The Raging Storm (ARVI) - Chpt 22 - Page 98 - Page 75


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Axiom thumbnail
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Posted: 11 years ago

Originally posted by: arjunpurvixo

AH LAURIE! You updated! πŸ˜ƒ

Beautifully written as always! πŸ‘ Loving your character in the story πŸ˜‰

Teju - Absolutely loved her and so proud of her πŸ‘

Ovi - something's a bit fishy about her... maybe she already knows who Arjun's lady love is πŸ˜‰

LOL and the Karan and Laurie and the tea πŸ€£

Purvi - I LOVE how you portrayed her character.. brings me back to the Old Purvi πŸ˜³ You captured her sweetness and her love and care for others, yet she knows her limits in your story - she's not the crazy sanskaari Purvi we've been getting in the show recently :/

Arjun - he is just SOOO precious πŸ˜³ Amazing job portraying him πŸ‘ He's still as passionate as ever πŸ˜³

Karan - amazing and sweet brother πŸ˜³ Jealous of Purvi.. wish I had him in my life πŸ˜†

Keep up the good work and do update soon! πŸ‘

Thank you my dear πŸ€—

Its been a while for this one so thank you for your support πŸ˜ƒ

I do love all the characters on this story and if I had the time I'm sure I would have started Volume Two a long time ago.

Hope you enjoy the rest coming up πŸ˜ƒ
Axiom thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 11 years ago

Originally posted by: soapwatcher1

Laurie, you did update πŸ˜ƒ  What a lovely refreshing change from the ugliness in the real show.  

Loved that line about the doctor, Purvi in her tired, groggy state still wanting to take care of whoever needed help.  Idiot that she is, not knowing as always, that she needs help and caring the most!

Very little of Arjun in this but can't wait, hope he redeems himself completely in RS - the strong, loving, staunch hero!

Ovi, ah, what a witch!!!  She is the one that drugged Purvi.  Glad Karan and Laurie are on to her.  Lets get justice for Purvi, if not through the CVs, more ably through you.

Thank you for the chapter, sorely needed like balm an open, smarting wound.  

Thank you Janhvi πŸ€—

I aim to please and I am compelled to breathe some life back into my ARVI. 

Their's was a love story to rival the greatest lovers of all time and I want to atleast get my side out πŸ˜‰

Hope you enjoy the rest πŸ˜ƒ
Axiom thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 11 years ago

Originally posted by: nalonynnej

The wait was worth it! πŸ˜ƒ

Such a beautiful chapter Laurie. Loved the friendships you've developed between Karan, Laurie, Purvi, and Teju. 😊 But Sid is M.I.A? πŸ˜‰ 
Loved how you captured Ovi's essence perfectly! Her mannerism and dialogue are ike Shruti playing Ovi, but scripted on paper. Are you a CV in disguise? πŸ˜‰ Nevermind, you wouldn't whip up the horrible track we watch today. 🀒 Hmm, yet daal mein kuch kala hain. Who would do this to Purvi? πŸ˜• Kuch toh garbad hain. πŸ˜† 
Another cliff hanger??  πŸ˜† Can't wait for the meeting in the next chapter. I'm on the edge of my seat. πŸ‘

Thank you dear πŸ€—

I do love the characters in my little story here. They really are a fascinating bunch. So many shades and colours to them. 

Sid is around - just hanging out and bugging Karan as usual πŸ˜†

Hope you enjoy the rest coming up! πŸ˜ƒ
Axiom thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 11 years ago
The next chapter is dedicated to some of the most wonderful gals I've had the  pleasure of 'meeting' in my time here on IF. πŸ˜Š

A great big thanks to everyone especially Shyamala Aunty, Janhvi, Jyothi, Vila, Ashlaika, Abhi, Archana and Bee πŸ€—

You gals have been the ARVI glue that has kept me tethered to this story so this next chapter if for you. πŸ˜ƒ

Axiom thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 11 years ago

Chapter 21 - Je Veux Que Tu Saches (I Want You To Know)


Flat 502 - London - (Week 4) Sunday - 10:30 pm. GMT


The winds picked up blowing the curtains wildly as Arjun started for the balcony.

His heart raced erratically and he couldn't name the feelings coursing through him as she came into view.

Finally after all this time...

"My Purvi" he said in a whisper and he thought he saw her shudder. His eyes must have been playing tricks on him.

