Abhay-Sid & Unlimited Trash in today's episode - Page 6


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TheBlackJaguar thumbnail
Posted: 13 years ago

Originally posted by: dolly18

u r angry

but their is hadly anything on which i dis agree with u
past 3 weeks of pkyek have been simply intolerable for me
each day kekta mai went a step further in completely destroying a show i once loved..
well now a days i just see it for the habit of seeing it
for me it has lost its charm because of a seriously crappy storyline(does it even have a story???!) n too many stupid chracters
the worst part???? mss triangle.. i mean whosoever thought of that bs??? how can people be so damm dumb !!!!!!!!!
n moreover i am highly irritated with pia as usual
but abhay is being stupid too??? why cant he just tell pia abt sid being a vampire???
how can this truth hurt pia anymore???
she aleady knows that abhay is a vampire n his family too..
doesnt it make sense to tell her everything so that she to could be on her guard????
but i forgot its a kekta show.. where all the sense is packed in a lousy paper n thrown outside the damm window!!!!

Yeah, Dolly. The problem is that the show has no story of its own. It is blindly copying from all the famous supernatural shows and making a porridge which is neither here nor there. They are wasting a great subject , awesome cast and our time as well. EK needs to fund her writing instead of throwing parties where everyone gets drunk and gets pictures clicked. Have some respect for your show and its audience.
TheBlackJaguar thumbnail
Posted: 13 years ago

Originally posted by: mayadika11

thanx for the awesooooooome post poco........

loved ur analyis as usual........
i missed today's epi. and now i am glad i did it.......
thanx for the wonderful post......
take care......πŸ€—

You are lucky that you didn't see today's crapfest. πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†
-nautankidollz- thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 13 years ago

Originally posted by: Pocahontas

Yeah, Dolly. The problem is that the show has no story of its own. It is blindly copying from all the famous supernatural shows and making a porridge which is neither here nor there. They are wasting a great subject , awesome cast and our time as well. EK needs to fund her writing instead of throwing parties where everyone gets drunk and gets pictures clicked. Have some respect for your show and its audience.

kekta??? she has always ruined each n every bit of her shows!!! i dot remember a sigle show of her which wasnt ruined towards its end... but with pkyek ,, she has started making a khichadi out of it within four monhs
i mean whenever i see any episode i am so dang lost as to what the hell is hapening???
and i normally give blank looks to my screen
mss triangle is such a bull crap that it can even giv swayanmvar series a run for their mony!!!!!
n upar se abhay pia ki mind convos r sth i completely dispise!!!!
do we even have a deecent story over the lead pair???
 last but nt the least kekta's great talent of copying 2-3 other shows n making a messy porridge out of it all is simply getting on my damm nerves..
u know poco thanks a lot.. loads of my frustration has found its way out.. all coz of ur topic!!!!
so hugggiesss!!πŸ€—
TheBlackJaguar thumbnail
Posted: 13 years ago

Originally posted by: Shrevian

I agre wtg u guyz! Pia's last action f throwin da locket ws vry disapointin! Hw cud she do dis! For 1 moment i felt lyk she dosnt luv him any more!! [:O] πŸ’”
Bechara abhay! He luvs hr so much ki pia k itna kuch bolne k bad v chup rha! πŸ˜” πŸ˜” i cnt imagine pia tauntd him in ds way by colin hm vampire n sid is btr dn hm..! Idiot girl!
πŸ’” πŸ’”

Piya loves Abhay and Abhay loves Piya but its when they act like this pair of dumbheads that they get on my nerves. Piya better make up for this crappy act and SOON.
.Jane.. thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 7
Posted: 13 years ago

Originally posted by: Pocahontas

BABYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!πŸ€—.....How did your exam go?😳....ahh, i don't want to talk about Piya right now with you as you are in your pink bubble. Stay happy and enjoy your break before the next exam comes up. 😊

My exam was good though it was so lengthy that I felt I'll break my wrists writingπŸ€“
Yep! Me in my pink bubble and me very very happy there 🀣 🀣 🀣
Thank you!! πŸ€—
TheBlackJaguar thumbnail
Posted: 13 years ago

