Love Digger's husband Ch 33 6/5 - THD 2 LNK - Page 70


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Posted: 11 years ago

Hi Shai dosto, 😛
Here is the next update.
Enjoy! Lots of Love! ❤️

Chap 22:




She looked to her right at his regal profile. His sharp nose flaring up like a dragon in a bid to hide the sneeze that was just about to arrive.


Maan "Would you mind not staring? I find that disconcerting somehow."

Geet "Look who is talking! You stare at me all the time."



Maan "No I don't."


He grabbed the tissue from the dashboard, held it to his nose and shook it vigorously.


Geet "Your nose is going to detach itself at this rate."


He looked back at her irritated.


He grunted "Geet, are you trying to get under my skin? You don't want to irritate me when I have a cold coming on. I am not a good cold person."


Geet yawned and extended her arms. He ducked and she giggled. She always managed to get him.


Geet "You know the last time I had a cold was two years ago. I am not a cold person."

Maan banged the steering wheel "You are the most irritating girl I have ever met."


Geet "Your nose has acquired the cutest red tint."

Maan fumed "Did you just call me cute? Nobody calls me cute. Geet, why are you being so…."


Geet giggled again.

Maan "Geet, I am supposed to be head architect of a nice little big company called KC. Show some respect."

Geet feigned mock seriousness "Of course. MSK is the best architect KC has ever seen. MSK owns KC. If he does not come to office it would stop functioning."


Maan looked at her incredulously "You are a nut case, do you know that? A lot of people would just kill to be sitting next to me. I happen to be hot property inside and outside KC."


Geet "Last time I checked the hot property invited me to sit next to him. I believe his exact words were 'Come I will drop you home'."


Maan was now looking red and angry "I have half a mind to stop the car right here and throw you out. I think you can find your way home from here."


Hey Babaji!


Geet tugged her ears a little "Sorry, I was just messing around with you. Who else is there in office for me to mess around with? Nobody likes me."

Maan looked ahead "And?"


Geet said in a whiny voice "You are the head architect and I am a little scared of you."


Maan smirked and shook his head.

Geet "I will bring you nice coffee everyday. The best coffee our office pantry has to offer."


Maan was still having his grumpy face.

Geet "You are more handsome than Salman Khan."


Maan laughed "Ok fine. I cannot believe I have these silly arguments with you. I have had more intelligent conversations with a four year old. I am serious."


Geet gave a fake smile though he could not see her. But then she began wondering why was she behaving in such a manner that was going so opposite to his mood? It was as if she wanted to experience all of what he had to offer. She wanted to feel his every mood, his every expression. She wanted to know what got him worked up and what was good for soothing him. She desired to drive him crazy with a mere friendly banter. She wanted him to squirm in his seat unable to bear the discomfort she would like to put him through. What was happening to her? This man was driving her crazy.


The car came to a halt for they had reached home. Was she imagining it or did he speak with a melancholic twinge?


"We are home Geet. See you at the office."


She sat rooted in her seat unable to move. She closed her eyes and listened to the music that was playing like a background score from the car's crystal clear music stereo. Each beat and instrument came out as if it had ricocheted off a metal surface. Such was the quality.


He sat observing her. He did not hurry her up. This very busy man behaved as if he had all the time in the world. Blessed were those who had the opportunity of having his ear; for he listened. And made one feel important. He was the inspiration and muse that she had been seeking all this while. He was the sole source of all her writing. His personality had the sterling depth to pen down innumerable characters.


Finally he said "So are we getting down today or are you interested in meeting my hair salon guy? He is wickedly handsome although I suspect gay."


Geet "Come in Maan. I will make you some lassi. Don't go away empty handed the first time you visit our home."


He looked at her and then at his watch. There was no doubt on his face. There was a light smile playing on his lips as if he were expecting it and was happy to hear those words from her. He did not seem to want this precious moment to end either. "I suppose I do have ten minutes to kill."


She opened the door with her key. There was no one home. Had she invited him in just to serve him a lassi drink? She had no idea. She did not want to think about it too much.


He came in and sat on the sofa looking around him.


Maan "This seems to have been built a while ago. The ceiling height is amazing. Is it ancestral?"


She nodded with a smile.

Maan "Beautiful."


