LTL thread 1~repeated on Rishtey WU 117~p.148 - Page 11


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alex1 thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago

@All LTL1ians -

Interesting!  So many very insightful, stimulating and rousing reader responses.

It has been a pleasure to read through the comments and responses.  Alex

Edited by alex1 - 10 years ago
Yuvika_15 thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 10 years ago
I think if the eternal thread continued we would have got some closure on roopa becos it was something everyone wanted the next storyline to be focussed around but sadly writer ji had to end the eternal thread.
morey was interesting n really wished he had returned but sadly he didn't.
Hamlet53 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago

                                             LTL WRITTEN UPDATE

                                                    Episode~ 11

                                                 January 11th 2010



The episode starts, with Morey dressed in mufti. He wipes the back of his neck with his kerchief,  making his presence know out side Naku's house. He lingers enough for all to take note ,and people trickle to the scene gradually wondering what was in store for Babi's family.

A stylish knock to the door, brings a smiling Ganpat, who greets Morey with a broad smile ,and invites him in. As, Morey enters, he catches Naku's profile behind the parted curtains of the inner room. She watches as her father makes Morey sit in comfort on the bed. Babi too comes to the room ,to acknowledge Morey's presence in the house. He in turn, stands and then bends to touch Babi's feet, who in fright almost moves back. He picks up a small box from the table and presents it to Babi, Aye this is for you sugar free sweets! the rich feed on this, so I  thought why not my aye!.An uncomfortable Babi has no choice but to accept, while her husband bends over backwards to make Morey comfortable. While Morey sits on the bed, Ganpat sits on the floor beside  his feet. Morey protests, but Ganpat says, he's fine ,and draws Morey's attention to a bottle of therra ..only for you! I made this Ganpat special!. Morey declines gently, you know I cannot refuse your Ganpat special! but today's party is on me, so I've arranged for imported booze...Ganpat cheers up , while a half disgusted Babi looks down at her husband. Morey yells ,for his constable to bring in the booze, who enters with the booze and places it on the table. Babi gently turns her head ,and catches Naku's figure near the curtains and brushes her hand to signal her to disappear..

Morey, offers the bottle to Ganpat, here take it its yours! and pour some, its your bottle ,your party, he repeats. Babi watches, half annoyed at her husband and his weakness for alcohol.

Ganpat pours and the men click glasses ,cheer and start drinking.. Morey, gives the curtains stolen glances, and Babi who stands beside them, notices his  hungry looks.

Ganpat, begins to turn tipsy as Morey tops up their glasses his in particular. Ganpat says to Morey, it's good this drink! you are a wonderful man!. as the liquor starts numbing his senses slowly..Morey too starts to sound drunk, he replies, no Ganpat seth, you are nice, and so is  all your family.. he gives the standing Babi a sided look. But Ganpat , gulps and says, Morey saheb, that Sethji... but you closed the case you are a really good man. Morey replies, is that so? I am family member.. and he turns to look  up at Babi and forms his fingers to hold.. Aye  that food... and Ganpat, urges his wife yes go serve them food.. and then adds , saheb  she is really good, makes excellent food, she does! . Babi leaves, while Morey drinks and again catches sight of Naku passing by behind the curtains..[can't quite understand why Naku keeps giving him theses glimpses.. all the time.]

Babi returns to the room carrying the platters of food and sets Morey's on the table before him ,while Ganpat takes his and sets it on the floor.. a delighted  Morey says, what  excellent timing aye! here my drink's finished and you bring in the food! Soon after, he begins to devour pieces of meat greedily, making noises of approval regarding the food.. he chomps through the food and praises her.. aye you have magic in your hands!, he says, as he chews, bites and grinds the food. Ganpat looks on happily semi drunk ,and says, hey Babi !looks like saheb likes your food a lot... Morey , begins to lick his fingertips  ravenously Babi watches repulsed. Finally he asks, aye can I have some water?,Babi turns to go and he calls irritated after her.. aye! why are going again and again, you'll tire yourself ! tell your daughter, she'll get it. Babi, gulps knowingly ,so this is what it's all about..she still ignores his suggestion and turns to leave, but Morey protests, hey  stop!. Ganpat now yells and orders , hey Naku! get a glass of cold water for saheb at once!

