~Tangled Lovestory~ THREAD 1 - Page 22


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Posted: 13 years ago
As usual i haven't edited it so pweej ignore the mistakes . . .
Chapter 2
The Wedding Night Part 2
He was kissing her.
The man she hated was kissing her.
Maan Singh Khurana was kissing her.
Hatred flared up inside her.
She struggled to free herself but she was losing against his strength. His mouth moved over hers violently sucking and nibbling at her lips.
Ultimately, as all her efforts ceased and she helplessly cursed her fate, he broke away from her but only for a moment. As the very next second he was kissing her yet again. He simply couldn't have enough of her; the pleasure he felt as his lips moved over hers was infinite.
She pressed her lips together as she bit her lower lip and closed her eyes in disgust. Maan tried to open her lips for his tongue to start its assault but despite his constant nibbling and suckling at her lips, his tongue wasn't able to penetrate through her mouth.
He broke away from the kiss as he looked at her with nothing but raw hunger. She was out of breath as she wriggled to free herself from his grip. She gasped for breath as she tried to squirm free.
He wasn't about to let go. He held her wrists even tighter as he locked then behind her back. Slamming his body onto hers he hungrily kissed her jaw line moving his way down to her throat. She turned her face in revulsion not realising she was giving him better access to her neck as he sucked at the soft skin of her neck.
He kissed her like a man possessed.
She couldn't scream as that would make Anwesha, who she was sure was standing outside the door trying to listen to whatever was happening inside, suspicious and knowing Anwesha it would just take fifteen minutes for both the families to doubt their stance on the marriage and all the fake happiness they had pulled up for the well being of Dadi ma would go down the drain. She could never let anything happen to Savitri Devi, least because of her.
But she also would not let him get away something so downright cheap. The feel of his lips all over her skin was making her sick. The jittery feeling in her stomach was making her want to throw up right onto his face.
He traced her neck with his nose as he took in her intoxicating scent. He dug his face into her hair as kissed the nape of her neck passionately. At the moment all he wanted was to ravish her. That was his evil side wanting her more than anything else despite of the fact that he knew he could never fall for someone as shallow as her and that he knew he despised her. But well, he knew what he needed and the moment it was her. He was Maan Singh Khurana and he got what he wanted.
And if he wanted to kiss her . . . Damn right there was no stopping him.
He held both her wrists in his one hand as his other hand cupped her chin forcing her to face him. He looked at her eyes and saw nothing but revulsion . . . Hatred . . . may be pain. But that wasn't going stop him from doing what he was about to and from having what he wanted.
He smacked his lips onto hers again.
She was like a drug to him. The more he tasted her the more he wanted her.
He suckled, licked, kissed and nibbled at her lips as he enjoyed his dominance over her and relished the feel of her mouth. His tongue played its game in her mouth, exploring every corner, every square inch of her mouth which made her insides burn in anger and hatred.
She wasn't going to let him continue with this violent assault. No way. She bit his tongue as hard as she could and he instantly broke away from her.
He looked at her with fury as he cupped her face between his big palms and kissed her yet again. This time was violent; he kissed her aggressively as she squirmed under him. He forced his tongue inside her mouth as his hand left her face and encircled round her bare waist pulling her more into him.
She could feel his fingers squeezing her stomach as he held onto her. She bit his tongue again and in turn he kissed her harder biting her lips.
And then--
She lifted her knee and hit him hard between his legs.
That's what took him to stop his assault and move farther away from her as he eyed her with sheer anger.
She was no less; she shot him an equally furious glare. Making her way to the washroom she banged the door behind her as he stoop rooted to his spot in pain.
She swallowed a lump in her throat as she felt her eyes burn with tears. She looked at her reflection in the mirror and as her gaze fell on her swollen lips she violently rubbed them against the back of her hand trying to subside the disgusting feeling his lips subjected at her. She wanted to wash off his feel that still lingered on her lips.
Turning on the tap on, she splashed water on her face and ignored the soreness of her lips as she continued rubbing them. She closed her eyes as she tried hard to forget whatever had happened back there in the room.
Pain . . . she felt a nerve shattering pain that had seemingly died long time back.
Or so she had thought.
The long gone pain yet again seeped through her soul and tore her heart apart. Feelings that were buried deep inside her heart in a tiny corner, never to be let out were threatening to surface through her yet again. She couldn't let it happen. She wouldn't let it happen.
She hated him but she had to live with him. She hated him but she had to wake up seeing his face. She hated him but she had to pretend to love him. The mere thought of loving him burnt her soul inside out. It was nothing but disgusting to even consider loving him.
She knew she would have to make a compromise with her self-respect by living under same roof as his, by sharing the same room with him but there was something way more precious for her and she couldn't risk losing it. Savitri Devi may not be her blood grandmother but that never really mattered. Savitri Devi was not just the grandmother she never had but she was her mentor, she was the one person who brought her back to life when she'd given up on everything else.
There was nothing Geet wouldn't do for her happiness . . . nothing whatsoever. And if she would have to kill her soul and die a million deaths every living moment of her day because of seeing him around, because of living with him, because of pretending everything was just fine, for her Dadi ma she would do it without a second thought.
Fuming at her audacity to hit him, he waited impatiently for her to come out of the washroom.
How dare her.
