ArHi FF: Dildaara - ON HOLD - NOTE pg 90 - Page 17


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AquaBluez17 thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago
Hey guys! So me and Hershi would like to say a big thank you for all!! Yay! thanks for liking our story!! We got such a hugee response!! Yes πŸ˜ƒ SO let me come out and tell you all, this update is up only since Hershi has been forcing me. I'm, meaning Mya, on a strike.., writing strike to be precise. So lol Im not writing lolπŸ˜† Lucky for you guys, me n Hershi preplanned some updates so tada! you are getting one!! Yay!!πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒ

We are really happy, and did you all see??? WE WON THE BEST FF AWARD!!
Yay!! Well thank you so much for liking our writing and without a further a due, here you go!!

Part 1

    Khushi rushed to the phone, which was ringing,  in a hurry as she looked at the time. It was 11 in the morning and she had not even changed yet. Her students would be coming any time soon and she was not even prepared for them.
It is all my fault. I should have set the volume of the alarm clock louder! Oh but I couldn't do that... then Rani and Ari would have woken up, not even allowing me the small amount of time I do have right now to change, she thought as she picked up the phone.

    "Hello Khushi?" a lady spoke through the phone.

    "Yes Radha? Is there a problem?" Khushi asked apprehensively. She did not like this lady one bit, truth be told. Radha had a feel to her, an aura...a bad aura... that troubled Khushi. She was also aware of how Radha hated her, but she would not be like her. She would not stoop to Radha's level and try to make everyone hate her. No, she was Khushi Singh Raizada...

    "Yes Khushi. Today the kids won't be coming over since their planned holiday was canceled. They all have a field trip today that they are going on instead so they won't be coming over. Sorry about that. I hope this is not too late of a notice, " Radha chimed sweetly to Khushi, knowing all too well how late this notice of hers was. Radha had known the kids had planned a field trip on this day for a few days by now, but she could not let the teacher know! That would have been helpful! Something Radha could never be.

"It's fine Radha, I'm glad you at least let me know now. I can have the whole day to myself and the kids," she replied just as sweetly thinking, I will not let this... this Radha get to me. Who does she think she is? Does she really believe that such a feeble attempt will affect me??

Not wanting to waste anymore time, Khushi quickly said goodbye to Radha and went on to finish up some of the work she had, before the kids woke up. Her thoughts were beaten since at that very moment, she heard a loud cry from the bedroom. Closing her eyes, she smiled to herself and took a deep breath before jogging up to the master bedroom.

She quietly opened the door just a crack, to take a peek inside of the room and figure out what had exactly happened. The room was big with a cream ceiling covering the top. The big window was glistening as it allowed sunshine to fall into the room accompanied by the other two side windows, creating a circle of energy in the room. This was one the reasons why Khushi had chosen this house. The windows allowed some light to seep in through at night so Khushi could sleep peacefully as well as gaze at the stars.  There was a small couch near the windows so she could sit there and stare out at the garden that she had built for herself from scratch.

Her eyes flew to the king size bed that sat in the middle of the room with brown and black adorning the head board of the bed. On the bed there lay one small body, breathing heavily, in deep sleep. While there was someone else, trying to sit up next to the other one, staring at the bed determinedly.

Khushi gasped when she saw his hand slip under his own weight. She pushed the door open a bit more and watched as her little prince stared at the headboard with tearful eyes. He lay in his defeated position for a while until he seemed to think better of the situation and tried once again, this time almost falling over his sister. Being the princess she was, offended by her brother's intrusion of her beauty sleep, she woke up and wailed out loudly as she felt him trying to move again.

Laughing gently, Khushi walked up to the bed and sat down next to her two little devils, "Ari baby, stop trying to hurt yourself and your sister," she told him ruffling his hair up as she picked him off of his sister. Finding it amusing, he let out a loud giggle as he saw an angry expression on his sister's face.

"Mama! mama!" Ari said as Khushi took him in her lap.

Khushi smiled at her son. He had just said his first word a few days ago, calling her his mom. It had been a great day for Khushi. All of her worries had always disappeared when she was with her kids, but that day she had been on cloud nine. Her little prince, her little boy, her little Aryan had called her Mama!! And that had been the start of a broken record. It was as if he was practicing so he wouldn't forget! Every time he saw her, he would call her "Mama! Mama!" and then look at his sister triumphantly, trying to show her that he was better since he had spoken before her.

Khushi was amused as she looked at Rani, who yawned tiredly and turned to face the windows, closing her small eyes and quickly resuming her previous beauty sleep. She was not a least bit offended by the fact that her brother had started to speak before her. She could care less. Her little Rani had not even tried to talk, even after all of the instigating her brother did. It doesn't even bother her, Khushi thought.

"Rani, wake up sweetie, look mommy is here to spend the day with you," Khushi gently rubbed her hand on Araina's back with one hand as she tried to hold on to a squirming Aryan in the other. Opening her eyes for two seconds, her princess gave her a small smile before going back to sleep. Khushi sighed and arranged the pillows around her Rani as she knew she wouldn't wake up anytime soon.

