FF :Love that both 'Kills and Heals'(C 21-23/pg47)

pinkflamingo thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 10 years ago

Hey Guys, this FF revolves around asad-zoya-farhaan-tanveer. Its the journey from dilshaad's 10 day announcement to asya's union and  the many twists and turns that happen in between. There is love, pain, angst, drama and lots and lots of jealousy (More from Mr. Asad Ahmed Khan this time).. Hope you guys like it. 


Part 1 : page 1 ; Part 2 : page 1 ; Part 3: page 6 

Part 4 : page 8 ; Part 5 : page 8 ; Part 6: page 13

Part 7: page 13 ; Part 8: page 13 ; Part 9: page 14

Part 10: page 14 ; Part 11: page 20; Part 12: page 20

Part 13: page 20; Part 14: page 20; Part 15: page 20

Part 16: page 20; Part 17: page 21; Part 18 : page 29

Part 19 : page 29; Part 20 : page 38; Part 21: page 47

Part 22: page 47; Part 23: page 47

Part 1: 

Asad gets engaged to tanveer after Dilshaad's 10 day challenge. Tanveer plays asad emotionally on how dilshaad's honor is at stake and how he should get married to someone quickly who can be the perfect fit for his family. A girl who will be the perfect wife and the perfect bahu for his house. Tanveer, still, very much pregnant, wants to get asad at any cost. Asad, though realizes that he has feelings for zoya, decides to stick with the decision he made during the bhang night. He decides that even though he likes zoya and he has never felt that way for anybody else, still he can't marry her as she will never prove to be a good wife and a good DIL to his family. Zoya is heartbroken and shattered but she realizes that what was she expecting anyway? Mr. Khan had made it very clear to her that she was a misfit at various occasions in the past couple of months. She very well knew there was something between them but she also felt that Mr. Khan would never want to give that 'something' a name. 

It was a few days after asad and tanveer's engagement. Zoya had been wanting to leave the KM ever since Asad's announcement but dilshaad's sudden illness after the fiasco that happened at the walima had stopped her from leaving immediately. Zoya's love and concern for dilshaad stopped her from running away when her phuphi was in such a bad state. She decided to stay back for a little longer, burying her pain deep inside her heart, till her phuphi got a little better. Dilshaad had always wanted zoya to become a part of her family and asad's decision had shocked her as well. But because of her deteriorating health, she was not in the position to reason with asad about his decision. 

Zoya was sitting in the living room when suddenly the door bell rang. She noticed asad and najma at the dining table but since she was closer to the door, she got up to see who it was at the door. As soon as she opened the door, she shrieked  loudly, "Farhaaan" and hugged him tightly. Asad was beyond shocked to see zoya like that, so excited and in someone else's arms. He got up from the dining table in a jiffy and walked to the living area with an annoyed expression on his face. Najma followed her bhaijaan to see who this person at the door was and how was he related to zoya. Reaching the living room, asad noticed that zoya was still in farhaan's arms an farhaan was holding her close to her with his eyes closed. Asad was beyond annoyed now. He cleared his throat loudly in order to alert them. Zoya came back to her senses and released farhaan, still smiling at him. 

Zoya : "Farhaan, Oh my god!!!!!! I can't believe my eyes. What, how, why.. i mean what are you doing here all of a sudden? And why didn't you call me? And how did you find me? And and why didn't you email me back?"

Farhaan : "Woah woah woah.. so many questions Zoe. Let me at least look at you properly. I'm seeing you after almost 8 months now, Do you have any idea how much I missed you."

Zoya : "Yeah right? If you had missed me, you would have at least cared to call me or reply to the email I sent you."

Farhaan : Yeah, i guess i didn't care enough'  but then if i think about it, what the hell am I doing in India all of a sudden? Oh right! I heard that an american brat was let loose on the streets of bhopal and she was making the people go crazy with her silly antics, so i just dropped by to see if I could help those poor people. 

Zoya : "Shut up, Farhaan!!" saying so, she hugged him again. She was so glad that he was here, when she needed her best friend more than anything. After everything that had happened, after her heartbreak, she really needed the emotional comfort and she knew only Farhaan could have provided that. she hadn't told farhaan anything about asad, but she emailed him a few days back, telling him about how her mission to find her abbu failed miserably and how much she wanted to see him after she returns to US in a few weeks. 