All of a sudden she had an idea. It was just a thought but she had to execute it. There was a supernatural haunting force at play at that moment which she had to understand. She had a sense of deja vu to the night of the party. Where she had felt they were the only people in the whole world and the way he had looked at her had made her head spin. The way he had held her had made her lose balance. When she had mistaken he had lied, she had been angry beyond comprehension. When he had grabbed her hand to stop her, she had wanted to stop and listen. But she was afraid of finding what she believed was true. She had wanted to remember that moment for what it was. And not ruin it by supplementing it with rotten apologies and lame ass excuses.


But now here he was. It was a sure sign that he felt the same way about her too. He could not keep away from her either. Her heart had stopped pumping blood at this realization. She opened her wardrobe and fetched the saree she had worn the first time she had met him.


She walked from her room after changing to the kitchen. She quickly centrifuged and whipped up a delicious salted lassi at room temperature and poured it into a tall steel mug. She walked into the drawing room to find him browsing through Dolly's health magazine that was lying on the tea poi. She smiled. He sensed her presence and looked up. The way he looked at her said it all. For one moment neither of them spoke. It was hard to get words out.


Finally he laughed!

Maan "You certainly know how to make someone's day. I can never tire of you and your tomfoolery."


She looked at him surprised. Tomfoolery? She went and sat next to him. Well not right next to him. Same sofa on the opposite end as him. Did it signify something that he sat on one end of a three seater? She had no idea. May be he was used to sitting in lounges more than homes.


She watched him sip the lassi and liking it. She felt good about that. When he was done there was a neat layer of froth on his lips. She indicated the same to him and his eyes began searching for a piece of tissue to wipe it. When he could not find it he casually picked up the end of her saree that was close to him and wiped his mouth. She gaped at him and snatched back the saree. There was that mischievous twinkle in his eyes once more.


Geet "You actually wiped your mouth with my saree? And you expect to be treated like a big shot. Fat chance of that happening mister. You are the one who taught me tomfoolery. I was a serious lost soul before I met you."


Maan arched one brow again "Acha? Now you know everything I suppose?"


She did not know why but the way his lips were twisting irritated her no end. She decided to punch him but he caught her hand midway.


Maan "I have learnt my lesson, I know when to duck and block now."


She smiled at him. She moved closer to him and sat right next to him her palms enclosed in his. It was such a safe place away from all the gunk. She laid her head on his shoulders and did not hear him complain. She breathed deeply trying to make sense of her own sphere of the universe.


Geet "You know for the first time in my life I feel revulsion at my own brother after meeting you."


Maan "Geet…"

Geet "I don't know how these things function or work. But you are the older one. So the family company should have come to you first right? Before going to Dev. But I know and understand, you gave it all up for him. So he can sit in that chair and be the King while you are just happy looking at him. I can identify with that. I truly can."


Maan "It is not that simple, Geet."

Geet "May be not. And I don't understand everything. But I do know that you made a sacrifice for him. Everyone knows you are the best."


Maan sighed.

Geet "When I look at my brother." her eyes were turning watery, "before I used to think it is the way the world works. My family is teaching me the right way of life. My brother.." her voice was choking again and he massaged her palm gently with a shushing sound, "My brother is asking me to be a butler, maid and show piece for all his 'guests' and 'business associates'."


Maan "I am sure he has your best interests at heart."

Geet nodded "Yes true. He does love me very much. He would do anything for me. And vice versa. I would do anything for him too. But that does not mean that he twists this into some sort of I don't know what. I don't understand the way anything works anymore."


Maan "Don't worry. It will all be ok."

Geet "No it will not be ok. I just want out of this hellhole. I don't want to hate my brother you know. But if I stay here that is what is going to happen. I will end up despising him for every little thing. I want to have a life of my own. But before that I need to do certain things. I am going to do them and then get out of here first thing."


Maan was silent just staring ahead. His eyes looked like goblets of fire from where she saw them.


Geet "I don't want my niece to end up like me. I will do everything in my power to make sure she has a normal life. I am going to make an FD in her name and deposit money every month. By the time she grows up it would have multiplied and give her enough to have a good education without worrying about my brother and his antics. I will do my Phd. I don't know how or when. I have no concrete plan but I am going to do it."


Maan "Good. I am with you every step of the way. I will help you in everyway I can. I mean it."


