Dheeraj Kumar's Om Namah Shivay - Page 8


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Indraneela thumbnail
Posted: 13 years ago
Rudra Rudra, Maha Rudra, Shiva Shankara Pralayamkar...
Yeah, I sing it too.  It makes washing dishes seem more epic. :D  (I think that's what they're saying, anyway.)  The sons of Tarkasur even had awesome tilaks - like exploding chaos wheels on their foreheads.  If I were more adept with turmeric and sindoor I'd totally draw one of those.
Speaking of!  Am I the only one that couldn't identify the individual Devatas for about half the show, except for the forehead markers?  I kept having to go, "Wait, who is that?  Okay, Surya's got the sun tilak, so that's not him....maybe Agni or Varuna?  Oh, he's got the fiery marking, must be Agni!  Okay!"  I felt like such an idiot.
After reading your last post, I had to go and watch the parts with Kama again (obviously, haha)!  You're really right about Yashodhan - I was trying to pinpoint just what about him as Shiva annoyed me, and that's exactly it: EGO!  With Samar, it's like, "Look at Shiva, how cool and serene and steady," and with Yashodhan, it's, "Look at me being Shiva, isn't it awesome?" 
I think he did pretty well as Kama for that exact reason - because Kama kind of has to be all, "Looky, looky, flowers and music and ME! isn't it great?"  His hair was absurd, though; those tight curls don't look good on anybody, and early in the show they had most of the men wearing them.
So after watching Shiva kill Kama earlier, and watching the bit where he almost killed Indra, and then watching a bit of Shree Ganesh today where the demoness Viraja tries to poison Ganesh, I started to wonder - aren't all of them immortal?  Even Kama was going to live on, in people's hearts, until being reborn....so isn't it kind of anti-climactic to make the main threat in an episode, "death"?
Lakshmi in ONS was pretty whiny, too, as I recall.  It seemed all she did was complain about Vishnu not telling her about things that were going on, or complain about Devas not thinking Vishnu was best, or complain about Narada not chanting her name along with Vishnu's, or complain about Narada not coming to Vaikuntha enough...it was like, oh goodness, STOP THAT, because first of all, it's annoying, and secondly, DON'T give Narada another name to chant, because he won't have any lines anymore. :P
But at least she and Vishnu seemed to like each other.  Saraswati always seemed very restless, like, "Oh, goodness, can I do SOMETHING besides sit on this lotus and stare at Brahma??" and Sachi spent the whole show glaring balefully at Indra and inwardly rolling her eyes, like "I cannot believe I married him.  Can someone please kill him?  Or can I??!"
Speaking of 'couples,' what happened to Nandi's wife?  Remember, he got a wife in one episode?  She was lovely, a delicate sweet-faced actress with green eyes, but she was only in Kailash for about five minutes and then was never seen on the show again!  (Though she comes back in Shree Ganesh as Varangi and spends several episodes laughing evilly. :D )
Edited by Indraneela - 13 years ago
ADMJCXNK97fan thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 13 years ago
yess!!!! their tilak was awesome!!!!!
I had to find devas by their tilak...and then i figured out varun or vayu looks chubbier than the rest, agni looks a bit grumpy etc. etc. i gave up finally! lol i just looked at them as more devas just crying out loud to the tridevs. so u need not feel like an idiot!!!

yep! yashodan as shiva drove me crazy! i turned off the sound and watched the subtitles at one point because his acting is SO ANNOYING!!!! he would be awful to portray a selfless guy HAHAHA
there was also this episode which i vaguely remember where Parvat 'ran away' (when shiva got 'mad' over a game of DICE---i mean how LAME!!!! haha but maybe if Samar was doing it he might have made it look MEANINGFUL instead of STUPID)
He can't even dance well!!!!!! Samar looked SO mcuh better when dancing!!! and also when Parvati was doing penance to Brahmadev because her skin turned dark.......he was so boastful that he could make her open her eyes......guess what?
she never did
not until brahma came :) hahaha i laughed so hard at that.......they so pride comes before a fall? (or something like that!)

oh god Lakshmi on ONS was nice.....i liked her...but she whined SO MUCH! i mean lakshmi on Visnu puran was more like innocently whining, but this lakshmi looks like she knows and then she's whining on top of that!!!! i thought that was pretty annoying.......which is why i prefer the Vishnu-Lakshmi pair on VP, and Shiv (Samar)-Parvati or Sati on ONS. (i prefer sati more because she was extremely beautiful without the tons of eyeliner!!!---but pravati's pretty too! lol)
Oh, and didn't they change Lakshmi the minute she had to fight.....i didn't see ALL of ONS.....so i recall that there was some scene where lakshmi had to blast some bad guys and it seemed like right thenn they changed the actress who all she was doing was staring at them blaring her eyeballs and then 'shooting' (!!!).......but i'm a bit confused about that right now so i'll have to go check that out..............do you know anything about that?