Farhaan, on the other hand, understood completely what his best friend was going through and wanted to be there with her immediately. He decided to take the first flight to India without waiting for her to return in a few weeks. 

Asad and Najma were listening to their conversation intently. Asad just couldn't bear the sight of zoya in Farhaan's arms anymore and moved forward "Excuse me?" Asad questioned raising an eyebrow. Farhaan looked up at asad, taking zoya to his side now with his one arm still wrapped around her waist possessively. Asad was hating this guy more and more, every passing minute. He absolutely hated the comfort level zoya shared with him and how she was so comfortable clinging to him in front of his eyes. Farhaan started, "O hey man, I'm Farhaan, Zoe's friend from NY. Sorry for dropping by uninvited but I couldn't wait to see zoe as soon as I landed in Bhopal." Asad looked at zoya questioningly with his annoyance growing every second. "Wo Mr. Khan' yeah this is Farhaan, my best friend. We went to the same college back in NY and Farhaan, this is Mr. Khan, phupi's son. "Phuphi?" Farhaan enquired. "Yeah, Dilshaad phuphi, I have been staying with her family for the past couple of months. She has been like a mother to me all this while Farhaan. I can't wait for you to meet her. You will fall in love with her, just like I did." Asad didn't like the way zoya introduced him to Farhaan and he suddenly remembered how he introduced her to Tanveer a month back. He instantly regretted his behavior towards zoya. He wanted to scream at Zoya that he was not just her phuphi's son but her.. her.. he couldn't put a finger on what their relation at this point was. "Of course Zoe, I would love to meet her" Farhaan stated smilingly. " And this is my tamatar" Zoya went to Najma and hugged her sideways. "My best friend in India." Farhaan walked past Asad and went up to zoya and najma. "Hmmm' so you are trying to steal my best friend tittle from me, huh?" Farhaan teased najma. Najma laughed out aloud and said " Well, who wouldn't want to be zoya's best friend? She is all mine till she is in India. You can have your best friend back if and when she returns to US". Farhaan gaped at Najma. " If and when she returns to US?" Farhaan didn't understand what was going on. "I mean we all love zoya so much and zoya loves us so much that we'll never let her leave" Najma hugged zoya tighter and smiled at her lovingly. Zoya's eyes stated brimming with tears and she hugged najma lovingly. "Oh like that, but let me tell you miss tamatar, btw that's a real cute name, that I will take my friend with me this time and nobody will be able to stop me". Asad literally punched Farhaan with all his might in his mind and his expressions were not helping either. Zoya noticed Asad's reaction to Farhaan's statement and could see how much he hated Farhaan for that statement. 

Just then Dilshaad joined them in the living room and zoya finally introduced Farhaan to her phuphi. It turned out zoya was absolutely right. Farhaan loved Dilshaad phuphi and kissed her hand in regard. He thanked dilshaad for taking care of zoe when she was all alone and needed someone. Dilshaad asked him to stay with them in KM and not in a hotel. He willingly agreed much to Asad's annoyance. They all proceeded towards the dining table for lunch. 


Farhaan : "So Mr. Khan, what do you do?" He initiated the conversation, seeing everyone was quite at lunch, even his zoe who was otherwise always blabbering about something or the other.

Asad : "I am an architect, own a construction firm here in Bhopal. What do you do?", Though he was not interested in talking to him, he didn't want to be rude in front of everyone. Plus he had a million questions in mind regarding this guy, so he thought why not ask him directly given the opportunity. 

Farhaan : " Well, Mr. Khan, I party, I travel, play golf and as far as work's concerned. I don't really have to work. Dad left me a lot of his money, which sort of multiplies every month through various business investments."

Asad just glared at him. Is he really Zoya's friend. He then looked at Zoya who was grinning like a fool. He glared at her too. "What's wrong with you Ms. Faaroqui? Why are you smiling like that?" 

Zoya : "Come on Mr. Khan, stop judging Farhaan. He is just kidding. Do you know, Farhaan works in one of the city's biggest hospitals. He is a cardiologist, that too one of the best in NY." she smiles at Farhaan, admiring her friend and how much he has achieved. "And yeah he parties, travels, plays golf, but his patients are his first priority." 

