Hey Mr. Kidnapper...Can you give me a ride home? - Page 38


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t_areeb thumbnail
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Posted: 11 years ago
geet seems to like him 

love the way they always argue 
.ramya-gurtian. thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
lolllzzz awesome update
the last line of maan i take my words back she is nt human 🤣

awww maan babu kuch tho bharosa kar geet pe :-P
he thought she left him n went away n.informed police 😡
and that hugg 😳
hahaha geets note future mrs.squiggle 🤣🤣
such a cute update
n u better update fast 😉
Posted: 11 years ago

Originally posted by: Appy

phew.. Read all in one go..
Awesome work harshu..
Pls cntn sooon...

thnk u appy di. ðŸ˜³
Posted: 11 years ago

Originally posted by: ramyayuppy

lolllzzz awesome update
the last line of maan i take my words back she is nt human 🤣

awww maan babu kuch tho bharosa kar geet pe :-P
he thought she left him n went away n.informed police 😡
and that hugg 😳
hahaha geets note future mrs.squiggle 🤣🤣
such a cute update
n u better update fast 😉

Aye aye captain... ðŸ˜† 
update on the way.!!!!!!!
Posted: 11 years ago

{MAAN's monologue...}

"Are you cold?" I asked.

"No," she said defiantly. One of the icicles hanging from her nose fell off. "Nope."

She opened the last Jell-o, and bit into it, sniffling pathetically. My heart had to melt at that sight ' a twenty-year-old girl, eating Jell-o, outside in a wood, in the winter, her nose dripping.

I took off my coat, and gave it to her. She needed it way more than I did.

As I took it off, I felt something in my jeans pocket. The two candy bars. My stomach rumbled. That was something I definitely needed more than her. She's just eaten about forty Jell-os, and I'd had half (she finished mine. You just can't say no to her, when it comes to food).

Geet lay herself down on the forest floor, using the bag as a pillow, and my coat as a duvet. I just watched her for a second, as her eyes slowly stopped fluttering, and her lips turned into a pout. She was asleep. That was amazing. I could never sleep in a dark forest like this, surrounded by bugs.

I sighed, and sat there. I could keep guard, and try and get some sort of fire going. I still had my Dad's old lighter, so all I needed to do was get some wood.

After half an hour, I'd made a little pile, and tried to get it looking like what it did on TV ' you know, tent-shaped, and surrounded by rocks. It was a bit on the small side, but there were only a couple twigs.

I pulled the lighter out of my pocket, and examined the little platinum thing. It was the only expensive thing I'd ever owned. That was why I got involved with the Mafia. To change that.

Geet probably never knew what it was like. To be so hungry, you couldn't sleep. To be so cold, you couldn't move. To cry so hard it hurt, but know, at the same time, that no one could save you.

That was the difference between us. We were worlds apart.

But I've never felt so close to anyone in my life.

I kissed her forehead, gently, and felt my own heart race.


(Geet monologue...)

When I'd woken up, I felt pleasantly warm. Hungry, but warm.

"MAan?" I called out, rubbing my bleary eyes. It was morning, and light shone through the trees, but it was enough to blind me.

He was asleep, propped up against a tree. I glanced behind me, at a small fire that was slowly dying out. He must've made a fire before he fell asleep.

I stretched, and looked into my bag, before remembering ' crap! No more Jell-o!

"Maan!," I yelled, shaking him awake. "MAAN!"

He woke up, and his eyes focused on me.

"We're out of food!"

"So?" he asked, closing his eyes again. He had big circles under his eyes, probably because he was still recovering. I bit my lip. It was kind of like my natural reaction to tell other people when I was hungry, because in my experience, they would give me food as soon as they could. I was so spoilt.

I pushed down the reflex, and bit my lip.

Maan opened his eyes, a crack.

"What's wrong?" he asked, looking genuinely worried. "Why aren't you annoying me and begging me to do something?"

"There's nothing you can do, right?"

He looked really scared right now.

"Are you sure you're feeling okay? Normally you're much more...rude."

I glared at him.

"Shut up."

"There you are. Geet's back."

"You suck."