HAHAHA Saraswati and Brahma!! HAHAHA it has been said that saraswati and ganga were also the wives of vishnu, but they quarelled all the time and he got so fed up of it that he gave ganga to Shiva, and saraswati to Brahma lol i guess he was finally able to work up his tolerance when Krishna married 1600 princesses at once LOL!!!!!

actually, i did saw nandi's wife a few more times throughout the series,......i think she and Sati were the beautiful ladies of Kailash!! haha they were really pretty!!!!
ADMJCXNK97fan thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 13 years ago
actually i went back and looked at the Yashodan guy..........he really isn't a bad dancer--he's a good dancer but he only looks good when he's dancing--that is when he was playing Kamdev---when he's Shiva, he looks more like a wild 'child' throwing a tantrum.........lol sorry......hahaha but i think that 'dress' does NOT look good on him.....he needs some pants!! LOL sorry hahahaha
Aradhana87 thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 13 years ago

Originally posted by: ADMJCXNK97fan

actually i went back and looked at the Yashodan guy..........he really isn't a bad dancer--he's a good dancer but he only looks good when he's dancing--that is when he was playing Kamdev---when he's Shiva, he looks more like a wild 'child' throwing a tantrum.........lol sorry......hahaha but i think that 'dress' does NOT look good on him.....he needs some pants!! LOL sorry hahahaha

I also dont think he is a bad dancer but Samar makes a "stronger"shiv and Yashodhan a bit "soft". About Samar, in the last few episodes it looked like he lost interest and his new wig was annoying me..even Parvati(gayatri) was absent.
ADMJCXNK97fan thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 13 years ago
YES! and his new 'position' and 'behaviour' seemed to change........but he really looked awesome as shiva--i loved his performance!
Aradhana87 thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 13 years ago

Originally posted by: ADMJCXNK97fan

YES! and his new 'position' and 'behaviour' seemed to change........but he really looked awesome as shiva--i loved his performance!

I agree..wished to see more of Samars acting but now he believes in preparing people to act rather acting himself๐Ÿ˜Š
ADMJCXNK97fan thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 13 years ago
yea.......well, i think that's very nice of him! haha instead of acting himself, he's helping other's act! haha maybe a Bholenaath-like inspiration? lol
Indraneela thumbnail
Posted: 13 years ago

Agni always looked a bit grumpy, but to be fair, they didn't give him much to do except whine with the other Devatas.  He was pretty neat in the episode where two demons were praying for boons, one in the water and one in a ring of fire...Indra came to earth, turned into a bad CGI crocodile, and killed the one in the water...but the one in the fire was under Agni's protection, so Agni actually stops Indra from killing the demon and then lectures him on duty!  It was a brave thing for Agni to do, especially because he gets thrown out of heaven for it.