Asad didn't like zoya fangirling over Farhaan. He wanted to see that admiration, appreciation, regard in zoya's eyes just for him and no one else. 

Farhaan : " Haha that reminds me that Zoe was my first patient few years back. She accidentally twisted her ankle and she came to a cardiologist for help out of all the people." He was laughing while narrating the hilarious experience to everyone. 

Asad couldn't handle it anymore and excused himself from the table. His imagination was running wild wondering how close zoya and farhaan were back in NY. But he had no right to question zoya, not anymore at least. He left making an excuse to make an important phone call. 

Next part : Double date and romantic aysa!

Edited by pinkflamingo - 10 years ago


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pinkflamingo thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 10 years ago
Part 2:

It was almost 8 in the evening and everyone except zoya were in the living room. Najma had introduced Farhaan to Tanveer as Asad's Fiance. Asad, on the other hand, used to flinch at the mere mention of that term. "Fiance". Even though it was very much his decision, he just never saw tanveer like that. In fact, he had distanced himself from tanveer after his announcement. He wasn't comfortable around her anymore, he didn't use to talk much to her anymore, he used to become uncomfortable if she tried to get close, all because the title of his relationship with tanveer had changed and it was a decision that his mind made, not his heart. Tanveer, even though, got what she wanted, didn't like asad's aloofness and ignorance towards her. She had to dump her baby on him and at this progress, she wouldn't succeed at any cost. Even after numerous attempts, asad hadn't given into her seduction for even a second. He didn't even use to look at her. 

Farhaan : "You two definitely make a very good couple" he said looking at asad and tanveer. Asad huffed, annoyance and irritation clear on his face. Tanveer noticed asad's reaction on what farhaan said and so did dilshaad. Dilshaad knew tanveer was just a friend to asad and he didn't had anything else to do with her. She had a little idea about asad's feelings for zoya but she was never sure if he just liked her or there was something more to it. She wanted to question asad but asad's sudden announcement and her illness never allowed her. 

Just then Zoya walked in, dressed in a deep red sari with a backless blouse. All eyes were hooked onto her for the many seconds that followed. She looked breathtaking, almost divine. Asad hadn't seen her in a sari after that night in the rain but he had this hidden desire to see her in a sari since then. It would be an understatement if it was said that Asad was mesmerized. He was in a trance, the woman he desired, probably loved was right in front of her, looking like she always looked in his dreams. Dreams he had had ever since he had developed deep, intense feelings for her. He could see that zoya was feeling shy, wearing a sari in front of everyone for the first time. Her one hand was in her hair, setting it again and again, behind her ear and her other hand was holding on to her sari's palu.  Her almond eyes were sparkling as ever and her luscious pouty lips were as red as they could get. 

She got closer to the couches and looked at farhaan and said "Ready to leave?" Asad was dumbfounded. "What the hell?" he thought. Where the hell is she going, with.. with.. him? and why? He wanted to walk up to Zoya, grab her by her arms, pull her on to his chest and warn her to stop doing all this. 

Farhaan : "Absolutely! Btw zoe are you alright? I mean have you caught a fever?" he walked over to zoe and touched her forehead. 

Zoya : "Stop it, Farhaan! I'm perfectly fine. Aren't we getting late now? You said you made a reservation for 8:30 right?"

Farhaan : "No no there is something definitely wrong with you. You're wearing a sari, more importantly you're able to walk wearing it, and.. and'" he couldn't complete the sentence. 

" And what Farhaan?" Zoya asked. " And you look absolutely stunning, i mean i have never seen you like this. You look gorgeous zoe." he finally completed. 

"Well, thank you. And just for the record, I'm totally capable of wearing a sari and carrying it off too."

Just then everyone got up from the sofa, asad giving murderous looks to zoya now and zoya melting under his intense, dangerous gaze. She could sense asad's anger very well. She knew he wanted to hurt her for hurting him like this. Even though, they had never accepted their feelings for each other. Their equation had changed after that night completely. 

