****IF_IDOL Singing Contest Voting****

Shayu. thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 11 years ago

 Hello Shello Salaam Namaste to all MembersπŸ€—
Welcome to the contest of our 1st ever IF-IDOL ShowπŸ€—
We are now ready for the  Voting Round of our
Singing Contest πŸ˜›

Yes...Yes..Yes...We have got fabulous participation from all the membersπŸ‘Clap..

First of all  would like to thank all those Members who participated in this with a great competitive spirit 


We are glad to announce that we have got a really good response and participation in this  contest ..so congratulations to all

Remember you all r true winners in your own wayClapClap

Now comes the most interesting moment of the contestπŸ˜›..yes its voting time

Please keep following things in mind while Voting

Before giving the votes,pls hear the whole video to get the full idea on the performance of the participants

Participants can also vote... but not for their own video of course.πŸ˜†πŸ˜‰

Participants please do not create Multiple IDs to vote for your own entries or advertize it via pms ,otherwise your entrieswill b disqualified there and then.Trust me our moderators can find out if a member is creating Multiple IDs to vote

  πŸ˜ƒ Vote for Best 2 EntriesπŸ˜ƒ

(U can give ur views and comments on all entries along with ur votes to 2 entries,so that other entries can also can get  some motivation n encouragement from all of uπŸ˜ƒ)

The Last Date for the Voting is 14th of September


Presenting the Entries now😎
Entry No # 2
Entry No # 3
Entry No # 4
Entry No # 5
Entry No # 6
Entry No # 7
Entry No # 8
Entry No # 9
Entry No # 10
Entry No # 11
Entry No # 12
Entry No # 13
Entry No # 14
Entry No # 15
Entry No # 16
Entry No # 17
Entry No # 18
Entry No # 19
 All The Best to all The Participants from Jyoti and Shayari😳
(Pls Avoid chatting here..it will get difficult to count the votes if u chat here...pls discuss ur views in our previous thread..here it is)
Edited by .Shayari. - 11 years ago


Last reply









Frequent Posters

SiriuslySujal thumbnail
Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
Yay, voting thread is open πŸ˜ƒ Going to listen to all the entries now...
One thing... it looks from the URLs like you've posted the same link for Entries 16 and 17...
minizz thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
You have done a great job ShayariπŸ€—It must have taken a lot of effort and time na but wow you have organized it all so wellπŸ‘

All the entries were really good but my top two favourites were 7 and 11😊

My vote goes to Entry No.7 and Entry No.11
Rhea.KaJen thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 11 years ago
Will come back to this later.. unwell.. will listen to all :)
Nikki_Titli thumbnail
Anniversary 15 Thumbnail Group Promotion 8 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 11 years ago
Finally listened to all entries FULLY...i agree wid Shayari...vry good entries over all...πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘...

nywz my vote goes to Entry No 11 & Entry No 7...πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒ...
Edited by nikki028 - 11 years ago
SiriuslySujal thumbnail
Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
My votes go to Entry Number 1 and Entry Number 7 😊
# 1 - Really liked your voice, and I think you gave the song an interesting spin 😊
# 7 - LOVED this. My favourite by far. I was so sad when it was taken down and so happy when it was reuploaded! xD Anyway, please do keep at the classical training... with that voice/command/thairaav, I can definitely imagine you on one of the DD India classical programmes in the future! πŸ˜ƒ
Edited by SiriuslySujal - 11 years ago
Cutiepie_Rani thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 11 years ago
Wow!!! So many talented singers. When I listen to my own I think I'm such a failure compared to so many talented folks out there. So many entries to look forward to! I will listen to them after my classes and post my votes here.

Great job with the organization of this contest, Shayari! :)

I'm so sorry for the delay. I've been so busy with classes. And I'm on the verge of getting sick too. So much going on. :(

I believe in giving comments to EVERYONE! So here it goes. So much talent on this forums. 10/10 for showcasing that talent to the forum!! :)


Entry #1 - You have a very beautiful voice. You sound like a friend of mine. πŸ˜† And I love how you wrote dedicated to Barun. Abe haat. He's mine!!! On a musical note I felt a few strains here and there in your voice, but on a overall basis you did a fabulous job. :)

Entry #2 - You have a nice voice. I wish there wasn't much noise in the background. I think that would have brought out your voice more. I think you'd do really well if you opened up your voice a bit more. That's the problem I have too, opening up my voice. And also try to emote the feelings that the song portray. But great job overall!

Entry #3 - Another ArHi fan. πŸ˜† Lovely song choice. It was kind of hard hearing your voice because the original was kind of heard more. If you start taking singing seriously and take classes, I think you would do really well. It was a great attempt. Next time though try singing without the original...Just use your own voice because you have a sweet voice! :)

Entry #4 - OMG OMG OMG. That's my jam! Mera Shahrukh! 😳 You have such a beautiful and soulful voice. I think this song in particular is very difficult (I would know cause I've tried to sing this song before too). It has so many emotions linked to it and without a grasp of those emotions the attempt would not be as good. I think for the most part you maintained those emotions very well. I felt you went off in sur in a couple of places, but overall quality was great!

Entry #5 - Another Shahrukh song...Hayee...😳 Your voice faded in and out a bit throughout the video. Do you have professional training? Because some parts were so WOW!!! You have such a pretty voice. I think you emoted the song well too. Those emotions came out well. Again I felt a bit of sur problems here and there, but overall you were great!

Entry #6 - You have a very matured voice. I love it. Your voice really came out which is really something important in singing. It should be able to come out (which it doesn't come out with mine). Some places it sounded so like Asha ji. And I would always take that as a huge compliment. Some places I felt you were out of sur, but as I'm not familiar with this song as much I am not someone to judge that. Great job!

