Game of Thrones [NO COMMENTS]

snowflake. thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 11 years ago


Stuti : Have you ever played any royal game? 

Aanchal : RoYaL... Prince

Stuti : Ugghh! ðŸ˜¡ Stop drooling!

Aanchal : No I havent :(

Suvi : Then lets play 'GAME OF THRONES' ðŸ˜ƒ

In the game, teams assume the leadership of one of the great houses vying for control of the Throne. To achieve their goals, players launch military attacks against their opponents, undermine their opponents' plans with intrigues of their own, and make brazen power plays to win the support of the realmA Plot deck consisting of 7 plot cards to go along with the house deck.

_Sign Up Rules_

- You need to be active. If you are going to be active during this month, then only sign up.

- You should be ready to work in teams.

Hurry!!! Sign up ðŸ˜ƒ
Edited by SilentPromises - 11 years ago


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snowflake. thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 11 years ago
 Characters, locations, attachments, and events go into your House. Your plot deck must consist of exactly 7 different plot cards.

 Team 1 now announces which House card and agenda (if any) they will use for this game. Then all opponents, in clockwise order, do the same. Note that more than one team may play the same House and agenda.

 The first team places their setup cards first, followed by other teams in order. When placing your setup cards, you may place up to 5 gold worth of characters and/or location cards. You may not place attachments during this step unless they include the "Setup" keyword in their game text; your setup must also include valid targets for such attachments. You may only place  one card with the "Limited" keyword during this step and you may not place duplicates of unique cards.

 Cards affiliated with a different House (than the House you are playing) cost 2 additional gold to play. After all teams have placed their setup cards in front of them, all the cards are simultaneously revealed.

The six great houses


[Row 1 : L -> R] House Baratheon  House Lannister  House Stark
[Row 2 : L -> R] House Targaryen  House Greyjoy House Martell

220 Cards, divided into 4 decks (Stark, Lannister, Baratheon, Targaryen). 

60 Power Counters.
Teams place power counters on their House cards, characters, and locations when they claim power during the course of the game. Generally, the first team to collect 15 power counters wins the game.

 44 Gold Dragon Tokens.
Gold Dragon tokens are used to keep track of each teams gold throughout the course of the game. Gold is used to play cards, to pay for effects, and to fuel some card abilities.

 6 Title Figures.
Each of these figures represents a title (or role) in the world that teams utilize for a part of the game. A title is selected from the Small Council Chamber and placed on or near a teams House card to signify that that team has chosen that title.

A game board(map provided to the members by CC's) features three areas: the Throne Room, the Treasury, and the Small Council Chamber.

Team 1 [Royals]

CC Member/Member (Captain)





Team 2 [Emperors]

CC Member (Captain)





Team 3 [Czars]

CC Member / Member (Captain)





Team 4 [Monarchs]

CC Member / Member (Captain)





Team 5 [Skippers]

CC Member / Member (Captain)





Team 6 [Sovereigns]

CC Member/ Member (Captain)





Team 7 [Autocrats]

CC Member / Member (Captain)





Team 8 [Rulers]

CC Member / Member (Captain)





Game play essentially revolves around these phases:

Plot phase

During the plot phase, each team chooses a plot card. The effects of the plot card are then carried out, and initiative is then determined. Whichever team wins initiative can then either choose to go first for the round, or choose another team to go first. In a 4-team game, each team would then choose a title for the turn. Each title gives the team some special benefit. In addition, several of the titles support and oppose one of the other titles. If team 1 has a title that supports another title "X", and team 2 has title "X", team 1 can not initiate challenges against team 2 that round. If  team 1 has a title that opposes title "X", and team 2 has title "X", team 1 receives bonus power when winning a challenge against team 2.

Marshalling phase

 This is when each team has a chance to play their characters, attachments, and locations. Each card has a certain amount of gold that it costs to play. Teams collect an amount of gold based on the amount listed on their plot card, in addition to any gold that characters or locations may give them each turn.

Challenges phase

The challenges phase is essentially the combat phase. Each team has the chance to issue up to 3 challenges against opponents during their turn. 1 military challenge, 1 intrigue challenge, and 1 power challenge. Winning a military challenge causes the opponent to lose a number of characters based on the claim value on the attacker's plot card. Winning an intrigue challenge causes the opponent to discard a number of cards based on the claim value on the attacker's plot card. Finally, winning a power challenge causes the attacker to steal a number of power from their opponent based on the claim value on the attacker's plot card. A character has to have the corresponding icon on their card to participate in a military, intrigue, or power challenge. 

For example, a character with only an intrigue icon can not participate (either attack or defend) in a military challenge. There is no individual blocking in this game. Challenges are won by the team with the highest strength total. The strength of all attackers is added up and compared to the strength of all defenders. There is no "damage" or "life totals" in this game, characters do not have hit points. In addition, characters in general must kneel in order to attack or defend.Once kneeling, they can no longer be used to attack or defend. This creates interesting situations, as if you over extend on attacking, you will have nothing to defend with when your opponent has their turn.

Dominance phase

During this phase, the team with the highest total standing strength left (count up the strength value of each standing character) automatically claims 1 power for their house.

Taxation phase

All left over gold is returned, after which a new round starts again back at the plot phase.

 Challenges are the three types of conflicts that can be initiated between your House and your opponent's House. Each type of challenge follows the same general rules, but with different potential outcomes.

 The goal of a military challenge is to force an opponent to choose and kill his characters in play.

 The goal of an intrigue challenge is to force an opponent to discard cards at random from his hand.

 The goal of a power challenge is to take power directly from your opponent's House and place it on your House card.

Each of your challenges must follow these steps:

 Declare attackers

First declare the type of challenge being initiated (military, intrigue, or power), and which team you are challenging. Then declare attackers by kneeling any number of your (your team) characters that have the corresponding challenge icon printed on their card. Already kneeling characters may not be declared as attackers. You (your team) must declare at least 1 attacking character to initiate a challenge.

 Declare defenders

The opponent you are challenging now kneels any number of their characters that have the corresponding challenge icon printed on their card to defend against your challenge. Already kneeling characters may not be declared as defenders. Your opponent must declare at least 1 defending character to defend against a challenge.


Add the total strength of the attacking team. This becomes the total attacking strength. Then add the total strength of the defending characters. This becomes the total defending strength. The team whose side has the highest total strength wins the challenge.

Tied strength goes to the attacker, as long as the attacker has at least 1 total strength on his side. A challenge may not be won by an attacker or defender whose total strength is less than 1, or who has no participating characters when the challenge is resolved.

The game is immediately over when one team has claimed 15 or more total power between their House and/or characters in play. That team wins the game.

Good Luck Everyone, Have Fun ðŸ¤—


Edited by SilentPromises - 11 years ago
snowflake. thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 11 years ago
- CC's should design cards like this (not necessarily one has to make 220 cards.. we can simply allot the traits/characters/points/strength to the team captains through a PM) :

- And a game board, its pretty simple... just the treasure and log of the game has to be maintained.

- At once (day 1) 3 - 4 teams can play the first round... the next day other set of teams will play and at the end 2/3 teams can fight for the first spot.. so that way its a multiteam game :)
Edited by SilentPromises - 11 years ago