He laughed, and stood up, stretching. About a billion leaves fell off him. (Did I mention it was winter, and so the trees were shedding their leaves?).

"I wasn't trying to be funny, Maan. You suck so much."

"And you're horrible. Don't we suit each other?"

My heart skipped a beat, and I stared at him, my eyes wide. He smiled, and laughed. Oh, right. Of course he didn't mean it like that. He didn't even like me. That nurse must have been joking' I touched the necklace around my neck, and touched the pendant to my lips.


{Maan's monologue...}

"So, um, Maan, what's the plan?"

I looked at her, suddenly remembering I was meant to ransom her, and not travel with her.

"Well, I want your Dad's real number," I said, sounding all angry, even though I just felt kind of bitter she wanted to go. "And then call him."

"Okay," she said, nodding seriously. "But you're going to need to get a good drop-off point, right?"


"Can I suggest some kind of pier?"


"So you can scuba-dive away."

"I can't scuba-dive."

"Oh. That might be a hole in the plan."

"What plan? That was just a suggestion. That suggestion was crap, by the way."

She glared at me.

"Well, brainiac," she spat, "why don't you try and come up with something? You realize, in every single crisis, it's been me who's gotten us out of it."

"Apart from the time I got shot."

"That wasn't a crisis, Maan. That was your remarkably slow reflexes."

"I'd like to see you get shot at!" I yelled.

"I have!" she screamed back, with effectively ruined my come-back. "The last time I was kidnapped! I got shot at in close-range fire, but I still managed to duck."

I gritted my teeth. She was so annoying.

I had no comeback to that, and we just stood there, glaring each other.

Silence hung in the air, and we dared each other to break it.

This is why you should never argue with your hostage. You can't leave them.


(Geet's monologue...)

I glared at a tree, fighting back. Maan was being so annoying about being shot. Did he not understand how much he'd scared me? I knawed at my lip, then had to stop myself. Geet, don't eat your bit. Your bit is not food. Do not eat your lip.

"Geet," Maan said, quietly.

"Huh?" I looked up, forgetting I was meant to be mad at him.

"What the hell have you done with your lip?"

I touched my mouth, and when my hand came away, a trickle of blood dripped from my fingers. Crap. I'd eaten my lip.

"C'mere," Maan said, gruffly. "Let me wipe it."

He pulled out a tissue from our backpack, and came towards me. I backed away, and turned around.

"Geet. Come on. You need to wipe it."

I could feel a drop of blood rolling down my chin, but I shook my head. If I looked at him now, I would cry. If I cried, everything would come out. All those built-up years of not crying, of fighting back the tears, would come out. Once you opened the floodgates you couldn't close them again.

"Geet, don't be so stubborn. You have to let me wipe it."

I shook my head again, but I could feel his warm body heat, just inches away from my back. I tried to back away, but he slammed his hands onto the tree, on either side of my head.

"Turn around, Geet."


Tears had welled up in my eyes, and they were spilling out, rolling down my face in fat droplets. They refused to stop.

Maan's hand went to my arm, and gently turned me around. If he's grabbed me, and forced to me turn around, I might have been able to resist. But he did it so gently, like he was scared I could break. It made the tears come faster.

"Geet'You're crying?" Maan whispered, wiping away a droplet that had been trickling down my cheek.

I looked above his head, refusing to meet his eyes. I couldn't look at him right now. It was too'embarrassing.

"Why are you crying?"

I smiled at him, even though it made my lip hurt like hell. In some ways, letting it all out felt good.

"It's stupid, isn't it? No one had ever seen like this. Including my own Dad. Whenever I needed to cry, I did it on my own. But that was a long time ago. Today's the first time I've cried, in a long time."

"Why did you ever need to cry?" Maan said, his tone slightly bitter.

"Stupid, little things, I guess," I sighed, smiling, and brushing away my tears. "I've probably never had it as bad as you. It was mainly my mother. She died when I was seven. Before, our family was never poor, but after she was'gone, my Dad became obsessed with work. He said, he wanted us to be happy."

"And you weren't?"

"Would you be?"

I suddenly blushed.