Maan wasn't guilty one bit, he had what he wanted. Anyway she was his wife and if he kissed her what was the big deal. It was not he was going to sleep with her. Hell no. She wasn't worth it. Even though there was this desire that rippled through him and made him want to ravish her then and there but it wasn't strong enough to overcome his dislike for the woman who was his wife.
Although there was no way whatsoever he would sleep with her but there was no way whatsoever that could stop him from kissing her. After all, he needed something to satisfy the never ending desire in him.
He liked kissing her. He enjoyed his dominance over her. That was the end of it. He didn't give a damn as to what her feelings were. Why would he and more importantly why should he? After what she did--
Just then he heard the knob of the washroom door cluck and he was outside the washroom within matter of seconds.
She swallowed her pride as she stepped out of the washroom to find him standing right in front of her.
He looked at her and by the looks of it she knew he was up to something but what. He smirked wickedly and before she knew he slung her over his shoulders and the very next second threw her onto the bed. She looked at him flabbergasted.
What the hell was he doing?
No . . . her mind screamed as she felt him pin her writs over head and he lowered his body over hers pressing onto her body.
She was infuriated.
She was angry.
She was scared.
Terror gripped her soul as she realised the comprising position that she was in and the possibility of what could be the outcome of the situation she found herself trapped into, ripped her soul apart.
We will pretend to be Husband and wife to the outside world and to our families
We will behave like a couple smitten by each other
We will lie to the world that we love each other
We will do it for Dadi ma
But in reality we will be together only as long as her health doesn't improve
Once everything will be normal, we will separate ways citing irreconcilable differences
Our relationship will only be name sake and nothing more
Didn't he say the relation between them ends at the name? Wasn't it decided already that they would part ways as soon as things got normal. Why the hell was he doing this?
Pinning her wrists over her head he lowered his face to hers and their lips met.
She hated the feeling he was setting into her soul.
He loved the pleasure he got by kissing her. It was immense.
He yet again started his assault over her mouth.
But that was it. She couldn't let him do this to her. She wouldn't let him do this to her. What does he think of himself? How dare he force himself on her?
She did it again.
She lifted her knee and kicked him right between his legs. He instinctively got off of her as he stood on the ground and eyed her with 'I'll kill you' look. Like that would scare her. No ways. If he would kiss her, she would kick him.
"How dare you kick me" Maan roared.
"Lower your voice Mr Khurana; you sure wouldn't want your sister to know what just happened"
Geet spat as she looked at him with conviction.
"Don't you dare do this again" Maan said gritting his teeth.
"Do what" Geet replied as got on her feet and stood right before him.
"You know it very well what I am talking about" Maan bit out as he fumed in anger.
Geet crossed her hands over her chest as she said "What do I know"
Maan's anger was rising every passing moment. This annoying little chit was driving him to the edge.
"I am warning you. Stop this whatsoever game you are trying to play" Maan spat as he tried to control his temper.
"What did I do" Geet faked innocence. She knew the rules of the game and this was war.
"Don't you dare pretend to be ignorant" Maan warned as he took a step forward.
Geet didn't step backward, she retorted right back "Then don't you dare ever kiss me"
Maan smirked as he said "I like kissing you"
"And I like kicking your butt" Geet replied, hatred evident in her eyes.
"You wouldn't dare" Maan said.
"Try me" Geet replied back. It was straight challenge.
"You called for it, don't blame me"
With that said he pulled her into him by the waist and slammed his lips against hers. And a moment later he abruptly moved a step back. She had kicked him again. He looked at her angrily and she spat "Don't look at me like that. You called for it"
"Geet don't you dare repeat it" Maan warned gritting his teeth.
"What will you do" Geet retorted back.
"I will kiss you"
Geet gave him 'you're disgusting' look as she said "haven't you have had enough already. Don't you know if you dare kiss me I will do the exact same thing you wouldn't wish for and that is" She smirked as she added "You know what I mean or if you need a demo I sure don't mind"
"I know my name; I don't need call it out again and again"
"Me . . . yeah . . . me what" Geet smiled, having received the exact same thing she wanted. He was annoyed.
And then seeing her wicked smile he knew what to do next to wipe that smile off her face.
"I have conditions" Maan replied, thoughtfully.
"What conditions" Geet asked, not knowing what was next to come.
Crossing his hands over his chest he said "You remember when yesterday I told you, we will live as husband and wife but on our own terms and I have mine"
"Spit it" Geet bit out, irritated.
"Condition no 1 . . . I can kiss you anytime I want and you can't stop me" Maan smirked a victorious smirk.
"What the hell" Geet's looked at him with revulsion.
Seeing her shocked and furious expressions, he grinned as he said "rest of the conditions will follow sometime later. I am in mood of you know or well I'll give you a demo"
"Stop right there" Geet showed a warning hand to him.
"Oh yeah" Maan smirked as he moved in closer to her.
"I have my terms then" Geet said, plainly.
"Cut the crap" Maan stopped in his tracks as he waited for her to go on.
"If you can kiss me then I can kick your ass and you can't stop me" Now it was Geet who smirked.
It was then they heard a knock at the door.
Precap: Stop kissing me.
 So guys how was it . . . i mean seriously no one found it odd that they hate each other . . . apart from Jaz . . . well, not like i am telling you guys anything . . . so yeah . . . this FF is quite different from the other three . . . hope you guys liked it . . . Trust me it was very difficult writing it . . . as i am giving you second update within twenty four hours you guys better give me long comment . . .
Edited by 7thHeaven - 13 years ago
maanujaanu thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Networker 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 13 years ago