The 'dress' does not look good on Yashodhan, no!  He looked really nice as Kama, actually, and I liked him in that role; he and Rati looked and danced prettily together.  But I hated the episode where Parvati ran away after Shiva got annoyed over a dice game!  I'm sure there's some deeper spiritual lesson to that story, but Yashodhan made it look so very petty, especially when he went down to Earth and took another 'temporary wife' with this sort of "WHO'S AWESOME, OH THAT WOULD BE ME" attitude about the whole thing.  I stopped watching the series at that point and haven't resumed it yet.
(Heck, I really should start watching the show again already; I stopped at about disk 29.  But I skipped ahead to disk 41, on YouTube, just to see what was happening, and saw a demon meditating, the Devatas stepping in to disrupt the penance, them all getting captured, and Indra getting smacked in the face by a fierce-looking woman and then lectured by Narada.  It's nice to know some things never change. ๐Ÿ˜†)
I think the scene you're remembering doesn't involve Lakshmi; I think it's with Ganesh's two wives.  Try about 4:10 onward, from ONS 25.2 on YouTube?  (The very beginning of 25.1 is the scene we were talking about earlier, where Indra summarizes his role in the entire show, and Narada stares at him with the disgust and disdain one might reserve for someone wearing his shoes on his head.)
Btw, I was talking to a friend of mine about the show, and mentioned to him that in some texts, there are 24 incarnations of Vishnu, not 10, and that Narada is one of those 24.  He thought for a moment and said, "So, Narada's basically flying through the sky chanting his own name over and over?"
Hahahaha!  I guess Narayana Narayana sounds better than Me, Me, Meeeee...Shriman Me, Me, Meeeee...
A few more thoughts: Why, why do all of the women go to sleep fully clothed in sari, jewels, and flowers?  I'm sure that nobody wants to get re-dressed in all of that stuff over and over again, but it looks really strange to have them stretched out like corpses, ramrod-straight on their beds, obviously not comfortable in the least!
And the weapons.  The weapons.  I love that the battles consist of people throwing spiky things at each other that shatter in mid-air, and the demon-battles with the silly prop swords that bend as they're fighting with them.  I adore that Indra's vajra looks like a styrofoam vertebra-meets-Eiffel-Tower, and that sometimes the maces actually dent a bit while they're impacting with each other, and that Vishnu's sudarshana chakra carries heads off of demons, and the disembodied heads are still yelling while they're flying through the air.  Hee!
ADMJCXNK97fan thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 13 years ago

Yea.....i prefer kamdev a ton more.........but he is SO not suited for shiva.....mayhbe for bholenaath, but not shiva...especially not Rudra lol (bhole-means innocent-naath-lord--so kinda like 'innocent lord' sort of! lol) hahaha i recently saw the one where ganesh curses chandra, and the moon on his head darkens and fall off LOL i thought he got annoying because he was missing his hairclip, and the rest were worried what he might do after he lost it....lol sorry jk hahaha.

i liked the episode or scenes before mahishasur---(ithink) who's uncle was killed by indra.......yea it was nice to see Agni 'face-off' against Indra....to show any god's duty--i was quite happy at that.....lol 

i have started watching them aggain on youtube.......because we stopped watching a while ago.........but now i wanted to see what happens :)----hmm i really should take a look at that episode!!!!!
but my dad did laugh when narad was lecturing indra....hahaha wasn't the first......i doubt if it will be FAR from the last!!! lol
no, it was definitely lakshmi--at least i remember because they changed the actress--and i was miffed of course lol

HAHAHA i guess that proves that vishnu IS the protecter---lol if in the form of narad.....he goes around stirring mischief amongst the demons and leading them to their death.....well then YAY! but um.......what explains the self-appreciating? LOL

did i mention the fight scenes? if not i was going to get to that whtsoever lol the fight scenes ANNNNNOOOOOYYYY me SOOOOOOO MUCH!!!! when durga fights those demons....i'm always like....why waste your weapons when you can just hold out your hand and taser them crisp??!??? funny but (supposedly) entertaining........while the army scene is just repeated from the first episode to probably the last! (metaphor--but i haven't seen any new ones....) i always skip the fight scenes......they're so boring, i'm sure if some martial artist came over, he'd most likely have BOTH sides dead in no time LOL!!!! those fight scenes just annoy me.....i avoid them to keep my cool HAHAHA

uggh and yes! have they ever heard of NIGHT CLOTHES??? (well not really...night clothes but.....pajamas?) i meanhow comfortable it must be to sleep on your chunky bracelets, necklaces and the headware which consists of those 'plates' and flowers and clips etc. etc. etc. i mean seriously??? oh well......they must have been relieved when they figured out that apart from cameramen or assassins--no one's going to watch them while they sleep :) so they can un-deck LOL besides wouldn't those flowers have already wilted by night???

MagadhSundari thumbnail
Anniversary 15 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 13 years ago
^^ Aditi and Neela (can I call you that ๐Ÿ˜ณ), I watched ONS a long time ago and haven't thought to rewatch from start to finish but seeing you guys' always interesting and sometimes enlightening/sometimes hilarious exchanges is making me wanna do so the first chance I get so I can participate!! Keep it up, really enjoying it โญ๏ธ

P.S. I too heart Samar, the intensity he brought really fit the character of Shivji as I think of him ๐Ÿ˜
Edited by lola610 - 13 years ago