She was curled up in a blanket with only the top of her head peeking out. She looked so small and fragile with that adorable pony tail on her head and when she looked up at him his heart stopped.

She was far more beautiful as she had ever been. His eyes drank in the sight of her until they were drunk with ecstasy. Her face was leaner and still a little sallow from last night's events but she was absolutely gorgeous.

She looked away and he cleared his throat nervously.

Purvi couldn't believe her eyes.


Here in the flesh?

Not a dream?

He looked like a vision standing there in a black V-necked Ferrari T-Shirt and track bottoms. He had just gotten out of the shower Purvi noted from his still wet hair. He had shaved too as there was no evidence of stubble. 

That mole above his lips was going to be the death of her!

Have mercy!

He smelled like the heavens!

Purvi had to look away as his proximity was wreaking havoc on her senses and she couldn't think. He sat on the edge of the other lounge chair and still didn't say anything. He looked out at the water and just his presence made her calm and centered.

This was the balance she had been missing in her life.


Arjun felt the same way as he sat quietly next to Purvi. He felt as if he had come home and all his worries were forgotten. Purvi was his home and he was never going to give that up.

They sat in silence for several minutes each not making a move towards each other. Not wanting to rush or upset her Arjun got up to leave.

It was enough for now that she didn't shun him and the rest they would work on when she felt better. He took her phone out of his pocket and placed it in front of her and turned to leave.

Purvi closed her eyes and all the feelings from the past few months came bubbling up to the surface and she knew if she didn't say anything now if would be too late.

Arjun turned to leave.

"Months ago I set you free to be with Ovi and today I found out that you broke things off with her the day you went to Canada." Purvi began with a strange tone to her voice.

"And it would seem that you both haven't spoken since then. Why is that Arjun?"

Arjun stopped and turned around to face her.

Purvi stood in front of him as the wind whipped around them both.


"You hurt me Arjun. A hurt so deep I don't know if I will ever be able to recover from it. I tried to forget you but somehow you're tethered to my soul and you won't let go."

Emotions flooded her eyes and went by so fast he didn't have time to register them all. Underneath them all though he saw longing, caring and most importantly love.

The spark of hope roared into a raging flame within him.

"I've been crying for months because of what you did and I don't know how I survived when I could barely speak, barely eat or even barely had the courage to go on."

Tears welled up in her eyes and she was trying to hold them back. Arjun clenched his fists at his side so he wouldn't reach for her.

"I put on a brave face for everyone to show them I was ok but when I was alone I felt like an invisible hand was crushing my heart.  I couldn't breathe and everyday it just got worse."


"Do you have any idea how much I loved you? I never thought I had a right to fall in love but you made me see you. You made me see how beautiful and wonderful life could be and then you snatched it all away before my very eyes the day you got engaged to Ovi."

Arjun closed his eyes in pain as he recalled that awful day his world shattered.

"Purvi..." He opened his eyes at looked at her with such longing.

Purvi held up her hand to stop him. She had to purge all these tortured feelings from her heart if she truly ever wanted to be free again.

"You shattered me Arjun. You shattered my hopes and dreams for a life full of happiness and love. I am the shell of the person I used to be and I don't know if I could ever get over that pain."

Purvi turned and looked at the water.

"Now our love only exists in my dreams. I've moved on Arjun and I think you need to do the same."

Purvi's voice faltered. "Y-you n-need t-to l-leave n-now"

Arjun knew Purvi was trying to be brave but he was not going anywhere.

Arjun stepped up so closely behind her that she could feel his hot breath on her neck. Purvi's heart hammered in her chest. Arjun whispered next to her ear.

"Purvi, I am so sorry that I've hurt you like this. I cannot imagine how you have suffered all these months because of me but I need you to hear me right now."

He reached up and put his hands on Purvi's shoulders to turn her around. The delicious warmth of his touch raced all over her skin making it tingle. He brought her back over to the lounge chair and made her sit down on the edge of it.

He sat next to her to give her as well as himself the much needed connection they had been starved of. He knew she wanted to run but he finally had her attention as he wasn't about to lose what may have been his last chance.

Their eyes exchanged volumes with each heartbeat yet he knew the words needed to be spoken.

"In all my life I've only loved one woman apart from my mother and that woman has always been you. Never Ovi - only you."

