What's wrong with dying your hair? - Page 6


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Freethinker112 thumbnail
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Posted: 11 years ago

Originally posted by: Shwets1502

For each and everyone a first impression is formed...when I spoke to you I formed an impression and same would have been from your side too. Those impressions are based on our view of life. Now when I see a colored haired person I do form thoughts about that person...but in due course that will change when I come to know more about the person.
If you take the opposite case...if a person whom I know colors their hair my impression about them will not change because I know abt the person.

No body is stopping them from doing that...as they have the freedom to like some take the freedom not to like it

It depends on how the person behaves after coloring..I mean if they still behave normally we cannot say they are obsessed..but if they behave like Raashi is doing...then definitely obsession is there.

Judgments are made spontaneously. We can then ponder about and change. Bt first thoughts are very difficult to stop.

Yes, I am not saying first impressions are not formed. What I am saying is that we should realize those are just our speculations and not facts. And that's why I sad that it is okay to think someone cares for their appearance if you see them like that, but we shouldn't go to the length that hey care only about their looks. 

If your opinion won't change, that means you do not think of it as a bad thing. ðŸ˜‰

Of course you have a freedom not to like it, so you don't do it. It's just that their preferences must not make you biased against them. It should not affect you, that's it.

Yes, Raashi's behavior is definitely obnoxious, that's why I sad i just wanted to talk about the coloring thing, on anybody.

Yes, first thoughts will definitely jump in mind. But we should try to rationalize it later.
Freethinker112 thumbnail
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Posted: 11 years ago

Originally posted by: silvermoonlight

I'd be concerned with the chemicals in the hair dye

It ruins hair and I've always thought it leads to premature white hair

I've dyed and highlighted my hair a few times and my hair felt less soft

It's also know to cause allergic reactions 

Those clip on color strands are cute and I'd be ok with a child of Rasshi's age using those..not permanent or harmful 

Isn't that true for most cosmetic products? Sorry, I have no idea about them. ðŸ˜† Not to say I disagree, they should be aware of the effects, but if they still wanna do it, their choice.

No idea about strands too. ðŸ˜† But if such things exist, yes, they might be good.
Freethinker112 thumbnail
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Posted: 10 years ago

With whom? Me, I presume? ðŸ˜†
silvermoonlight thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 10 years ago
well then that theory of knowing risks and choice can be used towards anything..makeup, hair dye, boyfriends, sex, and pregnancy

Whats the use of parents then?  Parents are there to guide there kids from right and wrong..kids in their teens run more on hormones and emotions than reason and logic

Kids get sex ed in class, they know the risks, ie STD, pregnancy etc..but when their hormones are running high..all that goes out the window..its up to parents to guide their children from ruining their lives

dying hair or not is not the real issue..its whether kids should be allowed to get away with things and what the limits are? 

If my kid goes and dyes their hair without informing me at 13 or 14, well then whose to say what he/she will do by age 15 or 16 and so forth

if my child came to me and asked me, we would discuss it, and agree on something which doesn't completely ruin their hair

Freethinker112 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago

Originally posted by: silvermoonlight

well then that theory of knowing risks and choice can be used towards anything..makeup, hair dye, boyfriends, sex, and pregnancy

Whats the use of parents then?  Parents are there to guide there kids from right and wrong..kids in their teens run more on hormones and emotions than reason and logic

Kids get sex ed in class, they know the risks, ie STD, pregnancy etc..but when their hormones are running high..all that goes out the window..its up to parents to guide their children from ruining their lives

dying hair or not is not the real issue..its whether kids should be allowed to get away with things and what the limits are? 

If my kid goes and dyes their hair without informing me at 13 or 14, well then whose to say what he/she will do by age 15 or 16 and so forth

if my child came to me and asked me, we would discuss it, and agree on something which doesn't completely ruin their hair

I don't think coloring hair and pregnancy comes into the same league.

Yes, parents are there to guide. If they are using protection and are of legal age, I have no problem with them having sex.

What if parents say no and they want to color the hair? What then? She could definitely have asked, but what if she just said no.
silvermoonlight thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 10 years ago
Well then thats the difference between good parenting and bad parenting.

I think parents should 'train' kids to come talk to them about any issues at an early age

and if the parents say no, then it has to be with a good reason...unlike brown parents who show the slap and say no... personally I would discuss and try to strike some kind of deal

the point is to have kids come talk to you...once they think they can make decisions on their own without parental input...its tricky.

teens dont think like adults..thats why they have parents.

those same kids that are dying their hair at age 13...some of them are having sex at that same age..so its important to set rules and be involved in your childs life

Growing up in downtown Toronto..Ive seen it all..including my 15 year old classmates with baby carriages..

Freethinker112 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago

Originally posted by: silvermoonlight

Well then thats the difference between good parenting and bad parenting.

I think parents should 'train' kids to come talk to them about any issues at an early age

and if the parents say no, then it has to be with a good reason...unlike brown parents who show the slap and say no... personally I would discuss and try to strike some kind of deal

the point is to have kids come talk to you...once they think they can make decisions on their own without parental input...its tricky.

teens dont think like adults..thats why they have parents.

those same kids that are dying their hair at age 13...some of them are having sex at that same age..so its important to set rules and be involved in your childs life

Growing up in downtown Toronto..Ive seen it all..including my 15 year old classmates with baby carriages..

Bossing around certainly isn't the difference.

Yes, I should have elaborated too. Not exactly train, involve them in day to day activities. Tell them about small things you do, have the whole family discuss it together. They will grow up believing that's what's normal, you first talk things out and then do it.

Exactly, you gotta reason out with kids instead of the no, because I am your parent. Just talk, if it's bad for the, let them see the effects themselves. Tell them anecdotes.

Yes, exactly. Although they need to believe that final decision will be theirs, parents will just give input. Then, they will surely come for guidance when in doubt. But if they think they would be overridden, they won't bother.

And teens are not always wrong and parents are not always right. That's what every argument boils down to, what to do if they disagree?

Yes, definitely. You have to take interest in their life. You gotta create the atmosphere where things are freely communicated.

About teen parents, we all know well that no amount of rule can stop people who get adamant on things. Parents can just hope for a kid who learns to distinguish what is good for him from the bad.
MaebyFunke thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Visit Streak 90 0 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 10 years ago

Originally posted by: Freethinker112

About teen parents, we all know well that no amount of rule can stop people who get adamant on things. Parents can just hope for a kid who learns to distinguish what is good for him from the bad.

What does that mean? 

Freethinker112 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago

That if young kids are hell bent on having sex, no amount of rules are gonna stop them.
MaebyFunke thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Visit Streak 90 0 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 10 years ago
 Wouldn't you even impose some rules and try to stop them? What if some  ten year old goes around having sex? You would overlook him/her and fold your hands? Sometimes rules are important to maintain the decorum, every child couldn't be you and me to be within limits, being strict is necessary too, but in a friendly way.