Not able to hold it anymore, Asad walked forward and enquired "Where are you guys going?" Farhaan told him about his and zoe's dinner plans so that they could spend some time together, catch up, since so much has happened that they haven't talked about. 

Asad glared at zoya and proposed something that zoya wouldn't have expected him to do in a million years. "Why don't we make it a double date? I mean I and tanveer can join you guys too. its been a while I have been wanting to go out for dinner as well." Zoya was shocked and so was everybody else. Tanveer busy grinning didn't even realize that asad didn't even look at her while mentioning his plan. He just wanted zoya in front of his eyes at any cost and there was no way he was letting her leave with her so called friend at this hour in the night, looking like that. 

Since nobody said anything, asad continued.. " Okay, great then. Let's leave. Ammi, I hope its alright with you." Dilshaad nodded, still surprised at asad's sudden interest in having dinner outside. 

Asad, zoya, farhaan and tanveer reached one of the five-star hotels in Bhopal and were escorted to the restaurant in the hotel by one of the staff members. Zoya, although very uncomfortable by asad's presence, managed to look calm and unaffected. She was trying very hard, not to blast asad in front of everyone for interfering in her life after everything that had happened. He had no right now, he made a choice and now he can't have his way with her. Asad knew how pissed off zoya was due to his interference but he had no other option. Somehow, he didn't think rationally when it came to her. Even though he was engaged, he could never imagine zoya with anyone else, ever. He was selfish, very selfish and insecure when it came to zoya. Soon they arrived at their table, putting a stop at their thoughts they were having. 

Waiter: "What can I get you sir?" he asked looking at Farhaan. " I'll try anything Indian, man! Your Indian speciality tonight, may be?" Farhaan answered. "Of course sir, we have the paneer lababdar served with rice and yellow curry as today's specialty. I'll order that for you right away. And what can I get for your wife, Sir?" the waiter asked looking towards zoya. Asad choked on the water he was drinking, spilling it on the table in front of him. He got up, trying to dry himself with the tissue, while the waiter wiped the table. "Ummm.. i'm sorry. I guess i wasn't paying attention." Asad tried to cover up his reaction. But zoya and tanveer very well understood what happened. "And.. your wife's order, Sir?" the waiter asked again. "Oh yeah.. my wife's order, farhaan smirked at zoya and continued, she'll have a thin crust cheese pizza with pepperoni topping and coke, diet coke to be specific." With that the glaring session started, zoya glared at farhaan for not correcting the waiter, asad glared at farhaan first for calling zoya his wife and knowing so much about her, and finally tanveer glared at asad for still giving all his importance to zoya and only zoya. The waiter then turned to asad and asked his order, Asad although wanted to kick the waiter for declaring zoya as farhaan's wife, composed himself and placed his order. The waiter then asked asad the same question, but a little differently. "And what can i get for your sister, Sir" he looked at tanveer who had her head covered and looking ultra-traditional, not at all complimenting the man sitting next to her. He assumed that she might be his sister only, if she is sitting by his side. Now it was zoya's turn to laugh out aloud, much to asad's shock and tanveer's annoyance. Farhaan joined zoya and the giggles just multiplied. Asad knew why the waiter was mistaken, since he himself never thought of tanveer like that. Even though according to him tanveer was the perfect fit in his house, nobody other than him, saw it that way. They were a complete mismatch in every way possible. Zoya controlled herself and said " I'm so sorry, i didn't mean to offend you tanveer. Its just that, the way the waiter said it was hilarious." Tanveer very well knew zoya was making fun of her and she was disappointed more because asad still hadn't corrected the waiter. Farhaan noticed tanveer glaring at asad and tried to handle the situation. 