Entry #7 - I just want to begin by saying I have so much respect for anyone who can sing classical music. I've always wanted to start from classical, but was never able to find an appropriate teacher in my area. You are SIMPLY wow!!! πŸ‘ Hats of to you!!! I don't think I am anybody to say anything about your music. You're on a totally different level than everyone!!! Its not fair. πŸ˜† You're way too good and the less I say the better, because you are PERFECT!!!!

Entry #8 - Love the song choice. Beautiful song. And you have one beautiful voice. I could feel all the emotions coming out too, which I believe as a singer is VERY VERY important. Its hard to get those emotions out when singing. Very few people can. And you're one of those few. SO great job. You sung really well. I really enjoyed hearing this. So close to perfect. :)

Entry #9 - A very hard song cause its fast. You did a fairly good job keeping in mind that the song is not an easy one to sing. I love your voice quality. I felt in some places your voice was strained, but overall it was beautifully sung.

Entry #10 - Another sweet song. You have a beautiful voice, but I felt you kept yourself a bit restrained. Open up and you'll be sooo good. I love your voice though. I felt like crying listening to this song. Well I'm an emotional person you see!!! πŸ˜† But you have such a sweet innocent voice. Are you really that innocent in real life? πŸ˜† Great attempt!

Entry #11 - Ohhh a different Agneepath song. πŸ˜† I sung Chikni Chameli. 🀣 That was a funny one to see! LOL. Glad to see you choice another one. You have a beautiful voice. You sound like someone I know too. Hmmm. I love your voice regardless. Its so soulful and beautiful. And you have sung with emotions, which really brings out the best in a singer. Really god job!!!!!

Entry #12 - Lovely song and so hard for a female to sing. Hats off to you for that!!! This song is SOOO hard to sing. For the most part you maintained your voice SO SO SO well! I felt it go off in a few places here and there, but the effort you put into this song was really good!!! Love your voice.

Entry #13 - Shahrukhhh! 😳 And beautiful Juhi. And my new found love for Sonali. 😳 This is a difficult song to sing as well. Not easy. And what makes it harder is that when you're singing a dance song, it makes you want to dance therefore interrupting your voice quality. But you maintained your voice SO well. In places you were off, but you deserve credit for choosing such a dance worthy song because singing those songs, in my opinion, is harder then singing the slow non dance songs. And you put a lot of the right emotions in the song too!!! It felt like you had a bit of breath problems in a couple of places, but I don't blame you for that cause you're singing both male and female parts which makes it even harder!! Great job!! :)

Entry #14 - You have a nice voice quality. I love the song choice. You have a slight resemblance to Shreya. I felt you were off in a couple of places, but all of that was overshadowed by your soulful singing. I felt like you had great emotions too. Emotions are key to the overall quality of the song. Great job. :)

Entry #15 - It was a bit hard hearing your voice. Project yourself more. :) I love this song more so because it related to my situation a lot. I'm biased towards songs that relate to my situation. πŸ˜† I think with training you can do a lot more better. I do know that you have a really nice voice and with training (if you're serious with your singing) you can do really well. Nice attempt!

Entry #16 - I think you need to project your voice a bit more. But you have a really really sweet voice and I think you can do really well if you take your singing seriously. For the most part you carried the emotions really well. I felt a couple of places you were out of sur, but then you got back in line. You did a great job. Love your voice quality a lot. :)

Entry #17 - A classic song!!! Nice song selection. A very hard one to sing! You made a decent attempt at it. I think you could have added a bit more emotions to your voice. I felt you were a bit strained at some parts, but you carried yourself really well. I felt in one place you had a bit of a breath problem. I could be wrong, but it sounded like that. However, all that was covered up by your beautiful soulful voice. You did quite a decent job. With a bit more of practice, I think you could do really well. :)

Entry #18 - It was a bit hard hearing your voice. You should project yourself a bit more. I'm not too familiar with this song, and I find it hard to say much when I don't know the song.You have a really beautiful voice with a lot of potential. With proper training and lots of practice you can do wonders with your voice. I don't think I can say much more only because I'm not familiar with the song. But a great attempt for sure! :)

Entry #19 - You have a nice voice. Some places seemed a bit strained, but you carried yourself really well throughout the song. The song is a sweet romantic one and your voice didn't carry over that feeling. Sing with a bit more emotion that matches the voice. Then you'll be so perfect. Its important to emote the song really well. Other than that you did a decent job. Good job!


Wow that took a long time, but finally done. With all of that being said I must give a HUGE πŸ‘ to everyone who took the courage and participated!!! Hats off to ALL OF YOU! I would totally give you all a special award for just participating!! Regardless of who wins you all NEED to know that you have IMMENSE talent in you! If you aren't being trained GET THE TRAINING and you'll be on fire. I hope you ALL have a passion for singing, because you can do so much with the right training.

I must say it is VERY difficult to chose just 2 out of a bunch of talented people. But rules are rules.

My votes go to


Edited by Cutiepie Rani - 11 years ago
Pentaminous. thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
I like the 17 one.. churaliya he tumne jo dil ko
Malarkodi thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
Congrats to all who have participated...

My vote is for 11 & 17
Edited by Malarkodi - 11 years ago
JasToronto thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
Congratulations to all contestants!! You guys have done a wonderful job. Please remember that it is very important to take part and not to worry about winning . I believe evrybody who has participated is a winner. πŸ‘
Since we are allowed to vote for only two singers, my votes are for singer no. 7 and singer no. 8😊
Singer no.6, 10, 11, 14 and 17 have also done a great job.😊
God bless.
Edit# 1 removed vote  no. 7
Edit#2 voted back to no. 7
Edited by JasToronto - 11 years ago