Purvi looked uncomfortable and wanted to look away but Arjun held her gaze and waited for her breathing to calm down.

"Back in Canada, I agreed to the engagement with Ovi only because there was no one else in my life and I didn't want any harm to come to her. You see, when I initially refused her she tried to make me jealous by being with someone else and when he tried to force himself on her I came just in time to stop it."

Arjun gave a little laugh, "Actually it was Teju who gave the guy a solid thrashing. I never want to get on her bad side."

Purvi thought back to the comment Tej had made earlier in the day and got a little worried for him.

"Anyway, I did agree to the engagement and Ovi suggested it be done after I got back from India as she knew how important my work was for me."

Purvi started fiddling with the edge of the blanket and Arjun captured her hands to keep her concentration focused on him.

"Then you came into my life like a whirlwind Purvi and I didn't know what to make of you or how to handle it. You turned me upside down and inside out. Never had anyone dared to speak to me like that - never. I always thought people had to be pushed and prodded to get what I wanted. You made me realize that I was going about it all wrong."

"You made me see the value in people and helped me to understand that respect and courtesy goes a long way when dealing with people. You've changed me too and before I could realize what had happened you had made a place for yourself in my heart."

Purvi closed her eyes to starve off new tears that threatened to fall. A few fat salty drops escaped and raced down her cheeks. Arjun reached up and gently brushed them away with his thumb.

Purvi trembled at his touch and he kept his hand back. She opened her eyes to let him continue.

Arjun looked out to the river as he continued. "I could think of nothing else but you Purvi. Nothing else. Everything I did was for your happiness. I didn't realize what you had meant to me and then I fired you on the day you were supposed to get engaged. I was hoping the guy would never come back" 

Arjun gave his little laugh again.

"Little did I know that the joke was on me. The guy turned out to be Vinay." Ajrun ground his teeth together and Purvi's heart leapt a little at his jealousy.

A small smile crept up to her lips.

Arjun noticed the smile from the corner of his eye and his heart lurched in anticipation.

Hope bloomed furiously in his chest.

"Anyway, it was after the Pune fiasco that I truly figured out what I felt for you. I came to you and you turned me away. I almost left but when I saw you at the airport and told me what you felt for me, Purvi I felt as if my whole world had finally shifted into balance."

Arjun turned catch Purvi's eye again. He held her hand in his.

"Everything was perfect and I was just about to tell dad what we felt for each other when this surprise engagement happened." Purvi's hand stiffened under his and he chose his next words carefully.

"I was just as surprised by it as you were - maybe even more so. I know I should have handled it better and the mistake is completely mine. I should have explained to my dad and Ovi right then about us but I was in shock and when you blew me up in the garden I felt like a piece of me had died that night."

"I tried so many times to talk to Ovi before - to explain to her that I was in love with someone else and that I couldn't go through with the engagement I previously agreed to. Every time I tried something came up and I couldn't tell her. I know that's no excuse but I wanted you to know that I did try."

Arjun went down on one knee in front of Purvi and continued to hold her hand in his as if it were a life line.

"I've tried to apologize so many times and you ended up sending me away from you. I tried to do what you wanted but I just couldn't. I never loved Ovi that way - only you Purvi. You are the woman who has always held my heart. Even to this day."

Purvi looked scared and surprised. He didn't want to give her time to think about the past so he plowed on.

"I left her the day we went to Canada and I have been here in London ever since. I've wanted to come to you so many times but I thought you didn't want to see me or have anything to do with me."

Purvi's face had softened and Arjun's heart melted. "I have loved you in my dreams too. So much so that they always seemed very real to me yet I've craved for you every day."

The 'every day' came out almost in a whisper and Purvi's breath hitched as she saw the heat smoldering in Arjun's eyes. That slow burn that had always simmered just below the surface was starting to blaze through.

Arjun brought his face closer to Purvi's.

"I am sorry for hurting you my Purvi and I will spend the rest of eternity trying to make it up to you in every way I can. You are the only woman I will ever want."

Purvi couldn't speak. She saw the honesty and sincerity in his eyes. She saw all the hurt, pain and loneliness of her heart mirrored in his eyes and her heart was heavy.

"Don't ever ask me to go away from you again Purvi. I couldn't bear it."

He brought their clasped hands up to his chest and flattened her palm over his heart. He covered her hand with his own and offered up his soul to her.