"Actually, that's his fiance, not his sister. You're mistaken." he looked at tanveer to see if she had calmed down and continued " So what would you like to have tanveer?" Tanveer, frustrated as hell, ordered the first thing on the menu. The waiter left and random conversations started on the table. After dinner, the dance floor was lit up, with some of the most romantic Sinatra songs playing in the background. Farhaan asked zoya for a dance after the dinner. Zoya looked at asad and decided to tell a NO to farhaan after seeing the anger-filled, red eyes of asad. "Umm.. farhaan, i don't feel like dancing honestly. May be some other time?" she didn't wanted to create a scene if she had agreed to the dance. "O come on zoe, just for old times sake. Remember our dancing lessons we took in college together. Come now'they are even playing one of your favorite song". Farhaan pulled zoya off her chair without giving her a chance to say something and took her to the dance floor. Asad was fuming, his heart was burning, his red eyes stuck at zoya and her moving form.  He noticed farhaan's hand on zoya's waist and got up from his chair, determined to stop that nonsense at any cost. Tanveer tried her luck when she asked " jammy do you want to dance, I mean we can also?" only to fail miserably once again. Asad removed her hand from his shoulder and almost yelled at her " You know i don't dance tanu, don't you? What kind of stupid question is that? aren't you supposed to know what i like and what i don't?" He was rambling and not even realizing what he was saying, his eyes still stuck at zoya and farhaan. Tanveer couldn't handle asad's ignorance anymore and left from there. She had had way too much for the night anyway, first insulted by the waiter, then zoya and finally asad. She left the hotel and went home. On the other hand, Farhaan had to take a call and left the dance floor. Asad saw zoya all alone, standing in the middle of the dance floor, looking burning hot in that red sari and walked towards her, desire blooming in the pit of his stomach. He reached zoya in no time, and turned her around, pulling her into his arms, close to his chest. They were body to body, chest to chest, their breaths intermingling and their hearts beating at an explosive rate. Zoya shocked at his behavior, looked at their table to find tanveer gone. She didn't understand what he was trying to do. She pushed him away and tried to leave from there, without giving him another look. Asad again pulled her close, this time roughly, his eyes displaying an intensity that zoya had never witnessed before. He put her hands on his shoulders, with his hands on her waist, her bare waist. Zoya stopped breathing as soon as he touched her along her waist and pulled her close to his chest again. 

Zoya : "What's wrong with you Mr. Khan, what do you think of yourself? Please let me go." She tried to escape asad again but his grip on her was way too tight this time. 

Asad : "Sshhh'" he placed his finger on her lips much to zoya's surprise and continued " Who is this Farhaan? Why is he here?" 

Zoya : "Excuse me? I think I told you he is my friend and he is here to visit me. Have you suddenly developed short term memory?" she couldn't believe the audacity of this man to still question her like he owned her. Who the hell is he to ask me all this. Its my life and its my personal business. 

Asad : "Just a friend? Didn't seem like that? You both seem pretty close to each other?" He twirled her around on the song while asking her all the questions that had been bugging him since the moment he arrived. He even tried to touch her intimately at every given opportunity. He caressed her waist, sliding his fingers from her waist to her back, arousing her in the process. 

Zoya : "My personal life is none of your business Mr. Khan. The kind of relationship I share with my friends is for me to decide. Now if you're done, I'd like to go see where Farhaan is." Zoya was barely handling herself in his arms, just inches away from his mouth. She could feel his hot breath on her face and his seductive touch on her waist. She could see his eyes growing more and more intense every minute and she knew he was getting out of control. she had to stop him. But she knew if he continued his slow torture, she would lose her resolve and melt into him. 

Asad : That was it for him. Even when she was in his arms, all she was thinking about was where that guy was? "Farhaan Farhaan Farhaan, If i again hear that word out of your mouth again, I swear that guy won't be able to stay another night in India, let alone Bhopal." He pushed his fingers in her hair and pulled it roughly pushing her neck backwards in the process. "Don't try to make me jealous ever again. You'll hate the consequences if you ever tried to pull this stunt again. Do you understand?" he said leaning down on her in a very husky and warning tone. 

Zoya was flabbergasted. Is he for real. Is he the same guy who chose his best friend over me? Who denied everything that was there between us? Who made a decision without even considering my feelings, or what I might go through after his rejection. 

Zoya : "Why are you jealous, Mr. Khan? I don't see a reason for you to feel this way. I mean, shouldn't you be drooling over your fiance, ogling her time and again, being possessive about her and feeling jealous because of her. I don't see her anywhere. Where is she?" She spit out the reality in his face this time. How dare he? She was not a commodity that he could use according to his whims and fancies. 