Babi ,annoyed gives Ganpat a scowl, while he assures Morey, she'll bring it right away saheb.. Naku hurry up! Babi turns her head to the curtains, hoping Naku does not come.. but Naku's face appears and with hooded eyes she enters the room carrying a tray of jug and water and walks past her mother slowly towards the table.. while Morey watches, as he picks his teeth with his finger nails. Then suddenly he lets his finger out of his mouth and looks at Naku's sided eyes that meet his as she sets the tray on the table.. he chuckles and says thank you.. thank you! very! very much!. Naku adjusts her chunni on her shoulder helplessly, pauses for a moment, while Morey stares on lovingly at her.. and she runs away in fear.. out of the room,while all watch on. 

Once Naku leaves, Morey turns to Babi,  aye.. then to Ganpat.. Ganpat seth, I wanted to say something to both of you if you allow me to say it. Ganpat says, please do! for you Ganpat's will bet his life! Morey looks keenly at Ganpat sitting beside his feet and  drawls , I thought a lot, a lot [ he burps.!], and he takes a deep breath and loosens his belt as he pushes his hands behind his back and mumbles.. just a minute! let me relax the law for some time and he pulls out his gun from behind, holds it in his hand folds his elbow, and wipes his nose with the back of his gun held hand!  As Ganpat, Babi watch in shock, he places  the gun firmly before all on the table and pats it with his hand and shakes his head with a silly smile .. he looks at Babi, yes now its better, I ate too much.. both Babi and Ganpat look at the gun.

Then he carries on theatrically in a feigned  sincere voice. So what was I saying? yes Aye, after giving it much thought, only one thing enters my mind and that is ,that all of you need protection. Ganpat utters  a weak yes. Morey carries  on, the thing is aye that for so many years, after spending my life with criminals and thugs, I have forgotten what life is really  all about? happiness, home, mother, aye! today after eating food cooked made by your hands,[he slurps], I too long for my own home..[Babi looks at him sympathetically].. to have a decent, pretty wife who would look after Morey ..I.. [He looks for Naku to come to the parting, she does].want to marry Nakusha..

Babi , Naku, Ganpat  appear shocked at his proposal! .He repeats ,I will marry Nakusha..Babi says what are you saying Saheb? it cannot be done..Morey narrows his eyes, twists his face, and picks up his gun and points it towards Babi's body   facing  him.. Ganpat standing behind Moray looks  at his wife in panic...Morey after giving Babi a fright! slowly brings down his gun and gradually  stuffs it in his belt behind him, much to every one's relief.. then drunk , he folds his hands before her and drawls, don't you like being my MIL? Why aye?.. he looks at Naku behind her mother between the curtains.. and continues.. don't brood  too much aye..I am  a big man for outsiders.. for you I am like your son, and he starts to bend his back , as Baabi looks repelled  with his moves and words ..he joins his hands before her and says.. now don't you be tense , no tension, I'll take care of every thing that needs to be done! you see aye, this Morey if he fancies something , then he has to have it at all costs!,he says dangerously as he looks over Babi's shoulder at Naku standing in the curtain parting.He continues, sooo aye.. you just give your blessings, give your permission, say you approve! he... almost threatens a vulnerable Babi, and a weeping Naku between the curtains... give your blessing.. say to me be happy, say it! and a frightened Babi stutters, may you be happy!

Ganpat approves smilingly. Morey is gleeful, slurring,  great blessing... and bends to show respect to his MIL, while Babi shakes her hands in disgust and revulsion! as Morey raises his arm up in the air drunk ready to celebrate. Only suddenly he loses his balance in happiness and lands on his bottom on the bed.