Giving her a quick kiss, Khushi took Ari to the bathroom to get him cleaned up.While Araina was the princess, Aryan even though a prince, was a total monster. Like all monsters, he hated showers, so she was glad Araina was sleeping and she could give Aryan a proper bath.

As if realizing he was about to be cleaned, he used every bit of his strength to push and shove at his mommy to let him go. Khushi was glad that she had not bothered to change yet since her little monster was putting up a good fight trying to get away from the bath tub. Knowing she had to get wet if she wanted him to shower, she stepped into the bath tub with Ari and turned on the shower.

After about 30 minutes, Khushi finally stepped out of the bathroom drenched with an angry but clean and well dressed Ari in her arms. Knowing he wouldn't fuss for a bit since he was annoyed, she quickly put him on the bed next to Rani, who was still fast asleep. Khushi walked to her closet and got out a pair of clothes and walked back into the bathroom to change, glaring at Ari warningly so he wouldn't dare move away from the bed.   

In the bathroom, she looked at her disheveled self in the mirror. Her Rani had decided to stay up the whole night yesterday, making her stay up with her. It was crazy, thought Khushi, as she remembered who else used to have an issue sleeping at night. She is so much like him! It is so incredulous that he has such a powerful affect on our kids when he is not even here. If he was here he would love her... probably more then me... She stopped her train of thoughts as that is exactly what she was scared of. His love, they would never see his love. She knew exactly how much he "loved" kids.

Her thoughts went back to the day when Anjali Di had brought those little girls for the pooja and how he had reacted. Kids were definite a no no. He hated them, and she had knew he would never accept these kids. Heck he didn't even know, that he had these cute angels that were his own blood. Her blood. Their blood. But she knew, and she made sure she gave Ari and Rani all the love in the world, so that they would never miss him. However, no matter how hard she tried, the fact was true...they both were like him in one way or another.

As if on cue, she heard a loud wail from Rani. "Ariii!!" She mumbled softly as she quickly changed and went out to see what he did now to annoy Rani. Yup, she knew it. There he was, his head on Rani's stomach as he nudged her to wake up, while an annoyed Rani laid there crying.

Khushi smiled when she saw Rani fling her small little hands at a feeble attempt to get her heavy brother off of her. And after failing, she did what she knew best...puffed up her face once again and let out a loud cry only to have Ari join her. They are both so stubborn!, just like him... That is when she heard the door bell, the bell that would change her new life, her new normal life, the one she had grown to love.

Picking up both of them and putting them in the crib, she pressed the button on the baby mobile letting a soft melody play so they would both fall asleep as she went to see which of the ladies in the colony had come to bother her now.

Opening the door, she walked out as her foot got stuck in her saree and she felt herself fall. Oh this is really gonna hurt, she thought to herself as she closed her eyes in anticipation. Waiting for a minute, she slowly opened her eyes as she realized the floor felt very warm, muscular but comforting. Was that a heart beat she heard?? Wait what? Floors don't have heart beats!

Opening her eyes fully, she saw herself drowning into a pool of beautiful dark brown eyes. His face looked wearied out, as if he had not slept peacefully in a long time. His cheeks had hallowed in, clearly showing his cheek bones, further enhancing his facial hair. Looking down, she focused her eyes on the mouth that was curved into a devilish smirk. That is when she heard his voice.

"Hi Sweetheart," he said.

It was him, really him.

Before she could react, she felt herself being pulled up on her feet and then crashing into his hard muscular form, with barely any space in between them. In her dazzled state all she could do was stare at him and make sure he was really there, that she was not actually dreaming. Her hands had flown to on top of his chest, to soften her crash into his, and now they were gripping the black suit he was wearing, strongly. She had not realized how much she had missed this, his hard hold on her, making her feel secure and comfortable. Her mind still could not register the fact that he was actually standing right in front of her.

"Aap aagaye?" Khushi asked softly, thinking if she asked too loudly, her words would blow him away and wake her up from the dream she was having.

"Main aagaya Jaan," He replied back softly, as he brought her closer and buried his head into her hair, breathing her smell of cocoa butter. This was new. I always remembered her jasmine smell. Sighing, he didn't care, he was just happy that she was here. Safe. In his arms. Feeling her presence, he realized how much he had miss her. How his life had been incomplete without her. How having her there, in his arms, completed a missing puzzle piece, that he had not been able to find. But not for any longer, he thought. His arms slid around her petite waist and he held on to her like his life depended on it, promising himself he would never let her... let this go... again.

His moment of bliss was interrupted rudely by his wife who seemed persistent on moving out of his embrace. Frowning, he looked down at her and saw her scanning the neighborhood, her eyes stopping at one spot. Turning, he looked at what she was staring at. A bunch of women were trying to act like they were totally not eavesdropping on them, but failing miserably. Rolling his eyes, he turned back to his lady love to see her give them a glare and then look up at him with the same expression.Uh oh I am in trouble, he thought and mentally prepared himself for the yelling and pushing that was going to commence any moment now. But what she did next caught him by surprise.