"Will you forgive me and give me a chance to right all the wrongs?"

The cools winds blew over them and Purvi knew it was time to let go of all the hurt and pain and forgive the man kneeling in front of her. She knew that she was the only one who could release them both from an eternity of torture.

Purvi tentatively brought her free hand up to his face and cupped his cheek.

"Yes, I forgive you, my Arjun"

Arjun closed his eyes and turned his faced to kiss the palm of her hand. He heaved a sigh of relief.

They both felt as though the weight of the world had been lifted from their shoulders.

'She said my Arjun.' Arjun shot up and pulled Purvi into his arms. He let out a big whoop as he spun her around making her laugh out loud.

When he stopped, Purvi had the most amazing smile on her face.

Thank you God for this miracle, he thought as he could have never imagined such a beautiful sight. He grinned back at her.

Purvi saw Arjun's thousand watt smile and she faltered in his arms. She couldn't recall him being this happy and the sheer emotion of his being this close had completely floored her.

Thank you God for bringing him back into my life.

Arjun pulled her close and wrapped his arms around his flower.

This is my home, he thought. It feels so good to come home.

He kissed the top of her head and closed his eyes to relish the feel of her in his arms again.

He never wanted to let her go.

Purvi sighed and held on to him a little tighter.

This is where I'm supposed to be - in his arms.

"We still have to take things slowly" Purvi started as she snuggled against Arjun's chest.

"Of course" Ajrun murmured against her head. He would give her the moon right now if she had asked for it.

"And we have to be completely honest with each other. About everything."

"Goes without saying"

"A-and I'm not coming back to work for you"

"Good. I... what?"

"I have a good thing with Karma. I am doing well in all my projects and the people that I work with are great. Especially Karan."

Arjun held Purvi away from him a little so he could see her face.

"What do I need to know about this Karan? It would seem that he is very close to you and I'm not sure how I feel about that." Arjun eyed Purvi up and down.

Purvi swatted him. "Karan is just my boss but he has been a very good friend to me when I needed one."

Arjun still had a suspicious look on his face.

Purvi had to stifle a snicker. "I mean, he's been there for me when I was really sad. We've had some really long heart to heart talks, he's a really good listener and his hugs aren't that bad."

Arjun stiffened and held Purvi at arm's length with a shocked expression on his face.

"Hugs? What hugs? Is this the same Karan who is engaged to Laurie?" Arjun look exasperated.

Purvi broke into a fit of giggles and Arjun couldn't help but smile at the sound. It was like music to his ears and his heart raced knowing he was the reason for her happiness.

Purvi smiled at Arjun and he was amazed how this slip of a girl had such a grip on his soul.

"Yes, he has become part of my small family here and I would really like it if you got to know him better."

Arjun started to grumble but he had to admit to himself that Karan took care of Purvi in his absence and he would forever be grateful to him for that. Even if he wanted to punch him a few more times.

"Ok I will give him a chance - for you."

"Thank you."

Arjun pulled Purvi back into his arms and they held each other completely unaware of the world around them.

Karan and Laurie walked in with dinner a few minutes later.

They put the food on the table and saw Arjun and Purvi still on the balcony, holding each other close.

Karan set his jaw and started towards the open doors. Laurie reached out and held his arm just in time.

Karan had a pained look on his face.

"He's hurt her Kachori. Hurt her deep down into the depths of her heart. You didn't see her face when she ran into me. Pure devastation."

"She's tried to hide it from everyone for a while" Laurie agreed quietly.

"As much as she was hurting, she needed to deal with this situation before got worse. I know you love her and you want to protect her from him but, my love, she had to do this herself. She had chosen only him and no other would ever have been able to take his place."

"And from what I see all may be forgiven. Just look at them."

"I don't want to. She's my little sister." Karan pouted.

"They should be standing at opposite ends of the room just staring at each other."

Laurie giggled.

Karan sighed and brought his hand up to his face. He hissed as his fingers brushed over the small butterfly dressing that the doctor had patched him up with. No stitches - thank God - otherwise he was going to have to get creative with Mr. Kirloskar's next 'talk'.

Laurie immediately turned all her attention to Karan. "Oh my poor baby. Is it really painful? Do you need anything? Can I get you something? I'll make you some tea. You wait here and I'll be right back."

Karan caught Laurie's arm just as she was about to make her way to the kitchen.