Then he picks up the liquor bottle passes it Ganpat, coughs, and says,  here its a happy day celebrate! drink yourself and pour me a drink too..he drawls and then steals a look at Naku and says, its a happy day..

Sethji comes in and Morey looks at him, breaks into song..nanna munna rahi hoon.. then beckons him, hey come here.. and when he comes closer Moray give Sethji a bear hug and Baabi sees and cringes. Morey shakes Sethji's hand warmly and says,  BIL!

Sethji  much puzzled says your bil? who me?  he looks nonplussed at his mother and father.

Ganpat explains  you know , your tai.. and Morey laughs semi drunk, look at his eyes like 1000 watt  bulbs! and he tells Sethji you should have seen their faces earlier, looked like curfew had been declared. Then he puts his hands on Sethji's shoulders and  asks, tell me the truth would you not like it if I married your sister? Like it! like it like it!  he yelled pulling Sethji's cheeks  playfully.. yess he'll like it!

Then he turned to Babi, folded his palms , nearly falls to her feet  while Ganpat  cries, what are you doing sahab? at Morey's performance. Then he stands up and addresses  Babi, I am leaving now, have to do a lot of work like, mandap, wedding, reception, then errh,  he gives Naku a look and makes a lewd sound, now wont say it before aye! .. and he stares at Naku standing in the parted curtains..I have to clench the firm hand of the law , yes.. will come again in my free time.. he joins his palms ,nods politely .Ganpat holding the bottle of imported liquor invites, sahab you  are welcome whenever you want to come, you must come again! he reiterates to Morey who gives Babi a snide look. Babi looks on irate at Ganpat and runs to close the door behind Morey, while Ganpat , sounds off in his drunken state, such a wonderful man!

Babi confronts her husband, and Naku runs into the room, disturbed. Ganpat looks at Bappa  and says, praise Ganpati bappa! I will surely walk to your temple! ..he turns to his son, Sethji , now you will see Ganpat's might! I'll be bootlegging  liquor right in front of the police station!

He goes to Naku and blesses her head, Naku, you are so lucky! well done.. hey Babi! why are you standing there! come here! today I want to shower my love on you! have a drink with me! my daughter is getting married! It's great this booze !just slides down the gullet..

Babi says sarcastically , you sold your self over just for a bottle of booze? are you a father or a pimp!?you'll hand over my daughter to that butcher! that monster! she screams at her husband.

Ganpat defends , you always think negative! he's not a butcher he's a policeman! do you know what that means in today's world? it means power! now you watch Babi !everyone around here will salute me! Ganpat!.. he looks at Naku, and says, and Naku he'll keep  in a palace!..Babi replies, sure he'll keep her in a palace!  some free booze goes into you Ganpat! and you have no clue! you can't see anything! tell me does any body make a marriage proposal at gun point?[ please to note ## ].

Look Babi listen to me, reasons, Ganpat..  you wanted to save Naku from the evil eyes of the world that's why you hid her? so Ganpati Bappa! answered your prayers and sent you such a son in law, that no one in the world now would dare to lay an eye on her!

 Babi, screams, hey! I protected her from the world so I can hand her over to this monster!

Ganpat ,argues have you got no brains Babi? what is it that you want?. He has power, guts, what else do you want? our destiny will change for the better. Babi you are slightly crazy, get some sense.. he has fallen for Naku, he will give his life for her! persuades Ganpat.. while Naku cries seeing that her father is much influenced by Moray..

Babi retorts , give his life ? he will suck life out of her!

The whole family listens to Babi's chilling words.. and the episode ends..

