26/8:SR & ArShi:Paneer tikke& Chicken Tikke-IMP P1 - Page 6


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TheBlackJaguar thumbnail
Posted: 13 years ago

Originally posted by: powerpack

wonderful takeoff about the show
loved the show today
kash were sweet as as usual

Thank you.😳... ArShi were cute, SR were intense. Wow!πŸ˜‰
TheBlackJaguar thumbnail
Posted: 13 years ago

Originally posted by: solembaum

Poco lovely post :-) Honestly the only reason I started coming to the forums even at the time I was a silent reader was because posts like yours are a treat to read and it is amazing to see the amount of creative and talented people who are here... To tell you a small secret... I used to read your takes even in KYPH forum :-) Used to love your take and Chilly's corner in KYPH...  you, nandini and a few others from the golden days of DMG1... and even now so many multifaceted people - Shamil, Monar, Nandini(very rarely), bheegi (even more rare these days).. guess the list is long... But honestly Poco , for me you are one of the main attractions on the phorum.. although we almost always don't  think the same way abt everything :-)
May you keep writing and keep enthralling more readers like us... and like I told Jhoota Singh ji... if you ever decide to write a column in a magazine or publish a book do let me know :-) Would love to read :-)

You remember me as nitica_82?😲😲😲😲😲😲😲... KYPH days were 'some' days.😳... Some of my best friends today are from those days. What can i say except a heartfelt 'thank you'.😳.......I mean , i really don't know what to say. But if any of my words have made you feel nice for even a few seconds, am grateful.

And it does not matter how differently we think. As long as we honour each-other , have affection and regard for each-other , genuine mutual respect will always overrule difference of opinion.

If i ever write a column or a book, you will know.πŸ˜ƒ

solembaum thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Visit Streak 90 0 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 13 years ago

@Jshukla, I am an AR fan... But I honeslty don't think there is anything for any SR fan to worry abou and I don't see any going back on the story at all... regarding the jealousy/concern part ---I would say let us wait before we pass a verdict on that part... or it could also be that it will be one of those things that is open to interpretations.. but even if you interpret it as jealousy I think atleast that aspect of it there is no vampishness or whatever... I think a little bit of jealousy is allowed.... i think when 2 people are in a relationship and committed to each other for 3 years .... you have not seen that person with anyone else in that way.... you are not used to that person being with anyone else in that way... irrespective of whatever place you are in in your life I think a small pirck will always be there.... so even if Riddhima feels a bit of jealousy I would say it is allowed and it doesn't mean anything more than a natural reaction to something like this... she will get over the jealousy and get used to it.... But other aspects of Riddhima , I am all with you to dissect her and make khichdi of her nakhchadi attitude to all and sundry 80% of the time.... Cheer Up.. I don't think anything very bad is gonna happen with SR!!
TheBlackJaguar thumbnail
Posted: 13 years ago

Originally posted by: angelhearti

great post with a great note

love shilpa/kash forever

Thank you.😳
Maham thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 13 years ago

paneer tika n chicken tika🀣

Awesome Nitz...dear u r a star⭐️ yr kya likhti ho....great post!πŸ‘

Arsh were awesome n felt great to see ridz cooking in her home...watever sid is saying is fyn.....afterall there a limit to sth......πŸ˜‰

TheBlackJaguar thumbnail
Posted: 13 years ago

Originally posted by: JShukla

PocuπŸ˜”......... I'm a little upset with today's episode. I mean, I could handle a bad mannered, ill-tempered Ridz...... but a jealous one.......yaar.tht so not done. How can they show such on Indian Tele. Sure we do get to see extra-martial affairs. But here apart from not mouthing "I love You" and movng to anothe level in relationship, Ridz has done all to assure me tht she actually loves Sid......... par ye kya....... now I am seriously worried.

Even after hurting Sid she did not once try to improve upon her behaviour?? This is just unacceptable.
I hope her anger is coz she could see thru his "Shivani Sham". And she was angry with Arshi jodi dancing coz she does not think Sh is gud enuf for Armaan. ......Else I will have to quit the show. I appreciate vamps wen they are certified vamps of the show. A
vamp disguised as heroine......... my morals can't handle. 🀒
And if Ridz cared for Sid only wen Armaan is absent(he going to panchgani or wotever),then it is too lame.
My heart felt heavy wen Sid had to demand attention ffrom Rid.
Ok on a brighter note : has been cooking for quite some time....... remember Armaan ka prank Sid par(black face wala) Sid was worried after his spat with R, whether he will get dinner or notπŸ˜† So naturally it was coz R cooks and Sid stuffs himself happily. He cooks only on special occasion wen R seems to put on wt...... I mean if u add sugar in soup and salt in cake..... deiting to apne aap ho gayi na.
And I know my Ridz is a good cook.......... her dadi was so proud of her sarv gun sammpann granddaughterπŸ˜ƒ
Anyways .......thanks for cheering me up.πŸ€— But I feel CVs should stop trying to please all fan groups and display sensible behaviour of main protagonists. It almost seems as if they are trying to prove that men are all sensible and best behaved ....... Naah I wont buy tht, females in real life are so caring...so giving and infact *"the proud feminist in me wakes up"* they are ones to cherish and nurture a relationship.
I am even ok with R going back to Armaan, but this hide and seek is so 'yuuukkkk' I am not married but still respect the institution of marriage and films like KNKH had me squirming uneasily in my seat.
I hope I haven't hurt anyone's sentiments. Its just your post Poca where I take this liberty.😳

You have every liberty in my post, baby. Let's not be impulsive and let everything settle. SR are about hope so why give up hope now? Just remember the red highlighted part.😳
betterbit thumbnail
Posted: 13 years ago
sweet post watching armaan and shilpa today time stopped
solembaum thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Visit Streak 90 0 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 13 years ago

Originally posted by: Pocahontas

You remember me as nitica_82?😲... KYPH days were 'some' days.😳... Some of my best friends today are from those days. What can i say except a heartfelt 'thank you'.😳.......I mean , i really don't know what to say. But if any of my words have made you feel nice for even a few seconds, am grateful.

And it does not matter how differently we think. As long as we honour each-other , have affection and regard for each-other , genuine mutual respect will always overrule difference of opinion.

If i ever write a column or a book, you will know.πŸ˜ƒ

yup remember you as nitica_82 😊 And yeah what you said abt healthy disagreements and mutual respect is very true...  but unfortunately a rather rare commodity like common sense :-)
and regarding the book/column ,  I will hold you to that promise.... Some day ... hope to see it come true also :-)
TheBlackJaguar thumbnail
Posted: 13 years ago

Originally posted by: ridz_arman

paneer tika n chicken tika🀣

Awesome Nitz...dear u r a star⭐️ yr kya likhti ho....great post!πŸ‘

Arsh were awesome n felt great to see ridz cooking in her home...watever sid is saying is fyn.....afterall there a limit to sth......πŸ˜‰

Thank you, sweetz.😳 I am glad you liked what i wrote. ArShi and SR rocked. πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘
marry21 thumbnail
Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 13 years ago
U rocked with ur post ⭐️ ⭐️