"I'm sorry," I blabbed. "I didn't mean to say that, because you have it way worse, with your Dad, and your Mum, and your sister'and everything."

He looked at me, and an emotion flashed through his eyes, too quickly for me to recognize it. Then he covered it. He was way too damn good of an actor.

"Geet, I really need to talk to you '"


He frowned.


"Behind you!"

He turned, to stare at the fishing boat that was passing through the river. The two fishermen stared right back at us.

"Hello," I said, waving. "How are you?"

They just stared.

"Um'is it alright for us to get a ride with you?"

They still stared.

Maan looked at me.

"Why do you want to get a ride with them?" he asked.

"So we can get to a pier, obviously. So we can carry out my really crappy suggestion."

And before he could stop me, I ran up through the trees, to the boat, and hopped on, making the boat sway worryingly. The two fishermen (in very cool hats, I might add) just stared at me, like I was some kind of weird alien. The boat smelt like fish.

"You coming?" I said, looked back at him.

He couldn't really say no, could he? He picked up the bag, and walked up to the boat, delicately stepping into it. He was such a girl.

"So, lads," I said, turning to the two guys, still holding their fishing rods. "Where are we going today?"


{Maan's monologue..}

"Aren't you slightly worried?" I whispered to Geet.

She grinned at me, like she was kind of on a high. Did she really find this fun? Maybe she was an adrenaline addict.

I sat back, and tried to ignore the two men stare at me. They were both middle-aged men, who were probably here to have a fun day out, fishing, as middle-aged men did. We'd probably ruined their day. I would feel guiltier, but my arm was really killing me. The morphine had completely worn off, then. I tried not to show it. I didn't want Geet to get worried.

One guy finally snapped out of it, and decided to fill the silence by turning on the radio.

"'he was finally sentenced today, and the whole of America have breathed a sigh of relief."


There was a moment of silence, and I wondered if we hit on a patch of static or something.

"News just in! An twenty-two-year-old boy, with dark eyes and dark hair, travelling alongside a twenty-year-old girl, with brown hair and hazel brown eyes."

f**k. You've gotta be kidding me.

"We believe the boy has kidnapped the girl, and he is currently on the run. The girl's name is Geet, and is the heiress to Rise Enterprises. The boy's identity is currently unknown. Geet's father is currently offering a million-dollar cash prize for her safe return. Anyone who has any information is encouraged to step forward'"

The two men stared at us for a second.

It took a second for it to click.

One leapt up, going for me first. I punch his face, and the boat rocked. He went down, and was probably knocked out. The other one was slower, but came for Geet.

"Hit me," she said. She smiled at him, daring him to attack. Doubt flashed through his eyes, but then he glanced at his friend, and strengthened his resolve.

He charged at him, probably planning to knock her down.

She stopped him with just a kick to his'area.😆 He went down, writhing.

"What do you think we should do now?" I asked, watching the two of them. I suddenly felt guilty. My head pounded, and I had to sit down.

"Maybe we should stop, and let them off?"

"Fine," I mumbled, not really caring. My head hurt like hell.


(Geet's monologue...)

"Bye!" I said, cheerfully.

"Wasn't that fun?" I asked Maan, turning away from the torrent of screaming that came from the guy that wasn't knocked out. We sailed away from them, and they grew smaller.

"Yeah," Maan replied vaguely, looking distracted. His face was hidden by his hands, and it looked like he was in pain.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine."

I took his hands away, so I could see his face.

"You're not okay," I said, pressing my forehead against his. "You have a fever. Your forehead's really hot'"

I suddenly realized what I was doing, and leapt away.

"I'm sorry," I gasped. "I didn't mean to'"

Maan fell forward, and I caught him.

"Maan? Maan? Are you okay?"

He didn't answer.

What the hell am I meant to do?

I sat next to him, and rested his head on my lap, my hand on his forehead. He was definitely sick.

I started panicking. What am I meant to'?

My fingers groped my necklace again. Damn it, why was it always so hard?

Maan looked calm, even though he had a fever. He always looked calm when he was asleep. He looked at peace. Was he, really? After everything with his family'he was going through so much with his family.