Hamlet 53 10.9.13


Precap: Babi screams at Ganpat, that Morey!I'll stop him!.Ganpat strikes her , and she says to Sethji , don't say any thing about this to any one.. and Sethji says, aye  people outside are already asking why did Morey come? nothing is hidden from them.. and Naku sitting before a mirror, in sheer frustration strikes at her reflection!




twinkle-star thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago

Hi Hammie πŸ€—πŸ€—

Awe..awesome update dear....full of Morey & his evil looks...Morey is our stylish villain...Morey came to Naku's house & other people wondered about it.😑..He gave sugar free sweets to Babi.😑..Poor Babi.😭.She didn't have any choices other than accept it..😭...Morey gave special booze to Ganpat.😑..He knew about our drunkard Ganpat's weakness..Naku stood behind the curtain.😑😑...Errr..😑😑.I HATE this Morey's hungry looks😑😑...Babi noticed it.😭😭.Me too don't know why Naku gave those glimpse dear.πŸ˜•πŸ˜•...Stupid Naku..😑😑...Ganpat lost his senses & praised Morey.😑😑..I loved the way he eat that food.πŸ˜‰πŸ˜†..eeew.🀒...Brilliant actor..πŸ‘πŸ‘.He wanted to see naku.😑😑..Sooo he asked some water.😑😑..Poor babi.😭..She couldn't hide Naku..😭😭.Naku came & gave the water...Loved Morey's hot glare..πŸ˜‰πŸ˜†.naku ran away in fear..😭😭..Morey added so much of lovey dovey words .😑.babi also looked at him sympathetically..😲.Finally he confessed his desire.😑😑...babi refused it & he took the gun from the table and pointed it towards babi..Marriage proposal at gun point😲😲.!!!... Yeh kya marriage proposal hai!!!!.😲😲No one can't do like that😲😲...Thank god he put it down..😳.err...I HATE this drunkard Ganpat.😑😑..He approved the proposal...Morey became happy & fell on the bed..πŸ˜†πŸ˜†..He & his celebrations.😑😑..He is a dirty man.😑😑..His only desire is  having Naku's body.😑😑...Nothing else.😑😑..Ganpat's behavior are irritating me a lot..😑😑...Worst father in the world..😑😑.Poor Babi.😭😭.she worried about naku's future..😭😭..Ganpat & Babi had a huge argument...Loved babi's points.πŸ‘πŸ‘...morey is a monster😑😑...No one make their marriage proposal at gun point..😲...Poor Naku ..😭😭.she cried a lot.😭😭...Stupid Ganpat lost his brain..😑😑..Babi is correct.πŸ‘πŸ‘..Morey'll definitely suck life out of her..😲😑.

Hammie!!!.πŸ€—..Loved your narrations dear.❀️❀️.Enjoyed your timely update sooo much dear.....Hats off to you.πŸ‘πŸ€—...Awesome job dear..Thank You...Thank You...Thank You sooo much dear..πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—...Eagerly waiting for tomorrow's update..😳😳😳..Take care my dear sweetest friend..πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—.

Edited by twinkle-star - 10 years ago
tamanna1391 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 10 years ago
morey poor nakku Edited by tamanna1391 - 10 years ago
LadyMacbeth thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 8 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 10 years ago
Hammie di , it's sheer pleasure revisiting those first few interesting episodes of LTL from your magnificent pen . 

Take a hug for all the labors n time you're putting into this , really appreciated . πŸ€—

sona89 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
Hi hamlet
Awesome UD😊
-bharti- thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
Hammie β­οΈ

Today has been a day of mixed emotions, im on a rollercoaster ride... Huh! 
The update was cringeworthy i mean the morey act  πŸ˜ƒ..   Morey n his indecent proposal has only pushed babi n her family in a bigger mess than they ever dreamt.  Babi,s worst nightmare coming true..
The hapless family is in shock n the creepy corrupt cop in awe of naku,s beauty.  Ganpat cares a dime what happens to naku with all the free booze flowing.  

But what a brilliant performance by all including sethji..  N morey covertly overtly threatening babi to submission is brilliantly portrayed.   Yes hammie, it was irritating to see  why naku kept doin a peeping tom act,  as if she was trying to catch a glimpse of the most eligible bachelor in town πŸ˜†  

 All the nuances of a cheap officer,s abuse of  authority is beautifully captured,  thats the reason morey steals the show, he makes you cringe in the comfort of your living room.  N Ofcourse amidst all this we have the drunken monk ganpat blissfully dreaming n drowning.  

