Im not happy. Indian Idol Fails Again!

Shaitan-Haiwan thumbnail
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Posted: 11 years ago
I am not happy with Vipul's win.
I am not saying he is not a good singer. But Indian Idol should represent someone who...IMO has had some kind of struggle to overcome and in the end proves to be some kind of inspiration to others.
What struggle has Vipul had? He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and then he already has had the experience of participating in a reality show.
IMO his victory is not only unfair but its not inspiring AT ALL!
I would rather have someone like Amit win rather than Vipul, because he has IMPROVED  a lot. Look at where he was in the beginning and look at him now. THAT is a story, THAT is an inspiration. Besides, even though Amit does need more grooming and work, the talent that he DOES have is somethign that you cannot learn. It is divine and untouchable. Amit in his own style is untouchable!!!
Or even Dev whose so talented despite a young age.
I realize Vipul may be a better singer in some genres than Amit or Dev but, there is more to being an Indian Idol than being a good singer. You have to have a STORY behind you. What is Vipul's story? The grandfather thing? I dont even believe that to be honest.
I have NEVER agreed on any of the Indian Idol winners except Sourabhee. I strongly suggest the Indian Idol team to NOT renew for another season. This show is a disgrace. I am not even going to watch the finale.
Edited by DIDfan89 - 11 years ago


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musica10 thumbnail
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Posted: 11 years ago
I respect your opinion on what you want an Indian idol to be but to me Vipul is an idol. There are many good singers out there and it is hard to get a break. Singing is Vipul's passion and in my opinion he is an idol for all those struggling singers, irrespective of their financial background. After all just because a person comes from a not-so-humble background , isn't he entitled to win if he is talented?

And I don't quite know that Vipul hasn't had to struggle. It seems that inspite of being part of another reality show, he hasn't gotten a break yet in playback singing. He will need to struggle to become a successful singer in Bollywood.

Amit was a well deserving finalist and I do hope that some of these music directors/actors who were guests on the show would do something to promote and encourage people like him.
heart1 thumbnail
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Posted: 11 years ago
I think Vipul was a better singer than the other two, about struggling you cant sit there judging what he has struggled and what he has not, this only he knows. To get this far in the competition im sure he had to struggle a lot. He def sings better than the other two and he was more versatile. He attempted the hardest songs and really tried his best by completely immersing in the songs. 
Blossom5 thumbnail
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Posted: 11 years ago
Frankly, this season has been a disappointment in terms of quality of singing, i was hoping for Amit to win considering he has improved a lot since day 1 but Vipul has better technique. I don't think anyone here knows Vipul personally to attest to what he has and hasn't had to struggle for. Imo, an idol or any winner of these shows  should be chosen on his/her singing and performing merrits, not which part of the country they come from, how much or how little money they have, which religion or walk of life they follow  or anything unrelated to singing and performance. Congrats Vipul! 😃
Ipkknd-ki-fan1 thumbnail
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Posted: 11 years ago
The thing with Vipul was that he was the favourite of the judges especially Salin sir and I'm guessing he got his vote :(

Amit where as he improved I remember seeing him on the auditions and he has improved massively!

I also thought Davendra deserved it but I guess our opinions are different :(
2Desi4Life thumbnail
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Posted: 11 years ago
Cant believe I watched a whole season of indian Idol to see vipul win...sigh...really wished poorvi, davinder or amit won
DkiDhanno thumbnail
Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
As much as it might be encouraging for viewers to see that a struggling man can make a huge name for himself with mere talent - i still believe that a background story sheds least importance for a singing show - or any reality talent show for that matter.
Strictly based on voice and skill, Vipul deserves to be the winner of this season and I congratulate him! =) 
pallavi25 thumbnail
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Posted: 11 years ago
My choice was Vipul all along so Im happy hes won! He has the best voice among all 3, most versatile also! Hes always been in tune and tried all kinds of songs. His voice has depth and throw which are important in professional singing! Congrats to Vipul! He deserved the title!👏
But I was really impressed with Amit's performances in last gala and in grand finale! He has improved a LOT since the early days! Even if he didnt win the title, his life is made because like all runners-up of these music shows, like Rakesh Maini, Rahul Vaidya, Harshit Saxena, Karunya etc. , Amit will also be very popular and make a name and career for himself, Im sure of that! 👏
suresh555 thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 11 years ago

How come they abruptly announced the winner before announcing the 2nd runner up (3rd position)? I was shocked to see that, especially when the other two were royally ignored as if they were dirt as Vipul got all the attention.

Also several polls showed Amit was way ahead (more than 50 % ) so it was shocking to see Vipul win.
I am 100 % convinced that it was all fixed as we never saw judges scores and most eliminations did not make sense. I am ashamed at the mockery these guys have made of the Idol franchise and will hope that the top guys at the Idol do not permit any further Indian Idol seasons. This season was Corruption at it's best.
Lovely.Heart thumbnail
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Posted: 11 years ago
I agree. I would have been fine if either Amit or Dev had won, but I'm not at all happy with Vipul...