I leaned down. My lips were an inch from his lips. This couldn't be wrong, right? It wasn't like I was kiss-raping him'it was just a kiss. I just wanted to know what it would feel like to kiss him.

I was an inch away from his lips. He was smiling, so beautifully. I couldn't'

My lips went to his cheek instead. They brushed against his skin, so softly, and I was about to pull away when '

He turned his head, and kissed me.


{Maan's monolouge...}

I came to consciousness. She was kissing me.

I sat-up straight suddenly, my automatic reaction when I found someone so close to me. Our heads banged together.

"Ow!" she said, her hand on her forehead, her eyes streaming. "Damn, Maan, that hurt. How hard is your head?"

"What were you doing?" I asked, rubbing my forehead as well. I was still feeling kind of woozy. In hindsight, that was probably not the best thing to say when someone had just kissed you.

She suddenly blushed.

"Nothing," she said, way too quickly.

I smirked a little.

"What were you doing, Geet?"

"Nothing! I was just'"


"I said nothing!"

She was so red now, I couldn't help but kind of want to tease her more.

"Because I think you were trying to kiss me, Geet."

"Forget about it," she said, turning about from me. "It was nothing."

"Do you like me, or something?"

"NO!" she yelled, and standing up quickly. "Of course I don't like you!"

"You're red, Geet."

"Shut up!"

She backed away from me.

"Admit it, Geet."

"No! I don't like you, you're nothing but my kidnapper, and I..."

She tripped, and fell backwards.

I grabbed her back, and stopped her, before she could fall off the boat.

"Well, Geet," I said, smirking. "It's a good thing you don't like me. Because if you did like me, you might like this position a little too much."

It took her a while to notice that I was holding her, very closely, our bodies pressed close together. She blushed harder, and pushed me away.

"I told you, I don't like you!"

I smirked.

"Just wanted to make sure."

Why does it make me so happy to know what she's lying?


(Geet's monologue...)

Why was I still blushing?

I ignored Maan's smug little look on his face. Damn him. My blush flared up again.

The engine suddenly turned off.

We both sat there, for a second.

"Shit," I muttered. We both walked to the engine. It was one of the simple ones you had to pull to get going. There was also a very helpful "pull" sign on painted on the engine.

I pulled.

Nothing happened.

Maan pulled.

Nothing happened.

"Crap," Maan breathed.

I bit my lip, and tried to calm myself.

"I guess we have to do it the old-fashioned way," I said, pulling at the oar things on the side of the boat. They came out with a ker-bonk. I rolled it to him, and he picked it up. He looked at me uncertainly.

"You're not serious?"

I picked up my oar. It was pretty heavy.

"I'm very serious, Maan."

"Look, I'm sure I could get it to work, if I worked on it for a while..."

I swung the oar around, getting it the right way round. I accidently smashed it against the engine. The engine fell off the boat, and fell into the water with the plopping noise.

"Or not," Maan muttered.

With a sort of resignation, he slid his oar into the water.

"Shall we go?"


(GEET's monologue...)

About a billion hours later, we were nowhere near the stupid pier. Maan's arm was probably hurting. I bit my lip, trying to stop myself from wanting to eat. My tooth nicked the place I'd cut, and I could feel it bleeding a little again.

"Maan," I said putting my oar down. "Give me your oar. I'll do it."

"No!" he protested. I looked at him closer. There slight sheen of sweat on his skin, and I could tell it was taking him a lot just to stay upright. His fever was probably getting worse.

You're sick, Give it to me."

He smirked at me, his eyelids dropping.

"Only if you kiss me."

"Maan. Try and be serious."

"I am serious. This is my serious face. Can't you tell?"

"You have a fever, Maan. You need to lie down."

He smiled, and just carried on working.


"Kiss me, Geet."

And he collapsed.

"Idiot," I hissed, grabbing him before he died or something. "What kind of kidnapper are you?"

He smiled up at me, and I worried for his sanity.

"I have to tell you something, Geet."

"About how you're a prick? I already know."

"Shut up for a second. I just wanted to tell you'about my past. About why I'm kidnapping you."


"My Dad isn't dead. He's alive. My whole family's fine. Well, not really."