Originally posted by: angel3142

i am not getting abhay or pia either they both are so confusing

and now what really i dont know is what cvs are gonna show are they gonna show pia falling for sid and sid for pia cause he was speaking nicely with her
or sid attacking pia and trying to hurt her to make abhay suffer
whats gonna happen whatever i just dont want triangle or sid falling for pia one side
and pia changed behaviour with abhay makes me worried abt that she wld be more friendly to sid and hate abhay😭😭

If Pia falls for Sid , then, there is no point of PKYEK  and Abhay-Piya being soulmates as they have stressed from day 1. If Piya is even 10% of what Maithli was to Abhay , then, for Piya, its always gonna be Abhay. For me as well. If we don't get our promised AbhIya, i will gladly quit this zoo of a show. πŸ˜†
TheBlackJaguar thumbnail
Posted: 13 years ago

Originally posted by: Ishita131

Agree with everything !!! 

But please dont be pissed at piya so much !!! what would u do if u were in her place ??? Yes she should not have doubted abhay like that and not thrown away the locket but what do u expect from a female whose been bearing all the insults and moodswings of a guy she loves ?? Shes hurt and rite now her anger got the better of her and she dint think logically !! but thats just normal rite ??? She'll be really sorry for screaming at abhay and for throwing away the locket and apologize to abhay and things will be back to normal !!! She still loves him as much as she did before !!!! 

Ishoo, i know that and am not saying that Piya did anything wrong by shouting at Abhay ot answering him back. I am just damn upset at her for suspecting Abhay and throwing away his locket knowing that how precious it must have been to him. On top of that , the taunt about being a vampire. It just blew my temper. πŸ˜†.... i know she loves Abhay and we can expect those moony-eyed looks again. 😳
Anniversary 15 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 13 years ago

Originally posted by: Pocahontas

If Pia falls for Sid , then, there is no point of PKYEK  and Abhay-Piya being soulmates as they have stressed from day 1. If Piya is even 10% of what Maithli was to Abhay , then, for Piya, its always gonna be Abhay. For me as well. If we don't get our promised AbhIya, i will gladly quit this zoo of a show. πŸ˜†

Count me in that POCA...I mean I am already thinking of quitting ..to write any post...actually because the new precap shows PIYA all smiles with Sid..which was expected with today's turn of events..!!
--sunshine-- thumbnail
Posted: 13 years ago
i second u...............i hate todays episode............ aftr watching it i thought today i wasted my tym and cvs are out of dere mind.......... i dont know for which thing dey hav kept dere mind preserved now dey really need to use dere mind so dat they can provide something to us dat has some logic.............and day SMM track such a waste of time, logic and talent....... what d hell dey want to show us thru dat.......... and miss overacting i mean dat t wala track deserves third grade treatment cz dere ws no developement............... it was scrap episode which screwed me up
TheBlackJaguar thumbnail
Posted: 13 years ago

Originally posted by: reepicheep

Whoa Poco,you are really angry today...and am really early in posting today 😲 πŸ˜† but i agree with you,i too got supremely annoyed with today's episode 😑 i mean another waste of a filler epi...seriously the story is moving nowhere and the MSS track pisses me off to no end 😑 and as for madam piya throwing the locket, well excusing her behavior just coz she was angry and a person is unreasonable in their anger is just like justifying abhay's hit and run for protecting piya at any cost...both have acted dumb in their own ways andbothwill have to pay for it too....i just wish they move on with the story yaar let sid see piya...currently am frustrated with both abhay and piya....but i agree its the writer's fault....they better buck up now... By the way i love your write ups even of they are angry ones πŸ˜ƒ your BT heroines point was the best...piya comparatively displays lesser of those traits but today she was typical annoying BT heroine

Reepzie!😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳....Right! Piya throwing the locket was just as dumb as Abhay knocking her off with his car. πŸ˜†πŸ˜‘πŸ˜†.....The writers need some inspiration injections or a rise in their salaries. SO should be sued for even letting such episodes be made and telecast as well.πŸ˜†