Geet squeezed his hand "I know you will. You are the only person I have met who has helped me without even me asking. You nurtured the person inside me. I was always looking to escape into the world of my writings because the reality of everything was too harsh for me to bear. My brother was too harsh for me to bear. But now I have a feeling I can do anything."


Maan smiled. She sighed contentedly.


Geet "You are such a wonderful caring person. I wish you all the happiness you deserve and more."

Maan "Look who sounds ancient now. Geet, the trick is not to take things so seriously. Let your hair down and enjoy the moment. I know it must be hard given your situation and all, but I can only advice at this point. You are special."


She smiled "You are more than special."

Maan "Of course I am. I am the hottest property on the market."


Geet grimaced "Bad joke. You are not property. You are a person and your brother ought to treat you like one."

Maan frowned "What did Dev do now?"

Geet "Nothing. Ok I am only telling you this because you are his brother and you need to know what things he has been up to. Again I don't know the general rule here but are we allowed to use company money for personal use?"


Maan "Of course not. Company is a separate legal entity. And it pays us. We are supposed to use our salary."

Geet "I know right? But Dev made me book a brunch at an expensive place for his girl friend. He used the company card to pay for it. When I was filing all the hundreds of bills under personal expense, I checked every bill Maan. Each and every bill carefully. He had not tagged that brunch as a personal expense. It was under corporate luncheon."


Maan's face was expressionless.


Geet "Maan I am telling you, your brother is the most cunning stupid person I have ever met. He makes a show of being a hero in front of others. But inside he is a.."


Maan said in a low voice "That is enough."


Geet stared at him. Of course the baby brother would win every time. Maan would never listen to one word against him. Even if there was visible proof.


Geet "Alright, fine. I won't say anything. I will be the cover up. The one who never gossips looking at everything wrong happening right in front of her eyes."


Maan "I am telling you for the last time. Not one word about him you understand? Whatever he does, let him do it. He is your boss. You have to respect that equation. Like I do."


Geet "So he cannot be questioned ever? Like if he does anything it will be swept under the carpet? I don't endorse this idea. It sounds like a pathetic attempt to appear important."


Maan looked irritated "Do not dabble with things you do not understand. I appreciate you sharing your thoughts with me. You trust me, don't you?"


Geet nodded vigorously with a smile.


Maan "Good then do as he says. I assure you he has the company's best interests at heart."


Geet leaned back and began contemplating more about the people in office. Dev was not a capable person. He was foolhardy and impulsive who stood by and watched when others abused his family. He was a useless person who rode on his brother's capabilities and made good in life. He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and hence he was allowed to make umpteen number of mistakes. It was as if he was the son of a superstar and was allowed to have thirteen flops in a row before delivering a mediocre hit.


Geet "Why aren't you the CEO Maan? I mean what is stopping you from taking his chair? Why do you have to sit by content with just being head architect?"


Maan looked at her in astonishment "Geet I…"

Geet "I just don't understand why you have to sit by and watch him do mistakes."


Maan "What mistakes has he made? Geet I am telling you once more. You are imagining things here. Stop for a bit and do your job well. You will understand his way of working and then will come to appreciate it. Don't jump to conclusions based on a piece of paper."


Geet was steamed up though. She did not care.


Geet "Maan I don't get it. Why do you have to report to him? This company is yours too right? Just become the CEO. I am sure no one will object to it."


Maan smiled "Geet, yes but I object."

Her lips parted a little.


Maan "I don't desire the top post. I am much better off handling the things I am doing right now. I ought to have a choice in doing the things that I want to do, right?"


Geet sat glum.


Maan "By the way this company does not 'belong' to me or anyone else. I am just an employee and so is Dev. Geet, forget all these things. Concentrate on your work. You should do fine. Remember running a company is a team effort. It is not all in the bosses hand."


She began "You just don't understand the things that go on around you. There are so many people who are out to get you. You have no idea. You are kind of innocent when it comes to these things. Honest men usually are. They think all that is white is milk."


He laughed slightly.


Geet "Ya keep laughing at me. Ok tell me one thing. What is the deal between you and Tara?"


He looked at her surprised "Tara? What about me and her?"


Geet nodded "Yes you and her. Tell me what is the relationship between you two."