He laughed.

"I have to give the Mafia five million dollars."


"They have my family."

"Maan? What the hell are you talking about? MMaaann? Maan?!"


(Geet's monologue...)

Tears streamed out of my eyes, and I quickly wiped them again. Damn it. Now the floodgates were open, I couldn't bloody stop crying.

I pushed the oars, concentrating just on the forward-back movements of my arms. I can do this. I just have to row faster.

Maan lay on the side, unconscious. I have no idea how to cure a fever. I was raised in a germ-free bubble, completely protected from the real world. I kind of wanted to be doctor, right now. I think, in that moment, if you'd given me the choice between being a lower-class doctor, and the higher-class whatever-I-am-now, I would've chosen the lower-class doctor. Weird, right? I was willing to give away my status just to make my stupid kidnapper feel better. Wait, make that stupid, LYING kidnapper.

I rubbed my tears away, again. It wasn't the actual lie, it was just that'he lied.

But he'd told me the truth, in the end, Angel Geet said. That was all that mattered.

He lied to you! How dare he do that! Devil Geet yelled, from my other shoulder. You shouldn't forgive him. EVER!

I stared down at Maan, oppressing the desire to kick him in the face. Damn it, don't do it, Geet!

I nudged him gently, compromising.

How much bloody longer was this pier?

Back and forth, back and forth, come on now, hurry up, hurry up, I'm starving, I...


Oh no, it's just a big piece of wood.

I carried on rowing, my muscles dying. I'm going to die, I'm really dying, what the hell am I meant to do? I have to keep doing'

Hey'the waters pushing us faster now. I took the oars of the water. We were still going forward, pushed by the current. Great. I can finally relax.

I took this opportunity to look down at Maan. He was still out, of course

"Maan?" I said. "Why did you lie to me?"

He didn't answer.

"You're a bas***d, you know that?"

He didn't even stir.

"But I think I kind of like you anyw..."

"Boo!" he yelled.


He clutched his stomach, rolling over in the boat, his laughter bouncing around the forest eerily.

I glared at him.

"You sick son of a bitch, Maan."

"You just admitted you liked..." he choked out. Then he suddenly stopped laughing. "Geet' the water's ended."

I turned around. What the hell was he talking about? I '

"ARGH!" I screamed, properly this time. My scream followed us, as we fell downwards, vertically. Maan flung himself on me, hugging me to protect me. A rock slammed into our boat, and our boat had no way of retaliating. It broke in half.

The water slammed against my body so hard, I didn't even register the cold. It was just dark pressure, pulling and tearing at me. The only thing I could feel was Maan's hand, slowly slipping out of my grasp'

Stupid waterfall.



Slowly, I opened my eyes.

It was bright, so bright I automatically closed my eyes again. My skull pounded. Where was I? Was I dead?

No. If I was dead, there would be no pain. And there wouldn't be a hand holding mine.

The hand was warm, the fingers thin, yet long, and the nails well-kept. A pianist's fingers. I stroked the hand with my thumb, feeling the delicate skin. My mind wasn't even functioning properly. All I knew was that if I let go, my world would be over.

I tried again, and opened my eyes, squinting this time.

I was lying on the ground, my body spread out, my front facing the sky. The ground was dirty and muddy, but I felt warm. The sun was drying up all the water.


My mind took another piece of the puzzle, processed it, and put it together. I suddenly remembered. We were on a boat, rowing. I had a fever, and was unconscious. Geet said something, that made me wake up. Then we were falling.

My hearing finally returning to me, and I sat up straight.

The waterfall was about fifteen feet away from us, gushing water. A plank of plastic passed up, and I kind of recognized it. Part of our boat.

I looked around me. And saw nothing but marsh.

"Geet," I said, my voice cracked and harsh. I coughed, and tried again. "Geet'are you okay?"

She lay there, pale and unmoving.

"Geet! Are you okay? Wake up, Geet?!"

She coughed, and splattered water on my shirt.

"Thanks," I said, wiping my face.

"No problem."

She sat up, and looked around.

"What happened?" she asked.


Her eyes went up, to the thing I was talking about.