After giving Radha and the other ladies a glare for butting into her business she looked at the one responsible for the female crowd outside her house. Giving him a glare, she grabbed his hand, and turned, dragging him along with her into the house. Once in, she turned around and saw that Radha was smiling and about to walk up to her, but before she could, Khushi slammed the door on her face.

Taking a deep breath, she slowly turned around to face the man who she never thought she would see again. Arnav Singh Raizada. Her husband. Her Arnav.

Well we hope you guys really liked the update!! We will try to update fast but no guarantees!

Like and leave comments!! We love to read them πŸ˜†πŸ˜†
Thanks once again for all of the support 😊

Add the account BELOW to get pms!! Plz and thank you! Do not leave requests for pms if you hav not added the account below. It is called bluezcreationz

Edited by AquaBluez17 - 12 years ago
bluezcreationz thumbnail
Networker 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago
Hey guys! Like this post for PMs! =) All PMs will be sent to people who add this ID! so please do that  =)

-Araina- thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 12 years ago
M updating mine's right now. So will read in few minutes πŸ˜³

yupp! My first position. Even before you both told me or sent a pm πŸ˜Ž
Awesome update. you both liked to me but I didn't believe you Hah! 
Such a perfect entry could be of ASR and KSR only! 

They're married
wooh hoo
loved the part. 
WIll comment in detail later. 
get ready for big =]

Gonna go to sleep. 
Ta da
lol Time for big one. 
Love Ari and Rani! Both Nicky's and real names. 
Did you know they were my favt names? Esp Araina!! 
M gonna call her rain πŸ˜³

AND OMJ! I so knew that the person was Arnav and the girl was Khushi. 
But wondering what had happened that she came to live here by herself and started her new life. 
Also, if he hates kids than does he still does? πŸ€”
Anyways, gonna enjoy the moment's you both showed 
and how much they missed each other😍

Hm! That was unexpeccted of Khushi to drag him inside. 
No yelling or is it to come in next part! 
Already in love with it <3 (you both already know that though 🀣
So yea, myz, you better get off of writing strike!😑
We have things to do. 

Cya both over here in next update πŸ˜³
Edited by Princess_Khushi - 12 years ago
malluangel thumbnail
Anniversary 15 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 12 years ago
res arghhh


k. so.

and hershi! you lied πŸ˜” it WAS Khushi!

idk what to say! so i think i can kinda guess the plotline now but ohhh hehe her little mini asrs are adorable! and i cant wait for him to meet them! but before that! haha she betta be blasting him off!
i mean he looks devilishly handsome even though he is miserable and haunted? WHAT! of course he rambling. i just cant stop. erm. its like.


thank you hershi for forcing mya to update, warna yeh tho...lazy bum :P

ekkk *fangirlyness overdrive* i think im gonna call u guys like herya...yea. hey herya 🀣 kya jodi hai wahbhaiwah!
Edited by malluangel - 12 years ago
nyxx thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 12 years ago
Yayyy You guys updateddd πŸ€—
Oye Hoye so it is her husband, Arnav Singh Raizada at the door, and wow, what an entry!πŸ˜† Right into each other arms, but that was definitely shoo off Radha and her other bimbettes. Gosh, whatsup with them. (But again, it was our handsome Arnav Singh Raizada centre of the attention, so its justified...but still hate them LOL) I absolutely loved it when Khushi shut the door on Radhas face! 😎 Lets see how she deals with Arnav!πŸ˜‰ As for the kids, awwwhhh Aryan and Araina!😳 They already seem like sweethearts, and I liked how you guys added the scenes between them and Khushi...Definitely cant wait forr the next part, and makeee it soon because Im dayum sure that youve got another Best Fanfic award coming youre wayπŸ˜‰ Congratsss on the first one btw...totally deserve it! Sorry for the short comment...gotta go back to exam studying🀒. Thankss for the update guysss...and continue SOOON!πŸ˜ƒ
- Dee
Edited by nyxx - 12 years ago
..Anita.. thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 12 years ago
girl you better get off your writing strike i am eagerly waiting for your other stuff...i might have to hunt you down if you don't update soon
as for this update i loves it!!!! that shows radha
and this kids just sound sooo adorable...they really are like arnav
you have to update soon
ravenheart thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago
I am curious to know what the story is all about.  Please continue. :)
farhacassim thumbnail
Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago
Fantastic!!! Simply loved it...such attention to detail that I could visualize it all so clearly. Eagerly awaiting the next part. Thanx for the pm.
shybabe thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 12 years ago
ABSOLUTELY AWESOME DARLING...I LOVED IT...SO MUCH. πŸ‘Edited by shybabe - 12 years ago
malluangel thumbnail
Anniversary 15 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 12 years ago

Originally posted by: anita_21492

girl you better get off your writing strike i am eagerly waiting for your other stuff...i might have to hunt you down if you don't update soon

as for this update i loves it!!!! that shows radha
and this kids just sound sooo adorable...they really are like arnav
you have to update soon

ill join πŸ˜†