amazing, awesum

luved d way Geet's taking revenge with Maan
n shez just bout = to him too
Edited by maanujaanu - 13 years ago
sonu4ever thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 13 years ago
Hehe wonderful update.
Liked this unique SR :D
They kept on kissing and kicking lol.
Waise i must say geet isnt fearful. Ooops she bites and kicks hard lol.
Terms and condition. Hmmm naughty maan lol. Cant resist geet ;)

Do update soon dear. Cant wait for the next part ;)
ninand thumbnail
Posted: 13 years ago
man does the hatred run deep! for Geet to feel just revulsion and hatred at the kiss, and for Maan to feel completely unrepentant , and not guilty for having forced it on her, or wanting to keep forcing it on her๐Ÿ˜ฒ
.. in fact to feel good seeing her in misery... wow! thats some hatred...

wonder what memory she is trying to suppress..  super update... eagerly waiting for next๐Ÿ˜Š
Posted: 13 years ago

LOL ๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜ณ What can I say . ..  This should be part of my finished FF ISWAK . . . LOL the kiss (es) were sooo โ˜บ๏ธ

I do wonder how you will manage four FFs . . . But I love it all . . . ๐Ÿ˜† The more the merrier!
Edited by luvabbybaby - 13 years ago
rsroopali thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 13 years ago
-afsha- thumbnail
Anniversary 15 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 13 years ago
Maan is pura pagal
He hates her but loves to ravish her n kiss her
It looks lik we hav sum past here
Geet does hav sum past or say feelings for Maan
Lets c how u take the stry
Loved the way Maan was kissing n Geet was kicking
It was awesumest awesum
Edited by -afsha- - 13 years ago
cyum321 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 13 years ago

i dont know what to say........... will see whats next.๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ

-memorable- thumbnail
Posted: 13 years ago
kissing & kicking session was fabulous ๐Ÿ˜†
but something happened btwn them in past thats why they hate
eachother, some misunderstanding
great update though๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘
loved itโค๏ธ
cont soon๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ
maaneetsangel thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 13 years ago
awesome ... fantastic ... i can't help laughing .... loved it truly ...

plzz .. continue soon ....