"Ah. I see."


"Oh my GOD! Maan, what the hell are we went to do?!"

There we go. A more normal reaction.

"I don't know. Walk, I guess?"


Okay. We were now walking.

I kind of wanted to point out that it was her fault that we were here. If she hadn't gone on about the crap about the whole "pier" thing, we would still be fine. Okay, that was kind of me being bitter. This was meant to be just a quick thing. That was how the Mafia described it.

They'd given me a week to do it. My mind worked, trying to count the days, and the hours, but I couldn't remember anything. All I knew was, some amount of time ago, I was unlucky enough to pick the only rich, Beverly Hills, spoilt brat, that couldn't be intimidated. But, at the same time, I was kind of glad I'd picked her.

We were walking towards the sun, because apparently, it was about noon, and the sun was in that part of the sky, with meant it was some direction. Or something like that. Geet knew it way better than I did.

It was late afternoon, when she finally stopped.

"Geet. What are you doing? We have to go!"

"I'm too tired, Maan. You go on without me."

I almost laughed. She was my hostage. Like I could go on without her.

"Let's just sit down for a second."

I sat next to her, and we were both quiet. After a while, she fell asleep. Her head was starting to be a little heavy, and I leaned away. She slid down, and so her head was on my lap. Awkward moment.

"Maan," she said, angrily. I opened my mouth, about to explain that I wasn't trying anything, and I respected her boundaries, blah blah blah, that regular girly crap, when she said to me:

"Have you got two candy bars in your pocket?"


😆 ðŸ˜› ðŸ˜ƒ 

PRECAP~~ "You snore, GEET."

She pouted.

"Do I not sound like a purring kitten?"

"Yeah, sure. A kitten drowning in a river, maybe."

she almost laughed.

PLZ PLZ PLZ PLZ like and comment...

See i gave u such a longieee update.!!!!!!!!!!!! My fingers r paining now.. ðŸ˜­  Have little mercy on this poor babby... PLz like and do comment... 

Edited by Harshitabedi - 11 years ago
alicia212 thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
wow great story plz update soon
i'm really looking forward to your next part of your story
thanks for the pm
kiran_rati thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago

nice update

precap is interesting
geet snore
waiting for next part
cont soon
Posted: 11 years ago

Originally posted by: kiran_rati

nice update

precap is interesting
geet snore
waiting for next part
cont soon

thnk alot di.. ðŸ˜†
Posted: 11 years ago

Originally posted by: Alicia2001

wow great story plz update soon
i'm really looking forward to your next part of your story
thanks for the pm

thnk uuu
nd welcome ðŸ˜†
-gurtimaniac- thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
coming to this FF:-
I m giving a summarised comment from part 1 upto part 8 : --

Uptill Part 8 i really found this FF one of the hilarious one, MAAN the kidnapper doest not know how the kidnapper behave, n the gun part was even very funny, aaa GEET has also been previously kidnapped by other kidnapper n also know how to tackle them -- tht was gud but y she is ready to be kidnapped by MAAN n y she doesn't defend herself from kidnapping tht wht i m thinking.

then when u hv depict tht they r living in a hotel n sharing a room n a cute little nok-jhok they hv done with regard to sleeping on bed, was very funny...

GEET eating habbit is also very hilarious, she has been kidnapped n she is eating like she has come for a picnic with MAAN

i think now GEET has developed some feeling for MAAN which she herself has not yet realised.

MAAN too hv little bit attraction towards GEET...

now i m on the way to read PART 9 😊

part 9
awesome update 😊

it was totally hilarious
i was thinking who has kidnapped whom
as all the time GEET will be giving idea of wht to do next
i laughed a lot while reading the boat incident

finally MAAN said the truth to GEET tht he had told her lie abt his family

GEET was going to kiss MAAN on the lip 😲 when he was not conscious, but bad luck MAAN came to the conscious at the at the ri8 time n caught GEET n there goes the teasing from MAAN...

well i njoyed a lot while reading the whole update today, n u hv given a long update,
waiting for the next update...

finally i was able to make a comment on ur thread 😊

Edited by -gurtimaniac- - 11 years ago