Maan "Hmm. You are foxy, aren't you? Geet doesn't miss a trick, huh. "


Geet "Quit beating around the bush and tell me. I know it is personal. But I have a reason for asking. So tell me."

Maan shook his head "There is nothing going on between us. We are just colleagues who work together a lot. That is all."


Geet "So she is not a friend, right?"

Maan "What is with the third degree here?"


Geet moved her face closer and looked him in the eye "I expect an honest answer Maan. There are certain rules that come with being my friend. One I will eat you alive with my poking and prodding. Second anyone who hurts you will incur my ire. Third I am evil and not afraid to show it. Unfortunately for you, you have become my friend now. So you have no choice but to accede to these rules."


Maan laughed heartily "Ok I am willing to abide by my sweet Geet's rules. But only outside office alright? Inside office unfortunately we have to accede to reality."


She banged the tea poi "You just don't understand the seriousness of the situation here."


Maan "My lioness, listen to me. I know how to take care of myself."


Geet "Really? Do you know that Tara.."


Maan "She kissed me in Agra."


Geet gasped in shock.


Maan looked at her soothingly and continued "You know me. I like to surprise people. So I found out from her CV that she had stayed in Agra as a kid and one of her certificates had that address. I copied it. When we were in Agra I parked outside that house and she was overwhelmed. Unlike you who just hugged me, she parked a kiss on my lips. She confessed that she was interested in me and wanted to go out with me. I put a full stop to all of it right there. Need any other information, Geet? Trust me, I am the last person to trust women. I hate them all. I know what they are after."


Geet "Your looks and intellect of course."


Maan nodded "Of course, so I am friends with them but I never let myself get beyond that. As long as I am a friend I am nice. But if they lose my friendship over these kind of silly things, I am done. From then on I am civil but they will lose me."


She gulped. She had to burn her diary right now. The kind of things she had written about him were beyond silliness.


Geet's eyes were moist again "I just need your support and understanding for moving ahead in my life. That is all. Please don't leave me."


Maan smiled and gave her a neat hug.


Maan "Of course I am with you. I love you, you know that right? Don't hesitate to ask me for any help."


Like it, Love it, Cant get enough! Press the Like Button please

Let me know what you think at every step through your comments as well 

Your love and support means everything...

Posted: 11 years ago
1st place... ha ha ... that never happens for your updates.  I guess it pays to goof off on Sunday😆
Coming to the update I loved it..
lassi, saree, teasing, relaxed and chilled out... loved it.
Tara kissed him😲  Wow and did he just say he loved her? 
I am quite delusional with happiness...
Thanks for updating Sheesh..
Happy Sunday to you too!🤗
Edited by had2bu - 11 years ago
Padfoot_Prongs thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 11 years ago
i missed first place..
koi nahi second hi sahi...

best part of the update
only maneet in the update😊
nainataar wala part cleared

maan is an enigma for me.. confusing personality (me or  him don't know..😆😆😆)
geet thinking he loves Dev little too much..
or mujhe yeh kuch or hi lag raha hai...

nice update sheesh..🤗

Edited by mannubhardwaj - 11 years ago
nihatri thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
okay maan hates women n he told geet he loves him
SiniHanda thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
Friends? 😕  The last laugh will be on you Maan, you just see 😡 Our Sheesh will make you run around a Mulberry bush  and make you play ring-a-ring a roses as well  , but she knows and we know that Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water and Jack fell down, broke his crown and Jill came tumbling after 🤣 🤪
keenu_kk thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 11 years ago
and maan confesed i love u
did he said as a frd or really
loved the update dear
hopr we can see more msnnet scenes
i prolouge u said mann loves geet bt no idea when
pls give mann.pov
Doracake thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 11 years ago
Wow wonderful update! Waiting for the story to unfold! 
6n6s6k6i6r6a6n6 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago

yaar u always confuse me with ur character...

one time particular character looks like innocent soul and then it looks like he is very cunning...

why geet is poking her nose in Maan's personal affair...ok she thinks she is his friend and she has right to ask him but there is some very thin line between personal life and friend's rights on any person...

and Maan made her realize that if she try to cross her limits then he will throw her out of his life...

very interesting update...

thanx for pm...

kiran_rati thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
beautiful update
maan confession is lovely
waiting for next part
cont soon dear
thanx for the pm
Infinity. thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 11 years ago
awesome update...loved it