"It hurts but having you by my side is what's easing my pain."

Karan looked into Laurie's eyes and held her hands in his. "I know you don't need to hear it but I need to say it. Thank you. From the bottom of my heart - thank you for being there and taking care of her when..." Karan choked on his words as unexpected emotions threatened to overcome him.

Love shone in Laurie's eyes as she shook her head. "I love her too Jani. I already consider family and, just like you, I will always take care of her."

'God he loved this woman!' Karan pulled Laurie into a tight hug and held her close for a few minutes.

"Fine, if I have to play nice I will be watching him like a hawk. I want to be here to bust him just in case he tries any funny business. Then you can be my witness that I had a good reason to give him a sound thrashing."

"I'm sure you don't need a reason for that." Laurie rolled her eyes.

 "I don't but I like to have a plan, just in case." Karan winked at her.



"I can't believe you let him hit you. I told you not to hurt him but I didn't want you to get hurt either. What happened to all your ninja skills?"

"I let him have a lucky punch so I could tell Purvi that he beat me up and that she would sympathize with me in case I need to get rid of him."

Laurie chuckled. "You are devious. Always thinking one step ahead aren't you?"

"When it comes to her... always. Besides, I hear that chicks dig scars." 

Karan wiggled his eyebrows at Laurie and gave her a mischievous smile.

"You are incorrigible."

"I know. Watch this."

Karan cleared his throat and said in a loud voice, "Dinner's ready"

He smiled wickedly as Arjun and Purvi jumped apart and he thought to himself, "Now, things are about to get interesting."

Edited by Axiom - 11 years ago
AnAvidReader thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 11 years ago
OMG..two RS chapters in one day..*shocked*
LOVED this part..!!!
it was sooo good...!!
ahhh was waiting for ur update from so long and when we just get ur chapters just couldnt help but read it real slow..dont want it to end so soon..and thanks for long updatesπŸ˜†
coming to ur chapter
just loved it..arjun and purvi's confrontation..ahh thispart(the confrontation one) brought tears in my eyes after reading this part m missing our ArVi so much..our old ArVi..

purvi in arjun's arms😳
ahh was waiting for this..this time it was not a dream.
ROFL @  karan and laurie's part..karan is so protective towards his little baby..he just love his sister and will not let anybody hurt her even if he's arjun the man she love..thats why i like him..sorry m again eyeing ur so called fiance..what to do arjun is taken..πŸ˜†πŸ˜†

now from here the story will be even more interesting..
waiting for our 22nd dose..
and THANKS again for this lovely weekend treat..this made my day..πŸ˜ƒ

Edited by ashvikluverrr - 11 years ago
AshaNegiFan thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 11 years ago
Laurie, just fab update!!!!!
loved it soo much, the both chapter were well written...πŸ‘πŸ‘ 
update sooonn...😊
-Latty- thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 11 years ago
i m so happy that u updated😊

it was simply AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME πŸ‘ πŸ‘πŸ‘

i was waiting for ur update so thank so very much for updating...😊

finally our ARVI r together

karan's love for purvi is admirable...!
and what can i say about our arjun the way he told her that how much he loves her not ovi was just beautiful...

u r a great writer Laurie...the way of ur writing is very connective dear...
Ashlaika thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 11 years ago


Now things are about to get interesting!!!!  I for one cannot wait for the interesting parts πŸ˜‰ 
One again that mole above the lips has come out to rule the box office (and our herats) .
Brilliant chapter Laurie... heart felt and a balming touch to our souls... Thats how we see (and for some saw)  our ArVi. Thank you for cherishing them in that same way for us!
I absolutely loved the heart to heart between Arjun and Purvi, and the hug. I would have loved it to be longer... but what to do - something to look fwd to in #22 πŸ˜ƒ πŸ˜‰.
Thank you Laurie... and fabulous job!
p.s. Thank you for thinking of us and ur dedication to us. But that "glue" thing worked both ways, so thank u too as well . We surely could not have gotten tru these past months without each other! πŸ€—
Edited by Ashlaika - 11 years ago
archverma10 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
Laurie I just read both chapters and they were balm to my soul. What an excellent excellent piece of work-and the impact is even more so given the grief we have been given by the show and its current track. Arjun Purvi reunion as you have written it is so powerful-enough to make us fall in love with ARVI all over again. **applause/standing ovation** Well done, my friend.