Thank you hammie,  keep up the fantastic work,  respect n luv.. πŸ‘πŸΌ  
ivy_11 thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Commentator 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
Hi Hammie,πŸ˜ƒ
Very well written update.

I remember watching this episode and Morey's lewdness gave me the creeps. It was like a spider trying to trap a fly. But I hated Ganpath more for his disgusting behavior here.

Excellent acting by Pawan Malhotra.

Hamlet53 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago

                                              LTL Written Update

                                                 Episode ~12

                                              January 12th 2010


                                                   Naku's home

The scene continues with Ganpat and Babi's heated debate over Naku's marriage to  the unscrupulous Inspector Morey. Babi screams, why don't you understand? before he had'nt seen her face, how he used to abuse and mock al lof us, now that he has seen what Naku really looks  he is salivating like a dog ! he's not human he's like a dog and I'll chop him into little pieces you watch! she warns her husband. Ganpat, yells, you can't stand him? and Babi yells no! and Ganpat then yells !then go to hell!  .. hearing this both Naku and Sethji, are stunned.. what was he doing turning them out?. But Ganpat pleads again before his wife, look we are hard pressed for food, and here you act high and mighty, can't you get it god has heard your pleas, that's why he has sent you a man like Morey sahab, if he was like some other guy, your younger daughters' life too would have been destroyed like your older daughter! you don't understand! look I am telling you Babi, mend your ways! while you still have the time! otherwise  you'll regret it !threatned Ganpat, as he sat semi drunk on the bed..fuming at the trouble his wife was making.

Helpless Babi sits on the floor beside Ganpat.

Disheartened Babi recalls, Rupa's beauty wasted her, now it seems that Naku too will be ruined by her good looks.. she cries bitterly as Naku's tears too flow silently.. while Ganpat pours imported booze into a glass Against the trickle of  pouring  alcohol,  Babi wails, my daughter was destroyed, right before my own eyes , how much I tried to stop her, but she wanted to make it big! so she left, she was wasted. I thought to my self, I will not let this happen to Naku, I would protect her but could I save her Ganpat? could I? wept a weak and feeble Babi..

She gets no support from her husband and he carries on guzzling.. in anger she pushes off his bottle, glass and water off the table in a fit of rage and arches herself up and screams hysterically at Ganpat, that Morey! he'll eat my daughter alive! he's not human!he's an animal!..[Naku clutches the side of her kameez].. as her mother carries on, what all I dreamt for Naku, I'll get her married  to  a good man . He may not have good looks, as long as he is kind hearted !may not be financially well off but be rich in heart! He may not own a palace, its fine my Naku will live in a shack! but he must love her!.. Naku weeps sadly at her mothers spoken wishes..

But Babi notes, that Ganpat did not take a blind bit of notice , so she grabs his bottle by the neck and smashes it across the floor! And he goes ballistic,  I am not going to let that Morey destroy Naku's life!. Ganpat glares at her, and boldly  she yells meaningfully, don't stare at me!  that Morey!I'll stop him!.Ganpat strikes her ,Sethji tries to deter his father from striking his mother! and she says to Sethji , don't say any thing about this to any one.. but Sethji says, aye  people outside are already asking why did Morey come? nothing is hidden from them..Suresh said to me that Morey came to your house,looking like a dandy!.Babi looks angrily at Bappa and protests, how I prayed before you ,worshipped you, save ,protect my Naku!if anything happens to her then you are not staying in this house!she warns.. and Naku sitting before a mirror, in sheer frustration strikes at her reflection! again and again,repulsed by the sight of her pretty face, weeping bitterly..


