelp me ,so much work to  Babi will cook such tasty food..that Bhau's family will love the food so much they'll bite their fingers too..      

 So really, Dutta Bhau has made quite an impression on both mother and daughter..


                                          First Room Service                           

Naku brings Dutta's food up to his room, simply carrying out Aye Sahib's instructions.

Dutta stands in his bedroom door that leads opens on to the terrace. He is checking some file.  Naku calls out from behind.  Saab. No response so she adds , food is ready Saab. He ignores her, she repeats, food Saab. Without looking at her he says put it there with his hand. She watches him, immersed in his file, and persists, Saab, food is getting cold... then with some difficulty he turns his head and sees her standing  in his room. He turns his body from the door and looks at her curiously. She smiles at him.He throws his file on his settee ,and sits down in his chair and looks up at her with a face .. what?..hummm..Naku, looks down on his face and says her piece, Saab , until you don't finish your food, Naku will wait here.He studies her face intently, with contracted eyes, she bends  and pushes the tray closer to him, stealing a glance at him.He could see she means what she says, and straightens the tray and takes a morsel of food and puts it in his mouth and chews it. She waits upon him., but decides to leave him to it and turns to leave ... and he calls out..  Naku! she stops and turns to look at him, he nods once and says, the food tastes good. She smiles  shyly at him,  and turns to leave. He continues to chew and watches her leave..and almost smiles pensively..

The pressure cooker  hisses.. and behind it a dreamy eyed  Naku stands.. smiling..  Babi suddenly notices her daughter, with a vacant look. and pokes her shoulder, hey! you are day dreaming!  Naku shakes her head smiling away , and  Babi yells hurry up and cut the salad!..and  Naku smiles shyly biting her lip.

Kala enters the kitchen and finds both, mother and daughter busy in their work... she comments with a big smile, you have really taken to the job very well like you've always worked here... still auntie , if it's not a problem , can I have a cup of tea? I have a splitting headache, and I also need to clean my room, if I don't tidy up now , then it will be left like that.Then what Kala anticipates happens.Naku offers her services, Tai! please don't worry I'll clean your room up! and I'll make tea also! Kala shakes her head.. no! no! I think I shouldn't make you work, it won't be ethical, I'll have tea and apply some balm on my forehead, tie a cloth on my head and clean up the room up myself!. Babi looks at Naku to go to Kala's room, and Naku says with a big smile, Tai , please go and rest, I'll bring tea for you ..

Kala gives a small muffled laugh and muses as she, looks at Naku and her mother with crafty eyes. you don't fathom good, nor evil, how can you fathom Kalavati..the episode ends  ...

Hamlet53~ 5. 10.13


Precap : Supriya's entry...


N.B. many thanks, mirage, twinky, ivy, warda, Naku, sona, tammy, for reading and appreciating the previous wu..   cheers hammie..      

Edited by Hamlet53 - 10 years ago