Asad : He didn't know what to say. His actions were in complete contrast to the decision he made. But he knew that he was not able to stick with the decision he had made thanks to the rational side of his brain. Each and every fiber in his body craved for zoya and only zoya. He wanted her - mind, body and soul. He wanted to kiss her, hug her, make love to her, dance with her, dream about her but then he had himself pushed her away and had broke her heart. He was speechless. He never expected zoya to confront him directly. He knew he was going out of line with her but he couldn't control himself. 

Zoya : "What? Don't you have any answer to my questions now?" She looked directly into asad's eyes. Asad looked down, unable to answer her questions. "I thought so. I'm telling you for the last time Mr. Khan, stay out of my life and stay in your limits." With that she got out of his hold and walked away. 

Just then Farhaan entered the scene and saw zoya walking out of the restaurant. "Hey.. sorry the call took forever. It was kindaa important." he apologized. "No worries, Farhaan, let's go home. its getting late" zoya responded. "and Asad and tanveer?" he confirmed if they were coming too. "I think tanveer left early, Mr. Khan is still inside", zoya said not sure what to say. "Okay, lemme call asad then" farhaan went it to inform asad that they were leaving. 

They reached home around midnight. Everyone else seemed to have gone to bed and it was just asad zoya and farhaan in the living room. 

Zoya : "Thank you so much for the dinner, Farhaan. I had an amazing time." with that she bid her good night and went to her room. Farhaan smiled at her retreating back and whispered "night zoe, And I still have a lot to tell you". Zoya glanced back and said "me too" and entered her room without sparing a glance in asad's direction. 

Farhaan : "hey man, is everything okay between you and tanveer? I mean she left the hotel just like that. Is she alright? I'm extremely sorry if it had anything to do with me and Zoe. We tend to joke around, throw pranks but we never intend to hurt anyone. Hope you understand?" 

Asad : Although he wasn't interested in hearing a word out of Farhaan's mouth but he controlled himself since he was supposedly a guest in his house. " There's nothing to worry, Farhaan. I guess she wasn't feeling well and left for home. I ran into few people from work and had to stay back for a while, thats they reason she came back alone" Asad conveniently lied to farhaan and bid him good night as well and went to his room. That night sleep was the last thing on asad and zoya's mind. Asad couldn't believe how he behaved with zoya today, how he got way out of line with her whereas zoya was just mad at asad for reigniting something that he himself had destroyed. 

Edited by pinkflamingo - 10 years ago
-RohitMaxwell- thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 10 years ago
this is really interesting. continue soon...
beekay1 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail Commentator 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
That's all????

It is sweet.
-Aswini- thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Fascinator 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
hey amazing fanfic..totally in love with it๐Ÿ˜ƒ
i need frequent updates๐Ÿ˜ณ
btw yo ve typed impotence instead of importance in the second part..๐Ÿ˜†
pinkflamingo thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 10 years ago

Originally posted by: beekay1

That's all????

It is sweet.

Not at all.. have many more long updates coming up. ๐Ÿ˜†

pinkflamingo thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 10 years ago

Originally posted by: aswini.achu

hey amazing fanfic..totally in love with it๐Ÿ˜ƒ

i need frequent updates๐Ÿ˜ณ
btw yo ve typed impotence instead of importance in the second part..๐Ÿ˜†

Thank you ๐Ÿ˜† haha.. i noticed.. just corrected it lol ๐Ÿ˜†
malini96 thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
that was awesome
do continue soon
-LazyLamhe- thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
Will comment soon..Sent a buddy request..plz pm when there is an update

*will read now*


Interesting concept and you wrote it amazingly well..It was double bonanza..two long updates back to back ๐Ÿ˜Š

The waiter- Zoya being Farhaan's wife sequence was fun ๐Ÿ˜‰..and then all people glaring each other for it was funny!!  ...and then...Tanveer- sister thing cracked me up๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿคฃ

Love the jealous Asad in your FF...๐Ÿ˜ณ.. Farhaan is also fun...Zoya-Farhaan friendship is cool...they are so comfortable with each other...Do we have a face for farhaan??
Edited by -HoneyBunch- - 10 years ago
maha2012 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 10 years ago
plzz plzzz continue๐Ÿ˜ƒ the sister part was hillarious though๐Ÿ˜† loving the jealous asad๐Ÿ˜ณ