Day breaks in the seaside basti.Babi  is busy cooking, while Naku tends to other kitchen jobs. Sethji , turns up and reports, aye babaa got into a fight, he was drunk , shouting inspector Morey is my SIL!  and I his FIL  and  you know that tailor. His grand son beat babaa up.. both Babi and Naku look concerned.

Babi caringly tends to his grazed elbow, cut hand, as he whinges like a child, and Babi like a mother , asks him where else did you get hurt? he shows her.. while applying antiseptic to his wounds, Babi moans , look don't we have enough troubles in our lives, that you go around  looking for more! you should know the kind of people who live here, they'll chop you up and put your pieces down the drain, and I wouldn't even know, your body too wont be found!

Oh sshut up you! don't you know they are all envious of me! because I am going to be Morey's FIL!, Moray quietens Babi down!. She thumps her forehead, while he breaks into song, morey ke aye ge baraat!te te te te[ me falling off the settee], and I'll dance like a peacock![more laughing from me!] a cut up Babi retorts, here your daughter's life is being destroyed and there you are dancing in the band singing  I am morey's FIL! Go die !Babi cusses ,and he cusses her back! and Babi leaves him alone..


                                                  Naku/ Ganpat scene

Ganpat cusses after his wife as he looks after her, when she leaves. Naku comes with a glass of milk.. she feels his shoulder.. babaa, and offers him the metal glass of milk .. he accepts with a smile, and she turns to leave, but he feels her wrist.Naku, come here, sit by me. He raises his finger at her and begins, Naku since nineteen and a half years you have been here in Ganpat's house, have you ever felt that I am not your father?  Have I differentiated between you and Sethji? because you are my Babi's daughter, have you ever felt that I am not concerned about you? and he winces in pain as he raises his injured elbow. A caring Naku calls out to him babaa?. Ganpat continues his talk, look Naku this proposal came to the house, what's wrong with that? the troubles of your life will exit, and happiness will enter, you'll live in luxury and in this whole world, who would be the happiest? its your aye..  ummh not me I am just  a drunkard..  if your marriage is  in a good household, it will have an impact on Sethji's life as well,I know Naku you love Sethji a lot! and this Morey, if he  utters once!I will get a liquor licence in no time, and , there'll be a sign at the checkpost, Ganpat's wine stop! and who'll be sitting at the till ?your kid brother ,Sethji! will change.. all are lives will improve.. hey Naku will you marry Morey? tell me Naku will you marry Morey?  say something..  a knock on the door.. forces Ganpat to answer the door...

[the scene,is very moving.. between foster father and daughter.. where the daughter remains silent, whereas her father pushes all the right buttons on her, to manipulate her into marrying Morey...]


 Ganpat opens the  door, and kadam the constable enters, with two porters behind him carrying a large stately arm chair.. Ganpat ,smiles ,  such a huge chair who is it for? he asks,as they put it down.Kadam informs, this is for Morey saheb to sit on, from now on he will visit here every day,ok then I'll leave..and Ganpat nods stupidly ,as the constable leaves. Ganpat sits in it and rests his hands on the armposts and bounces his bottom.. Morey arrives, dressed in a maroon satin dress shirt and black trousers. Ganpat on seeing him gets up abruptly, and Morey says graciously, aree FIL, had this sent for you, do sit on it and relax. Ganpat, embarrassed says, no saheb you sit on it. Morey turns  and ushers in the pandit  whom he has brought along with him.I picked up this pandit, he was performing a marriage,I ordered, come lets go!he said no,  all I  did was point a gun to his temple!and within seconds he was in my jeep!. A baffled Ganpat asks, what about the bride and groom saheb?. Morey chuckles, the groom urinated! and said police!police!call the police!..and I  said I am the police!now speak? and all your wedding party will end up behind bars! Now pandit , you perform the wedding  at the station ,after that I'll release every one I have! now you cant have honey moon at the police station can you? and his eyes look for Naku behind the parted curtains..

Ganpat smiles much  amused, and the pandit appears dazed. Babi suddenly enters and  spots the pandit and reckons that it looks very official

Morey , filled with respect joins his hands before his MIL..and looks towards the gap in the curtains, would love a glass of cold water, I swear aye, as soon as I drink it my parched  throat feels refreshed and my heart feels content. Babi gives Ganpat a cutting look, warning him not to call Naku, and Moray insists, a glass of cold tap water aye.. and Babi makes a run for the kitchen, but Ganpat shouts, Naku! gets some iced water for saheb quickly... and Ganpat reassures Morey she'll get it saheb...

Morey, shouts at the timid pandit, don't just sit there! hurry up and find out a  favourable mahurat, for the wedding at the station! there won't be any problem, I am there, if  you have any snags then tell me, I'll take care of them..

Ganpat  seems happy at the arrangement ,and yells, hey.. Naku bring two cups of tea quickly!

Seizingthe opportunity , Babi runs to Morey and begins her pleas, saheb I beg you !this marriage cannot take place! , Ganpats jaw drops ,while Moray forms his hand like a gun.. Naku enters, and Babi continues..her begging.. how can we compete with you ,you are such a big man, and we are ordinary folks,relationships are struck with equals, and we are not at par with you,what do see in this girl?you can get much better girls than her saheb!..Babi pleads, and Ganpat mouths her to be quiet...Babi waits for Morey to respond..

Morey feels his back pocket ,as Babi looks on.. and then slowly he pulls out his  wallet ,opens it and kisess the insides with reverence.. then  reveals the black and white picture of his aye.. you can say she is a goddess, a mother is a direct devi.. and[ his voice falters].. a mothers heart, you cannot dupe a mothers heart.. whatever mother says , has to be!  and Naku jee's mother is my mother.. he folds his hands and looks at Babi.. aye you say it can't be done , so be it..whatever  you say, will be done.. he assures Babi, and Ganpat looks very disappointed.. while Naku ,just stands wide eyed. He starts again, aye you said this marriage cannot take wont.. aye in your happiness lies our Ganpat seth ,you think, pandit ji you too give it a thought, a man barges into your house and points a gun to your head and says ayeee wants to marry your daughter,[he points his gun shaped palm at Babi and shouts]. what do expect the person in front  to say?? yes or no! yes or no!.. a terrorized Babi says yesss!

He suddenly starts to beat his palm against his forehead and head.. oh this is bad!really bad!every thing has gone wrong!what a mess!and he slaps his head!as Ganpat tells him to stop,and all others watch his performance in bewilderment!

He continues to chastise himself, I need to think how to speak to ladies! and that too with a lady like Naku? this is completely not on! areee! one has to behave like a gentleman to speak to a lady like Naku, ask her like a gentleman.. Naku ji I want to take you out with me for the evening.. to watch a movie, listen to music, to dine, for shopping.. give you a red rose and then finally ask like a gentleman.. Naku ji, would you accept my hand? Would you like to spend your  life with me? this is what's called a real love story.. a story of true love... he tries to  impresses Naku.. but stops sharply and then snaps at the pandit, oyee pandit you go now, here's your guru dakshana, you are not needed for the time being !we'll call you again if we need you!

He turns to face Naku .. Nakusha ji, I'll return in a while, you and I will go out together.. what do you call it..ummmhh. haann date! Morey and Nakusha will go on a date, just be ready.. I'll be back soon...he gives Naku a lingering look.. and leaves.. while Babi looks worried, and Ganpat looks at Naku, in anticipation.. episode ends...



Precap : Ganpat, comments on Naku's outfit, baby pink shirt, white churridar, these look fine, look I bought you a matching pink chunni.. and Babi says didn't you get any ghungaroo for your daughters feet... honor ! shame! you have just thrown to the winds.. and Ganpat turns to strike her and twists her  arm  behind her back.. Babi screams in pain.. and Naku says leave her babaa,, I'll go out with Morey..



Edited by Hamlet53 - 10 years ago